[01/28 22:40:28] [INFO] *************************************************** [01/28 22:40:28] [INFO] Beginning archive of http://forum.notebookreview.com/forums/security-and-anti-virus-software.1046/ to /share/security-and-anti-virus-software/ [01/28 22:40:28] [INFO] *************************************************** [01/28 22:40:29] [INFO] Initial progress maximum is 2260 based on 113 pages, 20 threads per forum page, and 10 posts per page. [01/28 22:40:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-your-security-setup.835540/ is 43500 ms [01/28 22:40:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is your security setup !!!!! [01/28 22:40:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 22:40:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 22:40:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 22:40:41] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 22:40:47] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 22:40:48] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 22:40:51] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 22:40:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 22:40:51] [INFO] Progress: 1/2260 [01/28 22:40:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-your-security-setup.835540/ finished! [01/28 22:40:51] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/all-about-security-news-events-and-incidents.816109/ is 249000 ms [01/28 22:40:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading All about Security, News, Events and Incidents !!!!! [01/28 22:40:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 48 [01/28 22:40:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 48 [01/28 22:41:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 48 [01/28 22:41:03] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 48 [01/28 22:41:23] [WARNING] Read timeout for image https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2018/07/30/gettyimages-877486498_wide-1e9b6845b519455f997c4ed08da851b93a1814a0-s1600-c85.jpg. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 22:41:25] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 48 [01/28 22:41:27] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s27942.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/fiserv-web-app-flaw.jpg [01/28 22:41:29] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 48 [01/28 22:41:31] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 48 [01/28 22:41:35] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 48 [01/28 22:41:51] [WARNING] Read timeout for image https://www.computing.co.uk/w-images/c09f86ab-29ef-44b8-83c7-bfa0bb82c323/0/indiainternet-580x358.jpg. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 22:41:51] [INFO] Progress has been made 0 ago. Waiting another minute... [01/28 22:41:54] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 48 [01/28 22:41:55] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 48 [01/28 22:41:59] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 48 [01/28 22:42:01] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 48 [01/28 22:42:02] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 48 [01/28 22:42:05] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 48 [01/28 22:42:14] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 48 [01/28 22:42:17] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 48 [01/28 22:42:17] [WARNING] File not found for image https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5c73b42d1631a35232316654-750-563.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//All about Security, News, Events and Incidents/images/storyImages/5c73b42d1631a35232316654-750-563.jpg [01/28 22:42:20] [INFO] We are on page 17 of 48 [01/28 22:42:22] [INFO] We are on page 18 of 48 [01/28 22:42:25] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.popsci.com/sites/popsci.com/files/styles/655_1x_/public/images/2019/04/6whhemgf3amunac7nmnhcm-650-80.jpg?itok=YGnKDEgQ&fc=50,50; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//All about Security, News, Events and Incidents/images/storyImages/image42 [01/28 22:42:27] [INFO] We are on page 19 of 48 [01/28 22:42:27] [WARNING] Host down for image https://zdnet3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2019/04/11/429531a3-7873-4477-b2f1-e63a53f78951/f8d9c9c8697093dbdabba62040e9cd1a/security-configuration-framework.png [01/28 22:42:31] [INFO] We are on page 20 of 48 [01/28 22:42:36] [INFO] We are on page 21 of 48 [01/28 22:42:39] [INFO] We are on page 22 of 48 [01/28 22:42:42] [INFO] We are on page 23 of 48 [01/28 22:42:44] [INFO] We are on page 24 of 48 [01/28 22:42:46] [INFO] We are on page 25 of 48 [01/28 22:42:48] [INFO] We are on page 26 of 48 [01/28 22:42:51] [INFO] We are on page 27 of 48 [01/28 22:42:51] [INFO] Progress has been made 0 ago. 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[01/28 22:42:52] [INFO] We are on page 28 of 48 [01/28 22:42:56] [INFO] We are on page 29 of 48 [01/28 22:43:02] [INFO] We are on page 30 of 48 [01/28 22:43:03] [INFO] We are on page 31 of 48 [01/28 22:43:04] [WARNING] Host down for image https://zdnet3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2020/03/10/4dd75dfe-9e02-4dc3-b4d2-65045e1e6d5f/thumbnail/170x128/75b01f0cd1f6c244eda81525ef0169c7/lvi-logo.jpg [01/28 22:43:06] [INFO] We are on page 32 of 48 [01/28 22:43:09] [INFO] We are on page 33 of 48 [01/28 22:43:13] [INFO] We are on page 34 of 48 [01/28 22:43:15] [INFO] We are on page 35 of 48 [01/28 22:43:18] [WARNING] Could not download image 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because Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 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because Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 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[01/28 22:43:22] [WARNING] Could not download image 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because Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 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[01/28 22:43:22] [WARNING] Could not download image 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[01/28 22:43:22] [WARNING] Could not download image 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because Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 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[01/28 22:44:11] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-internet-security-discussion.793190/ is 113500 ms [01/28 22:44:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET NOD32 Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 22:44:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 21 [01/28 22:44:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 21 [01/28 22:44:15] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s17.postimg.org/trsdkmelb/2016_10_25_210736.png [01/28 22:44:16] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 21 [01/28 22:44:17] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj606/mingo_rivers/emoji/eekout.gif [01/28 22:44:17] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s26.postimg.org/4b492lgjt/ESET_v11.png [01/28 22:44:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 21 [01/28 22:44:19] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s26.postimg.org/seadcwwi1/ESET11.png [01/28 22:44:19] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s26.postimg.org/ldmdk4uq1/ESET11.png [01/28 22:44:19] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/2f4hl5ilcf/2017-10-24_173031.png [01/28 22:44:21] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 21 [01/28 22:44:23] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 21 [01/28 22:44:30] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 21 [01/28 22:44:30] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/57ldtue6mn/AV_Comparatives_October_2017_Performance_Test.png [01/28 22:44:32] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 21 [01/28 22:44:33] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 21 [01/28 22:44:34] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s13.postimg.org/ypxf00b6v/2018-03-19_233131.png [01/28 22:44:36] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 21 [01/28 22:44:40] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 21 [01/28 22:44:42] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 21 [01/28 22:44:49] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 21 [01/28 22:44:56] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 21 [01/28 22:45:01] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 21 [01/28 22:45:08] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 21 [01/28 22:45:11] [INFO] Progress has been made 2 ago. 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[01/28 22:45:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:45:42] [WARNING] Host down for image https://zdnet4.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2019/11/18/27006dbb-e957-485a-b414-c9beba2fa3ed/09218faca1c6624d9bdafa1491d533e6/opswat-2019.png [01/28 22:45:44] [WARNING] Host down for image https://zdnet4.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2019/12/03/050cf3fb-7e65-4931-9043-cea88e1c5696/thumbnail/170x128/0de24bf4fad80449d5776a24124634d0/mozilla-add-ons.jpg [01/28 22:45:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:45:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:45:47] [INFO] Progress: 5/2260 [01/28 22:45:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-eset-mcafee-rank-first-in-windows-anti-malware-market-share.831065/ finished! [01/28 22:45:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance Test October 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:45:49] [INFO] Progress: 6/2260 [01/28 22:45:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2021.837100/ finished! [01/28 22:45:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Windows 10- April 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:45:53] [INFO] Progress: 7/2260 [01/28 22:45:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-windows-10-april-2021.836124/ finished! [01/28 22:45:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test July-October 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:45:54] [INFO] Progress: 8/2260 [01/28 22:45:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-october-2021.837158/ finished! [01/28 22:45:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Malware Protection Test - Sep 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:45:56] [INFO] Progress: 9/2260 [01/28 22:45:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-sep-2021.836981/ finished! [01/28 22:45:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas 360 Degree Assessment & Certification - Q2 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:45:58] [INFO] Progress: 10/2260 [01/28 22:45:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-360-degree-assessment-certification-q2-2021.836741/ finished! [01/28 22:45:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives releases list of working consumer AV programs for Windows 11 !!!!! [01/28 22:45:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:45:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:00] [INFO] Progress: 11/2260 [01/28 22:46:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-releases-list-of-working-consumer-av-programs-for-windows-11.836866/ finished! [01/28 22:46:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-C Real-World Protection Test Jul-Aug 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:02] [INFO] Progress: 12/2260 [01/28 22:46:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-c-real-world-protection-test-jul-aug-2021.836785/ finished! [01/28 22:46:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SE Labs Home Anti-Malware Protection (2021 Q2) !!!!! [01/28 22:46:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:04] [INFO] Progress: 13/2260 [01/28 22:46:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/se-labs-home-anti-malware-protection-2021-q2.836490/ finished! [01/28 22:46:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SE Labs Enterprise Endpoint Protection (2021 Q2) !!!!! [01/28 22:46:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:05] [INFO] Progress: 14/2260 [01/28 22:46:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/se-labs-enterprise-endpoint-protection-2021-q2.836489/ finished! [01/28 22:46:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security via localhost !!!!! [01/28 22:46:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:46:07] [INFO] Progress: 15/2260 [01/28 22:46:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-via-localhost.836369/ finished! [01/28 22:46:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test Feb-May 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:09] [INFO] Progress: 16/2260 [01/28 22:46:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-feb-may-2021.836237/ finished! [01/28 22:46:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas 360 Degree Assessment & Certification Q1 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:12] [INFO] Progress: 17/2260 [01/28 22:46:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-360-degree-assessment-certification-q1-2021.836214/ finished! [01/28 22:46:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Business Security Test March-April 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:14] [INFO] Progress: 18/2260 [01/28 22:46:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-march-april-2021.836029/ finished! [01/28 22:46:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance Test - April 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:15] [INFO] Progress: 19/2260 [01/28 22:46:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-april-2021.835960/ finished! [01/28 22:46:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Malware Protection Test - March 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:17] [INFO] Progress: 20/2260 [01/28 22:46:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-march-2021.835801/ finished! [01/28 22:46:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Alarm Test - March 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:20] [INFO] Progress: 21/2260 [01/28 22:46:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-test-march-2021.835800/ finished! [01/28 22:46:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test - February 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:21] [INFO] Progress: 22/2260 [01/28 22:46:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-february-2021.835798/ finished! [01/28 22:46:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Awards 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:24] [INFO] Progress: 23/2260 [01/28 22:46:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-awards-2020.835753/ finished! [01/28 22:46:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Windows 10- February 2021 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:25] [INFO] Progress: 24/2260 [01/28 22:46:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-windows-10-february-2021.835685/ finished! [01/28 22:46:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas 360 Degree Assessment & Certification Q4 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:27] [INFO] Progress: 25/2260 [01/28 22:46:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-360-degree-assessment-certification-q4-2020.835611/ finished! [01/28 22:46:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NBR Giveaway- ESET Internet Security 1 Year License !!!!! [01/28 22:46:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:30] [INFO] Progress: 26/2260 [01/28 22:46:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nbr-giveaway-eset-internet-security-1-year-license.835375/ finished! [01/28 22:46:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VIPRE Antivirus Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 22:46:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:46:33] [INFO] Progress: 27/2260 [01/28 22:46:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vipre-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.801136/ finished! [01/28 22:46:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test (October 2020) !!!!! [01/28 22:46:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:46:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:46:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:46:37] [INFO] Progress: 28/2260 [01/28 22:46:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2020.834632/ finished! [01/28 22:46:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Business Security Test August-November 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:39] [INFO] Progress: 29/2260 [01/28 22:46:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/business-security-test-august-november-2020.834875/ finished! [01/28 22:46:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test (July-October) !!!!! [01/28 22:46:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:40] [INFO] Progress: 30/2260 [01/28 22:46:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-october.834631/ finished! [01/28 22:46:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Consumer Malware Protection Test September 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:42] [INFO] Progress: 31/2260 [01/28 22:46:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-consumer-malware-protection-test-september-2020.834540/ finished! [01/28 22:46:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Alarm Test - September 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:44] [INFO] Progress: 32/2260 [01/28 22:46:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-test-september-2020.834449/ finished! [01/28 22:46:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Protection Test September 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:46] [INFO] Progress: 33/2260 [01/28 22:46:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-september-2020.834365/ finished! [01/28 22:46:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Business Security Test August-September 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:48] [INFO] Progress: 34/2260 [01/28 22:46:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-august-september-2020.834364/ finished! [01/28 22:46:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST - August 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:46:49] [INFO] Progress: 35/2260 [01/28 22:46:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-august-2020.834282/ finished! [01/28 22:46:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas 360 Degree Assessment & Certification Q2 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:46:52] [INFO] Progress: 36/2260 [01/28 22:46:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-360-degree-assessment-certification-q2-2020.834173/ finished! [01/28 22:46:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-C Real-World Protection Test July-August 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:46:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:53] [INFO] Progress: 37/2260 [01/28 22:46:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-c-real-world-protection-test-july-august-2020.834128/ finished! [01/28 22:46:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 10's built-in antivirus can now be used to download viruses !!!!! [01/28 22:46:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 22:46:56] [INFO] Progress: 38/2260 [01/28 22:46:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-10s-built-in-antivirus-can-now-be-used-to-download-viruses.834034/ finished! [01/28 22:46:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spywareblaster 6 released !!!!! [01/28 22:46:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:46:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:46:58] [INFO] Progress: 39/2260 [01/28 22:46:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spywareblaster-6-released.833845/ finished! [01/28 22:46:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SettingsModifier-Win32 HostsFileHijack, W Defender !!!!! [01/28 22:47:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 22:47:00] [INFO] Progress: 40/2260 [01/28 22:47:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/settingsmodifier-win32-hostsfilehijack-w-defender.833719/ finished! [01/28 22:47:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SUPERAntiSpyware Partners with Avira !!!!! [01/28 22:47:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:02] [INFO] Progress: 41/2260 [01/28 22:47:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-partners-with-avira.833693/ finished! [01/28 22:47:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it OK to use your browser’s built-in password manager !!!!! [01/28 22:47:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:47:04] [INFO] Progress: 42/2260 [01/28 22:47:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-ok-to-use-your-browser%E2%80%99s-built-in-password-manager.833530/ finished! [01/28 22:47:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Exploring Accidental Triggers of Smart Speakers !!!!! [01/28 22:47:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:06] [INFO] Progress: 43/2260 [01/28 22:47:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/exploring-accidental-triggers-of-smart-speakers.833492/ finished! [01/28 22:47:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Mac Security Test & Review June 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:09] [INFO] Progress: 44/2260 [01/28 22:47:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-mac-security-test-review-june-2020.833453/ finished! [01/28 22:47:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VirusTotal is adding new threat detection capabilities !!!!! [01/28 22:47:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:10] [INFO] Progress: 45/2260 [01/28 22:47:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virustotal-is-adding-new-threat-detection-capabilities.833402/ finished! [01/28 22:47:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real World Protection Test Feb-May 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:12] [INFO] Progress: 46/2260 [01/28 22:47:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-feb-may-2020.833294/ finished! [01/28 22:47:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Stalkerware Test 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:14] [INFO] Progress: 47/2260 [01/28 22:47:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-stalkerware-test-2020.833257/ finished! [01/28 22:47:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives VPN Report 2020 – 35 Services !!!!! [01/28 22:47:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:47:16] [INFO] Progress: 48/2260 [01/28 22:47:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-vpn-report-2020-%E2%80%93-35-services.832984/ finished! [01/28 22:47:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test Apr-2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:47:18] [INFO] Progress: 49/2260 [01/28 22:47:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-apr-2020.832837/ finished! [01/28 22:47:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Business Security Test March - April 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:20] [INFO] Progress: 50/2260 [01/28 22:47:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-march-april-2020.832982/ finished! [01/28 22:47:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Scan Trojan Occamy.c !!!!! [01/28 22:47:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:47:22] [INFO] Progress: 51/2260 [01/28 22:47:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-scan-trojan-occamy-c.832646/ finished! [01/28 22:47:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- False Alarm Test March 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:23] [INFO] Progress: 52/2260 [01/28 22:47:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-test-march-2020.832624/ finished! [01/28 22:47:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Protection Test March 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:25] [INFO] Progress: 53/2260 [01/28 22:47:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-march-2020.832623/ finished! [01/28 22:47:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test Feb-March 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:27] [INFO] Progress: 54/2260 [01/28 22:47:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-feb-march-2020.832575/ finished! [01/28 22:47:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading German security firm Avira has been acquired by Investcorp at a $180M valuation !!!!! [01/28 22:47:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:29] [INFO] Progress: 55/2260 [01/28 22:47:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/german-security-firm-avira-has-been-acquired-by-investcorp-at-a-180m-valuation.832508/ finished! [01/28 22:47:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test Jul-Aug 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:47:32] [INFO] Progress: 56/2260 [01/28 22:47:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-jul-aug-2019.830417/ finished! [01/28 22:47:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST- Windows 10 - February 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:47:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:47:34] [INFO] Progress: 57/2260 [01/28 22:47:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-windows-10-february-2020.832287/ finished! [01/28 22:47:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Awards 2019- Products Recognized for Outstanding IT Protection !!!!! [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] Progress: 58/2260 [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-awards-2019-products-recognized-for-outstanding-it-protection.832286/ finished! [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-rise-and-fall-of-kaspersky.808833/ is 47500 ms [01/28 22:47:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The rise and fall of Kaspersky !!!!! [01/28 22:47:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/28 22:47:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/28 22:47:41] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/28 22:47:43] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/28 22:47:44] [WARNING] File not found for image http://sj.uploads.im/d/LP9E1.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//The rise and fall of Kaspersky/images/storyImages/LP9E1.png [01/28 22:47:46] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/28 22:47:47] [WARNING] File not found for image http://tpucdn.com/npu/img/2017/11-05/39570-db85d379_945_556.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//The rise and fall of Kaspersky/images/storyImages/39570-db85d379_945_556.jpg [01/28 22:47:50] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/28 22:47:51] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/28 22:47:53] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/28 22:47:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:47:56] [INFO] Progress: 59/2260 [01/28 22:47:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-rise-and-fall-of-kaspersky.808833/ finished! [01/28 22:47:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the standard and the recommended procedure of scanning a file !!!!! [01/28 22:47:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:47:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:47:58] [INFO] Progress: 60/2260 [01/28 22:47:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-standard-and-the-recommended-procedure-of-scanning-a-file.832203/ finished! [01/28 22:47:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the standard and the recommended procedure of detecting virus of a file !!!!! [01/28 22:48:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:48:00] [INFO] Progress: 61/2260 [01/28 22:48:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-standard-and-the-recommended-procedure-of-detecting-virus-of-a-file.832200/ finished! [01/28 22:48:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Panda Security to be acquired by WatchGuard !!!!! [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] Progress: 62/2260 [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/panda-security-to-be-acquired-by-watchguard.832160/ finished! [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-security-discussion-thread.793202/ is 25000 ms [01/28 22:48:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Security Discussion Thread !!!!! [01/28 22:48:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 22:48:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 22:48:08] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 22:48:10] [WARNING] Host down for image https://zdnet3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2019/10/24/de3957ba-ba3a-4c61-8657-3ee3a82af4a9/d7951c3ef88d4f2c8620887b75bb10a1/aw-snap.jpg [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] Progress: 63/2260 [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-security-discussion-thread.793202/ finished! [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adobe-flash-update.778673/ is 42000 ms [01/28 22:48:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adobe Flash update !!!!! [01/28 22:48:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 22:48:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 22:48:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 22:48:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 22:48:20] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 22:48:22] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 22:48:24] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 22:48:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:48:24] [INFO] Progress: 64/2260 [01/28 22:48:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adobe-flash-update.778673/ finished! [01/28 22:48:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVAST and AVG snooping issues !!!!! [01/28 22:48:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 22:48:26] [INFO] Progress: 65/2260 [01/28 22:48:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-and-avg-snooping-issues.831246/ finished! [01/28 22:48:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Skype, Cortana, Microsoft listening in ...in china. !!!!! [01/28 22:48:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:48:28] [INFO] Progress: 66/2260 [01/28 22:48:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/skype-cortana-microsoft-listening-in-in-china.831639/ finished! [01/28 22:48:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Security Cloud Free !!!!! [01/28 22:48:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:48:30] [INFO] Progress: 67/2260 [01/28 22:48:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-security-cloud-free.831477/ finished! [01/28 22:48:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Enhanced Real-World Test 2019 – Enterprise !!!!! [01/28 22:48:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:32] [INFO] Progress: 68/2260 [01/28 22:48:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-enhanced-real-world-test-2019-%E2%80%93-enterprise.831523/ finished! [01/28 22:48:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Business Security Test 2019 (August – November) !!!!! [01/28 22:48:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:35] [INFO] Progress: 69/2260 [01/28 22:48:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-2019-august-%E2%80%93-november.831395/ finished! [01/28 22:48:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test July-October 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:37] [INFO] Progress: 70/2260 [01/28 22:48:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-october-2019.831033/ finished! [01/28 22:48:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test - Oct 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:39] [INFO] Progress: 71/2260 [01/28 22:48:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-oct-2019.831032/ finished! [01/28 22:48:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ultra Male's recommended method to install Avast Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 22:48:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:48:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:48:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:48:45] [INFO] Progress: 72/2260 [01/28 22:48:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ultra-males-recommended-method-to-install-avast-antivirus.827754/ finished! [01/28 22:48:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Get ready to finally say goodbye to Flash — in 2020 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:48:47] [INFO] Progress: 73/2260 [01/28 22:48:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/get-ready-to-finally-say-goodbye-to-flash-%E2%80%94-in-2020.830873/ finished! [01/28 22:48:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Alarm Test Sep 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:48:49] [INFO] Progress: 74/2260 [01/28 22:48:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-test-sep-2019.830870/ finished! [01/28 22:48:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Malware Protection Test Sep 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:48:51] [INFO] Progress: 75/2260 [01/28 22:48:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-sep-2019.830869/ finished! [01/28 22:48:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to check for malware !!!!! [01/28 22:48:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:48:53] [INFO] Progress: 76/2260 [01/28 22:48:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-check-for-malware.830589/ finished! [01/28 22:48:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are good antivirus malware to run from USB flash drive !!!!! [01/28 22:48:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:48:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:48:55] [INFO] Progress: 77/2260 [01/28 22:48:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-good-antivirus-malware-to-run-from-usb-flash-drive.828944/ finished! [01/28 22:48:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-summary-report-2018.827396/ is 25000 ms [01/28 22:48:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus Summary Report 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:48:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 22:48:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 22:48:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 22:48:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/tongue_zpsdr6ojedn.gif [01/28 22:48:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 22:48:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/tongue_zpsdr6ojedn.gif [01/28 22:49:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 22:49:04] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 22:49:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:04] [INFO] Progress: 78/2260 [01/28 22:49:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-summary-report-2018.827396/ finished! [01/28 22:49:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Windows 10- June 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:49:07] [INFO] Progress: 79/2260 [01/28 22:49:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-windows-10-june-2019.829871/ finished! [01/28 22:49:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas Online Banking Browser SecurityCertification Q2 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:09] [INFO] Progress: 80/2260 [01/28 22:49:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-online-banking-browser-securitycertification-q2-2019.830091/ finished! [01/28 22:49:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Axcrypt Ask Me To Sign My Email As If First Time !!!!! [01/28 22:49:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:11] [INFO] Progress: 81/2260 [01/28 22:49:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/axcrypt-ask-me-to-sign-my-email-as-if-first-time.830004/ finished! [01/28 22:49:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Business Security Test 2019 (March-June) !!!!! [01/28 22:49:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:13] [INFO] Progress: 82/2260 [01/28 22:49:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-2019-march-june.829711/ finished! [01/28 22:49:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Parental Control Certification Test - July 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:15] [INFO] Progress: 83/2260 [01/28 22:49:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-parental-control-certification-test-july-2019.829634/ finished! [01/28 22:49:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Anti-Phishing Certification Test - June 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:16] [INFO] Progress: 84/2260 [01/28 22:49:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-anti-phishing-certification-test-june-2019.829633/ finished! [01/28 22:49:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes is Now Enforcing Lifetime Licenses to One PC !!!!! [01/28 22:49:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:49:19] [INFO] Progress: 85/2260 [01/28 22:49:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-is-now-enforcing-lifetime-licenses-to-one-pc.829612/ finished! [01/28 22:49:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test February-May 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:21] [INFO] Progress: 86/2260 [01/28 22:49:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-february-may-2019.829324/ finished! [01/28 22:49:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Removing Trojan Question !!!!! [01/28 22:49:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:23] [INFO] Progress: 87/2260 [01/28 22:49:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-removing-trojan-question.829158/ finished! [01/28 22:49:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malware Research Group 360 Assessment & Certification – Q1 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:25] [INFO] Progress: 88/2260 [01/28 22:49:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malware-research-group-360-assessment-certification-%E2%80%93-q1.829020/ finished! [01/28 22:49:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online Banking Browser Security Certification Q1 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:26] [INFO] Progress: 89/2260 [01/28 22:49:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-banking-browser-security-certification-q1-2019.829021/ finished! [01/28 22:49:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft is bringing its Defender antivirus software to the Mac !!!!! [01/28 22:49:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:49:29] [INFO] Progress: 90/2260 [01/28 22:49:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-is-bringing-its-defender-antivirus-software-to-the-mac.829005/ finished! [01/28 22:49:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Business Security Test March-April 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:32] [INFO] Progress: 91/2260 [01/28 22:49:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-march-april-2019.828980/ finished! [01/28 22:49:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MDS Tool- find out if you are vulnerable !!!!! [01/28 22:49:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:34] [INFO] Progress: 92/2260 [01/28 22:49:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mds-tool-find-out-if-you-are-vulnerable.828871/ finished! [01/28 22:49:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test - April 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:36] [INFO] Progress: 93/2260 [01/28 22:49:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-april-2019.828746/ finished! [01/28 22:49:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2019 - 6 Months Free !!!!! [01/28 22:49:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:49:38] [INFO] Progress: 94/2260 [01/28 22:49:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-antivirus-plus-2019-6-months-free.828469/ finished! [01/28 22:49:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Internet Security (2019) for Windows - 6 months free !!!!! [01/28 22:49:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:39] [INFO] Progress: 95/2260 [01/28 22:49:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-internet-security-2019-for-windows-6-months-free.828468/ finished! [01/28 22:49:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Alarm Test March 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:49:41] [INFO] Progress: 96/2260 [01/28 22:49:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-test-march-2019.828423/ finished! [01/28 22:49:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test Feb-Mar 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:44] [INFO] Progress: 97/2260 [01/28 22:49:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-feb-mar-2019.828421/ finished! [01/28 22:49:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Protection Test March 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:46] [INFO] Progress: 98/2260 [01/28 22:49:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-march-2019.828422/ finished! [01/28 22:49:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Windows 10- February 2019 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:49:48] [INFO] Progress: 99/2260 [01/28 22:49:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-windows-10-february-2019.828243/ finished! [01/28 22:49:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SE Labs Home Anti-Malware Protection Oct. - Dec. 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:49:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:49:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 22:49:52] [INFO] Progress: 100/2260 [01/28 22:49:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/se-labs-home-anti-malware-protection-oct-dec-2018.827442/ finished! [01/28 22:49:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft is bringing its Defender antivirus software to the Mac !!!!! [01/28 22:49:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:49:54] [INFO] Progress: 101/2260 [01/28 22:49:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-is-bringing-its-defender-antivirus-software-to-the-mac.828101/ finished! [01/28 22:49:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Android Test 2019 – 250 Apps !!!!! [01/28 22:49:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:56] [INFO] Progress: 102/2260 [01/28 22:49:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-android-test-2019-%E2%80%93-250-apps.827969/ finished! [01/28 22:49:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas Online Banking Browser Security Certification for Q4 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:49:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:49:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:49:59] [INFO] Progress: 103/2260 [01/28 22:49:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-online-banking-browser-security-certification-for-q4-2018.827937/ finished! [01/28 22:50:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ultra Male Giveaway - 1 Year Kaspersky Internet Security License !!!!! [01/28 22:50:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:50:02] [INFO] Progress: 104/2260 [01/28 22:50:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ultra-male-giveaway-1-year-kaspersky-internet-security-license.827689/ finished! [01/28 22:50:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SE Labs Enterprise Endpoint Protection Oct. - Dec. 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:03] [INFO] Progress: 105/2260 [01/28 22:50:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/se-labs-enterprise-endpoint-protection-oct-dec-2018.827546/ finished! [01/28 22:50:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading France- details of 2,200 top security personnel leaked !!!!! [01/28 22:50:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:05] [INFO] Progress: 106/2260 [01/28 22:50:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/france-details-of-2-200-top-security-personnel-leaked.827502/ finished! [01/28 22:50:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Attached Excel Spreadsheet in Italy, Mario and Ransomware attack !!!!! [01/28 22:50:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:07] [INFO] Progress: 107/2260 [01/28 22:50:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/attached-excel-spreadsheet-in-italy-mario-and-ransomware-attack.827469/ finished! [01/28 22:50:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How Hackers and Scammers Break into iCloud-Locked iPhones !!!!! [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] Progress: 108/2260 [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-hackers-and-scammers-break-into-icloud-locked-iphones.827390/ finished! [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stop-using-whatsapp-if-you-care-about-your-privacy.827189/ is 21000 ms [01/28 22:50:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stop Using WhatsApp If You Care About Your Privacy !!!!! [01/28 22:50:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 22:50:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 11 [01/28 22:50:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 22:50:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:50:16] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 22:50:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:50:16] [INFO] Progress: 109/2260 [01/28 22:50:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stop-using-whatsapp-if-you-care-about-your-privacy.827189/ finished! [01/28 22:50:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Google launches Password Checkup Extension !!!!! [01/28 22:50:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:18] [INFO] Progress: 110/2260 [01/28 22:50:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/google-launches-password-checkup-extension.827374/ finished! [01/28 22:50:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas Online Banking Browser Security Certification for Q3 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:22] [INFO] Progress: 111/2260 [01/28 22:50:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-online-banking-browser-security-certification-for-q3-2018.827304/ finished! [01/28 22:50:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 360 Degree Assessment & Certification Q4 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:24] [INFO] Progress: 112/2260 [01/28 22:50:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/360-degree-assessment-certification-q4-2018.827303/ finished! [01/28 22:50:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bluetooth 5.1 knows where you are -- down to the centimeter !!!!! [01/28 22:50:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:25] [INFO] Progress: 113/2260 [01/28 22:50:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bluetooth-5-1-knows-where-you-are-down-to-the-centimeter.827247/ finished! [01/28 22:50:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton LifeLock develops new app to help consumers take control of their online privacy !!!!! [01/28 22:50:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:27] [INFO] Progress: 114/2260 [01/28 22:50:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-lifelock-develops-new-app-to-help-consumers-take-control-of-their-online-privacy.827228/ finished! [01/28 22:50:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test- Nov-Dec 2018 test results (Windows 10) !!!!! [01/28 22:50:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:50:29] [INFO] Progress: 115/2260 [01/28 22:50:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-nov-dec-2018-test-results-windows-10.827197/ finished! [01/28 22:50:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Cisco Systems Thread !!!!! [01/28 22:50:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:50:31] [WARNING] Host down for image https://tr3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2018/02/09/6dad5a1e-f1cc-43c2-9a74-727804a7689d/resize/770x/5150abf3e7ca4c6234ce63495e4357ca/hack.jpg [01/28 22:50:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:50:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:36] [INFO] Progress: 116/2260 [01/28 22:50:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cisco-systems-thread.813535/ finished! [01/28 22:50:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET Discovers the first-ever UEFI rootkit cyberattack !!!!! [01/28 22:50:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:50:39] [INFO] Progress: 117/2260 [01/28 22:50:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-discovers-the-first-ever-uefi-rootkit-cyberattack.826624/ finished! [01/28 22:50:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Compromising online accounts by cracking voicemail systems !!!!! [01/28 22:50:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:40] [INFO] Progress: 118/2260 [01/28 22:50:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/compromising-online-accounts-by-cracking-voicemail-systems.826651/ finished! [01/28 22:50:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100 certification report - December 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:42] [INFO] Progress: 119/2260 [01/28 22:50:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-certification-report-december-2018.826511/ finished! [01/28 22:50:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Farcebook, to know where you're going (before you do) -O) !!!!! [01/28 22:50:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:44] [INFO] Progress: 120/2260 [01/28 22:50:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/farcebook-to-know-where-youre-going-before-you-do-o.826473/ finished! [01/28 22:50:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test July-November 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:50:49] [INFO] Progress: 121/2260 [01/28 22:50:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-november-2018.826461/ finished! [01/28 22:50:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Business Security Test 2018 (August – November) !!!!! [01/28 22:50:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:51] [INFO] Progress: 122/2260 [01/28 22:50:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-2018-august-%E2%80%93-november.826460/ finished! [01/28 22:50:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Survey 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:53] [INFO] Progress: 123/2260 [01/28 22:50:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-survey-2018.826398/ finished! [01/28 22:50:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading US- massive spam campaign carrying bomb threats !!!!! [01/28 22:50:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:54] [INFO] Progress: 124/2260 [01/28 22:50:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/us-massive-spam-campaign-carrying-bomb-threats.826397/ finished! [01/28 22:50:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Test of web browser extensions XI 2018 (AVLab) !!!!! [01/28 22:50:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:50:56] [INFO] Progress: 125/2260 [01/28 22:50:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/test-of-web-browser-extensions-xi-2018-avlab.826165/ finished! [01/28 22:50:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST October 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:50:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:50:58] [INFO] Progress: 126/2260 [01/28 22:50:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-october-2018.826093/ finished! [01/28 22:50:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Office telemetry breaks GDPR -Dutch government !!!!! [01/28 22:50:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:50:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:51:00] [INFO] Progress: 127/2260 [01/28 22:51:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-office-telemetry-breaks-gdpr-dutch-government.825876/ finished! [01/28 22:51:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test - October 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:51:02] [INFO] Progress: 128/2260 [01/28 22:51:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-october-2018.825893/ finished! [01/28 22:51:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100 certification report - October 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:04] [INFO] Progress: 129/2260 [01/28 22:51:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-certification-report-october-2018.825887/ finished! [01/28 22:51:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test October 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:51:06] [INFO] Progress: 130/2260 [01/28 22:51:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2018.825886/ finished! [01/28 22:51:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Malware Removal Test 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:08] [INFO] Progress: 131/2260 [01/28 22:51:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-removal-test-2018.825766/ finished! [01/28 22:51:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How much your (digital) life might be worth !!!!! [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] Progress: 132/2260 [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-much-your-digital-life-might-be-worth.825731/ finished! [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/china-used-tiny-chip-in-hack-that-infiltrated-amazon-apple.823509/ is 23000 ms [01/28 22:51:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading China Used Tiny Chip in Hack That Infiltrated Amazon, Apple !!!!! [01/28 22:51:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 22:51:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 22:51:15] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 22:51:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:51:15] [INFO] Progress: 133/2260 [01/28 22:51:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/china-used-tiny-chip-in-hack-that-infiltrated-amazon-apple.823509/ finished! [01/28 22:51:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Symantec retires Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) !!!!! [01/28 22:51:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:51:17] [INFO] Progress: 134/2260 [01/28 22:51:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-retires-norton-connectsafe-dns.825513/ finished! [01/28 22:51:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV Comparatives Business Security Test August-September 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:19] [INFO] Progress: 135/2260 [01/28 22:51:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-business-security-test-august-september-2018.825428/ finished! [01/28 22:51:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real World Protection Test - September 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:51:21] [INFO] Progress: 136/2260 [01/28 22:51:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-september-2018.825427/ finished! [01/28 22:51:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV Comparatives Malware Protection Test - September 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:51:23] [INFO] Progress: 137/2260 [01/28 22:51:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-september-2018.825426/ finished! [01/28 22:51:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Clever legit flash update ...with extra load !!!!! [01/28 22:51:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:25] [INFO] Progress: 138/2260 [01/28 22:51:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clever-legit-flash-update-with-extra-load.825418/ finished! [01/28 22:51:25] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-properly-install-an-antivirus-security-suite-in-windows-10.800848/ is 38000 ms [01/28 22:51:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to properly install an Antivirus Security Suite in Windows 10 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/28 22:51:28] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s26.postimg.org/jopdxuqp5/Crap_a_mundo.jpg [01/28 22:51:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/28 22:51:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/28 22:51:34] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s11.postimg.org/61e1p6h0z/2017-07-18_172358.png [01/28 22:51:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/28 22:51:38] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/spinny2_zpsduxcloiv.gif [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] Progress: 139/2260 [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-properly-install-an-antivirus-security-suite-in-windows-10.800848/ finished! [01/28 22:51:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 10 Core Isolation and Memory Integrity !!!!! [01/28 22:51:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:42] [INFO] Progress: 140/2260 [01/28 22:51:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-10-core-isolation-and-memory-integrity.825361/ finished! [01/28 22:51:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Google Eliminated Phishing by Giving All 85,000 Employees USB Security Keys !!!!! [01/28 22:51:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:51:45] [INFO] Progress: 141/2260 [01/28 22:51:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/google-eliminated-phishing-by-giving-all-85-000-employees-usb-security-keys.821507/ finished! [01/28 22:51:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test- August 2018 test results (Windows 10) !!!!! [01/28 22:51:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:51:48] [INFO] Progress: 142/2260 [01/28 22:51:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-august-2018-test-results-windows-10.823402/ finished! [01/28 22:51:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What's your security setup !!!!! [01/28 22:51:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:51:51] [INFO] Progress: 143/2260 [01/28 22:51:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-your-security-setup.822455/ finished! [01/28 22:51:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real World Protecion Test - August 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:51:53] [INFO] Progress: 144/2260 [01/28 22:51:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protecion-test-august-2018.823020/ finished! [01/28 22:51:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spotlight on security- Why do AV products score so highly in professional tests !!!!! [01/28 22:51:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:51:55] [INFO] Progress: 145/2260 [01/28 22:51:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spotlight-on-security-why-do-av-products-score-so-highly-in-professional-tests.822472/ finished! [01/28 22:51:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Skype can't fix a nasty security bug without a massive code rewrite !!!!! [01/28 22:51:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:57] [INFO] Progress: 146/2260 [01/28 22:51:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/skype-cant-fix-a-nasty-security-bug-without-a-massive-code-rewrite.813661/ finished! [01/28 22:51:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test July 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:51:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:51:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:51:59] [INFO] Progress: 147/2260 [01/28 22:51:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-2018.822095/ finished! [01/28 22:52:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes Browser Extension released !!!!! [01/28 22:52:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:52:01] [INFO] Progress: 148/2260 [01/28 22:52:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-browser-extension-released.821850/ finished! [01/28 22:52:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Cloud Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 22:52:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:52:05] [INFO] Progress: 149/2260 [01/28 22:52:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-cloud-antivirus.821794/ finished! [01/28 22:52:06] [INFO] !!! 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[01/28 22:52:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri1.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri2.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri3.jpg [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri4.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri5.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri6.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri7.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri8.png [01/28 22:52:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://mk0resourcesinfm536w.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/072514_1520_HowCybercri9.png [01/28 22:52:32] [INFO] Progress: 153/2260 [01/28 22:52:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/blacktech-apt-steals-d-link-cert-for-cyber-espionage-campaign.821353/ finished! [01/28 22:52:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test – May 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:52:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:52:36] [INFO] Progress: 154/2260 [01/28 22:52:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-%E2%80%93-may-2018.818375/ finished! [01/28 22:52:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Enjoy your 6 months Bitdefender Total Security 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:52:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:52:38] [INFO] Progress: 155/2260 [01/28 22:52:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/enjoy-your-6-months-bitdefender-total-security-2018.818105/ finished! [01/28 22:52:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ubid Suddenly Aggressive !!!!! [01/28 22:52:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:52:40] [WARNING] Host down for image http://thewindowsclub.thewindowsclubco.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/MailStore-emails-archived.png [01/28 22:52:40] [INFO] Progress: 156/2260 [01/28 22:52:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ubid-suddenly-aggressive.817191/ finished! [01/28 22:52:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Over 20 Million Users Installed Malicious Ad Blockers From Chrome Store !!!!! [01/28 22:52:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:52:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:52:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:52:44] [INFO] Progress: 157/2260 [01/28 22:52:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/over-20-million-users-installed-malicious-ad-blockers-from-chrome-store.815849/ finished! [01/28 22:52:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Western Digital Ships Someone's Backdoor With My Cloud Drives !!!!! [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] Progress: 158/2260 [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/western-digital-ships-someones-backdoor-with-my-cloud-drives.812549/ finished! [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-for-a-clean-windows-install.811558/ is 26500 ms [01/28 22:52:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best antivirus for a clean windows install !!!!! [01/28 22:52:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 22:52:48] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/3rgu20jlr/EAM_resources_usage.jpg [01/28 22:52:48] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/57ldtue6mn/AV_Comparatives_October_2017_Performance_Test.png [01/28 22:52:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 22:52:52] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 22:52:52] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s13.postimg.org/jxeeql3cn/2018-01-08_043713.png [01/28 22:52:53] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 22:52:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:52:53] [INFO] Progress: 159/2260 [01/28 22:52:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-for-a-clean-windows-install.811558/ finished! [01/28 22:52:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hackers Can Now Steal Data Even From Faraday Cage Air-Gapped Computers !!!!! [01/28 22:52:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:52:56] [INFO] Progress: 160/2260 [01/28 22:52:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hackers-can-now-steal-data-even-from-faraday-cage-air-gapped-computers.813534/ finished! [01/28 22:52:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft releases Windows Defender for Chrome Browser !!!!! [01/28 22:52:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:52:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:52:59] [INFO] Progress: 161/2260 [01/28 22:52:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-releases-windows-defender-for-chrome-browser.815936/ finished! [01/28 22:52:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading UTorrent warning !!!!! [01/28 22:53:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:53:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 11 [01/28 22:53:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:53:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:03] [INFO] Progress: 162/2260 [01/28 22:53:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/utorrent-warning.813944/ finished! [01/28 22:53:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Warning- Your Windows PC Can Get Hacked by Just Visiting a Site !!!!! [01/28 22:53:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:53:05] [INFO] Progress: 163/2260 [01/28 22:53:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/warning-your-windows-pc-can-get-hacked-by-just-visiting-a-site.815512/ finished! [01/28 22:53:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft built its own custom Linux OS to secure IoT devices !!!!! [01/28 22:53:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:08] [INFO] Progress: 164/2260 [01/28 22:53:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-built-its-own-custom-linux-os-to-secure-iot-devices.815728/ finished! [01/28 22:53:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Flaw in Microsoft Outlook Lets Hackers Easily Steal Your Windows Password !!!!! [01/28 22:53:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:10] [INFO] Progress: 165/2260 [01/28 22:53:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/flaw-in-microsoft-outlook-lets-hackers-easily-steal-your-windows-password.815557/ finished! [01/28 22:53:10] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emsisoft-anti-malware-internet-security-discussion.805632/ is 30000 ms [01/28 22:53:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Emsisoft Anti-Malware Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 22:53:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 22:53:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 22:53:14] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s21.postimg.org/9q2ejnf6v/EAM_License.png [01/28 22:53:16] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 22:53:17] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 22:53:17] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s31.postimg.org/yfn0t9x2z/post-29665-0-44527600-1400264807.png [01/28 22:53:19] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 22:53:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:19] [INFO] Progress: 166/2260 [01/28 22:53:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emsisoft-anti-malware-internet-security-discussion.805632/ finished! [01/28 22:53:19] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-fix-avast-antivirus-high-cpu-usage.788891/ is 20500 ms [01/28 22:53:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to fix Avast Antivirus High CPU Usage !!!!! [01/28 22:53:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 22:53:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 22:53:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 22:53:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:53:25] [INFO] Progress: 167/2260 [01/28 22:53:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-fix-avast-antivirus-high-cpu-usage.788891/ finished! [01/28 22:53:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CredSSP Flaw in Remote Desktop Protocol Affects All Versions of Windows !!!!! [01/28 22:53:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:53:29] [INFO] Progress: 168/2260 [01/28 22:53:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/credssp-flaw-in-remote-desktop-protocol-affects-all-versions-of-windows.814516/ finished! [01/28 22:53:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sponsored Ads !!!!! [01/28 22:53:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:53:31] [INFO] Progress: 169/2260 [01/28 22:53:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sponsored-ads.814732/ finished! [01/28 22:53:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Security Center !!!!! [01/28 22:53:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:53:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/57ldtue6mn/AV_Comparatives_October_2017_Performance_Test.png [01/28 22:53:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:53:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:53:36] [INFO] Progress: 170/2260 [01/28 22:53:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-security-center.814625/ finished! [01/28 22:53:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Google Chrome Cleanup. Now powered by ESET. !!!!! [01/28 22:53:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:37] [INFO] Progress: 171/2260 [01/28 22:53:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/google-chrome-cleanup-now-powered-by-eset.814574/ finished! [01/28 22:53:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test - February 2018 !!!!! [01/28 22:53:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:39] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s14.postimg.org/41puwcyox/2018-03-15_214423.png [01/28 22:53:39] [INFO] Progress: 172/2260 [01/28 22:53:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-february-2018.814557/ finished! [01/28 22:53:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Dangerous malware stealing bitcoin hosted on Download.com for years !!!!! [01/28 22:53:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:53:41] [INFO] Progress: 173/2260 [01/28 22:53:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dangerous-malware-stealing-bitcoin-hosted-on-download-com-for-years.814523/ finished! [01/28 22:53:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach !!!!! [01/28 22:53:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:53:44] [INFO] Progress: 174/2260 [01/28 22:53:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/check-if-you-have-an-account-that-has-been-compromised-in-a-data-breach.814463/ finished! [01/28 22:53:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is Malvertising !!!!! [01/28 22:53:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:46] [INFO] Progress: 175/2260 [01/28 22:53:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-malvertising.814490/ finished! [01/28 22:53:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading This is what your ISP can see about you !!!!! [01/28 22:53:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:53:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:53:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:53:50] [INFO] Progress: 176/2260 [01/28 22:53:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/this-is-what-your-isp-can-see-about-you.814450/ finished! [01/28 22:53:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to wipe files completely from laptop !!!!! [01/28 22:53:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:53:53] [INFO] Progress: 177/2260 [01/28 22:53:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-wipe-files-completely-from-laptop.814204/ finished! [01/28 22:53:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Flight sim DLC maker used malware to steal pirates' passwords !!!!! [01/28 22:53:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:53:55] [INFO] Progress: 178/2260 [01/28 22:53:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/flight-sim-dlc-maker-used-malware-to-steal-pirates-passwords.813840/ finished! [01/28 22:53:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 2,000 Computers at Colorado DOT were infected with the SamSam Ransomware !!!!! [01/28 22:53:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:57] [INFO] Progress: 179/2260 [01/28 22:53:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/2-000-computers-at-colorado-dot-were-infected-with-the-samsam-ransomware.814001/ finished! [01/28 22:53:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free Antiviruses 2018 recommended by AVLab !!!!! [01/28 22:53:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:53:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:53:59] [INFO] Progress: 180/2260 [01/28 22:53:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-antiviruses-2018-recommended-by-avlab.813737/ finished! [01/28 22:53:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your Location Is Currently In Use !!!!! [01/28 22:54:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:00] [INFO] Progress: 181/2260 [01/28 22:54:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-location-is-currently-in-use.813725/ finished! [01/28 22:54:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading [Ended] Phoenix Giveaway - Avast Internet Security License (1 Year) !!!!! [01/28 22:54:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:54:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:54:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:04] [INFO] Progress: 182/2260 [01/28 22:54:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ended-phoenix-giveaway-avast-internet-security-license-1-year.813692/ finished! [01/28 22:54:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Researcher Bypasses Windows Controlled Folder Access Anti-Ransomware Protection !!!!! [01/28 22:54:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:54:07] [WARNING] Host down for image https://erpscan.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/payment-history-1024x392.png [01/28 22:54:07] [WARNING] Host down for image https://erpscan.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/request.png [01/28 22:54:07] [WARNING] Host down for image https://erpscan.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/execute-code.png [01/28 22:54:07] [WARNING] Host down for image https://erpscan.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/total-number-1024x538.png [01/28 22:54:07] [INFO] Progress: 183/2260 [01/28 22:54:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/researcher-bypasses-windows-controlled-folder-access-anti-ransomware-protection.813469/ finished! [01/28 22:54:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Researcher Claims Hotspot Shield VPN Service Exposes You on the Internet !!!!! [01/28 22:54:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:10] [INFO] Progress: 184/2260 [01/28 22:54:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/researcher-claims-hotspot-shield-vpn-service-exposes-you-on-the-internet.813495/ finished! [01/28 22:54:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Update 7-zip now !!!!! [01/28 22:54:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:11] [INFO] Progress: 185/2260 [01/28 22:54:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/update-7-zip-now.813436/ finished! [01/28 22:54:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Windows Defender enough protection !!!!! [01/28 22:54:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:54:13] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/57ldtue6mn/AV_Comparatives_October_2017_Performance_Test.png [01/28 22:54:13] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s18.postimg.org/6ntnhd149/2018-01-17_230750.png [01/28 22:54:14] [INFO] Progress: 186/2260 [01/28 22:54:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-windows-defender-enough-protection.812932/ finished! [01/28 22:54:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Intel Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 22:54:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:54:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:54:19] [WARNING] Could not download image http://[url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://s17.postimg.org/ymhmb0bq7/large.png java.net.MalformedURLException: Invalid authority field: [url=https: at java.base/java.net.URL.(URL.java:708) at java.base/java.net.URL.(URL.java:569) at java.base/java.net.URL.(URL.java:516) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.Utils.getHttpConnection(Utils.java:26) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadImage(StoryArchiver.java:1225) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.processImage(StoryArchiver.java:1104) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadPostsFromPage(StoryArchiver.java:996) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadPage(StoryArchiver.java:941) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadPage(StoryArchiver.java:957) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:631) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid authority field: [url=https: at java.base/java.net.URLStreamHandler.parseURL(URLStreamHandler.java:228) at java.base/java.net.URL.(URL.java:703) ... 11 more [01/28 22:54:19] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s17.postimg.org/ymhmb0bq7/large.png [01/28 22:54:19] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s17.postimg.org/ibhiet9jz/2018-01-27_022505.png [01/28 22:54:19] [INFO] Progress: 187/2260 [01/28 22:54:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-intel-security-discussion.801459/ finished! [01/28 22:54:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Beware! Undetectable CrossRAT malware targets Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems !!!!! [01/28 22:54:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:54:23] [INFO] Progress: 188/2260 [01/28 22:54:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/beware-undetectable-crossrat-malware-targets-windows-macos-and-linux-systems.813184/ finished! [01/28 22:54:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100 Comparative Review – December 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:54:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:24] [INFO] Progress: 189/2260 [01/28 22:54:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-comparative-review-%E2%80%93-december-2017.813186/ finished! [01/28 22:54:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security It gets worse- Microsoft’s Spectre-fixer wrecks some AMD PCs !!!!! [01/28 22:54:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:54:27] [INFO] Progress: 190/2260 [01/28 22:54:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-it-gets-worse-microsoft%E2%80%99s-spectre-fixer-wrecks-some-amd-pcs.812683/ finished! [01/28 22:54:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Critical security flaw enables WhatsApp servers to add people to private groups !!!!! [01/28 22:54:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:54:29] [WARNING] Could not download image https://teiss.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/whatsapp-flaw-privacy-encryption.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://teiss.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/whatsapp-flaw-privacy-encryption.jpg [01/28 22:54:29] [INFO] Progress: 191/2260 [01/28 22:54:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/critical-security-flaw-enables-whatsapp-servers-to-add-people-to-private-groups.812804/ finished! [01/28 22:54:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading F-Secure Antivirus Internet Security Safe Discussion !!!!! [01/28 22:54:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:54:31] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s4.postimg.org/80gilgpsd/image.png [01/28 22:54:31] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s4.postimg.org/tw539f4r1/image.png [01/28 22:54:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/eek2_zpsjhyvspx8.gif [01/28 22:54:31] [INFO] Progress: 192/2260 [01/28 22:54:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/f-secure-antivirus-internet-security-safe-discussion.793201/ finished! [01/28 22:54:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Firewall Question !!!!! [01/28 22:54:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/np5sq26dr/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/rlj4m31nz/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/u2uvtbizj/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/59lbspa9r/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/k5jv09qtb/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/jssgu30tr/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/47b5a54b3/image.png [01/28 22:54:33] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/kib96goin/image.png [01/28 22:54:34] [INFO] Progress: 193/2260 [01/28 22:54:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-firewall-question.812524/ finished! [01/28 22:54:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firmware TPM 2.0 vs Discrete TPM 1.2 !!!!! [01/28 22:54:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:54:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:54:35] [INFO] Progress: 194/2260 [01/28 22:54:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firmware-tpm-2-0-vs-discrete-tpm-1-2.812330/ finished! [01/28 22:54:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-free-security-software.190538/ is 747000 ms [01/28 22:54:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The best free security software !!!!! [01/28 22:54:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 148 [01/28 22:54:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 148 [01/28 22:54:41] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 148 [01/28 22:54:42] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 148 [01/28 22:54:44] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 148 [01/28 22:54:45] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 148 [01/28 22:54:47] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 148 [01/28 22:54:48] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 148 [01/28 22:54:50] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 148 [01/28 22:54:51] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 148 [01/28 22:54:53] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 148 [01/28 22:54:54] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 148 [01/28 22:54:56] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 148 [01/28 22:54:58] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 148 [01/28 22:55:00] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 148 [01/28 22:55:01] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 148 [01/28 22:55:03] [INFO] We are on page 17 of 148 [01/28 22:55:04] [INFO] We are on page 18 of 148 [01/28 22:55:06] [INFO] We are on page 19 of 148 [01/28 22:55:07] [INFO] We are on page 20 of 148 [01/28 22:55:09] [INFO] We are on page 21 of 148 [01/28 22:55:10] [INFO] We are on page 22 of 148 [01/28 22:55:12] [INFO] We are on page 23 of 148 [01/28 22:55:13] [INFO] We are on page 24 of 148 [01/28 22:55:15] [INFO] We are on page 25 of 148 [01/28 22:55:16] [INFO] We are on page 26 of 148 [01/28 22:55:18] [INFO] We are on page 27 of 148 [01/28 22:55:20] [INFO] We are on page 28 of 148 [01/28 22:55:22] [INFO] We are on page 29 of 148 [01/28 22:55:23] [INFO] We are on page 30 of 148 [01/28 22:55:25] [INFO] We are on page 31 of 148 [01/28 22:55:27] [INFO] We are on page 32 of 148 [01/28 22:55:28] [INFO] We are on page 33 of 148 [01/28 22:55:30] [INFO] We are on page 34 of 148 [01/28 22:55:31] [INFO] We are on page 35 of 148 [01/28 22:55:33] [INFO] We are on page 36 of 148 [01/28 22:55:35] [INFO] We are on page 37 of 148 [01/28 22:55:35] [INFO] Progress has been made 0 ago. 