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    All about 5G and 6G Technologies

    Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets' started by Dr. AMK, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Study Predicts More Than A Billion 5G Connections By 2025;
    GSMA Showcases 5G Future at Mobile World Congress

    Barcelona: At Mobile World Congress today, the GSMA published a report outlining the mobile industry’s collective vision and expectations for the 5G era. The new study, ‘The 5G Era: Age of Boundless Connectivity and Intelligent Automation’, is based on an extensive survey of 750 operator CEOs and other industry stakeholders. The GSMA forecasts that commercial 5G networks will begin to be widely deployed at the start of the next decade and, by 2025, will provide coverage to a third of the world’s population. 5G connections are forecast to reach 1.1 billion by 2025, accounting for approximately one in eight mobile connections worldwide by this time.

    “The 5G era will usher in innovations that enable richer, smarter and more convenient living and working, making possible a huge array of new applications, everything from sensor-driven smart parking to holographic conference calls,” said Mats Granryd, Director General of the GSMA. “5G is an opportunity to create an agile, purpose-built network tailored to the different needs of citizens and the economy. But it is vital that all stakeholders work together to ensure that 5G is successfully standardised, regulated and brought to market.”

    The new report sets out five goals for the 5G era, which can only be achieved if the industry is able to unify around a common technology standard and agree a set of harmonised spectrum bands:

    - Provide boundless connectivity for all: 5G networks will co-exist with 4G networks and alternative network technologies to deliver a high-speed, reliable and secure broadband experience;
    - Deliver future networks innovatively and with optimal economics: All stakeholders will strive to cost-effectively deliver improved networks, relying on a combination of mainstream and alternative technologies, using both licensed and unlicensed spectrum;
    - Accelerate the digital transformation of industry verticals: The mobile industry will provide the networks and platforms to drive the digitisation and automation of industrial practices and processes;
    - Transform the mobile broadband experience: 5G networks will provide an enhanced broadband experience of up to 1 Gbps and below 10 milliseconds latency, and provide the platform for cloud- and artificial intelligence-based services; and
    - Drive growth in new use cases for massive IoT and critical communications services: 5G networks will support the massive rollout of intelligent IoT nodes for a multitude of scenarios, including critical communications services
    The full report is available to download here.

    Experience 5G at Mobile World Congress
    The GSMA will showcase the 5G future through a range of programmes and demonstrations at Mobile World Congress. The GSMA Network 2020 programme is hosting a seminar on Monday 27 February (13.30 to 15.30) to discuss the business impact of future 5G networks. The seminar will feature speakers from Deutsche Telekom, Jaguar Land Rover, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung and Verizon. For further details, please visit:

    The GSMA Network 2020 programme is also showcasing the latest 5G research at the GSMA’s Innovation City during Mobile World Congress. Experts at King’s College London (KCL) are demonstrating their research into managing the latency requirements of different 5G applications, ranging from connected cars to remote telesurgery, and are demonstrating a 5G gaming experience based on Rooplay’s cloud gaming platform. In addition, the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) at the University of Surrey is presenting a 5G vision for the automotive industry, including a collaboration with Telefónica and Jaguar Land Rover to showcase an advanced infotainment system in a Jaguar F-PACE vehicle.

    The GSMA Innovation City is located in Hall 4, Stand 4A30 and also features exhibits from AT&T, Cisco Jasper, Huawei, KT Corporation, Sierra Wireless and UNLIMIT by Reliance Communications. For further details, please visit:

    Read more from Intel:
    Setting the Stage for Smart Cities in the 5G Era
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
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    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Philadelphia's smart city plan includes 5G and forward-thinking public policies

    The City of Philadelphia's Ellen Hwang's infectious enthusiasm towards the city of brotherly love includes depictions of a tech-savvy future Philly, as the local government adopts innovative technology.

    "I'm here at South by Southwest as part of the Amplify Philly Delegation," said Ellen Hwang, program manager for innovation management, City of Philadelphia "We're from the city of brotherly love and we're here to represent the creative sector, the design community, our civic technologists startup and government, and we want to make sure the world knows the exciting work and innovation that's happening in Philadelphia.

    In Philadelphia, we have Smart City PHL, Philadelphia's strategic initiative to establish a plan and a process for how city government will adopt advanced technology. That includes thinking about 5G, small-cell deployment as well as, the government and policies, which support our communities into the future.

    SEE: Disney Animation team pushes technical boundaries with Big Hero 6 (TechRepublic)

    We have many startups in the community, including those at work on drone technology and IoT for homes. We're excited about the creative work in Smart City in Philadelphia. We're a MEDs, EDs, and BEDs town. We have some of the largest concentration of universities which do incredible research in the space. We have one of the highest concentrations of hospitals crushing the life sciences industry in Philadelphia and worldwide.

    We also have a really robust hospitality industry. With so much going on in the city, the community's really coming together, and also thinking about digital inclusion. Our Key Spark program is not only historical, but a pioneering effort to bring public computing centers to our low-income and low access neighborhoods and we hope to continue to provide access to our neighbors.
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  7. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    MWC 2018 – Intel
    MWC 2018: 5G Moves From Concept to Reality

    5G, VR, and AI took centre stage at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

    Many of the world’s biggest technology brands recently gathered in Barcelona for the annual Mobile World Congress (MWC) trade show where the latest innovations in smartphone and network technology were showcased. More than 2,300 exhibitors, including Huawei*, Sony Mobile* and Android* attended the event along with more than 100,000 guests who gathered for panel discussions, networking events and product launches centred around the latest industry trends.

    While Samsung* launched its hotly anticipated Galaxy S9* handset and Nokia* unveiled a new version of the famous 8110 ‘slider’ phone as featured in hit movie The Matrix*, the big buzzword of the show was 5G. With the launch date getting closer, 5G connectivity is finally moving away from the concept stage towards being a reality and Intel is helping businesses to prepare for the transition.

    “With the launch date getting closer, 5G connectivity is finally moving away from the concept stage towards being a reality”

    “Intel is working with industry partners and network operators to accelerate technology innovation across network, client, and cloud,” said Sandra L. Rivera, Senior VP and General Manager of the Network Platforms Group at Intel, in an editorial. “Our commitment to delivering 5G spans the work we do in the standards bodies, early tests, and trials that give us critical learnings on technology implementation and commercial opportunities, and our investments in ecosystem enabling and hardware and software products”.
    At MWC, Intel showcased its first 5G-enabled concept 2 in 1 with a live over-the-air 5G connection to demonstrate how it is integrating this advanced network technology into the mobile PC platform. “We expect the first wave of 5G-connected PCs to be introduced to the market in the second half of 2019, building on our strong history of mobile PC connectivity leadership dating back to the first connected PC with integrated Wi-Fi in Intel Centrino,” said Rivera.

    Intel also demonstrated its 5G NR technology at MWC following successful trials with Deutsche Telecom* and Huawei. Further trials will take place in 2018 involving collaborations with service providers and partners around the globe. A number of other major firms also launched new commercial 5G products and announced upcoming 5G trials at MWC including Samsung, Huawei, and Nokia.

    Further cementing its commitment to the roll-out of 5G, Intel recently delivered the world’s largest broad-scale 5G deployment to date at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics*, in partnership with South Korea’s KT Corporation*. Supporting a massive 3,800 terabytes of network capacity, the 5G deployment formed the backbone for a number of innovative experiences including multi-angle image capture that enables viewers to see the action from multiple camera angles. Intel is also set to partner with leading Japanese mobile network provider NTT DOCOMO* to provide 5G technologies for the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games* in Tokyo.

