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    Safe Mode Freezes Before Getting to Desktop

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by slickcono, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. slickcono

    slickcono Notebook Enthusiast

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    When I boot into Safe Mode and select this function, my laptop will load the various drivers and then feezes at:


    But if I have AVG antivirus installed, 2 more drivers will be loaded after Mup. Sys and will freeze on after the second drivers is loaded. The second driver after Mup.Sys is


    Currently I have AVG installed and I am using Windows XP SP3, IE7 and Outlook Express 6.

    I have tried to find on the internet remedies to overcome this, and have tried the ones that I can understand (I am a novice at this and not too well versed in computing), but all those remedies that I've tried does not work, including:
    removing all external hardware attached to the computer
    trying to run CHKDSK on the Recover Console that is installed on my system (when I did this, it says something system seems to be working normally and therefore it will not check the drive. All I did is, at the DOS prompt, I just typed CHKDISK and hit return. I hope this is correct becuase when I tried CHKDSK/r, to try and repair, it says I have entered a wrong command.) I have also ran SuperAntiSpyware 5, which has the facility to Repair boot problem, but still it didi not worked.

    Any help to get past this process and to get into my Desktop in Safe Mode will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advanced.
  2. MrDJ

    MrDJ Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    if its anything like my problems i believe it could be a dodgy windows update.
    ive had to reinstall os 3 times now. froze and black screen logging in as normal or in safe mode.

    might be worth putting your windows disc in and click repair to see if that helps.otherwise you might need a clean install.
  3. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    I have seen this one before.

    Boot with a windows installer disc (hit R for recovery console for XP, or for vista and later: after the installer loads hit shift+F10 for a console), or a linux livecd/liveusb (unetbootin with mint or ubuntu is easy) to get to your hard disk files, and rename all of the avg*.sys files in your drivers folder to something like avg*.dis instead.

    Reboot and you should be able to get into windows and uninstall AVG. If you can't uninstall, you may need to first reinstall and then uninstall.
  4. slickcono

    slickcono Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for your reply and sorry to know you are also having this problem and despite re-installing your o/s 3 times, it still didn't worked.

    I was lucky enough that my re-install worked the first time and my system is now back to normal. I hope it'll stay that way - fingers crossed !

    Perhaps this may help, if you can get your system to work for a short while (?).

    It seems to be free and have a Fix Boot Function. I just came across this and so have not used it. Therefore I can't vouch for it. But if you are still having problems, perhaps the link will help (?). If you do use it, do let us know how you get on with it. By the way, in order to download it, you wiill need to join FaceBook first and download it from there. I only wished I came across this before I did my re-install. It may have helped me save a lot of time. Good luck ! (I did tried the Repair function from SuperAntiSpyware, but that didn't worked for me. It may worth you having a try if you so desire.)

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I don't think this is a AVG problem. Before I did my re-install, I deleted AVG using the AVG Uninstall Tool to ensure all traces of AVG were removed. But that didn't solved the problem. I suspect my Windows was corrupted rather than AVG, since I have the same Windows and AVG versions insstalled in my other laptop and they worked without any problem.

    After my re-install, I have also reinstalled AVG back and the problem is no longer there. All my AVG and Windows have the latest updates.

    Out of curiousty, did your suggestion worked for you ? Before I did the re-install, from my internet search for a fix, I tried running CHKDSK from the Windows Recovery Console. but it says that it will not run as it detected that my system is working normally or words to this effect. I have not seen your suggested method to try it. So wondering.....But thanks for your suggestions.
  5. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    You say that AVG sys files are still loading when you see safe mode start and freeze. If this is the case, yes, what I posted is the solution. I have run into this exact scenario before, I am not merely speculating.
  6. slickcono

    slickcono Notebook Enthusiast

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    ok, maybe the problem on your system was different from mine. We will never know, although if I had know your suggested method, I would have tried it and see if it will work for my system.

    But you forget that in my first post, I also said that when I uninstalled AVG, then I got this...


    and it stayed there, which would mean this file is still loading. I have waited as long as 45 minutes for it to finish loading. But nothing happened. so if it is AVG, then when I fully removed it, then it should work. But.....
    Also my other computer worked and it have the exact same versions of AVG and Windows XP.

    Perhaps there are other members here who have the same problem and it would be interesting to know their experience ?
  7. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    Mup is a critical windows system file. That isn't part of AVG.

    If you have system files that have names beginning with avg* loading in your system startup, AVG is still partially installed.
  8. slickcono

    slickcono Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes, exactly ! So if Mup hangs, then it can't be AVG causing the problem. As I said before, after I fully uninstalled AVG, there is no longer AVG files on my system and it still does not work and hang at Mup.sys
  9. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    OK, so when you boot, you saw no avg system files loading and it still froze?

    If that's the case, you can try using the last-known good configuration boot option (F8 menu at windows startup). Or you can try using system restore from the recovery console.
  10. MrDJ

    MrDJ Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    im up and running again at last. 3 installs later. each time was a different problem.
    last time was after a software install which ive used for 4 years now so im staying on the bare minimum at the moment and everything is working fine.

    only problem ive noticed is i still have no backup/restore points even though when i loaded avast it said making backup point.
    something has gone wrong. is there an easy way of turning on restore.
    it used to work fine until i put a new wd scorpio black hard drive in.
  11. slickcono

    slickcono Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes, that is correct. If it did not freeze without AVG, I won't have a problem as there are so many other antivirus software out there which is just as good.

    Before posting here, I have already tried both rolling back with restore point and using the last known good point and it still freezes. That is why I was here as I had hoped I won't have to do a full reinstall. But now that I have, I guess this is now academic. But thanks for your suggestions.

    Glad you're up and running at last. I hope it should not give you anymore problems.

    Regarding missing systems restore points, if you are using XP or Vista, have a look at some of these links, in particular, the workarounds. I used to have the same problem before. but that was a long time ago.

    How can I schedule 'System restore'? - Windows-XP-General-Discussion - Windows-XP

    By the way, since you have a WD hard disk, do you know that you can get access free to the True Arconis Imaging software that lets you make a backup image of your hard drive and partitions ? I find this very useful for restoring when your Hard drive crash.

    Good luck and do let us know how you get on wtih your Restore Point problem.
  12. MrDJ

    MrDJ Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Hi Slickcono
    on my original WD i did have the full backup image on a hidden partition but of course ive lost that now as i have this new drive.
    tbh im not bothered about backing up anymore as i wont be using it for anything important except for brousing and gaming (when i installed OS i just copied all my steam games from the windows.old saved folder and over wrote them after downloading steam again. worked perfectly.

    so far ive got further than i did the last two installs.
    i think the first time was a dodgy windows update and the second time was doing a deep drive scan with tune up utilitys 2012
    this time ive not loaded the last windows update and ive disabled tune up deep scan and so far so good.
    i would like to get cyberlink power director loaded for video editing but im worried that might over do it so im holding off for now.

    and finally strangely enough ive just checked and ive got 1 restore point saved this time from tune up install so thats sorted as well.

    hopefully in a few months i will have a new backlit clevo with a nvidia 680 so wont have to worry anymore.

    by the way, thanks for the above link :)