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[01/28 22:58:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why it isn’t a good idea to run multiple full antivirus products at the same time !!!!! [01/28 22:58:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:58:35] [INFO] Progress: 196/2260 [01/28 22:58:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-it-isn%E2%80%99t-a-good-idea-to-run-multiple-full-antivirus-products-at-the-same-time.811998/ finished! [01/28 22:58:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 1.4 Billion Credentials Discovered in Database !!!!! [01/28 22:58:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:58:36] [INFO] Progress: 197/2260 [01/28 22:58:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/1-4-billion-credentials-discovered-in-database.811768/ finished! [01/28 22:58:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HP releases Synaptics driver update that removes disabled keylogger !!!!! [01/28 22:58:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:58:38] [INFO] Progress: 198/2260 [01/28 22:58:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hp-releases-synaptics-driver-update-that-removes-disabled-keylogger.811651/ finished! [01/28 22:58:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security and Anti-Virus Software Forum General Index Sticky PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING !!!!! [01/28 22:58:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:58:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:58:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:58:42] [INFO] Progress: 199/2260 [01/28 22:58:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-and-anti-virus-software-forum-general-index-sticky-please-read-before-posting.202330/ finished! [01/28 22:58:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Facebook Comes Up with Another Intrusive Security “Feature” !!!!! [01/28 22:58:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:58:45] [INFO] Progress: 200/2260 [01/28 22:58:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/facebook-comes-up-with-another-intrusive-security-%E2%80%9Cfeature%E2%80%9D.811300/ finished! [01/28 22:58:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV Test’s October 2017 ranking- surprise at the top !!!!! [01/28 22:58:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:49] [INFO] Progress: 201/2260 [01/28 22:58:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test%E2%80%99s-october-2017-ranking-surprise-at-the-top.811289/ finished! [01/28 22:58:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Removal Test 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:58:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:58:51] [INFO] Progress: 202/2260 [01/28 22:58:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-removal-test-2017.810403/ finished! [01/28 22:58:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 8 10 ASLR security fix !!!!! [01/28 22:58:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:58:53] [INFO] Progress: 203/2260 [01/28 22:58:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-8-10-aslr-security-fix.810900/ finished! [01/28 22:58:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Serious flaw in WPA2 protocol lets attackers intercept passwords and much more !!!!! [01/28 22:58:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:58:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:58:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:58:56] [INFO] Progress: 204/2260 [01/28 22:58:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/serious-flaw-in-wpa2-protocol-lets-attackers-intercept-passwords-and-much-more.809903/ finished! [01/28 22:58:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV Comparatives Performance Test October 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:58:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:58:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:58:58] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s1.postimg.org/57ldtue6mn/AV_Comparatives_October_2017_Performance_Test.png [01/28 22:58:58] [INFO] Progress: 205/2260 [01/28 22:58:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2017.809985/ finished! [01/28 22:58:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is pingsender.exe on Windows !!!!! [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] Progress: 206/2260 [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-pingsender-exe-on-windows.809795/ finished! [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hackers-hid-backdoor-in-ccleaner-security-app-with-2-billion-downloads-2-3-million-infected.809062/ is 24000 ms [01/28 22:59:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hackers Hid Backdoor In CCleaner Security App With 2 Billion Downloads -- 2.3 Million Infected !!!!! [01/28 22:59:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 22:59:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 22:59:06] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 22:59:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:59:06] [INFO] Progress: 207/2260 [01/28 22:59:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hackers-hid-backdoor-in-ccleaner-security-app-with-2-billion-downloads-2-3-million-infected.809062/ finished! [01/28 22:59:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas Online Banking Certification Q2 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:59:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:59:07] [INFO] Progress: 208/2260 [01/28 22:59:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-online-banking-certification-q2-2017.809141/ finished! [01/28 22:59:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test – August 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:59:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:59:10] [INFO] Progress: 209/2260 [01/28 22:59:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-%E2%80%93-august-2017.809037/ finished! [01/28 22:59:11] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lenovos-superfish-bloatware-scandal-reveals-a-sneaky-tactic-we-thought-microsoft-had-started.808750/ is 21000 ms [01/28 22:59:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lenovo's Superfish bloatware scandal reveals a sneaky tactic we thought Microsoft had started !!!!! [01/28 22:59:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 22:59:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 22:59:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 22:59:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 22:59:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:59:26] [INFO] Progress: 210/2260 [01/28 22:59:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lenovos-superfish-bloatware-scandal-reveals-a-sneaky-tactic-we-thought-microsoft-had-started.808750/ finished! [01/28 22:59:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real World Protection Test July 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:59:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 22:59:27] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s22.postimg.org/a2aa6xjap/2017-08-14_233517.png [01/28 22:59:28] [INFO] Progress: 211/2260 [01/28 22:59:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-2017.807989/ finished! [01/28 22:59:28] [INFO] !!! 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Now downloading GoldenEye Ransomware alert. You are safe with Bitdefender. !!!!! [01/28 22:59:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 22:59:36] [WARNING] File not found for image https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/cusa8d0DC8sbyjcf1aM7qO1zTIfQG-1dOIJP0gggHitdp_D-d9RE6OTtfYAou85pVxK_h-aTeKV52RQIoM7x00GUmIrlcmFpSuOAEjjN-ebQKm0ftZGsDaCg1VuKnYnNxKCxMTcBDQxx7qPvgZMnJwFe_r6Sv1bHaDZZfKd_4iJjcNeFRbxgP1srm68=s0-d-e1-ft#https://static.cdn.responsys.net/i5/responsysimages/bitdef/contentlibrary/2015/special_campaigns/cry/images/button.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//GoldenEye Ransomware alert. You are safe with Bitdefender./images/storyImages/button.jpg [01/28 22:59:36] [INFO] Progress: 215/2260 [01/28 22:59:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/goldeneye-ransomware-alert-you-are-safe-with-bitdefender.806398/ finished! [01/28 22:59:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Important notice from McAfee regarding Petya ransomware !!!!! [01/28 22:59:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:59:38] [INFO] Progress: 216/2260 [01/28 22:59:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/important-notice-from-mcafee-regarding-petya-ransomware.806382/ finished! [01/28 22:59:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance Test - May 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:59:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 22:59:40] [INFO] Progress: 217/2260 [01/28 22:59:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-may-2017.805939/ finished! [01/28 22:59:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Password Protecting Documents !!!!! [01/28 22:59:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:59:42] [INFO] Progress: 218/2260 [01/28 22:59:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/password-protecting-documents.805853/ finished! [01/28 22:59:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are PUPs !!!!! [01/28 22:59:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 22:59:44] [INFO] Progress: 219/2260 [01/28 22:59:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-pups.805947/ finished! [01/28 22:59:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test - May 2017 !!!!! [01/28 22:59:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:59:45] [INFO] Progress: 220/2260 [01/28 22:59:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-may-2017.805938/ finished! [01/28 22:59:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malware Hunter Pro 1-year license giveaway !!!!! [01/28 22:59:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 22:59:48] [INFO] Progress: 221/2260 [01/28 22:59:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malware-hunter-pro-1-year-license-giveaway.805760/ finished! [01/28 22:59:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test.org- April 2017 Test Results (Windows 10) !!!!! [01/28 22:59:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 22:59:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 22:59:51] [INFO] Progress: 222/2260 [01/28 22:59:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-org-april-2017-test-results-windows-10.805232/ finished! [01/28 22:59:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET NOD32 v9 Final Released !!!!! [01/28 22:59:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 22:59:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 22:59:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 22:59:59] [INFO] Progress: 223/2260 [01/28 22:59:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-v9-final-released.782704/ finished! [01/28 22:59:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading InstallTAPAdapter.exe self-generates and tries to install network adapters on my computer !!!!! [01/28 23:00:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:00] [INFO] Progress: 224/2260 [01/28 23:00:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/installtapadapter-exe-self-generates-and-tries-to-install-network-adapters-on-my-computer.805075/ finished! [01/28 23:00:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Important notice regarding global cyberattack WannaCry !!!!! [01/28 23:00:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:02] [INFO] Progress: 225/2260 [01/28 23:00:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/important-notice-regarding-global-cyberattack-wannacry.804969/ finished! [01/28 23:00:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your HP device might have a keylogger installed !!!!! [01/28 23:00:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:00:04] [INFO] Progress: 226/2260 [01/28 23:00:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-hp-device-might-have-a-keylogger-installed.804741/ finished! [01/28 23:00:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender vulnerability discovered and fixed !!!!! [01/28 23:00:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:00:05] [INFO] Progress: 227/2260 [01/28 23:00:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-vulnerability-discovered-and-fixed.804657/ finished! [01/28 23:00:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New malware uses password recovery and backup tools to steal data !!!!! [01/28 23:00:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:07] [INFO] Progress: 228/2260 [01/28 23:00:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malware-uses-password-recovery-and-backup-tools-to-steal-data.804669/ finished! [01/28 23:00:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Smartphone apps using Sonic Beacons for Tracking !!!!! [01/28 23:00:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:09] [INFO] Progress: 229/2260 [01/28 23:00:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/smartphone-apps-using-sonic-beacons-for-tracking.804526/ finished! [01/28 23:00:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Android App Detected As Virus & Not Getting Removed !!!!! [01/28 23:00:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:10] [INFO] Progress: 230/2260 [01/28 23:00:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/android-app-detected-as-virus-not-getting-removed.804432/ finished! [01/28 23:00:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 32 products put to the test- How good is antivirus software at protecting itself !!!!! [01/28 23:00:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:00:12] [INFO] Progress: 231/2260 [01/28 23:00:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/32-products-put-to-the-test-how-good-is-antivirus-software-at-protecting-itself.804383/ finished! [01/28 23:00:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Panda Free & Pro Antivirus Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:00:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:00:14] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/fez8p8zov/Panda_18_2.jpg [01/28 23:00:14] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/uoz3wfv73/Panda_18.jpg [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] Progress: 232/2260 [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/panda-free-pro-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.798130/ finished! [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.793188/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:00:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast! Antivirus Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:00:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:00:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:00:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:00:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:00:21] [INFO] Progress: 233/2260 [01/28 23:00:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.793188/ finished! [01/28 23:00:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot antivirus goes bananas, starts trashing Windows system files !!!!! [01/28 23:00:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:00:24] [INFO] Progress: 234/2260 [01/28 23:00:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-antivirus-goes-bananas-starts-trashing-windows-system-files.804097/ finished! [01/28 23:00:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky AntiVirus Internet Security Total Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:00:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:00:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:00:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:00:27] [INFO] Progress: 235/2260 [01/28 23:00:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-antivirus-internet-security-total-security-discussion.793189/ finished! [01/28 23:00:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malewarebytes 3.0 MAKES ANTIVIRUS OBSOLETE !!!!! [01/28 23:00:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:00:29] [INFO] Progress: 236/2260 [01/28 23:00:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malewarebytes-3-0-makes-antivirus-obsolete.803752/ finished! [01/28 23:00:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE, MSE + MBAM 3.0, Bitdefender, Bitdefender + MBAM 3.0, or other !!!!! [01/28 23:00:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:31] [INFO] Progress: 237/2260 [01/28 23:00:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-mse-mbam-3-0-bitdefender-bitdefender-mbam-3-0-or-other.803718/ finished! [01/28 23:00:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Real-World Protection Test March 2017 !!!!! [01/28 23:00:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:00:33] [INFO] Progress: 238/2260 [01/28 23:00:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-march-2017.803634/ finished! [01/28 23:00:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this software from Microsoft !!!!! [01/28 23:00:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:00:36] [INFO] Progress: 239/2260 [01/28 23:00:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-software-from-microsoft.803594/ finished! [01/28 23:00:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Protection Test March 2017 !!!!! [01/28 23:00:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:37] [INFO] Progress: 240/2260 [01/28 23:00:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-protection-test-march-2017.803633/ finished! [01/28 23:00:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Now, how to get rid of all unwelcome software installed !!!!! [01/28 23:00:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:00:39] [INFO] Progress: 241/2260 [01/28 23:00:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/now-how-to-get-rid-of-all-unwelcome-software-installed.803309/ finished! [01/28 23:00:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 2 Security programs on one laptop or computer !!!!! [01/28 23:00:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:00:41] [INFO] Progress: 242/2260 [01/28 23:00:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/2-security-programs-on-one-laptop-or-computer.802350/ finished! [01/28 23:00:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bitdefender Antivirus Internet Security Total Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:00:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:00:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:00:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:00:44] [INFO] Progress: 243/2260 [01/28 23:00:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-antivirus-internet-security-total-security-discussion.793194/ finished! [01/28 23:00:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What the CIA thinks of your anti-virus program !!!!! [01/28 23:00:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:46] [INFO] Progress: 244/2260 [01/28 23:00:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-the-cia-thinks-of-your-anti-virus-program.802284/ finished! [01/28 23:00:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stand-alone AV Cleaning Tools Comparative !!!!! [01/28 23:00:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:00:48] [INFO] Progress: 245/2260 [01/28 23:00:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stand-alone-av-cleaning-tools-comparative.801825/ finished! [01/28 23:00:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ditch all antivirus except Microsoft's Defender !!!!! [01/28 23:00:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:51] [INFO] Progress: 246/2260 [01/28 23:00:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ditch-all-antivirus-except-microsofts-defender.800936/ finished! [01/28 23:00:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lastpass !!!!! [01/28 23:00:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:53] [INFO] Progress: 247/2260 [01/28 23:00:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lastpass.802051/ finished! [01/28 23:00:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antivirus Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:00:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:00:55] [INFO] Progress: 248/2260 [01/28 23:00:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.793193/ finished! [01/28 23:00:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Updating Flash in Chrome browser !!!!! [01/28 23:00:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:00:56] [INFO] Progress: 249/2260 [01/28 23:00:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/updating-flash-in-chrome-browser.801708/ finished! [01/28 23:00:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which anti-virus should be chosen !!!!! [01/28 23:00:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:00:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:00:58] [INFO] Progress: 250/2260 [01/28 23:00:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-should-be-chosen.800029/ finished! [01/28 23:00:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Shortcut Scanner !!!!! [01/28 23:01:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:00] [INFO] Progress: 251/2260 [01/28 23:01:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/shortcut-scanner.801161/ finished! [01/28 23:01:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading TrustPort Antivirus Internet Security Total Protection Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:01:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:01:01] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s32.postimg.org/gru33tn45/VB_RAP.png [01/28 23:01:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:01:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:01:05] [INFO] Progress: 252/2260 [01/28 23:01:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trustport-antivirus-internet-security-total-protection-discussion.794249/ finished! [01/28 23:01:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SecureAPlus Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:01:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:01:07] [INFO] Progress: 253/2260 [01/28 23:01:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secureaplus-discussion.800306/ finished! [01/28 23:01:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Cloud AV !!!!! [01/28 23:01:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/y6f1fpne7/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/67kvoulrj/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/7nwe6zoof/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/4v36myobz/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/ccce26dv3/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/g9znrl0of/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/986bj4mgf/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/rc9c3rk4v/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/4ou2xm4kv/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/n5ohofkj3/image.png [01/28 23:01:08] [INFO] Progress: 254/2260 [01/28 23:01:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-cloud-av.799601/ finished! [01/28 23:01:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test July – November 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:10] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/t7qkaw97z/2016_12_16_171449.png [01/28 23:01:10] [INFO] Progress: 255/2260 [01/28 23:01:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-%E2%80%93-november-2016.799413/ finished! [01/28 23:01:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test.org- October 2016 Test Results !!!!! [01/28 23:01:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:01:12] [INFO] Progress: 256/2260 [01/28 23:01:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-org-october-2016-test-results.798813/ finished! [01/28 23:01:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Don't Call This Number- It's a Microsoft Support Scam !!!!! [01/28 23:01:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:01:14] [INFO] Progress: 257/2260 [01/28 23:01:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dont-call-this-number-its-a-microsoft-support-scam.797517/ finished! [01/28 23:01:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:01:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:16] [INFO] Progress: 258/2260 [01/28 23:01:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus.798237/ finished! [01/28 23:01:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test - October 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:18] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s17.postimg.org/go44ptjdb/2016_11_16_062714.png [01/28 23:01:18] [INFO] Progress: 259/2260 [01/28 23:01:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-october-2016.798268/ finished! [01/28 23:01:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVLab- protection test against ransomware threats !!!!! [01/28 23:01:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:20] [INFO] Progress: 260/2260 [01/28 23:01:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avlab-protection-test-against-ransomware-threats.798131/ finished! [01/28 23:01:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Web Of Trust browser add-on sold user data without anonymizing it !!!!! [01/28 23:01:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:22] [INFO] Progress: 261/2260 [01/28 23:01:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/web-of-trust-browser-add-on-sold-user-data-without-anonymizing-it.798076/ finished! [01/28 23:01:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance Test - October 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:24] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s12.postimg.org/ybcf5ua4t/AV_Performance_Tests_October.png [01/28 23:01:24] [INFO] Progress: 262/2260 [01/28 23:01:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2016.797817/ finished! [01/28 23:01:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adblock Plus now sells ads !!!!! [01/28 23:01:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:01:25] [INFO] Progress: 263/2260 [01/28 23:01:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adblock-plus-now-sells-ads.797234/ finished! [01/28 23:01:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes acquires AdwCleaner !!!!! [01/28 23:01:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:01:27] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s13.postimg.org/pmqsvf99z/new_interface.png [01/28 23:01:27] [INFO] Progress: 264/2260 [01/28 23:01:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-acquires-adwcleaner.797366/ finished! [01/28 23:01:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Malware Removal Test 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:01:29] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/iv6h2m3e7/2016_10_18_230331.png [01/28 23:01:29] [INFO] Progress: 265/2260 [01/28 23:01:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-malware-removal-test-2016.797233/ finished! [01/28 23:01:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test - September 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:30] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s16.postimg.org/4oubozv2t/Real_World_Protection_Sep_2016.png [01/28 23:01:30] [INFO] Progress: 266/2260 [01/28 23:01:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-september-2016.797076/ finished! [01/28 23:01:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- File Detection Test - September 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:32] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/xwzby5hsf/File_Detection_Sep_2016.png [01/28 23:01:32] [INFO] Progress: 267/2260 [01/28 23:01:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-file-detection-test-september-2016.797075/ finished! [01/28 23:01:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test.org- July August 2016 Test Results !!!!! [01/28 23:01:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:34] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s9.postimg.org/l3qgfgnvj/2016_10_13_194519.png [01/28 23:01:34] [INFO] Progress: 268/2260 [01/28 23:01:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-org-july-august-2016-test-results.797069/ finished! [01/28 23:01:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how to make sure computer is virus free !!!!! [01/28 23:01:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:01:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:01:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:37] [INFO] Progress: 269/2260 [01/28 23:01:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-make-sure-computer-is-virus-free.796665/ finished! [01/28 23:01:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast or AVG !!!!! [01/28 23:01:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:01:39] [INFO] Progress: 270/2260 [01/28 23:01:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg.796733/ finished! [01/28 23:01:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test August 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:41] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s15.postimg.org/t804mj6ij/2016_09_16_002056.png [01/28 23:01:41] [INFO] Progress: 271/2260 [01/28 23:01:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-august-2016.796144/ finished! [01/28 23:01:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas 360 Assessment & Certification - Q2 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:01:43] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/7v1gyds4v/2016_09_12_010129.png [01/28 23:01:43] [INFO] Progress: 272/2260 [01/28 23:01:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-360-assessment-certification-q2-2016.795996/ finished! [01/28 23:01:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Questions about Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:01:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:01:45] [INFO] Progress: 273/2260 [01/28 23:01:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/questions-about-anti-virus.794418/ finished! [01/28 23:01:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading secure the files with zip or rar !!!!! [01/28 23:01:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:01:46] [INFO] Progress: 274/2260 [01/28 23:01:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secure-the-files-with-zip-or-rar.794758/ finished! [01/28 23:01:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are the chances of a virus infecting a recovery partion !!!!! [01/28 23:01:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:01:48] [INFO] Progress: 275/2260 [01/28 23:01:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-the-chances-of-a-virus-infecting-a-recovery-partion.795269/ finished! [01/28 23:01:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatTrack VIPRE Antivirus Internet Security Internet Security Pro Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:01:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:01:50] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/p209ny20f/20160822_172627.jpg [01/28 23:01:50] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/k1pydiq3z/image.png [01/28 23:01:50] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s25.postimg.org/93eovc1in/image.png [01/28 23:01:50] [INFO] Progress: 276/2260 [01/28 23:01:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threattrack-vipre-antivirus-internet-security-internet-security-pro-discussion.795219/ finished! [01/28 23:01:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mother was victim of online virus scam - How can she recover the money she paid !!!!! [01/28 23:01:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:01:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:01:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:01:54] [INFO] Progress: 277/2260 [01/28 23:01:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mother-was-victim-of-online-virus-scam-how-can-she-recover-the-money-she-paid.793912/ finished! [01/28 23:01:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test - July 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:56] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s3.postimg.org/r3lsf3v1v/image.png [01/28 23:01:56] [INFO] Progress: 278/2260 [01/28 23:01:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-july-2016.795017/ finished! [01/28 23:01:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test.org- May-June 2016 Test Results !!!!! [01/28 23:01:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:01:58] [INFO] Progress: 279/2260 [01/28 23:01:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-org-may-june-2016-test-results.794510/ finished! [01/28 23:01:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Anti-Phishing Test - July 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:01:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:01:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:01:59] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s31.postimg.org/o35kaeyd7/2016_07_29_125105.png [01/28 23:01:59] [WARNING] Host down for image https://s32.postimg.org/7tguszb6d/222.png [01/28 23:02:00] [INFO] Progress: 280/2260 [01/28 23:02:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-anti-phishing-test-july-2016.794363/ finished! [01/28 23:02:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adguard DNS !!!!! [01/28 23:02:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:02:02] [INFO] Progress: 281/2260 [01/28 23:02:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adguard-dns.794318/ finished! [01/28 23:02:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100- RAP averages quadrant test Oct 2015 - Apr 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:03] [INFO] Progress: 282/2260 [01/28 23:02:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-rap-averages-quadrant-test-oct-2015-apr-2016.794248/ finished! [01/28 23:02:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recommend-me-a-light-weight-av.788415/ is 26500 ms [01/28 23:02:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Recommend me a light weight AV !!!!! [01/28 23:02:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:02:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:02:09] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:02:11] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:02:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:02:11] [INFO] Progress: 283/2260 [01/28 23:02:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recommend-me-a-light-weight-av.788415/ finished! [01/28 23:02:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Certification Test based on AMTSO Real Time Threat List (RTTL) June 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:13] [INFO] Progress: 284/2260 [01/28 23:02:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-certification-test-based-on-amtso-real-time-threat-list-rttl-june-2016.793852/ finished! [01/28 23:02:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test - June 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:14] [INFO] Progress: 285/2260 [01/28 23:02:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-june-2016.793851/ finished! [01/28 23:02:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus database updates !!!!! [01/28 23:02:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:16] [INFO] Progress: 286/2260 [01/28 23:02:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-database-updates.793363/ finished! [01/28 23:02:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG AntiVirus Internet Security Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:02:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:18] [INFO] Progress: 287/2260 [01/28 23:02:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-antivirus-internet-security-discussion.793192/ finished! [01/28 23:02:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:02:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:20] [INFO] Progress: 288/2260 [01/28 23:02:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-discussion.793191/ finished! [01/28 23:02:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test - May 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:02:22] [INFO] Progress: 289/2260 [01/28 23:02:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-may-2016.792793/ finished! [01/28 23:02:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading May 2016 Windows 10 tests from AV-TEST !!!!! [01/28 23:02:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:02:24] [INFO] Progress: 290/2260 [01/28 23:02:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/may-2016-windows-10-tests-from-av-test.792174/ finished! [01/28 23:02:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SE Labs- Home Anti-Malware Protection January - March 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:26] [INFO] Progress: 291/2260 [01/28 23:02:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/se-labs-home-anti-malware-protection-january-march-2016.792173/ finished! [01/28 23:02:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Positives Test - March 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:28] [INFO] Progress: 292/2260 [01/28 23:02:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-positives-test-march-2016.792113/ finished! [01/28 23:02:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance test April 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:02:30] [INFO] Progress: 293/2260 [01/28 23:02:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-april-2016.792098/ finished! [01/28 23:02:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 10 a bit slow on cf-30 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:02:31] [INFO] Progress: 294/2260 [01/28 23:02:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-10-a-bit-slow-on-cf-30.791766/ finished! [01/28 23:02:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SpywareBlaster 5.5 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:33] [INFO] Progress: 295/2260 [01/28 23:02:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spywareblaster-5-5.791751/ finished! [01/28 23:02:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test - April 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] Progress: 296/2260 [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-april-2016.791735/ finished! [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-internet-security-do-you-run.786099/ is 28000 ms [01/28 23:02:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What Antivirus Internet Security do you run !!!!! [01/28 23:02:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:02:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:02:41] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:02:43] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:02:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:02:43] [INFO] Progress: 297/2260 [01/28 23:02:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-internet-security-do-you-run.786099/ finished! [01/28 23:02:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 v10 Beta !!!!! [01/28 23:02:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:45] [INFO] Progress: 298/2260 [01/28 23:02:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-v10-beta.790920/ finished! [01/28 23:02:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real-World Protection Test - March 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:02:47] [INFO] Progress: 299/2260 [01/28 23:02:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-march-2016.790603/ finished! [01/28 23:02:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- File Detection Test - March 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:02:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:02:49] [INFO] Progress: 300/2260 [01/28 23:02:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-file-detection-test-march-2016.790602/ finished! [01/28 23:02:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Foresee survey pop ups !!!!! [01/28 23:02:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:02:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:03:06] [WARNING] Read timeout for image http://fud.community.services.support.microsoft.com/Fud/FileDownloadHandler.ashx?fid=ae2404c9-f2f3-4879-a601-26d938714b99. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:03:06] [INFO] Progress: 301/2260 [01/28 23:03:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/foresee-survey-pop-ups.790442/ finished! [01/28 23:03:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What do you think of VoodoShield !!!!! [01/28 23:03:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:03:09] [INFO] Progress: 302/2260 [01/28 23:03:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-do-you-think-of-voodoshield.789859/ finished! [01/28 23:03:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Tip for increasing Windows Defender MSE CPU Usage Performance !!!!! [01/28 23:03:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:03:11] [INFO] Progress: 303/2260 [01/28 23:03:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tip-for-increasing-windows-defender-mse-cpu-usage-performance.789744/ finished! [01/28 23:03:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100 Rap Quandrant test - OCT 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:03:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:03:13] [INFO] Progress: 304/2260 [01/28 23:03:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-rap-quandrant-test-oct-2015.789743/ finished! [01/28 23:03:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti virus needed !!!!! [01/28 23:03:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:03:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:03:17] [INFO] Progress: 305/2260 [01/28 23:03:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-needed.789119/ finished! [01/28 23:03:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Real World Protection Test February 2016 !!!!! [01/28 23:03:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:03:18] [INFO] Progress: 306/2260 [01/28 23:03:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-february-2016.789534/ finished! [01/28 23:03:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading do you have good firewall to recomend !!!!! [01/28 23:03:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:03:20] [INFO] Progress: 307/2260 [01/28 23:03:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-have-good-firewall-to-recomend.788475/ finished! [01/28 23:03:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IMGUR on Firefox rederecting to virus infection warning. !!!!! [01/28 23:03:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:03:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:03:24] [WARNING] Host down for image https://cdn.discourse.org/imgur/user_avatar/community.imgur.com/goldenretrievers/40/25683_1.png [01/28 23:03:24] [WARNING] Could not download image https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/d/bc79bd/40.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 451 for URL: https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/d/bc79bd/40.png [01/28 23:03:24] [WARNING] Could not download image https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/s/3da27b/40.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 451 for URL: https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/s/3da27b/40.png [01/28 23:03:25] [INFO] Progress: 308/2260 [01/28 23:03:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/imgur-on-firefox-rederecting-to-virus-infection-warning.788604/ finished! [01/28 23:03:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG is such trash. !!!!! [01/28 23:03:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:03:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:03:29] [INFO] Progress: 309/2260 [01/28 23:03:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-is-such-trash.787956/ finished! [01/28 23:03:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender whips ESET in latest AV-Tests !!!!! [01/28 23:03:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:03:31] [INFO] Progress: 310/2260 [01/28 23:03:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-whips-eset-in-latest-av-tests.787451/ finished! [01/28 23:03:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How reliable is Virustotal !!!!! [01/28 23:03:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:03:33] [INFO] Progress: 311/2260 [01/28 23:03:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-reliable-is-virustotal.787764/ finished! [01/28 23:03:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do you stay anonymous !!!!! [01/28 23:03:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] Progress: 312/2260 [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-you-stay-anonymous.776178/ finished! [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-security-software-do-i-need-on-my-computer.769921/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:03:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What security software do I need on my computer !!!!! [01/28 23:03:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:03:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:03:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:03:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:03:42] [INFO] Progress: 313/2260 [01/28 23:03:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-security-software-do-i-need-on-my-computer.769921/ finished! [01/28 23:03:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast False Positive !!!!! [01/28 23:03:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:03:44] [INFO] Progress: 314/2260 [01/28 23:03:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-false-positive.787168/ finished! [01/28 23:03:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The best antivirus software for Windows 10 Home User !!!!! [01/28 23:03:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:03:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:03:49] [INFO] Progress: 315/2260 [01/28 23:03:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-antivirus-software-for-windows-10-home-user.784393/ finished! [01/28 23:03:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Product of the Year 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:03:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:03:50] [INFO] Progress: 316/2260 [01/28 23:03:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-product-of-the-year-2015.787059/ finished! [01/28 23:03:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Clearsight Antivirus - FREE for Home and Business Users !!!!! [01/28 23:03:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:03:53] [INFO] Progress: 317/2260 [01/28 23:03:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clearsight-antivirus-free-for-home-and-business-users.786996/ finished! [01/28 23:03:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't Register Bitdefender Free !!!!! [01/28 23:03:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:03:54] [INFO] Progress: 318/2260 [01/28 23:03:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-register-bitdefender-free.781765/ finished! [01/28 23:03:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG putting millions of Chrome users at risk !!!!! [01/28 23:03:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:03:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:03:56] [INFO] Progress: 319/2260 [01/28 23:03:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-putting-millions-of-chrome-users-at-risk.786113/ finished! [01/28 23:03:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance-Test October 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:03:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:03:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:04:00] [INFO] Progress: 320/2260 [01/28 23:04:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-october-2015.783905/ finished! [01/28 23:04:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Enable PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programs) Detection in Windows Defender for Windows 10 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:02] [INFO] Progress: 321/2260 [01/28 23:04:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/enable-pup-potentially-unwanted-programs-detection-in-windows-defender-for-windows-10.784989/ finished! [01/28 23:04:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Dell installs self-signed root certificate on laptops, endangering users' privacy !!!!! [01/28 23:04:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:04] [INFO] Progress: 322/2260 [01/28 23:04:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dell-installs-self-signed-root-certificate-on-laptops-endangering-users-privacy.784435/ finished! [01/28 23:04:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives False Alarm Real-World File Detection Tests SEP 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:04:06] [INFO] Progress: 323/2260 [01/28 23:04:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-false-alarm-real-world-file-detection-tests-sep-2015.782776/ finished! [01/28 23:04:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Emsisoft vs. NOD32 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:04:08] [INFO] Progress: 324/2260 [01/28 23:04:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emsisoft-vs-nod32.783293/ finished! [01/28 23:04:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Test 9 2015 Results !!!!! [01/28 23:04:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:04:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:04:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:04:12] [INFO] Progress: 325/2260 [01/28 23:04:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-9-2015-results.781310/ finished! [01/28 23:04:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Dennis Technology Labs Home Anti-Virus Protection Annual Report 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:13] [INFO] Progress: 326/2260 [01/28 23:04:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dennis-technology-labs-home-anti-virus-protection-annual-report-2015.782458/ finished! [01/28 23:04:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Internet Security 2015 (100% Discount) !!!!! [01/28 23:04:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:15] [INFO] Progress: 327/2260 [01/28 23:04:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-internet-security-2015-100-discount.782412/ finished! [01/28 23:04:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus guard !!!!! [01/28 23:04:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:17] [INFO] Progress: 328/2260 [01/28 23:04:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-guard.781423/ finished! [01/28 23:04:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MRG Effitas Online Banking Browser Security Q2 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:19] [INFO] Progress: 329/2260 [01/28 23:04:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mrg-effitas-online-banking-browser-security-q2-2015.780544/ finished! [01/28 23:04:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG could sell your browse history to 3rd parties !!!!! [01/28 23:04:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:04:20] [INFO] Progress: 330/2260 [01/28 23:04:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-could-sell-your-browse-history-to-3rd-parties.781743/ finished! [01/28 23:04:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Roboscan Help !!!!! [01/28 23:04:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:22] [INFO] Progress: 331/2260 [01/28 23:04:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/roboscan-help.781125/ finished! [01/28 23:04:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading DNS unlocker !!!!! [01/28 23:04:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:24] [INFO] Progress: 332/2260 [01/28 23:04:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dns-unlocker.780750/ finished! [01/28 23:04:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading herdProtect - Free 68 Anti-Malware Engine Scanner !!!!! [01/28 23:04:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:26] [INFO] Progress: 333/2260 [01/28 23:04:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/herdprotect-free-68-anti-malware-engine-scanner.778609/ finished! [01/28 23:04:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading xoticpc anti virus option worth it !!!!! [01/28 23:04:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:28] [INFO] Progress: 334/2260 [01/28 23:04:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/xoticpc-anti-virus-option-worth-it.778551/ finished! [01/28 23:04:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security Replaced !!!!! [01/28 23:04:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:30] [INFO] Progress: 335/2260 [01/28 23:04:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-replaced.778396/ finished! [01/28 23:04:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adobe urging users to update Flash after the discovery of threat !!!!! [01/28 23:04:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:32] [INFO] Progress: 336/2260 [01/28 23:04:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adobe-urging-users-to-update-flash-after-the-discovery-of-threat.778028/ finished! [01/28 23:04:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives- Performance Tests May 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:04:33] [INFO] Progress: 337/2260 [01/28 23:04:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-tests-may-2015.778127/ finished! [01/28 23:04:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Real world protection test may 2015 !!!!! [01/28 23:04:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:04:35] [WARNING] File not found for image https://forums.anandtech.com/images/statusicon/wol_error.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Real world protection test may 2015/images/storyImages/wol_error.gif [01/28 23:04:36] [INFO] Progress: 338/2260 [01/28 23:04:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/real-world-protection-test-may-2015.777385/ finished! [01/28 23:04:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Beware of Imgburn with virus inside !!!!! [01/28 23:04:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:04:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:04:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:04:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:04:42] [INFO] Progress: 339/2260 [01/28 23:04:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/beware-of-imgburn-with-virus-inside.768442/ finished! [01/28 23:04:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Internet Security 2015 (100% Discount) !!!!! [01/28 23:04:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:44] [INFO] Progress: 340/2260 [01/28 23:04:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-internet-security-2015-100-discount.777241/ finished! [01/28 23:04:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Anti-Virus, anybody having connection problems. !!!!! [01/28 23:04:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:04:46] [INFO] Progress: 341/2260 [01/28 23:04:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-anti-virus-anybody-having-connection-problems.775906/ finished! [01/28 23:04:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New ‘Rombertik’ virus destroys your PC if you try to get rid of it !!!!! [01/28 23:04:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:04:48] [INFO] Progress: 342/2260 [01/28 23:04:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-%E2%80%98rombertik%E2%80%99-virus-destroys-your-pc-if-you-try-to-get-rid-of-it.775617/ finished! [01/28 23:04:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Expired... How to Renew !!!!! [01/28 23:04:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:04:50] [INFO] Progress: 343/2260 [01/28 23:04:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-expired-how-to-renew.774629/ finished! [01/28 23:04:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to get rid of GuruAid.com !!!!! [01/28 23:04:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:04:53] [INFO] Progress: 344/2260 [01/28 23:04:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-rid-of-guruaid-com.774243/ finished! [01/28 23:04:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading will virus jump from externall hdd just by plugging in !!!!! [01/28 23:04:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:04:55] [INFO] Progress: 345/2260 [01/28 23:04:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/will-virus-jump-from-externall-hdd-just-by-plugging-in.770061/ finished! [01/28 23:04:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE Missed 100% Of Malware In This Test !!!!! [01/28 23:04:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:04:57] [INFO] Progress: 346/2260 [01/28 23:04:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-missed-100-of-malware-in-this-test.772638/ finished! [01/28 23:04:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Millions at risk from 'Freak' encryption bug !!!!! [01/28 23:04:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:04:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:04:58] [INFO] Progress: 347/2260 [01/28 23:04:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/millions-at-risk-from-freak-encryption-bug.772569/ finished! [01/28 23:04:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lenovo PCs ship with adware that puts computers at risk !!!!! [01/28 23:05:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:05:00] [INFO] Progress: 348/2260 [01/28 23:05:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lenovo-pcs-ship-with-adware-that-puts-computers-at-risk.771628/ finished! [01/28 23:05:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Gaming performance impact with full SSD drive encryption !!!!! [01/28 23:05:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:05:02] [INFO] Progress: 349/2260 [01/28 23:05:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/gaming-performance-impact-with-full-ssd-drive-encryption.771991/ finished! [01/28 23:05:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet suites choice selection !!!!! [01/28 23:05:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:05:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:05:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:05:05] [INFO] Progress: 350/2260 [01/28 23:05:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-suites-choice-selection.771453/ finished! [01/28 23:05:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading opera got a weird chrome bug !!!!! [01/28 23:05:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:05:08] [INFO] Progress: 351/2260 [01/28 23:05:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/opera-got-a-weird-chrome-bug.771411/ finished! [01/28 23:05:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading GF's Dad Has a Virus. Haaalp! !!!!! [01/28 23:05:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:05:10] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff439/hehehippie/32386DF8-D882-4610-A060-1F7E96D6067F_zpsn05iyut5.jpg [01/28 23:05:11] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ff439/hehehippie/32386DF8-D882-4610-A060-1F7E96D6067F_zpsn05iyut5.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ff439/hehehippie/32386DF8-D882-4610-A060-1F7E96D6067F_zpsn05iyut5.jpg [01/28 23:05:11] [INFO] Progress: 352/2260 [01/28 23:05:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/gfs-dad-has-a-virus-haaalp.768931/ finished! [01/28 23:05:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 7- The best security packages at the end of mainstream support !!!!! [01/28 23:05:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:05:13] [INFO] Progress: 353/2260 [01/28 23:05:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-7-the-best-security-packages-at-the-end-of-mainstream-support.770891/ finished! [01/28 23:05:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best free spyware adware removal for 8.1, mozzila, chrome !!!!! [01/28 23:05:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:05:15] [INFO] Progress: 354/2260 [01/28 23:05:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-spyware-adware-removal-for-8-1-mozzila-chrome.769136/ finished! [01/28 23:05:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comparing Four AV Products... Please Help !!!!! [01/28 23:05:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:05:17] [INFO] Progress: 355/2260 [01/28 23:05:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comparing-four-av-products-please-help.761682/ finished! [01/28 23:05:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo v.8 virtual desktop !!!!! [01/28 23:05:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:05:18] [INFO] Progress: 356/2260 [01/28 23:05:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-v-8-virtual-desktop.767619/ finished! [01/28 23:05:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Website Shows Up In My Tab For No Reason !!!!! [01/28 23:05:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:05:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:05:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:05:22] [INFO] Progress: 357/2260 [01/28 23:05:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/website-shows-up-in-my-tab-for-no-reason.766878/ finished! [01/28 23:05:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Annoying virus any help greatly appreciated. !!!!! [01/28 23:05:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:05:24] [INFO] Progress: 358/2260 [01/28 23:05:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/annoying-virus-any-help-greatly-appreciated.766741/ finished! [01/28 23:05:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How companies use Canvas Fingerprinting to track you online !!!!! [01/28 23:05:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:05:25] [INFO] Progress: 359/2260 [01/28 23:05:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-companies-use-canvas-fingerprinting-to-track-you-online.765746/ finished! [01/28 23:05:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Charge Your E-Cig Through USB Better Update That Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:05:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:05:27] [INFO] Progress: 360/2260 [01/28 23:05:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/charge-your-e-cig-through-usb-better-update-that-antivirus.765788/ finished! [01/28 23:05:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading DTL Anti-Virus Protection report, Jul-Sep 2014 !!!!! [01/28 23:05:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:05:29] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t557/MaXimus66622/2014-11-05_002305_zps25b837d3.png [01/28 23:05:30] [INFO] Progress: 361/2260 [01/28 23:05:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dtl-anti-virus-protection-report-jul-sep-2014.764616/ finished! [01/28 23:05:30] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/overall-best-anti-virus-security-suite-software-small-footprint-light-usage-complete-internet-security-suite.640892/ is 27500 ms [01/28 23:05:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Overall Best Anti-Virus Security Suite Software (small footprint, light usage, complete internet security suite) !!!!! [01/28 23:05:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:05:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:05:35] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:05:37] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:05:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:05:37] [INFO] Progress: 362/2260 [01/28 23:05:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/overall-best-anti-virus-security-suite-software-small-footprint-light-usage-complete-internet-security-suite.640892/ finished! [01/28 23:05:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any point in getting an AV !!!!! [01/28 23:05:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:05:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:05:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:05:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:05:42] [INFO] Progress: 363/2260 [01/28 23:05:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-point-in-getting-an-av.758032/ finished! [01/28 23:05:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives real-world protection test August 2014 !!!!! [01/28 23:05:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:05:45] [WARNING] File not found for image http://image-upload.de/image/CwwFOG/34bdda27b1.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//AV-Comparatives real-world protection test August 2014/images/storyImages/34bdda27b1.png [01/28 23:05:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:05:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:05:47] [INFO] Progress: 364/2260 [01/28 23:05:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-real-world-protection-test-august-2014.761620/ finished! [01/28 23:05:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Newer MBAM getting very bad comments from users -- What else to use !!!!! [01/28 23:05:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:05:49] [INFO] Progress: 365/2260 [01/28 23:05:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/newer-mbam-getting-very-bad-comments-from-users-what-else-to-use.760082/ finished! [01/28 23:05:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anti virus for windows 8.1 !!!!! [01/28 23:05:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:05:51] [INFO] Progress: 366/2260 [01/28 23:05:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-for-windows-8-1.759189/ finished! [01/28 23:05:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is MBAM + MSE enough !!!!! [01/28 23:05:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:05:53] [INFO] Progress: 367/2260 [01/28 23:05:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mbam-mse-enough.760104/ finished! [01/28 23:05:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PUP.Optional.Highlightly a nasty one! !!!!! [01/28 23:05:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:05:56] [INFO] Progress: 368/2260 [01/28 23:05:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pup-optional-highlightly-a-nasty-one.750550/ finished! [01/28 23:05:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Java !!!!! [01/28 23:05:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:05:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:05:58] [INFO] Progress: 369/2260 [01/28 23:05:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/java.747939/ finished! [01/28 23:05:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Major Issue With Laptop, Possible Virus Can Anyone Help Me !!!!! [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] Progress: 370/2260 [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/major-issue-with-laptop-possible-virus-can-anyone-help-me.756153/ finished! [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-user-forum-hacked.753623/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:06:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast user forum Hacked !!!!! [01/28 23:06:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:06:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:06:05] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:06:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:06:05] [INFO] Progress: 371/2260 [01/28 23:06:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-user-forum-hacked.753623/ finished! [01/28 23:06:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading shortcut to folders in external HDD virus !!!!! [01/28 23:06:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:06:07] [INFO] Progress: 372/2260 [01/28 23:06:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/shortcut-to-folders-in-external-hdd-virus.752651/ finished! [01/28 23:06:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I accidently downloaded and installed a bunch of malware from a fake Skype website. !!!!! [01/28 23:06:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:06:09] [INFO] Progress: 373/2260 [01/28 23:06:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-accidently-downloaded-and-installed-a-bunch-of-malware-from-a-fake-skype-website.752254/ finished! [01/28 23:06:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials Has it been pulled !!!!! [01/28 23:06:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:06:11] [INFO] Progress: 374/2260 [01/28 23:06:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-4-5-216-0-has-it-been-pulled.749487/ finished! [01/28 23:06:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Infected Windows PC, how do I scan possibly infected USB devices !!!!! [01/28 23:06:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:06:13] [INFO] Progress: 375/2260 [01/28 23:06:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/infected-windows-pc-how-do-i-scan-possibly-infected-usb-devices.752104/ finished! [01/28 23:06:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bitdefender vs. Kaspersky (2014) !!!!! [01/28 23:06:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:15] [INFO] Progress: 376/2260 [01/28 23:06:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-vs-kaspersky-2014.751343/ finished! [01/28 23:06:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Zero Day Exploit - IE users (Versions 9-11) !!!!! [01/28 23:06:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:06:17] [INFO] Progress: 377/2260 [01/28 23:06:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zero-day-exploit-ie-users-versions-9-11.751262/ finished! [01/28 23:06:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How come noone talks about Qihoo Internet Security !!!!! [01/28 23:06:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:06:19] [INFO] Progress: 378/2260 [01/28 23:06:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-come-noone-talks-about-qihoo-internet-security.751789/ finished! [01/28 23:06:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Heartbleed - OPen SSL flaw - personal data possibly at risk !!!!! [01/28 23:06:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:06:20] [INFO] Progress: 379/2260 [01/28 23:06:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/heartbleed-open-ssl-flaw-personal-data-possibly-at-risk.749862/ finished! [01/28 23:06:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows live Mesh Active X !!!!! [01/28 23:06:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:06:22] [INFO] Progress: 380/2260 [01/28 23:06:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-live-mesh-active-x.748825/ finished! [01/28 23:06:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free 9 month of Bitdefender Internet Security 2014 !!!!! [01/28 23:06:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:06:24] [INFO] Progress: 381/2260 [01/28 23:06:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-9-month-of-bitdefender-internet-security-2014.748286/ finished! [01/28 23:06:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unable to access website due to antivirus or firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:06:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:06:26] [INFO] Progress: 382/2260 [01/28 23:06:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unable-to-access-website-due-to-antivirus-or-firewall.745848/ finished! [01/28 23:06:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender or Eset Which is Better AND can they work together !!!!! [01/28 23:06:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:06:27] [INFO] Progress: 383/2260 [01/28 23:06:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-or-eset-which-is-better-and-can-they-work-together.745219/ finished! [01/28 23:06:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free AV CPU, Threads, & Memory Usage Comparison !!!!! [01/28 23:06:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:06:29] [INFO] Progress: 384/2260 [01/28 23:06:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-av-cpu-threads-memory-usage-comparison.744950/ finished! [01/28 23:06:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What AV do i use to remove Windows Accelerator Pro !!!!! [01/28 23:06:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:06:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:06:31] [INFO] Progress: 385/2260 [01/28 23:06:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-av-do-i-use-to-remove-windows-accelerator-pro.745130/ finished! [01/28 23:06:31] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-av-you-all-use.678046/ is 51500 ms [01/28 23:06:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which AV you all use !!!!! [01/28 23:06:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 9 [01/28 23:06:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 9 [01/28 23:06:37] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 9 [01/28 23:06:52] [WARNING] Read timeout for image This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:06:54] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 9 [01/28 23:06:56] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 9 [01/28 23:06:58] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 9 [01/28 23:07:00] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 9 [01/28 23:07:01] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 9 [01/28 23:07:02] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 9 [01/28 23:07:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:03] [INFO] Progress: 386/2260 [01/28 23:07:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-av-you-all-use.678046/ finished! [01/28 23:07:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NoScript Firefox blocking the same scripts on every website = possible infection spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:07:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:07:04] [INFO] Progress: 387/2260 [01/28 23:07:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/noscript-firefox-blocking-the-same-scripts-on-every-website-possible-infection-spyware.714824/ finished! [01/28 23:07:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Scanner Light on Computer Resources !!!!! [01/28 23:07:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:07:06] [INFO] Progress: 388/2260 [01/28 23:07:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-scanner-light-on-computer-resources.743816/ finished! [01/28 23:07:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Has my compuuter been hujacked !!!!! [01/28 23:07:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:07:08] [INFO] Progress: 389/2260 [01/28 23:07:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/has-my-compuuter-been-hujacked.742927/ finished! [01/28 23:07:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading malware spyware viruses - slow performance !!!!! [01/28 23:07:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:07:10] [INFO] Progress: 390/2260 [01/28 23:07:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malware-spyware-viruses-slow-performance.743714/ finished! [01/28 23:07:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to get rid of these adwares !!!!! [01/28 23:07:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:07:12] [INFO] Progress: 391/2260 [01/28 23:07:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-rid-of-these-adwares.692803/ finished! [01/28 23:07:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Torrents !!!!! [01/28 23:07:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:15] [INFO] Progress: 392/2260 [01/28 23:07:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/torrents.724389/ finished! [01/28 23:07:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to get rid of...snap.do !!!!! [01/28 23:07:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:07:16] [INFO] Progress: 393/2260 [01/28 23:07:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-rid-of-snap-do.734271/ finished! [01/28 23:07:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus for Windows Server !!!!! [01/28 23:07:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:07:18] [INFO] Progress: 394/2260 [01/28 23:07:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-for-windows-server.600344/ finished! [01/28 23:07:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I renew Norton !!!!! [01/28 23:07:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:07:22] [WARNING] Could not download image http://xaxor.com/images/123696/why_trial_antivirus_640_06.jpg java.net.SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(HttpClient.java:903) at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(HttpClient.java:726) at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(HttpClient.java:900) at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(HttpClient.java:726) at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1688) at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1589) at java.base/java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.java:529) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadImage(StoryArchiver.java:1226) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.processImage(StoryArchiver.java:1104) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadPostsFromPage(StoryArchiver.java:996) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadPage(StoryArchiver.java:941) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:631) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:07:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:07:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:24] [INFO] Progress: 395/2260 [01/28 23:07:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-renew-norton.737748/ finished! [01/28 23:07:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Panel Malfunction !!!!! [01/28 23:07:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:26] [INFO] Progress: 396/2260 [01/28 23:07:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-panel-malfunction.736734/ finished! [01/28 23:07:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Thinking about buying Norton 360...Help! !!!!! [01/28 23:07:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:07:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:07:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:30] [INFO] Progress: 397/2260 [01/28 23:07:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/thinking-about-buying-norton-360-help.670669/ finished! [01/28 23:07:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Thoughts On Hide Your IP Address Software for online securety !!!!! [01/28 23:07:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:07:32] [INFO] Progress: 398/2260 [01/28 23:07:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/thoughts-on-hide-your-ip-address-software-for-online-securety.674228/ finished! [01/28 23:07:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how to remove ad.yieldmanader pop ups !!!!! [01/28 23:07:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:07:34] [INFO] Progress: 399/2260 [01/28 23:07:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-remove-ad-yieldmanader-pop-ups.734719/ finished! [01/28 23:07:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-TEST Product Review and Certification Report May-Jun 2013 - MSE owned !!!!! [01/28 23:07:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:07:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:07:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:07:38] [INFO] Progress: 400/2260 [01/28 23:07:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-test-product-review-and-certification-report-may-jun-2013-mse-owned.726916/ finished! [01/28 23:07:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NEW AV-comparatives Real World testing results are out - (August 2013) !!!!! [01/28 23:07:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:07:40] [INFO] Progress: 401/2260 [01/28 23:07:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-av-comparatives-real-world-testing-results-are-out-august-2013.732228/ finished! [01/28 23:07:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes (MBAM) Udate Error on Critical System files. !!!!! [01/28 23:07:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:42] [INFO] Progress: 402/2260 [01/28 23:07:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-mbam-udate-error-on-critical-system-files.716063/ finished! [01/28 23:07:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Going to replace my preinstalled McAfee with Avast (free version). How do I go about doing this and what else should I add !!!!! [01/28 23:07:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:07:43] [INFO] Progress: 403/2260 [01/28 23:07:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/going-to-replace-my-preinstalled-mcafee-with-avast-free-version-how-do-i-go-about-doing-this-and-what-else-should-i-add.729931/ finished! [01/28 23:07:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Antivirus Software is the best for gamers !!!!! [01/28 23:07:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:07:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:07:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:07:47] [INFO] Progress: 404/2260 [01/28 23:07:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-antivirus-software-is-the-best-for-gamers.729389/ finished! [01/28 23:07:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot any good !!!!! [01/28 23:07:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:07:49] [INFO] Progress: 405/2260 [01/28 23:07:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-any-good.721324/ finished! [01/28 23:07:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading v9 - how to remove it !!!!! [01/28 23:07:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:07:51] [INFO] Progress: 406/2260 [01/28 23:07:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/v9-how-to-remove-it.720809/ finished! [01/28 23:07:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Blaster worm won't let me use restore partition...now what !!!!! [01/28 23:07:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:07:53] [INFO] Progress: 407/2260 [01/28 23:07:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/blaster-worm-wont-let-me-use-restore-partition-now-what.719160/ finished! [01/28 23:07:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading visicom media anti phishing domain advisor (powered by Panda Security) stopped working What is this !!!!! [01/28 23:07:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:07:55] [INFO] Progress: 408/2260 [01/28 23:07:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/visicom-media-anti-phishing-domain-advisor-powered-by-panda-security-stopped-working-what-is-this.716327/ finished! [01/28 23:07:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Pendrive Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:07:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:07:57] [INFO] Progress: 409/2260 [01/28 23:07:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pendrive-virus.716948/ finished! [01/28 23:07:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stumped- 3 Online AntiVirus Scanners with Different Results !!!!! [01/28 23:07:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:07:59] [INFO] Progress: 410/2260 [01/28 23:07:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stumped-3-online-antivirus-scanners-with-different-results.703715/ finished! [01/28 23:07:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Today, Malwarebytes'Antimalware MBAM 50% off, only $12,47 for a lifetime license. !!!!! [01/28 23:08:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:08:01] [INFO] Progress: 411/2260 [01/28 23:08:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/today-malwarebytesantimalware-mbam-50-off-only-12-47-for-a-lifetime-license.712472/ finished! [01/28 23:08:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it safe to log into websites with my Google account !!!!! [01/28 23:08:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:08:03] [INFO] Progress: 412/2260 [01/28 23:08:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-safe-to-log-into-websites-with-my-google-account.712477/ finished! [01/28 23:08:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PLEASE HELP ! Anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:08:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:04] [INFO] Progress: 413/2260 [01/28 23:08:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help-anti-virus.709699/ finished! [01/28 23:08:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it possible to be infected by a virus by executing a save image as !!!!! [01/28 23:08:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:08:06] [INFO] Progress: 414/2260 [01/28 23:08:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-possible-to-be-infected-by-a-virus-by-executing-a-save-image-as.708305/ finished! [01/28 23:08:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are there any improvements in security features in Windows 8 !!!!! [01/28 23:08:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:08:08] [INFO] Progress: 415/2260 [01/28 23:08:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-there-any-improvements-in-security-features-in-windows-8.709151/ finished! [01/28 23:08:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Big Window Update Coming on Tuesday This Week !!!!! [01/28 23:08:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:08:10] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:08:10] [INFO] Progress: 416/2260 [01/28 23:08:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/big-window-update-coming-on-tuesday-this-week.707977/ finished! [01/28 23:08:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best FREE AV for a Hybrid HDD !!!!! [01/28 23:08:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:08:12] [INFO] Progress: 417/2260 [01/28 23:08:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-av-for-a-hybrid-hdd.707457/ finished! [01/28 23:08:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Ad-Blocker for Firefox !!!!! [01/28 23:08:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:08:14] [INFO] Progress: 418/2260 [01/28 23:08:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-ad-blocker-for-firefox.706858/ finished! [01/28 23:08:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Spybot's Immunize function actually useful !!!!! [01/28 23:08:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:08:16] [INFO] Progress: 419/2260 [01/28 23:08:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-spybots-immunize-function-actually-useful.672615/ finished! [01/28 23:08:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do you protect yourself from web surfing vulnerabilities !!!!! [01/28 23:08:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:08:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:08:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:08:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:08:21] [INFO] Progress: 420/2260 [01/28 23:08:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-you-protect-yourself-from-web-surfing-vulnerabilities.705996/ finished! [01/28 23:08:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ransomware !!!!! [01/28 23:08:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:08:23] [INFO] Progress: 421/2260 [01/28 23:08:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ransomware.706297/ finished! [01/28 23:08:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help!!! Google search links re-directed to unwanted pages !!!!! [01/28 23:08:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:08:25] [INFO] Progress: 422/2260 [01/28 23:08:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-google-search-links-re-directed-to-unwanted-pages.705069/ finished! [01/28 23:08:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Addwares on Facebook !!!!! [01/28 23:08:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:08:27] [INFO] Progress: 423/2260 [01/28 23:08:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/addwares-on-facebook.705673/ finished! [01/28 23:08:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender !!!!! [01/28 23:08:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:08:29] [INFO] Progress: 424/2260 [01/28 23:08:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender.705228/ finished! [01/28 23:08:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How can I remove ad.yield.manager from my computer !!!!! [01/28 23:08:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:08:31] [INFO] Progress: 425/2260 [01/28 23:08:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-can-i-remove-ad-yield-manager-from-my-computer.672092/ finished! [01/28 23:08:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NEWS - U.S. warns on Java software as security concerns escalate !!!!! [01/28 23:08:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:08:33] [INFO] Progress: 426/2260 [01/28 23:08:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-u-s-warns-on-java-software-as-security-concerns-escalate.703595/ finished! [01/28 23:08:34] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-paid-antivirus.681579/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:08:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Paid Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:08:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:08:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:08:39] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:08:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:08:39] [INFO] Progress: 427/2260 [01/28 23:08:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-paid-antivirus.681579/ finished! [01/28 23:08:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best anti virus for gaming !!!!! [01/28 23:08:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:08:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:08:45] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:08:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:08:45] [INFO] Progress: 428/2260 [01/28 23:08:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-for-gaming.688469/ finished! [01/28 23:08:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My favorite Internet Security solution so far. Beginning 2013 right. !!!!! [01/28 23:08:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:08:46] [INFO] Progress: 429/2260 [01/28 23:08:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-favorite-internet-security-solution-so-far-beginning-2013-right.702456/ finished! [01/28 23:08:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Theft security software !!!!! [01/28 23:08:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:08:48] [INFO] Progress: 430/2260 [01/28 23:08:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/theft-security-software.693209/ finished! [01/28 23:08:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is gaxpa-search, and which security software can kill it !!!!! [01/28 23:08:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:08:50] [INFO] Progress: 431/2260 [01/28 23:08:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-gaxpa-search-and-which-security-software-can-kill-it.693580/ finished! [01/28 23:08:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Handing over the 'Best free security software thread'. !!!!! [01/28 23:08:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:08:52] [INFO] Progress: 432/2260 [01/28 23:08:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/handing-over-the-best-free-security-software-thread.695817/ finished! [01/28 23:08:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE hangs on startup... !!!!! [01/28 23:08:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:08:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:08:54] [INFO] Progress: 433/2260 [01/28 23:08:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-hangs-on-startup.701326/ finished! [01/28 23:08:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-question.677721/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:08:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus question !!!!! [01/28 23:08:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:08:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:08:59] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:08:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:08:59] [INFO] Progress: 434/2260 [01/28 23:08:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-question.677721/ finished! [01/28 23:09:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes MBAR Anti-Rootkit !!!!! [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] Progress: 435/2260 [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-mbar-anti-rootkit.699569/ finished! [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mcafee-anti-virus-any-good-advice-please.685463/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:09:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Mcafee anti virus any good Advice please !!!!! [01/28 23:09:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:09:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:09:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:09:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:07] [INFO] Progress: 436/2260 [01/28 23:09:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mcafee-anti-virus-any-good-advice-please.685463/ finished! [01/28 23:09:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:09:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:09:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:09:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:09:11] [INFO] Progress: 437/2260 [01/28 23:09:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-antivirus.687427/ finished! [01/28 23:09:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security 6.0 beta experience !!!!! [01/28 23:09:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:09:12] [INFO] Progress: 438/2260 [01/28 23:09:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-6-0-beta-experience.692337/ finished! [01/28 23:09:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need advice on security software of computer illiterate teacher !!!!! [01/28 23:09:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:09:14] [INFO] Progress: 439/2260 [01/28 23:09:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-advice-on-security-software-of-computer-illiterate-teacher.698342/ finished! [01/28 23:09:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE is the worst AntiVirus !!!!! [01/28 23:09:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:16] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2986/avtestresultsoct.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//MSE is the worst AntiVirus/images/storyImages/avtestresultsoct.png [01/28 23:09:16] [INFO] Progress: 440/2260 [01/28 23:09:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-is-the-worst-antivirus.697543/ finished! [01/28 23:09:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best antivirus suite or total protection software for a low end acer !!!!! [01/28 23:09:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:18] [INFO] Progress: 441/2260 [01/28 23:09:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-suite-or-total-protection-software-for-a-low-end-acer.689113/ finished! [01/28 23:09:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question on AV software and usb virus blocking. As well as free firewall. !!!!! [01/28 23:09:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:09:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:09:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:23] [INFO] Progress: 442/2260 [01/28 23:09:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-on-av-software-and-usb-virus-blocking-as-well-as-free-firewall.695555/ finished! [01/28 23:09:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading This MIGHT come in handy. !!!!! [01/28 23:09:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:25] [INFO] Progress: 443/2260 [01/28 23:09:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/this-might-come-in-handy.694187/ finished! [01/28 23:09:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Light good antivirus firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:09:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:09:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:09:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:29] [INFO] Progress: 444/2260 [01/28 23:09:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/light-good-antivirus-firewall.684589/ finished! [01/28 23:09:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast and Microsoft security essentials !!!!! [01/28 23:09:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:09:31] [INFO] Progress: 445/2260 [01/28 23:09:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-and-microsoft-security-essentials.692873/ finished! [01/28 23:09:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free vs paid Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:09:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:33] [INFO] Progress: 446/2260 [01/28 23:09:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-vs-paid-antivirus.692787/ finished! [01/28 23:09:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Re- rootkits !!!!! [01/28 23:09:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:09:35] [INFO] Progress: 447/2260 [01/28 23:09:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/re-rootkits.692002/ finished! [01/28 23:09:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is scanning a file with Malwarebytes reliable !!!!! [01/28 23:09:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:09:36] [INFO] Progress: 448/2260 [01/28 23:09:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-scanning-a-file-with-malwarebytes-reliable.689760/ finished! [01/28 23:09:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 360 vs 6 question..Anti Spam !!!!! [01/28 23:09:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:38] [INFO] Progress: 449/2260 [01/28 23:09:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/360-vs-6-question-anti-spam.690036/ finished! [01/28 23:09:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Fix for latest IE Zero day exploit !!!!! [01/28 23:09:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:09:40] [INFO] Progress: 450/2260 [01/28 23:09:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fix-for-latest-ie-zero-day-exploit.689282/ finished! [01/28 23:09:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your PC may come with malware pre-installed !!!!! [01/28 23:09:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:42] [INFO] Progress: 451/2260 [01/28 23:09:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-pc-may-come-with-malware-pre-installed.688381/ finished! [01/28 23:09:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading DBAN error question !!!!! [01/28 23:09:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:45] [INFO] Progress: 452/2260 [01/28 23:09:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dban-error-question.688372/ finished! [01/28 23:09:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Proof that MSE SUCKS! !!!!! [01/28 23:09:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:09:47] [INFO] Progress: 453/2260 [01/28 23:09:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/proof-that-mse-sucks.688254/ finished! [01/28 23:09:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 7 memory diagnostics tool issues !!!!! [01/28 23:09:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:09:48] [INFO] Progress: 454/2260 [01/28 23:09:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-7-memory-diagnostics-tool-issues.685875/ finished! [01/28 23:09:48] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/guide-how-to-safely-use-windows-without-anti-virus-security.524089/ is 29500 ms [01/28 23:09:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading (Guide) How to safely use Windows without Anti-virus security !!!!! [01/28 23:09:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:09:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 13 [01/28 23:09:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:09:55] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:09:55] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/7910/deny.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//(Guide) How to safely use Windows without Anti-virus security/images/storyImages/deny.png [01/28 23:09:56] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1931/remove.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//(Guide) How to safely use Windows without Anti-virus security/images/storyImages/remove.png [01/28 23:09:57] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:09:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:58] [INFO] Progress: 455/2260 [01/28 23:09:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/guide-how-to-safely-use-windows-without-anti-virus-security.524089/ finished! [01/28 23:09:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Advice needed please rootkit or false positive !!!!! [01/28 23:09:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:09:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:09:59] [INFO] Progress: 456/2260 [01/28 23:09:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/advice-needed-please-rootkit-or-false-positive.681304/ finished! [01/28 23:10:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How secure is the internet connection at a library !!!!! [01/28 23:10:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:10:02] [INFO] Progress: 457/2260 [01/28 23:10:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-secure-is-the-internet-connection-at-a-library.683697/ finished! [01/28 23:10:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials, Alternative !!!!! [01/28 23:10:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:10:04] [INFO] Progress: 458/2260 [01/28 23:10:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-alternative.682648/ finished! [01/28 23:10:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help Needed on 'TR ATRAPS.Gen2' !!!!! [01/28 23:10:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:10:06] [INFO] Progress: 459/2260 [01/28 23:10:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-needed-on-tr-atraps-gen2.682673/ finished! [01/28 23:10:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE prompt during photo viewing !!!!! [01/28 23:10:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:10:08] [INFO] Progress: 460/2260 [01/28 23:10:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-prompt-during-photo-viewing.683159/ finished! [01/28 23:10:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any good Anti-Spam program for Outlook Express 6 !!!!! [01/28 23:10:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:10:10] [INFO] Progress: 461/2260 [01/28 23:10:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-good-anti-spam-program-for-outlook-express-6.674730/ finished! [01/28 23:10:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Tried the majority of the top internet security suites and here are my thoughts !!!!! [01/28 23:10:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:12] [INFO] Progress: 462/2260 [01/28 23:10:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tried-the-majority-of-the-top-internet-security-suites-and-here-are-my-thoughts.681751/ finished! [01/28 23:10:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Firewall vs ZoneAlarm Free !!!!! [01/28 23:10:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:10:14] [INFO] Progress: 463/2260 [01/28 23:10:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-firewall-vs-zonealarm-free.682329/ finished! [01/28 23:10:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! Free Antivirus vs Eset NOD32 Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:10:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:10:16] [INFO] Progress: 464/2260 [01/28 23:10:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-free-antivirus-vs-eset-nod32-antivirus.681940/ finished! [01/28 23:10:16] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-vs-windows-firewall.594142/ is 32000 ms [01/28 23:10:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo vs Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:10:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:10:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:10:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:10:22] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:10:24] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:10:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:10:25] [INFO] Progress: 465/2260 [01/28 23:10:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-vs-windows-firewall.594142/ finished! [01/28 23:10:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which is the best antivirus can i use eset nod32 antivirus and windows defender at a same time !!!!! [01/28 23:10:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:10:27] [INFO] Progress: 466/2260 [01/28 23:10:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-is-the-best-antivirus-can-i-use-eset-nod32-antivirus-and-windows-defender-at-a-same-time.678265/ finished! [01/28 23:10:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2012 Trojan Problems !!!!! [01/28 23:10:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:10:28] [INFO] Progress: 467/2260 [01/28 23:10:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2012-trojan-problems.678752/ finished! [01/28 23:10:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials vs Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:10:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:31] [INFO] Progress: 468/2260 [01/28 23:10:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-vs-avast.674460/ finished! [01/28 23:10:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your opinion about running 2 AV program !!!!! [01/28 23:10:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:10:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:10:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:10:35] [INFO] Progress: 469/2260 [01/28 23:10:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-opinion-about-running-2-av-program.668277/ finished! [01/28 23:10:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Thoughts on real-time protection and hard drive I O impact. !!!!! [01/28 23:10:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:10:37] [INFO] Progress: 470/2260 [01/28 23:10:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/thoughts-on-real-time-protection-and-hard-drive-i-o-impact.677496/ finished! [01/28 23:10:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A good alternative to Comodo firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:10:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:10:39] [INFO] Progress: 471/2260 [01/28 23:10:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-good-alternative-to-comodo-firewall.677072/ finished! [01/28 23:10:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Secunia PSI 3.0, updating 3rd party programs made more easy. !!!!! [01/28 23:10:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:10:41] [INFO] Progress: 472/2260 [01/28 23:10:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secunia-psi-3-0-updating-3rd-party-programs-made-more-easy.674563/ finished! [01/28 23:10:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV protection ends soon. What should I buy !!!!! [01/28 23:10:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:10:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:10:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:10:45] [INFO] Progress: 473/2260 [01/28 23:10:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-protection-ends-soon-what-should-i-buy.672659/ finished! [01/28 23:10:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IE9 Redirect Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:10:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:10:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:10:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:10:48] [INFO] Progress: 474/2260 [01/28 23:10:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ie9-redirect-virus.668256/ finished! [01/28 23:10:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee HackerWatch Update Helper !!!!! [01/28 23:10:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:10:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:10:50] [INFO] Progress: 475/2260 [01/28 23:10:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-hackerwatch-update-helper.627075/ finished! [01/28 23:10:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcafee Vs eset !!!!! [01/28 23:10:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:10:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:10:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:10:54] [INFO] Progress: 476/2260 [01/28 23:10:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-vs-eset.652527/ finished! [01/28 23:10:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are These Infections Harmful or False Positives !!!!! [01/28 23:10:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:10:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:10:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:10:59] [INFO] Progress: 477/2260 [01/28 23:10:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-these-infections-harmful-or-false-positives.672188/ finished! [01/28 23:10:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win32.Malware-gen !!!!! [01/28 23:11:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:11:01] [INFO] Progress: 478/2260 [01/28 23:11:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-malware-gen.672135/ finished! [01/28 23:11:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV- Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:11:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:11:03] [INFO] Progress: 479/2260 [01/28 23:11:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-avast.671658/ finished! [01/28 23:11:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading First PC in Ages. Have some questions. !!!!! [01/28 23:11:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:11:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:11:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:11:07] [INFO] Progress: 480/2260 [01/28 23:11:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/first-pc-in-ages-have-some-questions.660056/ finished! [01/28 23:11:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Computer Help fast !!!!! [01/28 23:11:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:11:09] [INFO] Progress: 481/2260 [01/28 23:11:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-computer-help-fast.670243/ finished! [01/28 23:11:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-paid-for-antivirus-2012.666630/ is 24500 ms [01/28 23:11:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Best Paid for Antivirus 2012 !!!!! [01/28 23:11:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:11:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:11:15] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:11:15] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/479/59754517.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//The Best Paid for Antivirus 2012/images/storyImages/59754517.png [01/28 23:11:15] [INFO] Progress: 482/2260 [01/28 23:11:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-paid-for-antivirus-2012.666630/ finished! [01/28 23:11:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there a good free Firewall left !!!!! [01/28 23:11:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:11:18] [INFO] Progress: 483/2260 [01/28 23:11:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-a-good-free-firewall-left.668226/ finished! [01/28 23:11:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus in 64 vs 32 bit environments !!!!! [01/28 23:11:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:11:20] [INFO] Progress: 484/2260 [01/28 23:11:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-in-64-vs-32-bit-environments.668020/ finished! [01/28 23:11:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Symptoms !!!!! [01/28 23:11:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:11:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:11:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:11:23] [INFO] Progress: 485/2260 [01/28 23:11:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-symptoms.666208/ finished! [01/28 23:11:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spyware and viruses !!!!! [01/28 23:11:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:11:25] [INFO] Progress: 486/2260 [01/28 23:11:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-and-viruses.657006/ finished! [01/28 23:11:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How difficult would it be for someone to eavesdrop on my wifi signal !!!!! [01/28 23:11:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:11:27] [INFO] Progress: 487/2260 [01/28 23:11:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-difficult-would-it-be-for-someone-to-eavesdrop-on-my-wifi-signal.660998/ finished! [01/28 23:11:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete !!!!! [01/28 23:11:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:11:29] [INFO] Progress: 488/2260 [01/28 23:11:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-secureanywhere-complete.661910/ finished! [01/28 23:11:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there any way to get MSE to use more than 4 threads !!!!! [01/28 23:11:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:11:31] [INFO] Progress: 489/2260 [01/28 23:11:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-any-way-to-get-mse-to-use-more-than-4-threads.660790/ finished! [01/28 23:11:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading deleted malware from download folder !!!!! [01/28 23:11:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:11:32] [INFO] Progress: 490/2260 [01/28 23:11:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/deleted-malware-from-download-folder.660845/ finished! [01/28 23:11:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Buying a PC (I have only ever had MAC), what anti-virus software do I need !!!!! [01/28 23:11:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:11:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:11:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:11:36] [INFO] Progress: 491/2260 [01/28 23:11:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/buying-a-pc-i-have-only-ever-had-mac-what-anti-virus-software-do-i-need.659135/ finished! [01/28 23:11:36] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mse-mbam-free-an-effective-lightweight-solution.655855/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:11:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is MSE + MBAM Free an effective, lightweight solution !!!!! [01/28 23:11:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:11:39] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/5724/mbam1.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Is MSE + MBAM Free an effective, lightweight solution/images/storyImages/mbam1.jpg [01/28 23:11:39] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/2884/mbam2.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Is MSE + MBAM Free an effective, lightweight solution/images/storyImages/mbam2.jpg [01/28 23:11:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] Progress: 492/2260 [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mse-mbam-free-an-effective-lightweight-solution.655855/ finished! [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/smart-house-solutions-are-they-legit-safe.657381/ is 32000 ms [01/28 23:11:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Smart House Solutions - are they legit safe !!!!! [01/28 23:11:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:11:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:11:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:11:49] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:11:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:11:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:11:51] [INFO] Progress: 493/2260 [01/28 23:11:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/smart-house-solutions-are-they-legit-safe.657381/ finished! [01/28 23:11:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira 12...Free AV. !!!!! [01/28 23:11:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:11:53] [INFO] Progress: 494/2260 [01/28 23:11:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-12-free-av.657985/ finished! [01/28 23:11:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for a free software that can detect this infected file !!!!! [01/28 23:11:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:11:55] [INFO] Progress: 495/2260 [01/28 23:11:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-a-free-software-that-can-detect-this-infected-file.655896/ finished! [01/28 23:11:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading multithreaded av scanner !!!!! [01/28 23:11:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:11:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:11:57] [INFO] Progress: 496/2260 [01/28 23:11:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/multithreaded-av-scanner.656818/ finished! [01/28 23:11:57] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-c0000135-hs-is-missing.537579/ is 29500 ms [01/28 23:11:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP C0000135 %hs is missing !!!!! [01/28 23:11:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:12:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:12:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:12:03] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:12:03] [INFO] Progress: 497/2260 [01/28 23:12:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-c0000135-hs-is-missing.537579/ finished! [01/28 23:12:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Not running !!!!! [01/28 23:12:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:12:05] [INFO] Progress: 498/2260 [01/28 23:12:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-not-running.655812/ finished! [01/28 23:12:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avg !!!!! [01/28 23:12:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:07] [INFO] Progress: 499/2260 [01/28 23:12:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg.655696/ finished! [01/28 23:12:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Security Suite Free! (Comcast) - Thoughts !!!!! [01/28 23:12:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:12:09] [INFO] Progress: 500/2260 [01/28 23:12:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-security-suite-free-comcast-thoughts.654895/ finished! [01/28 23:12:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading do i need an antivirus is I have Comodo Firewall, Defense+, and MBAM !!!!! [01/28 23:12:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:12:11] [INFO] Progress: 501/2260 [01/28 23:12:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-an-antivirus-is-i-have-comodo-firewall-defense-and-mbam.653833/ finished! [01/28 23:12:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I have a trojan I need IMMEDIATE help please! !!!!! [01/28 23:12:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:12:13] [INFO] Progress: 502/2260 [01/28 23:12:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-have-a-trojan-i-need-immediate-help-please.653236/ finished! [01/28 23:12:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:12:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:12:15] [INFO] Progress: 503/2260 [01/28 23:12:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus.648783/ finished! [01/28 23:12:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading browser redirect virus trojan !!!!! [01/28 23:12:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:12:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:12:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:12:19] [INFO] Progress: 504/2260 [01/28 23:12:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/browser-redirect-virus-trojan.648301/ finished! [01/28 23:12:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:12:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:12:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:12:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:12:22] [INFO] Progress: 505/2260 [01/28 23:12:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-a-virus.650613/ finished! [01/28 23:12:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security FREE !!!!! [01/28 23:12:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:12:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:12:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:12:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:12:26] [INFO] Progress: 506/2260 [01/28 23:12:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-free.646003/ finished! [01/28 23:12:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help with a Virus, Computer Left Unusable... !!!!! [01/28 23:12:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:12:28] [INFO] Progress: 507/2260 [01/28 23:12:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-with-a-virus-computer-left-unusable.651327/ finished! [01/28 23:12:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security software for portable drives !!!!! [01/28 23:12:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:12:30] [INFO] Progress: 508/2260 [01/28 23:12:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-software-for-portable-drives.650499/ finished! [01/28 23:12:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Giveaway for Zemana Antilogger 1-year license !!!!! [01/28 23:12:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:12:32] [INFO] Progress: 509/2260 [01/28 23:12:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/giveaway-for-zemana-antilogger-1-year-license.651409/ finished! [01/28 23:12:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is this !!!!! [01/28 23:12:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:12:34] [INFO] Progress: 510/2260 [01/28 23:12:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-this.651039/ finished! [01/28 23:12:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help with Virus! !!!!! [01/28 23:12:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:36] [INFO] Progress: 511/2260 [01/28 23:12:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-with-virus.650666/ finished! [01/28 23:12:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Malware Firewall recommendations !!!!! [01/28 23:12:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:12:38] [INFO] Progress: 512/2260 [01/28 23:12:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-malware-firewall-recommendations.650076/ finished! [01/28 23:12:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Notebak Anti-Theft for laptop !!!!! [01/28 23:12:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:12:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:12:55] [WARNING] Read timeout for image http://i1-win.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Notebak-Anti-Theft_1.png. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:13:10] [WARNING] Read timeout for image http://i1-win.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Notebak-Anti-Theft_2.png. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:13:25] [WARNING] Read timeout for image http://i1-win.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Notebak-Anti-Theft_3.png. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:13:26] [INFO] Progress: 513/2260 [01/28 23:13:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/notebak-anti-theft-for-laptop.576610/ finished! [01/28 23:13:26] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-anti-virus.637669/ is 24000 ms [01/28 23:13:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:13:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:13:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:13:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:13:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:13:32] [INFO] Progress: 514/2260 [01/28 23:13:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-anti-virus.637669/ finished! [01/28 23:13:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How many security softwares !!!!! [01/28 23:13:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:13:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:13:36] [INFO] Progress: 515/2260 [01/28 23:13:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-many-security-softwares.641040/ finished! [01/28 23:13:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast! 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:13:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:13:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:13:38] [INFO] Progress: 516/2260 [01/28 23:13:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-7.647810/ finished! [01/28 23:13:38] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-do-people-recommend-mbam-over-sas.646419/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:13:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why do people recommend MBAM over SAS !!!!! [01/28 23:13:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:13:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 13 [01/28 23:13:40] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/397/ie9vsfx4.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Why do people recommend MBAM over SAS/images/storyImages/ie9vsfx4.png [01/28 23:13:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:13:43] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:13:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:13:45] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:13:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:13:45] [INFO] Progress: 517/2260 [01/28 23:13:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-do-people-recommend-mbam-over-sas.646419/ finished! [01/28 23:13:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan Detected !!!!! [01/28 23:13:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:13:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:13:47] [INFO] Progress: 518/2260 [01/28 23:13:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-detected.640436/ finished! [01/28 23:13:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hotmail Email Account Hacked !!!!! [01/28 23:13:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:13:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:13:51] [INFO] Progress: 519/2260 [01/28 23:13:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hotmail-email-account-hacked.643520/ finished! [01/28 23:13:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should i require anti virus software !!!!! [01/28 23:13:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:13:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:13:53] [INFO] Progress: 520/2260 [01/28 23:13:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-require-anti-virus-software.643847/ finished! [01/28 23:13:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows System Restore Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:13:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:13:55] [INFO] Progress: 521/2260 [01/28 23:13:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-system-restore-virus.640170/ finished! [01/28 23:13:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-vs-avast-free.631392/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:13:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE vs Avast Free !!!!! [01/28 23:13:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:13:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:14:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:14:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:14:00] [INFO] Progress: 522/2260 [01/28 23:14:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-vs-avast-free.631392/ finished! [01/28 23:14:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender & false positives !!!!! [01/28 23:14:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:14:02] [INFO] Progress: 523/2260 [01/28 23:14:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-false-positives.642639/ finished! [01/28 23:14:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Cheap Kaspersky Internet Security !!!!! [01/28 23:14:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:14:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:14:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:05] [INFO] Progress: 524/2260 [01/28 23:14:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cheap-kaspersky-internet-security.640390/ finished! [01/28 23:14:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Iolo System Mechanic any good !!!!! [01/28 23:14:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:07] [INFO] Progress: 525/2260 [01/28 23:14:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/iolo-system-mechanic-any-good.641719/ finished! [01/28 23:14:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE+MBAM or Avast+MBAM !!!!! [01/28 23:14:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:14:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:14:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:14:11] [INFO] Progress: 526/2260 [01/28 23:14:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-mbam-or-avast-mbam.638092/ finished! [01/28 23:14:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading News - Symantec Source Code Scattered to the Winds !!!!! [01/28 23:14:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:13] [INFO] Progress: 527/2260 [01/28 23:14:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-symantec-source-code-scattered-to-the-winds.637594/ finished! [01/28 23:14:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is This a Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:14:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:14:15] [INFO] Progress: 528/2260 [01/28 23:14:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-a-virus.637442/ finished! [01/28 23:14:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win-7-antivirus-2012.637140/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:14:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win 7 Antivirus 2012 !!!!! [01/28 23:14:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:14:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:14:20] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:14:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:20] [INFO] Progress: 529/2260 [01/28 23:14:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win-7-antivirus-2012.637140/ finished! [01/28 23:14:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Alienware password stealer !!!!! [01/28 23:14:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:14:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:14:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:14:24] [INFO] Progress: 530/2260 [01/28 23:14:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/alienware-password-stealer.635354/ finished! [01/28 23:14:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adding Exceptions to Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:14:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:14:26] [INFO] Progress: 531/2260 [01/28 23:14:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adding-exceptions-to-avast.635378/ finished! [01/28 23:14:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best All around Free Av !!!!! [01/28 23:14:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:14:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:14:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:14:29] [INFO] Progress: 532/2260 [01/28 23:14:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-all-around-free-av.632907/ finished! [01/28 23:14:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My computer says I have a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:14:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:14:31] [INFO] Progress: 533/2260 [01/28 23:14:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-computer-says-i-have-a-virus.632162/ finished! [01/28 23:14:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista antivirus 2012 disappears !!!!! [01/28 23:14:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:33] [INFO] Progress: 534/2260 [01/28 23:14:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-antivirus-2012-disappears.632537/ finished! [01/28 23:14:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unable to unblock something from CA Internet Security Suite !!!!! [01/28 23:14:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:14:34] [INFO] Progress: 535/2260 [01/28 23:14:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unable-to-unblock-something-from-ca-internet-security-suite.633237/ finished! [01/28 23:14:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I have a virus or !!!!! [01/28 23:14:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:36] [INFO] Progress: 536/2260 [01/28 23:14:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-have-a-virus-or.633013/ finished! [01/28 23:14:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what exactly does Symantec VIP do and do I need it if I use MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:14:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:14:38] [INFO] Progress: 537/2260 [01/28 23:14:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-exactly-does-symantec-vip-do-and-do-i-need-it-if-i-use-mse.632413/ finished! [01/28 23:14:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives most recent AV removal test results published. !!!!! [01/28 23:14:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:14:40] [INFO] Progress: 538/2260 [01/28 23:14:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-most-recent-av-removal-test-results-published.632730/ finished! [01/28 23:14:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading whats up with virus total !!!!! [01/28 23:14:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:14:42] [INFO] Progress: 539/2260 [01/28 23:14:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-up-with-virus-total.632230/ finished! [01/28 23:14:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need portable AV Anti-spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:14:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:14:44] [INFO] Progress: 540/2260 [01/28 23:14:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-portable-av-anti-spyware.632388/ finished! [01/28 23:14:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Beta for OFFline use !!!!! [01/28 23:14:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:14:46] [INFO] Progress: 541/2260 [01/28 23:14:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-beta-for-offline-use.632119/ finished! [01/28 23:14:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Emsisoft AntiMalware or Online Armor FW for only $8 8. !!!!! [01/28 23:14:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:14:48] [INFO] Progress: 542/2260 [01/28 23:14:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emsisoft-antimalware-or-online-armor-fw-for-only-8-8.630979/ finished! [01/28 23:14:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE scan 55 minutes elapsed and.... !!!!! [01/28 23:14:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:14:51] [INFO] Progress: 543/2260 [01/28 23:14:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-scan-55-minutes-elapsed-and.631302/ finished! [01/28 23:14:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help in avast antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:14:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:14:53] [INFO] Progress: 544/2260 [01/28 23:14:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-in-avast-antivirus.628695/ finished! [01/28 23:14:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:14:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:14:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:14:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:14:57] [INFO] Progress: 545/2260 [01/28 23:14:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-antivirus.629957/ finished! [01/28 23:14:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading mediasrv.exe false positive !!!!! [01/28 23:14:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:14:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:14:59] [INFO] Progress: 546/2260 [01/28 23:14:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mediasrv-exe-false-positive.629872/ finished! [01/28 23:14:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE v4 beta released... !!!!! [01/28 23:15:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:15:01] [INFO] Progress: 547/2260 [01/28 23:15:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-v4-beta-released.629479/ finished! [01/28 23:15:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading KeePass instead of LastPass !!!!! [01/28 23:15:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:15:03] [INFO] Progress: 548/2260 [01/28 23:15:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keepass-instead-of-lastpass.628431/ finished! [01/28 23:15:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help open up Software Application !!!!! [01/28 23:15:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:15:05] [INFO] Progress: 549/2260 [01/28 23:15:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-open-up-software-application.628415/ finished! [01/28 23:15:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Antivirus keeps popping up !!!!! [01/28 23:15:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:15:07] [INFO] Progress: 550/2260 [01/28 23:15:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-antivirus-keeps-popping-up.625829/ finished! [01/28 23:15:07] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-windows-without-anti-virus-software.515841/ is 53500 ms [01/28 23:15:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Running Windows without anti-virus software !!!!! [01/28 23:15:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 9 [01/28 23:15:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 9 [01/28 23:15:12] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 9 [01/28 23:15:14] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 9 [01/28 23:15:16] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 9 [01/28 23:15:17] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 9 [01/28 23:15:19] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 9 [01/28 23:15:20] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 9 [01/28 23:15:22] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 9 [01/28 23:15:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:15:22] [INFO] Progress: 551/2260 [01/28 23:15:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-windows-without-anti-virus-software.515841/ finished! [01/28 23:15:22] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/advice-on-common-sense-browsing.620646/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:15:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Advice on common sense browsing !!!!! [01/28 23:15:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:15:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:15:29] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:15:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:15:29] [INFO] Progress: 552/2260 [01/28 23:15:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/advice-on-common-sense-browsing.620646/ finished! [01/28 23:15:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading to VPN or not !!!!! [01/28 23:15:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:15:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:15:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:15:32] [INFO] Progress: 553/2260 [01/28 23:15:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/to-vpn-or-not.622986/ finished! [01/28 23:15:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast and others !!!!! [01/28 23:15:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:15:34] [INFO] Progress: 554/2260 [01/28 23:15:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-and-others.625602/ finished! [01/28 23:15:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MpIdle task from MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:15:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:36] [INFO] Progress: 555/2260 [01/28 23:15:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mpidle-task-from-mse.623276/ finished! [01/28 23:15:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Deleted file recovery program !!!!! [01/28 23:15:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:15:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:15:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:15:40] [INFO] Progress: 556/2260 [01/28 23:15:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/deleted-file-recovery-program.623343/ finished! [01/28 23:15:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Laptop locked !!!!! [01/28 23:15:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:42] [INFO] Progress: 557/2260 [01/28 23:15:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/laptop-locked.623560/ finished! [01/28 23:15:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials !!!!! [01/28 23:15:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:15:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:15:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:15:48] [INFO] Progress: 558/2260 [01/28 23:15:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials.622786/ finished! [01/28 23:15:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Antispyware program !!!!! [01/28 23:15:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:15:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:15:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:15:52] [INFO] Progress: 559/2260 [01/28 23:15:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antispyware-program.616072/ finished! [01/28 23:15:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I need anti-spyware if I have anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:15:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:54] [INFO] Progress: 560/2260 [01/28 23:15:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-anti-spyware-if-i-have-anti-virus.620322/ finished! [01/28 23:15:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mystery download when starting computer !!!!! [01/28 23:15:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:15:56] [INFO] Progress: 561/2260 [01/28 23:15:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mystery-download-when-starting-computer.621305/ finished! [01/28 23:15:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET smart security 5 issue !!!!! [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] Progress: 562/2260 [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-smart-security-5-issue.618574/ finished! [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/post-your-security-setup.579628/ is 91000 ms [01/28 23:15:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Post your security setup !!!!! [01/28 23:15:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 17 [01/28 23:16:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 17 [01/28 23:16:04] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 17 [01/28 23:16:06] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 17 [01/28 23:16:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:16:08] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 17 [01/28 23:16:10] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 17 [01/28 23:16:12] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 17 [01/28 23:16:14] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 17 [01/28 23:16:16] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 17 [01/28 23:16:17] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 17 [01/28 23:16:20] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 17 [01/28 23:16:22] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 17 [01/28 23:16:23] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 17 [01/28 23:16:25] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 17 [01/28 23:16:26] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 17 [01/28 23:16:28] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 17 [01/28 23:16:29] [INFO] We are on page 17 of 17 [01/28 23:16:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:16:29] [INFO] Progress: 563/2260 [01/28 23:16:29] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/post-your-security-setup.579628/ finished! [01/28 23:16:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How easy is it to beat MAC Filtering !!!!! [01/28 23:16:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:16:31] [INFO] Progress: 564/2260 [01/28 23:16:31] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-easy-is-it-to-beat-mac-filtering.616549/ finished! [01/28 23:16:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is Worm-VBS Slows.A !!!!! [01/28 23:16:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:16:33] [INFO] Progress: 565/2260 [01/28 23:16:33] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-worm-vbs-slows-a.618822/ finished! [01/28 23:16:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Panda Cloud AV, added to the 'Free security software'list. !!!!! [01/28 23:16:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:16:41] [INFO] Progress: 566/2260 [01/28 23:16:41] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/panda-cloud-av-added-to-the-free-security-softwarelist.615943/ finished! [01/28 23:16:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Governmental Espionage - German Bundestrojaner !!!!! [01/28 23:16:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:16:43] [INFO] Progress: 567/2260 [01/28 23:16:43] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/governmental-espionage-german-bundestrojaner.616553/ finished! [01/28 23:16:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus om MBR , Master boot record !!!!! [01/28 23:16:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:16:45] [INFO] Progress: 568/2260 [01/28 23:16:45] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-om-mbr-master-boot-record.616022/ finished! [01/28 23:16:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Registry Programs !!!!! [01/28 23:16:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:16:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:16:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:16:48] [INFO] Progress: 569/2260 [01/28 23:16:48] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/registry-programs.611346/ finished! [01/28 23:16:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I can't access anything on my laptop !!!!! [01/28 23:16:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:16:50] [INFO] Progress: 570/2260 [01/28 23:16:50] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-cant-access-anything-on-my-laptop.615072/ finished! [01/28 23:16:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New AV-C 'On-demand' test scores and one more AV test. !!!!! [01/28 23:16:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:16:52] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.howtogeek.com/geekers/up/sshot4e8107802b44b.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//New AV-C 'On-demand' test scores and one more AV test./images/storyImages/sshot4e8107802b44b.jpg [01/28 23:16:52] [INFO] Progress: 571/2260 [01/28 23:16:52] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-av-c-on-demand-test-scores-and-one-more-av-test.614285/ finished! [01/28 23:16:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP - cant open anything...virus !!!!! [01/28 23:16:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:16:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:16:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:16:56] [INFO] Progress: 572/2260 [01/28 23:16:56] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-cant-open-anything-virus.613188/ finished! [01/28 23:16:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Having problems with MSE. Help !!!!! [01/28 23:16:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:16:57] [INFO] Progress: 573/2260 [01/28 23:16:57] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/having-problems-with-mse-help.611588/ finished! [01/28 23:16:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Virus Symantec !!!!! [01/28 23:16:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:16:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:16:59] [INFO] Progress: 574/2260 [01/28 23:16:59] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:16:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-symantec.613114/ finished! [01/28 23:17:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2012 !!!!! [01/28 23:17:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:17:01] [INFO] Progress: 575/2260 [01/28 23:17:01] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2012.609543/ finished! [01/28 23:17:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Access Restricted !!!!! [01/28 23:17:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:17:03] [INFO] Progress: 576/2260 [01/28 23:17:03] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/access-restricted.612494/ finished! [01/28 23:17:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Odd redirecting and sound bytes with all browser types !!!!! [01/28 23:17:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:17:05] [INFO] Progress: 577/2260 [01/28 23:17:05] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/odd-redirecting-and-sound-bytes-with-all-browser-types.588880/ finished! [01/28 23:17:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton internet securitysecurity 2011 !!!!! [01/28 23:17:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:17:07] [INFO] Progress: 578/2260 [01/28 23:17:07] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-securitysecurity-2011.610896/ finished! [01/28 23:17:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SSD anti Virus issues !!!!! [01/28 23:17:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:17:09] [INFO] Progress: 579/2260 [01/28 23:17:09] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ssd-anti-virus-issues.610404/ finished! [01/28 23:17:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Macafee won't connect to internet to update !!!!! [01/28 23:17:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:17:11] [INFO] Progress: 580/2260 [01/28 23:17:11] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/macafee-wont-connect-to-internet-to-update.610168/ finished! [01/28 23:17:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading uninstalling removing McAfee security software !!!!! [01/28 23:17:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:17:14] [INFO] Progress: 581/2260 [01/28 23:17:14] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uninstalling-removing-mcafee-security-software.608413/ finished! [01/28 23:17:14] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-spyware-removal-2011.582814/ is 24500 ms [01/28 23:17:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best spyware removal 2011 !!!!! [01/28 23:17:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:17:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:17:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:17:20] [INFO] Progress: 582/2260 [01/28 23:17:20] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-spyware-removal-2011.582814/ finished! [01/28 23:17:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lookimg for the M14X AntiVirus. What is the best Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:17:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:17:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:17:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:17:23] [INFO] Progress: 583/2260 [01/28 23:17:23] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lookimg-for-the-m14x-antivirus-what-is-the-best-antivirus.608561/ finished! [01/28 23:17:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CA Internet Security Suite Problems !!!!! [01/28 23:17:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:17:25] [INFO] Progress: 584/2260 [01/28 23:17:25] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ca-internet-security-suite-problems.606864/ finished! [01/28 23:17:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MS Safety Scanner vs Dr. Web CureIT !!!!! [01/28 23:17:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:17:27] [INFO] Progress: 585/2260 [01/28 23:17:27] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ms-safety-scanner-vs-dr-web-cureit.607108/ finished! [01/28 23:17:27] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uac.565882/ is 24500 ms [01/28 23:17:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Uac !!!!! [01/28 23:17:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:17:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:17:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:17:32] [INFO] Progress: 586/2260 [01/28 23:17:32] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uac.565882/ finished! [01/28 23:17:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus (free paid) from Windows Server 2003 X64 !!!!! [01/28 23:17:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:17:34] [INFO] Progress: 587/2260 [01/28 23:17:34] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-free-paid-from-windows-server-2003-x64.605487/ finished! [01/28 23:17:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is a good , low impact anti virus !!!!! [01/28 23:17:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:17:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:17:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:17:38] [INFO] Progress: 588/2260 [01/28 23:17:38] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-a-good-low-impact-anti-virus.602366/ finished! [01/28 23:17:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Security Certificate warning !!!!! [01/28 23:17:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:17:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:17:40] [INFO] Progress: 589/2260 [01/28 23:17:40] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-security-certificate-warning.604809/ finished! [01/28 23:17:40] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bullguard-internet-security-vs-comodo-avg-avast.600883/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:17:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bullguard Internet Security vs Comodo AVG Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:17:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:17:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:17:45] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:17:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:17:45] [INFO] Progress: 590/2260 [01/28 23:17:45] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bullguard-internet-security-vs-comodo-avg-avast.600883/ finished! [01/28 23:17:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky pure , McAfee SecurityCenter, Panda, Norton, System Mechanics Professional !!!!! [01/28 23:17:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] Progress: 591/2260 [01/28 23:17:49] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-pure-mcafee-securitycenter-panda-norton-system-mechanics-professional.603130/ finished! [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-or-avast.595964/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:17:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee or Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:17:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:17:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:17:54] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:17:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:17:55] [INFO] Progress: 592/2260 [01/28 23:17:55] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:17:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-or-avast.595964/ finished! [01/28 23:17:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-argument-for-paying-for-an-antivirus-program.598250/ is 27500 ms [01/28 23:17:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the argument for paying for an antivirus program !!!!! [01/28 23:17:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:17:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:18:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:18:02] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:18:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:18:02] [INFO] Progress: 593/2260 [01/28 23:18:02] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-argument-for-paying-for-an-antivirus-program.598250/ finished! [01/28 23:18:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo CIS 5.8 Beta released !!!!! [01/28 23:18:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:18:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:18:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:18:06] [INFO] Progress: 594/2260 [01/28 23:18:06] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-cis-5-8-beta-released.597762/ finished! [01/28 23:18:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to get to get to boot screen or even f8 !!!!! [01/28 23:18:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:18:08] [INFO] Progress: 595/2260 [01/28 23:18:08] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-to-get-to-boot-screen-or-even-f8.603435/ finished! [01/28 23:18:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Issue with Malwarebytes and Windows XP !!!!! [01/28 23:18:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:18:10] [INFO] Progress: 596/2260 [01/28 23:18:10] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/issue-with-malwarebytes-and-windows-xp.603525/ finished! [01/28 23:18:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE keeps saying I need to scan... !!!!! [01/28 23:18:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:18:12] [INFO] Progress: 597/2260 [01/28 23:18:12] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-keeps-saying-i-need-to-scan.602947/ finished! [01/28 23:18:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hacker can shut down Apple MacBook battery !!!!! [01/28 23:18:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:18:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:18:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:18:15] [INFO] Progress: 598/2260 [01/28 23:18:15] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hacker-can-shut-down-apple-macbook-battery.601149/ finished! [01/28 23:18:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo High CPU Usage !!!!! [01/28 23:18:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:18:17] [INFO] Progress: 599/2260 [01/28 23:18:17] [SEVERE] Unexpected SQL exception org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED] The database file has been moved since it was opened (attempt to write a readonly database) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1012) at org.sqlite.core.DB.newSQLException(DB.java:1024) at org.sqlite.core.DB.execute(DB.java:866) at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.execute(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:54) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.ArchiveInfoDatabase.addThread(ArchiveInfoDatabase.java:56) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.writeStoryInfoToDatabase(StoryArchiver.java:667) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadStory(StoryArchiver.java:652) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver.downloadThread(StoryArchiver.java:449) at com.civfanatics.storyarchiver.StoryArchiver$ThreadDownloadRunnable.run(StoryArchiver.java:482) [01/28 23:18:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-high-cpu-usage.602408/ finished! [01/28 23:18:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the reasoning against using Comodo products !!!!! [01/28 23:18:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:18:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:18:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:18:21] [INFO] Progress: 600/2260 [01/28 23:18:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-reasoning-against-using-comodo-products.599998/ finished! [01/28 23:18:21] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-or-eset.601045/ is 42500 ms [01/28 23:18:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot or Eset !!!!! [01/28 23:18:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:18:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:18:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:18:28] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:18:28] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/4259/captureiey.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/captureiey.png [01/28 23:18:30] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:18:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:18:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/9152/autoruns.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/autoruns.png [01/28 23:18:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/5806/17508647.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/17508647.png [01/28 23:18:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7734/88337736.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/88337736.png [01/28 23:18:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2549/63128750.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/63128750.png [01/28 23:18:31] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/9590/memorye.