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    Recomend me an Android browser with night mode.

    Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets' started by Tinderbox (UK), Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Tinderbox (UK)

    Tinderbox (UK) BAKED BEAN KING

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    I am currently using Chrome brower, But i cannot find an night mode, I have an 10.5" tablet that has an oled display and all the white is eating my battery alive (and my retinas), I have tried a screen dimmer but it make little difference, I need the white to be black apart from the photo`s

    I use to use UC Browser, But all you data is supposedly being sent to some Chines guy`s

    So i would like a browser that at least only sends my data to western spy agencys as they normally dont want to reob you blind, and i dont really have any data that i would get in trouble for, Unless you count all the ****

    So a night mode plugin for chrome would do.

    Help a guy out would you.
