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    Wait for Windows 8?

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by k.alawa, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. k.alawa

    k.alawa Newbie

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    Hey Guys

    My laptop was stolen a few months ago so I've been mooching off others whenever I need one. I'm in college so while I could technically survive a semester without a laptop, it is really inconvenient.

    So here comes the question. Should I put up with the inconvenience and wait for Windows 8? I know Windows 8 will run on the same specs as 7 so I could easily upgrade, but I'd be missing out on everything touch which is pretty much what Metro UI is all about. A part of me just wants to buy now and just not use the touch features of windows 8 when it releases but another part of me wants to wait (anyone see the touchscreen ultrabooks at CES?)
  2. Deks

    Deks Notebook Prophet

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    Holding out on a laptop for a touch feature is not exactly a valid reason to wait if you ask me (but different people have different priorities).

    Anyway... you mentioned you could 'technically survive a semester without a laptop'.
    That puts it into the category of items that you actually need, so if you ask me, buy now.

    Touch feature for the most part works best on ultra portable equipment such as smartphones and tables.
    What exactly will you use the touch feature on a laptop that has a keyboard and a mouse?
    To scroll through the Metro UI?
    You can do that on a tablet/smartphone.
    Plus, the UI in Win 8 will be open to customization so you will be able to revert to Windows 7 type interface.

    If I was in your shoes, I'd rather opt out of using the touch features of Windows 8 after upgrading the OS.
    Then again I find that feature pointless for the way laptops do their jobs right now.
    Furthermore, you could always get a Windows 8 tablet later on and buy a laptop now.
  3. berryracer

    berryracer Notebook Enthusiast

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    I tried it and uninstalled it after 1 hour. The user interface is CRAP!!!

    you don't even have a normal start menu anymore!

    Looks like it was made with the Tablet PC in mind!

    Total crap! don't wait

    Check This thread where I created a POLL and see how many people think like me that it SUCKS
  4. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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  5. berryracer

    berryracer Notebook Enthusiast

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    Ah ok, thanks for the tip, however, I don't see anything that Windows 8 will enable my Notebook to do that Windows 7 would other than having to look for software updates that are compatible with Windows 8 for some programs that aren't compatible.
  6. 3Fees

    3Fees Notebook Deity

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    Sorry to hear your laptop got stolen. As too waiting for win 8,I would not,get an inexpensive one. Save your chips , then get what you want later.

    3Fees :)
  7. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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    It's kinda hard to do that at this point, given that Beta isn't released yet.
    The improvements, even for non tablet users, are documented, check the Windows 8 thread.

    However, I don't think W8 will be a must have upgrade for W7 owners.
  8. olyteddy

    olyteddy Notebook Deity

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    If I were you, I'd wait for Windows 13. 13 has always been a lucky number for me. Or maybe I'd just get what is currently available, if I needed one.
  9. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    a) get a cheap but adequate solution now, and get a win8 system when it's done
    b) get an expensive good solution now, that has all that's needed for win8 (means, something with a touchscreen..)
    or c) get something you like now, forget about win8, and then envy the fact that you don't have a touchscreen later

    @berryracer: you obviously have no clue how to use win8 and what the DEVELOPER PREVIEW is for. better wait till it's done and learn it then properly. there are, btw, tons of nice features of win8 coming. believe me, the update will be worth it. but people will cry, like they always do (change, even for the better, is always scary for people)
  10. DEagleson

    DEagleson Gamer extraordinaire

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    Even with my lack of touchscreen im still gonna migrate to Windows 8.
    I love tinkering with new stuff and with all the cool new stuff included its gonna be a blast. xD
  11. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    I find it odd people want to go W8 when they haven't fully gone into W7 and learn about W7 as most industry won't go W8 let alone will go for W7 SP1 or SPx first. We ought to learn something about how the industry really evaluates a software before making a big investment rather should learn more about it before saying it's the best. I myself when W7 came out was skeptical but I tried the 30 day run and liked it and bought the software. But I did also tested the W8 developer run and well didn't like it and tossed it to the closet til the actually release comes out but then again W7 works fine and the cost to justify going W8 doesn't do a enduser like me any good or give me any payback. I have to really see some return for my investment if I am going to go W8 and suffer all those early bugs as previous Microsoft O/S. If anything this will be like the XP-Vista debacle. Where W7 was XP and W8 is Vista with all the bloat and problem that came with it. Not everyone can mustard the money to go a new O/S every year and have to update hardware to match or buy new software that will work with the new O/S aka Vista. That is the other side most people forget when they talk about jumping to a new O/S there are hardware and software that has to be taken into account and those cost could be low or high depending if your single or business or family business. Upgrades can be a blessing but also a drag if hardware can't communicate.
  12. Gandalf_The_Grey