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Webroot or Eset/images/storyImages/memorye.png [01/28 23:18:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee373/abeallaf/Performance.png [01/28 23:18:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee373/abeallaf/2-2.png [01/28 23:18:32] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee373/abeallaf/1-2.png [01/28 23:18:32] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee373/abeallaf/3-2.png [01/28 23:18:34] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:18:35] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:18:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:18:35] [INFO] Progress: 601/2260 [01/28 23:18:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-or-eset.601045/ finished! [01/28 23:18:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I tun on my DIR-655 router firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:18:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:18:37] [INFO] Progress: 602/2260 [01/28 23:18:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-tun-on-my-dir-655-router-firewall.601715/ finished! [01/28 23:18:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVIRA AntiVirus Problems !!!!! [01/28 23:18:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:18:39] [INFO] Progress: 603/2260 [01/28 23:18:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivirus-problems.601298/ finished! [01/28 23:18:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Reconmend something better or am i good !!!!! [01/28 23:18:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:41] [INFO] Progress: 604/2260 [01/28 23:18:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/reconmend-something-better-or-am-i-good.599354/ finished! [01/28 23:18:41] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-malware-adware-rogue-trojan-best-all-around-protection-on-the-market.590361/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:18:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Virus Malware adware rogue trojan best All Around protection on the market. !!!!! [01/28 23:18:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:18:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:18:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:18:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:18:47] [INFO] Progress: 605/2260 [01/28 23:18:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-malware-adware-rogue-trojan-best-all-around-protection-on-the-market.590361/ finished! [01/28 23:18:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need some help -( Downloaded Photo recovery software and now have problems -( !!!!! [01/28 23:18:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:18:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:18:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:18:50] [INFO] Progress: 606/2260 [01/28 23:18:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-some-help-downloaded-photo-recovery-software-and-now-have-problems.598058/ finished! [01/28 23:18:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE 2.1.1116.0 - the latest version !!!!! [01/28 23:18:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:18:52] [INFO] Progress: 607/2260 [01/28 23:18:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-2-1-1116-0-the-latest-version.598455/ finished! [01/28 23:18:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best online backup service !!!!! [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] Progress: 608/2260 [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-online-backup-service.598428/ finished! [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-paranoid-are-you-about-security.556924/ is 43000 ms [01/28 23:18:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How paranoid are you about security !!!!! [01/28 23:18:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:18:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:19:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:19:02] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:19:03] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:19:06] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:19:07] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:19:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:19:07] [INFO] Progress: 609/2260 [01/28 23:19:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-paranoid-are-you-about-security.556924/ finished! [01/28 23:19:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Recommended Portable Anti-Malware Program !!!!! [01/28 23:19:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:19:09] [INFO] Progress: 610/2260 [01/28 23:19:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recommended-portable-anti-malware-program.597410/ finished! [01/28 23:19:10] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-with-less-memmory-consumtion-resurces.591364/ is 32500 ms [01/28 23:19:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best antivirus with less memmory consumtion (resurces) !!!!! [01/28 23:19:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:19:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:19:15] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:19:16] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:19:18] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:19:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:19:18] [INFO] Progress: 611/2260 [01/28 23:19:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-with-less-memmory-consumtion-resurces.591364/ finished! [01/28 23:19:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I need help filling holes in my protection. !!!!! [01/28 23:19:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:19:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:19:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:19:22] [INFO] Progress: 612/2260 [01/28 23:19:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-help-filling-holes-in-my-protection.596198/ finished! [01/28 23:19:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Proactive Security Challenge - Unexpected Results !!!!! [01/28 23:19:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:19:24] [INFO] Progress: 613/2260 [01/28 23:19:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-proactive-security-challenge-unexpected-results.596237/ finished! [01/28 23:19:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CIS 5.8 Beta Preview !!!!! [01/28 23:19:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:19:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:19:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:19:28] [INFO] Progress: 614/2260 [01/28 23:19:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cis-5-8-beta-preview.595461/ finished! [01/28 23:19:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Notebook HDD Encryption !!!!! [01/28 23:19:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:19:29] [INFO] Progress: 615/2260 [01/28 23:19:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/notebook-hdd-encryption.594543/ finished! [01/28 23:19:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes keeps blocking certain IP when I visit NBR !!!!! [01/28 23:19:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:32] [INFO] Progress: 616/2260 [01/28 23:19:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-keeps-blocking-certain-ip-when-i-visit-nbr.595407/ finished! [01/28 23:19:32] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivirus-free-version-shows-scareware-ads.585881/ is 29000 ms [01/28 23:19:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira AntiVirus free version shows 'scareware' ads. !!!!! [01/28 23:19:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:19:34] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/1661873.thumb600~df4ae5c3e8e6041af0c6042a714f35b4/avira%20uniblue.jpg/thumb.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://www.dslreports.com/r0/download/1661873.thumb600~df4ae5c3e8e6041af0c6042a714f35b4/avira%20uniblue.jpg/thumb.jpg [01/28 23:19:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:19:36] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/28 23:19:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:19:39] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:19:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:19:40] [INFO] Progress: 617/2260 [01/28 23:19:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivirus-free-version-shows-scareware-ads.585881/ finished! [01/28 23:19:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Testing Mamutu !!!!! [01/28 23:19:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:19:41] [INFO] Progress: 618/2260 [01/28 23:19:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/testing-mamutu.594754/ finished! [01/28 23:19:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mamutu Behavioural blocker - 1 year license at GAOTD. !!!!! [01/28 23:19:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:43] [INFO] Progress: 619/2260 [01/28 23:19:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mamutu-behavioural-blocker-1-year-license-at-gaotd.594524/ finished! [01/28 23:19:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Anti-Virus in China !!!!! [01/28 23:19:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:19:45] [INFO] Progress: 620/2260 [01/28 23:19:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-in-china.592339/ finished! [01/28 23:19:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot- How do I turn off resident protection !!!!! [01/28 23:19:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:19:47] [INFO] Progress: 621/2260 [01/28 23:19:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-how-do-i-turn-off-resident-protection.591995/ finished! [01/28 23:19:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Intel anti-theft poision-pill technology !!!!! [01/28 23:19:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:19:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:19:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:19:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:19:51] [INFO] Progress: 622/2260 [01/28 23:19:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/intel-anti-theft-poision-pill-technology.567578/ finished! [01/28 23:19:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any standalone HIPS !!!!! [01/28 23:19:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:19:53] [INFO] Progress: 623/2260 [01/28 23:19:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-standalone-hips.591925/ finished! [01/28 23:19:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Caused my c- windows system32 rundll32.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:19:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:19:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:19:55] [INFO] Progress: 624/2260 [01/28 23:19:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-caused-my-c-windows-system32-rundll32-exe.591308/ finished! [01/28 23:19:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-a-good-security-setup.584705/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:19:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need a good security setup !!!!! [01/28 23:19:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:19:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:20:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:20:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:20:00] [INFO] Progress: 625/2260 [01/28 23:20:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-a-good-security-setup.584705/ finished! [01/28 23:20:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus causing BSOD !!!!! [01/28 23:20:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:20:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:20:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:20:03] [INFO] Progress: 626/2260 [01/28 23:20:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-causing-bsod.590677/ finished! [01/28 23:20:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading acovcnt.exe - is it a trojan or other virus !!!!! [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] Progress: 627/2260 [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/acovcnt-exe-is-it-a-trojan-or-other-virus.590546/ finished! [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-anti-virus-do-you-recommend.589136/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:20:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What anti-virus do you recommend !!!!! [01/28 23:20:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:20:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:20:11] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:20:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:20:11] [INFO] Progress: 628/2260 [01/28 23:20:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-anti-virus-do-you-recommend.589136/ finished! [01/28 23:20:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Matousec`s Tests (2011-06-20) !!!!! [01/28 23:20:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:20:13] [INFO] Progress: 629/2260 [01/28 23:20:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/matousec-s-tests-2011-06-20.588709/ finished! [01/28 23:20:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading truecrypt question regarding passwords !!!!! [01/28 23:20:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:20:14] [INFO] Progress: 630/2260 [01/28 23:20:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/truecrypt-question-regarding-passwords.586877/ finished! [01/28 23:20:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How can I tell whether Svchost.exe is safe !!!!! [01/28 23:20:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:19] [INFO] Progress: 631/2260 [01/28 23:20:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-can-i-tell-whether-svchost-exe-is-safe.586613/ finished! [01/28 23:20:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this Malware, Virus, or Spyware Pls Help me. !!!!! [01/28 23:20:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:21] [INFO] Progress: 632/2260 [01/28 23:20:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-malware-virus-or-spyware-pls-help-me.585478/ finished! [01/28 23:20:21] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/key-scrambler-any-advice.582499/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:20:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Key Scrambler Any advice !!!!! [01/28 23:20:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:20:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:20:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:20:27] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:20:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:20:27] [INFO] Progress: 633/2260 [01/28 23:20:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/key-scrambler-any-advice.582499/ finished! [01/28 23:20:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you think your PC has a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:20:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:20:29] [INFO] Progress: 634/2260 [01/28 23:20:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-think-your-pc-has-a-virus.585086/ finished! [01/28 23:20:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Password Manager,ect. !!!!! [01/28 23:20:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:20:31] [INFO] Progress: 635/2260 [01/28 23:20:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-password-manager-ect.584395/ finished! [01/28 23:20:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how to prevent sniffers !!!!! [01/28 23:20:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:20:33] [INFO] Progress: 636/2260 [01/28 23:20:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-prevent-sniffers.584687/ finished! [01/28 23:20:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Great Malwarebytes'Antimalware 50% OFF deal at... !!!!! [01/28 23:20:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:20:35] [INFO] Progress: 637/2260 [01/28 23:20:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/great-malwarebytesantimalware-50-off-deal-at.583541/ finished! [01/28 23:20:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Reviews of Security Suites !!!!! [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] Progress: 638/2260 [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/reviews-of-security-suites.584393/ finished! [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2012-beta-out.570211/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:20:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2012 Beta out !!!!! [01/28 23:20:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:20:39] [WARNING] File not found for image https://community.norton.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/14348i9AA0C4B4420B5590; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NIS 2012 Beta out/images/storyImages/image259 [01/28 23:20:39] [WARNING] File not found for image https://community.norton.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/14350i92054502A6220CDA; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NIS 2012 Beta out/images/storyImages/image260 [01/28 23:20:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:20:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:20:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:20:42] [INFO] Progress: 639/2260 [01/28 23:20:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2012-beta-out.570211/ finished! [01/28 23:20:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emet-2-1-released.579625/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:20:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading EMET 2.1 Released !!!!! [01/28 23:20:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:20:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:20:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:20:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:20:47] [INFO] Progress: 640/2260 [01/28 23:20:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/emet-2-1-released.579625/ finished! [01/28 23:20:48] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switched-to-mse.580591/ is 26000 ms [01/28 23:20:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Switched to MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:20:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:20:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:20:53] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:20:54] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:20:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:20:54] [INFO] Progress: 641/2260 [01/28 23:20:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switched-to-mse.580591/ finished! [01/28 23:20:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 for Windows 7 64 bit !!!!! [01/28 23:20:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:20:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:20:56] [INFO] Progress: 642/2260 [01/28 23:20:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-2011-for-windows-7-64-bit.582146/ finished! [01/28 23:20:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win7-uac-default-or-max.575875/ is 38000 ms [01/28 23:20:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win7 UAC- Default or Max !!!!! [01/28 23:20:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/28 23:21:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/28 23:21:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:21:00] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/28 23:21:00] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/28 23:21:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/28 23:21:03] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/28 23:21:05] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/28 23:21:06] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/28 23:21:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:21:06] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/radar_zpshegtgivv.gif [01/28 23:21:07] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/radar_zpshegtgivv.gif [01/28 23:21:07] [INFO] Progress: 643/2260 [01/28 23:21:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win7-uac-default-or-max.575875/ finished! [01/28 23:21:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My PC got Brontoked !!!!! [01/28 23:21:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:10] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:21:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:21:13] [INFO] Progress: 644/2260 [01/28 23:21:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-pc-got-brontoked.577674/ finished! [01/28 23:21:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Removed my AV again !!!!! [01/28 23:21:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:21:14] [INFO] Progress: 645/2260 [01/28 23:21:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/removed-my-av-again.580683/ finished! [01/28 23:21:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/0-day-exploit-bypasses-chrome-sandbox.577215/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:21:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 0-Day exploit bypasses Chrome sandbox !!!!! [01/28 23:21:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:21:16] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/frown_zpszus6drtz.gif [01/28 23:21:17] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/frown_zpszus6drtz.gif [01/28 23:21:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:21:20] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:21:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:21:20] [INFO] Progress: 646/2260 [01/28 23:21:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/0-day-exploit-bypasses-chrome-sandbox.577215/ finished! [01/28 23:21:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lavasoft - fraudtool (what is this ) !!!!! [01/28 23:21:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:21:22] [INFO] Progress: 647/2260 [01/28 23:21:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lavasoft-fraudtool-what-is-this.577479/ finished! [01/28 23:21:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE and allow option !!!!! [01/28 23:21:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:21:23] [INFO] Progress: 648/2260 [01/28 23:21:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-and-allow-option.578331/ finished! [01/28 23:21:23] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-says-to-turn-opengl-off-security-risk.577806/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:21:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft says to turn OpenGL off -- Security Risk !!!!! [01/28 23:21:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:21:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:21:28] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:21:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:21:28] [INFO] Progress: 649/2260 [01/28 23:21:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-says-to-turn-opengl-off-security-risk.577806/ finished! [01/28 23:21:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bootstrap.exe MBAM false positive !!!!! [01/28 23:21:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:21:30] [INFO] Progress: 650/2260 [01/28 23:21:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bootstrap-exe-mbam-false-positive.578105/ finished! [01/28 23:21:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Sandboxing + Chrome !!!!! [01/28 23:21:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:21:34] [INFO] Progress: 651/2260 [01/28 23:21:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-sandboxing-chrome.577580/ finished! [01/28 23:21:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Proxy servers -- Useful !!!!! [01/28 23:21:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:21:36] [INFO] Progress: 652/2260 [01/28 23:21:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/proxy-servers-useful.577586/ finished! [01/28 23:21:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security - Other alternatives !!!!! [01/28 23:21:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:21:38] [INFO] Progress: 653/2260 [01/28 23:21:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-other-alternatives.577404/ finished! [01/28 23:21:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista Total Security 2011 Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:21:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:21:42] [INFO] Progress: 654/2260 [01/28 23:21:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-total-security-2011-virus.568736/ finished! [01/28 23:21:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAFEE !!!!! [01/28 23:21:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:21:44] [INFO] Progress: 655/2260 [01/28 23:21:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee.575246/ finished! [01/28 23:21:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast killing web performance !!!!! [01/28 23:21:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:21:48] [INFO] Progress: 656/2260 [01/28 23:21:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-killing-web-performance.569977/ finished! [01/28 23:21:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good program for keeping an encrypted folder !!!!! [01/28 23:21:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:21:50] [INFO] Progress: 657/2260 [01/28 23:21:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-program-for-keeping-an-encrypted-folder.574716/ finished! [01/28 23:21:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Safety Scanner !!!!! [01/28 23:21:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:21:53] [INFO] Progress: 658/2260 [01/28 23:21:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-safety-scanner.572262/ finished! [01/28 23:21:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do file Shredders work on SSD's !!!!! [01/28 23:21:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:21:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:21:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:21:57] [INFO] Progress: 659/2260 [01/28 23:21:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-file-shredders-work-on-ssds.573353/ finished! [01/28 23:21:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE vs Avast 6 Real Time Protection Shields !!!!! [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] Progress: 660/2260 [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-vs-avast-6-real-time-protection-shields.574805/ finished! [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-fingerprint-readers-for.571069/ is 31000 ms [01/28 23:21:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are fingerprint readers for !!!!! [01/28 23:22:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:22:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:22:04] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:22:06] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:22:07] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:22:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:22:07] [INFO] Progress: 661/2260 [01/28 23:22:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-fingerprint-readers-for.571069/ finished! [01/28 23:22:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free 'Mamutu Behavioural Blocker' 1 year license (offer until sunday) !!!!! [01/28 23:22:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:22:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:22:09] [INFO] Progress: 662/2260 [01/28 23:22:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-mamutu-behavioural-blocker-1-year-license-offer-until-sunday.574483/ finished! [01/28 23:22:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading QFX-AntiKeylogger Software Update Released !!!!! [01/28 23:22:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:22:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:22:11] [INFO] Progress: 663/2260 [01/28 23:22:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/qfx-antikeylogger-software-update-released.574448/ finished! [01/28 23:22:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading bogus emails sent from my account !!!!! [01/28 23:22:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:22:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:22:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:22:14] [INFO] Progress: 664/2260 [01/28 23:22:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bogus-emails-sent-from-my-account.495383/ finished! [01/28 23:22:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Prevx performance !!!!! [01/28 23:22:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:22:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:22:16] [INFO] Progress: 665/2260 [01/28 23:22:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/prevx-performance.573977/ finished! [01/28 23:22:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 6 Malicious URL Blocked !!!!! [01/28 23:22:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:22:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:22:18] [INFO] Progress: 666/2260 [01/28 23:22:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-6-malicious-url-blocked.573920/ finished! [01/28 23:22:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just got a new hard drive, help me secure it !!!!! [01/28 23:22:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:22:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:22:21] [INFO] Progress: 667/2260 [01/28 23:22:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-got-a-new-hard-drive-help-me-secure-it.570502/ finished! [01/28 23:22:21] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/been-antivirus-free-for-a-little-while-now.562848/ is 66500 ms [01/28 23:22:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Been antivirus free for a little while now !!!!! [01/28 23:22:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 12 [01/28 23:22:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 12 [01/28 23:22:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 12 [01/28 23:22:28] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 12 [01/28 23:22:30] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 12 [01/28 23:22:31] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 12 [01/28 23:22:33] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 12 [01/28 23:22:35] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 12 [01/28 23:22:36] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 12 [01/28 23:22:38] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 12 [01/28 23:22:38] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9182/66382472.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Been antivirus free for a little while now/images/storyImages/66382472.jpg [01/28 23:22:40] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 12 [01/28 23:22:42] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 12 [01/28 23:22:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:22:42] [INFO] Progress: 668/2260 [01/28 23:22:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/been-antivirus-free-for-a-little-while-now.562848/ finished! [01/28 23:22:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any way to remove Script Shield from Avast 6 !!!!! [01/28 23:22:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:22:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:22:44] [INFO] Progress: 669/2260 [01/28 23:22:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-way-to-remove-script-shield-from-avast-6.569892/ finished! [01/28 23:22:44] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/most-idiot-proof-lightweight-priven-reliable-antivirus.568921/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:22:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Most idiot-proof, lightweight, priven-reliable Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:22:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:22:46] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/28 23:22:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:22:50] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:22:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:22:51] [INFO] Progress: 670/2260 [01/28 23:22:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/most-idiot-proof-lightweight-priven-reliable-antivirus.568921/ finished! [01/28 23:22:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot Immunization -- What does it do !!!!! [01/28 23:22:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:22:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:22:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:22:54] [INFO] Progress: 671/2260 [01/28 23:22:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-immunization-what-does-it-do.566008/ finished! [01/28 23:22:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Seriously, avast Seriously !!!!! [01/28 23:22:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:22:56] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/3384/ingavast.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Seriously, avast Seriously/images/storyImages/ingavast.th.jpg [01/28 23:22:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:22:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:22:58] [INFO] Progress: 672/2260 [01/28 23:22:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/seriously-avast-seriously.569884/ finished! [01/28 23:22:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast gone nuts !!!!! [01/28 23:22:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:00] [INFO] Progress: 673/2260 [01/28 23:23:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-gone-nuts.569223/ finished! [01/28 23:23:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 'Panda Cloud AV Pro' and 'F-Secure Internet Security suite' 6-months for free on Facebook !!!!! [01/28 23:23:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:02] [INFO] Progress: 674/2260 [01/28 23:23:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/panda-cloud-av-pro-and-f-secure-internet-security-suite-6-months-for-free-on-facebook.569459/ finished! [01/28 23:23:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Security !!!!! [01/28 23:23:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:23:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:23:08] [INFO] Progress: 675/2260 [01/28 23:23:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-security.563130/ finished! [01/28 23:23:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Gmail account appears to have been hacked !!!!! [01/28 23:23:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:09] [INFO] Progress: 676/2260 [01/28 23:23:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/gmail-account-appears-to-have-been-hacked.568390/ finished! [01/28 23:23:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CompTIA Security + Certification, anyone have it !!!!! [01/28 23:23:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:23:11] [INFO] Progress: 677/2260 [01/28 23:23:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comptia-security-certification-anyone-have-it.567929/ finished! [01/28 23:23:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mail from AOL - no subject !!!!! [01/28 23:23:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:13] [INFO] Progress: 678/2260 [01/28 23:23:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mail-from-aol-no-subject.567647/ finished! [01/28 23:23:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How does my Setup Sound !!!!! [01/28 23:23:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:23:15] [INFO] Progress: 679/2260 [01/28 23:23:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-does-my-setup-sound.567255/ finished! [01/28 23:23:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trusteer Rapport !!!!! [01/28 23:23:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:23:17] [INFO] Progress: 680/2260 [01/28 23:23:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trusteer-rapport.566401/ finished! [01/28 23:23:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading URGENT How Can I Tell If I Have A Keylogger !!!!! [01/28 23:23:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:23:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:23:23] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:23:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:23:23] [INFO] Progress: 681/2260 [01/28 23:23:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/urgent-how-can-i-tell-if-i-have-a-keylogger.554581/ finished! [01/28 23:23:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free AV for commercial !!!!! [01/28 23:23:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:23:25] [INFO] Progress: 682/2260 [01/28 23:23:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-av-for-commercial.566812/ finished! [01/28 23:23:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nice way to kill ads in IE9 !!!!! [01/28 23:23:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:27] [INFO] Progress: 683/2260 [01/28 23:23:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nice-way-to-kill-ads-in-ie9.567037/ finished! [01/28 23:23:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Hide IP , IP changer !!!!! [01/28 23:23:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:23:29] [INFO] Progress: 684/2260 [01/28 23:23:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-hide-ip-2-1-0-8-ip-changer.498341/ finished! [01/28 23:23:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading WOT not showing so often anymore !!!!! [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] Progress: 685/2260 [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wot-not-showing-so-often-anymore.566815/ finished! [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-vs-mse.553051/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:23:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira AntiVir vs MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:23:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:23:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:23:36] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:23:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:37] [INFO] Progress: 686/2260 [01/28 23:23:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-vs-mse.553051/ finished! [01/28 23:23:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Honeypot security! !!!!! [01/28 23:23:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:38] [INFO] Progress: 687/2260 [01/28 23:23:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/honeypot-security.564641/ finished! [01/28 23:23:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading FireWall Software Suggestions !!!!! [01/28 23:23:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:23:40] [INFO] Progress: 688/2260 [01/28 23:23:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewall-software-suggestions.565029/ finished! [01/28 23:23:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Renew Question !!!!! [01/28 23:23:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:23:42] [INFO] Progress: 689/2260 [01/28 23:23:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-renew-question.555956/ finished! [01/28 23:23:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IRP hook !!!!! [01/28 23:23:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:23:44] [INFO] Progress: 690/2260 [01/28 23:23:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/irp-hook.528822/ finished! [01/28 23:23:44] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/infected-with-the-same-virus-3-times.556196/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:23:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Infected with the same virus 3 times. !!!!! [01/28 23:23:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:23:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:23:50] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:23:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:23:50] [INFO] Progress: 691/2260 [01/28 23:23:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/infected-with-the-same-virus-3-times.556196/ finished! [01/28 23:23:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trusteer Rapport !!!!! [01/28 23:23:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:23:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:23:52] [INFO] Progress: 692/2260 [01/28 23:23:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trusteer-rapport.563495/ finished! [01/28 23:23:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Someone hacked my Facebook account !!!!! [01/28 23:23:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:23:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:23:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:23:56] [INFO] Progress: 693/2260 [01/28 23:23:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/someone-hacked-my-facebook-account.560513/ finished! [01/28 23:23:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-lightweight-av-firewall.552381/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:23:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best lightweight AV & firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:23:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:23:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:24:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:24:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:24:01] [INFO] Progress: 694/2260 [01/28 23:24:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-lightweight-av-firewall.552381/ finished! [01/28 23:24:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 !!!!! [01/28 23:24:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:24:03] [INFO] Progress: 695/2260 [01/28 23:24:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360.559046/ finished! [01/28 23:24:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 6 !!!!! [01/28 23:24:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:24:05] [INFO] Progress: 696/2260 [01/28 23:24:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-6.558574/ finished! [01/28 23:24:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading TMobile Virus Uploading GBs... !!!!! [01/28 23:24:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:24:07] [INFO] Progress: 697/2260 [01/28 23:24:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tmobile-virus-uploading-gbs.557866/ finished! [01/28 23:24:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading none basic advanced MSE membership !!!!! [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] Progress: 698/2260 [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/none-basic-advanced-mse-membership.558329/ finished! [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/same-old-scam-by-a-different-name.552039/ is 26500 ms [01/28 23:24:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Same old scam by a different name !!!!! [01/28 23:24:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:24:11] [WARNING] File not found for image http://www.thecomputerparamedic.com/windowscan.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Same old scam by a different name/images/storyImages/windowscan.png [01/28 23:24:12] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/3639/screenshot1ah.th.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Same old scam by a different name/images/storyImages/screenshot1ah.th.png [01/28 23:24:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:24:15] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:24:17] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:24:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:24:17] [INFO] Progress: 699/2260 [01/28 23:24:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/same-old-scam-by-a-different-name.552039/ finished! [01/28 23:24:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET Nod32...what else !!!!! [01/28 23:24:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:24:19] [INFO] Progress: 700/2260 [01/28 23:24:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-what-else.556312/ finished! [01/28 23:24:19] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-trial-ending.543170/ is 24500 ms [01/28 23:24:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security trial ending !!!!! [01/28 23:24:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:24:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:24:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:24:26] [INFO] Progress: 701/2260 [01/28 23:24:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-trial-ending.543170/ finished! [01/28 23:24:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Incentive behind free software !!!!! [01/28 23:24:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:28] [INFO] Progress: 702/2260 [01/28 23:24:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/incentive-behind-free-software.553724/ finished! [01/28 23:24:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is It A Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:24:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:24:30] [INFO] Progress: 703/2260 [01/28 23:24:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-a-virus.555380/ finished! [01/28 23:24:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is it Chrome or my pc s infected !!!!! [01/28 23:24:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:32] [INFO] Progress: 704/2260 [01/28 23:24:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-chrome-or-my-pc-s-infected.554089/ finished! [01/28 23:24:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE no, basic or advanced membership !!!!! [01/28 23:24:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:24:34] [INFO] Progress: 705/2260 [01/28 23:24:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-no-basic-or-advanced-membership.553711/ finished! [01/28 23:24:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading a question about ThreatFire !!!!! [01/28 23:24:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:24:36] [INFO] Progress: 706/2260 [01/28 23:24:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-question-about-threatfire.553091/ finished! [01/28 23:24:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Very Good Article on Internet Privacy & Security !!!!! [01/28 23:24:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:38] [INFO] Progress: 707/2260 [01/28 23:24:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/very-good-article-on-internet-privacy-security.550977/ finished! [01/28 23:24:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free ZEMANA Antikeylogger Giveaway (1-year subscription) !!!!! [01/28 23:24:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:24:39] [INFO] Progress: 708/2260 [01/28 23:24:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-zemana-antikeylogger-giveaway-1-year-subscription.551918/ finished! [01/28 23:24:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Being sent to adds when surfing the web !!!!! [01/28 23:24:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:42] [INFO] Progress: 709/2260 [01/28 23:24:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/being-sent-to-adds-when-surfing-the-web.551188/ finished! [01/28 23:24:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading backdoor.tofsee - !!!!! [01/28 23:24:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:24:43] [INFO] Progress: 710/2260 [01/28 23:24:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/backdoor-tofsee.551083/ finished! [01/28 23:24:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE updates !!!!! [01/28 23:24:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:24:45] [INFO] Progress: 711/2260 [01/28 23:24:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-updates.551294/ finished! [01/28 23:24:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ZA firewall full of holes !!!!! [01/28 23:24:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:24:47] [INFO] Progress: 712/2260 [01/28 23:24:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/za-firewall-full-of-holes.550996/ finished! [01/28 23:24:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unused Program Removal Program !!!!! [01/28 23:24:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:24:49] [INFO] Progress: 713/2260 [01/28 23:24:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unused-program-removal-program.549546/ finished! [01/28 23:24:49] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-2-released.541261/ is 28000 ms [01/28 23:24:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Released !!!!! [01/28 23:24:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:24:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:24:54] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:24:56] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:24:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:24:57] [INFO] Progress: 714/2260 [01/28 23:24:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-2-released.541261/ finished! [01/28 23:24:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Conime.exe problems if no Asian language used !!!!! [01/28 23:24:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:24:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:24:58] [INFO] Progress: 715/2260 [01/28 23:24:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/conime-exe-problems-if-no-asian-language-used.549921/ finished! [01/28 23:24:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MS Attack surface analyzer !!!!! [01/28 23:25:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:25:01] [INFO] Progress: 716/2260 [01/28 23:25:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ms-attack-surface-analyzer.549109/ finished! [01/28 23:25:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I prevent Firefox from installing new addons !!!!! [01/28 23:25:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:25:03] [INFO] Progress: 717/2260 [01/28 23:25:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-prevent-firefox-from-installing-new-addons.548163/ finished! [01/28 23:25:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Suspicious msnmsgr.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:25:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:25:04] [INFO] Progress: 718/2260 [01/28 23:25:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/suspicious-msnmsgr-exe.547961/ finished! [01/28 23:25:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My Alienware came with mcaffee 4 year. Uninstall !!!!! [01/28 23:25:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:25:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:25:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:25:08] [INFO] Progress: 719/2260 [01/28 23:25:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-alienware-came-with-mcaffee-4-year-uninstall.544423/ finished! [01/28 23:25:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CNET- Fall 2010 Security Suite Roundup !!!!! [01/28 23:25:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] Progress: 720/2260 [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cnet-fall-2010-security-suite-roundup.543484/ finished! [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lots-of-wifi-coffee-shop-usage-more-risk.541095/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:25:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lots of wifi coffee shop usage- More risk !!!!! [01/28 23:25:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:25:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:25:18] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:25:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:25:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:19] [INFO] Progress: 721/2260 [01/28 23:25:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lots-of-wifi-coffee-shop-usage-more-risk.541095/ finished! [01/28 23:25:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Intel' McAfee 2011 going to be good enough !!!!! [01/28 23:25:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:25:21] [INFO] Progress: 722/2260 [01/28 23:25:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-intel-mcafee-2011-going-to-be-good-enough.543655/ finished! [01/28 23:25:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials - (annoying) Sample Submission !!!!! [01/28 23:25:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:25:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4485/imagehm.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Microsoft Security Essentials - (annoying) Sample Submission/images/storyImages/imagehm.jpg [01/28 23:25:24] [INFO] Progress: 723/2260 [01/28 23:25:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-annoying-sample-submission.472060/ finished! [01/28 23:25:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 5.0.667 & Ad-Aware Pro version 9 !!!!! [01/28 23:25:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:25:26] [INFO] Progress: 724/2260 [01/28 23:25:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-0-667-ad-aware-pro-version-9.543776/ finished! [01/28 23:25:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan wont delete. !!!!! [01/28 23:25:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:28] [INFO] Progress: 725/2260 [01/28 23:25:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-wont-delete.543309/ finished! [01/28 23:25:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2011 90 day trial !!!!! [01/28 23:25:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:25:30] [INFO] Progress: 726/2260 [01/28 23:25:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2011-90-day-trial.535009/ finished! [01/28 23:25:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE 2 install - computer can't start... !!!!! [01/28 23:25:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:25:32] [INFO] Progress: 727/2260 [01/28 23:25:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-2-install-computer-cant-start.543110/ finished! [01/28 23:25:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Executables embedded in PDFs !!!!! [01/28 23:25:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:34] [INFO] Progress: 728/2260 [01/28 23:25:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/executables-embedded-in-pdfs.543311/ finished! [01/28 23:25:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can I password Protect Internet (firefox, IE, Chrome) !!!!! [01/28 23:25:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:25:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:25:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:25:37] [INFO] Progress: 729/2260 [01/28 23:25:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-i-password-protect-internet-firefox-ie-chrome.533791/ finished! [01/28 23:25:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Viruses !!!!! [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/eek2_zpsjhyvspx8.gif [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/err_zpscphez7e7.gif [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/eek2_zpsjhyvspx8.gif [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/err_zpscphez7e7.gif [01/28 23:25:39] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/28 23:25:40] [INFO] Progress: 730/2260 [01/28 23:25:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/viruses.540962/ finished! [01/28 23:25:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 'Returnil System Safe Pro' 1-year license giveaway. !!!!! [01/28 23:25:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:41] [INFO] Progress: 731/2260 [01/28 23:25:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/returnil-system-safe-pro-1-year-license-giveaway.541905/ finished! [01/28 23:25:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus programs for Windows 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:25:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:25:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:25:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:25:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:47] [INFO] Progress: 732/2260 [01/28 23:25:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-programs-for-windows-7.539317/ finished! [01/28 23:25:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Protecting your laptop - Theft protection !!!!! [01/28 23:25:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:25:49] [INFO] Progress: 733/2260 [01/28 23:25:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/protecting-your-laptop-theft-protection.540695/ finished! [01/28 23:25:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trustware giveaway 1-yr license for 'Bufferzone Pro' sandboxing program !!!!! [01/28 23:25:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:25:50] [INFO] Progress: 734/2260 [01/28 23:25:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trustware-giveaway-1-yr-license-for-bufferzone-pro-sandboxing-program.540375/ finished! [01/28 23:25:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes' MBAM v1.50 release !!!!! [01/28 23:25:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:25:54] [INFO] Progress: 735/2260 [01/28 23:25:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-mbam-v1-50-release.539740/ finished! [01/28 23:25:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Properly Encrypt Folder on External HDD !!!!! [01/28 23:25:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:25:56] [INFO] Progress: 736/2260 [01/28 23:25:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/properly-encrypt-folder-on-external-hdd.539796/ finished! [01/28 23:25:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there an anti-virus program that scans all drives at once !!!!! [01/28 23:25:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:25:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:25:58] [INFO] Progress: 737/2260 [01/28 23:25:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-an-anti-virus-program-that-scans-all-drives-at-once.539761/ finished! [01/28 23:25:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky AV 2011 3-user - Amazon $19.95 Deal of the day - !!!!! [01/28 23:26:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:26:00] [INFO] Progress: 738/2260 [01/28 23:26:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-av-2011-3-user-amazon-19-95-deal-of-the-day.534835/ finished! [01/28 23:26:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Controlpanel_installer.exe wants to run on my computer !!!!! [01/28 23:26:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:26:02] [INFO] Progress: 739/2260 [01/28 23:26:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/controlpanel_installer-exe-wants-to-run-on-my-computer.539215/ finished! [01/28 23:26:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Avast Internet Security 1-year license Quiz throughout december. !!!!! [01/28 23:26:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:26:04] [INFO] Progress: 740/2260 [01/28 23:26:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-avast-internet-security-1-year-license-quiz-throughout-december.539382/ finished! [01/28 23:26:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Locking a user account down. !!!!! [01/28 23:26:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:26:06] [INFO] Progress: 741/2260 [01/28 23:26:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/locking-a-user-account-down.538209/ finished! [01/28 23:26:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Avira AntiVir 10 !!!!! [01/28 23:26:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:26:08] [INFO] Progress: 742/2260 [01/28 23:26:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-avira-antivir-10.537415/ finished! [01/28 23:26:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus scanner !!!!! [01/28 23:26:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:26:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:26:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:26:12] [INFO] Progress: 743/2260 [01/28 23:26:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-scanner.537793/ finished! [01/28 23:26:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-you-cant-go-wrong.534955/ is 29000 ms [01/28 23:26:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials- You Can't Go Wrong !!!!! [01/28 23:26:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:26:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:26:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:26:20] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:26:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:26:20] [INFO] Progress: 744/2260 [01/28 23:26:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-you-cant-go-wrong.534955/ finished! [01/28 23:26:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading If you have latest AVG update and start getting BSOD's !!!!! [01/28 23:26:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:26:21] [INFO] Progress: 745/2260 [01/28 23:26:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/if-you-have-latest-avg-update-and-start-getting-bsods.537599/ finished! [01/28 23:26:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Qwest's consumer protection program - There is a possible virus on this computer! !!!!! [01/28 23:26:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:26:23] [INFO] Progress: 746/2260 [01/28 23:26:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/qwests-consumer-protection-program-there-is-a-possible-virus-on-this-computer.537226/ finished! [01/28 23:26:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it necessary to run MSRT if you use an AV !!!!! [01/28 23:26:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:26:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:26:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:26:27] [INFO] Progress: 747/2260 [01/28 23:26:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-necessary-to-run-msrt-if-you-use-an-av.531383/ finished! [01/28 23:26:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I remove a trojan from my PC !!!!! [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] Progress: 748/2260 [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-remove-a-trojan-from-my-pc.535750/ finished! [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-2-0-discussion.521972/ is 35500 ms [01/28 23:26:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE 2.0 Discussion !!!!! [01/28 23:26:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/28 23:26:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:26:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/28 23:26:35] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/28 23:26:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/28 23:26:38] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/28 23:26:39] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/28 23:26:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:26:39] [INFO] Progress: 749/2260 [01/28 23:26:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-2-0-discussion.521972/ finished! [01/28 23:26:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best anti virus software to get !!!!! [01/28 23:26:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:26:42] [INFO] Progress: 750/2260 [01/28 23:26:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-software-to-get.534216/ finished! [01/28 23:26:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:26:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:26:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:26:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:26:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:26:47] [INFO] Progress: 751/2260 [01/28 23:26:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-antivirus.526363/ finished! [01/28 23:26:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender Antivirus 2010 paid-version (1yr) for free today. !!!!! [01/28 23:26:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:26:49] [INFO] Progress: 752/2260 [01/28 23:26:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-antivirus-2010-paid-version-1yr-for-free-today.533605/ finished! [01/28 23:26:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can FireSheep collect your Facebook, Twitter or Hotmail data !!!!! [01/28 23:26:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:26:50] [WARNING] File not found for image https://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/firesheep.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Can FireSheep collect your Facebook, Twitter or Hotmail data/images/storyImages/firesheep.jpg [01/28 23:26:51] [INFO] Progress: 753/2260 [01/28 23:26:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-firesheep-collect-your-facebook-twitter-or-hotmail-data.530263/ finished! [01/28 23:26:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help understanding scan results !!!!! [01/28 23:26:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:26:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:26:53] [INFO] Progress: 754/2260 [01/28 23:26:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-understanding-scan-results.532095/ finished! [01/28 23:26:53] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-a-better-and-lighter-antie-virus-what-you-recoment-please-help.530201/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:26:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading looking for a better and lighter Antie Virus what you recoment please help !!!!! [01/28 23:26:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:26:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:26:58] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:27:00] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:27:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:27:00] [INFO] Progress: 755/2260 [01/28 23:27:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-a-better-and-lighter-antie-virus-what-you-recoment-please-help.530201/ finished! [01/28 23:27:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Quarantine infected files by Eset 4..I need help !!!!! [01/28 23:27:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:27:02] [INFO] Progress: 756/2260 [01/28 23:27:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/quarantine-infected-files-by-eset-4-i-need-help.531970/ finished! [01/28 23:27:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2011 Update issue !!!!! [01/28 23:27:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:27:04] [INFO] Progress: 757/2260 [01/28 23:27:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2011-update-issue.530673/ finished! [01/28 23:27:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading blank emails with links !!!!! [01/28 23:27:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:27:05] [INFO] Progress: 758/2260 [01/28 23:27:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/blank-emails-with-links.531156/ finished! [01/28 23:27:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Free 2011 slowdown issue !!!!! [01/28 23:27:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:27:07] [INFO] Progress: 759/2260 [01/28 23:27:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-2011-slowdown-issue.526117/ finished! [01/28 23:27:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira interent suite VS Comodo internet suite !!!!! [01/28 23:27:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:27:09] [INFO] Progress: 760/2260 [01/28 23:27:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-interent-suite-vs-comodo-internet-suite.530063/ finished! [01/28 23:27:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 -your opinion !!!!! [01/28 23:27:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:27:11] [INFO] Progress: 761/2260 [01/28 23:27:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/panda-antivirus-pro-2011-your-opinion.529267/ finished! [01/28 23:27:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hidden objects found after comodo cleaner !!!!! [01/28 23:27:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:14] [INFO] Progress: 762/2260 [01/28 23:27:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hidden-objects-found-after-comodo-cleaner.528406/ finished! [01/28 23:27:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-rootkit program. !!!!! [01/28 23:27:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:27:16] [INFO] Progress: 763/2260 [01/28 23:27:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-rootkit-program.528596/ finished! [01/28 23:27:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Eset smart security4 vs Panda IS - anyone got any opinions etc !!!!! [01/28 23:27:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:27:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:27:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:27:20] [INFO] Progress: 764/2260 [01/28 23:27:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-smart-security4-vs-panda-is-anyone-got-any-opinions-etc.511377/ finished! [01/28 23:27:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading cmd process keeps getting created - please help! !!!!! [01/28 23:27:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:27:22] [INFO] Progress: 765/2260 [01/28 23:27:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cmd-process-keeps-getting-created-please-help.527080/ finished! [01/28 23:27:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spy Sweeper-MAJOR FAIL! !!!!! [01/28 23:27:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:24] [INFO] Progress: 766/2260 [01/28 23:27:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spy-sweeper-major-fail.526932/ finished! [01/28 23:27:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Free AV Pop-up Ad !!!!! [01/28 23:27:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:27:26] [INFO] Progress: 767/2260 [01/28 23:27:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-free-av-pop-up-ad.526785/ finished! [01/28 23:27:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Recycler virus = Pain in !!!!! [01/28 23:27:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:27:27] [INFO] Progress: 768/2260 [01/28 23:27:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recycler-virus-pain-in.526813/ finished! [01/28 23:27:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are AV and FW still necessary !!!!! [01/28 23:27:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:27:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:27:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:27:31] [INFO] Progress: 769/2260 [01/28 23:27:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-av-and-fw-still-necessary.525009/ finished! [01/28 23:27:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MVPS Hosts !!!!! [01/28 23:27:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:27:33] [INFO] Progress: 770/2260 [01/28 23:27:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mvps-hosts.526511/ finished! [01/28 23:27:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What does severe threat or medium mean !!!!! [01/28 23:27:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:27:35] [INFO] Progress: 771/2260 [01/28 23:27:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-does-severe-threat-or-medium-mean.526330/ finished! [01/28 23:27:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading missing file when uninstalling BitDefender Total Security 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] Progress: 772/2260 [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/missing-file-when-uninstalling-bitdefender-total-security-2010.524207/ finished! [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lol-kis-2011-is-crazy.522236/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:27:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading lol..KIS 2011 is crazy! !!!!! [01/28 23:27:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:27:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:27:43] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:27:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:27:43] [INFO] Progress: 773/2260 [01/28 23:27:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lol-kis-2011-is-crazy.522236/ finished! [01/28 23:27:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo 5 -block outgoing by default !!!!! [01/28 23:27:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:27:45] [INFO] Progress: 774/2260 [01/28 23:27:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-5-block-outgoing-by-default.523781/ finished! [01/28 23:27:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading t-mobile mobile broadband dongle internal memory infected !!!!! [01/28 23:27:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:27:47] [INFO] Progress: 775/2260 [01/28 23:27:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/t-mobile-mobile-broadband-dongle-internal-memory-infected.524061/ finished! [01/28 23:27:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2010 Still got Malware Antivirus Software Alert Win XP !!!!! [01/28 23:27:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:27:48] [INFO] Progress: 776/2260 [01/28 23:27:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2010-still-got-malware-antivirus-software-alert-win-xp.522365/ finished! [01/28 23:27:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nis 2011 !!!!! [01/28 23:27:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:27:51] [INFO] Progress: 777/2260 [01/28 23:27:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2011.520009/ finished! [01/28 23:27:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 2011 Released !!!!! [01/28 23:27:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:27:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:27:54] [INFO] Progress: 778/2260 [01/28 23:27:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-2011-released.521476/ finished! [01/28 23:27:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading USB pen drive does not show any data inside it.. !!!!! [01/28 23:27:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:27:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:27:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:27:58] [INFO] Progress: 779/2260 [01/28 23:27:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/usb-pen-drive-does-not-show-any-data-inside-it.523281/ finished! [01/28 23:27:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast mateys! !!!!! [01/28 23:28:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:00] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://s988.photobucket.com/albums/af6/Aikimox/Avast_m8s.jpg [01/28 23:28:01] [INFO] Progress: 780/2260 [01/28 23:28:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-mateys.518488/ finished! [01/28 23:28:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Reasons to Upgrade to NIS 2011 from NIS 2010, and issues with upgrading !!!!! [01/28 23:28:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:28:03] [INFO] Progress: 781/2260 [01/28 23:28:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/reasons-to-upgrade-to-nis-2011-from-nis-2010-and-issues-with-upgrading.522546/ finished! [01/28 23:28:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading sick of internet security suites !!!!! [01/28 23:28:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:28:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:28:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:28:06] [INFO] Progress: 782/2260 [01/28 23:28:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sick-of-internet-security-suites.517872/ finished! [01/28 23:28:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Backdoor Win-32 Should I do a system recovery !!!!! [01/28 23:28:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:28:08] [INFO] Progress: 783/2260 [01/28 23:28:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/backdoor-win-32-should-i-do-a-system-recovery.519324/ finished! [01/28 23:28:08] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-have-an-os-security-question-and-it-affects-everyone-in-the-forum-please-participate.516625/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:28:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I have an OS security question and it affects everyone in the forum - please participate !!!!! [01/28 23:28:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:28:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:28:14] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:28:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:28:14] [INFO] Progress: 784/2260 [01/28 23:28:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-have-an-os-security-question-and-it-affects-everyone-in-the-forum-please-participate.516625/ finished! [01/28 23:28:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can a Rogue Virus attack our wireless network !!!!! [01/28 23:28:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:28:16] [INFO] Progress: 785/2260 [01/28 23:28:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-a-rogue-virus-attack-our-wireless-network.516604/ finished! [01/28 23:28:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS - Can you keep a version and use the key later !!!!! [01/28 23:28:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:28:18] [INFO] Progress: 786/2260 [01/28 23:28:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-can-you-keep-a-version-and-use-the-key-later.517163/ finished! [01/28 23:28:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Full Norton Security Suite - Anything Else !!!!! [01/28 23:28:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:20] [INFO] Progress: 787/2260 [01/28 23:28:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/full-norton-security-suite-anything-else.516039/ finished! [01/28 23:28:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Antivirus 9.0 'paid version' for free on August 31 !!!!! [01/28 23:28:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:28:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:28:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:28:24] [INFO] Progress: 788/2260 [01/28 23:28:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-antivirus-9-0-paid-version-for-free-on-august-31.513376/ finished! [01/28 23:28:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading free vs. fee-based antiviral security software for notebook PCs !!!!! [01/28 23:28:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:28:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:28:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:28:27] [INFO] Progress: 789/2260 [01/28 23:28:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-vs-fee-based-antiviral-security-software-for-notebook-pcs.513744/ finished! [01/28 23:28:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any Virus protection program with multi-year contracts !!!!! [01/28 23:28:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:28:29] [INFO] Progress: 790/2260 [01/28 23:28:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-virus-protection-program-with-multi-year-contracts.514126/ finished! [01/28 23:28:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just renewed NOD32 !!!!! [01/28 23:28:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:28:31] [INFO] Progress: 791/2260 [01/28 23:28:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-renewed-nod32.515976/ finished! [01/28 23:28:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best lightweight firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:28:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:28:33] [INFO] Progress: 792/2260 [01/28 23:28:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-lightweight-firewall.514601/ finished! [01/28 23:28:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NEWS - Call to improve password security !!!!! [01/28 23:28:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:28:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:28:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:28:37] [INFO] Progress: 793/2260 [01/28 23:28:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-call-to-improve-password-security.509809/ finished! [01/28 23:28:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New strain of Security Suite !!!!! [01/28 23:28:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:28:39] [INFO] Progress: 794/2260 [01/28 23:28:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-strain-of-security-suite.510121/ finished! [01/28 23:28:39] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-is-2010-stops-startup-sound-jingle-anyone-have-the-same-or-ideas.510632/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:28:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton IS 2010 stops startup sound jingle - anyone have the same or ideas !!!!! [01/28 23:28:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:28:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:28:44] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:28:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:28:44] [INFO] Progress: 795/2260 [01/28 23:28:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-is-2010-stops-startup-sound-jingle-anyone-have-the-same-or-ideas.510632/ finished! [01/28 23:28:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading need a little help !!!!! [01/28 23:28:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:28:46] [INFO] Progress: 796/2260 [01/28 23:28:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-a-little-help.509733/ finished! [01/28 23:28:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Got attacked by anti-mal!!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:28:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:28:48] [INFO] Progress: 797/2260 [01/28 23:28:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/got-attacked-by-anti-mal.511880/ finished! [01/28 23:28:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Computer Security !!!!! [01/28 23:28:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:28:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:28:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:28:51] [INFO] Progress: 798/2260 [01/28 23:28:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/computer-security.510257/ finished! [01/28 23:28:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Intel to acquire McAfee for $7.7bn !!!!! [01/28 23:28:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:28:53] [INFO] Progress: 799/2260 [01/28 23:28:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/intel-to-acquire-mcafee-for-7-7bn.511144/ finished! [01/28 23:28:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading firefox and zopim !!!!! [01/28 23:28:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:28:55] [INFO] Progress: 800/2260 [01/28 23:28:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firefox-and-zopim.510482/ finished! [01/28 23:28:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Information Security Conference !!!!! [01/28 23:28:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:28:57] [INFO] Progress: 801/2260 [01/28 23:28:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/information-security-conference.510349/ finished! [01/28 23:28:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Giveaway- Emsisoft Anti-Malware for one year HURRY !!!!! [01/28 23:28:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:28:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:28:58] [INFO] Progress: 802/2260 [01/28 23:28:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/giveaway-emsisoft-anti-malware-for-one-year-hurry.509667/ finished! [01/28 23:28:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Probably the Best Free Security Software List in the World !!!!! [01/28 23:29:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:29:00] [INFO] Progress: 803/2260 [01/28 23:29:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/probably-the-best-free-security-software-list-in-the-world.505390/ finished! [01/28 23:29:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Optimal anti malware spyware virus software and their necessity !!!!! [01/28 23:29:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:29:02] [INFO] Progress: 804/2260 [01/28 23:29:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/optimal-anti-malware-spyware-virus-software-and-their-necessity.502032/ finished! [01/28 23:29:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender Antivirus 2010 - FREE FOR 24 HOURS! !!!!! [01/28 23:29:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:29:04] [INFO] Progress: 805/2260 [01/28 23:29:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-antivirus-2010-free-for-24-hours.509260/ finished! [01/28 23:29:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Everything you are scared to know about Filename Extensions and Security !!!!! [01/28 23:29:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:29:06] [INFO] Progress: 806/2260 [01/28 23:29:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/everything-you-are-scared-to-know-about-filename-extensions-and-security.505646/ finished! [01/28 23:29:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security vs Norton 360 !!!!! [01/28 23:29:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:29:08] [INFO] Progress: 807/2260 [01/28 23:29:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-vs-norton-360.504891/ finished! [01/28 23:29:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what is the best FREE anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] Progress: 808/2260 [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-free-anti-virus.506114/ finished! [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/serious-ms-vulnerability-turning-autorun-off-does-not-suffice.501150/ is 28000 ms [01/28 23:29:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Serious MS vulnerability (turning autorun off does NOT suffice) !!!!! [01/28 23:29:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:29:13] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.sophos.com/blogs/chetw/images/blogs/chetw/2010/07/mitidesktop550.