    Along with 5G, Augmented Reality (AR) was also big news at MWC. Samsung’s new S9 flagship smartphone features headline-grabbing AR Emojis, which use a selfie to create an animated avatar of the user’s face. What’s more, Vuzix* showcased its Blade AR glasses which are designed for enterprise while Google announced that its ARCore is now available for developers to create AR-based apps.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) was also a major focus at the show with Samsung’s Bixby* AI assistant getting some updates for the S9 handset and LG* unveiling its V30S ThinQ handset with integrated AI. What’s more, telecoms firm Telefónica* launched its AI assistant Aura* which will initially be aimed at improving customer service. Also showcasing AI technology at the event was Onkyo*, which is best known for its premium audio and home cinema products. The firm unveiled Onkyo AI*, a voice-enabled AI system along with a prototype in-car speaker and wearable smart speaker based on the new technology.

    The roll-out of 5G is set to provide significant opportunities and challenges for businesses in the coming months and years and those that are prepared for this next-generation connectivity will have a competitive advantage over their rivals. Forward-thinking organisations should also consider how they can integrate innovative technologies like AR and AI into their digital strategies for 2018 and beyond.
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  8. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    5 Steps to a 5G Ready Cloud: On Your Marks, Get Set, Disrupt!
    Put your business at the heart of network transformation.

    Tomorrow’s connected world sparkles with possibility – from the smart home to the smart city, in your self-driving car, from AI to AR. There’s a lot to be excited about. Beneath the shiny sci-fi technologies transforming our everyday lives, lies the silver bullet set to bring us all up to speed: it’s 5G. As businesses catch on and communications service providers hang their hopes on a 2020 roll-out, there is a lot to be done in order to prepare for the next wave of services – and reap the benefits.

    It is with bated breath that businesses await mainstream 5G capabilities, in order to launch new heavy duty, tech savvy services – whether it is downloadable video content in seconds, VR experiences in a flash or connecting a host of smart devices. The transformative power of 5G will not only enhance mobile broadband, but enable a huge volume of machine to machine communications thanks to its ultra-reliable, low latency network. As digital transformation sets in, legacy IT infrastructures are already struggling to sustain increasingly data-hungry workloads. In order to bring about the necessary changes, to facilitate the shift towards 5G, network architects and engineers will play a pivotal role.

    But there’s no need to feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. Firstly, the Communications Service Provider (CoSP) Cloud gives businesses the flexibility, scalability and responsiveness to the entire value chain, making it easier to develop, launch and provision new services amid unprecedented demands. Secondly, we’ve broken down your first steps into the CoSP cloud to include five digestible parts, making 5G readiness a reality for any business.

    “It is with bated breath that businesses await mainstream 5G capabilities, in order to launch new heavy duty, tech savvy services”
    Step 1: Prepare the Organisation for Change

    We’re not talking legacy architecture, we’re talking legacy organisation structure – the business itself needs to be cloudified. That means adopting lean and agile practices that will help your business innovate and win markets quickly. Breaking down organisational siloes, where departments have little communication with one another is essential. A 5G ready business is one that enables cross-functional workloads, that often work off the same software and hardware infrastructure – organisational structure will have to reflect this.

    Meanwhile, with 5G set to turbo-change the roll-out of new services, businesses need to acquire the knowledge to develop and deploy new applications at pace. Having the right in-house knowledge will give businesses the flexibility needed to react nimbly and reap the rewards of 5G. Upskilling the workforce will take time and much of this will happen on the job. Areas like DevOps, agile software development and lean software development will be a focus in order to radically change the way they deliver cloud-based services. Intel offers training support, to help businesses get more from the cloud. The Intel ® Network Builders University provides online training programme for enhancing organisations’ network functions virtualisation (NFV) and software defined networking (SDN) expertise.

    Step 2: Create Standalone Virtualised Network Functions

    The first question to ask is: which virtualised network function shall we transform first? Presuming you intend to ultimately virtualise the existing network, your journey begins with a single standalone virtualised network function. A popular start point in this case would be virtual customer premises equipment (vCPE) which is not only the least vulnerable place to start in the network, but means if there is a problem any outages would be confined to a single customer and therefore the integrity of the network is protected. This makes it an ideal testing ground for new VNFs. Indeed, vCPE can be the foundation for personalisation services – which are increasingly essential in demand-driven services – including the content filters for different devices.

    A natural point at which to move CPE into the cloud is when it needs to be refreshed – virtualising it will then make future updates easier and seamless for customers. The benefits of a virtual device include scalability to meet growing bandwidth demands, which are driven by the growth in video consumption and smart devices. Meanwhile, other easy first VFN conversions include integrated messaging service (IMS) and the evolved packet core (EPC). Tools to help you launch your first VNF can be found at the Intel ® Network Builders Solutions Library.
    Step 3: Enable Scaling

    Scalability and agility are the buzzwords for any aspiring tech business and also the reason the CoSP cloud is such a powerful platform for network services, including 5G. Once your business has deployed standalone VFNs, the next step is to enable real-time network configuration, allowing the use of VNFs in response to demand.

    Network traffic and control traffic are highly parallelizable workloads and platform telemetry can be used to sense oversubscription of shared resources to enable load balancing. While orchestration and management layers can allocate additional resources, auto-scaling decisions are based on network traffic and key performance indicators. To meet the demand of these dual workloads, VNFs can be automatically created, destroyed and augmented with additional capacity where required. In order to deliver more sophisticated virtual functions, VNFs from multiple vendors can be automatically combined.
    Step 4: Enable Full Service Automation

    Scalable services give service assurance, but to achieve the agility required for launching new services, CoSPs need to implement full automation – this will enable the network to take instant action to meet KPIs. As a result of automation, applications will be able to request services from the network, which can automatically adjust to meet their requirements, linking together VNFs as needed. In turn, customer self-service can be enabled, streamlining the provision of highly personalised services, cutting the cost of sale and boosting customer satisfaction.

    To enable full service automation is to accelerate the delivery of solutions, from weeks or months, to minutes or hours. Once the network is able to provision and correct itself, it is a powerful platform for rapidly launching applications.

    Step 5: Become Digitally Agile

    It is only when the CoSP cloud is mature that service providers are truly empowered to innovate at cloud speed and become digitally agile. A broad range of services can be created – from connection to performance, data management and digital. It is in this final step that the full benefits of a 5G ready network can be reaped. For example, the ability to manage a virtual private mobile network for emergency services, totally isolated from the main network – replacing the expensive dedicated networks they now operate on themselves. Meanwhile, businesses at this stage will be in a strong position to introduce truly innovative smart home, connected car and industry solutions. Welcome to your 5G ready network – this is where the disruption begins.
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  9. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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  10. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    I Hope this is going to be good. So far 4G is nice and all, but the unstable signals really are a huge turn off, I hope 5G fixes that.
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  11. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    I think 5G is more than just fixing all previous generations problems, but it will be better coverage, 10 times faster and more stable,,, and other things.
    5g Wireless Technology has the potential to weaponize almost everything and we all need to deeply understand this technology. I created this thread "All about 5G Technologies" not only to collect some news about it, but to rise a flag that we must know more and we must be aware of the potential that this technology has and be sure of what risks we as humanity are willing to take for the sake of Money and Convenience.
    5G will lead to a revolution in communications industry and it will change our way of life in the future.
    Economically, it needs $300B only to cover the US, so you can imagine how much it will need to cover the rest of the world,
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
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  12. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    What Is 5G? & How 5G Will Change The World!
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  13. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    BREAKING: DARPA Admits 5G Designed To Slowly Kill Population
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  14. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    So better throw out all the microwaves because everyone can see it causes cancer!!!!!!!! (I'm being sarcastic btw)

    I'm not the least bit suprised that this is coming from america :'D
  15. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    How 5G could prevent Stingray-style surveillance and keep business travelers safer
    DHS official Christopher Krebs confirmed that the US government is aware of hackers using surveillance devices in Washington, DC since 2014.