    Gandalf_The_Grey Notebook Evangelist

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    I think the faster boot times and especially the new refresh function will save me a lot of time the coming years.
    Delivering fast boot times in Windows 8 - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
    Refresh and reset your PC - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
    So for me if my hardware is supported I will go to Windows 8 as soon as it is final, maybe even the beta :D

    And to answer the original question:
  13. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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    Well that's probably because it's not even a beta version.
    Experiencing Windows 8 touch on Windows 7 hardware - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
    Simply no. W8 is based on W7 just like W7 was based on Vista, the same hardware will work (of course there will be a few exceptions).
    W8 is not more bloated than W7, it uses less resources than W7.
    Reducing runtime memory in Windows 8 - Building Windows 8 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
    Every year? Where did you get that from? It's three years between W7 and W8.
  14. tony487

    tony487 Notebook Consultant

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    Why do I feel I will be disappointed when this thing is released? I have at various times considered switching over to Apple and OS X products. But, I like having more access to what is going on with my system. If I want my computer company to have the kind of iron grip on what is available, then Apple would be my way to go. However, this Win8 looks like a capitulation to 9 or 10 inch tablets that don't do any real computing. I like to game, I need powerful computing for work, and an android-esque OS is ridiculous. Maybe I am being paranoid, but it just seems that PC and computing is rapidly becoming dumber and dumber.

    BTW, for most things, using a finger is just like someone giving you the finger. I want keyboard and mouse access. IF I am using a tablet, the BEST thing is not nec. touch but a PEN input for notes and such. But... I guess if you are only worried about tweets, fb and youtube ...
  15. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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    Maybe because you don't know that you can disable the tablet interface called Metro?

    If you do that you end up with something that looks like an improved version of W7, with a normal start menu.

    I wonder if releasing the Developer Preview to anyone was a good idea.
    So many people still thinks that it's all about tablets, and I'd do the same if I didn't know the truth.

    I keep on repeating myself here in this thread. I've already posted three times that you can disable the Metro interface...

    Everybody's talking, nobody's listening.
  16. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    That's where the problem is Microsoft keeps making a new O/S but fails to see not everyone will be able to use or will migrate to it just cause it is the newest O/S. They need alot of enduser inputs before doing a release like this to lessen the confusion and blowback. As anyone knows First Impression can make or break. And if they don't do it right it can break more then it help even if the later release is different.

    True but the looks and feel of W7 works alot better then Vista, I tried using a vista machine and right off the bat wanted to toss it out of the window with the bathtub. Just the navigation of it feels all wrong.

    You over reading into my comment there...It's that the support they should first give to the O/S before releasing a new O/S as though people would dive right in before they understand their current O/S they are using.

    They made it sound like all the users where going to go tablet with the release of W8. That kinda references to users would give the wrong impression however you look at it.
  17. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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    I'm not following you at all.

    Let's say you have a user who's quite used to W7, but far from an expert.
    If this person installs W8 and disables Metro, exactly what will be so hard to adapt to, in detail?

    To me, W8 looks a lot like W7. MS may or may not change the looks of W8 before launch,
    but all they've done so far visually is improving things that seemed rushed (like CP sub menus) or lacking (Explorer UI) in W7.
    I think most people here who have been following the W8 blog would agree with me.

    The biggest step the last decade in the Windows world was going from XP to Vista.
    MS won't repeat that if they can avoid it, and to me it seems like W8 is nowhere near to be such product.