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Serious MS vulnerability (turning autorun off does NOT suffice)/images/storyImages/mitidesktop550.jpg [01/28 23:29:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:29:16] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:29:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:29:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:29:19] [INFO] Progress: 809/2260 [01/28 23:29:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/serious-ms-vulnerability-turning-autorun-off-does-not-suffice.501150/ finished! [01/28 23:29:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:29:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:29:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:29:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:29:22] [INFO] Progress: 810/2260 [01/28 23:29:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus.504745/ finished! [01/28 23:29:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New trojan horse help. !!!!! [01/28 23:29:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:29:24] [INFO] Progress: 811/2260 [01/28 23:29:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-trojan-horse-help.504843/ finished! [01/28 23:29:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win32 Virut. Quick question~ !!!!! [01/28 23:29:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:29:26] [INFO] Progress: 812/2260 [01/28 23:29:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-virut-quick-question.504409/ finished! [01/28 23:29:26] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-msse-alone-enough-protection.501736/ is 24000 ms [01/28 23:29:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is MSSE alone enough protection !!!!! [01/28 23:29:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:29:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:29:31] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:29:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:29:31] [INFO] Progress: 813/2260 [01/28 23:29:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-msse-alone-enough-protection.501736/ finished! [01/28 23:29:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Password Management Software-(Cross Platform&Device-Cloud) !!!!! [01/28 23:29:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:29:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:29:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:29:35] [INFO] Progress: 814/2260 [01/28 23:29:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-password-management-software-cross-platform-device-cloud.498300/ finished! [01/28 23:29:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading WSE nooby questions !!!!! [01/28 23:29:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:29:37] [INFO] Progress: 815/2260 [01/28 23:29:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wse-nooby-questions.502724/ finished! [01/28 23:29:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My computers ports were scanned by google ... !!!!! [01/28 23:29:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:29:39] [INFO] Progress: 816/2260 [01/28 23:29:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-computers-ports-were-scanned-by-google.478232/ finished! [01/28 23:29:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky pure vs. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 !!!!! [01/28 23:29:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:29:40] [INFO] Progress: 817/2260 [01/28 23:29:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-pure-vs-kaspersky-internet-security-2011.492753/ finished! [01/28 23:29:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Running without external antivirus and firewall program !!!!! [01/28 23:29:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:29:43] [INFO] Progress: 818/2260 [01/28 23:29:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-without-external-antivirus-and-firewall-program.502058/ finished! [01/28 23:29:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Secunia confirms what we already know about Mac Security !!!!! [01/28 23:29:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:29:44] [INFO] Progress: 819/2260 [01/28 23:29:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secunia-confirms-what-we-already-know-about-mac-security.502392/ finished! [01/28 23:29:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What Security to Install !!!!! [01/28 23:29:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:29:46] [INFO] Progress: 820/2260 [01/28 23:29:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-security-to-install.502314/ finished! [01/28 23:29:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Internet Security Is this good !!!!! [01/28 23:29:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:29:48] [INFO] Progress: 821/2260 [01/28 23:29:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-internet-security-is-this-good.502604/ finished! [01/28 23:29:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Y- autorun.inf blocked !!!!! [01/28 23:29:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:29:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:29:50] [INFO] Progress: 822/2260 [01/28 23:29:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/y-autorun-inf-blocked.501206/ finished! [01/28 23:29:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading So it seems i may have a keylogger in my laptop... !!!!! [01/28 23:29:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] Progress: 823/2260 [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/so-it-seems-i-may-have-a-keylogger-in-my-laptop.500907/ finished! [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-best-light-internet-security-software.491558/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:29:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is best light Internet Security software !!!!! [01/28 23:29:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:29:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:29:59] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:29:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:29:59] [INFO] Progress: 824/2260 [01/28 23:29:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-best-light-internet-security-software.491558/ finished! [01/28 23:30:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:30:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:30:01] [INFO] Progress: 825/2260 [01/28 23:30:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-firewall.501353/ finished! [01/28 23:30:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your thoughts on Panda Cloud AntiVirus !!!!! [01/28 23:30:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:30:03] [INFO] Progress: 826/2260 [01/28 23:30:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-thoughts-on-panda-cloud-antivirus.501406/ finished! [01/28 23:30:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Using more than one real time scanners !!!!! [01/28 23:30:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:30:04] [INFO] Progress: 827/2260 [01/28 23:30:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/using-more-than-one-real-time-scanners.500786/ finished! [01/28 23:30:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Malwarebytes' full version worth the dough !!!!! [01/28 23:30:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:30:06] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.malwarebytescoupon.com/logo/logo.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.malwarebytescoupon.com/logo/logo.png [01/28 23:30:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:30:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:30:08] [INFO] Progress: 828/2260 [01/28 23:30:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-malwarebytes-full-version-worth-the-dough.474357/ finished! [01/28 23:30:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any reliable Free Anti-Virus Internet Security !!!!! [01/28 23:30:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:30:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:30:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:30:12] [INFO] Progress: 829/2260 [01/28 23:30:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-reliable-free-anti-virus-internet-security.497271/ finished! [01/28 23:30:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading running a lot of antivirus softwares issues !!!!! [01/28 23:30:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:30:14] [INFO] Progress: 830/2260 [01/28 23:30:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-a-lot-of-antivirus-softwares-issues.499504/ finished! [01/28 23:30:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender Total Security 2010 vs Kaspersky Pure !!!!! [01/28 23:30:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:30:16] [INFO] Progress: 831/2260 [01/28 23:30:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-total-security-2010-vs-kaspersky-pure.499668/ finished! [01/28 23:30:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is Hotspot Shield safe !!!!! [01/28 23:30:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:30:18] [INFO] Progress: 832/2260 [01/28 23:30:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-hotspot-shield-safe.499889/ finished! [01/28 23:30:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't install MSSE anymore... !!!!! [01/28 23:30:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:30:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:30:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:30:21] [INFO] Progress: 833/2260 [01/28 23:30:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-install-msse-anymore.496422/ finished! [01/28 23:30:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best of the free antivirus programs !!!!! [01/28 23:30:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:30:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:30:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:30:25] [INFO] Progress: 834/2260 [01/28 23:30:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-of-the-free-antivirus-programs.497234/ finished! [01/28 23:30:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Security for Windows 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:30:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:30:27] [INFO] Progress: 835/2260 [01/28 23:30:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-security-for-windows-7.498374/ finished! [01/28 23:30:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE defnition update issue !!!!! [01/28 23:30:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:30:29] [INFO] Progress: 836/2260 [01/28 23:30:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-defnition-update-issue.497782/ finished! [01/28 23:30:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-security-suite-or-mse.494603/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:30:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Security Suite or MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:30:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:30:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:30:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:30:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:30:34] [INFO] Progress: 837/2260 [01/28 23:30:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-security-suite-or-mse.494603/ finished! [01/28 23:30:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anit-virus for win 7 64 bit !!!!! [01/28 23:30:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:30:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:30:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:30:38] [INFO] Progress: 838/2260 [01/28 23:30:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anit-virus-for-win-7-64-bit.489316/ finished! [01/28 23:30:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 4.8 and Avast 5.0 (free versions) !!!!! [01/28 23:30:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:30:40] [INFO] Progress: 839/2260 [01/28 23:30:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-4-8-and-avast-5-0-free-versions.495538/ finished! [01/28 23:30:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading can't open my task manager on windows 7! !!!!! [01/28 23:30:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:30:42] [INFO] Progress: 840/2260 [01/28 23:30:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-open-my-task-manager-on-windows-7.498227/ finished! [01/28 23:30:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Dumb Mcafee doesn't recognize virus's on my pc !!!!! [01/28 23:30:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:30:44] [INFO] Progress: 841/2260 [01/28 23:30:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dumb-mcafee-doesnt-recognize-viruss-on-my-pc.496705/ finished! [01/28 23:30:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spy sweeper + McAfee !!!!! [01/28 23:30:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:30:46] [INFO] Progress: 842/2260 [01/28 23:30:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spy-sweeper-mcafee.497330/ finished! [01/28 23:30:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What antivirus No, not the usual question !!!!! [01/28 23:30:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:30:48] [INFO] Progress: 843/2260 [01/28 23:30:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-no-not-the-usual-question.497076/ finished! [01/28 23:30:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus on my Windows7 Ultimate VM !!!!! [01/28 23:30:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:30:49] [INFO] Progress: 844/2260 [01/28 23:30:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-on-my-windows7-ultimate-vm.496768/ finished! [01/28 23:30:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help. Do I have potential threats !!!!! [01/28 23:30:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:30:51] [INFO] Progress: 845/2260 [01/28 23:30:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-do-i-have-potential-threats.493084/ finished! [01/28 23:30:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira vs Spybot !!!!! [01/28 23:30:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:30:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:30:53] [INFO] Progress: 846/2260 [01/28 23:30:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-vs-spybot.494412/ finished! [01/28 23:30:53] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-is-pissing-me-off.488490/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:30:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials is pissing me off !!!!! [01/28 23:30:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:30:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:30:59] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:31:00] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:31:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:31:00] [INFO] Progress: 847/2260 [01/28 23:31:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-is-pissing-me-off.488490/ finished! [01/28 23:31:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it possible to get a virus by showing a picture in an e-mail !!!!! [01/28 23:31:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:31:02] [INFO] Progress: 848/2260 [01/28 23:31:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-possible-to-get-a-virus-by-showing-a-picture-in-an-e-mail.494128/ finished! [01/28 23:31:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading School supplies Sophos, is it decent !!!!! [01/28 23:31:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:31:04] [INFO] Progress: 849/2260 [01/28 23:31:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/school-supplies-sophos-is-it-decent.493920/ finished! [01/28 23:31:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP me please!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:31:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:31:06] [INFO] Progress: 850/2260 [01/28 23:31:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-me-please.494136/ finished! [01/28 23:31:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't Install Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, because of clamAV !!!!! [01/28 23:31:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:31:08] [INFO] Progress: 851/2260 [01/28 23:31:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-install-kaspersky-internet-security-2011-because-of-clamav.493583/ finished! [01/28 23:31:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Java-based Trojan downloader at Lenovo driver download page !!!!! [01/28 23:31:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:31:09] [INFO] Progress: 852/2260 [01/28 23:31:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/java-based-trojan-downloader-at-lenovo-driver-download-page.493829/ finished! [01/28 23:31:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading symantec or avast !!!!! [01/28 23:31:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:31:11] [INFO] Progress: 853/2260 [01/28 23:31:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-or-avast.492973/ finished! [01/28 23:31:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Has anyone gotten the TrojanDownloader-Win32 Unruy.D virus !!!!! [01/28 23:31:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:31:13] [INFO] Progress: 854/2260 [01/28 23:31:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/has-anyone-gotten-the-trojandownloader-win32-unruy-d-virus.492383/ finished! [01/28 23:31:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Immunet Protect 2.0 released. !!!!! [01/28 23:31:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:31:14] [INFO] Progress: 855/2260 [01/28 23:31:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/immunet-protect-2-0-released.492606/ finished! [01/28 23:31:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Latest AV-Comparatives antivirus test. !!!!! [01/28 23:31:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:31:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:31:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:31:18] [INFO] Progress: 856/2260 [01/28 23:31:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/latest-av-comparatives-antivirus-test.490124/ finished! [01/28 23:31:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Yahoo log-in !!!!! [01/28 23:31:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:31:20] [INFO] Progress: 857/2260 [01/28 23:31:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/yahoo-log-in.490585/ finished! [01/28 23:31:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spersky activation from lisence information !!!!! [01/28 23:31:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:31:22] [INFO] Progress: 858/2260 [01/28 23:31:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spersky-activation-from-lisence-information.490556/ finished! [01/28 23:31:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Alienware m11x Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:31:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:31:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:31:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:31:26] [INFO] Progress: 859/2260 [01/28 23:31:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/alienware-m11x-antivirus.489506/ finished! [01/28 23:31:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there such a thing as a vairus 'timebomb' !!!!! [01/28 23:31:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:31:28] [INFO] Progress: 860/2260 [01/28 23:31:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-vairus-timebomb.489778/ finished! [01/28 23:31:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware 64-bit Finally Available !!!!! [01/28 23:31:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:31:30] [INFO] Progress: 861/2260 [01/28 23:31:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-64-bit-finally-available.488672/ finished! [01/28 23:31:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 v 2.7 versus v4 on a netbook !!!!! [01/28 23:31:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:31:32] [INFO] Progress: 862/2260 [01/28 23:31:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-v-2-7-versus-v4-on-a-netbook.489510/ finished! [01/28 23:31:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sony LoJack !!!!! [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] Progress: 863/2260 [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sony-lojack.487897/ finished! [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-your-thoughts-on-cloud-anti-virus.388382/ is 40500 ms [01/28 23:31:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are your thoughts on cloud anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:31:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:31:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:31:40] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7254/pandasettings.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What are your thoughts on cloud anti-virus/images/storyImages/pandasettings.jpg [01/28 23:31:40] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/5380/pandascan.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What are your thoughts on cloud anti-virus/images/storyImages/pandascan.jpg [01/28 23:31:40] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/1410/pandastatus.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What are your thoughts on cloud anti-virus/images/storyImages/pandastatus.jpg [01/28 23:31:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:31:43] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:31:45] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:31:46] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] Progress: 864/2260 [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-your-thoughts-on-cloud-anti-virus.388382/ finished! [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-this.486425/ is 24500 ms [01/28 23:31:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is this !!!!! [01/28 23:31:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:31:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:31:53] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:31:53] [INFO] Progress: 865/2260 [01/28 23:31:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-this.486425/ finished! [01/28 23:31:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help Needed- Missing .dll file upon start-up -( !!!!! [01/28 23:31:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:31:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:31:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:31:57] [INFO] Progress: 866/2260 [01/28 23:31:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-needed-missing-dll-file-upon-start-up.487471/ finished! [01/28 23:31:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus in System32 !!!!! [01/28 23:31:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:31:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:31:59] [INFO] Progress: 867/2260 [01/28 23:31:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-in-system32.487683/ finished! [01/28 23:31:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Qtn on Mozilla Forefox... !!!!! [01/28 23:32:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:32:01] [INFO] Progress: 868/2260 [01/28 23:32:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/qtn-on-mozilla-forefox.486174/ finished! [01/28 23:32:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IExplorer problem !!!!! [01/28 23:32:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:32:03] [INFO] Progress: 869/2260 [01/28 23:32:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/iexplorer-problem.485625/ finished! [01/28 23:32:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stick-with-avast-4-8-upgrade-to-5-0-or-switch-to-mse.482643/ is 28000 ms [01/28 23:32:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stick with Avast 4.8, upgrade to 5.0, or switch to MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:32:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:32:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:32:08] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:32:10] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:32:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:32:10] [INFO] Progress: 870/2260 [01/28 23:32:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stick-with-avast-4-8-upgrade-to-5-0-or-switch-to-mse.482643/ finished! [01/28 23:32:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is my computer less secure not using a proxy server !!!!! [01/28 23:32:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:32:12] [INFO] Progress: 871/2260 [01/28 23:32:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-my-computer-less-secure-not-using-a-proxy-server.484984/ finished! [01/28 23:32:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Issues after deleting Antivirus Soft virus !!!!! [01/28 23:32:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:32:14] [INFO] Progress: 872/2260 [01/28 23:32:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/issues-after-deleting-antivirus-soft-virus.484700/ finished! [01/28 23:32:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira 10 slow !!!!! [01/28 23:32:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:32:15] [INFO] Progress: 873/2260 [01/28 23:32:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-10-slow.479905/ finished! [01/28 23:32:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Latest version of Avast is faulty !!!!! [01/28 23:32:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:32:17] [INFO] Progress: 874/2260 [01/28 23:32:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/latest-version-of-avast-is-faulty.481956/ finished! [01/28 23:32:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcaffee UPDATE FALSE POSITIVE on critical system file! !!!!! [01/28 23:32:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:32:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:32:21] [INFO] Progress: 875/2260 [01/28 23:32:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcaffee-update-false-positive-on-critical-system-file.477619/ finished! [01/28 23:32:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem with AVG anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:32:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:32:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:32:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:32:25] [INFO] Progress: 876/2260 [01/28 23:32:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-avg-anti-virus.479082/ finished! [01/28 23:32:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Foxit Reader 3.3, now with 'safe mode operation' !!!!! [01/28 23:32:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:32:27] [INFO] Progress: 877/2260 [01/28 23:32:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/foxit-reader-3-3-now-with-safe-mode-operation.481328/ finished! [01/28 23:32:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best spyware removers and stoppers !!!!! [01/28 23:32:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:32:29] [INFO] Progress: 878/2260 [01/28 23:32:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-spyware-removers-and-stoppers.427918/ finished! [01/28 23:32:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firefox - how secure is the Remember Passwords feature !!!!! [01/28 23:32:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:32:32] [INFO] Progress: 879/2260 [01/28 23:32:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firefox-how-secure-is-the-remember-passwords-feature.480773/ finished! [01/28 23:32:32] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-software-for-g73.480454/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:32:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best antivirus software for g73 !!!!! [01/28 23:32:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:32:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:32:37] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:32:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:32:37] [INFO] Progress: 880/2260 [01/28 23:32:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-software-for-g73.480454/ finished! [01/28 23:32:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Deleting anti-virus program !!!!! [01/28 23:32:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:32:39] [INFO] Progress: 881/2260 [01/28 23:32:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/deleting-anti-virus-program.480656/ finished! [01/28 23:32:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus within networks !!!!! [01/28 23:32:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:32:42] [INFO] Progress: 882/2260 [01/28 23:32:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-within-networks.480652/ finished! [01/28 23:32:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 10 tips for getting rid of stubborn malware !!!!! [01/28 23:32:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:32:43] [INFO] Progress: 883/2260 [01/28 23:32:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/10-tips-for-getting-rid-of-stubborn-malware.479187/ finished! [01/28 23:32:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus malware issues !!!!! [01/28 23:32:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:45] [INFO] Progress: 884/2260 [01/28 23:32:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-malware-issues.476705/ finished! [01/28 23:32:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trouble with Antivir 10 !!!!! [01/28 23:32:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:32:47] [INFO] Progress: 885/2260 [01/28 23:32:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trouble-with-antivir-10.478821/ finished! [01/28 23:32:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My HJT scan !!!!! [01/28 23:32:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:32:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:32:49] [INFO] Progress: 886/2260 [01/28 23:32:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-hjt-scan.477640/ finished! [01/28 23:32:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firewall for Windows 7 (64 Bit) !!!!! [01/28 23:32:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:32:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:32:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:32:53] [INFO] Progress: 887/2260 [01/28 23:32:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewall-for-windows-7-64-bit.476519/ finished! [01/28 23:32:53] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-vs-kaspersky-internet-security.472234/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:32:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security vs. Kaspersky Internet Security !!!!! [01/28 23:32:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:32:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:32:58] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:32:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:32:58] [INFO] Progress: 888/2260 [01/28 23:32:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-vs-kaspersky-internet-security.472234/ finished! [01/28 23:32:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best security solution for notebooks !!!!! [01/28 23:32:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:00] [INFO] Progress: 889/2260 [01/28 23:33:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-security-solution-for-notebooks.475846/ finished! [01/28 23:33:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Pricegrabber redirect. !!!!! [01/28 23:33:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] Progress: 890/2260 [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pricegrabber-redirect.475535/ finished! [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-with-inspiron-1501.476913/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:33:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help with Inspiron 1501!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:33:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:33:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:33:08] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:33:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:33:08] [INFO] Progress: 891/2260 [01/28 23:33:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-with-inspiron-1501.476913/ finished! [01/28 23:33:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Infected XP owners left unpatched !!!!! [01/28 23:33:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:33:10] [INFO] Progress: 892/2260 [01/28 23:33:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/infected-xp-owners-left-unpatched.476516/ finished! [01/28 23:33:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any Opinions on TrustPort Antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:33:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:33:14] [INFO] Progress: 893/2260 [01/28 23:33:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-opinions-on-trustport-antivirus.475958/ finished! [01/28 23:33:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Foxit PDF reader vulnerable to hackers !!!!! [01/28 23:33:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:17] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.sophos.com/blogs/sophoslabs/images/blogs/sophoslabs/2010/04/fiel.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Foxit PDF reader vulnerable to hackers/images/storyImages/fiel.jpg [01/28 23:33:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:33:19] [INFO] Progress: 894/2260 [01/28 23:33:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/foxit-pdf-reader-vulnerable-to-hackers.474414/ finished! [01/28 23:33:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading System security 2009 automatically installed !!!!! [01/28 23:33:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:33:22] [WARNING] File not found for image https://nonbaohiem.asia/content/virus.JPG; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//System security 2009 automatically installed/images/storyImages/image266 [01/28 23:33:22] [INFO] Progress: 895/2260 [01/28 23:33:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/system-security-2009-automatically-installed.475009/ finished! [01/28 23:33:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading win32 startup trojan help !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:33:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:33:26] [INFO] Progress: 896/2260 [01/28 23:33:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-startup-trojan-help.474764/ finished! [01/28 23:33:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Least resource hungry & free anti-virus !!!!! [01/28 23:33:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:28] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:33:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:33:30] [INFO] Progress: 897/2260 [01/28 23:33:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/least-resource-hungry-free-anti-virus.471381/ finished! [01/28 23:33:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 10 vs Norton 360 !!!!! [01/28 23:33:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:33:34] [INFO] Progress: 898/2260 [01/28 23:33:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-10-vs-norton-360.473058/ finished! [01/28 23:33:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MaximumPC Security Suite Comparatives !!!!! [01/28 23:33:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:33:36] [INFO] Progress: 899/2260 [01/28 23:33:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/maximumpc-security-suite-comparatives.474053/ finished! [01/28 23:33:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Someone help me with this! !!!!! [01/28 23:33:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:38] [INFO] Progress: 900/2260 [01/28 23:33:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/someone-help-me-with-this.473814/ finished! [01/28 23:33:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does a Virus... !!!!! [01/28 23:33:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:33:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:33:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:33:42] [INFO] Progress: 901/2260 [01/28 23:33:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-a-virus.472511/ finished! [01/28 23:33:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS is flagging a file from Cygwin !!!!! [01/28 23:33:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:33:44] [INFO] Progress: 902/2260 [01/28 23:33:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-is-flagging-a-file-from-cygwin.473420/ finished! [01/28 23:33:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New 'RuskiBorg' virus steals webforum user names !!!!! [01/28 23:33:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:33:46] [INFO] Progress: 903/2260 [01/28 23:33:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-ruskiborg-virus-steals-webforum-user-names.472552/ finished! [01/28 23:33:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 ESS Users - Bootup time speed up guide! !!!!! [01/28 23:33:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:33:48] [INFO] Progress: 904/2260 [01/28 23:33:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-ess-users-bootup-time-speed-up-guide.415116/ finished! [01/28 23:33:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading WindowsUpdateService.exe - No Disk - error!! HELP! !!!!! [01/28 23:33:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:33:50] [INFO] Progress: 905/2260 [01/28 23:33:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windowsupdateservice-exe-no-disk-error-help.471457/ finished! [01/28 23:33:50] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-personal-10-released.469863/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:33:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira 'AntiVir Personal 10' released !!!!! [01/28 23:33:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:33:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:33:55] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:33:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:33:55] [INFO] Progress: 906/2260 [01/28 23:33:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-personal-10-released.469863/ finished! [01/28 23:33:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security & Firewall v4.0.138377.779 live update !!!!! [01/28 23:33:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:33:57] [INFO] Progress: 907/2260 [01/28 23:33:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-firewall-v4-0-138377-779-live-update.470370/ finished! [01/28 23:33:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware 4.35.1000 Released !!!!! [01/28 23:33:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:33:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:33:59] [INFO] Progress: 908/2260 [01/28 23:33:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-35-1000-released.471793/ finished! [01/28 23:33:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help needed! Is Personal Security.Exe comes pre-installed in Win7 !!!!! [01/28 23:34:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:34:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:34:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:34:03] [INFO] Progress: 909/2260 [01/28 23:34:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-needed-is-personal-security-exe-comes-pre-installed-in-win7.470247/ finished! [01/28 23:34:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Feb 2010 On-demand test results !!!!! [01/28 23:34:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:34:05] [INFO] Progress: 910/2260 [01/28 23:34:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-feb-2010-on-demand-test-results.470895/ finished! [01/28 23:34:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Help & Support !!!!! [01/28 23:34:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:34:07] [INFO] Progress: 911/2260 [01/28 23:34:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-help-support.471009/ finished! [01/28 23:34:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender update wipes Windows 64-bit !!!!! [01/28 23:34:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:34:09] [INFO] Progress: 912/2260 [01/28 23:34:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-update-wipes-windows-64-bit.470324/ finished! [01/28 23:34:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading XP Antispyware 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:34:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:34:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:34:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:34:12] [INFO] Progress: 913/2260 [01/28 23:34:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/xp-antispyware-2010.469287/ finished! [01/28 23:34:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Dual Antivirus Software Run Simultaneously !!!!! [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] Progress: 914/2260 [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dual-antivirus-software-run-simultaneously.470240/ finished! [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-use-a-third-party-firewall.461690/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:34:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you use a Third Party Firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:34:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:34:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:34:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:34:22] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:34:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:34:22] [INFO] Progress: 915/2260 [01/28 23:34:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-use-a-third-party-firewall.461690/ finished! [01/28 23:34:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antivir Personal 10 !!!!! [01/28 23:34:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:34:23] [INFO] Progress: 916/2260 [01/28 23:34:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-personal-10.470364/ finished! [01/28 23:34:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Public Network Campus network security. !!!!! [01/28 23:34:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:34:25] [INFO] Progress: 917/2260 [01/28 23:34:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/public-network-campus-network-security.470157/ finished! [01/28 23:34:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone have any idea what puUugIm.EXE is !!!!! [01/28 23:34:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:34:27] [INFO] Progress: 918/2260 [01/28 23:34:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-have-any-idea-what-puuugim-exe-is.469718/ finished! [01/28 23:34:27] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-problem.465791/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:34:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Problem !!!!! [01/28 23:34:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:34:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:34:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:34:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:34:32] [INFO] Progress: 919/2260 [01/28 23:34:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-problem.465791/ finished! [01/28 23:34:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft warns of scareware..bogus MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:34:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:34:34] [INFO] Progress: 920/2260 [01/28 23:34:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-warns-of-scareware-bogus-mse.463996/ finished! [01/28 23:34:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I still need security softwares if I use Firefox noscript !!!!! [01/28 23:34:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] Progress: 921/2260 [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-still-need-security-softwares-if-i-use-firefox-noscript.467742/ finished! [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-v1-0-1959-out.461274/ is 45000 ms [01/28 23:34:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE v1.0.1959 out. !!!!! [01/28 23:34:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/28 23:34:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/28 23:34:43] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/28 23:34:45] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/28 23:34:46] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/28 23:34:48] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/28 23:34:48] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/28 23:34:50] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/28 23:34:51] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/28 23:34:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:34:51] [INFO] Progress: 922/2260 [01/28 23:34:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-v1-0-1959-out.461274/ finished! [01/28 23:34:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Repeat infection with XP Antispyware 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:34:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:34:53] [INFO] Progress: 923/2260 [01/28 23:34:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/repeat-infection-with-xp-antispyware-2010.464567/ finished! [01/28 23:34:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Thinking about paying someone to scan my old hdd !!!!! [01/28 23:34:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:34:55] [INFO] Progress: 924/2260 [01/28 23:34:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/thinking-about-paying-someone-to-scan-my-old-hdd.468397/ finished! [01/28 23:34:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2010, shared between 2 laptops !!!!! [01/28 23:34:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:34:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:34:57] [INFO] Progress: 925/2260 [01/28 23:34:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2010-shared-between-2-laptops.464993/ finished! [01/28 23:34:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP removing Trojan.Zeloaces!inf !!!!! [01/28 23:34:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:35:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:35:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:35:01] [INFO] Progress: 926/2260 [01/28 23:35:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-removing-trojan-zeloaces-inf.461918/ finished! [01/28 23:35:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-antivirus.460843/ is 41000 ms [01/28 23:35:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:35:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:35:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:35:06] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:35:08] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:35:10] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:35:11] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:35:13] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:35:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:35:13] [INFO] Progress: 927/2260 [01/28 23:35:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-antivirus.460843/ finished! [01/28 23:35:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Search Engine Hijacker !!!!! [01/28 23:35:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:35:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:35:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:35:16] [INFO] Progress: 928/2260 [01/28 23:35:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/search-engine-hijacker.459658/ finished! [01/28 23:35:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Viral Laptop !!!!! [01/28 23:35:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:18] [INFO] Progress: 929/2260 [01/28 23:35:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/viral-laptop.467918/ finished! [01/28 23:35:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Av for windows domains- experiences wanted! !!!!! [01/28 23:35:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:35:20] [INFO] Progress: 930/2260 [01/28 23:35:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-av-for-windows-domains-experiences-wanted.466420/ finished! [01/28 23:35:20] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-released.452399/ is 31500 ms [01/28 23:35:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! 5 Released! !!!!! [01/28 23:35:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:35:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:35:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:35:27] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:35:28] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:35:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:35:29] [INFO] Progress: 931/2260 [01/28 23:35:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-released.452399/ finished! [01/28 23:35:29] [WARNING] Thread '100 % CPU on the Yahoo Home Page' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/28 23:35:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What type of virus do I have !!!!! [01/28 23:35:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:35:30] [INFO] Progress: 932/2260 [01/28 23:35:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-type-of-virus-do-i-have.464871/ finished! [01/28 23:35:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Firewall application for Windows-7 64-bit !!!!! [01/28 23:35:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:35:32] [INFO] Progress: 933/2260 [01/28 23:35:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-firewall-application-for-windows-7-64-bit.462999/ finished! [01/28 23:35:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Watch out for the F1 key worm, if you're on Windows 200, XP or Server 2003 !!!!! [01/28 23:35:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:35:34] [INFO] Progress: 934/2260 [01/28 23:35:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/watch-out-for-the-f1-key-worm-if-youre-on-windows-200-xp-or-server-2003.464669/ finished! [01/28 23:35:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading COMODO Internet Security v4.0 released. !!!!! [01/28 23:35:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:35:35] [INFO] Progress: 935/2260 [01/28 23:35:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-v4-0-released.464584/ finished! [01/28 23:35:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading frethog removed !!!!! [01/28 23:35:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:37] [INFO] Progress: 936/2260 [01/28 23:35:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/frethog-removed.464068/ finished! [01/28 23:35:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Wierd Startup File !!!!! [01/28 23:35:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:35:39] [INFO] Progress: 937/2260 [01/28 23:35:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wierd-startup-file.463878/ finished! [01/28 23:35:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone else had shutdown problems due to Spyware Doctor !!!!! [01/28 23:35:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:35:40] [INFO] Progress: 938/2260 [01/28 23:35:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-else-had-shutdown-problems-due-to-spyware-doctor.462205/ finished! [01/28 23:35:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading contextmenu.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:35:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:42] [INFO] Progress: 939/2260 [01/28 23:35:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/contextmenu-exe.462065/ finished! [01/28 23:35:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win Free security software at WildersSecurity! !!!!! [01/28 23:35:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:35:44] [INFO] Progress: 940/2260 [01/28 23:35:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win-free-security-software-at-wilderssecurity.461869/ finished! [01/28 23:35:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Questions !!!!! [01/28 23:35:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:35:46] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/1952/84208015gg5.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Comodo Questions/images/storyImages/84208015gg5.png [01/28 23:35:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:35:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:48] [INFO] Progress: 941/2260 [01/28 23:35:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-questions.455188/ finished! [01/28 23:35:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Newbie needs help - MS Word and IE Errors !!!!! [01/28 23:35:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:35:50] [INFO] Progress: 942/2260 [01/28 23:35:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/newbie-needs-help-ms-word-and-ie-errors.460581/ finished! [01/28 23:35:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Opinions on my Windows-7 security strategy !!!!! [01/28 23:35:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:35:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:35:52] [INFO] Progress: 943/2260 [01/28 23:35:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/opinions-on-my-windows-7-security-strategy.460281/ finished! [01/28 23:35:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Defragging spread a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:35:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:35:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:35:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:55] [INFO] Progress: 944/2260 [01/28 23:35:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/defragging-spread-a-virus.460169/ finished! [01/28 23:35:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help deleting malware and (virus ) !!!!! [01/28 23:35:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:35:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:35:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:35:59] [INFO] Progress: 945/2260 [01/28 23:35:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-deleting-malware-and-virus.459454/ finished! [01/28 23:35:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to remove the McAfee that came with DEL Studio 15 W7 !!!!! [01/28 23:36:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:36:00] [INFO] Progress: 946/2260 [01/28 23:36:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-remove-the-mcafee-that-came-with-del-studio-15-w7.459691/ finished! [01/28 23:36:00] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/have-virus-need-help-removing-it.459336/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:36:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Have virus, need help removing it !!!!! [01/28 23:36:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:36:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:36:05] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:36:07] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:36:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:36:07] [INFO] Progress: 947/2260 [01/28 23:36:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/have-virus-need-help-removing-it.459336/ finished! [01/28 23:36:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adware-Perfect.gen...What !!!!! [01/28 23:36:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:36:09] [INFO] Progress: 948/2260 [01/28 23:36:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adware-perfect-gen-what.459408/ finished! [01/28 23:36:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan Agent Gen-Nullo(micro) --SAS keeps finding this !!!!! [01/28 23:36:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:36:11] [INFO] Progress: 949/2260 [01/28 23:36:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-agent-gen-nullo-micro-sas-keeps-finding-this.458615/ finished! [01/28 23:36:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Portable antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:36:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:36:13] [INFO] Progress: 950/2260 [01/28 23:36:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/portable-antivirus.458934/ finished! [01/28 23:36:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ZA Free Version Disable Nag Screeen !!!!! [01/28 23:36:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:14] [INFO] Progress: 951/2260 [01/28 23:36:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/za-free-version-disable-nag-screeen.458904/ finished! [01/28 23:36:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need some advice on my security options !!!!! [01/28 23:36:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:36:16] [INFO] Progress: 952/2260 [01/28 23:36:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-some-advice-on-my-security-options.452324/ finished! [01/28 23:36:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good Deal !!!!! [01/28 23:36:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:36:18] [INFO] Progress: 953/2260 [01/28 23:36:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-deal.458196/ finished! [01/28 23:36:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus on Photobucket !!!!! [01/28 23:36:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] Progress: 954/2260 [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-on-photobucket.454538/ finished! [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-trojan-and-mse.457703/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:36:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help with Trojan and MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:36:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:36:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:36:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:36:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:36:27] [INFO] Progress: 955/2260 [01/28 23:36:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-trojan-and-mse.457703/ finished! [01/28 23:36:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MEdia Player virus !!!!! [01/28 23:36:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:36:29] [INFO] Progress: 956/2260 [01/28 23:36:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/media-player-virus.457899/ finished! [01/28 23:36:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-corporate-security-setup.454837/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:36:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for [corporate] security setup !!!!! [01/28 23:36:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:36:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:36:33] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:36:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:36:34] [INFO] Progress: 957/2260 [01/28 23:36:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-corporate-security-setup.454837/ finished! [01/28 23:36:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ForeFront Client Screenshots !!!!! [01/28 23:36:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:36:36] [INFO] Progress: 958/2260 [01/28 23:36:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/forefront-client-screenshots.456457/ finished! [01/28 23:36:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any one using Avast 5 pro with the sandbox on Win 7 64 bit !!!!! [01/28 23:36:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:37] [INFO] Progress: 959/2260 [01/28 23:36:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-one-using-avast-5-pro-with-the-sandbox-on-win-7-64-bit.458018/ finished! [01/28 23:36:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet Security Suites Comparison !!!!! [01/28 23:36:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:36:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:36:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:41] [INFO] Progress: 960/2260 [01/28 23:36:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-security-suites-comparison.457675/ finished! [01/28 23:36:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sandboxie 3.44 released. Now with x64 support! !!!!! [01/28 23:36:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:43] [INFO] Progress: 961/2260 [01/28 23:36:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sandboxie-3-44-released-now-with-x64-support.456799/ finished! [01/28 23:36:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware 64-bit Pre-Release !!!!! [01/28 23:36:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:44] [INFO] Progress: 962/2260 [01/28 23:36:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-64-bit-pre-release.457864/ finished! [01/28 23:36:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webbrowsers - fingerprints !!!!! [01/28 23:36:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:36:47] [INFO] Progress: 963/2260 [01/28 23:36:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webbrowsers-fingerprints.455295/ finished! [01/28 23:36:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware PORTABLE. !!!!! [01/28 23:36:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:36:48] [INFO] Progress: 964/2260 [01/28 23:36:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-portable.452531/ finished! [01/28 23:36:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Strange Happenings !!!!! [01/28 23:36:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:36:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:36:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:36:51] [INFO] Progress: 965/2260 [01/28 23:36:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/strange-happenings.456332/ finished! [01/28 23:36:51] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-else-seeing-microsoft-security-essentials-slow-startups-significantly.455048/ is 24000 ms [01/28 23:36:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone else seeing Microsoft Security Essentials slow startups SIGNIFICANTLY !!!!! [01/28 23:36:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:36:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:36:57] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:36:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:36:57] [INFO] Progress: 966/2260 [01/28 23:36:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-else-seeing-microsoft-security-essentials-slow-startups-significantly.455048/ finished! [01/28 23:36:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Merge 2 ESET Nod32 Licenses !!!!! [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] Progress: 967/2260 [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/merge-2-eset-nod32-licenses.455952/ finished! [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall.453006/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:36:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do i need a firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:37:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:37:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:37:05] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:37:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:37:05] [INFO] Progress: 968/2260 [01/28 23:37:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall.453006/ finished! [01/28 23:37:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows defender on at the same time with norton 360 !!!!! [01/28 23:37:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:37:07] [INFO] Progress: 969/2260 [01/28 23:37:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-on-at-the-same-time-with-norton-360.455831/ finished! [01/28 23:37:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading REALLY liking the new avast is5 suite. after a bit of tweaking its very nice !!!!! [01/28 23:37:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:37:09] [INFO] Progress: 970/2260 [01/28 23:37:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/really-liking-the-new-avast-is5-suite-after-a-bit-of-tweaking-its-very-nice.455791/ finished! [01/28 23:37:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading C-WINDOWS system32 WinNt32.dll Win32-Mutant-AW[Trj] !!!!! [01/28 23:37:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:37:10] [INFO] Progress: 971/2260 [01/28 23:37:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/c-windows-system32-winnt32-dll-win32-mutant-aw-trj.455706/ finished! [01/28 23:37:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton is picking up a low risk threat in a rainmeter skin... !!!!! [01/28 23:37:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:37:12] [INFO] Progress: 972/2260 [01/28 23:37:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-is-picking-up-a-low-risk-threat-in-a-rainmeter-skin.455623/ finished! [01/28 23:37:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 free for Comcast users !!!!! [01/28 23:37:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:37:14] [INFO] Progress: 973/2260 [01/28 23:37:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360-free-for-comcast-users.453540/ finished! [01/28 23:37:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nis 2010 or kis 2010 please help !!!!! [01/28 23:37:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:37:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:37:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:37:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:37:19] [INFO] Progress: 974/2260 [01/28 23:37:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2010-or-kis-2010-please-help.453826/ finished! [01/28 23:37:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security v4 Beta Released... !!!!! [01/28 23:37:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:37:21] [INFO] Progress: 975/2260 [01/28 23:37:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-v4-beta-released.450394/ finished! [01/28 23:37:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:37:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:37:23] [INFO] Progress: 976/2260 [01/28 23:37:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2010.448896/ finished! [01/28 23:37:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Lab false positive- Google ads spread no Trojan.JS.Redirector.ar virus !!!!! [01/28 23:37:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] Progress: 977/2260 [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-lab-false-positive-google-ads-spread-no-trojan-js-redirector-ar-virus.454128/ finished! [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-why.448460/ is 56000 ms [01/28 23:37:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Why !!!!! [01/28 23:37:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 10 [01/28 23:37:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 10 [01/28 23:37:33] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 10 [01/28 23:37:34] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 10 [01/28 23:37:49] [WARNING] Read timeout for image https://www.theinquirer.net/img/7631/reportmill-attack-site-2.jpg. This is likely a problem with the image's hosting site. [01/28 23:37:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 10 [01/28 23:37:52] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 10 [01/28 23:37:54] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 10 [01/28 23:37:56] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 10 [01/28 23:37:57] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 10 [01/28 23:37:59] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 10 [01/28 23:37:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:37:59] [INFO] Progress: 978/2260 [01/28 23:37:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-why.448460/ finished! [01/28 23:37:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading RealPlayer haunted by 11 critical vulnerabilities !!!!! [01/28 23:38:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:38:01] [INFO] Progress: 979/2260 [01/28 23:38:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/realplayer-haunted-by-11-critical-vulnerabilities.454309/ finished! [01/28 23:38:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira for Windows XP !!!!! [01/28 23:38:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:38:03] [INFO] Progress: 980/2260 [01/28 23:38:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-for-windows-xp.454511/ finished! [01/28 23:38:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your_Exe.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:38:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:38:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:38:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:38:06] [INFO] Progress: 981/2260 [01/28 23:38:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your_exe-exe.453608/ finished! [01/28 23:38:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ecobar, IE, find fm, toolbars !!!!! [01/28 23:38:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:38:08] [INFO] Progress: 982/2260 [01/28 23:38:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ecobar-ie-find-fm-toolbars.452539/ finished! [01/28 23:38:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Browsers Hijacked not able to remove !!!!! [01/28 23:38:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:38:10] [INFO] Progress: 983/2260 [01/28 23:38:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/browsers-hijacked-not-able-to-remove.452012/ finished! [01/28 23:38:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender & Avira report they are turned off; Can't turn them on. Is this a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:38:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:38:12] [INFO] Progress: 984/2260 [01/28 23:38:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-avira-report-they-are-turned-off-cant-turn-them-on-is-this-a-virus.452862/ finished! [01/28 23:38:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV and Anti-Spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:38:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:38:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:38:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:38:15] [INFO] Progress: 985/2260 [01/28 23:38:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-and-anti-spyware.452535/ finished! [01/28 23:38:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-all-around-security-software.433221/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:38:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best all around security software !!!!! [01/28 23:38:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:38:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:38:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:38:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:38:21] [INFO] Progress: 986/2260 [01/28 23:38:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-all-around-security-software.433221/ finished! [01/28 23:38:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading do any of you guys use ad-aware !!!!! [01/28 23:38:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] Progress: 987/2260 [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-any-of-you-guys-use-ad-aware.451114/ finished! [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vicious-malware-internet-security-2010-bluescreen-of-death.451327/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:38:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vicious Malware- Internet Security 2010 + Bluescreen ( of death ) !!!!! [01/28 23:38:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:38:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:38:30] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:38:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:38:30] [INFO] Progress: 988/2260 [01/28 23:38:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vicious-malware-internet-security-2010-bluescreen-of-death.451327/ finished! [01/28 23:38:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Did I install my secuirty software correctly !!!!! [01/28 23:38:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:38:31] [INFO] Progress: 989/2260 [01/28 23:38:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/did-i-install-my-secuirty-software-correctly.451464/ finished! [01/28 23:38:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A light free firewall that is light on resources !!!!! [01/28 23:38:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:33] [INFO] Progress: 990/2260 [01/28 23:38:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-light-free-firewall-that-is-light-on-resources.451554/ finished! [01/28 23:38:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira has got slooow again. !!!!! [01/28 23:38:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:38:37] [INFO] Progress: 991/2260 [01/28 23:38:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-has-got-slooow-again.448350/ finished! [01/28 23:38:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/buy-nis-for-9-99-after-rebates-or-use-mse.441744/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:38:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Buy NIS for $9.99 after rebates or use MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:38:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:38:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:38:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:38:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:38:42] [INFO] Progress: 992/2260 [01/28 23:38:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/buy-nis-for-9-99-after-rebates-or-use-mse.441744/ finished! [01/28 23:38:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can clicking on hacked site cause infection !!!!! [01/28 23:38:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:38:44] [INFO] Progress: 993/2260 [01/28 23:38:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-clicking-on-hacked-site-cause-infection.450779/ finished! [01/28 23:38:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Justitia@tacoda[1] txt hidden by a rootkit technique; AVG asks do I want to remove it !!!!! [01/28 23:38:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:38:46] [INFO] Progress: 994/2260 [01/28 23:38:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/justitia-tacoda-1-txt-hidden-by-a-rootkit-technique-avg-asks-do-i-want-to-remove-it.450659/ finished! [01/28 23:38:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading On-demand virus scanners !!!!! [01/28 23:38:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:38:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:38:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:38:50] [INFO] Progress: 995/2260 [01/28 23:38:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/on-demand-virus-scanners.448308/ finished! [01/28 23:38:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus wont delete.. !!!!! [01/28 23:38:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:38:51] [INFO] Progress: 996/2260 [01/28 23:38:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-wont-delete.449719/ finished! [01/28 23:38:51] [WARNING] Thread 'how should I copy all my favourites on my computer' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/28 23:38:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Handling Malicious PDF !!!!! [01/28 23:38:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:38:53] [INFO] Progress: 997/2260 [01/28 23:38:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/handling-malicious-pdf.448113/ finished! [01/28 23:38:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Keylogger with snapshot taking !!!!! [01/28 23:38:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:38:55] [INFO] Progress: 998/2260 [01/28 23:38:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keylogger-with-snapshot-taking.448022/ finished! [01/28 23:38:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how to remove virus found in avira !!!!! [01/28 23:38:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:38:58] [INFO] Progress: 999/2260 [01/28 23:38:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-remove-virus-found-in-avira.448093/ finished! [01/28 23:38:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira problem, access got messed up !!!!! [01/28 23:38:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:38:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:38:59] [INFO] Progress: 1000/2260 [01/28 23:38:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-problem-access-got-messed-up.447170/ finished! [01/28 23:39:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is there something wrong with my computer !!!!! [01/28 23:39:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:39:01] [INFO] Progress: 1001/2260 [01/28 23:39:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-something-wrong-with-my-computer.447883/ finished! [01/28 23:39:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Could norton cause a system restore conflict !!!!! [01/28 23:39:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:03] [INFO] Progress: 1002/2260 [01/28 23:39:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/could-norton-cause-a-system-restore-conflict.445463/ finished! [01/28 23:39:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Updated HD- Now No Security Suite !!!!! [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] Progress: 1003/2260 [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/updated-hd-now-no-security-suite.447821/ finished! [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-happen-when-virus-strike-dual-hdd-computer.447251/ is 62000 ms [01/28 23:39:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What happen when virus strike dual hdd computer !!!!! [01/28 23:39:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 11 [01/28 23:39:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 11 [01/28 23:39:10] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 11 [01/28 23:39:11] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 11 [01/28 23:39:13] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 11 [01/28 23:39:14] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 11 [01/28 23:39:16] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 11 [01/28 23:39:17] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 11 [01/28 23:39:19] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 11 [01/28 23:39:20] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 11 [01/28 23:39:22] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 11 [01/28 23:39:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:39:22] [INFO] Progress: 1004/2260 [01/28 23:39:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-happen-when-virus-strike-dual-hdd-computer.447251/ finished! [01/28 23:39:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virustotal & eSafe Alarms !!!!! [01/28 23:39:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:39:24] [INFO] Progress: 1005/2260 [01/28 23:39:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virustotal-esafe-alarms.443689/ finished! [01/28 23:39:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Will an OS reinstall wipe over a trojan virus attack !!!!! [01/28 23:39:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:39:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:39:29] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:39:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:39:29] [INFO] Progress: 1006/2260 [01/28 23:39:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/will-an-os-reinstall-wipe-over-a-trojan-virus-attack.445196/ finished! [01/28 23:39:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading new Trojan virus !!!!! [01/28 23:39:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:39:31] [INFO] Progress: 1007/2260 [01/28 23:39:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-trojan-virus.446953/ finished! [01/28 23:39:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender and MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:39:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:39:33] [INFO] Progress: 1008/2260 [01/28 23:39:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-and-mse.446039/ finished! [01/28 23:39:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading To much software !!!!! [01/28 23:39:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:39:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:39:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:39:37] [INFO] Progress: 1009/2260 [01/28 23:39:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/to-much-software.446856/ finished! [01/28 23:39:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-no-one-like-avg-any-more.444196/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:39:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does No One Like AVG any more !!!!! [01/28 23:39:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:39:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:39:43] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:39:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:39:43] [INFO] Progress: 1010/2260 [01/28 23:39:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-no-one-like-avg-any-more.444196/ finished! [01/28 23:39:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version MalwareBytes 1.43 !!!!! [01/28 23:39:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:39:44] [INFO] Progress: 1011/2260 [01/28 23:39:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-malwarebytes-1-43.447015/ finished! [01/28 23:39:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What additional measures do you take !!!!! [01/28 23:39:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:47] [INFO] Progress: 1012/2260 [01/28 23:39:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-additional-measures-do-you-take.446652/ finished! [01/28 23:39:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading need help with Windows 7..My laptop shows a black screen !!!!! [01/28 23:39:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:39:50] [WARNING] Could not download image https://www.pchubs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/safe-mode.gif because Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: https://www.pchubs.