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    Just installed Win 7 64bit, few teething problems - advise please

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by petray, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. petray

    petray Notebook Guru

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    Hi there,

    As the title suggest, im just after some advise on my newly installed Win 7. My laptop is an Acer AMD duel core 2.0GHz with 4GB RAM. The laptop originally came with Vist HP 32bit, but I decided to do a clean install with the 64bit version Win 7 HP as my machine seemed suitable for it.

    The install itself went smoothly enough last night, although it took quite a while to download/install windows updates once running, involving lots of restarting. I also had no trouble connected to my wireless router, and therefore had internet access. Since then i've experience the following problems:

    Problem 1:
    As said, it's a clean install, and the only bit of software i have installed is my anti-virus - F-secure 2009. It installed, apparently fine, but the virus definitions were instantly out of date - fine, so it started downloading updates. Along the way, I had the usual security prompts appear, you know the ones saying something like "F-Secure want to do something, do you trust this software? Allow or Block?" Anyway, the first 2-3 of these prompt I selected 'Allow', and the window disappeared - job's a good'n! However, I then got the following security prompt:
    So apparently, 'Conhost' is trying to do something. No matter how many times i clicked either 'let it continue' or 'block', this same window keeps popping up, roughly 5 seconds after it last went away. Very annoying! Any ideas how to resolve?

    However, the software now seems to be up to date, as I now have the green 'Protected' noticifcation on the software interface. Another point, I tried turning on my laptop this morning to see if the problem persisted - miraculously the window didn't pop up!! I should tell you that uppon starting windows, it did its usual 'Configuring Updates' routine after a major windows update is installed just before the user login screen. Could the update have fixed the issue? I would try turning on my laptop again but I didnt have time this morning and i'm now at work.

    Problem 2:
    After turning my laptop on this morning, as above, for some reason I had no access to the internet! It seems that, while the windows update MAY have resovled the F-secure problem above, it MAY have also screwed my wireless! It says I have no access to any wireless networks, and when I try and diagnose the problem (by right clicking on the icon, bottom right, clicking on diagnose), it concludes that i must simply 'flick the switch on the front or side of my computer to enable the wireless adapter', or words to that effect. Eeeeer, there is no switch!! So what is one supposed to do here?

    Problem 3:
    Before when I had Vista, because it was a factory install it had lots of various Acer software installed, some of which i had grown accustomed to. Is there any way I can get these back, or at least the ones I used? I had a quick look on the Acer website, but couldn't find anything to download.

    Anyways, these are my initial teething problems, hopefully some of you out there have some answers you would kindly like to give.

  2. Szadzik

    Szadzik Notebook Evangelist

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    Wireless adapter has been turned off. Turn it on and will be fine.
  3. petray

    petray Notebook Guru

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    Ok, you would think with something as important as the wireless adapter, they would make it straight forward to simply turn it on or off. It's fairly ovious i need to turn it on.... but how? and how/why did it turn it's self off?

    It's little things like this which lets Windows down!
  4. petray

    petray Notebook Guru

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    Anyway, i was blaming Windows for miraculously turning off the wireless, not the complexity on how to turn it on. The wireless network shows as enabled too, as you describe, so i've tried that. Like i've already said, I try diagnosing the problem and it tells me i need to switch on the wireless using the switch on the side of the computer, of which there nothing. So would a 5 year old know what to try next?
  5. neilnat

    neilnat Notebook Evangelist

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    Look for a button on your laptop that looks like a tower with waves coming out of it (in the color of your FN key, usually blue). Hold down FN and press the key (after looking at pictures of acer keyboards online I'm guessing it's F4, but I can't get a clear shot).
  6. petray

    petray Notebook Guru

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    Cheers Neilnat, that was the answer i was looking for!