    Unknown individuals or groups are illegally operating IMSI catchers in Washington, DC, according to Department of Homeland Security official Christopher Krebs.
    Mitigations for the vulnerability which these devices rely on are included in the 5G mobile network specification.
    Unknown individuals or groups are operating IMSI catchers—otherwise popularly known as Stingrays, after the popular model sold by defense contractor Harris Corporation—in the Washington, DC metro area. This revelation came about following the publication last week of a letter by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official Christopher Krebs, in which he indicated that his organization "has observed anomalous activity in the National Capital Region (NCR) that appears to be consistent with International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) catchers."
    Krebs' letter was a response to Senator Ron Wyden, who inquired last November about whether or not evidence exists indicating that foreign intelligence services were using the technology within the United States. Wyden's inquiry (correctly) characterized IMSI catchers as devices that "impersonate cell phone towers to locate and identify nearby phones and to intercept calls and text messages covertly."
    Further, a task force was established by the FCC in 2014 following reports by security researchers that IMSI catchers were being used around DC, as reported by the Washington Post at the time, though no further statements about the issue have been made since that time.
    SEE: Cybersecurity strategy research: Common tactics, issues with implementation, and effectiveness (Tech Pro Research)
    Now, House Representatives Eliot Engel, Frank Pallone, and Bennie Thompson, the ranking members of the Foreign Affairs, Energy & Commerce, and Homeland Security committees respectively, are demanding answers of the FCC.
    In a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, the trio noted that "With no apparent evidence that these recently revealed unauthorized cell-site simulators are operating with an FCC license, it would seem the FCC need only to enforce the law to stop this foreign intelligence gathering."
    The use of IMSI catchers by law enforcement is itself a matter of concern. While the technology has been available to the FBI since the mid-1990s, only in 2015 did the Justice Department issue guidelines requiring federal agents to obtain a warrant before using the devices.
    In principle, the technology works due to an oversight in the design of GSM standards, which require a device to authenticate to the network, but do not require networks to authenticate to devices. This allows IMSI catchers to impersonate base stations, and capture the IMSI IDs of devices within range of the catcher. Such devices are also capable of forcing phones to use no encryption during calls, or using easily breakable encryption, allowing the IMSI catcher operator to listen in.

    It should be noted that 3G and 4G standards have introduced mitigations to this flaw, requiring mutual authentication, though advanced attacks are capable of forcing phones to communicate with the IMSI catcher in 2G mode, overriding these mitigations.
    Further mitigations for this vulnerability are included in new 5G mobile network standards. The 5G standard will include both a Subscription Permanent Identifier (SUPI) and Subscription Concealed Identifier (SUCI). According to reporting by ZDNet's David Meyer, the SUPI is "encrypted using the network operator's public key," which will allow phones to ensure that the network they are connecting to is genuine. This could put business travelers at ease in areas like DC, as they could be more confident that their sensitive conversations weren't being snooped on.
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  16. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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  17. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    What 5G *Really* Means
  18. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    As anything that comes out of this guys mouth, and related outlets, can seem silly, RF is serious stuff and much of the exposure testing isn't realistically set up - and the methodology hasn't changed in many years.

    The research he flashed up on the screen, recently deleted from the government site, is indeed disturbing in it's results - as it more realistically tests exposure distance.

    Not April Fools Day Joke “Clear Evidence of Cancer” from Cell Phone Radiation

    The government site pulled the PDF, 404 Not Found...:

    " The National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences released a statement on the conclusions of the panel for each endpoint found" here, now gone...:

    **** Found and attached to this post for your convenience ****

    Can your cellphone cause cancer? Scientists find definitive link in study of rats.
    [email protected], March 28, 2018 05:10 PM

    "RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK - Cellphone radio-frequency waves can be decisively linked to cancer in rats, according to a national science panel meeting in Research Triangle Park on Wednesday. The scientists' finding establishes the clearest connection of cellphone risk to humans in a major U.S. study to date.
    The scientists made their announcement at the end of a three-day meeting to review a $25 million rodent experiment conducted by the National Toxicology Program in RTP for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The draft of the study, issued in early February, had established a weak link in some cases and no link in others, but the scientific advisory panel on Wednesday said the data is more compelling and indicates greater risk than initially acknowledged.

    Wednesday's decision is expected to change the debate over cellphone safety as the telecommunications industry, with encouragement from the Federal Communications Commission, prepares to roll out the next-generation high-speed 5G wireless technology. Public health activists predict the science panel's conclusions of wireless risks will increase pressure on federal agencies to issue safety warnings and tighten safety standards of the ubiquitous electronic device.

    "It should most likely lead to a reduction in exposure limits," said Ronald Melnick, the National Toxicology Program scientist who designed the study before he retired nine years ago. "This matters a lot because the agencies that will receive this data will make public health decisions based on this information."

    Melnick said the health risks acknowledged Wednesday could compel public officials and telecom leaders "not to promote the use of some of these radio-frequency emitting devices for kids."

    Just last month the draft report had been deemed inconclusive by the FDA and by the American Cancer Society, and the scientific panel was expected by the activists to rubber-stamp those conclusions in Wednesday's meeting.

    Before the scientists voted, Kevin Mottus, the outreach director of the California Brain Tumor Association, demanded from the floor that the entire panel recuse itself for lacking qualifications to assess radio-frequency data. Mottus later said that cellphones are comparable to asbestos and tobacco and should carry health warning labels.

    But as the voting discussion got underway, the scientists began proposing motions to upgrade the level of the findings to state that prolonged radio-frequency exposure can be clearly linked to heart tissue cancer in male rats. The draft study had previously said there was some link but no clear evidence.

    The heart tissue cancers were particularly significant because they are a rare form of cancer that rarely occurs in rats and could not be explained as random illnesses.

    National Toxicology Program senior scientist John Bucher said the heart tissue cancer that developed in male rats is the same type of cancer that has been seen in some people who have used cellphones at the highest power settings for years.

    "The fact that this tumor type was the same really drew our eye to it," Bucher said. "And also they were some of the strongest findings from a numerical standpoint."

    The panelists also voted that the study shows some link between cellphone radiation and brain cancer in rats. The draft had said that link was equivocal, a scientific designation indicating it was inconclusive and arguably inconsequential.
    In addition to showing an increase in cancers in rats, the study also showed that newborn rats weighed less and suffered higher death rates when living in a radio-frequency radiation chamber.

    What's next?

    The FDA's director of the office of science and engineering, Edward Margerrison, attended the meeting and warned afterwards against forming rash conclusions based on Wednesday's votes. "We're taking a responsible approach," he said. "We're not gonna knee-jerk on anything."

    Apparently their responsible approach amounted to deleting the findings from the Research site. :D

    And, 5G is going to provide different exposure that hasn't been studied even as much as previous RF exposure.

    The Berkeley Cell Phone “Right To Know” Ordinance (2018)“right-to-know”-ordinance-2018.820635/

    New Research Finds If Smartphones Were Radiation Tested How They’re Used, They’d Be Illegal!
    • 9 out of 10 Cell Phones Tested Exceed Government SAR Radiation Limits.
    • Manufacturers don’t test phones directly against the body, like in pants, shirt pocket or in contact with skin.
    • It took a lawsuit in order for the National Frequency Agency of France to release this research from 2015.
    • Cell phone companies are waging a battle similar to those of tobacco companies by war gaming research.
    • Cell phone companies require a minimum separation distance of between 5 and 15 mm for regulatory approval.
    On June 1st 2017, by court order, The National Frequency Agency of France released research completed in 2015 showing 9 out of 10 cell phones exceed government radiation limits when researchers tested the way people actually use them—directly next to the body.

    The body absorbs higher levels of microwave radiation from a phone when it’s in a pocket, or tucked in a bra. There are a few reasons why..."

    Don't carry your phone on your person, use speaker phone, find headphones that block RF:

    RF Safe Air Tube Headsets

    Is Bluetooth Radiation as Dangerous as Cell Phone Radiation?
    "People need to realize that Bluetooth devices that fit in or around the ear typically radiate at 0.23 watts per kilogram (W/Kg). Some Bluetooth devices are actually worse than some of the lowest SAR cell phones...."