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/safe-mode.gif [01/28 23:39:50] [INFO] Progress: 1013/2260 [01/28 23:39:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-windows-7-my-laptop-shows-a-black-screen.446028/ finished! [01/28 23:39:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Autoplay = Autorun !!!!! [01/28 23:39:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:39:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:39:52] [INFO] Progress: 1014/2260 [01/28 23:39:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/autoplay-autorun.445899/ finished! [01/28 23:39:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading need some free AV help-- been reading posts for 3 days now .. thanx in advance !!!!! [01/28 23:39:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:39:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:39:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:39:55] [INFO] Progress: 1015/2260 [01/28 23:39:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-some-free-av-help-been-reading-posts-for-3-days-now-thanx-in-advance.446025/ finished! [01/28 23:39:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antivir Personal 9, Has anyone used it !!!!! [01/28 23:39:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:39:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:39:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:39:59] [INFO] Progress: 1016/2260 [01/28 23:39:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-personal-9-has-anyone-used-it.445947/ finished! [01/28 23:39:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Performance Test, December 2009 !!!!! [01/28 23:40:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:01] [INFO] Progress: 1017/2260 [01/28 23:40:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-performance-test-december-2009.445281/ finished! [01/28 23:40:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sending Antivirus software, no internet access !!!!! [01/28 23:40:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:40:03] [INFO] Progress: 1018/2260 [01/28 23:40:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sending-antivirus-software-no-internet-access.445907/ finished! [01/28 23:40:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE --- auto updates !!!!! [01/28 23:40:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:40:05] [INFO] Progress: 1019/2260 [01/28 23:40:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-auto-updates.445929/ finished! [01/28 23:40:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE and trojan alert, maybe !!!!! [01/28 23:40:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:40:07] [INFO] Progress: 1020/2260 [01/28 23:40:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-and-trojan-alert-maybe.444836/ finished! [01/28 23:40:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Securely Destroying Data is it truely secure !!!!! [01/28 23:40:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:40:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:40:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:40:10] [INFO] Progress: 1021/2260 [01/28 23:40:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/securely-destroying-data-is-it-truely-secure.445344/ finished! [01/28 23:40:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why no tracking cookies !!!!! [01/28 23:40:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:40:13] [INFO] Progress: 1022/2260 [01/28 23:40:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-no-tracking-cookies.444193/ finished! [01/28 23:40:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading UAC advise !!!!! [01/28 23:40:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:40:14] [INFO] Progress: 1023/2260 [01/28 23:40:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uac-advise.445358/ finished! [01/28 23:40:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PC Tools Firewall any good !!!!! [01/28 23:40:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:40:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:40:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:40:18] [INFO] Progress: 1024/2260 [01/28 23:40:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pc-tools-firewall-any-good.444433/ finished! [01/28 23:40:18] [WARNING] Thread 'AIM Ghosting?' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/28 23:40:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vaio SZ, AHCI enabled - MSE Problem + another one !!!!! [01/28 23:40:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:40:20] [INFO] Progress: 1025/2260 [01/28 23:40:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vaio-sz-ahci-enabled-mse-problem-another-one.443962/ finished! [01/28 23:40:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 114 fake windows av's to avoid !!!!! [01/28 23:40:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:40:22] [INFO] Progress: 1026/2260 [01/28 23:40:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/114-fake-windows-avs-to-avoid.444293/ finished! [01/28 23:40:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading av comparatives dynamic testing real world who won find out !!!!! [01/28 23:40:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:40:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:40:26] [INFO] Progress: 1027/2260 [01/28 23:40:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-dynamic-testing-real-world-who-won-find-out.444153/ finished! [01/28 23:40:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SAS Version Update & Admin Privileges !!!!! [01/28 23:40:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:40:30] [INFO] Progress: 1028/2260 [01/28 23:40:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sas-version-update-admin-privileges.443807/ finished! [01/28 23:40:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any harm to run anti virus and eraser at the same time !!!!! [01/28 23:40:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:40:31] [INFO] Progress: 1029/2260 [01/28 23:40:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-harm-to-run-anti-virus-and-eraser-at-the-same-time.444274/ finished! [01/28 23:40:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adobe confirms PDF zero-day attacks. Disable JavaScript now !!!!! [01/28 23:40:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:40:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:40:36] [INFO] Progress: 1030/2260 [01/28 23:40:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adobe-confirms-pdf-zero-day-attacks-disable-javascript-now.443157/ finished! [01/28 23:40:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What does the avast! network shield do !!!!! [01/28 23:40:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:40:39] [INFO] Progress: 1031/2260 [01/28 23:40:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-does-the-avast-network-shield-do.443678/ finished! [01/28 23:40:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Explorer Freezes !!!!! [01/28 23:40:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:40:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:40:41] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:40:41] [INFO] Progress: 1032/2260 [01/28 23:40:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-explorer-freezes.443751/ finished! [01/28 23:40:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Could I have a keylogger virus !!!!! [01/28 23:40:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:40:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:40:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:40:46] [INFO] Progress: 1033/2260 [01/28 23:40:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/could-i-have-a-keylogger-virus.442568/ finished! [01/28 23:40:46] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-any-use-it.438569/ is 51500 ms [01/28 23:40:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials - Any Use It !!!!! [01/28 23:40:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 9 [01/28 23:40:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 9 [01/28 23:40:51] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 9 [01/28 23:40:53] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 9 [01/28 23:40:54] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 9 [01/28 23:40:56] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 9 [01/28 23:40:57] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 9 [01/28 23:40:59] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 9 [01/28 23:41:00] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 9 [01/28 23:41:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:41:00] [INFO] Progress: 1034/2260 [01/28 23:41:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-any-use-it.438569/ finished! [01/28 23:41:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:41:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:41:02] [INFO] Progress: 1035/2260 [01/28 23:41:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-a-virus.442597/ finished! [01/28 23:41:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes, not sure if I should remove these.. !!!!! [01/28 23:41:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:41:04] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5374/4172130395833f8a11e0o.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Malwarebytes, not sure if I should remove these../images/storyImages/4172130395833f8a11e0o.png [01/28 23:41:04] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss92/2Laramie1997/074ee160.jpg [01/28 23:41:04] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss92/2Laramie1997/8c45e366.jpg [01/28 23:41:05] [INFO] Progress: 1036/2260 [01/28 23:41:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-not-sure-if-i-should-remove-these.441642/ finished! [01/28 23:41:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My experience... !!!!! [01/28 23:41:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:41:08] [INFO] Progress: 1037/2260 [01/28 23:41:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-experience.442145/ finished! [01/28 23:41:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Matousec Tests out... !!!!! [01/28 23:41:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:41:10] [INFO] Progress: 1038/2260 [01/28 23:41:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-matousec-tests-out.442364/ finished! [01/28 23:41:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:41:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:41:13] [INFO] Progress: 1039/2260 [01/28 23:41:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-antivirus.439244/ finished! [01/28 23:41:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Symantec and disabling it's Tamper Protection Alert !!!!! [01/28 23:41:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:41:15] [INFO] Progress: 1040/2260 [01/28 23:41:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-and-disabling-its-tamper-protection-alert.439078/ finished! [01/28 23:41:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading good antivirus program !!!!! [01/28 23:41:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:41:19] [INFO] Progress: 1041/2260 [01/28 23:41:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-antivirus-program.437834/ finished! [01/28 23:41:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anti spyware & anti virus at the same time !!!!! [01/28 23:41:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:41:20] [INFO] Progress: 1042/2260 [01/28 23:41:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-spyware-anti-virus-at-the-same-time.439722/ finished! [01/28 23:41:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trying to settle this question for good--false positive !!!!! [01/28 23:41:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:41:22] [INFO] Progress: 1043/2260 [01/28 23:41:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trying-to-settle-this-question-for-good-false-positive.396766/ finished! [01/28 23:41:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading cant remove virus after recycle bin delete !!!!! [01/28 23:41:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:41:24] [INFO] Progress: 1044/2260 [01/28 23:41:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-remove-virus-after-recycle-bin-delete.441578/ finished! [01/28 23:41:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives removal test results !!!!! [01/28 23:41:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:41:28] [INFO] Progress: 1045/2260 [01/28 23:41:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-removal-test-results.440163/ finished! [01/28 23:41:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading windows defender uninstall !!!!! [01/28 23:41:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:41:30] [INFO] Progress: 1046/2260 [01/28 23:41:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-uninstall.440898/ finished! [01/28 23:41:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 backup problem !!!!! [01/28 23:41:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:41:32] [INFO] Progress: 1047/2260 [01/28 23:41:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360-backup-problem.436141/ finished! [01/28 23:41:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spyware terminator !!!!! [01/28 23:41:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:41:34] [INFO] Progress: 1048/2260 [01/28 23:41:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-terminator.440880/ finished! [01/28 23:41:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:41:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:41:37] [INFO] Progress: 1049/2260 [01/28 23:41:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-firewall.440123/ finished! [01/28 23:41:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Keylogger on no disc crack !!!!! [01/28 23:41:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:41:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:41:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:41:42] [INFO] Progress: 1050/2260 [01/28 23:41:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keylogger-on-no-disc-crack.440210/ finished! [01/28 23:41:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Traffic Packet or Internet Control !!!!! [01/28 23:41:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:41:44] [INFO] Progress: 1051/2260 [01/28 23:41:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/traffic-packet-or-internet-control.439547/ finished! [01/28 23:41:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MBAM 1.42 released. !!!!! [01/28 23:41:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:41:46] [INFO] Progress: 1052/2260 [01/28 23:41:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mbam-1-42-released.440043/ finished! [01/28 23:41:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Massive Trojan Found - Almost every file !!!!! [01/28 23:41:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:41:48] [INFO] Progress: 1053/2260 [01/28 23:41:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/massive-trojan-found-almost-every-file.439707/ finished! [01/28 23:41:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading disable uac for trusted programs !!!!! [01/28 23:41:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:41:49] [INFO] Progress: 1054/2260 [01/28 23:41:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-uac-for-trusted-programs.438942/ finished! [01/28 23:41:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Uninstalling Avira Antivir Free Edition !!!!! [01/28 23:41:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:41:51] [INFO] Progress: 1055/2260 [01/28 23:41:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uninstalling-avira-antivir-free-edition.439077/ finished! [01/28 23:41:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to disable autorun in XP 64 bit !!!!! [01/28 23:41:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:41:53] [INFO] Progress: 1056/2260 [01/28 23:41:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-disable-autorun-in-xp-64-bit.433316/ finished! [01/28 23:41:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 5.0 Internet Security Beta !!!!! [01/28 23:41:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:41:55] [INFO] Progress: 1057/2260 [01/28 23:41:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-0-internet-security-beta.438658/ finished! [01/28 23:41:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I turn the security OFF! !!!!! [01/28 23:41:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:41:57] [INFO] Progress: 1058/2260 [01/28 23:41:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-turn-the-security-off.438008/ finished! [01/28 23:41:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Securespot 2.0 Antivirus Firmware for Dlink !!!!! [01/28 23:41:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:41:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:41:59] [INFO] Progress: 1059/2260 [01/28 23:41:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/securespot-2-0-antivirus-firmware-for-dlink.362555/ finished! [01/28 23:41:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PC Tools Firewall not staying enabled !!!!! [01/28 23:42:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:42:00] [INFO] Progress: 1060/2260 [01/28 23:42:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pc-tools-firewall-not-staying-enabled.438436/ finished! [01/28 23:42:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives - Nov 09 tests... !!!!! [01/28 23:42:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:42:03] [INFO] Progress: 1061/2260 [01/28 23:42:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-nov-09-tests.438401/ finished! [01/28 23:42:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kis-9-0-0-736-svchost-cpu-load-issue-and-solution-vista-sp2.435741/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:42:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading KIS svchost CPU load issue and solution (Vista SP2) !!!!! [01/28 23:42:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:42:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] Progress: 1062/2260 [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kis-9-0-0-736-svchost-cpu-load-issue-and-solution-vista-sp2.435741/ finished! [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-turn-windows-defender-on-or-off.415711/ is 34000 ms [01/28 23:42:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you turn Windows Defender ON or OFF !!!!! [01/28 23:42:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:42:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:42:13] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:42:15] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:42:17] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:42:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:42:17] [INFO] Progress: 1063/2260 [01/28 23:42:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-turn-windows-defender-on-or-off.415711/ finished! [01/28 23:42:17] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials.436457/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:42:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials !!!!! [01/28 23:42:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:42:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:42:23] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:42:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:42:23] [INFO] Progress: 1064/2260 [01/28 23:42:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials.436457/ finished! [01/28 23:42:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! 4 Home Professional Version 4.8.1367 !!!!! [01/28 23:42:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:42:25] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.avast.com/eng/images/news.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//avast! 4 Home Professional Version 4.8.1367/images/storyImages/news.gif [01/28 23:42:25] [INFO] Progress: 1065/2260 [01/28 23:42:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-4-home-professional-version-4-8-1367.437578/ finished! [01/28 23:42:25] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keep-or-dump-mcafee.433955/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:42:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Keep or dump McAfee !!!!! [01/28 23:42:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:42:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:42:30] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:42:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:42:30] [INFO] Progress: 1066/2260 [01/28 23:42:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keep-or-dump-mcafee.433955/ finished! [01/28 23:42:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security v3.13.572 live update !!!!! [01/28 23:42:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:42:32] [INFO] Progress: 1067/2260 [01/28 23:42:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-v3-13-572-live-update.435219/ finished! [01/28 23:42:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Compatibility with Windows 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:42:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:42:34] [INFO] Progress: 1068/2260 [01/28 23:42:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/compatibility-with-windows-7.437135/ finished! [01/28 23:42:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to disable Avira upgrade pop-ups !!!!! [01/28 23:42:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:42:36] [INFO] Progress: 1069/2260 [01/28 23:42:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-disable-avira-upgrade-pop-ups.437101/ finished! [01/28 23:42:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help Removing something annoying.... !!!!! [01/28 23:42:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:42:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:42:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:42:40] [INFO] Progress: 1070/2260 [01/28 23:42:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-removing-something-annoying.331261/ finished! [01/28 23:42:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to get rid of Worm.Autorun !!!!! [01/28 23:42:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:42:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:42:42] [INFO] Progress: 1071/2260 [01/28 23:42:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-rid-of-worm-autorun.436844/ finished! [01/28 23:42:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/verdict-firewalls-yay-or-nay.428749/ is 41000 ms [01/28 23:42:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Verdict, Firewalls- yay or nay !!!!! [01/28 23:42:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:42:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:42:48] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:42:49] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:42:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:42:53] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:42:54] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:42:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:42:55] [INFO] Progress: 1072/2260 [01/28 23:42:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/verdict-firewalls-yay-or-nay.428749/ finished! [01/28 23:42:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-9-0-free-is-available-but-is-it-the-best-freeware.425938/ is 43000 ms [01/28 23:42:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 9.0 Free Is Available...but is it the best freeware !!!!! [01/28 23:42:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:42:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:42:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/28 23:42:59] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/28 23:43:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:43:02] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:43:03] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:43:05] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:43:06] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:43:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:43:06] [INFO] Progress: 1073/2260 [01/28 23:43:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-9-0-free-is-available-but-is-it-the-best-freeware.425938/ finished! [01/28 23:43:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Will Avast Free come close to NOD32 !!!!! [01/28 23:43:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:43:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:43:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:43:10] [INFO] Progress: 1074/2260 [01/28 23:43:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/will-avast-free-come-close-to-nod32.432907/ finished! [01/28 23:43:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus through MSN and no luck finding it thus far ( .pif file) !!!!! [01/28 23:43:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:43:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:43:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:43:13] [INFO] Progress: 1075/2260 [01/28 23:43:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-through-msn-and-no-luck-finding-it-thus-far-pif-file.434958/ finished! [01/28 23:43:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How Do I Get Rid Of...... !!!!! [01/28 23:43:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:43:15] [INFO] Progress: 1076/2260 [01/28 23:43:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of.435005/ finished! [01/28 23:43:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lightweight-anti-virus.427450/ is 24000 ms [01/28 23:43:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lightweight Anti virus !!!!! [01/28 23:43:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:43:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:43:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:43:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:43:21] [INFO] Progress: 1077/2260 [01/28 23:43:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lightweight-anti-virus.427450/ finished! [01/28 23:43:21] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hacking-a-computer-when-its-turned-off.434662/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:43:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hacking a computer when it's turned off !!!!! [01/28 23:43:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:43:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:43:27] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:43:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:43:27] [INFO] Progress: 1078/2260 [01/28 23:43:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hacking-a-computer-when-its-turned-off.434662/ finished! [01/28 23:43:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can I get a virus if I do sane things Possible scenarios .. !!!!! [01/28 23:43:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:43:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:43:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:43:30] [INFO] Progress: 1079/2260 [01/28 23:43:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-i-get-a-virus-if-i-do-sane-things-possible-scenarios.433327/ finished! [01/28 23:43:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG free !!!!! [01/28 23:43:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:33] [INFO] Progress: 1080/2260 [01/28 23:43:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free.433895/ finished! [01/28 23:43:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/forget-the-best-here-is-the-perfect-solution.379225/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:43:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Forget The Best Here is the Perfect Solution !!!!! [01/28 23:43:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:43:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:43:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:43:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:43:38] [INFO] Progress: 1081/2260 [01/28 23:43:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/forget-the-best-here-is-the-perfect-solution.379225/ finished! [01/28 23:43:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SUPERAntiSpyware 4.30.1004 !!!!! [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] Progress: 1082/2260 [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-30-1004.433912/ finished! [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-anti-virus-software.420757/ is 27000 ms [01/28 23:43:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking For Anti-Virus Software !!!!! [01/28 23:43:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:43:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:43:45] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:43:47] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:43:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:43:47] [INFO] Progress: 1083/2260 [01/28 23:43:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-anti-virus-software.420757/ finished! [01/28 23:43:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV thru trialpay !!!!! [01/28 23:43:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:43:49] [INFO] Progress: 1084/2260 [01/28 23:43:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-thru-trialpay.433522/ finished! [01/28 23:43:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free 1-year A-Squared Anti-Malware license !!!!! [01/28 23:43:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:43:51] [INFO] Progress: 1085/2260 [01/28 23:43:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-1-year-a-squared-anti-malware-license.432862/ finished! [01/28 23:43:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about Spyware Blaster... !!!!! [01/28 23:43:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:43:52] [INFO] Progress: 1086/2260 [01/28 23:43:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-spyware-blaster.430664/ finished! [01/28 23:43:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there a 64 bit equivalent to sandboxie !!!!! [01/28 23:43:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:43:54] [INFO] Progress: 1087/2260 [01/28 23:43:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-a-64-bit-equivalent-to-sandboxie.433322/ finished! [01/28 23:43:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can you get a virus if running in user mode in XP64bit !!!!! [01/28 23:43:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:43:55] [INFO] Progress: 1088/2260 [01/28 23:43:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-you-get-a-virus-if-running-in-user-mode-in-xp64bit.433317/ finished! [01/28 23:43:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I know how to disable Avira nag but... !!!!! [01/28 23:43:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:43:57] [INFO] Progress: 1089/2260 [01/28 23:43:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-know-how-to-disable-avira-nag-but.432039/ finished! [01/28 23:43:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firewall and Anti-virus under Win XP 64bits !!!!! [01/28 23:43:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:43:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:43:59] [INFO] Progress: 1090/2260 [01/28 23:43:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewall-and-anti-virus-under-win-xp-64bits.432283/ finished! [01/28 23:43:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NY Times - how to stay safe on social networking sites !!!!! [01/28 23:44:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:44:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:44:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:44:03] [INFO] Progress: 1091/2260 [01/28 23:44:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ny-times-how-to-stay-safe-on-social-networking-sites.430418/ finished! [01/28 23:44:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky 2010 stops WEI in Win 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:44:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:05] [INFO] Progress: 1092/2260 [01/28 23:44:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-2010-stops-wei-in-win-7.431791/ finished! [01/28 23:44:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Virus on USB Alert !!!!! [01/28 23:44:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:44:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:44:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:44:09] [INFO] Progress: 1093/2260 [01/28 23:44:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-virus-on-usb-alert.425087/ finished! [01/28 23:44:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG email scanner problem !!!!! [01/28 23:44:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:44:11] [INFO] Progress: 1094/2260 [01/28 23:44:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-email-scanner-problem.430187/ finished! [01/28 23:44:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bullguard free offer !!!!! [01/28 23:44:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:13] [INFO] Progress: 1095/2260 [01/28 23:44:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bullguard-free-offer.431100/ finished! [01/28 23:44:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IOBit Steals Malwarebytes’ Intellectual Property !!!!! [01/28 23:44:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:44:15] [INFO] Progress: 1096/2260 [01/28 23:44:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/iobit-steals-malwarebytes%C2%92-intellectual-property.431293/ finished! [01/28 23:44:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The new kaspersky antivirus takes alot of time to remove autorun virus !!!!! [01/28 23:44:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:44:17] [INFO] Progress: 1097/2260 [01/28 23:44:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-new-kaspersky-antivirus-takes-alot-of-time-to-remove-autorun-virus.430949/ finished! [01/28 23:44:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bullguard Internet Security free !!!!! [01/28 23:44:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:44:19] [INFO] Progress: 1098/2260 [01/28 23:44:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bullguard-internet-security-free.431294/ finished! [01/28 23:44:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help With MS RPCSS Attack !!!!! [01/28 23:44:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:20] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss86/trendkiller7xe/IntrusionAttemptNIS201030Oct2009.jpg [01/28 23:44:21] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ss86/trendkiller7xe/IntrusionAttemptNIS201030Oct2009.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/ss86/trendkiller7xe/IntrusionAttemptNIS201030Oct2009.jpg [01/28 23:44:22] [INFO] Progress: 1099/2260 [01/28 23:44:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-ms-rpcss-attack.430107/ finished! [01/28 23:44:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading dodgy website auto opens during start up !!!!! [01/28 23:44:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:44:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:44:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:25] [INFO] Progress: 1100/2260 [01/28 23:44:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dodgy-website-auto-opens-during-start-up.430601/ finished! [01/28 23:44:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 1x1 pixel white square top left desktop annoying !!!!! [01/28 23:44:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:27] [INFO] Progress: 1101/2260 [01/28 23:44:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/1x1-pixel-white-square-top-left-desktop-annoying.430886/ finished! [01/28 23:44:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading When using a VPN , can my ISP see what websites I visit !!!!! [01/28 23:44:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:44:29] [INFO] Progress: 1102/2260 [01/28 23:44:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/when-using-a-vpn-can-my-isp-see-what-websites-i-visit.415697/ finished! [01/28 23:44:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MalwareBytes - Why does it run at startup !!!!! [01/28 23:44:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:44:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm33/passive101/Capture1.png [01/28 23:44:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm33/passive101/Capture3.png [01/28 23:44:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm33/passive101/Capture2.png [01/28 23:44:31] [INFO] Progress: 1103/2260 [01/28 23:44:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-why-does-it-run-at-startup.430166/ finished! [01/28 23:44:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira free - Does it scan USB and external drives before windows checks files !!!!! [01/28 23:44:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:44:33] [INFO] Progress: 1104/2260 [01/28 23:44:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-free-does-it-scan-usb-and-external-drives-before-windows-checks-files.430049/ finished! [01/28 23:44:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira AntiVir taking forever to update !!!!! [01/28 23:44:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:35] [INFO] Progress: 1105/2260 [01/28 23:44:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-taking-forever-to-update.430001/ finished! [01/28 23:44:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira and comodo vs Norton internet security 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:44:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:44:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:44:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:44:39] [INFO] Progress: 1106/2260 [01/28 23:44:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-and-comodo-vs-norton-internet-security-2010.421082/ finished! [01/28 23:44:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Question !!!!! [01/28 23:44:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:44:42] [INFO] Progress: 1107/2260 [01/28 23:44:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-question.428097/ finished! [01/28 23:44:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky help. !!!!! [01/28 23:44:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:44:43] [INFO] Progress: 1108/2260 [01/28 23:44:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-help.429095/ finished! [01/28 23:44:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading libusbd-nt.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:44:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:44:45] [INFO] Progress: 1109/2260 [01/28 23:44:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/libusbd-nt-exe.428595/ finished! [01/28 23:44:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista home edition and Trend Micro Interent Security and Share USB printer !!!!! [01/28 23:44:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:44:47] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7085/personalfirewallsetting.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Vista home edition and Trend Micro Interent Security and Share USB printer/images/storyImages/personalfirewallsetting.th.jpg [01/28 23:44:47] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/1366/productinformation.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Vista home edition and Trend Micro Interent Security and Share USB printer/images/storyImages/productinformation.th.jpg [01/28 23:44:47] [INFO] Progress: 1110/2260 [01/28 23:44:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-home-edition-and-trend-micro-interent-security-and-share-usb-printer.428515/ finished! [01/28 23:44:47] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-v-trend-micro-v-kaspersky.425554/ is 26500 ms [01/28 23:44:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MSE v Trend Micro v Kaspersky !!!!! [01/28 23:44:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:44:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:44:52] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:44:54] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:44:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:44:54] [INFO] Progress: 1111/2260 [01/28 23:44:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mse-v-trend-micro-v-kaspersky.425554/ finished! [01/28 23:44:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Threat discovered by NIS 2009 !!!!! [01/28 23:44:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:44:56] [INFO] Progress: 1112/2260 [01/28 23:44:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threat-discovered-by-nis-2009.428084/ finished! [01/28 23:44:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security - rootkit scan !!!!! [01/28 23:44:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:44:58] [INFO] Progress: 1113/2260 [01/28 23:44:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-rootkit-scan.428548/ finished! [01/28 23:44:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Steam-oriented Security guide. !!!!! [01/28 23:44:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:44:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:44:59] [INFO] Progress: 1114/2260 [01/28 23:44:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/steam-oriented-security-guide.428546/ finished! [01/28 23:44:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any free AV for Window Server 2003 !!!!! [01/28 23:45:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:45:01] [INFO] Progress: 1115/2260 [01/28 23:45:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-free-av-for-window-server-2003.428137/ finished! [01/28 23:45:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New version of NOD32! v4.0.467 !!!!! [01/28 23:45:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:45:02] [INFO] Progress: 1116/2260 [01/28 23:45:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-nod32-v4-0-467.427842/ finished! [01/28 23:45:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best free protection for a netbook !!!!! [01/28 23:45:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:45:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:45:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:45:06] [INFO] Progress: 1117/2260 [01/28 23:45:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-protection-for-a-netbook.416332/ finished! [01/28 23:45:07] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-to-buy-anti-virus-software.419241/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:45:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking to buy anti-virus software. !!!!! [01/28 23:45:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:45:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:45:12] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:45:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:45:12] [INFO] Progress: 1118/2260 [01/28 23:45:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-to-buy-anti-virus-software.419241/ finished! [01/28 23:45:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Whats n32 !!!!! [01/28 23:45:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] Progress: 1119/2260 [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-n32.426713/ finished! [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ms-security-essential-windows-firewall-enough.425884/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:45:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MS Security Essential + Windows Firewall enough !!!!! [01/28 23:45:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:45:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:45:22] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:45:24] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:45:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:45:24] [INFO] Progress: 1120/2260 [01/28 23:45:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ms-security-essential-windows-firewall-enough.425884/ finished! [01/28 23:45:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it okay to scan w multiple antivirus programs simultaneously !!!!! [01/28 23:45:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:45:26] [INFO] Progress: 1121/2260 [01/28 23:45:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-okay-to-scan-w-multiple-antivirus-programs-simultaneously.415681/ finished! [01/28 23:45:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Some news & some free stuff !!!!! [01/28 23:45:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:45:28] [INFO] Progress: 1122/2260 [01/28 23:45:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/some-news-some-free-stuff.426283/ finished! [01/28 23:45:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira update problem !!!!! [01/28 23:45:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:45:30] [INFO] Progress: 1123/2260 [01/28 23:45:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-update-problem.425780/ finished! [01/28 23:45:30] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/autorun-inf-warning-window-popping-up.376423/ is 30000 ms [01/28 23:45:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading autorun.inf ...warning window popping up... !!!!! [01/28 23:45:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:45:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:45:35] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:45:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:45:38] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:45:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:45:38] [INFO] Progress: 1124/2260 [01/28 23:45:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/autorun-inf-warning-window-popping-up.376423/ finished! [01/28 23:45:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 9 Released (Free version coming soon) !!!!! [01/28 23:45:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:45:41] [INFO] Progress: 1125/2260 [01/28 23:45:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-9-released-free-version-coming-soon.423101/ finished! [01/28 23:45:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version- Cloud Antivirus 0.08.83 Beta4 !!!!! [01/28 23:45:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:45:44] [WARNING] File not found for image http://cache.filehippo.com/img/ex/1266__panda_icon.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//New Version- Cloud Antivirus 0.08.83 Beta4/images/storyImages/1266__panda_icon.png [01/28 23:45:44] [INFO] Progress: 1126/2260 [01/28 23:45:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-cloud-antivirus-0-08-83-beta4.424325/ finished! [01/28 23:45:44] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-windows-defender-do-anything-anymore.423566/ is 21000 ms [01/28 23:45:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does Windows Defender do anything anymore !!!!! [01/28 23:45:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:45:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:45:49] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:45:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:45:49] [INFO] Progress: 1127/2260 [01/28 23:45:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-windows-defender-do-anything-anymore.423566/ finished! [01/28 23:45:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't update MSE !!!!! [01/28 23:45:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:45:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:45:51] [INFO] Progress: 1128/2260 [01/28 23:45:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-update-mse.423022/ finished! [01/28 23:45:51] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-allegedly.421480/ is 32500 ms [01/28 23:45:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials allegedly... !!!!! [01/28 23:45:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:45:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:45:57] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:45:58] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:46:00] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:46:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:46:00] [INFO] Progress: 1129/2260 [01/28 23:46:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-allegedly.421480/ finished! [01/28 23:46:00] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nasty-computer-virus-is-disabling-my-computer-total-secuirty-2009.422013/ is 25000 ms [01/28 23:46:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NASTY computer virus is disabling my computer- Total Secuirty 2009 !!!!! [01/28 23:46:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:46:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:46:06] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] Progress: 1130/2260 [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nasty-computer-virus-is-disabling-my-computer-total-secuirty-2009.422013/ finished! [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2010-is-out.416259/ is 30500 ms [01/28 23:46:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading norton internet security 2010 is out !!!!! [01/28 23:46:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:46:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:46:12] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:46:14] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:46:15] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:46:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:46:16] [INFO] Progress: 1131/2260 [01/28 23:46:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2010-is-out.416259/ finished! [01/28 23:46:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Iobit Security 360 Free !!!!! [01/28 23:46:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:46:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:46:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:46:19] [INFO] Progress: 1132/2260 [01/28 23:46:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/iobit-security-360-free.421615/ finished! [01/28 23:46:19] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-recommend-any-good-free-virus-software.422053/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:46:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone recommend any good free virus software !!!!! [01/28 23:46:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:46:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:46:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:46:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:46:25] [INFO] Progress: 1133/2260 [01/28 23:46:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-recommend-any-good-free-virus-software.422053/ finished! [01/28 23:46:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira nag screen disabling !!!!! [01/28 23:46:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:46:27] [INFO] Progress: 1134/2260 [01/28 23:46:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-nag-screen-disabling.421452/ finished! [01/28 23:46:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help understanding BufferOverflow !!!!! [01/28 23:46:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:46:29] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/1966/bufferoverflow.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Need help understanding BufferOverflow/images/storyImages/bufferoverflow.jpg [01/28 23:46:29] [INFO] Progress: 1135/2260 [01/28 23:46:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-understanding-bufferoverflow.421930/ finished! [01/28 23:46:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Turned Off - Don't know how why! !!!!! [01/28 23:46:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:46:31] [INFO] Progress: 1136/2260 [01/28 23:46:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-turned-off-dont-know-how-why.421645/ finished! [01/28 23:46:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it ok to run anything while virus scanning !!!!! [01/28 23:46:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:46:33] [INFO] Progress: 1137/2260 [01/28 23:46:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-ok-to-run-anything-while-virus-scanning.419221/ finished! [01/28 23:46:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Digital ants to the rescue !!!!! [01/28 23:46:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:46:35] [INFO] Progress: 1138/2260 [01/28 23:46:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/digital-ants-to-the-rescue.421400/ finished! [01/28 23:46:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malware and virtual machines !!!!! [01/28 23:46:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:46:37] [INFO] Progress: 1139/2260 [01/28 23:46:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malware-and-virtual-machines.421668/ finished! [01/28 23:46:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Beware WeGame Spam email !!!!! [01/28 23:46:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:46:39] [INFO] Progress: 1140/2260 [01/28 23:46:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/beware-wegame-spam-email.419524/ finished! [01/28 23:46:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! 4 Home Professional v4.8.1356 !!!!! [01/28 23:46:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:46:41] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.avast.com/eng/images/news.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//avast! 4 Home Professional v4.8.1356/images/storyImages/news.gif [01/28 23:46:41] [INFO] Progress: 1141/2260 [01/28 23:46:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-4-home-professional-v4-8-1356.420689/ finished! [01/28 23:46:41] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mcafee-selling-2009-products-in-a-2010-box.419369/ is 31000 ms [01/28 23:46:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is McAfee selling 2009 products in a 2010 box !!!!! [01/28 23:46:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:46:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:46:46] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:46:48] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:46:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:46:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:46:51] [INFO] Progress: 1142/2260 [01/28 23:46:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-mcafee-selling-2009-products-in-a-2010-box.419369/ finished! [01/28 23:46:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading W7 and Security !!!!! [01/28 23:46:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:46:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:46:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:46:55] [INFO] Progress: 1143/2260 [01/28 23:46:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/w7-and-security.419501/ finished! [01/28 23:46:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky now its fast !!!!! [01/28 23:46:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:46:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:46:56] [INFO] Progress: 1144/2260 [01/28 23:46:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-now-its-fast.419534/ finished! [01/28 23:46:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives New Test !!!!! [01/28 23:46:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:00] [INFO] Progress: 1145/2260 [01/28 23:47:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-new-test.419166/ finished! [01/28 23:47:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira update installation issue. !!!!! [01/28 23:47:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:47:02] [INFO] Progress: 1146/2260 [01/28 23:47:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-update-installation-issue.418679/ finished! [01/28 23:47:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading lol new nortons commercials.. well just watch !!!!! [01/28 23:47:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:47:06] [INFO] Progress: 1147/2260 [01/28 23:47:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lol-new-nortons-commercials-well-just-watch.417653/ finished! [01/28 23:47:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:47:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:47:08] [INFO] Progress: 1148/2260 [01/28 23:47:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-3-12-111-560.418762/ finished! [01/28 23:47:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Very strange (Windows Live Messenger) message !!!!! [01/28 23:47:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:11] [INFO] Progress: 1149/2260 [01/28 23:47:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/very-strange-windows-live-messenger-message.417503/ finished! [01/28 23:47:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Glarys Utilities file gusetup.exe reported as virus by Kaspersky ! !!!!! [01/28 23:47:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:47:13] [INFO] Progress: 1150/2260 [01/28 23:47:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/glarys-utilities-file-gusetup-exe-reported-as-virus-by-kaspersky.418293/ finished! [01/28 23:47:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading norton internet security 2010 pcmag review is out !!!!! [01/28 23:47:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:47:15] [INFO] Progress: 1151/2260 [01/28 23:47:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2010-pcmag-review-is-out.418291/ finished! [01/28 23:47:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What happened to Norton SafeWeb on NIS 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:47:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:17] [WARNING] Could not download image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d8/Safewebredgreen.png/800px- because Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d8/Safewebredgreen.png/800px- [01/28 23:47:17] [INFO] Progress: 1152/2260 [01/28 23:47:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-happened-to-norton-safeweb-on-nis-2010.417240/ finished! [01/28 23:47:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to know which computer in the LAN dropped a malicious file !!!!! [01/28 23:47:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:47:19] [INFO] Progress: 1153/2260 [01/28 23:47:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-know-which-computer-in-the-lan-dropped-a-malicious-file.414096/ finished! [01/28 23:47:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't clean the viruses off my comp., Help! !!!!! [01/28 23:47:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:47:21] [INFO] Progress: 1154/2260 [01/28 23:47:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-clean-the-viruses-off-my-comp-help.417299/ finished! [01/28 23:47:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How safe is doing bank transactions on a WIFI hotspot !!!!! [01/28 23:47:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:47:23] [INFO] Progress: 1155/2260 [01/28 23:47:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-safe-is-doing-bank-transactions-on-a-wifi-hotspot.415648/ finished! [01/28 23:47:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for a working Avira promotion !!!!! [01/28 23:47:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:25] [INFO] Progress: 1156/2260 [01/28 23:47:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-a-working-avira-promotion.417066/ finished! [01/28 23:47:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can I have both Norton and Comodo Defense+ protection !!!!! [01/28 23:47:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:47:27] [INFO] Progress: 1157/2260 [01/28 23:47:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-i-have-both-norton-and-comodo-defense-protection.416528/ finished! [01/28 23:47:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira concerns !!!!! [01/28 23:47:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:47:29] [INFO] Progress: 1158/2260 [01/28 23:47:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-concerns.416737/ finished! [01/28 23:47:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.41 !!!!! [01/28 23:47:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:31] [INFO] Progress: 1159/2260 [01/28 23:47:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-anti-malware-1-41.416776/ finished! [01/28 23:47:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What sites do testing of different AV+Spyware software !!!!! [01/28 23:47:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:47:33] [INFO] Progress: 1160/2260 [01/28 23:47:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-sites-do-testing-of-different-av-spyware-software.415708/ finished! [01/28 23:47:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 7 and Security !!!!! [01/28 23:47:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:47:35] [INFO] Progress: 1161/2260 [01/28 23:47:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-7-and-security.416673/ finished! [01/28 23:47:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/scared-to-download-any-free-av-software.415543/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:47:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Scared to download any free AV software... !!!!! [01/28 23:47:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:47:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:47:40] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:47:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:47:41] [INFO] Progress: 1162/2260 [01/28 23:47:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/scared-to-download-any-free-av-software.415543/ finished! [01/28 23:47:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading caught autorun.vbs virus, need some help fast !!!!! [01/28 23:47:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:47:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:47:42] [INFO] Progress: 1163/2260 [01/28 23:47:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/caught-autorun-vbs-virus-need-some-help-fast.416276/ finished! [01/28 23:47:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading When exactly is the release date of Norton Internet Security 2010 and can I upgrade !!!!! [01/28 23:47:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] Progress: 1164/2260 [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/when-exactly-is-the-release-date-of-norton-internet-security-2010-and-can-i-upgrade.414359/ finished! [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-need-registry-cleaners.409141/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:47:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you need registry cleaners !!!!! [01/28 23:47:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:47:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:47:52] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:47:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:47:52] [INFO] Progress: 1165/2260 [01/28 23:47:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-need-registry-cleaners.409141/ finished! [01/28 23:47:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how good is the free AVIRA antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:47:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:47:56] [INFO] Progress: 1166/2260 [01/28 23:47:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-good-is-the-free-avira-antivirus.415822/ finished! [01/28 23:47:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Police Pro - input please !!!!! [01/28 23:47:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:47:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:47:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:47:59] [INFO] Progress: 1167/2260 [01/28 23:47:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-police-pro-input-please.413909/ finished! [01/28 23:48:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spyware issue !!!!! [01/28 23:48:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:48:01] [INFO] Progress: 1168/2260 [01/28 23:48:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-issue.415820/ finished! [01/28 23:48:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus for Windows 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:48:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:48:05] [INFO] Progress: 1169/2260 [01/28 23:48:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-for-windows-7.415151/ finished! [01/28 23:48:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I Need Help Choosing AV Software!! !!!!! [01/28 23:48:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:48:09] [INFO] Progress: 1170/2260 [01/28 23:48:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-help-choosing-av-software.415235/ finished! [01/28 23:48:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What files folders to shred with Glary Utilities for deleting browsing history !!!!! [01/28 23:48:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:48:10] [INFO] Progress: 1171/2260 [01/28 23:48:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-files-folders-to-shred-with-glary-utilities-for-deleting-browsing-history.415729/ finished! [01/28 23:48:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading eset anti-virus query !!!!! [01/28 23:48:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:48:12] [INFO] Progress: 1172/2260 [01/28 23:48:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-anti-virus-query.415655/ finished! [01/28 23:48:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SUPERAntiSpyware 4.28.1008 Final !!!!! [01/28 23:48:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:48:16] [INFO] Progress: 1173/2260 [01/28 23:48:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-28-1008-final.414836/ finished! [01/28 23:48:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NAV 2009 issue !!!!! [01/28 23:48:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:48:20] [INFO] Progress: 1174/2260 [01/28 23:48:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nav-2009-issue.410634/ finished! [01/28 23:48:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New computer secruity help! !!!!! [01/28 23:48:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:48:24] [INFO] Progress: 1175/2260 [01/28 23:48:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-computer-secruity-help.415203/ finished! [01/28 23:48:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can You Password Protect Folders !!!!! [01/28 23:48:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:48:26] [INFO] Progress: 1176/2260 [01/28 23:48:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-you-password-protect-folders.415385/ finished! [01/28 23:48:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I thing this may be a virus, not sure though... !!!!! [01/28 23:48:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:48:28] [INFO] Progress: 1177/2260 [01/28 23:48:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-thing-this-may-be-a-virus-not-sure-though.415329/ finished! [01/28 23:48:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Removing stubborn spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:48:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:31] [INFO] Progress: 1178/2260 [01/28 23:48:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/removing-stubborn-spyware.407265/ finished! [01/28 23:48:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Basic introduction to PC security by the NY Times !!!!! [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] Progress: 1179/2260 [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/basic-introduction-to-pc-security-by-the-ny-times.415292/ finished! [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-firewall-in-terms-of-load-on-the-processor.405631/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:48:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best anti-virus,firewall in terms of load on the processor !!!!! [01/28 23:48:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:48:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:48:37] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.eset.com/images/nod324_home_box_small.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What is the best anti-virus,firewall in terms of load on the processor/images/storyImages/nod324_home_box_small.jpg [01/28 23:48:38] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.eset.com/images/ess4_home_box_small.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What is the best anti-virus,firewall in terms of load on the processor/images/storyImages/ess4_home_box_small.jpg [01/28 23:48:39] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:48:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:48:40] [INFO] Progress: 1180/2260 [01/28 23:48:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-firewall-in-terms-of-load-on-the-processor.405631/ finished! [01/28 23:48:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SUPERAntiSpyware 4.281006 Beta !!!!! [01/28 23:48:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:48:43] [INFO] Progress: 1181/2260 [01/28 23:48:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-281006-beta.414006/ finished! [01/28 23:48:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Massive problems with anti-virus please help! !!!!! [01/28 23:48:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:48:49] [INFO] Progress: 1182/2260 [01/28 23:48:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/massive-problems-with-anti-virus-please-help.413602/ finished! [01/28 23:48:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Security Software !!!!! [01/28 23:48:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:48:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:48:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:48:53] [INFO] Progress: 1183/2260 [01/28 23:48:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-security-software.412545/ finished! [01/28 23:48:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My experience with teh Sality Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:48:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:48:55] [INFO] Progress: 1184/2260 [01/28 23:48:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-experience-with-teh-sality-virus.413897/ finished! [01/28 23:48:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Downloaded antivir but nothing... !!!!! [01/28 23:48:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:48:57] [INFO] Progress: 1185/2260 [01/28 23:48:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/downloaded-antivir-but-nothing.413561/ finished! [01/28 23:48:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading battery life impact of truecrypt !!!!! [01/28 23:48:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:48:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:48:58] [INFO] Progress: 1186/2260 [01/28 23:48:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/battery-life-impact-of-truecrypt.412956/ finished! [01/28 23:48:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't shake a virus spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:49:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:49:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:49:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:49:02] [INFO] Progress: 1187/2260 [01/28 23:49:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-shake-a-virus-spyware.413084/ finished! [01/28 23:49:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lojack !!!!! [01/28 23:49:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:49:04] [INFO] Progress: 1188/2260 [01/28 23:49:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lojack.412847/ finished! [01/28 23:49:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Fingerprint & Opera Browser !!!!! [01/28 23:49:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:49:06] [INFO] Progress: 1189/2260 [01/28 23:49:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fingerprint-opera-browser.412856/ finished! [01/28 23:49:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky 2010 out !!!!! [01/28 23:49:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:49:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:49:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:49:10] [INFO] Progress: 1190/2260 [01/28 23:49:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-2010-out.402417/ finished! [01/28 23:49:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to remove Win32 Rootkit.Agent.ODG trojan !!!!! [01/28 23:49:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:49:12] [INFO] Progress: 1191/2260 [01/28 23:49:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-remove-win32-rootkit-agent-odg-trojan.412618/ finished! [01/28 23:49:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security suite - opinions !!!!! [01/28 23:49:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:49:14] [INFO] Progress: 1192/2260 [01/28 23:49:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-suite-opinions.411382/ finished! [01/28 23:49:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP- remove Win32 Rootkit.Agent.ODG trojan !!!!! [01/28 23:49:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:49:16] [INFO] Progress: 1193/2260 [01/28 23:49:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-remove-win32-rootkit-agent-odg-trojan.394790/ finished! [01/28 23:49:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SAS for Win7 64 bit !!!!! [01/28 23:49:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:49:18] [INFO] Progress: 1194/2260 [01/28 23:49:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sas-for-win7-64-bit.412080/ finished! [01/28 23:49:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to configure Windows Defender to NOT reply on ping request !!!!! [01/28 23:49:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:49:20] [INFO] Progress: 1195/2260 [01/28 23:49:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-configure-windows-defender-to-not-reply-on-ping-request.411070/ finished! [01/28 23:49:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Crypt.XPACK.Gen - found by Avira in Avast, how did that happen !!!!! [01/28 23:49:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:49:22] [INFO] Progress: 1196/2260 [01/28 23:49:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/crypt-xpack-gen-found-by-avira-in-avast-how-did-that-happen.411493/ finished! [01/28 23:49:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does NOD32 V4 disable windows secruity center !!!!! [01/28 23:49:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:49:24] [INFO] Progress: 1197/2260 [01/28 23:49:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-nod32-v4-disable-windows-secruity-center.410849/ finished! [01/28 23:49:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Suggestions needed for file folder password security software !!!!! [01/28 23:49:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:49:26] [INFO] Progress: 1198/2260 [01/28 23:49:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/suggestions-needed-for-file-folder-password-security-software.410896/ finished! [01/28 23:49:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online antivirus spyware security benchmarks !!!!! [01/28 23:49:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:49:28] [INFO] Progress: 1199/2260 [01/28 23:49:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-antivirus-spyware-security-benchmarks.411027/ finished! [01/28 23:49:28] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/morro-first-thoughts.391858/ is 32500 ms [01/28 23:49:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Morro - first thoughts !!!!! [01/28 23:49:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:49:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5295/updates.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/updates.jpg [01/28 23:49:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3359/quickscan.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/quickscan.jpg [01/28 23:49:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6917/statusoyi.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/statusoyi.jpg [01/28 23:49:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/2406/securityj.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/securityj.jpg [01/28 23:49:30] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7360/spynetb.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/spynetb.jpg [01/28 23:49:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:49:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:49:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:49:36] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5417/mseissue.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Morro - first thoughts/images/storyImages/mseissue.jpg [01/28 23:49:37] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:49:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:49:38] [INFO] Progress: 1200/2260 [01/28 23:49:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/morro-first-thoughts.391858/ finished! [01/28 23:49:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I may have been infected by something. But i'm actually not sure. !!!!! [01/28 23:49:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:49:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:49:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:49:42] [INFO] Progress: 1201/2260 [01/28 23:49:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-may-have-been-infected-by-something-but-im-actually-not-sure.410549/ finished! [01/28 23:49:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading free 64bit anti spyware malware protection !!!!! [01/28 23:49:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:49:44] [INFO] Progress: 1202/2260 [01/28 23:49:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-64bit-anti-spyware-malware-protection.410605/ finished! [01/28 23:49:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 5 (Build 5.0.70) Beta available !!!!! [01/28 23:49:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:49:46] [INFO] Progress: 1203/2260 [01/28 23:49:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-build-5-0-70-beta-available.410260/ finished! [01/28 23:49:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just reformatted xp, Windows firewall !!!!! [01/28 23:49:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:47] [INFO] Progress: 1204/2260 [01/28 23:49:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-reformatted-xp-windows-firewall.410093/ finished! [01/28 23:49:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mamutu Behavioural Blocker - 1 year for free !!!!! [01/28 23:49:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:49:49] [INFO] Progress: 1205/2260 [01/28 23:49:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mamutu-behavioural-blocker-1-year-for-free.409996/ finished! [01/28 23:49:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! 4 Home Professional v4.8.1351 antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:49:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:49:51] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.avast.com/eng/images/news.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//avast! 