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    Network printer not installing

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by dustin_broke, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    I' am having trouble trying to install the Canon MP780 printer on my netbook. I have Win XP Home installed and the computer that has this printer installed has Win 7. So basicly I tried adding the network printer but since it can't find a XP driver for this printer it can't be installed. I tried downloading the XP driver from Canon but even those drivers seem to not work it says can't find a suteable driver. I did try even installing the whole driver but that didn't work eather. Normaly I don't think I need to install the whole new driver since it's not a local printer. Normaly it should download the drivers I need from the main computer that has the printer but probley since that computer has Win 7 it doesn't work on XP. The main computer is already set to be shared like always. My Sony notebook that has Win 7 now did work find on installing the printer from the main pc which is the desktop. I did already set up my network so I can see other computers on my network folder on XP so it suppose to work.
  2. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    Are we talking talking router network printer or printer installed on one computer as shared printer? Some clarification is needed here??? We need to know the complete wired and wireless setup to know what your doing and what hardware are you using for the router/switch or what connects them.

    Sometimes you do I have two printer as network printers that all my laptop and desktop can pick and choose to print to but one is default as main. My Samsung on each computer has the full software install but my HP 8450xi all my computer of which are Windows7 locates on the network printer find and install the drivers for and shows up as another printer option to use. In that regards W7 had the drivers to install for the HP printer and they are all connected through my router as network printers.

    Not always true sometimes you have to get the updates from the internet for the right drivers to install and load for the print drivers for some older or non updated printers.
  3. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    The desktop pc has hard wire connected to the printer and I did set it so it's shared and that the desktop pc is also hard wired to the wireless router. We have a cable internet and have Vonage and wireless router. So basicly the other two notebooks are connected wirelessly to the router. The Sony notebook that has Win 7 did install the printer when it tried to detect a network printer but the Gateway netbook does detect the printer but can't find a driver to install it. The netbook has Win XP Home.
  4. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    ok so tell me this what kinda of printer are we talking about ie make and model and does it have a network port and what kinda router are you using? Some printer newer one has a network RJ-45 network connector to hook the printer to the router making it a network printer. This is what I did to my Samsung color laster and HP 8450 printer both connected to the router and the router acts as the switch/network printer. Each laptop and main desktop detect and interface to the printer from the router thus making it a true network printer/server. That is the setup I think you should try to do and setup that would eliminate your desktop shared printer why cause if the desktop is off the printer is disconnected from any other computer wanting to print to the printer. I think you have to get researching on your setup as it sounds like you have various O/S and they have problems communicating to the printer through the desktop. This kinda setup I always not doing as it is problematic least the main has to be always on to work. At least with the router acting as the network printer server all each computer has to do is install the print driver or search the windows update and get the drivers to install and recognize the network printer and you should be able to print to it without the desktop being on.
  5. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    The printer I' am talking about is the Canon MP780 as I said before and basicly it is directly connected to the desktop tower using USB. The desktop tower is directly connected to the wireless router and the router is connected to the cable modem. Of cource the Vonage device is connected to the modem and router also. My other two computers one is a laptop one is a netbook are connected to the internet wirelessly to that wireless n type router. The OS on the desktop is Win 7 Home 64 bit and my Sony notebook is also Win 7 Home 64 bit but my netbook has Win XP Home. Basicly I was easily able to install the printer by adding it on the Sony notebook that has Win 7 but for my Gateway netbook I can't add a network printer since it says there is no drivers that will work for the netbook. I think if my netbook has Win 7 then it would install the printer without problem but I don't have Win 7 on it. I need to find a driver or some way to download the driver for XP for the Canon MP780 printer that is connected to the desktop.

    I don't know how else to explain but I tried my best to explain how my printer is hooked up and my internet.
  6. qhn

    qhn Notebook User

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  7. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    I did already downloaded the XP driver for the printer but it didn't work. Basicly I tried installing from add printer and going to network printer and then tried to browse and find the driver from the downloaded setup file but that didn't work.

