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    Cant write to %AppData% Folder

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by Zeptinune, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    I've had an issue that has plagued me ever since I bought this laptop around 7 or so months ago. Even with my old OEM installation I had issues writing to the %AppData%/Local folder on my computer. Now I have the issue on this new installation.

    The issue occurs when I try and install certain programs on my computer. For example, iTunes or Corel Photoshop, Quicktime as well as many others. If the issue was just program/company based I would go to the relevant place. However, it seems pretty obvious that this is an OS issue and not really a 'software specific' error.

    The error displays a: 'Cannot write the following file: C:\Users\'User'\AppData\'x.fileetc. Installation failed/will now quit etc.'
    Screenshot: [In Finnish]

    I tried turning off UAC but that didn't help. Disabling anti-virus while offline as well as other things. I checked that I have full permissions as User and Admin and I do. I have read/write permissions on all users associated with the folder... Most programs get about 10-15% through an installation before they fail, others just fail instantly with an xxx error.

    I've searched the web with the terms: 'Can't write to %appdata% folder, access is denied %appdata%', cannot install corel/itunes/etc %appdata% etc. etc. etc.' but haven't found anyone else having the same issue. I have found other people who complained

    It also seems to be getting worse. At first I just accepted that Corel wouldn't install but now I cant install iTunes and many others after a clean OS rebuild. I have Admin rights, I'm the only one who uses my computer. I have full permissions and am the owner of the folder. I can't uncheck the 'read only' square from the folder properties. If I click it and uncheck it, it just goes back after I press 'OK' and go to properties again. I've even tried a 'right click - take ownership' of the folder. Not to mention a 'right click, run as Administrator'.
  2. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Never ever switch UAC off, keep it on its highest settings.

    itunes is one of the worst programmes around - I'm not sure why you'd actually want to contaminate a poor Windows OS with Quicktime & itunes
    (There are plenty of FREEWARE solutions out there that work better, are lighter and don't install non-needed services - strange that a multimillion company is too stupid to write good software if people do it in their own time)

    User rights - do NOT fiddle around with these on folders unless you suddenly run into an issue, they are restricted for a reason (to protect the system)

    Are you changing any installation paths, have you googled the issue?
    -> there is something for MS software here: You receive an "Error 1606" error message when you try to install or remove a Microsoft program
    Apparently the path to the folder must be something like:
    C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird
    From: Kein Zugriff auf User/appdata-Dateien Windows 7 Forum Aero Glass

    -> What language is your OS? I have noticed on my German Vista that things install in "Program Files" -> but the actual folder I see is "Programme"

    Have you tried a virus scan - just in case something hid in there and tries to lock itself in, I highly doubt it, but just to be sure.

    Have you tried sfc \scannow
  3. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    detlev: stop ing around, start helping. itunes is a valid application that a lot of people need (for their iphone for example, or ipad or ipod).

    the setup should run trough perfectly fine, and the app should run perfectly fine.

    so if it's really a clean installation, and right after the installation you can't install itunes, something's terribly wrong with your setup disk. or it's not a clean installation.
  4. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    -> An application that reattaches itself to the autorun entries like malware every time the application is started, takes ages to load when freeware is near instantaneous and adds a service when freeware does without a service is utter and complete rubbish.
    And even worse if this is from some multimillion dollar company.
  5. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    and how does this matter to the topic? exactly: NOT AT ALL.

    it installs perfectly fine, it works pefectly fine, and it should NEVER on a clean installation have ANY issue.

    so something else is wrong.

    you can a) try to help or b) get off the thread.
  6. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    -> If an application is that badly written, even if it should install fine, I'd never ever use it to test anything on an OS.
    -> Use something tame like Firefox, CCleaner, Foobar.
  7. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    as said, not related to topic. mods are allowed to delete the gibberish.

    the application is not badly written, it's an msi. they are fixed, defined, and actually the best way to test if the os setup works right. and it might be a required app for the user. and it works everywhere else. so all of your blaming does not matter at all (as usual, you can't focus on helping based on your hatres and bias).

    interestingly, firefox, ccleaner and foobar don't use the correct setup routines that are supported by microsoft. only itunes does (and microsoft applications, and others that use msi).
  8. DetlevCM

