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    I have an ASUS S96S barebones and it keeps crashing

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by weijia, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. weijia

    weijia Newbie

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    However, it is my fault but I did so many things that I do not know what the problem is.

    But! I think I know what it could be. However, here's a quick rundown of when and where it crashes:

    whenever I attempt to start Counter-Strike on Steam
    whenever I attempt to connect to a wireless router without any security

    Recently I ordered this barebones from a place that puts parts into barebone PCs (Gentech PC, I hugely recommend). Initially I had problems installing XP onto the Santa Rosa chipset but a guy at Gentech linked me to a forum guide here, actually, and I managed with a couple of tweaks.

    A few weeks ago I decided to flash my BIOS without really knowing how. It was an AFUDos flash and I just double clicked it, some command line ran and I thought it was done. At this time I also installed new drivers for pretty much all the hardware I had off of the official Intel S96S driver download section, so I thought everything was fine.

    And then the BSoDs started happening and now here I am.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated (like a link to "HOW TO FLASH YOUR BIOS IDIOT" or a driver diagnostic program or even direct advice from you!) mainly because I do not like the blue screens and I sort of like Counter-Strike.

  2. qhn

    qhn Notebook User

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    what are ur soft/hardware specs (since it is a barebone, a detailed description of ur comp would help abit)?

    cheers ...
  3. socketbind

    socketbind Notebook Guru

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    You can find a BIOS Flashing Howto specifically for this notebook here:

    Strange thing is, you shoudln't be able to flash the BIOS in any kind of Windows. Normally, you need to boot into DOS and do the flashing there.

    In the howto you can find a bootable ISO image with the v113 BIOS.

    If you want the newer version (v205) you can download it here:
    Personally, I don't recommend this version because the fan just kicks in too much.

    As always I take NO responsibility for these things, but it worked for me perfectly.
  4. weijia

    weijia Newbie

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    Specs, far as I know:

    160GB 5400rpm drive (do not know the manufacturer and am wary of taking it apart in Static Electricity central that is my dorm)
    2GB RAM 667mhz, dual channel (same deal as above)
    Intel T7300 @ 2.0GHz
    nVidia GeForce 8600m GS
    Intel Wireless-N 4965AGN
    1394 B type Firewire
    56k V.90 Fax Modem
    10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet LAN

    Running Windows XP Pro SP2 and all that.

    And thanks socketbind, makes me happy that it probably isn't my BIOS going crazy because I do not like messing with motherboards and such.

    I also think that when I was installing all the drivers that I might have accidentally installed a Vista 64bit, but I am not sure if that is even possible.
  5. weijia

    weijia Newbie

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    Also, an update on the crashing.

    It stopped crashing Counterstrike in steam when I stopped it from downloading a demo, something about Sherlock Holmes that my friend wanted to play.

    Don't worry about me letting other people use my desktop, for the most part he stays on Steam and some game called Anarchy Online, and FileFront.

    Also, tried to get it to work again on an unprotected router on my floor and worked perfectly. Started Firefox, got on my email, everything was hunky dory except occasionally pages would fail to load which I assume is an issue with the ancient and dusty router we have on the floor.

    However, the unprotected routers in class that seem to work for everybody else keep on crashing my computer, but only when I start a program like Firefox or OpenOffice. I am guessing is an internet connection issue since I have OpenOffice set to automatically check for updates. The wireless detector says it is connected to the network perfectly.

    Also of note is the programs and processes that IU has all students install on their laptops so they can log into the network in the first place. However, this problem did not start cropping up until recently, right after I reinstalled quite a few drivers.

    So eh.
  6. andyasselin

    andyasselin Notebook Deity

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    you might also want to run memorey test on it too

    make sure you ram work right with the barebone unit you got

    also check event log