4 Home Professional v4.8.1351 antivirus/images/storyImages/news.gif [01/28 23:49:51] [INFO] Progress: 1206/2260 [01/28 23:49:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-4-home-professional-v4-8-1351-antivirus.409907/ finished! [01/28 23:49:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast, Firefox and ZoneAlarm Conflicts on Vista !!!!! [01/28 23:49:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:49:53] [INFO] Progress: 1207/2260 [01/28 23:49:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-firefox-and-zonealarm-conflicts-on-vista.409662/ finished! [01/28 23:49:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading service-mchInjDrv - Windows Defender False Positive !!!!! [01/28 23:49:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:49:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:49:55] [INFO] Progress: 1208/2260 [01/28 23:49:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/service-mchinjdrv-windows-defender-false-positive.409475/ finished! [01/28 23:49:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcaffee (Got it for Free) vs Avast Vs Norton (Pay) !!!!! [01/28 23:49:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:49:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:49:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:49:59] [INFO] Progress: 1209/2260 [01/28 23:49:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcaffee-got-it-for-free-vs-avast-vs-norton-pay.409292/ finished! [01/28 23:49:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about Avira Antivirus - I think it let some viruses through! -( !!!!! [01/28 23:50:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:50:02] [INFO] Progress: 1210/2260 [01/28 23:50:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-avira-antivirus-i-think-it-let-some-viruses-through.407774/ finished! [01/28 23:50:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HELP - Can't UNinstall Avira !!!!! [01/28 23:50:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:50:04] [INFO] Progress: 1211/2260 [01/28 23:50:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-cant-uninstall-avira.409614/ finished! [01/28 23:50:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question on Norton Internet Security 2009 and Adminstrative rights !!!!! [01/28 23:50:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:50:06] [INFO] Progress: 1212/2260 [01/28 23:50:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-on-norton-internet-security-2009-and-adminstrative-rights.409045/ finished! [01/28 23:50:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online Armor Premium firewall - 1 year for free, 48-hour offer. !!!!! [01/28 23:50:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:50:09] [INFO] Progress: 1213/2260 [01/28 23:50:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-armor-premium-firewall-1-year-for-free-48-hour-offer.407493/ finished! [01/28 23:50:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ANY FSECURE USERS with Vista. Can you look at this. !!!!! [01/28 23:50:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:50:18] [INFO] Progress: 1214/2260 [01/28 23:50:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-fsecure-users-with-vista-can-you-look-at-this.408624/ finished! [01/28 23:50:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version- AVG Free Edition 8.5.409 !!!!! [01/28 23:50:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:50:20] [INFO] Progress: 1215/2260 [01/28 23:50:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-avg-free-edition-8-5-409.408609/ finished! [01/28 23:50:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free vs Paid antivirus malware spyware adware programs !!!!! [01/28 23:50:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:50:24] [INFO] Progress: 1216/2260 [01/28 23:50:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-vs-paid-antivirus-malware-spyware-adware-programs.406625/ finished! [01/28 23:50:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-virus and anti-spyware and firewalls, oh my! !!!!! [01/28 23:50:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:50:27] [INFO] Progress: 1217/2260 [01/28 23:50:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-and-anti-spyware-and-firewalls-oh-my.405817/ finished! [01/28 23:50:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need 2 AV's for 2 different computers. !!!!! [01/28 23:50:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:50:31] [INFO] Progress: 1218/2260 [01/28 23:50:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-2-avs-for-2-different-computers.407621/ finished! [01/28 23:50:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Scan USB flash drives !!!!! [01/28 23:50:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:50:35] [INFO] Progress: 1219/2260 [01/28 23:50:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/scan-usb-flash-drives.406639/ finished! [01/28 23:50:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of Avira AntiVir Personal!! !!!!! [01/28 23:50:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:37] [INFO] Progress: 1220/2260 [01/28 23:50:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-avira-antivir-personal-9-0-0-407.406787/ finished! [01/28 23:50:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best antiivirus - using low resouces !!!!! [01/28 23:50:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:50:41] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.eset.com/images/VB-tests-passed.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//best antiivirus - using low resouces/images/storyImages/VB-tests-passed.jpg [01/28 23:50:42] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.eset.com/images/Missed-In-the-Wild-Viruses.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//best antiivirus - using low resouces/images/storyImages/Missed-In-the-Wild-Viruses.jpg [01/28 23:50:42] [INFO] Progress: 1221/2260 [01/28 23:50:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antiivirus-using-low-resouces.405643/ finished! [01/28 23:50:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading COMODO Firewall preference file !!!!! [01/28 23:50:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:50:44] [INFO] Progress: 1222/2260 [01/28 23:50:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-preference-file.406417/ finished! [01/28 23:50:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Symantec to choose !!!!! [01/28 23:50:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:46] [INFO] Progress: 1223/2260 [01/28 23:50:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-symantec-to-choose.406324/ finished! [01/28 23:50:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version SuperAntiSpyware with WINDOWS 7 SUPPORT !!!!! [01/28 23:50:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:50:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:50:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:50:50] [INFO] Progress: 1224/2260 [01/28 23:50:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-superantispyware-with-windows-7-support.406529/ finished! [01/28 23:50:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Antivirus Pro Malware !!!!! [01/28 23:50:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:50:52] [INFO] Progress: 1225/2260 [01/28 23:50:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-antivirus-pro-malware.405349/ finished! [01/28 23:50:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best Antivirus software !!!!! [01/28 23:50:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:50:53] [INFO] Progress: 1226/2260 [01/28 23:50:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-antivirus-software.405725/ finished! [01/28 23:50:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is this the result of my McAfee !!!!! [01/28 23:50:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:50:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:50:55] [INFO] Progress: 1227/2260 [01/28 23:50:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-the-result-of-my-mcafee.405088/ finished! [01/28 23:50:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BEST Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:50:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:50:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:51:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:51:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:51:01] [INFO] Progress: 1228/2260 [01/28 23:51:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus.405213/ finished! [01/28 23:51:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Free 8.5 Won't Uninstall!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:51:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:51:03] [INFO] Progress: 1229/2260 [01/28 23:51:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-8-5-wont-uninstall.405342/ finished! [01/28 23:51:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vipre Antivirus Software !!!!! [01/28 23:51:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:51:05] [INFO] Progress: 1230/2260 [01/28 23:51:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vipre-antivirus-software.405875/ finished! [01/28 23:51:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MBAM 1.40 is available now! !!!!! [01/28 23:51:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:51:07] [INFO] Progress: 1231/2260 [01/28 23:51:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mbam-1-40-is-available-now.405471/ finished! [01/28 23:51:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which of these AVs would you reccomend !!!!! [01/28 23:51:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:51:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:51:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:51:11] [INFO] Progress: 1232/2260 [01/28 23:51:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-of-these-avs-would-you-reccomend.404801/ finished! [01/28 23:51:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How effective is reformatting at getting rid of virus malware !!!!! [01/28 23:51:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:51:13] [INFO] Progress: 1233/2260 [01/28 23:51:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-effective-is-reformatting-at-getting-rid-of-virus-malware.405055/ finished! [01/28 23:51:13] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-always-asked-question-avira-or-avast.404639/ is 29000 ms [01/28 23:51:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Always Asked Question- Avira or Avast !!!!! [01/28 23:51:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:51:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:51:18] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:51:20] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:51:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:51:20] [INFO] Progress: 1234/2260 [01/28 23:51:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-always-asked-question-avira-or-avast.404639/ finished! [01/28 23:51:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free security for netbook - Need advice !!!!! [01/28 23:51:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:51:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:51:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:51:24] [INFO] Progress: 1235/2260 [01/28 23:51:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-security-for-netbook-need-advice.404230/ finished! [01/28 23:51:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MS Security Essentials !!!!! [01/28 23:51:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:51:26] [INFO] Progress: 1236/2260 [01/28 23:51:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ms-security-essentials.405125/ finished! [01/28 23:51:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CCleaner UPDATED 2.22.968 !!!!! [01/28 23:51:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:51:28] [INFO] Progress: 1237/2260 [01/28 23:51:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ccleaner-updated-2-22-968.405062/ finished! [01/28 23:51:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntispyware 4.27.1000 !!!!! [01/28 23:51:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:51:30] [INFO] Progress: 1238/2260 [01/28 23:51:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-27-1000.403748/ finished! [01/28 23:51:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira AntiVir for McAfee OAS !!!!! [01/28 23:51:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:51:32] [INFO] Progress: 1239/2260 [01/28 23:51:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-for-mcafee-oas.404878/ finished! [01/28 23:51:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ZoneAlarm Anti-Spyware + Windows Defender !!!!! [01/28 23:51:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:51:34] [INFO] Progress: 1240/2260 [01/28 23:51:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-anti-spyware-windows-defender.404789/ finished! [01/28 23:51:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading mbam won't download as a .exe file !!!!! [01/28 23:51:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:51:36] [INFO] Progress: 1241/2260 [01/28 23:51:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mbam-wont-download-as-a-exe-file.404235/ finished! [01/28 23:51:36] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-lightweight-anti-virus.403003/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:51:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Lightweight Anti Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:51:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:51:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:51:41] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:51:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:51:41] [INFO] Progress: 1242/2260 [01/28 23:51:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-lightweight-anti-virus.403003/ finished! [01/28 23:51:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What would be the best antivirus protection used for home to buy pls recomend me -( !!!!! [01/28 23:51:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:46] [INFO] Progress: 1243/2260 [01/28 23:51:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-would-be-the-best-antivirus-protection-used-for-home-to-buy-pls-recomend-me.403827/ finished! [01/28 23:51:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I even bother having antivirus run at startup !!!!! [01/28 23:51:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:48] [INFO] Progress: 1244/2260 [01/28 23:51:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-even-bother-having-antivirus-run-at-startup.403433/ finished! [01/28 23:51:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New AVG Free Edition 8.5.406! !!!!! [01/28 23:51:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:51:50] [INFO] Progress: 1245/2260 [01/28 23:51:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-avg-free-edition-8-5-406.403815/ finished! [01/28 23:51:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2009 Slowdown !!!!! [01/28 23:51:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:51:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:51:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:51:53] [INFO] Progress: 1246/2260 [01/28 23:51:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2009-slowdown.403079/ finished! [01/28 23:51:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about NIS 2009 !!!!! [01/28 23:51:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:55] [INFO] Progress: 1247/2260 [01/28 23:51:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-nis-2009.400313/ finished! [01/28 23:51:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes fails to update! !!!!! [01/28 23:51:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:51:57] [INFO] Progress: 1248/2260 [01/28 23:51:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-fails-to-update.403016/ finished! [01/28 23:51:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Registry Question !!!!! [01/28 23:51:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:51:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:51:59] [INFO] Progress: 1249/2260 [01/28 23:51:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-registry-question.402712/ finished! [01/28 23:51:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET Smart Security 4- A bit buggy !!!!! [01/28 23:52:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:52:01] [INFO] Progress: 1250/2260 [01/28 23:52:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-smart-security-4-a-bit-buggy.377822/ finished! [01/28 23:52:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-avira-antivir-personal-9.377744/ is 30500 ms [01/28 23:52:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Avira AntiVir Personal 9 !!!!! [01/28 23:52:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:52:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:52:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:52:08] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:52:10] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:52:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:52:10] [INFO] Progress: 1251/2260 [01/28 23:52:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-avira-antivir-personal-9.377744/ finished! [01/28 23:52:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan Virus Help !!!!! [01/28 23:52:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:52:12] [INFO] Progress: 1252/2260 [01/28 23:52:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-virus-help.402514/ finished! [01/28 23:52:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can someone check my log file !!!!! [01/28 23:52:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:52:14] [INFO] Progress: 1253/2260 [01/28 23:52:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-someone-check-my-log-file.402269/ finished! [01/28 23:52:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A little security software help. !!!!! [01/28 23:52:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:52:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:52:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:52:18] [INFO] Progress: 1254/2260 [01/28 23:52:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-little-security-software-help.401933/ finished! [01/28 23:52:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast! 5 Information !!!!! [01/28 23:52:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:52:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:52:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:52:22] [INFO] Progress: 1255/2260 [01/28 23:52:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-5-information.401762/ finished! [01/28 23:52:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Email Encryption !!!!! [01/28 23:52:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:52:23] [INFO] Progress: 1256/2260 [01/28 23:52:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/email-encryption.401773/ finished! [01/28 23:52:23] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-av-software-you-can-buy.398047/ is 28000 ms [01/28 23:52:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best AV software you can buy!!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:52:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:52:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:52:29] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:52:31] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:52:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:52:31] [INFO] Progress: 1257/2260 [01/28 23:52:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-av-software-you-can-buy.398047/ finished! [01/28 23:52:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this a virus malware !!!!! [01/28 23:52:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:52:33] [INFO] Progress: 1258/2260 [01/28 23:52:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-a-virus-malware.401397/ finished! [01/28 23:52:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-5-free-nag-screen.400819/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:52:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.5 Free nag screen !!!!! [01/28 23:52:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:52:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:52:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:52:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:52:39] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6341/avgpopupfiles.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//AVG 8.5 Free nag screen/images/storyImages/avgpopupfiles.jpg [01/28 23:52:39] [INFO] Progress: 1259/2260 [01/28 23:52:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-5-free-nag-screen.400819/ finished! [01/28 23:52:39] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-av-software-should-i-use.397712/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:52:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which AV software should I use !!!!! [01/28 23:52:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:52:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:52:44] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:52:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:52:44] [INFO] Progress: 1260/2260 [01/28 23:52:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-av-software-should-i-use.397712/ finished! [01/28 23:52:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What Antivirus should i Remplace Kaspersky with !!!!! [01/28 23:52:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:52:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 12 [01/28 23:52:48] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:52:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:52:49] [INFO] Progress: 1261/2260 [01/28 23:52:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-should-i-remplace-kaspersky-with.400228/ finished! [01/28 23:52:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira guard deactivates itself !!!!! [01/28 23:52:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:52:51] [INFO] Progress: 1262/2260 [01/28 23:52:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-guard-deactivates-itself.400652/ finished! [01/28 23:52:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus- What is GILJABIUNIS.EXE !!!!! [01/28 23:52:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:52:52] [INFO] Progress: 1263/2260 [01/28 23:52:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-what-is-giljabiunis-exe.400567/ finished! [01/28 23:52:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does your AVG Resident Shield slow down your computer !!!!! [01/28 23:52:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:52:54] [INFO] Progress: 1264/2260 [01/28 23:52:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-your-avg-resident-shield-slow-down-your-computer.400415/ finished! [01/28 23:52:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Huge Virus Coming Anyone else heard of this yet !!!!! [01/28 23:52:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:52:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:52:57] [INFO] Progress: 1265/2260 [01/28 23:52:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/huge-virus-coming-anyone-else-heard-of-this-yet.399789/ finished! [01/28 23:52:57] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/warning-comodo-will-ruin-your-machine.392190/ is 25500 ms [01/28 23:52:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Warning- Comodo Will Ruin Your Machine !!!!! [01/28 23:52:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:53:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:53:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:53:04] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:53:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:53:04] [INFO] Progress: 1266/2260 [01/28 23:53:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/warning-comodo-will-ruin-your-machine.392190/ finished! [01/28 23:53:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Take Picture Of Thief With Webcam !!!!! [01/28 23:53:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:53:07] [INFO] Progress: 1267/2260 [01/28 23:53:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/take-picture-of-thief-with-webcam.399417/ finished! [01/28 23:53:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus over Home Internet Connection !!!!! [01/28 23:53:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:53:09] [INFO] Progress: 1268/2260 [01/28 23:53:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-over-home-internet-connection.399696/ finished! [01/28 23:53:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Itunes and quicktime showing up as viruses !!!!! [01/28 23:53:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:53:11] [INFO] Progress: 1269/2260 [01/28 23:53:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/itunes-and-quicktime-showing-up-as-viruses.399485/ finished! [01/28 23:53:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading question !!!!! [01/28 23:53:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:53:13] [INFO] Progress: 1270/2260 [01/28 23:53:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question.398246/ finished! [01/28 23:53:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan yes no !!!!! [01/28 23:53:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:53:15] [INFO] Progress: 1271/2260 [01/28 23:53:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-yes-no.399080/ finished! [01/28 23:53:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading help- weird virus, veird symptoms !!!!! [01/28 23:53:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:53:18] [INFO] Progress: 1272/2260 [01/28 23:53:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-weird-virus-veird-symptoms.398669/ finished! [01/28 23:53:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Virus Scan = No good !!!!! [01/28 23:53:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:53:22] [INFO] Progress: 1273/2260 [01/28 23:53:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-virus-scan-no-good.398851/ finished! [01/28 23:53:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo CIS 3.10.102363.531 7th July, 2009 !!!!! [01/28 23:53:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:53:25] [INFO] Progress: 1274/2260 [01/28 23:53:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-cis-3-10-102363-531-7th-july-2009.397737/ finished! [01/28 23:53:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any point in using an antivirus when my computer's already infected before it detects it !!!!! [01/28 23:53:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:53:27] [INFO] Progress: 1275/2260 [01/28 23:53:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-point-in-using-an-antivirus-when-my-computers-already-infected-before-it-detects-it.398722/ finished! [01/28 23:53:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good question !!!!! [01/28 23:53:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:53:29] [INFO] Progress: 1276/2260 [01/28 23:53:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-question.398610/ finished! [01/28 23:53:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 64bit antivirus and anti spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:53:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:53:33] [INFO] Progress: 1277/2260 [01/28 23:53:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/64bit-antivirus-and-anti-spyware.397875/ finished! [01/28 23:53:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading diff between symantec corporate end-point-prot vs consumer norton antivirus !!!!! [01/28 23:53:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:53:34] [INFO] Progress: 1278/2260 [01/28 23:53:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/diff-between-symantec-corporate-end-point-prot-vs-consumer-norton-antivirus.397582/ finished! [01/28 23:53:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Norton Antivirus & Internet security 2010 !!!!! [01/28 23:53:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:53:38] [INFO] Progress: 1279/2260 [01/28 23:53:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-norton-antivirus-internet-security-2010.396392/ finished! [01/28 23:53:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo firewall only !!!!! [01/28 23:53:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:53:40] [INFO] Progress: 1280/2260 [01/28 23:53:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-only.396896/ finished! [01/28 23:53:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is the posting of OS license number under laptop a bad idea !!!!! [01/28 23:53:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:53:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:53:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:53:44] [INFO] Progress: 1281/2260 [01/28 23:53:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-the-posting-of-os-license-number-under-laptop-a-bad-idea.397301/ finished! [01/28 23:53:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what is wscript.exe and why its running in my thumbdrive.. !!!!! [01/28 23:53:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:53:46] [INFO] Progress: 1282/2260 [01/28 23:53:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-wscript-exe-and-why-its-running-in-my-thumbdrive.397320/ finished! [01/28 23:53:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do you prevent comodo from bugging you !!!!! [01/28 23:53:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:53:48] [INFO] Progress: 1283/2260 [01/28 23:53:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-you-prevent-comodo-from-bugging-you.396789/ finished! [01/28 23:53:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo is driving me nuts when gaming!! !!!!! [01/28 23:53:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:53:50] [INFO] Progress: 1284/2260 [01/28 23:53:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-is-driving-me-nuts-when-gaming.396800/ finished! [01/28 23:53:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Worth uprading nod32 v.3 to v.4 !!!!! [01/28 23:53:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:53:52] [INFO] Progress: 1285/2260 [01/28 23:53:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/worth-uprading-nod32-v-3-to-v-4.394074/ finished! [01/28 23:53:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CIS 3.10.101801.529 realeased! !!!!! [01/28 23:53:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:54] [INFO] Progress: 1286/2260 [01/28 23:53:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cis-3-10-101801-529-realeased.395896/ finished! [01/28 23:53:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Adaware + Spybot !!!!! [01/28 23:53:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:53:56] [INFO] Progress: 1287/2260 [01/28 23:53:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adaware-spybot.396814/ finished! [01/28 23:53:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Tried to clean co-workers PC of Viruses. Hectic stuff !!!!! [01/28 23:53:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:53:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:53:57] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/28 23:53:58] [INFO] Progress: 1288/2260 [01/28 23:53:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tried-to-clean-co-workers-pc-of-viruses-hectic-stuff.396825/ finished! [01/28 23:53:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I might have just been keylogged. !!!!! [01/28 23:54:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:54:00] [INFO] Progress: 1289/2260 [01/28 23:54:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-might-have-just-been-keylogged.396453/ finished! [01/28 23:54:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Verison of AVG- AVG Free Edition 8.5.386!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:54:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:02] [INFO] Progress: 1290/2260 [01/28 23:54:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-verison-of-avg-avg-free-edition-8-5-386.395771/ finished! [01/28 23:54:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows 7 and Avira removes my icons !!!!! [01/28 23:54:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:54:04] [INFO] Progress: 1291/2260 [01/28 23:54:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-7-and-avira-removes-my-icons.396351/ finished! [01/28 23:54:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of Comodo Firewall + Antivirus 3.10.101801 !!!!! [01/28 23:54:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:54:06] [INFO] Progress: 1292/2260 [01/28 23:54:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-comodo-firewall-antivirus-3-10-101801.396338/ finished! [01/28 23:54:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Free Trial !!!!! [01/28 23:54:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:54:07] [INFO] Progress: 1293/2260 [01/28 23:54:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-2010-free-trial.395531/ finished! [01/28 23:54:07] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-protection-for-viruses-spyware.367041/ is 68000 ms [01/28 23:54:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best free protection for viruses, spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:54:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 12 [01/28 23:54:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 12 [01/28 23:54:13] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 12 [01/28 23:54:15] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 12 [01/28 23:54:18] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 12 [01/28 23:54:19] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 12 [01/28 23:54:21] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 12 [01/28 23:54:22] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 12 [01/28 23:54:24] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 12 [01/28 23:54:25] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 12 [01/28 23:54:27] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 12 [01/28 23:54:28] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 12 [01/28 23:54:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:54:29] [INFO] Progress: 1294/2260 [01/28 23:54:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-protection-for-viruses-spyware.367041/ finished! [01/28 23:54:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Personal and CCAA !!!!! [01/28 23:54:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:54:30] [INFO] Progress: 1295/2260 [01/28 23:54:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-personal-and-ccaa.394405/ finished! [01/28 23:54:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Phantom Program Unwanted AV that won't go away. !!!!! [01/28 23:54:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:54:33] [INFO] Progress: 1296/2260 [01/28 23:54:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/phantom-program-unwanted-av-that-wont-go-away.393116/ finished! [01/28 23:54:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky !!!!! [01/28 23:54:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:54:34] [INFO] Progress: 1297/2260 [01/28 23:54:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky.392877/ finished! [01/28 23:54:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading can't get rid of Trojan Vundo.H help please!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:54:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:54:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:54:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:54:38] [INFO] Progress: 1298/2260 [01/28 23:54:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-get-rid-of-trojan-vundo-h-help-please.389081/ finished! [01/28 23:54:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help- Winlogon.exe is infected !!!!! [01/28 23:54:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:54:40] [INFO] Progress: 1299/2260 [01/28 23:54:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-winlogon-exe-is-infected.389778/ finished! [01/28 23:54:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus detected but wont get removed. help! PICTURE !!!!! [01/28 23:54:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:54:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:54:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:54:45] [INFO] Progress: 1300/2260 [01/28 23:54:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-detected-but-wont-get-removed-help-picture.392636/ finished! [01/28 23:54:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Really nasty virus not able to delete !!!!! [01/28 23:54:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:54:46] [INFO] Progress: 1301/2260 [01/28 23:54:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/really-nasty-virus-not-able-to-delete.392836/ finished! [01/28 23:54:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials vs AVG Free !!!!! [01/28 23:54:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:54:48] [INFO] Progress: 1302/2260 [01/28 23:54:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-vs-avg-free.392780/ finished! [01/28 23:54:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone try IObit Security 360 !!!!! [01/28 23:54:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:54:50] [INFO] Progress: 1303/2260 [01/28 23:54:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-try-iobit-security-360.392684/ finished! [01/28 23:54:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Security Essentials Beta now available !!!!! [01/28 23:54:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:54:52] [INFO] Progress: 1304/2260 [01/28 23:54:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-security-essentials-beta-now-available.392762/ finished! [01/28 23:54:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Running antimalware in safe mode !!!!! [01/28 23:54:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:54:54] [INFO] Progress: 1305/2260 [01/28 23:54:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-antimalware-in-safe-mode.392075/ finished! [01/28 23:54:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware problem. !!!!! [01/28 23:54:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:54:56] [INFO] Progress: 1306/2260 [01/28 23:54:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-problem.391929/ finished! [01/28 23:54:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira keeps updating avnotify.exe !!!!! [01/28 23:54:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:54:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:54:59] [INFO] Progress: 1307/2260 [01/28 23:54:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-keeps-updating-avnotify-exe.359972/ finished! [01/28 23:54:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Please Help! Comodo Winsock Problem !!!!! [01/28 23:55:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:00] [INFO] Progress: 1308/2260 [01/28 23:55:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help-comodo-winsock-problem.391656/ finished! [01/28 23:55:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Forefront client security !!!!! [01/28 23:55:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:55:02] [INFO] Progress: 1309/2260 [01/28 23:55:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/forefront-client-security.390903/ finished! [01/28 23:55:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Spyware Adware etc question !!!!! [01/28 23:55:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:55:04] [INFO] Progress: 1310/2260 [01/28 23:55:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-spyware-adware-etc-question.390918/ finished! [01/28 23:55:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version 1.38 MalwareBytes! !!!!! [01/28 23:55:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:55:06] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/notworthy_zpslg2phlen.gif [01/28 23:55:06] [INFO] Progress: 1311/2260 [01/28 23:55:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-1-38-malwarebytes.391251/ finished! [01/28 23:55:06] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-morro-beta-to-be-revealed-soon.389087/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:55:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Morro beta to be revealed soon !!!!! [01/28 23:55:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:55:08] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/28 23:55:08] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/28 23:55:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:55:11] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:55:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:55:11] [INFO] Progress: 1312/2260 [01/28 23:55:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-morro-beta-to-be-revealed-soon.389087/ finished! [01/28 23:55:11] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-av-09-vs-nod32.391155/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:55:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton AV 09 vs NOD32 !!!!! [01/28 23:55:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:55:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:55:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:55:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:55:17] [INFO] Progress: 1313/2260 [01/28 23:55:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-av-09-vs-nod32.391155/ finished! [01/28 23:55:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 - Windows Live Messenger Settings !!!!! [01/28 23:55:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:55:18] [INFO] Progress: 1314/2260 [01/28 23:55:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-windows-live-messenger-settings.390527/ finished! [01/28 23:55:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET Online Scanner FTW! !!!!! [01/28 23:55:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:55:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:55:20] [INFO] Progress: 1315/2260 [01/28 23:55:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-online-scanner-ftw.390872/ finished! [01/28 23:55:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does SP2 cause problems with NOD32 V3 !!!!! [01/28 23:55:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:55:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:55:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:55:23] [INFO] Progress: 1316/2260 [01/28 23:55:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-sp2-cause-problems-with-nod32-v3.391047/ finished! [01/28 23:55:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kasper avg norton cloud !!!!! [01/28 23:55:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:55:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:55:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:55:28] [INFO] Progress: 1317/2260 [01/28 23:55:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kasper-avg-norton-cloud.388603/ finished! [01/28 23:55:28] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/concerned-about-notebook-security.389695/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:55:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Concerned about notebook security !!!!! [01/28 23:55:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:55:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] Progress: 1318/2260 [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/concerned-about-notebook-security.389695/ finished! [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cookie-that-refuses-to-delete-using-vista.389515/ is 23000 ms [01/28 23:55:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Cookie that refuses to delete using Vista !!!!! [01/28 23:55:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:55:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] Progress: 1319/2260 [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cookie-that-refuses-to-delete-using-vista.389515/ finished! [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-anti-virus.385443/ is 50500 ms [01/28 23:55:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Best Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:55:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 9 [01/28 23:55:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 9 [01/28 23:55:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 9 [01/28 23:55:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:43] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 9 [01/28 23:55:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:45] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 9 [01/28 23:55:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:46] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 9 [01/28 23:55:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:47] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 9 [01/28 23:55:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:49] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 9 [01/28 23:55:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:50] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 9 [01/28 23:55:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:55:50] [INFO] Progress: 1320/2260 [01/28 23:55:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-anti-virus.385443/ finished! [01/28 23:55:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Symantec, Mcafee to pay $750,000 !!!!! [01/28 23:55:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:55:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:55:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:55:54] [INFO] Progress: 1321/2260 [01/28 23:55:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-mcafee-to-pay-750-000.389152/ finished! [01/28 23:55:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Memory usage !!!!! [01/28 23:55:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:55:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:55:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:55:58] [INFO] Progress: 1322/2260 [01/28 23:55:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-memory-usage.389019/ finished! [01/28 23:55:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti virus program !!!!! [01/28 23:56:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:56:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:56:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:56:02] [INFO] Progress: 1323/2260 [01/28 23:56:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-program.388821/ finished! [01/28 23:56:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 2009 vs AVG 8.5 free edition !!!!! [01/28 23:56:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:05] [INFO] Progress: 1324/2260 [01/28 23:56:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-2009-vs-avg-8-5-free-edition.389541/ finished! [01/28 23:56:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Insight not working. !!!!! [01/28 23:56:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:56:07] [INFO] Progress: 1325/2260 [01/28 23:56:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-insight-not-working.384322/ finished! [01/28 23:56:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nice touch ESET NOD32 !!!!! [01/28 23:56:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:56:09] [INFO] Progress: 1326/2260 [01/28 23:56:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nice-touch-eset-nod32.389052/ finished! [01/28 23:56:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Updated Avira Antivir, now Guard won't start.... !!!!! [01/28 23:56:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:56:11] [INFO] Progress: 1327/2260 [01/28 23:56:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/updated-avira-antivir-now-guard-wont-start.388848/ finished! [01/28 23:56:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mac guys needs help securing a Windows box, I'd really appreciate your help! !!!!! [01/28 23:56:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:13] [INFO] Progress: 1328/2260 [01/28 23:56:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mac-guys-needs-help-securing-a-windows-box-id-really-appreciate-your-help.386472/ finished! [01/28 23:56:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Weird Viruses from Recruitment companies! !!!!! [01/28 23:56:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:56:16] [INFO] Progress: 1329/2260 [01/28 23:56:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/weird-viruses-from-recruitment-companies.387930/ finished! [01/28 23:56:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help using dban !!!!! [01/28 23:56:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:18] [INFO] Progress: 1330/2260 [01/28 23:56:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-using-dban.385068/ finished! [01/28 23:56:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AIM virus need help to fix !!!!! [01/28 23:56:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:56:20] [INFO] Progress: 1331/2260 [01/28 23:56:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/aim-virus-need-help-to-fix.387023/ finished! [01/28 23:56:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading need help !!!!! [01/28 23:56:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:56:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:56:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:56:23] [INFO] Progress: 1332/2260 [01/28 23:56:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help.386952/ finished! [01/28 23:56:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading help !!!!! [01/28 23:56:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:56:25] [INFO] Progress: 1333/2260 [01/28 23:56:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help.387446/ finished! [01/28 23:56:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VAIO Laptop- Unable to access My Safe !!!!! [01/28 23:56:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:56:27] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/1773/errorkjd.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//VAIO Laptop- Unable to access My Safe/images/storyImages/errorkjd.png [01/28 23:56:27] [INFO] Progress: 1334/2260 [01/28 23:56:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vaio-laptop-unable-to-access-my-safe.386937/ finished! [01/28 23:56:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do i have a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:56:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:56:29] [INFO] Progress: 1335/2260 [01/28 23:56:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-have-a-virus.385840/ finished! [01/28 23:56:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norman Malware Cleaner !!!!! [01/28 23:56:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:56:31] [INFO] Progress: 1336/2260 [01/28 23:56:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norman-malware-cleaner.386918/ finished! [01/28 23:56:31] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-v4-vista-sp2-fix.385979/ is 26500 ms [01/28 23:56:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix !!!!! [01/28 23:56:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/28 23:56:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/28 23:56:36] [WARNING] File not found for image https://support.eset.com/library/ESET/KB%20Team%20Only/SOLN2254/timiscool.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix/images/storyImages/timiscool.png [01/28 23:56:37] [WARNING] File not found for image https://support.eset.com/library/ESET/KB%20Team%20Only/SOLN2254/SOLN2254-1.2.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix/images/storyImages/SOLN2254-1.2.png [01/28 23:56:38] [WARNING] File not found for image https://support.eset.com/library/ESET/KB%20Team%20Only/SOLN2254/SOLN2254-1.3.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix/images/storyImages/SOLN2254-1.3.png [01/28 23:56:38] [WARNING] File not found for image https://support.eset.com/library/ESET/KB%20Team%20Only/SOLN2254/disableshot.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix/images/storyImages/disableshot.png [01/28 23:56:40] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/28 23:56:42] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/28 23:56:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:56:42] [INFO] Progress: 1337/2260 [01/28 23:56:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-v4-vista-sp2-fix.385979/ finished! [01/28 23:56:42] [WARNING] Thread 'Windows - Write protect error' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/28 23:56:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 V4 + Vista SP2 Fix (ESET FIX) !!!!! [01/28 23:56:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/28 23:56:43] [INFO] Progress: 1338/2260 [01/28 23:56:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-v4-vista-sp2-fix-eset-fix.386545/ finished! [01/28 23:56:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NEWS - Microsoft DirectX under hacking attack !!!!! [01/28 23:56:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:56:45] [INFO] Progress: 1339/2260 [01/28 23:56:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-microsoft-directx-under-hacking-attack.386151/ finished! [01/28 23:56:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i !!!!! [01/28 23:56:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:56:47] [INFO] Progress: 1340/2260 [01/28 23:56:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcfee-virusscan-enterprise-8-5i.382873/ finished! [01/28 23:56:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:56:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:56:49] [INFO] Progress: 1341/2260 [01/28 23:56:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-a-virus.384111/ finished! [01/28 23:56:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading windows7+norton IS09, and then online chat !!!!! [01/28 23:56:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:56:51] [INFO] Progress: 1342/2260 [01/28 23:56:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows7-norton-is09-and-then-online-chat.385355/ finished! [01/28 23:56:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware 4.26.1004! !!!!! [01/28 23:56:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:56:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:56:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:56:55] [INFO] Progress: 1343/2260 [01/28 23:56:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-26-1004.385057/ finished! [01/28 23:56:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of MalwareBytes 1.37!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:56:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:56:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:56:56] [INFO] Progress: 1344/2260 [01/28 23:56:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-malwarebytes-1-37.384785/ finished! [01/28 23:56:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/post-your-custom-security-suite.365683/ is 23500 ms [01/28 23:56:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Post Your Custom Security Suite !!!!! [01/28 23:56:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:57:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:57:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:57:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:57:03] [INFO] Progress: 1345/2260 [01/28 23:57:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/post-your-custom-security-suite.365683/ finished! [01/28 23:57:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading facebook has been hacked infected.. !!!!! [01/28 23:57:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:57:05] [INFO] Progress: 1346/2260 [01/28 23:57:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/facebook-has-been-hacked-infected.384719/ finished! [01/28 23:57:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 2 Viruses that are not called Viruses !!!!! [01/28 23:57:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:57:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:57:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:57:08] [INFO] Progress: 1347/2260 [01/28 23:57:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/2-viruses-that-are-not-called-viruses.384430/ finished! [01/28 23:57:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Update- Comodo 3.9 !!!!! [01/28 23:57:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:10] [INFO] Progress: 1348/2260 [01/28 23:57:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/update-comodo-3-9.381123/ finished! [01/28 23:57:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sophos AV - Klingon version, 30 day trial. !!!!! [01/28 23:57:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:57:12] [INFO] Progress: 1349/2260 [01/28 23:57:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sophos-av-klingon-version-30-day-trial.384105/ finished! [01/28 23:57:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Anti-Virus Free Review !!!!! [01/28 23:57:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:57:16] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:57:16] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/biggrin_zpsvit8jlaa.gif [01/28 23:57:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:57:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:57:18] [INFO] Progress: 1350/2260 [01/28 23:57:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-anti-virus-free-review.383517/ finished! [01/28 23:57:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus continually shows on Avast scan- JS-ScriptSH-inf [Trj] !!!!! [01/28 23:57:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:57:20] [INFO] Progress: 1351/2260 [01/28 23:57:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-continually-shows-on-avast-scan-js-scriptsh-inf-trj.383661/ finished! [01/28 23:57:20] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-me-remove-trojans.382971/ is 21500 ms [01/28 23:57:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help me remove trojans !!!!! [01/28 23:57:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:57:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:57:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:57:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:57:25] [INFO] Progress: 1352/2260 [01/28 23:57:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-me-remove-trojans.382971/ finished! [01/28 23:57:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading please help quick!!!!!! !!!!! [01/28 23:57:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:57:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:57:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:57:29] [INFO] Progress: 1353/2260 [01/28 23:57:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help-quick.383739/ finished! [01/28 23:57:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Doctor 6 by PCTools Acts as a Spyware !!!!! [01/28 23:57:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:57:31] [INFO] Progress: 1354/2260 [01/28 23:57:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-doctor-6-by-pctools-acts-as-a-spyware.383669/ finished! [01/28 23:57:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2007 !!!!! [01/28 23:57:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:57:33] [INFO] Progress: 1355/2260 [01/28 23:57:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2007.382751/ finished! [01/28 23:57:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Boot Sector Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:57:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:57:35] [INFO] Progress: 1356/2260 [01/28 23:57:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/boot-sector-virus.382032/ finished! [01/28 23:57:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading friend needs help !!!!! [01/28 23:57:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:57:37] [INFO] Progress: 1357/2260 [01/28 23:57:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/friend-needs-help.382356/ finished! [01/28 23:57:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-internet-security-suite-for-laptop.377820/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:57:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Internet Security Suite for laptop !!!!! [01/28 23:57:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:57:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:57:43] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:57:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:57:43] [INFO] Progress: 1358/2260 [01/28 23:57:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-internet-security-suite-for-laptop.377820/ finished! [01/28 23:57:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Geek Squad Tool Set(computer Infected) !!!!! [01/28 23:57:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:57:45] [INFO] Progress: 1359/2260 [01/28 23:57:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/geek-squad-tool-set-computer-infected.382620/ finished! [01/28 23:57:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IP Packets !!!!! [01/28 23:57:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:57:46] [INFO] Progress: 1360/2260 [01/28 23:57:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ip-packets.382568/ finished! [01/28 23:57:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Removing Avira !!!!! [01/28 23:57:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:57:48] [INFO] Progress: 1361/2260 [01/28 23:57:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/removing-avira.382163/ finished! [01/28 23:57:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading KIS 7.0.125 and Windows 7 !!!!! [01/28 23:57:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:57:50] [INFO] Progress: 1362/2260 [01/28 23:57:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kis-7-0-125-and-windows-7.381584/ finished! [01/28 23:57:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Problems !!!!! [01/28 23:57:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:57:52] [INFO] Progress: 1363/2260 [01/28 23:57:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-problems.380346/ finished! [01/28 23:57:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Rootkit problem !!!!! [01/28 23:57:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:57:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:57:54] [INFO] Progress: 1364/2260 [01/28 23:57:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/rootkit-problem.381060/ finished! [01/28 23:57:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-protect-2009-alert.374972/ is 24000 ms [01/28 23:57:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Protect 2009 alert !!!!! [01/28 23:57:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:57:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:57:59] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:57:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:58:00] [INFO] Progress: 1365/2260 [01/28 23:58:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-protect-2009-alert.374972/ finished! [01/28 23:58:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Anti Rookit Problem. !!!!! [01/28 23:58:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:58:02] [INFO] Progress: 1366/2260 [01/28 23:58:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-anti-rookit-problem.379880/ finished! [01/28 23:58:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does Avira anti virus slow down gaming much !!!!! [01/28 23:58:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:58:04] [INFO] Progress: 1367/2260 [01/28 23:58:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-avira-anti-virus-slow-down-gaming-much.379286/ finished! [01/28 23:58:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod32 Ftw! !!!!! [01/28 23:58:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:58:06] [INFO] Progress: 1368/2260 [01/28 23:58:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-ftw.379598/ finished! [01/28 23:58:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem with Google !!!!! [01/28 23:58:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:58:08] [INFO] Progress: 1369/2260 [01/28 23:58:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-google.379862/ finished! [01/28 23:58:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Suddenly Can't Download or Save in IE7 !!!!! [01/28 23:58:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:58:09] [INFO] Progress: 1370/2260 [01/28 23:58:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/suddenly-cant-download-or-save-in-ie7.375717/ finished! [01/28 23:58:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira not downloading properly... !!!!! [01/28 23:58:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:58:11] [INFO] Progress: 1371/2260 [01/28 23:58:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-not-downloading-properly.379258/ finished! [01/28 23:58:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NEWS - Leaked Copies of Windows 7 RC Contain Trojan !!!!! [01/28 23:58:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:58:13] [INFO] Progress: 1372/2260 [01/28 23:58:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-leaked-copies-of-windows-7-rc-contain-trojan.378711/ finished! [01/28 23:58:13] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-for-a-3-year-old-laptop.374722/ is 22500 ms [01/28 23:58:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus for a 3-year-old laptop !!!!! [01/28 23:58:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:58:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:58:18] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:58:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:58:19] [INFO] Progress: 1373/2260 [01/28 23:58:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-for-a-3-year-old-laptop.374722/ finished! [01/28 23:58:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.0 Trial Version Stuck on computer !!!!! [01/28 23:58:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:58:21] [INFO] Progress: 1374/2260 [01/28 23:58:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-trial-version-stuck-on-computer.378204/ finished! [01/28 23:58:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware 4.26.1002! !!!!! [01/28 23:58:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:58:23] [INFO] Progress: 1375/2260 [01/28 23:58:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-26-1002.377137/ finished! [01/28 23:58:23] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-update-installs-virus.366792/ is 31500 ms [01/28 23:58:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Update installs Virus !!!!! [01/28 23:58:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/28 23:58:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/28 23:58:28] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/28 23:58:30] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/28 23:58:31] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/28 23:58:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:58:31] [INFO] Progress: 1376/2260 [01/28 23:58:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-update-installs-virus.366792/ finished! [01/28 23:58:32] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/remove-storm-gen.377275/ is 22000 ms [01/28 23:58:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading remove STORM.GEN !!!!! [01/28 23:58:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:58:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:58:37] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:58:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:58:37] [INFO] Progress: 1377/2260 [01/28 23:58:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/remove-storm-gen.377275/ finished! [01/28 23:58:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Help !!!!! [01/28 23:58:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:58:39] [INFO] Progress: 1378/2260 [01/28 23:58:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-help.377371/ finished! [01/28 23:58:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HD still has viruses after clean install !!!!! [01/28 23:58:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:58:41] [INFO] Progress: 1379/2260 [01/28 23:58:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hd-still-has-viruses-after-clean-install.376229/ finished! [01/28 23:58:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading EXE Download problem !!!!! [01/28 23:58:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:58:43] [INFO] Progress: 1380/2260 [01/28 23:58:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/exe-download-problem.375854/ finished! [01/28 23:58:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Generic PUP.x !!!!! [01/28 23:58:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:58:45] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v311/Sniperking/OFX00433_2_1.jpg [01/28 23:58:45] [INFO] Progress: 1381/2260 [01/28 23:58:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/generic-pup-x.375404/ finished! [01/28 23:58:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Enable safe storage of passwords in XP !!!!! [01/28 23:58:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:58:46] [INFO] Progress: 1382/2260 [01/28 23:58:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/enable-safe-storage-of-passwords-in-xp.375544/ finished! [01/28 23:58:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 2009 VERY slow startup!! -( !!!!! [01/28 23:58:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:58:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:58:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/28 23:58:50] [INFO] Progress: 1383/2260 [01/28 23:58:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-2009-very-slow-startup.372879/ finished! [01/28 23:58:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Undo Avira ad !!!!! [01/28 23:58:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:58:52] [INFO] Progress: 1384/2260 [01/28 23:58:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/undo-avira-ad.374235/ finished! [01/28 23:58:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem with Avira !!!!! [01/28 23:58:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:58:54] [INFO] Progress: 1385/2260 [01/28 23:58:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-avira.374779/ finished! [01/28 23:58:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Scary Moment (Security Compromise ) !!!!! [01/28 23:58:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:58:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:58:55] [INFO] Progress: 1386/2260 [01/28 23:58:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-scary-moment-security-compromise.374876/ finished! [01/28 23:58:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-free-virus-protection.371336/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:58:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The best free virus protection !!!!! [01/28 23:58:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:58:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:59:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:59:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:01] [INFO] Progress: 1387/2260 [01/28 23:59:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-free-virus-protection.371336/ finished! [01/28 23:59:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ubb.exe ... !!!!! [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] Progress: 1388/2260 [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ubb-exe.372485/ finished! [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-program-to-use-if-you-want-to-buy-it.351355/ is 42500 ms [01/28 23:59:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best anti-virus program to use if you want to buy it !!!!! [01/28 23:59:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/28 23:59:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/28 23:59:09] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/28 23:59:11] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/28 23:59:13] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/28 23:59:14] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/28 23:59:16] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/28 23:59:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/28 23:59:16] [INFO] Progress: 1389/2260 [01/28 23:59:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-program-to-use-if-you-want-to-buy-it.351355/ finished! [01/28 23:59:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Security Suite Free for 6 Months !!!!! [01/28 23:59:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:17] [INFO] Progress: 1390/2260 [01/28 23:59:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-security-suite-free-for-6-months.373947/ finished! [01/28 23:59:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira PE Installation Failure Message with Vista !!!!! [01/28 23:59:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:59:19] [INFO] Progress: 1391/2260 [01/28 23:59:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-pe-installation-failure-message-with-vista.373092/ finished! [01/28 23:59:19] [WARNING] Thread 'ctrl+alt+del' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/28 23:59:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 40gb hdd, Avast scanning 45gb !!!!! [01/28 23:59:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:59:21] [INFO] Progress: 1392/2260 [01/28 23:59:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/40gb-hdd-avast-scanning-45gb.373482/ finished! [01/28 23:59:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is Zonealarm internet security suite good !!!!! [01/28 23:59:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:59:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:59:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:59:25] [INFO] Progress: 1393/2260 [01/28 23:59:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-zonealarm-internet-security-suite-good.372424/ finished! [01/28 23:59:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone tested out the new Avira Security Suite v.9 !!!!! [01/28 23:59:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:59:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:59:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:59:28] [INFO] Progress: 1394/2260 [01/28 23:59:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-tested-out-the-new-avira-security-suite-v-9.370683/ finished! [01/28 23:59:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira want's to restart after every update !!!!! [01/28 23:59:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:30] [INFO] Progress: 1395/2260 [01/28 23:59:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-wants-to-restart-after-every-update.371464/ finished! [01/28 23:59:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 2009 Issues !!!!! [01/28 23:59:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/28 23:59:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/28 23:59:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/28 23:59:34] [INFO] Progress: 1396/2260 [01/28 23:59:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-2009-issues.372115/ finished! [01/28 23:59:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Conficker finally reveals its purpose intention. !!!!! [01/28 23:59:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/28 23:59:36] [INFO] Progress: 1397/2260 [01/28 23:59:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/conficker-finally-reveals-its-purpose-intention.371258/ finished! [01/28 23:59:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I have a virus !!!!! [01/28 23:59:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/28 23:59:38] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/156/adhoc.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Do I have a virus/images/storyImages/adhoc.th.jpg [01/28 23:59:38] [INFO] Progress: 1398/2260 [01/28 23:59:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-have-a-virus.371054/ finished! [01/28 23:59:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I get rid of adware virus !!!!! [01/28 23:59:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:59:40] [INFO] Progress: 1399/2260 [01/28 23:59:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of-adware-virus.371801/ finished! [01/28 23:59:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The antivirus programs detects a long deleted file. !!!!! [01/28 23:59:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:42] [INFO] Progress: 1400/2260 [01/28 23:59:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-antivirus-programs-detects-a-long-deleted-file.371850/ finished! [01/28 23:59:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-programme-out.371012/ is 20500 ms [01/28 23:59:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Whats The Best Anti Virus Programme Out !!!!! [01/28 23:59:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/28 23:59:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/28 23:59:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/28 23:59:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:47] [INFO] Progress: 1401/2260 [01/28 23:59:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-programme-out.371012/ finished! [01/28 23:59:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win32 CIH and Window's Vista !!!!! [01/28 23:59:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/28 23:59:49] [INFO] Progress: 1402/2260 [01/28 23:59:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-cih-and-windows-vista.371286/ finished! [01/28 23:59:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Suggestions for a good free security program! !!!!! [01/28 23:59:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:59:51] [INFO] Progress: 1403/2260 [01/28 23:59:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/suggestions-for-a-good-free-security-program.371324/ finished! [01/28 23:59:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan or false alarm !!!!! [01/28 23:59:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:53] [INFO] Progress: 1404/2260 [01/28 23:59:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-or-false-alarm.371085/ finished! [01/28 23:59:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Blaster 4.2 !!!!! [01/28 23:59:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/28 23:59:55] [INFO] Progress: 1405/2260 [01/28 23:59:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-blaster-4-2.371210/ finished! [01/28 23:59:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free always scanning malware spyware software !!!!! [01/28 23:59:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/28 23:59:57] [INFO] Progress: 1406/2260 [01/28 23:59:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-always-scanning-malware-spyware-software.371072/ finished! [01/28 23:59:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus total down for anyone else !!!!! [01/28 23:59:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/28 23:59:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/28 23:59:59] [INFO] Progress: 1407/2260 [01/28 23:59:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-total-down-for-anyone-else.371074/ finished! [01/28 23:59:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading name of program that lists your windows resources !!!!! [01/29 00:00:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:00:01] [INFO] Progress: 1408/2260 [01/29 00:00:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/name-of-program-that-lists-your-windows-resources.370830/ finished! [01/29 00:00:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/beware-conficker-worm-come-april-1.366202/ is 44000 ms [01/29 00:00:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Beware Conficker worm come April 1 !!!!! [01/29 00:00:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/29 00:00:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/29 00:00:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/29 00:00:08] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/29 00:00:10] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/29 00:00:12] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/29 00:00:13] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/29 00:00:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:00:13] [INFO] Progress: 1409/2260 [01/29 00:00:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/beware-conficker-worm-come-april-1.366202/ finished! [01/29 00:00:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Seriously virus protection is biggest snake oil scam ever.... !!!!! [01/29 00:00:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:00:16] [INFO] Progress: 1410/2260 [01/29 00:00:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/seriously-virus-protection-is-biggest-snake-oil-scam-ever.371034/ finished! [01/29 00:00:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version 1.36 MalwareBytes! Shareware now ! !!!!! [01/29 00:00:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:00:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:00:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:00:20] [INFO] Progress: 1411/2260 [01/29 00:00:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-1-36-malwarebytes-shareware-now.369880/ finished! [01/29 00:00:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is more than one program to scan computer necessary or helpful !!!!! [01/29 00:00:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:00:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:00:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:23] [INFO] Progress: 1412/2260 [01/29 00:00:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-more-than-one-program-to-scan-computer-necessary-or-helpful.370026/ finished! [01/29 00:00:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Competitors trying to block Spybot from users machines !!!!! [01/29 00:00:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:25] [INFO] Progress: 1413/2260 [01/29 00:00:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/competitors-trying-to-block-spybot-from-users-machines.370136/ finished! [01/29 00:00:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Face recognition software !!!!! [01/29 00:00:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:27] [INFO] Progress: 1414/2260 [01/29 00:00:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/face-recognition-software.370089/ finished! [01/29 00:00:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virgin Security Suite !!!!! [01/29 00:00:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:00:29] [INFO] Progress: 1415/2260 [01/29 00:00:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virgin-security-suite.369739/ finished! [01/29 00:00:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading USB slots died.. -( !!!!! [01/29 00:00:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:00:31] [INFO] Progress: 1416/2260 [01/29 00:00:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/usb-slots-died.369971/ finished! [01/29 00:00:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading reformat to delete virus !!!!! [01/29 00:00:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] Progress: 1417/2260 [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/reformat-to-delete-virus.369507/ finished! [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/you-thought-getting-spam-was-bad.369403/ is 20500 ms [01/29 00:00:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading You thought getting spam was bad... !!!!! [01/29 00:00:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:00:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:00:40] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:00:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:41] [INFO] Progress: 1418/2260 [01/29 00:00:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/you-thought-getting-spam-was-bad.369403/ finished! [01/29 00:00:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VB100 April 2009 - Windows XP SP3 !!!!! [01/29 00:00:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:42] [INFO] Progress: 1419/2260 [01/29 00:00:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vb100-april-2009-windows-xp-sp3.369457/ finished! [01/29 00:00:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-spyware adware suggestions !!!!! [01/29 00:00:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:00:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:00:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:00:46] [INFO] Progress: 1420/2260 [01/29 00:00:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-spyware-adware-suggestions.368580/ finished! [01/29 00:00:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading GesWall Intrusion Prevention System; free and easy security !!!!! [01/29 00:00:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:00:48] [INFO] Progress: 1421/2260 [01/29 00:00:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/geswall-intrusion-prevention-system-free-and-easy-security.369076/ finished! [01/29 00:00:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ghostnet- China hacking into computers around the world !!!!! [01/29 00:00:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:00:49] [INFO] Progress: 1422/2260 [01/29 00:00:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ghostnet-china-hacking-into-computers-around-the-world.368911/ finished! [01/29 00:00:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading So about this worm. !!!!! [01/29 00:00:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:00:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:00:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:00:53] [INFO] Progress: 1423/2260 [01/29 00:00:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/so-about-this-worm.368224/ finished! [01/29 00:00:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading remote access program spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] Progress: 1424/2260 [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/remote-access-program-spyware.368723/ finished! [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/conficker-hits-tomorrow-have-done-the-following.367847/ is 23000 ms [01/29 00:00:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Conficker hits tomorrow. Have done the following- !!!!! [01/29 00:00:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:00:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:01:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:01:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:01:01] [INFO] Progress: 1425/2260 [01/29 00:01:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/conficker-hits-tomorrow-have-done-the-following.367847/ finished! [01/29 00:01:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro AV Is it worth using my free 1 yr subscription !!!!! [01/29 00:01:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:01:03] [INFO] Progress: 1426/2260 [01/29 00:01:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-av-is-it-worth-using-my-free-1-yr-subscription.368468/ finished! [01/29 00:01:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading protection against USB flash drives viruses !!!!! [01/29 00:01:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:01:06] [INFO] Progress: 1427/2260 [01/29 00:01:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/protection-against-usb-flash-drives-viruses.367428/ finished! [01/29 00:01:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2009- $22 !!!!! [01/29 00:01:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:01:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:01:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:01:09] [INFO] Progress: 1428/2260 [01/29 00:01:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2009-22.367229/ finished! [01/29 00:01:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What will Conficker do Post your conspiracy theory. !!!!! [01/29 00:01:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:01:12] [INFO] Progress: 1429/2260 [01/29 00:01:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-will-conficker-do-post-your-conspiracy-theory.368058/ finished! [01/29 00:01:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading One of my computers got the conflicker virus and smoke started coming out of the case !!!!! [01/29 00:01:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:01:14] [INFO] Progress: 1430/2260 [01/29 00:01:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/one-of-my-computers-got-the-conflicker-virus-and-smoke-started-coming-out-of-the-case.368133/ finished! [01/29 00:01:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira reads itself as VIRUS.. !!!!! [01/29 00:01:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:01:16] [INFO] Progress: 1431/2260 [01/29 00:01:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-reads-itself-as-virus.367336/ finished! [01/29 00:01:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading regarding april 1st worm... !!!!! [01/29 00:01:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:01:17] [INFO] Progress: 1432/2260 [01/29 00:01:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/regarding-april-1st-worm.368047/ finished! [01/29 00:01:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Super Anti Spyware 4.26 Update(4.26.1000) !!!!! [01/29 00:01:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:01:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:01:21] [INFO] Progress: 1433/2260 [01/29 00:01:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/super-anti-spyware-4-26-update-4-26-1000.366758/ finished! [01/29 00:01:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there a freeware program that can detect spyware virus in the program !!!!! [01/29 00:01:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:01:24] [INFO] Progress: 1434/2260 [01/29 00:01:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-a-freeware-program-that-can-detect-spyware-virus-in-the-program.367677/ finished! [01/29 00:01:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I need Anti-Virus if I browse in user mode !!!!! [01/29 00:01:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:01:25] [INFO] Progress: 1435/2260 [01/29 00:01:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-anti-virus-if-i-browse-in-user-mode.367327/ finished! [01/29 00:01:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it possible to be hacked or infected when at a safe website when firewall and antivirus are off !!!!! [01/29 00:01:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:01:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:01:29] [INFO] Progress: 1436/2260 [01/29 00:01:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-possible-to-be-hacked-or-infected-when-at-a-safe-website-when-firewall-and-antivirus-are-off.367032/ finished! [01/29 00:01:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nuboy needs advice on antivirus malware !!!!! [01/29 00:01:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:01:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:01:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:01:33] [INFO] Progress: 1437/2260 [01/29 00:01:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nuboy-needs-advice-on-antivirus-malware.366528/ finished! [01/29 00:01:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware 4.26.1000!