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    Is July 09 really the deadline to exercise XP downgrade rights?

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by HI DesertNM, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. HI DesertNM

    HI DesertNM Notebook Deity

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    It seems MS is about to do the dumbest thing they have ever done. Kill XP completely before windows seven comes out. With tons of businesses saying they are waiting on W7, MS will kill XP next July and for many months only offer vista until seven comes out. Its seems manufacturers would hate MS for this since many companies would hold off on hardware purchases completely until seven comes out or maybe just switch away from MS once and for all.

    Killing XP next July is insane since most reports say that a majority of companies are still exercising their downgrade rights to XP. I'll give MS the benefit of the doubt for W7, but so far it does not seem much different then vista. I think MS is going to make the fatal mistake of not leaning 7 out enough. The OS is still going to do more then what people want just an OS to do. I know my school just bought all new HP computers and they all have XP pro. I just did a clean install of XP on a older laptop with only 300 megs of memory with a 1.4 celeron and via shared graphics. And it does faily well believe it or not with XP. I doubt vista would even install on that.
  2. Bungalo Bill

    Bungalo Bill Notebook Deity

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    The OS is old, a new one is out with an even newer one slated to be released soon. XP is becoming obsolete. Get with the times. If you don't like Vista, get a mac, try linux. Do something, but the last thing you should do is expect Microsucks to do what you want.

    tl;dr Vista sucks. Microsucks is bad at making OSes. Quit whining
  3. HI DesertNM

    HI DesertNM Notebook Deity

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    Personally I run both Vista and XP. I think you did not get my point. The facts remain that the majority of businesses are not migrating to vista for whatever reasons they may have. Another large amount of businesses are stating flatly that they WILL not use Vista but rather, will wait and see with W7. So if they kill all options for XP after July 09, it would seem that MS will be shooting themselves for not keeping XP around... at least until W7 arrives. And if businesses don't except W7 then it does not matter anymore for MS. That would be the turning point for MS.. and the continual drop in market share.

    But again, the point of this thread was the timing seemed off for the July deadline. They should keep it until W7 arrives. And if W7 fails then MS will just takes whats coming to them I guess.

    And as for those that want MS to build a leaner OS.. well they have every right to question MS's direction on that. And it may be easy for you to just say don't wine and use linux etc.. But the fact is, compatibility with tons of software.. most of which only runs on MS operating systems is what keeps most using MS. But when July comes around, companies that have already said they would never install vista will then be told that vista will be their only option from MS. That's just asking for trouble and pushing them to other non MS solutions.
  4. Jeff91

    Jeff91 Notebook Guru

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    Even if XP is old it's still a good OS (as good as Microsoft can do anyways) I haven't played will Vista much but some parts I know are really sucky. (there are also some bad XP issues but...) Microsoft just needs to design a new OS that isn't all for looks and they need to spent some quality time on it make it good!!!!
  5. xTank Jones16x

    xTank Jones16x PC Elitist

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    Haha, love the "Microsucks".

    Anyways, like Bill said, times change, people change, and operating systems change. Not saying you are against Vista, or anything like that, and is stupid to cut XP off completely, but they are a Business looking to expand.

    Just like with the automobiles, if they still made the dependable, huge, get into a wreck and it won't even dent your bumper automobiles vs. the newer ones today, with the pop-up navigation, sound systems, 34 inch rims, and the televisions in the headrest's, which would you choose?

    Ofcourse the general public is going to want the newest and latest great thing. Just like with the Apple iPhone, just like with the Xbox 360 or PS3 (people KNOW they will have something wrong with them the first day it comes out, but they buy it anyway, and then complain to the teller at their local Walmart cause they can't play the new Final Fantasy that came out, and OMG heaven forbid they miss a few precious days playing a game.....idiots), and just like with Computers.

    And ofcourse there will be the smart people who know the new operating system is going to be flawed, and have SOME kind of bug, so they will wait to try it out, if they even do.

    We can't control what company's do with their products, we just hitch on and are along for the ride.
  6. HI DesertNM

    HI DesertNM Notebook Deity

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    Well, the only logic I can think of MS cutting of XP completely BEFORE W7 arrives is they want to isolate and distance W7 away from XP as much as possible. Me thinks MS is a bit worried that people will still favor XP over W7.
    But meanwhile MS will p##! off their vendors like Dell and HP when they give them no options for their businesses customers other then Vista when July arrives.

    For me the real annoyance with Vista is the longer boots and the disk thrashing with superfetch. After it finally arrives it runs pretty nice. But after over a year with vista on my dv6500t the superfetch still bugs. Vista is just not 5400 rpm HD friendly. I really need one of the newer SSD drives to put the vista bloat to rest.
  7. millermagic

    millermagic Rockin the pinktop

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    Well people do like XP.
  8. makaveli72

    makaveli72 Eat.My.Shorts

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    HI_DesertNM, I agree w/ u totally when u mention companies not wanting to switch from XP. It's just the nature of the business in the "business" world. Companies just want software that works and XP "works". It's simple to use and is compatible w/ all most everything. So why should companies spend a ton of money on a new OS every other yr. it seems from M$?!?!

    So yea, I understand your comments and concerns.

    On the other hand, even though i'm an XP Fanboy (I guess u could call me that); I am looking forward to and I do plan on switching over to Windows 7...I can't hardly wait; but i'm an individual, for businesses when XP is retired it would be a nightmare both financially and labor wise (meaning man power and stress on the IT Dept. of these companies.) to upgrade.

    Compatibility, Ease of Use and Cost are the most important factors IMO when talking about technology and Computer Operating Systems especially in the Business/Company world.

    This is why XP OWNS S***! IMO

    PS: And did I mention XP, unlike it's .Vista counterpart doesn't need a ton of hardware resources to run smoothly. (Lightweight and Fast)
  9. truckdriver

    truckdriver Notebook Guru

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    You also have to remember that alot of buisinesses run proprietary software just for thier opperation and it's not compatible with vista,or the current license they have is for XP and would be uber expensive to convert,not counting the cost of the new Vista license. So while Vista may be great for personal use it is not for buisiness.