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    time/date in two lines in the notification area

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by MDDZ, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. MDDZ

    MDDZ Notebook Deity

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    I just bought a T510 with 64-bit Windows 7 Professional.

    I dont like the Aero theme and so I am now using Windows Classic.

    One thing that got me puzzled and unable to change is that in the notification area (lower-right corner of the screen), the system display time (10:31pm) and date (11/22/2010) in two lines. I really need time to be there, but I dont need the date.

    I played with Control Panel->Region and Lanauge setting to no success. I double-clicked the time/date and played with the settings there and got no success either.

    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. Uchikoma

    Uchikoma Notebook Enthusiast

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    Mm, for me I have it displaying only time by flattening the launcher (the bar at the bottom) to a single line. I.e the launcher is one icons high as opposed to two which I believe is the default. Assuming your launcher/task bar/etc is locked ...

    * Right click > Toggle "Lock the Taskbar" so it's not checked. (If it's not locked, it won't be checked so you can skip this bit)
    * Then mouse over to the top edge of the bar and resize it to one icon high.
    * Relock if you so prefer~

    EDIT: Another option I found by quickly searching is modifying region settings. The article doesn't mention it though, but the way I see it, this'll alter more than just what's displayed on your launcher so do it at your own risk. I'd do this only if you prefer having a > 1 line launcher/start menu bar and you really want that date gone at any cost :)
  3. MDDZ

    MDDZ Notebook Deity

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    I read that link, but it basically about how to display two line of info, not about removing one of them. Thanks for the link!

    * Right click > Toggle "Lock the Taskbar" so it's not checked. (If it's not locked, it won't be checked so you can skip this bit)
    * Then mouse over to the top edge of the bar and resize it to one icon high.
    * Relock if you so prefer~

    This really helped me but in a different way. I had Acceess Connections in the task bar. It was added when I was using the Aero theme. I was able to put the mouse over the taskbar's top age, but unable to resize it. I thought I might need to restart everything from the scratch and then follow your tip. The first taskbar I was gettiing rid of is the Access Connection toolbar. When I did that, the two line suddenly changed to one line (time only). Now I added the Access Connection toolbar back, it is smaller than it was before and still only the time is there.

    Thanks a lot for help!

  4. MDDZ

    MDDZ Notebook Deity

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    This must be funny. Now the the date line comes back. It came back when I clicked the desktop taskbar. The date line does not show up as long as I dont add Access Connections to the taskbar.

    Any fix?