    First time ever, a Smartphone is recalled because of excessive levels of hazardous RF radiation

    "Last month, Orange sent a letter to about 90,000 of its customers that purchased the flip phone to warn them of the defect. In certain conditions, the low-end phone, made in Mobiwire’s factory located in Ningbo, China, would emit 2.1 watts of radiation per kilogram of body weight (or W/kg), which is over Europe’s safety limit standard set at 2 W/kg."

    National Toxicology Program: Peer & public review of cell phone radiation study reports
    Thursday, May 3, 2018

    Actions from Peer Review of the Draft NTP Technical Reports on Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation March 26-28, 2018

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  19. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Plan To Install 50,000 Cell Towers In California Faces Opposition
    By Phil Matier, June 28, 2017 at 7:48 pm

    "WALNUT CREEK (KPIX 5) – Up to 50,000 cell phone towers coming to cities across California.

    But will you get a say on where they pop up?

    California cities are now fighting back at a proposed law that is moving quickly through the legislature.

    They say it would allow phone companies to put up new antennas in your neighborhood, like it or not.

    State Sen. Ben Hueso (D-San Diego) says, “5G wireless has the potential to be a game changer.”

    But to pave the way for that game change, telecom companies need to put up between 30,000 and 50,000 of cell antennas — including in your town — over the next five years with only limited local say.

    San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said, “Neighborhoods would be seeing something the size of refrigerators going up on street poles and could say nothing to stop it.”

    Solano County Supervisor Erin Hannigan said, “Could be on a library, could be on a school.”

    “On traffic signals, light polls,” Liccardo said. “This would give the companies the right to install on any public infrastructure and we would have zero ability to say ‘no.'”

    On the other hand, the new network could also mean much faster Internet service to keep California on the innovation forefront.

    The use of smart devices and mobile Internet has increased 2,300 percent statewide since 2010.

    Steve Carlson with CTIA-Wireless Association said, “California was the epicenter of the last Internet revolution and can and should be the epicenter of the next one.”

    Huesso said, “Business investment and job creation will follow.”

    As for local say?

    Huesso said, it “preserves local government right for reasonable concerns.”

    There is also the issue of money.

    The new rules would cap how much local jurisdictions could charge telecom companies at $250 per antenna, a far cry from the $1,250 that cities like San Jose now get.

    Liccardo said, “You are talking about an industry that will net $500 billion after full build out.”

    Telecom contributed $2.4 million to California’s Democratic and Republican parties in the 2016 election."

    Plan To Install Cell Towers In California Cities Without Community Input Face Opposition
    KPIX CBS SF Bay Area
    Published on Jun 28, 2017
    Opposition mounts against a plan to installation hundreds of cell towers in cities across California with no local input on where they go. Phil Matier reports. (6/28/16)

    ConsumerWatch: 5G Cellphone Towers Signal Renewed Concerns Over Impacts on Health
    KPIX CBS SF Bay Area
    Published on Jan 25, 2018
    Wireless carriers are installing millions of towers across the country to enable the new, faster 5G cellphone technology. KPIX asks the question: Are there legitimate health concerns? Julie Watts reports. (1-25-18)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  20. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    This is a very interesting field study of a 4G installation in Palo Alto California, right in the heart of Silicon Valley, a short walk to Stanford University. Very high RF readings were found, dangerous placement of emitting hardware close to human habitation. The same would be done for 5g except at much higher frequency, higher power (high loss at higher frequencies), and denser deployment. Following this is a recent declaration to do the same to San Jose city.

    Advocacy based on Scientists' research of the hazards of pulsed, data-modulated, Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation

    This My Street, My Choice!

    This My Street, My Choice! web site contains information and links to help residents fight the unconstitutional onslaught of 4G / 5G Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) being proposed in residential zones, which is already a proven health, safety and liability hazard.

    Here is What You Can Do:
    Despite hundreds of millions of dollars spent by the Wireless industry to lobby our State and Federal legislators and game the system, the 99% far outnumbers the 1% and we can wield game-changing power — if we band together, defend our inalienable rights and demand changes.
    • Visit your city-specific page, listed in the menu above.
    • Read the pages and watch the videos on this web site.
    • Learn more at other expert web sites here, here and here.
    • Write your City Council members and City Manager to demand that they stop these Wireless-only projects and engage in a public process — as required by Federal, State and Municipal code.
    • Pack any public meetings in Apr/May 2018 — to speak or support others who will speak. There is real strength in numbers.
    Palo Alto 4G Small Cells: An Extreme Health Hazard
    19 “Small Cell” 4G Antennas with Faux-Mailbox Power Supplies in Palo Alto, CA
    APRIL 23, 2017 BY PMG

    The following is a link to the planning documents for a high-density 4G Distributed Antenna System (DAS) in Palo Alto: 19 so-called “small Cell” antennas installed in high-density fashion in a 3 block x 6 block area. These antennas and their faux-maibox power supply cabinets were deployed on Palo Alto sidewalks by Crown Castle on behalf of Verizon. Construction was completed and the antennas were powered-on in November, 2016.

    On 4/21/17, we completed measurements of Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) on the sidewalks beneath and near these DAS antennas using a professionally-certified RF/MW radiation meter. The results show that these antennas are forcibly exposing Palo Alto residents, workers and visitors to hazardous levels of RF/MW radiation 24/7/365. Our RF/MW radiation measurements, unbelievably, are the only actual RF/MW radiation measurements ever completed for this project. [​IMG]
    The red dots on this map represent locations of 19 so-called “small cell” antennas that are forcibly exposing Palo Alto residents, workers and visitors to extremely hazardous levels of Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) 24/7/365
    The screen of the HF-59B meter (equipped with a DG20_G10 -20 dB attenuator) shows peak RF/MW radiation readings of 72,000 to 123,000 microwatts per square meter (µW/m²) when standing on the sidewalk below the “Small Cells”. Applying the correction factor for the high-speed, pulsed, digital signals of 4G/LTE, the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 720,000 to 1,230,000 µW/m², per the GigaHertz Solutions’ product manual and product video.

    Credit: All RF/MW radiation and EMF precision instruments and metering services provided by Eric Windheim, Certified BBEC, EMRS, and owner of Windheim EMF Solutions. The Gigahertz Solutions HF-59B documentation specifies how to properly meter and report the high crest factor signals with needle-like, microsecond bursts of power used in the 4G/LTE signals (with OFDM/ OFDMA modulation) that are emitted by these “Small Cell” antennas in downtown Palo Alto.

    DOSE or total exposure over time, is the relevant concept to any physician evaluating exposure to a toxic agent or to any toxicology study, including the $25-million, 16-year 2016 National Toxicology Program Study on Carcinognenesis of RF/MW radiation. Dr. Ronald L. Melnick, the lead designer of the NTP study stated on 6/1/16:

    Risk is determined from both the dosimetry, which is the absorbed power [multiplied by] time [of exposure], versus the tumor response . . . because of the large number of [exposed human] users worldwide, even a small increase in risk at exposure propensities that may be close to what humans experience, could result in a large number of people developing a RF-radiation-induced tumor with long-term exposure.

    When they wrote the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the Wireless industry lobbyists conveniently left out of the FCC RF/MW radiation exposure guidelines any concept of total exposure over time. These lobbyists and FCC regulators wrote into law fraudulent, scientifically-unsound, RF/MW exposure guidelines based on a rate of exposure, not based on the total exposure over time: this obvious trick is considered utter nonsense by competent physicians or PhD biologists, working in the field.

    The Wireless industry lobbyists based their RF/MW radiation exposure guideline on a false and scientifically-unsound assumption that living organisms can dissipate the biological effects of RF/MW radiation exposures. Substantial scientific evidence (over 25,000 studies since the 1920’s) have proven immediate and direct short-term biological damages from RF/MW radiation exposures at levels far below what we measured on Palo Alto sidewalks on 4/21/17. There are also long-term biological damages caused by these levels of RF/MW radiation.
    DOSE is explained by these excellent Dr. Karl Maret videos: and . DOSE is also shown and explained here.

