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What video cards fit in my Precision M6300 ?

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by ze_undertaker, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. ze_undertaker

    ze_undertaker Notebook Enthusiast

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    Ok so now I think I completely managed to screw up the 3600M :D
    I took it in the oven ( for the 7-8th or so time ) and now I decided to let her "cook" for a bit longer ( 15 mins ). When re-assembled, the laptop turned on but the screen remained black so I think this was it. To be honest I was already pretty pissed off for having to re-cook it once every 2 months, and I wanted to get another card anyway.

    The problem is, another 3600M costs like an arm and a leg and I will NOT pay 250$ for another "used" and probably over-cooked FX3600 from ebay.

    From the list above, I think the FX1600 is the best of the crowd - performance wise and although it's way inferior to my "now dead" FX3600 - at least I can keep using the laptop. Hopefully I will end up with one that doesn't need the cooking once every 1-2 months. And it costs 100$.

    Do you guys have any other suggestions? A better card than the 1600 that doesn't cost as much as the whole freaking machine?

    I will gather up some money and I will pull the trigger on that Envy in a few months. I certainly can't go with a lower specs laptop or go with a 15" screen after owning this one for this long. Too bad I need to pump out 1500$ for it :)
  2. zx81

    zx81 Notebook Consultant

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    Yeah my first M6300 came with the FX1600 and I upgraded it. Didn't keep the original card, but of course.

    I went through some old posts and just for ref 3dmarks6 for the FX3600 was 9K safely, and about 5K for the fx1600

    I agree about the true life screen being fantastic, I also had the matt versions in this dell form factor, 9300, M90s, and they weren't as good

    Still deciding what to do. Hate to see the bugger go, was working fine, fast and nice screen
  3. ze_undertaker

    ze_undertaker Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have someone in my town bragging about an Infrared work station designed to re-ball video cards. He sais it's possible the card is not completely toasted and he will have a go at it. I will keep you posted on the progress.

    How does your card behave? Blue/Red stripes or simply the laptop won't turn the monitor on at all?
  4. Aplonis

    Aplonis Newbie

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    You can maybe save your seemingly dead nVidia video module. I have done this for each of the two Dell M6300 models which I own. It's popularly called the "oven trick" except that I don't use an oven. Here is the how-to which I have written: Oven Trick
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