    What in the W7 support do you find lacking? MS supports more than one OS at a time.
    Well that's your impression. You've obviously missed how MS for instance have made a new Explorer UI which is maybe the best they've ever made,
    and that has very little to do with Tablet support.

    MS is working hard with the tablet support because that's what has gone through the biggest change compared to W7,
    and they want developers to make apps in time for the launch, hence the DEVELOPER PREVIEW.
    MS don't have to push traditional software makers to make new products, those will come anyway.

    Just have a look here, there are a lot of new features that aren't made for Tablets exclusively.
  18. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    PRICE would be a big player in all this-this is something you still have yet to consider for a majority of users regardless if they are a expert or not. You buy and pay for my upgrade and fixes and I will be ready to go with W8.

    That would be your saying as of now til final release comes out. Until the final or public release does come out then we will see what Microsoft gives us.

    That is what they said Vista was suppose to replace XP so let's not let get ahead of ourselves before then. Vista cause more problem then it was suppose to fix and those so called upgrade cause more problem for people whom thought they could upgrade to vista and to find out they couldn't. Vista was more like 1 step forward and 2 stumbling steps backward.

    Don't know where you got your info but I surely didn't miss much. And if you forgotten First impression of a software is and always will be important less one forget Vista "Mohave" aka vista cloaked and the lied and lied til the press exposed the fake.
  19. Abidderman

    Abidderman Notebook Deity

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    Mats, I tried the dev pre of win8, and I have to say, it is something I will love. I have a penabled tabby and several lappys. I love how I will be able to better use the touch interface and yet still be able to use a more classic start menu when on my laptops. And the speed was very impressive on my tablet. It did take me a bit to really get used to the new Metro interface, but as I became more and more familiar with it, it really grew on me.

    I also wonder if it was a mistake to release the dev to the public (I have never seen this happen before) but at the same time, I would not have been able to play with it if they didn't. Remember, there are still a lot of people that refuse to change to Win7. LOL.

    I can't wait for the Beta to be released ( I heard on a couple of months). I like it, and for the OP, maybe just wait a bit to buy anything, because before the actual Win8 comes out, there will be a lot of "Ready for Win8" machines released, so you could buy something that will be optimized for it, and maybe even get a free upgrade when it actually comes out.

    I use my tablet and pen to take many notes at work in meetings and enjoy the ease. At the same time, in the office or at home, I can also use my mouse and KB to work on Excel and our proprietary software (which I couldn't on OSX). PS, my tablet has an i-5 and I not only work on spreadsheets daily, I edit photos on it for our website. And I can use it for inventory in the yard. Don't lose sight of where computing is going. There are a lot of changes on the horizon, and we will all benefit in the long run.

    To anyone not sure, wait for at least the Beta, try it, learn it, then enjoy it. It will not be for everyone (anyone that has not yet tried Win7 will be way behind the curve, and certainly too afraid to try it). But it really has some great qualities, and will only be better when it comes to fruition.

    My wife has an ipad, and even though on occassion I enjoy using it for browsing, that is the one thing that has dumbed down the perception of computing. It is a time killer, but to me (JMHO) it is useless for my work.

    One last thought: Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. J/K. Keep a smile on and enjoy life.
  20. SL2

    SL2 Notebook Deity

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    StormJumper: I won't be paying for W8 myself. :p

    Just wait and see. There's no reason to compare to Vista, it much more resembles the W7 development.
  21. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I can just tell you one thing: I've had win8 on a lot of systems by now (including some all-in-one touchscreen atom crap-systems).
    I now have it on the samsung series 7 slate I just got. It's night and day. A HUGE difference to win8 on non-win8 designed systems. HUGE.

    But yes, it's gonna be a blast no matter what system, of course.
  22. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Notebook Virtuoso

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    I'd love to get my hands on one of those Win8 tablets. They look sleek as hell.

    I've been using Win8 as my main OS and I really prefer it to 7. Metro is easy to use on a keyboard/ mouse. IT's lighter than 7, the UI is very responsive, and everything so far (other than minecraft) as worked.
  23. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    ebay... :) 2 days after ordering i got mine (from the united states to switzerland.. amazing).

    it's just not cheap (but it's an i5 in a tablet :))