    DetlevCM Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Then use the Skype msi, or a Microsoft msi, for example Microsoft Ice - but not one of the worst applications that exist for Windows.
    And something that behaves like itunes is utter rubbish... maybe I should email them once...
  9. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    as said. the SETUP of itunes works PERFECTLY WELL. as ANY MSI has to. they can't fail by definition.

    and interestingly, itunes itself works perfectly well, too. it's just crapslow. other than that, you can install and uninstall it and it does not hurt your system ever.

    get rid of your hateress and bias back to objectivity. your anti google and anti apple bashing is against your own logic, you really have to get over it if you want to help people.

    itunes is not his problem. the inability to install any app is his problem (not just itunes).
  10. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    Umm lol.. for someone with 8000+ posts your 'advice' is kind of 'bad'... no offence. I don't want to be bothered by UAC every time I double click a file (so to speak).

    I don't care what you think about iTunes.. my wife has 3 iPods. I kind of need it, even if there are freeware programs that are better. If this 'awesome freeware' that you speak of damages my wife's iPods then we're out of pocket because Apple obviously wont re-endorse me for using third-party programs. So thanks but no thanks for that bit of 'help' as well... I agree with you however.. I hate Steve Jobs and what he's doing to the world but that wont stop my wife from using Apple products...

    What's your problem? Did you even READ my post...?

    *ahem* Again did you even READ my post...?

    Oh of course this is a virus problem... .___. /sarcasm

    Right well that got a bit out of control...

    This is a completely clean install with a Windows 7 disc I got from the store a few weeks ago, if that. I deleted the 2 partitions I had on my drive before and formatted the entire free space back into 1 partition. There is absolutely no trace of anything from my old install.. everything should have been overwritten more or less. I know that .msi installers are pretty much meant to be natively supported by windows without having to install anything, except for on WinXP you might need the newest setup fixes and what-not.

    I was able to install Corel (somehow) after turning on UAC. It took over an hour which is the slowest it's ever taken... which is understandable I guess.. having UAC have to scan everything and Dim my screen before I can accept to run anything does slow everything down quite a bit... That's not the point.. I just have a few other programs that have issues installing to %AppData%

    I'm not entirely sure I want to do another install.. it takes long enough to set my computer back up with Microsoft Office + 30 or so other programs I really need...

    My operating system is in English, but I can easily change it to Finnish if I just set the language to Finnish and do a reboot. I'm just used to English more than I am Finnish even though both are my native languages... Does it really matter what difference the language is? I had my laptop in Finnish on my OEM install and I still had the same issue.

    One thing that might make a difference. I downloaded the 64 bit version of iTunes (I have a 64bit OS) and it's trying to install into C:/Program Files(x86)/iTunes
    All applications that are 64 bit enabled install into just 'Program Files' does that mean there is an issue with my computer displaying that it is actually a 64 bit OS?

    Here's some screenshots of my permissions and what-not:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
  11. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    the only good advice of detlev was to not mess with uac. but obviously, for testing if it's the problem, it's okay to disable it.

    and i agree with the rest, detlev has not read the post really. he did not 1) realize that most messing around (uac, file rights) where done AFTER it didn't work to try to fix it, and 2) the type of software doesn't matter, so it's not apple to blame here.

    he's quite smart. but as you know, it's not far from smart to crazy, and i'm unsure right now on which side he is :)
  12. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    Actually, this was actually one good piece of advice. To get on topic, however, the issue you are seeing is indeed strange, and the idea of a virus isn't so far-fetched here. But, first things first: Are you really saying that this issue occurs on a fresh install? If so, then there must be something wrong with the install; no normal Windows system ever behaves this way. Is there anything unusual about your storage setup (RAID, SSDs, etc.)? Do you perform any non-standard configurations or "tweaks" after the install? What warnings or errors do you see in the event log after your install?
  13. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    Are you sure it's not my computer then? This happened with my OEM install as well.. should I call up and complain to M$ or something that my Disc is bonkers or is this a user mistake when installing..

    I've technically never had this issue on any of my other machines back in Australia but at the moment I'm having a hard time with my computer here...

    [I edited my last post on the first page with a ton of extra stuff as well]
  14. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    from where do you have your installation media?

    have you overclocked your system? changed ram? changed hdd? strange errors can always be hardware based.
  15. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    No nothing is overclocked at all... everything is stock except I've added extra ram but that was when I got the computer. Both the ram sticks are exactly the same model/type. The Hdd is the same one I got with the computer, I don't like it but it does the job.