    Here are the relevant biologically-based RF Microwave Exposure guidelines:

    No Hazard Slight Hazard Severe Hazard Extreme Hazard
    less than 0.1 µW/m² 0.1 µW/m² to 10 µW/m² 10 µW/m² to 1000 µW/m² greater than 1000 µW/m²
    Measuring peak, not average, levels of RF/MW radiation is critical to fully understand the hazards created by the RF/MW radiation levels that are now present on the downtown Palo Alto sidewalks. RF/MW radiation of 720,000 µW/m² to 1,230,000 µW/m² is EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS.

    Note: µW/m² means microwatt (or 1/1,00,000th of a Watt) per square meter:
    • Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 10 µW/m² is a severe hazard.
    • Peak RF/MW radiation levels higher than 1,000 µW/m² is an extreme hazard.
    Downtown Palo Alto: a Tony Mix of Retail and Residential Units Near Stanford University [​IMG]
    Iconic Apple Store in Downtown Palo Alto, CA (340 University Ave.) [​IMG]
    One green faux-mailbox per Verizon Small Cell antenna, installed and operated by Crown Castle, contains electrical supply equipment that powers the pole-mounted antennas. [​IMG]
    A cell phone tower 15 feet from 2nd-story bedroom windows is not desirable.
    Site P09m2: Bryant/Hamilton Streets, across from City Hall [​IMG]
    Photo taken from City Hall, across Bryant St.; the faux-mailbox power supply blocks the sidewalk, while the antenna array pollutes the homes and businesses along Bryant St.. [​IMG]
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 38,000 µW/m², while standing across the street, about 75 feet away from the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 380,000 µW/m². This is an extreme health hazard.
    Metering so-called “Small Cell” antenna mounted 20 feet high on light pole; faux-mailbox power supply exposes people to strong magnetic fields. [​IMG]
    17.5 cubic foot faux-mailbox contains equipment that burns electricity 24/37/365 to spray RF/MW radiation into the homes/businesses on Bryant [​IMG]
    The faux-mailbox also exposes people to magnetic fields of 5 milligauss or higher; because the “mailbox” lacks warning signs, anyone could lean up against this cabinet in the public right of way.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 72,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 720,000 µW/m².This is an extreme health hazard. [​IMG]
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered.
    Site P13m: Lytton Avenue/Emerson St. at The Bus Stop [​IMG]
    Many of these Small Cells/power supplies were installed near public benches or bus stops, creating long-term RF/MW radiation exposure of Palo Alto residents, workers or visitors. [​IMG]
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 81,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 810,000 µW/m².This is an extreme health hazard. [​IMG]
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered. [​IMG]
    RF/MW radiation-emitting antennas damages trees nearby.
    Site P04m: Ramona Street/University Avenue [​IMG]
    Power supplies on narrow sidewalks, like this, impede pedestrian traffic in public right of way.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 88,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 880,000 µW/m².This is an extreme health hazard. [​IMG]
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered.
    Site P05m: Florence Street/University Avenue [​IMG]
    There are no warning signs on either the faux-mailbox power supply cabinetor the pole housing the “Small Cell” antenna about the RF/WM radiation or magnetic field hazards.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 96,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 960,000 µW/m².This is an extreme health hazard.
    In Palo Alto, care was taken to match the color of the Small Cell cover to the color of the pole. [​IMG]
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered.
    Site P19m: Hamilton/Emerson Streets at Yoga Source [​IMG]
    This “Small Cell” antenna is 12 feet from a 3rd-story balcony, which is a severe health hazard.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 100,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 1,000,000 µW/m². This is an extreme health hazard.
    This is the only “Small Cell” pole in downtown Palo Alto with its power supply mounted on the pole, instead of placed on the sidewalk.
    Site P15m: Lytton Ave./Bryant Street, Across from Cogswell Plaza [​IMG]
    This “Small Cell” antenna is 12 feet from a 2nd-story balcony, which is a severe health hazard.
    The “Small Cell” antenna is directed at Cogswell Plaza, across the street, a public park with tables/benches and a grassy area for kids to play.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 18,190 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk across the street about 100 feet from the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 181,900 µW/m². This is an extreme health hazard.
    The faux-mailbox power supply, once again, crowds the public right of way. [​IMG]
    These faux-mailbox power supplies are easy targets for graffiti. [​IMG]
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 114,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 1,140,000 µW/m².This is an extreme health hazard. [​IMG]
    This small cell antenna is entirely too close to this 2nd story balcony
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered. [​IMG]
    “Small Cell” antenna directed at 2nd-story and 3rd-Story windows of office building across the street.
    Site P01m: High Street/University Avenue
    “Small Cell” antenna directed at 2nd story windows nearby. [​IMG]
    Metering on sidewalk, beneath the antenna, near the faux-mailbox power supply.
    The screen of the HF-59B meter shows a peak RF/MW radiation reading of 123,000 µW/m², while standing on the sidewalk beneath the “Small Cell”. Applying the correction factor for high-speed pulsed digital signals (explained here), the peak levels of 4G/LTE RF/MW radiation are actually over 1,230,000 µW/m². This is an extreme health hazard. [​IMG]
    View of the powerful “Small Cell” antenna from where we metered. This antenna is much too close to these 2nd story windows.

    Coming soon to a city you live in...

    San Jose picks three companies to make street lights 'smart,' set groundwork for 5G
    By J. Jennings Moss – Editor-in-Chief and General Manager, Silicon Valley Business Journal
    Jun 15, 2018, 3:05pm PDT Updated Jun 15, 2018, 3:09pm PDT

    "Mobilitie: "Mobilitie will deploy small cells throughout San Jose to bring enhanced connectivity today to all residents, visitors and businesses, including those in traditionally under-served areas, as well as establish a foundation for 5G and next-generation wireless services in the future."

    Making new RF sensitive clothing and accessories that will "light up" in the presence of RF - driven and powered by the RF - would be great new products to ship with the roll-out of 5G small cell hardware. Quite the light show on your evening walk strolling through the neighborhood. :D
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  21. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    5G wireless towers raise health, property value concerns
    CBS This Morning
    Published on Jun 14, 2018
    The wireless industry is in a race to roll out 5G service. It's supposed to be up to 100 times faster than current data speeds. But it requires cellphone tower equipment to be closer to users than before. Tony Dokoupil reports.

    Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley
    TEDx Talks
    Published on Feb 18, 2016
    A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.
    [AV and event video provided by].
    Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution. Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  22. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    If Firefighters Are Concerned About Exposure to Cell Towers and Antennas, Maybe Everybody Should Be. 5G Complaints by San Francisco Firefighters Are Unsettling.
    JUNE 29, 2018
    By B.N. Frank

    A May 2018 CBS news story from Sacramento, CA about the installation of 5G small cell towers references complaints reported by San Francisco firefighters:

    Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.

    "If firefighters are willing to run and leap and climb and jump into burning buildings and forests but aren’t willing to be subjected to prolonged periods of radiation exposure from cell towers and antennas, maybe the rest of us shouldn’t be willing to be either.

    The International Association of Firefighters made its stance known 14 years ago:

    "The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members."

    U.S. firefighter groups have long opposed cell towers and antennas on their stations. In California, they fought to prevent them from being installed due to health concerns.

    President, Los Angeles County Firefighter’s Union, Local 1014, Opposes Cell Towers
    Published on Mar 31, 2016
    25 Year Veteran Firefighter compares cell towers to cigarettes and calls for a halt to the cell antennas being built on fire stations. Cell towers should not be on schools either! Learn about this issue at

    All sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation are not magic. They never have been. Decades of research from government, independent, industry, and military scientists have already proven harm.

    In 2011, The World Health Organization classified all sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation as a possible carcinogen in the same category as chloroform, engine exhaust, and led. Many experts believe it should be reclassified as a Carcinogen.

