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    Why the Google Pixel C is the best new tablet that no one will buy

    Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets' started by Tinderbox (UK), Dec 8, 2015.

  1. Tinderbox (UK)

    Tinderbox (UK) BAKED BEAN KING

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  2. Convel

    Convel Notebook Deity

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  3. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

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    "The Pixel C isn't marketed as a Nexus, but in many ways it is one. But it's also a hybrid Chromebook. It combines the look of one device with the experience of the other...half-Chromebook"

    No tech site should be saying such things. This is not a Chromebook. It does not run ChromeOS. It runs Android. Period. Not half-Android, half-ChromeOS, or anything like that.

    About the Pixel C, if people don't like the keyboard setup or using it as a convertible, well, good thing the keyboard is just an OPTIONAL accessory! That's what I don't get about reviews that pan it basically saying it has no reason for existence because they don't like the keyboard setup or don't like Android for productivity work. You can just skip the keyboard accessory and just use it as a premium-quality multimedia tablet. And I don't see why it wouldn't be excellent in that role.

    And if the price is too high, wait one year. Nexus devices, unlike iDevices, typically sell for 50% off after 12 months, while still offering multiple years of software support. I bet we'll be able to get Pixel Cs for $300 this time next year just like we could get $200 Nexus 9s on Black Friday 2015.
  4. Ethrem

    Ethrem Notebook Prophet

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    Ummmmmmmmm.... There's no reason for the Surface Book. The problem is that Microsoft did a great job selling it. This is literally the third time since the original Pixel C leak I've heard about it.

    I won't be getting one. Too expensive and no need.

    Here's the thing though... I don't want it or the Surface Book to exist. Why? Because I like being able to have a portable powerhouse and if one or both of these succeed, it narrows that small enthusiast window even more. Google can afford it. Microsoft can't. Windows 10 has been a disaster across all of their products (they turned my Xbox One into a useless piece of garbage, at least when I'm using my headphones... Freezes and leaves that same repeating sound Windows did back in the 95-ME days) - I went to my PS4 running the original version of FFVII with its enhancements and haven't touched the 'box since. They want to roll it out across all these devices? Someone help me pick their tombstone, especially after all the fried LCDs on this very forum... Nope.

    Google is much smarter with their money. Pixel fails, they've still made millions in ad revenue.
  5. Tsunade_Hime

    Tsunade_Hime such bacon. wow

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    Except here's an issue with that business model. Why pay for a device that's already been out for a year. Without a strong user base and community, why would anybody buy this device? It's sort of a catch 22. It's also why Windows Phone was a major fizzle. Everyone was already tied to Android or iOS. Microsoft wants to get into the market, but their app development is crappy. Because there is barely an app community and development, nobody wants to buy the phone. The Pixel C is like another way of Google putting their toes in the water and testing a high end Android tablet. Of course seeing the original price, I think it is extremely overpriced.
  6. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

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    A particular model doesn't need a "strong user base" because it runs Android, which constitutes 90+% of mobile devices worldwide. Apps are not developed for a particular model, but for the OS ecosystem. This is why the Surface Pro and Pixel C don't need to be mass-market sales successes to have a good library of software available to them. Windows Phone (like Linux PCs) are a very different issue.

    I don't think it's overpriced for what it is. I just think that a lot of Android tablet buyers, myself included, don't want a luxury tablet when a non-luxury tablet does most things just as well. The plastic back on my Nexus 9 doesn't impair its usability one iota, even though it doesn't look or feel as "luxurious" as an aluminum unibody.