    Do you think it's a problem with the data on the disc, and therefore the installation itself? Is this really actually so crazy and not meant to happen at all? I honestly thought this would be a mismatch between UAC and something else or whatever...
  16. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    Yes, this is wildly crazy, and should never happen with sound installation media and hardware. So, do you really have this issue right off the bat on a fresh install? If not, then my money would be on some bum piece of software you are installing. Doesn't necessarily have to be a virus, but something that badly corrputs your system, intentionally or unintentionally.

    Oh, and, yes, this could be due to some hardware issue, too, even though it's hard to imagine what kind of issue might cause such behavior.

    P.S.: Do you see any errors in the System portion of your event log? NTFS errors, perhaps?
  17. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    well. i install with the technet windows original installation on multiple systems. i can on all of them just install itunes and all other apps as needed without ANY problem. i never change ANY os settings, i always use the default settings. uac on, no user rights changed, nothing.

    so yes, somethings' REALLY wrong.

    where you got your windows from? might i suggest to redownload from the "legal windows 7 download links" thread, or from technet, or something like that?
  18. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    Maybe I should contact Microsoft then... My Windows should be fine, its genuine and I've installed Sp1 and what-not...

    Here's a crummy video I quickly recorded of the problem. Not the best quality and a few frame skips in there but well yeah.. I've barely done anything to the OS.. it's 2 days old to be honest. Did a full format beforehand.. I might go down to the store and explain the problem, but call Microsoft first or something and get a written report that the disc is busted...

    Maybe first I'll try a new install. I don't want to run a busted installation that will just die in the future and could have god-knows-what other problems in store for me... far out what a jip lol. No wonder I couldn't find anyone else with the same problem as me.

    Gimmie a sec to upload the video..

  19. Zeptinune

    Zeptinune Notebook Evangelist

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    Double post.

    Don't worry guys. I think I'm just going to call up M$ and talk to them. I have the build number and serial number and what-not of the disc. I'll talk to them and tell them what is happening, they might tell me it's an issue or whatever or at least they will advise me on what I should do. If it comes out that the disc is faulty I'm pretty sure their policy is to give me a new one right?

    If not I'll go down to the store and return it with proof that it doesn't work (a fax from M$ or something, I dunno) and if they don't give me another disc or my money back I'll find out where the CEO parks his car and have a go at it with a baseball bat.

    Thanks to anyone who helped, you guys really are great.

    EDIT: Called Microsoft the next day, they told me to call after I emailed them with the issue. They insisted that the disc must be a dud and they told me to take an email and a service number to the shop I bought the disc from. I took the disc back and my receipt and gave them the ticket number that M$ gave me. They replaced the disc after 30 minutes and gave me a new one. I just finsihed a new install and one of the first things I did after re-installing the drivers I needed was try to install all of the programs that were having issues. All of them are fixed and everything installs beautifully.

    Pretty obvious it was the discs problem. Thanks again to everyone who helped. M$ and the store were pretty happy to comply, though it was hard for them to accept that the disc was a dud even though it wasn't their fault.
  20. choxor

    choxor Newbie

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    Really, just had to register to comment on the stupidity of this. Zeptinune, it helps when you don't get your software from thepiratebay. I guess that's the "store" you were referring to.

    "Zeptinune at 2011-03-01 15:01 CET:
    This installation is totally ed:

    A post I made. I cant even install iTunes after a fresh installation of this OS. This OS is absolute rubbish and I'm definitely going somewhere else for an Operating system. I've had much better than this to be honest...

    Nothing but weird permissions issues and other bull. Check the link I posted and the thread with all of the errors I'm having...

    Download and use this at your own risk!"

    From Windows 7 Ultimate (64 Bit) x64 (November 2010) (download torrent) - TPB)
  21. davepermen

    davepermen Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Hahahaha fail.
    For the next time: there are legal downloads listed in here. And don't try the activationtools from torrents. I tested them for curriosity (having technet myself i have 0 need for them, but as stupod friends might use them i want to be aware whats out there). They all installed trojans that where nonremovable. So just get a legal license.