    This isn’t just about cancer. Exposure can lead to symptoms and illnesses referred to as “Microwave Sickness” or “Electrosensitivity.” This is actually more common than we have been led to believe.

    Research has confirmed that exposure can:
    1. Worsen pre-existing conditions even when it didn’t cause them
    2. Disrupt the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leak
    3. Cause a cumulative toxic effect when combined with other toxins
    4. Harm pets, nature, and wildlife
    It’s not just The Telecom Industry aka “Big Wireless” that doesn’t seem to care about any of this. Many of our elected officials as well as current and former government employees don’t seem to care either.

    20+ year old legislation as well as outdated safety standards and testing– not science – has made it possible to avoid using “ The Precautionary Principle” in regard to all digital and wireless devices, products, and infrastructure.

    Concerns about cell towers – 5G and otherwise – and other sources of WiFi radiation has been reported quite a bit already – especially over the last few months.

    In 2017, 180 scientists requested a moratorium on 5G small cell towers because of biological and environmental health risks. Environmental organizations like Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) are also asking for assistance in opposing it.

    5G was recently installed in New York City and Dr. Naomi Wolf and many of her fans have been posting about this on social media. It doesn’t sound like a good time is being had by all.

    Those who want 5G can still have it without cell towers being installed all over their communities. Samsung will very soon be selling indoor 5G routers to anyone who doesn’t mind profuse sweating and other unpleasant side effects from exposure.

    Concerns about other sources of WiFi exposure have been reported for kids and everyone else and by a variety of media outlets and experts. In fact, cell phone manufacturers are warning their shareholders that they may eventually be held liable for the harm they have caused.

    If firefighters don’t want cell towers near their stations, why should anyone else want more of them near our homes and everywhere else?

    For more information, visit the following links:
    Vasudev and Dr. AMK like this.
  23. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Questions Raised About 5G Health Risks Months Before Sacramento Launches Service
    May 29, 2018 at 5:24 pm

    "SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Sacramento will be the first city in the country to get 5G cell service later this summer, but health concerns are now being raised about the equipment.

    5G uses high frequency waves and is supposed to be 100 times faster than the current cell phone service. However, the 5G waves don’t travel as far as current wireless frequencies so instead of large cell phone tower equipment spread far apart, the 5G requires small cell sites closer together.

    The FCC does set exposure limits for cell site antennas that transmit signals to phones.

    Research has been done on the effects of cell radiation but it has been inconsistent. According to the National Cancer Institute, “A limited number of studies have shown some evidence of statistical association of cell phone use and brain tumor risks, but most studies have found no association.”

    Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.

    The wireless industry told CBS13 that decades of research shows no known health risk from this type of energy. In fact, a spokesperson says the occurrence of brain tumors in the United States has actually gone down since cell phones were introduced.

    “The safety of cellphone consumers is important to CTIA and the wireless industry. We follow the guidance of the experts when it comes to antennas and health effects. Following numerous scientific studies conducted over several decades, the FCC, the FDA, the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society and numerous other international and U.S. organizations and health experts continue to say that the scientific evidence shows no known health risk to humans due to the RF energy emitted by antennas and cellphones. The evidence includes analysis of official federal brain tumor statistics showing that since the introduction of cellphones in the mid-1980s, the rate of brain tumors in the United States has decreased.” - see the next post...

    The City of Sacramento partnered with Verizon to offer 5G. A spokesperson told CBS13 the City of Sacramento currently has six active 5G sites- all are on SMUD utility poles:
    • 1731 E Street
    • 1619 E Street
    • 421 14TH Street
    • 2330 Q Street
    • 2019 21ST Street
    • 801 16TH Street
    Sacramento issued a statement to CBS13- reading in part:

    “Sacramento continues its emergence as a leader and innovator and will be the first scaled commercial practical implementation of 5G in the nation. It is this type of innovation that will enable residents to experience gigabit speeds that were previously only available via costly fiber. Technologies like 5G promise to revolutionize the daily lives of people. The City plays an important role and is actively working to streamline the development processes and effectively and efficiently pave the way for innovators like Verizon to implement technologies that will drive economic vitality, decrease the digital divide, serve our diverse communities, and forward the mission of the City for all.

    The City currently has six 5G sites active. The City does not/cannot regulate wireless devices.”

    AT&T also plans to introduce 5G and says it is comfortable with the technology.

    Some cities, including Santa Rosa, have put their 5G plans on hold while health concerns are addressed."
    Vasudev and Dr. AMK like this.
  24. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    "The wireless industry told CBS13 that decades of research shows no known health risk from this type of energy. In fact, a spokesperson says the occurrence of brain tumors in the United States has actually gone down since cell phones were introduced.":

    "The evidence includes analysis of official federal brain tumor statistics showing that since the introduction of cellphones in the mid-1980s, the rate of brain tumors in the United States has decreased.

    Brain tumors on the rise in England, raising cell phone concerns
    By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
    Updated 7:04 PM ET, Wed May 2, 2018

    "(CNN) The incidence rate of aggressive malignant brain tumors in England has more than doubled in recent decades, and a new study questions what could be driving that rise.

    The rate of glioblastoma climbed from 2.4 to 5.0 per 100,000 people in England between 1995 and 2015, according to the study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health.

    The data analyzed in the study only reflect trends in brain cancer cases and do not shed light on why these trends could have occurred, but the researchers pointed to examples of lifestyle factors that they think could have played a role.

    Among those factors, they briefly referenced previous studies on cell phone use possibly being associated with brain tumors and changes in the brain...."

    Do Cellphones Cause Brain Cancer or Not?
    Senator John McCain’s glioblastoma diagnosis revives a longstanding debate over the safety of wireless technology

    ""Sen. McCain, along with Ted Kennedy, was often on his cell phone. Cell phones are being increasingly criticized as causes of brain cancer. In addition to everything else, anyone with brain cancer must stop irradiating their brain. Using the speaker function or good radiation blocking ear plugs are necessary for everyone." - Source

    NPR News: U.S. Study Links Cell Phones and Cancer August 2016
    Environmental Health Trust
    Published on Aug 22, 2016
    NPR News: Take Care interviews journalist Dina Maron, Health and Medicine Editor for Scientific American. Learn more
    See original story

    NPR: The Connection Between Cellphones And Cancer
    Apr 5, 2018
    Big Tobacco lied about cigarettes. Is Big Wireless lying about cell phones? We'll look at the cancer-cell phone connection.


    Mark Hertsgaard, investigative editor for The Nation and co-author of the magazine’s April 28 cover story, How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation. Author of seven books, the latest of which is “ Bravehearts: Whistle-Blowing In The Age Of Snowden.” ( @markhertsgaard)

    Jerry Phillips, biochemist and director of the Excel Science Center at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.

    Reading List:

    The Nation: How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation.

    Scientific American: New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer — “New studies show a correlation in lab rats, but the evidence may not resolve ongoing debates over causality or whether any effects arise in people.”

    Cell phone radiation is perfectly safe, right? That’s what the wireless industry says. But an investigation by The Nation magazine raises questions. Big Wireless, it reports, stole the playbook from Big Tobacco and Big Oil—with its own scientists privately warning about the risks, years ago.

    This hour, On Point: Big Wireless and the cell phone cancer risk. And later in the hour, dangerous trend of teens and vaping.

    —Jane Clayson

    Statement from CTIA, the wireless industry association:

    “We were pleased to see this acknowledgement in the Nation’s article: ‘This article does not argue that cell phones and other wireless technologies are necessarily dangerous; that is a matter for scientists to decide.’ We agree. That’s why the wireless industry follows the guidance and regulations issued by the FDA, the FCC, and other experts when it comes to cellphones and health effects. Following numerous scientific studies conducted over several decades, the FCC, the FDA, the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society and numerous other international and U.S. organizations and health experts continue to say that the scientific evidence shows no known health risk to humans due to the RF energy emitted by cellphones. The evidence includes analysis of official federal brain tumor statistics showing that since the introduction of cellphones in the mid-1980s, the rate of brain tumors in the United States has decreased.