    Here are 3 pics of my screen on what I tried installing and that didn't work that would normaly work.

    Attached Files:

  8. TreeTops Ranch

    TreeTops Ranch Notebook Deity

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    Didn't an install disk come with that printer?
  9. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    Well since this printer was from my moms best friend my mom doesn't have it also Tom doesn't have it. I thought by downloading the drivers from the Canon site will work. I have also tried installing the whole software like I' am installing the printer localy here but that doesn't work eather. I can't locate where the drivers are installed when I install the whole program. Since it's not like showing in the device manager since it's not a local connected printer.
  10. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    Ok in this setup in desktop with windows 7 is it set to share the printer?

    Windows7 is better at finding and locating printer drivers then XP in network setups.

    Windows 7 is a networking O/S and will give you better chance of finding shared or network printers then XP.

    That would be the other option you will have to go if XP isn't seeing the shared printer you might be resorted to formatting and putting Windows7 on the netbook. Have you looked up and search to see on the web if anyone has connected a XP machine to windows7 shared printer in general? That would be another search you might need to do as someone most likely has either found you can do that or can't and or have to do something different to get it to work.

    You did but from what your describing if all working XP should've located the shared printer but from the sounds of it - it is having problem detecting the printer. You sure the XP O/S isn't having some kinda problem that isn't evident from the looks of it?
  11. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    I seem something on the net about installing shared printer on xp,7 etc but there are none that shows that installing a shared printer that is from win 7 to xp. Basicly the win 7 has the attached printer and the win xp is going to share the same printer with win 7. I know my os is fine for my netbook but I just can't find a way to install. I know that when I installed Ubuntu it did install the printer fine when I put the Host address. But Ubuntu is different and also has the drivers for the Canon printer already.
  12. tommytomatoe

    tommytomatoe Notebook Evangelist

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    When adding a printer in xp that is share from a windows 7 machine, here are the steps:

    1. Find the xp drivers from manufacturer's website
    2. Install those first
    3. Here is the trick, add a LOCAL printer in the xp add a printer wizard, NOT a network printer.
    4. Click on add a new local port. In the port dialog box, put: \\NAME-OF-WINDWS-7-MACHINE\NAME-OF-PRINTER
    For example, \\SERVER-PC\HP-LASERJET
    5. It will ask you to select drivers. Find the ones you installed above.
    6. Enjoy!

    The issue is usually with 64-bit windows 7 not playing Nice with XP.

    The best solution is to attach the printer to a dedicated printer server or even to the router. However the steps I outlined above will do the trick. Good luck!

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    OMG that idea actualy worked basicly installing it like it was a local printer. I did do it the way you said to and it worked it did install the printer. Thank you very much :)
  14. tommytomatoe

    tommytomatoe Notebook Evangelist

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    You're very welcome. I deal with this often with my clients' old systems.

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  15. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    Something new for me I hadn't networked in XP since I only had a desktop at home but now I see why the reason going to Windows7 was the best for my network printing needs. I can surmiss this is one big advantage for Windows7. I think I lucked out trying to network or share printer in XP until I moved to W7. But as your last solution a network printer setup is probably the best route to go and but also would require one to have W7 installed to properly work. I would mention to the OP it might be time to go W7 if they should really go using the printer as a network printer. Reason being since the printer is now connected to the desktop that computer will always need to be on for it to share the printer. In my case a two printer network setup connected to the router requires just the printer be on and my laptops without leaving my desktop on when I am not using it at home.
  16. tommytomatoe

    tommytomatoe Notebook Evangelist

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    Yep. Actually the best solution is to continue using Linux :) but that's another conversation.

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  17. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    Yes I noticed I always had to have my main desktop that has the printer connected to be on when I want to print something since if it's not on it will not print when I use my netbook or notebook that is wirelessly connected to the network.

