The Notebook Review forums were hosted by TechTarget, who shut down them down on January 31, 2022. This static read-only archive was pulled by NBR forum users between January 20 and January 31, 2022, in an effort to make sure that the valuable technical information that had been posted on the forums is preserved. For current discussions, many NBR forum users moved over to after the shutdown.
Problems? See this thread at

    *Forum changes, please read*

    Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets' started by Ethrem, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Ethrem

    Ethrem Notebook Prophet

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    Hello everyone,

    I just took the vacant position for moderator for this forum and I am putting some changes in place to make things better and hopefully drive more traffic here.

    First thing, you may notice I closed the threads for iOS, Android, and Blackberry. These mega threads are no longer necessary since we have an entire forum available to use. If you have any topics that were started in there that you wish to continue, please make a new thread in the forum.

    As for new posts, for the sake of organization, I came up with the idea to use a prefix if you are talking about a specific device.

    The prefixes are:

    [Android], [iOS], [Windows], and [Blackberry]

    If you have a thread that is just general, no prefix is necessary.

    I will leave this thread open for comments and suggestions for a week or so, then I'll clean it up and implement any suggestions we collectively decide on.

    Thanks everyone,
    Ethrem :)
  2. Tinderbox (UK)

    Tinderbox (UK) BAKED BEAN KING

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    Just read your post, I have been here so long you forget to read these, ok we will give it a go. :)

    You can remove my two thread on ios and android if you like.