    No cell phone or antenna may be lawfully sold or deployed in the U.S. without being certified as compliant with the FCC’s emission limits. On February 2, 2018, the FDA’s director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health issued a statement concluding that based on the “hundreds of studies from which to draw a wealth of information” the research “taken together” gives the FDA “confidence that the current safety limits for cell phone radiation remain acceptable for protecting the public health.”

    Many assertions in the Nation’s article are not factually accurate and mischaracterize the science. For example, the article suggests the cell phone industry disregarded the work conducted under Dr. Carlo’s research program in the 1990s. The federal government investigated those claims and provided an objective analysis of that work, which the Nation article ignores. Specifically, the U.S. General Accounting Office (now known as the General Accountability Office or GAO, an independent, nonpartisan government agency that works for Congress), noted that after Dr. Carlo’s program ended, CTIA and the FDA entered into a “cooperative research and development agreement” (CRADA) in which the FDA followed-up on the studies “that had raised questions, as well as assess what further research might be needed.”

    After undertaking this research effort, the FDA concluded: ‘All studies funded through the CRADA have been completed, and no association was found between exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cell phones and adverse health effects.'”

    Copyright 2018 NPR. To see more, visit
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  25. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation
    The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.
    By Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie
    MARCH 29, 2018

    "...The scientific evidence that cell phones and wireless technologies in general can cause cancer and genetic damage is not definitive, but it is abundant and has been increasing over time.

    Contrary to the impression that most news coverage has given the public, 90 percent of the 200 existing studies included in the National Institutes of Health’s PubMed database on the oxidative effects of wireless radiation—its tendency to cause cells to shed electrons, which can lead to cancer and other diseases—have found a significant impact, according to a survey of the scientific literature conducted by Henry Lai.

    Seventy-two percent of neurological studies and 64 percent of DNA studies have also found effects.

    The wireless industry’s determination to bring about the Internet of Things, despite the massive increase in radiation exposure this would unleash, raises the stakes exponentially. Because 5G radiation can only travel short distances, antennas roughly the size of a pizza box will have to be installed approximately every 250 feet to ensure connectivity. “Industry is going to need hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of new antenna sites in the United States alone,” said Moskowitz, the UC Berkeley researcher. “So people will be bathed in a smog of radiation 24/7.”

    There is an alternative approach, rooted in what some scientists and ethicists call the “precautionary principle,” which holds that society doesn’t need absolute proof of hazard to place limits on a given technology. If the evidence is sufficiently solid and the risks sufficiently great, the precautionary principle calls for delaying the deployment of that technology until further research clarifies its impacts.

    The scientists’ petition discussed earlier urges government regulators to apply the precautionary principle to 5G technology. Current safety guidelines “protect industry—not health,” contends the petition, which “recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of [5G]…until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.”

    No scientist can say with certainty how many wireless-technology users are likely to contract cancer, but that is precisely the point: We simply don’t know.

    Nevertheless, we are proceeding as if we do know the risk, and that the risk is vanishingly small. Meanwhile, more and more people around the world, including countless children and adolescents, are getting addicted to cell phones every day, and the shift to radiation-heavy 5G technology is regarded as a fait accompli.

    Which is just how Big Wireless likes it."

    NPR Interview with Author... Mark Hertsgaard
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
    Dr. AMK and Vasudev like this.
  26. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    5G Deployment Panel at Mobile World Congress Shanghai

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  27. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    How 5G Works with Your Next Phone
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  28. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Verizon launching 5G in Houston, bringing city to forefront of 'unprecedented innovation' via @techrepublic
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  29. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Hands-On With The First "5G" Smartphone [!]
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  30. kojack

    kojack Notebook Prophet

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    I am dipping my toe into the 5g waters with my latest acquisition. I am picking up a new LG stylo 4 plus next week or so. I am going to run MS launcher on it. Should be a great alternative to the way to expensive G note series. I am not at all interested in the samesong devices.
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  31. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I can't find any 5G Cellular radio info or reference that suggests the LG Stylo 4 Plus will run on anything higher in performance than LTE Plus... can you please post some link(s)? Thank you!
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  32. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    The Truth About 5G: What's Coming (and What's Not) in 2018
    by CAITLIN MCGARRY Aug 2, 2018, 1:28 PM,review-5063.html
    • "5G standard was completed in June (2018).
      Qualcomm just made its mmWave antenna modules available to its smartphone partners, which means 5G-capable smartphones that use Qualcomm's antennas will be able to use millimeter-wave frequencies. That means much faster speeds.
    • Motorola is gunning to be the first handset maker with a 5G-ready phone, announcing the Moto Z3 Play alongside a 5G Moto Mod. The $480 phone, which is exclusive to Verizon, will be out Aug. 16 but the Moto Mod won't launch until 2019, when Verizon's 5G network is actually functional.
    • The first 5G-capable phones will start to appear early next year. The first 5G devices will be mobile hotspots, which will roll out toward the end of 2018."
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
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  33. kojack

    kojack Notebook Prophet

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    I have read some reviews stating it was 5g ready. Give me some time to find them. I will post them up when I find them again!.
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  34. kojack

    kojack Notebook Prophet

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    So, I was planning on ordering a stylo 4 off ebay, but I can purchase a new Q stylo + with better specs directly from telus. I am going that route, has more ram, and better screen, and I will have full warranty if anything goes wrong. I will double check today if it is indeed 5g ready when I visit telus today!
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  35. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Moto Z3 Unveiled with Breakthrough 5G Mod
    by ADAM ISMAIL Aug 2, 2018, 1:52 PM,news-27727.html
    5G Moto Mod
    Motorola revealed its long-rumored 5G Moto Mod in tandem with the Moto Z3. Like other Moto Mods, this one connects to the back of Moto Z-series devices.

    The difference, of course, is that this accessory enables 5G connectivity — a bold step toward the realization of 5G as a standard that will eventually be supported by mobile devices in the future.
    The challenge, of course, is that carriers are still building out their 5G networks.

    Verizon, Motorola's partner with the Moto Z3 and this Mod, is launching 5G service in four markets later this year, but that's residential broadband and not mobile.

    The carrier isn't rolling out a 5G mobile solution until 2019. It's not coincidental that the 5G Moto Mod won't be available until then at an undisclosed price.

    Moto’s 5G Mod Is a Big Risk, and We’re the Guinea Pigs
    by ADAM ISMAIL Aug 3, 2018, 2:15 PM,review-5636.html

    "It may seem like 5G is perpetually just around the corner, but rest assured: the next-generation networking standard is coming soon, and it’s bringing super-fast speeds with it. And Motorola and Verizon just took a big step toward putting a 5G-ready phone in our hands.
    A dummy model of Motorola's 5G Moto Mod, on the back of the new Moto Z3.

    The two companies yesterday (Aug. 2) announced a 5G Moto Mod — a modular component that will snap into the back of Motorola’s upcoming Moto Z3 smartphone. Attaching that 5G Moto Mod will let the Z3 connect to that soon-to-roll-out 5G network, enabling the phone to pull down data at faster speeds.

    In many ways, it’s a clever idea; we’re not even in 5G’s early days yet, and the components that would enable 5G connectivity are only now heading to phone makers. Add to that the fact that consumer 5G networks won’t be in place for mobile until 2019, and the modular approach seems like a good way to introduce 5G in a tangible way, while serving as a necessary proving ground for Verizon’s infrastructure as it comes online.

    Still, you could argue Motorola and Verizon’s joint announcement raised more questions than it answered. We’re told the Mod won’t arrive until the first quarter of 2019 — at best, five months after the only device that will support it comes out.

    Meanwhile, Verizon's 5G network still needs to materialize.

    The carrier is testing out home broadband service in several cities this year, before turning its attention to mobile in 2019, and the company will have serious kinks to work out — both logistical and technical — as it prepares for the new era.
    Lots more details on the site....