    Btw the reason why I went back to XP for my netbook is since games run better and more fps then using Ubuntu. When I used Ubuntu and used Wine even the latest it was laggy and also some games didn't even run it crashes at launch. Unless if there is a way to play Windows games like using Windows OS then I have no choice but to use Windows XP for my netbook. For my notebook I have Win 7 installed so it is a newer updated system. I just don't have a Win 7 32bit install CD with CD-Key so I can upgrade it to Win 7 instead of XP Home. But I thought XP would run better eatherway on netbooks but I do know that my old Dell netbook ran faster than the Gateway I have. But I don't know if it's because I was using Win 7 or it was because the netbook was better. It had the same specs like the one I have so it should run the same.

    Also I was thinking that maybe since I' am using IDE to run Win XP that's why it's slow. I don't know though. All I know is that I never used Win XP on the Dell netbook since it has Win 7 already so I don't know how it would of performed if I used Win XP Home on the Dell 2100 netbook. I know that Ubuntu ran alot smoother on this Gateway netbook than XP for some reason. But for games XP runs alot better. But now I have a problem with the sound being choppy like what I posted on my other topic. It might be part of being very slow.
  18. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    Best solution in what ways? Software....that is a stretch...O/ for it isn't industy/software wide so your out on a limb most of the time. Windows so far is a far better solution then Linux as most people used Windoze even if they didn't like it. So let's not try to make something that isn't there.

    What kinda games are you referring to? Wine is best a emulator and not a true O/S and some games require a true O/S since it uses the O/S core to run.

    That is a confusing statement in itself?? I have windows games like NWN2 and The Witcher that plays fine on my Windows7x64 machine...and GTX460. I made the switch to Windows7 because I needed to do network printing and be able to print form my laptop anywhere around my house to the printer if need be. Was alot easier then running back to the desktop everytime to print.
  19. dustin_broke

    dustin_broke Notebook Consultant

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    When I said "Unless if there is a way to play Windows games like using Windows OS" I mean is that is there a way to play Windows games on Ubuntu and have the performance as like playing the same game on Windows? Basicly get Ubuntu to have same FPS as Win games on a Win machine.

    Like having WoW or Doom 3 on Ubuntu to have the same FPS as Windows on the same system. I don't know how else to really explain it.
  20. tommytomatoe

    tommytomatoe Notebook Evangelist

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    Here are just 10.

    1. Package management {pacman, rpm, yum, apt-get, zypper, etc}
    2. Network and server management
    3. Handles resources far better than windows xp, especially in older hardware, ie old Dell netbook
    4. Developer tools ready to go, via package manager or preinstalled
    5. For the non-savvy standard user (>60%) the "Clean my PC", "Run free virus scan", "Optimize my PC", and fake "Download" links will have no affect and won't install malware, Trojans, or ransomeware. The clients I have on Linux I see those .exe in their download folder. On windows it would have been some kind of tragedy.
    6. Free
    7. No Windows updates, ie stuck on "Configuring 15%..."
    8. Community support with real solutions for most cases. In Windows forums, there are some great help too. But the usually solution is to reboot the PC or uninstall then reinstall. This isn't a knock on windows users or even a joke. Its serious
    9. Network printing, cross platform :)
    10. Free

    Windows has game support going for it, and also Microsoft Office to some extent (although even hardcore Windows users might dislike Office). Game developers are beginning to support Linux, and with more users routing for their support it won't be long.

    Windows also has market share, which naturally will mean more software support from the developers. However, once you step out of the Windows-sphere, you find there alternatives for just about everything. Same situation goes for Mac OS X. We tend to get trapped in a particular environment and believe others can't compete.

    I've worked with clients from Windows to Mac, Mac to Windows, Windows/Mac to Linux. The main hurdles are familiarity. Once you realize that you can do pretty much the same thing as before its simple as pie.

    Software such as Adobe products are unfortunately not available for Linux. There are free alternatives such as Gimp and Inkscape however in a professional environment those don't cut it. For the average savvy user they will do just fine.

    So something is there. You'd be silly to think otherwise :) There are pros and cons to every operating system/environment. For the average user I think Linux fits the bill. You might not be an average user, that's all.

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