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    Another new laptop and software question

    Discussion in 'Windows OS and Software' started by Clare, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Clare

    Clare Notebook Consultant

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    OK, I've ordered my first laptop, and though I've owned four desktops they've all come with lots of (too much) software, and I'm not a techie, so could use more advice. (Maybe I'll beCOME a techie).
    I ordered the Acer 4100 and it comes with minimal software. XP Pro and drivers only.
    Questions:1) I'm assuming XPPro does not require Service Pack II (it's not mentioned) or if it does, can I assume the required patches and such are included even though the description doesn't specify that?

    2) I'm figuring that my first software install will be virus protection (I've always used Norton),even before I hook up the router to my aged desktop? I'm on adelphia broadband, and they do provide a free package of virus protection and firewall. Does anyone know if they're any good?

    3) I've always used Zonealarm as firewall. Do I still need a software firewall when I'm behind a router?

    4) I'll need to move some programs and data from my current desktop to the laptop. I've seen lots of software out there that's supposed to make that transfer easy. Do they work and if so, any recommendations?

    5) And, can I substitute Open Office (that's the open source productivity program, isn't it) safely for MS OFfice? I'm primarily interested in a word processing program that will be compatible with Word, which I hate but am stuck with for any office work I bring home. I'm also interested in free or cheap software that will create PDF files.

    6) I use firefox as a browser, but sometimes have to get to sites that only work with MSExploder...which I assume is part of MS Office. Am I stuck buying MS Office?
  2. sook

    sook Notebook Guru

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    1. im not sure i understand. its not mandatory that you install sp2, but its recommended.
    2. i wouldnt use whats included with your stuff. if free is important use zonealarm and avg or avast. if youre willing to pay, id say zonealarm pro and nod32
    3. download and listen to security now episode 3 but yes, i would recommend a software firewall
    4. most of your programs you will have to reinstall. i wouldnt recommend transfering your windows settings. your data you can transfer over the network easily.
    5. yes, openoffice is a fine replacement. and im fairly positive that oo can read files made in ms office and write files ms office can read. i dont know of software to create pdfs.
    6. most sites work on firefox. explorer is an integral part of windows, no extra software purchase is needed. if you dont want to use ie, dl opera, it can pretend to be ie
  3. ZaZ

    ZaZ Super Model Super Moderator

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    You can use Windows Update to download any patches that do not come with your Acer. I personally use AVG for virus and ZoneAlarm for firewall. If you use FireFox or Opera and get your mail on Yahoo you should be in good shape virus and spyware wise. A spyware detector like Ad-Aware or Spybot probably isn't a bad idea.