    More phone handset details:

    Moto Z3 Hands-on: A Bargain Flagship with a 5G Future
    by ADAM ISMAIL Aug 2, 2018, 4:40 PM,review-5632.html
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
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  36. Starlight5

    Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?

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    Moto Z mods is a great concept, too bad the keyboard didn't really work out due to parts unavailability. )'= Having a pretty fat mod for 5G connectivity? I see it more as a gimmick, would definitely buy a new 5G thin smartphone over this sandwich.
    Dr. AMK, Vasudev and hmscott like this.
  37. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    People need something to use as soon as those "death-ray" 5G radiator's get put up and powered on, so this way Motorola can be the first in the field collecting data, and being referenced and used in publications of results.

    It's more of a functional release than a "pretty as a peach" cosmetic release for the picky masses.

    The nice stuff will eventually come out, but as with most new cellular technologies rolled out over the years, obsolescence can occur quickly with these 5G radio's and protocol engines, so Motorola wins again, simply swap out the 5G back for a new 5G Gen2 back, and you are back in business. :)

    It could be a couple of years before a "final" long term hold buy for 5G Gen X is available for sale to consumers.

    If you buy the Motorola cell phones with interchangeable 5G backs, it may not be "pretty", but as long as Motorola keeps making updated 5G backs available, you can stay on the cutting edge throughout all the years of the 5G rollout.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
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  38. Starlight5

    Starlight5 Yes, I'm a cat. What else is there to say, really?

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  39. Vasudev

    Vasudev Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I'll move to 4G now, still using 3G with little or no connectivity in my area. Even 4G is very slow whilst comparing US/UK, we get max of 40Mbps in early morning or late night. Averages around 3-20Mbps on my mom's iphone 7 and sister's redmi 4x. Dad's s7 can barely hold 4G w/o outrageous battery drain.
  40. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    How 5G Works with Your Next Phone
    Published on Jul 23, 2018
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  41. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    Samsung's Exynos modem will make 5G phones real | Engadget Today
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  42. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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  43. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Bay Area city blocks 5G deployments over cancer concerns
    Danny Crichton @dannycrichton / Yesterday

    "The Bay Area may be the center of the global technology industry, but that hasn’t stopped one wealthy enclave from protecting itself from the future.

    The city council of Mill Valley, a small town located just a few miles north of San Francisco, voted unanimously late last week to effectively block deployments of small-cell 5G wireless towers in the city’s residential areas.

    Through an urgency ordinance, which allows the city council to immediately enact regulations that affect the health and safety of the community, the restrictions and prohibitions will be put into force immediately for all future applications to site 5G telecommunications equipment in the city. Applications for commercial districts are permitted under the passed ordinance.

    The ordinance was driven by community concerns over the health effects of 5G wireless antennas. According to the city, it received 145 pieces of correspondence from citizens voicing opposition to the technology, compared to just five letters in support of it — a ratio of 29 to 1. While that may not sound like much, the city’s population is roughly 14,000, indicating that about 1% of the population had voiced an opinion on the matter.

    Blocks on 5G deployments are nothing new for Marin County, where other cities including San Anselmo and Ross have passed similar ordinances designed to thwart 5G expansion efforts over health concerns.

    These restrictions on small cell site deployments could complicate 5G’s upcoming nationwide rollout. While 5G standards have yet to be standardized, one model that has broad traction in the telecommunications industry is to use so-called “small cell” antennas to increase bandwidth and connection quality while reducing infrastructure and power costs.

    Smaller antennas are easier to install and will be loss obtrusive, reducing the concerns of urban preservationists to unsightly tower masts that have long plagued the deployment of 4G antennas in communities across the United States.

    Perhaps most importantly, these small cells emit less radiation, since they are not designed to provide as wide of coverage as traditional cell sites. The telecom industry has long vociferously denied a link between antennas and health outcomes, although California’s Department of Public Health has issued warnings about potential health effects of personal cell phone antennas. Reduced radiation emissions from 5G antennas compared to 4G antennas would presumably further reduce any health effects of this technology.

    Restrictions like Mill Valley’s will make it nearly impossible to deploy 5G in a timely manner. As one industry representative told me in an interview a few months ago, “It takes 18 months to get the permit to deploy, and 2 hours to install.” Multiplied by the hundreds of sites required to cover a reasonably-sized urban neighborhood, and the 5G rollout goes beyond daunting to well-near impossible.

    While health concerns have bubbled in various municipalities, those concerns are not shared globally. China, through companies like Huawei, is investing billions of dollars to design and build 5G infrastructure, in hopes of stealing the industry crown from the United States, which is the market leader in 4G technologies.

    Those competitive concerns have increasingly been a priority at the FCC, where chairman Ajit Pai and his fellow Republican commissioners have pushed hard to overcome local concerns around health and historical preservation. The commission voted earlier this year on new siting rules that would accelerate 5G adoption.

    Mill Valley’s ordinance is designed to frustrate those efforts, while remaining within the letter of federal law, which preempts local ordinances. Mill Valley’s mayor has said that the city will look to create a final ordinance over the next year."

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2018
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  44. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
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  45. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    The Problem with a 5G Phone
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  46. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    AT&T’s 5G network goes live in 12 cities — but you can’t use it yet
    5G device sales don’t start until next year
    By Jacob Kastrenakes @jake_k Dec 18, 2018, 9:52am EST

    "AT&T says its 5G network went live in parts of 12 cities this morning, making it the first wireless carrier to launch a mobile network based on the 5G standard.

    A small number of customers will be able to use the network starting on Friday when AT&T will begin distributing its first 5G device: a mobile hot spot that can connect to the network’s much faster airwaves.

    But it’ll be a slow launch; you won’t be able to go out to a store and buy AT&T’s 5G hot spot for several more months. For now, AT&T is reaching out to businesses in the area and inviting them to try out the new tech, seemingly as a way to ease in the network and make sure it’s working well before bringing more and more people onto the service.

    AT&T won’t charge customers for the hot spot or their 5G service during this launch period. Sometime in the spring, AT&T will begin selling the hot spot for $499. AT&T is also announcing the price of its first 5G plan: $70 per month for 15GB.

    The announcement suggests that future 5G devices will also require “5G compatible” data plans in order to connect to the faster network. That initial plan is more expensive than the LTE plan offered with a similar 4G hot spot ($50 for 10GB), but it also offers more data.

    And despite the hot spot launching this week, AT&T still isn’t offering real-world speed estimates. A spokesperson said the hot spot has peak theoretical speeds of 1.2 Gbps, but that “actual speeds will be lower.”

    That’s not a huge surprise. AT&T was one of the carriers demoing “real world” 5G at a conference earlier this month, where the demoed speeds topped out at around 140 Mbps. That’s still around 3x faster than a typical LTE connection, but it’s nowhere near the gigabit speeds that we’ve been promised from 5G.

    AT&T’s 5G network launched in Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Louisville, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Raleigh, San Antonio, and Waco.

    In the next six months, AT&T also plans to expand to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Nashville, Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose. In all cases, the network will only be present in “parts of” these cities.

    The United States’ other major wireless carriers are also planning to launch their 5G networks in the months ahead as well. T-Mobile promised to have 5G up and running in 30 cities this year, with actual usage starting in 2019.

    Verizon is planning a 5G hot spot for “early” next year (and already launched a kind of-sort of 5G home internet service), and Sprint says it’ll have a 5G smartphone in the first half of the year.

    AT&T said in January that it would have a 5G network live before the end of 2018. With today’s announcement, it seems to have met that goal, even if this is a very, very soft launch."
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  47. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    New 5G technology will soon be available to every American household.
    This will mark one of the biggest technological shifts
    of a generation.

    ... and early investors could see skyrocketing returns
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  48. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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  49. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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    5G in 2019: The benefits, rollout and challenges at CES 2019
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  50. Dr. AMK

    Dr. AMK Living with Hope

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