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:01:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:01:35] [INFO] Progress: 1438/2260 [01/29 00:01:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-26-1000.367081/ finished! [01/29 00:01:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Drivesentry !!!!! [01/29 00:01:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:01:36] [INFO] Progress: 1439/2260 [01/29 00:01:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/drivesentry.367053/ finished! [01/29 00:01:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira - Never scans page file - gives warning !!!!! [01/29 00:01:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:01:38] [INFO] Progress: 1440/2260 [01/29 00:01:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-never-scans-page-file-gives-warning.366946/ finished! [01/29 00:01:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Crypting software for USB Key !!!!! [01/29 00:01:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:01:40] [INFO] Progress: 1441/2260 [01/29 00:01:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/crypting-software-for-usb-key.366393/ finished! [01/29 00:01:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anyone try out vipre antivirus from sunbelt so far !!!!! [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] Progress: 1442/2260 [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-try-out-vipre-antivirus-from-sunbelt-so-far.361487/ finished! [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-the-best-antivirus-software.314367/ is 86500 ms [01/29 00:01:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVIRA the best antivirus software !!!!! [01/29 00:01:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 16 [01/29 00:01:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 16 [01/29 00:01:48] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 16 [01/29 00:01:50] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 16 [01/29 00:01:52] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 16 [01/29 00:01:53] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 16 [01/29 00:01:55] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 16 [01/29 00:01:56] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 16 [01/29 00:01:58] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 16 [01/29 00:02:00] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 16 [01/29 00:02:01] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 16 [01/29 00:02:03] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 16 [01/29 00:02:04] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 16 [01/29 00:02:06] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 16 [01/29 00:02:07] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 16 [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 16 [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] Progress: 1443/2260 [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-the-best-antivirus-software.314367/ finished! [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-vs-avast.363553/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:02:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG vs Avast !!!!! [01/29 00:02:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:02:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:02:14] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:02:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:02:14] [INFO] Progress: 1444/2260 [01/29 00:02:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-vs-avast.363553/ finished! [01/29 00:02:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disable Autorun for XP with flashsticks !!!!! [01/29 00:02:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:02:16] [INFO] Progress: 1445/2260 [01/29 00:02:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-autorun-for-xp-with-flashsticks.366844/ finished! [01/29 00:02:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.35 Update !!!!! [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] Progress: 1446/2260 [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-anti-malware-1-35-update.366760/ finished! [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/poll-how-often-do-you-get-infections.365110/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:02:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Poll- How often do you get infections !!!!! [01/29 00:02:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:02:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:02:24] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:02:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:02:24] [INFO] Progress: 1447/2260 [01/29 00:02:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/poll-how-often-do-you-get-infections.365110/ finished! [01/29 00:02:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading WinCal.Exe Arbitarily Wanting to Start !!!!! [01/29 00:02:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:02:26] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/notworthy_zpslg2phlen.gif [01/29 00:02:26] [INFO] Progress: 1448/2260 [01/29 00:02:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wincal-exe-arbitarily-wanting-to-start.365647/ finished! [01/29 00:02:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives Feb 2009 On-Demand Antivirus Test Results !!!!! [01/29 00:02:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:02:30] [INFO] Progress: 1449/2260 [01/29 00:02:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-feb-2009-on-demand-antivirus-test-results.364999/ finished! [01/29 00:02:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anti-virus question !!!!! [01/29 00:02:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:02:34] [INFO] Progress: 1450/2260 [01/29 00:02:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-question.365490/ finished! [01/29 00:02:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any recent problems using AVG 8.5 Free !!!!! [01/29 00:02:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:02:36] [INFO] Progress: 1451/2260 [01/29 00:02:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-recent-problems-using-avg-8-5-free.364988/ finished! [01/29 00:02:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security Shield 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:02:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:02:38] [INFO] Progress: 1452/2260 [01/29 00:02:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-shield-2009.364184/ finished! [01/29 00:02:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading It is recommended I install VirusRemover2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:02:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:02:41] [INFO] Progress: 1453/2260 [01/29 00:02:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/it-is-recommended-i-install-virusremover2009.364245/ finished! [01/29 00:02:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disable Avira 9 nag screen without reboot !!!!! [01/29 00:02:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:02:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:02:43] [INFO] Progress: 1454/2260 [01/29 00:02:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-avira-9-nag-screen-without-reboot.365314/ finished! [01/29 00:02:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nis 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:02:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:02:46] [INFO] Progress: 1455/2260 [01/29 00:02:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2009.364777/ finished! [01/29 00:02:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky and BitDefender websites hacked !!!!! [01/29 00:02:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:02:50] [INFO] Progress: 1456/2260 [01/29 00:02:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-and-bitdefender-websites-hacked.351762/ finished! [01/29 00:02:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Is Slowing !!!!! [01/29 00:02:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] Progress: 1457/2260 [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-is-slowing.363633/ finished! [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-ess-v4.358669/ is 20500 ms [01/29 00:02:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Eset Nod32 ESS v4 !!!!! [01/29 00:02:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:02:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:02:59] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:02:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:02:59] [INFO] Progress: 1458/2260 [01/29 00:02:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-ess-v4.358669/ finished! [01/29 00:03:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Guard - file extension list or use smart extensions !!!!! [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] Progress: 1459/2260 [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-guard-file-extension-list-or-use-smart-extensions.363771/ finished! [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-to-replace-symantec.359458/ is 40500 ms [01/29 00:03:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking to replace Symantec !!!!! [01/29 00:03:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/29 00:03:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/29 00:03:06] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/29 00:03:08] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/29 00:03:09] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/29 00:03:11] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/29 00:03:12] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/29 00:03:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:03:12] [INFO] Progress: 1460/2260 [01/29 00:03:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-to-replace-symantec.359458/ finished! [01/29 00:03:13] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of-ms-antispyware-2009.335167/ is 36000 ms [01/29 00:03:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading how do i get rid of ms antispyware 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:03:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/29 00:03:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/29 00:03:18] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/29 00:03:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/29 00:03:21] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/29 00:03:22] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/29 00:03:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:03:22] [INFO] Progress: 1461/2260 [01/29 00:03:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of-ms-antispyware-2009.335167/ finished! [01/29 00:03:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nis 2009 (oem) !!!!! [01/29 00:03:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:03:24] [INFO] Progress: 1462/2260 [01/29 00:03:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2009-oem.361893/ finished! [01/29 00:03:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading portable antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:03:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:03:26] [INFO] Progress: 1463/2260 [01/29 00:03:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/portable-antivirus.359879/ finished! [01/29 00:03:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help !!!!! [01/29 00:03:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:03:28] [INFO] Progress: 1464/2260 [01/29 00:03:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help.361878/ finished! [01/29 00:03:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira- scan USB sticks automatically !!!!! [01/29 00:03:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] Progress: 1465/2260 [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-scan-usb-sticks-automatically.360010/ finished! [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nortons-sells-out.361090/ is 27500 ms [01/29 00:03:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nortons sells out !!!!! [01/29 00:03:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:03:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:03:37] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:03:39] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:03:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:03:40] [WARNING] Host down for image http://www.reelcomix.com/admin/admin_images/hulk-norton.jpg [01/29 00:03:40] [INFO] Progress: 1466/2260 [01/29 00:03:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nortons-sells-out.361090/ finished! [01/29 00:03:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Pifts.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:03:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:03:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:03:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:03:43] [INFO] Progress: 1467/2260 [01/29 00:03:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pifts-exe.361310/ finished! [01/29 00:03:43] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-software-recommend.356367/ is 28500 ms [01/29 00:03:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus software recommend !!!!! [01/29 00:03:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:03:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:03:49] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:03:51] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:03:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:03:51] [INFO] Progress: 1468/2260 [01/29 00:03:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-software-recommend.356367/ finished! [01/29 00:03:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Software in Vista Business !!!!! [01/29 00:03:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:03:53] [INFO] Progress: 1469/2260 [01/29 00:03:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-software-in-vista-business.360564/ finished! [01/29 00:03:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading shdocvw.dll and Possiblity of Spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:03:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:03:54] [INFO] Progress: 1470/2260 [01/29 00:03:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/shdocvw-dll-and-possiblity-of-spyware.360152/ finished! [01/29 00:03:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hp Total Care Advisor !!!!! [01/29 00:03:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:03:56] [INFO] Progress: 1471/2260 [01/29 00:03:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hp-total-care-advisor.354690/ finished! [01/29 00:03:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.5 Free !!!!! [01/29 00:03:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:03:58] [INFO] Progress: 1472/2260 [01/29 00:03:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-5-free.358983/ finished! [01/29 00:03:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 64bit firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:03:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:03:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:00] [INFO] Progress: 1473/2260 [01/29 00:04:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/64bit-firewall.357831/ finished! [01/29 00:04:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Zonealarm 2009 (v8) slow cd read !!!!! [01/29 00:04:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:04:02] [INFO] Progress: 1474/2260 [01/29 00:04:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-2009-v8-slow-cd-read.358776/ finished! [01/29 00:04:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading -( Trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:04:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:04:04] [INFO] Progress: 1475/2260 [01/29 00:04:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan.358449/ finished! [01/29 00:04:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PC-Cillin removal !!!!! [01/29 00:04:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:06] [INFO] Progress: 1476/2260 [01/29 00:04:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pc-cillin-removal.358647/ finished! [01/29 00:04:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS2009 vs Symantec AV !!!!! [01/29 00:04:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:04:09] [INFO] Progress: 1477/2260 [01/29 00:04:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis2009-vs-symantec-av.350583/ finished! [01/29 00:04:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading antivirus, ect. !!!!! [01/29 00:04:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:13] [INFO] Progress: 1478/2260 [01/29 00:04:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-ect.351093/ finished! [01/29 00:04:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading norton crashes my computer !!!!! [01/29 00:04:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:04:14] [INFO] Progress: 1479/2260 [01/29 00:04:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-crashes-my-computer.357854/ finished! [01/29 00:04:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I need some help. System.exe a virus !!!!! [01/29 00:04:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:04:16] [INFO] Progress: 1480/2260 [01/29 00:04:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-some-help-system-exe-a-virus.357086/ finished! [01/29 00:04:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2009 - Is there an interactive mode !!!!! [01/29 00:04:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:18] [INFO] Progress: 1481/2260 [01/29 00:04:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2009-is-there-an-interactive-mode.357403/ finished! [01/29 00:04:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Falst Positives check this please !!!!! [01/29 00:04:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:20] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8269/previx.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Falst Positives check this please/images/storyImages/previx.jpg [01/29 00:04:20] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/previx.jpg/1/w621.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Falst Positives check this please/images/storyImages/w621.png [01/29 00:04:20] [INFO] Progress: 1482/2260 [01/29 00:04:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/falst-positives-check-this-please.357522/ finished! [01/29 00:04:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Would a free anti-virus firewall do !!!!! [01/29 00:04:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:24] [INFO] Progress: 1483/2260 [01/29 00:04:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/would-a-free-anti-virus-firewall-do.356872/ finished! [01/29 00:04:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading vista x64 windows firewall good enough or other free one !!!!! [01/29 00:04:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:25] [INFO] Progress: 1484/2260 [01/29 00:04:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-x64-windows-firewall-good-enough-or-other-free-one.357495/ finished! [01/29 00:04:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware 4.25.1014!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:04:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:04:27] [INFO] Progress: 1485/2260 [01/29 00:04:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-25-1014.356779/ finished! [01/29 00:04:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security 3.8 released! !!!!! [01/29 00:04:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:31] [INFO] Progress: 1486/2260 [01/29 00:04:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-3-8-released.353517/ finished! [01/29 00:04:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any love for Norton 360 2.0, or just order NIS 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:04:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:04:33] [INFO] Progress: 1487/2260 [01/29 00:04:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-love-for-norton-360-2-0-or-just-order-nis-2009.356846/ finished! [01/29 00:04:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-help.356692/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:04:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus help! !!!!! [01/29 00:04:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:04:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:04:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:04:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:04:38] [INFO] Progress: 1488/2260 [01/29 00:04:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-help.356692/ finished! [01/29 00:04:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus and Permanent Hardware Damage !!!!! [01/29 00:04:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:40] [INFO] Progress: 1489/2260 [01/29 00:04:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-and-permanent-hardware-damage.356410/ finished! [01/29 00:04:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Turning off Windows Firewall when running Comodo !!!!! [01/29 00:04:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:41] [INFO] Progress: 1490/2260 [01/29 00:04:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/turning-off-windows-firewall-when-running-comodo.356743/ finished! [01/29 00:04:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for best anti-virus anti-spyware software!! !!!!! [01/29 00:04:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:04:44] [INFO] Progress: 1491/2260 [01/29 00:04:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-best-anti-virus-anti-spyware-software.356363/ finished! [01/29 00:04:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading zonealarm 2009 with vista sp1 any issue !!!!! [01/29 00:04:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:45] [INFO] Progress: 1492/2260 [01/29 00:04:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-2009-with-vista-sp1-any-issue.356185/ finished! [01/29 00:04:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New malware tricks; fake reviews for fake AV AS programs !!!!! [01/29 00:04:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:04:47] [INFO] Progress: 1493/2260 [01/29 00:04:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malware-tricks-fake-reviews-for-fake-av-as-programs.355160/ finished! [01/29 00:04:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading f.e.a.r 2 and nod 32 conflict !!!!! [01/29 00:04:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:04:49] [INFO] Progress: 1494/2260 [01/29 00:04:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/f-e-a-r-2-and-nod-32-conflict.355488/ finished! [01/29 00:04:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro, Playing games on me !!!!! [01/29 00:04:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:04:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:04:51] [INFO] Progress: 1495/2260 [01/29 00:04:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-playing-games-on-me.355069/ finished! [01/29 00:04:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I use Norton Anti Virus 2003 !!!!! [01/29 00:04:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:04:55] [INFO] Progress: 1496/2260 [01/29 00:04:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-use-norton-anti-virus-2003.354816/ finished! [01/29 00:04:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire 4.1 released !!!!! [01/29 00:04:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:04:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:04:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:04:58] [INFO] Progress: 1497/2260 [01/29 00:04:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire-4-1-released.354425/ finished! [01/29 00:04:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcafee 2009 vs Norton 2009 vs Avast !!!!! [01/29 00:05:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:05:00] [INFO] Progress: 1498/2260 [01/29 00:05:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-2009-vs-norton-2009-vs-avast.353214/ finished! [01/29 00:05:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 64 Bit Windows 7 !!!!! [01/29 00:05:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:05:02] [INFO] Progress: 1499/2260 [01/29 00:05:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-64-bit-windows-7.353950/ finished! [01/29 00:05:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows XP won't start in safe mode & Norton 360 won't open - virus !!!!! [01/29 00:05:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:05:04] [INFO] Progress: 1500/2260 [01/29 00:05:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-xp-wont-start-in-safe-mode-norton-360-wont-open-virus.350597/ finished! [01/29 00:05:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Anti Virus found 2 virus !!!!! [01/29 00:05:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:05:06] [INFO] Progress: 1501/2260 [01/29 00:05:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-anti-virus-found-2-virus.353465/ finished! [01/29 00:05:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender Replacement !!!!! [01/29 00:05:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:05:07] [INFO] Progress: 1502/2260 [01/29 00:05:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-replacement.352614/ finished! [01/29 00:05:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 2 Antivirus's - Each providing different results !!!!! [01/29 00:05:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:05:09] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9522/avgscanry4.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//2 Antivirus's - Each providing different results/images/storyImages/avgscanry4.jpg [01/29 00:05:09] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/3967/nod32scanrh4.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//2 Antivirus's - Each providing different results/images/storyImages/nod32scanrh4.jpg [01/29 00:05:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:05:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:05:11] [INFO] Progress: 1503/2260 [01/29 00:05:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/2-antiviruss-each-providing-different-results.351855/ finished! [01/29 00:05:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Anti virus to get !!!!! [01/29 00:05:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:05:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:05:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:05:15] [INFO] Progress: 1504/2260 [01/29 00:05:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-to-get.346544/ finished! [01/29 00:05:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-or-kaspersky.325825/ is 45500 ms [01/29 00:05:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton or Kaspersky !!!!! [01/29 00:05:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/29 00:05:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/29 00:05:23] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/29 00:05:24] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/29 00:05:26] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/29 00:05:27] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/29 00:05:29] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/29 00:05:31] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/29 00:05:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:05:31] [INFO] Progress: 1505/2260 [01/29 00:05:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-or-kaspersky.325825/ finished! [01/29 00:05:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spywareblaster still active when closed !!!!! [01/29 00:05:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:05:33] [INFO] Progress: 1506/2260 [01/29 00:05:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spywareblaster-still-active-when-closed.352415/ finished! [01/29 00:05:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MalwareBytes detects nasties but unable to delete them !!!!! [01/29 00:05:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:34] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/3616/mbamsm9.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//MalwareBytes detects nasties but unable to delete them/images/storyImages/mbamsm9.jpg [01/29 00:05:34] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/8283/mbam2qk1.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//MalwareBytes detects nasties but unable to delete them/images/storyImages/mbam2qk1.jpg [01/29 00:05:35] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9601/erroetu8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//MalwareBytes detects nasties but unable to delete them/images/storyImages/erroetu8.jpg [01/29 00:05:35] [INFO] Progress: 1507/2260 [01/29 00:05:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-detects-nasties-but-unable-to-delete-them.351918/ finished! [01/29 00:05:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Malwarebytes Version 1.34 !!!!! [01/29 00:05:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:05:37] [INFO] Progress: 1508/2260 [01/29 00:05:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malwarebytes-version-1-34.352234/ finished! [01/29 00:05:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I hate viruses!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:05:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:05:38] [INFO] Progress: 1509/2260 [01/29 00:05:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-hate-viruses.352102/ finished! [01/29 00:05:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus in OSCust.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:05:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:05:41] [INFO] Progress: 1510/2260 [01/29 00:05:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-in-oscust-exe.351533/ finished! [01/29 00:05:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for all-in-one security backup solution !!!!! [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] Progress: 1511/2260 [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-all-in-one-security-backup-solution.351291/ finished! [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-program-that-isnt-a-system-resource-hog.302666/ is 36500 ms [01/29 00:05:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What's the best anti=virus program that isn't a system resource hog !!!!! [01/29 00:05:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/29 00:05:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/29 00:05:46] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.vipreenterprise.com/Why-VIPRE-Enterprise/image1.gif because Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.vipreenterprise.com/Why-VIPRE-Enterprise/image1.gif [01/29 00:05:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/29 00:05:49] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/29 00:05:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/29 00:05:53] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/29 00:05:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:05:53] [INFO] Progress: 1512/2260 [01/29 00:05:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-program-that-isnt-a-system-resource-hog.302666/ finished! [01/29 00:05:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is Hijack.start !!!!! [01/29 00:05:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:05:55] [INFO] Progress: 1513/2260 [01/29 00:05:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-hijack-start.351098/ finished! [01/29 00:05:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to del Packed.Generic.200 virus !!!!! [01/29 00:05:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:05:56] [INFO] Progress: 1514/2260 [01/29 00:05:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-del-packed-generic-200-virus.350975/ finished! [01/29 00:05:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nod 32 gamer mode !!!!! [01/29 00:05:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:05:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:05:58] [INFO] Progress: 1515/2260 [01/29 00:05:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod-32-gamer-mode.351198/ finished! [01/29 00:05:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware not updating !!!!! [01/29 00:06:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:00] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/866/sasupdateerrorts3.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//SuperAntiSpyware not updating/images/storyImages/sasupdateerrorts3.png [01/29 00:06:00] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/sasupdateerrorts3.png/1/w694.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//SuperAntiSpyware not updating/images/storyImages/w694.png [01/29 00:06:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:06:02] [INFO] Progress: 1516/2260 [01/29 00:06:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-not-updating.350160/ finished! [01/29 00:06:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira not updating !!!!! [01/29 00:06:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:06:05] [INFO] Progress: 1517/2260 [01/29 00:06:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-not-updating.240383/ finished! [01/29 00:06:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:06:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:06:09] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/mad2_zpsgl9egdoq.gif [01/29 00:06:10] [INFO] Progress: 1518/2260 [01/29 00:06:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-2009.350345/ finished! [01/29 00:06:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Virus maybe Trojan msvtjn.dll !!!!! [01/29 00:06:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:06:12] [INFO] Progress: 1519/2260 [01/29 00:06:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-virus-maybe-trojan-msvtjn-dll.350119/ finished! [01/29 00:06:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Web Shield, Resident Shield, Firewall ... what is the difference And compatible AVs !!!!! [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] Progress: 1520/2260 [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/web-shield-resident-shield-firewall-what-is-the-difference-and-compatible-avs.350321/ finished! [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/exploit-neosploit-found-by-avg-what-to-do.348403/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:06:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading exploit neosploit found by AVG -- What to do !!!!! [01/29 00:06:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:06:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:06:18] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/liebe/love-smiley-036.gif because Server returned HTTP response code: 406 for URL: http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/liebe/love-smiley-036.gif [01/29 00:06:20] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:06:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:06:20] [INFO] Progress: 1521/2260 [01/29 00:06:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/exploit-neosploit-found-by-avg-what-to-do.348403/ finished! [01/29 00:06:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New MalwareBytes Version 1.33 !!!!! [01/29 00:06:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] Progress: 1522/2260 [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malwarebytes-version-1-33.342344/ finished! [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-vs-antivirus.328721/ is 26000 ms [01/29 00:06:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet security VS antivirus! ! !!!!! [01/29 00:06:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:06:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:06:29] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:06:30] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:06:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:06:30] [INFO] Progress: 1523/2260 [01/29 00:06:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-vs-antivirus.328721/ finished! [01/29 00:06:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help! XP not loading virus Q's Presario !!!!! [01/29 00:06:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:06:32] [INFO] Progress: 1524/2260 [01/29 00:06:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-xp-not-loading-virus-qs-presario.349322/ finished! [01/29 00:06:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security in Emails (Outlook) !!!!! [01/29 00:06:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:06:34] [INFO] Progress: 1525/2260 [01/29 00:06:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-in-emails-outlook.349038/ finished! [01/29 00:06:34] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-2009.326578/ is 28000 ms [01/29 00:06:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:06:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:06:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:06:39] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:06:40] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:06:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:06:40] [INFO] Progress: 1526/2260 [01/29 00:06:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-2009.326578/ finished! [01/29 00:06:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avg !!!!! [01/29 00:06:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:06:43] [INFO] Progress: 1527/2260 [01/29 00:06:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg.349183/ finished! [01/29 00:06:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do i get rid of autorun.inf virus !!!!! [01/29 00:06:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:44] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a90/Ev0/AVGvirusvault.jpg [01/29 00:06:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:06:46] [INFO] Progress: 1528/2260 [01/29 00:06:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of-autorun-inf-virus.347240/ finished! [01/29 00:06:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Security Filter !!!!! [01/29 00:06:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:06:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:06:48] [INFO] Progress: 1529/2260 [01/29 00:06:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-security-filter.348655/ finished! [01/29 00:06:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:06:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:06:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:06:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:06:53] [INFO] Progress: 1530/2260 [01/29 00:06:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-firewall.344692/ finished! [01/29 00:06:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which antivirus software are you using with x64 Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:06:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:06:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:06:58] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:06:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:06:58] [INFO] Progress: 1531/2260 [01/29 00:06:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-antivirus-software-are-you-using-with-x64-vista.343002/ finished! [01/29 00:06:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Removal Help! !!!!! [01/29 00:07:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:07:00] [INFO] Progress: 1532/2260 [01/29 00:07:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-removal-help.348529/ finished! [01/29 00:07:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading can't update any antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:07:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:07:02] [INFO] Progress: 1533/2260 [01/29 00:07:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-update-any-antivirus.347952/ finished! [01/29 00:07:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading MalwareBytes with Norton IS 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:07:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:07:04] [INFO] Progress: 1534/2260 [01/29 00:07:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malwarebytes-with-norton-is-2009.348177/ finished! [01/29 00:07:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading problem with internet explorer 7 !!!!! [01/29 00:07:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:07:06] [INFO] Progress: 1535/2260 [01/29 00:07:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-internet-explorer-7.347087/ finished! [01/29 00:07:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nicholle's Weight Loss Story... Or my virus ad story !!!!! [01/29 00:07:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:07:08] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6136/fatlossjpgqb8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Nicholle's Weight Loss Story... Or my virus ad story/images/storyImages/fatlossjpgqb8.jpg [01/29 00:07:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:07:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:07:10] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/5026/messengerinactivehg3.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Nicholle's Weight Loss Story... Or my virus ad story/images/storyImages/messengerinactivehg3.jpg [01/29 00:07:10] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/7689/messengeractivevs1.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Nicholle's Weight Loss Story... Or my virus ad story/images/storyImages/messengeractivevs1.jpg [01/29 00:07:10] [INFO] Progress: 1536/2260 [01/29 00:07:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nicholles-weight-loss-story-or-my-virus-ad-story.347510/ finished! [01/29 00:07:11] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wow-you-guys-have-gotta-see-this-machine.346012/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:07:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading wow, you guys have gotta see this machine! !!!!! [01/29 00:07:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:07:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:07:16] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:07:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:07:16] [INFO] Progress: 1537/2260 [01/29 00:07:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wow-you-guys-have-gotta-see-this-machine.346012/ finished! [01/29 00:07:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ATsiv- TRojan false-positive !!!!! [01/29 00:07:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:07:18] [INFO] Progress: 1538/2260 [01/29 00:07:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/atsiv-trojan-false-positive.346102/ finished! [01/29 00:07:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition...seems like a huge improvement !!!!! [01/29 00:07:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:07:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:07:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:07:22] [INFO] Progress: 1539/2260 [01/29 00:07:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-ad-aware-anniversary-edition-seems-like-a-huge-improvement.344755/ finished! [01/29 00:07:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky detects Worm.P2P.Generic activity with Blizzard Installer !!!!! [01/29 00:07:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:07:24] [INFO] Progress: 1540/2260 [01/29 00:07:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-detects-worm-p2p-generic-activity-with-blizzard-installer.344901/ finished! [01/29 00:07:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-viruses that are actually 100% supported by Cisco Clean Access Agent !!!!! [01/29 00:07:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:07:25] [INFO] Progress: 1541/2260 [01/29 00:07:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-viruses-that-are-actually-100-supported-by-cisco-clean-access-agent.344981/ finished! [01/29 00:07:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version SuperAntiSpyware 4.25.1012!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:07:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:07:27] [INFO] Progress: 1542/2260 [01/29 00:07:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-superantispyware-4-25-1012.344292/ finished! [01/29 00:07:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET NOD32 Anti Virus Scanner !!!!! [01/29 00:07:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:07:30] [INFO] Progress: 1543/2260 [01/29 00:07:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-anti-virus-scanner.344782/ finished! [01/29 00:07:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How bad is the Downandup Conficker Worm !!!!! [01/29 00:07:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:07:32] [INFO] Progress: 1544/2260 [01/29 00:07:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-bad-is-the-downandup-conficker-worm.344734/ finished! [01/29 00:07:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Strange virus the other evening on the Net !!!!! [01/29 00:07:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:07:33] [INFO] Progress: 1545/2260 [01/29 00:07:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/strange-virus-the-other-evening-on-the-net.344612/ finished! [01/29 00:07:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Storm botnet !!!!! [01/29 00:07:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:07:35] [INFO] Progress: 1546/2260 [01/29 00:07:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/storm-botnet.344619/ finished! [01/29 00:07:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading cookie hi-jacker help !!!!! [01/29 00:07:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:37] [INFO] Progress: 1547/2260 [01/29 00:07:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cookie-hi-jacker-help.329134/ finished! [01/29 00:07:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Uninstall Norton 2008 BEFORE Installing NIS 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:07:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:07:39] [INFO] Progress: 1548/2260 [01/29 00:07:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uninstall-norton-2008-before-installing-nis-2009.344099/ finished! [01/29 00:07:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Symantec & F-Secure go botnet No, not really of course. !!!!! [01/29 00:07:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:07:42] [INFO] Progress: 1549/2260 [01/29 00:07:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-f-secure-go-botnet-no-not-really-of-course.342488/ finished! [01/29 00:07:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan and or Virus! Please help! !!!!! [01/29 00:07:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:07:44] [INFO] Progress: 1550/2260 [01/29 00:07:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-and-or-virus-please-help.342980/ finished! [01/29 00:07:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading OneCare dead, but... !!!!! [01/29 00:07:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:07:46] [INFO] Progress: 1551/2260 [01/29 00:07:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/onecare-dead-but.342926/ finished! [01/29 00:07:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need a new Firewall... !!!!! [01/29 00:07:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:07:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:07:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:07:50] [INFO] Progress: 1552/2260 [01/29 00:07:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-a-new-firewall.341376/ finished! [01/29 00:07:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Possible Outlook Virus issue, spambot sending emails !!!!! [01/29 00:07:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:07:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:07:52] [INFO] Progress: 1553/2260 [01/29 00:07:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/possible-outlook-virus-issue-spambot-sending-emails.343249/ finished! [01/29 00:07:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Where Do You Get Your Viruses !!!!! [01/29 00:07:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:07:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:07:57] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:07:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:07:57] [INFO] Progress: 1554/2260 [01/29 00:07:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/where-do-you-get-your-viruses.337298/ finished! [01/29 00:07:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti virus software for Windows 7 !!!!! [01/29 00:07:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:01] [INFO] Progress: 1555/2260 [01/29 00:08:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-software-for-windows-7.341086/ finished! [01/29 00:08:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware programs !!!!! [01/29 00:08:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:04] [INFO] Progress: 1556/2260 [01/29 00:08:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-programs.342286/ finished! [01/29 00:08:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG on but Malware Protection off says Windows !!!!! [01/29 00:08:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:08:05] [INFO] Progress: 1557/2260 [01/29 00:08:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-on-but-malware-protection-off-says-windows.326597/ finished! [01/29 00:08:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any good freeware spyware removal program for vista business !!!!! [01/29 00:08:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:09] [INFO] Progress: 1558/2260 [01/29 00:08:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-good-freeware-spyware-removal-program-for-vista-business.234871/ finished! [01/29 00:08:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you guys switch off Windows Defender !!!!! [01/29 00:08:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:08:13] [INFO] Progress: 1559/2260 [01/29 00:08:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-guys-switch-off-windows-defender.341527/ finished! [01/29 00:08:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Advise pls. some security soft. !!!!! [01/29 00:08:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:08:16] [INFO] Progress: 1560/2260 [01/29 00:08:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/advise-pls-some-security-soft.341333/ finished! [01/29 00:08:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading which one is the best 4 me !!!!! [01/29 00:08:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:08:20] [INFO] Progress: 1561/2260 [01/29 00:08:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-one-is-the-best-4-me.338711/ finished! [01/29 00:08:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ccsvchst.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:08:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:08:21] [INFO] Progress: 1562/2260 [01/29 00:08:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ccsvchst-exe.341377/ finished! [01/29 00:08:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which software for older lappy on XP !!!!! [01/29 00:08:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:25] [INFO] Progress: 1563/2260 [01/29 00:08:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-software-for-older-lappy-on-xp.340496/ finished! [01/29 00:08:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading help, virus. !!!!! [01/29 00:08:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:08:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:08:30] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:08:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:30] [INFO] Progress: 1564/2260 [01/29 00:08:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-virus.337212/ finished! [01/29 00:08:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 90 days genuine license key 4 avira Why not! !!!!! [01/29 00:08:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:32] [INFO] Progress: 1565/2260 [01/29 00:08:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/90-days-genuine-license-key-4-avira-why-not.340498/ finished! [01/29 00:08:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Browser Blocker malware spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] Progress: 1566/2260 [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/browser-blocker-malware-spyware.341015/ finished! [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-malware-bytes-1-32.339024/ is 22500 ms [01/29 00:08:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version Malware Bytes 1.32! !!!!! [01/29 00:08:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:08:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:08:39] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:08:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:39] [INFO] Progress: 1567/2260 [01/29 00:08:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-malware-bytes-1-32.339024/ finished! [01/29 00:08:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Kapersky !!!!! [01/29 00:08:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:08:41] [INFO] Progress: 1568/2260 [01/29 00:08:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-kapersky.340675/ finished! [01/29 00:08:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading adware !!!!! [01/29 00:08:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:45] [INFO] Progress: 1569/2260 [01/29 00:08:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/adware.340678/ finished! [01/29 00:08:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best anti virus program for my laptop. !!!!! [01/29 00:08:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:08:47] [INFO] Progress: 1570/2260 [01/29 00:08:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-program-for-my-laptop.340662/ finished! [01/29 00:08:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus's, Adware & Spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:08:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:49] [INFO] Progress: 1571/2260 [01/29 00:08:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/viruss-adware-spyware.340090/ finished! [01/29 00:08:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading i think some kind of virus might be messing up my computer updates !!!!! [01/29 00:08:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:51] [INFO] Progress: 1572/2260 [01/29 00:08:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-think-some-kind-of-virus-might-be-messing-up-my-computer-updates.338757/ finished! [01/29 00:08:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avg update server !!!!! [01/29 00:08:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:08:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:08:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:08:54] [INFO] Progress: 1573/2260 [01/29 00:08:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-update-server.328611/ finished! [01/29 00:08:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading TPM Embedded Chip !!!!! [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] Progress: 1574/2260 [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tpm-embedded-chip.337269/ finished! [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-antivirus-gaming-edition.324623/ is 23000 ms [01/29 00:08:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Antivirus Gaming Edition !!!!! [01/29 00:08:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:09:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:09:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:09:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:09:02] [INFO] Progress: 1575/2260 [01/29 00:09:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-antivirus-gaming-edition.324623/ finished! [01/29 00:09:02] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-is-better-s-d-or-superantispyware.337636/ is 32000 ms [01/29 00:09:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which is Better S & D or SuperAntiSpyware !!!!! [01/29 00:09:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:09:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:09:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:09:09] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:09:11] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:09:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:09:11] [INFO] Progress: 1576/2260 [01/29 00:09:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-is-better-s-d-or-superantispyware.337636/ finished! [01/29 00:09:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hmm... Internal service error !!!!! [01/29 00:09:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:09:12] [INFO] Progress: 1577/2260 [01/29 00:09:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hmm-internal-service-error.338323/ finished! [01/29 00:09:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-explorer-redirecting-itself-to-stupid-sites.318085/ is 26500 ms [01/29 00:09:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet Explorer redirecting itself to stupid sites -( !!!!! [01/29 00:09:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:09:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:09:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:09:17] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/wideeyed_zpsef1aepal.gif [01/29 00:09:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:09:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:09:19] [WARNING] File not found for image http://forum.notebookreview.com/images/Notebook/buttons/report.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Internet Explorer redirecting itself to stupid sites -(/images/storyImages/report.gif [01/29 00:09:19] [INFO] Progress: 1578/2260 [01/29 00:09:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-explorer-redirecting-itself-to-stupid-sites.318085/ finished! [01/29 00:09:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Recomend Me Some Protection !!!!! [01/29 00:09:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:09:22] [INFO] Progress: 1579/2260 [01/29 00:09:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recomend-me-some-protection.337866/ finished! [01/29 00:09:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What happen to my key !!!!! [01/29 00:09:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:09:24] [INFO] Progress: 1580/2260 [01/29 00:09:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-happen-to-my-key.337712/ finished! [01/29 00:09:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version SuperAntiSpyware 4.24.1004!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:09:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:26] [INFO] Progress: 1581/2260 [01/29 00:09:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-superantispyware-4-24-1004.336614/ finished! [01/29 00:09:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus 2009 anti avira pop up !!!!! [01/29 00:09:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:09:29] [INFO] Progress: 1582/2260 [01/29 00:09:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-2009-anti-avira-pop-up.337662/ finished! [01/29 00:09:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-antivirus-program-for-gaming.335334/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:09:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What's the best antivirus program for gaming !!!!! [01/29 00:09:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:09:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:09:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:09:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:09:35] [INFO] Progress: 1583/2260 [01/29 00:09:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-antivirus-program-for-gaming.335334/ finished! [01/29 00:09:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading windows xp firewall issue and question !!!!! [01/29 00:09:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:09:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:09:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:09:38] [INFO] Progress: 1584/2260 [01/29 00:09:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-xp-firewall-issue-and-question.336936/ finished! [01/29 00:09:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bear with me ... !!!!! [01/29 00:09:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:09:43] [WARNING] File not found for image https://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/images/bear-with-me-small.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Bear with me .../images/storyImages/bear-with-me-small.jpg [01/29 00:09:43] [INFO] Progress: 1585/2260 [01/29 00:09:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bear-with-me.336413/ finished! [01/29 00:09:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Today; 12 30 08, Returnil Premium Edition for free !!!!! [01/29 00:09:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:09:45] [INFO] Progress: 1586/2260 [01/29 00:09:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/today-12-30-08-returnil-premium-edition-for-free.336662/ finished! [01/29 00:09:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CastleCops is no more. !!!!! [01/29 00:09:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:09:47] [INFO] Progress: 1587/2260 [01/29 00:09:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/castlecops-is-no-more.336341/ finished! [01/29 00:09:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Free 8.0 - Invalid Update Control CTF File !!!!! [01/29 00:09:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:09:49] [INFO] Progress: 1588/2260 [01/29 00:09:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-8-0-invalid-update-control-ctf-file.336557/ finished! [01/29 00:09:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why would I need a firewall other than Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:09:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:09:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:09:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:09:52] [INFO] Progress: 1589/2260 [01/29 00:09:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-would-i-need-a-firewall-other-than-windows-firewall.332206/ finished! [01/29 00:09:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Securing a computer for someone... !!!!! [01/29 00:09:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:09:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:09:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:09:56] [INFO] Progress: 1590/2260 [01/29 00:09:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/securing-a-computer-for-someone.336157/ finished! [01/29 00:09:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Zone Alarm Suite 2009 causing Failed Security system dialogue !!!!! [01/29 00:09:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:09:58] [INFO] Progress: 1591/2260 [01/29 00:09:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zone-alarm-suite-2009-causing-failed-security-system-dialogue.336000/ finished! [01/29 00:09:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall slowing down Internet !!!!! [01/29 00:10:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:10:00] [INFO] Progress: 1592/2260 [01/29 00:10:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-slowing-down-internet.334473/ finished! [01/29 00:10:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this a false positive !!!!! [01/29 00:10:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:10:02] [INFO] Progress: 1593/2260 [01/29 00:10:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-a-false-positive.335269/ finished! [01/29 00:10:02] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-or-kaspersky.332205/ is 37000 ms [01/29 00:10:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 or Kaspersky !!!!! [01/29 00:10:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/29 00:10:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/29 00:10:08] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/29 00:10:09] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/29 00:10:11] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/29 00:10:12] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/29 00:10:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:10:12] [INFO] Progress: 1594/2260 [01/29 00:10:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-or-kaspersky.332205/ finished! [01/29 00:10:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Newfangled malware !!!!! [01/29 00:10:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:10:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:10:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:10:16] [INFO] Progress: 1595/2260 [01/29 00:10:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/newfangled-malware.333726/ finished! [01/29 00:10:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anygood STANDALONE AVs !!!!! [01/29 00:10:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:10:18] [INFO] Progress: 1596/2260 [01/29 00:10:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anygood-standalone-avs.334282/ finished! [01/29 00:10:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this enough protection for my Computer !!!!! [01/29 00:10:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:10:20] [INFO] Progress: 1597/2260 [01/29 00:10:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-enough-protection-for-my-computer.333314/ finished! [01/29 00:10:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV-Comparatives; Antivirus summary 2008 Protectstar; best Security Suites test !!!!! [01/29 00:10:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:10:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:10:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:10:24] [INFO] Progress: 1598/2260 [01/29 00:10:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-comparatives-antivirus-summary-2008-protectstar-best-security-suites-test.330554/ finished! [01/29 00:10:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mcafee Security Suite vs. Freeware Set-up - Need Help Deciding! !!!!! [01/29 00:10:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:10:26] [INFO] Progress: 1599/2260 [01/29 00:10:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-security-suite-vs-freeware-set-up-need-help-deciding.334045/ finished! [01/29 00:10:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Viruses !!!!! [01/29 00:10:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:10:28] [INFO] Progress: 1600/2260 [01/29 00:10:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/viruses.333883/ finished! [01/29 00:10:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading bridge.dll and s117.dmp files keep going missing !!!!! [01/29 00:10:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:10:29] [INFO] Progress: 1601/2260 [01/29 00:10:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bridge-dll-and-s117-dmp-files-keep-going-missing.333748/ finished! [01/29 00:10:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Isn't Avria Antivirus Personal edition free forever !!!!! [01/29 00:10:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:10:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:10:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:10:33] [INFO] Progress: 1602/2260 [01/29 00:10:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/isnt-avria-antivirus-personal-edition-free-forever.333258/ finished! [01/29 00:10:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this enough protection for my Computer !!!!! [01/29 00:10:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:10:35] [INFO] Progress: 1603/2260 [01/29 00:10:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-enough-protection-for-my-computer.333316/ finished! [01/29 00:10:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free Anti-virus for Windows XP !!!!! [01/29 00:10:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:10:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:10:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:10:38] [INFO] Progress: 1604/2260 [01/29 00:10:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-anti-virus-for-windows-xp.332225/ finished! [01/29 00:10:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee VirusScan Plus FREE !!!!! [01/29 00:10:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:10:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:10:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:10:44] [INFO] Progress: 1605/2260 [01/29 00:10:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-virusscan-plus-free.331519/ finished! [01/29 00:10:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trendmicro servers from Japan - accessing webservers !!!!! [01/29 00:10:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:10:46] [INFO] Progress: 1606/2260 [01/29 00:10:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trendmicro-servers-from-japan-accessing-webservers.331930/ finished! [01/29 00:10:46] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2009-shall-we-trust-norton-again.314942/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:10:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2009 - shall we trust Norton again !!!!! [01/29 00:10:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:10:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:10:51] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:10:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:10:51] [INFO] Progress: 1607/2260 [01/29 00:10:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2009-shall-we-trust-norton-again.314942/ finished! [01/29 00:10:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BBC - iplayer - Click on Cybercrime !!!!! [01/29 00:10:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:10:52] [INFO] Progress: 1608/2260 [01/29 00:10:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bbc-iplayer-click-on-cybercrime.331064/ finished! [01/29 00:10:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Browser Hi-jack Trojen, Please help !!!!! [01/29 00:10:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:10:54] [INFO] Progress: 1609/2260 [01/29 00:10:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/browser-hi-jack-trojen-please-help.330580/ finished! [01/29 00:10:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to completely remove PC-Cillin anti virus and firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:10:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:56] [INFO] Progress: 1610/2260 [01/29 00:10:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-completely-remove-pc-cillin-anti-virus-and-firewall.205789/ finished! [01/29 00:10:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Am I infected with W32 Fakealert.AZT trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:10:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:10:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:10:58] [INFO] Progress: 1611/2260 [01/29 00:10:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/am-i-infected-with-w32-fakealert-azt-trojan.330496/ finished! [01/29 00:10:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET NOD32 (Latest Edition) Vs. Norton Antivirus 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:11:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:11:02] [INFO] Progress: 1612/2260 [01/29 00:11:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-latest-edition-vs-norton-antivirus-2009.328574/ finished! [01/29 00:11:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 1 year A-Squared for only $5 !!!!! [01/29 00:11:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:11:04] [INFO] Progress: 1613/2260 [01/29 00:11:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/1-year-a-squared-for-only-5.329818/ finished! [01/29 00:11:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to delete files from quarantine with NOD32 !!!!! [01/29 00:11:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:11:06] [INFO] Progress: 1614/2260 [01/29 00:11:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-delete-files-from-quarantine-with-nod32.330228/ finished! [01/29 00:11:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which antivirus for FW !!!!! [01/29 00:11:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:11:08] [INFO] Progress: 1615/2260 [01/29 00:11:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-antivirus-for-fw.330167/ finished! [01/29 00:11:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Latest AV-Comparatives test; Antivirus proactive on-demand results. !!!!! [01/29 00:11:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:11:12] [INFO] Progress: 1616/2260 [01/29 00:11:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/latest-av-comparatives-test-antivirus-proactive-on-demand-results.326539/ finished! [01/29 00:11:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading if your nortons 2009 refuses to update- !!!!! [01/29 00:11:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:11:14] [INFO] Progress: 1617/2260 [01/29 00:11:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/if-your-nortons-2009-refuses-to-update.329869/ finished! [01/29 00:11:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kerio user, need firewall for Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:11:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:11:15] [INFO] Progress: 1618/2260 [01/29 00:11:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kerio-user-need-firewall-for-vista.329245/ finished! [01/29 00:11:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading dell 1520 xp security software !!!!! [01/29 00:11:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:11:17] [INFO] Progress: 1619/2260 [01/29 00:11:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/dell-1520-xp-security-software.329254/ finished! [01/29 00:11:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Manual Removal Of A Spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:11:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:11:19] [INFO] Progress: 1620/2260 [01/29 00:11:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/manual-removal-of-a-spyware.326556/ finished! [01/29 00:11:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help removing a trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:11:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:11:23] [INFO] Progress: 1621/2260 [01/29 00:11:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-removing-a-trojan.328552/ finished! [01/29 00:11:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Firewall + KIS 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:11:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:11:25] [INFO] Progress: 1622/2260 [01/29 00:11:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-firewall-kis-2009.328510/ finished! [01/29 00:11:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ZoneAlarm 2009 (version 8.0) ready for download !!!!! [01/29 00:11:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:11:27] [INFO] Progress: 1623/2260 [01/29 00:11:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-2009-version-8-0-ready-for-download.328249/ finished! [01/29 00:11:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SuperAntiSpyware 4.23.1006 Beta is here! !!!!! [01/29 00:11:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:11:28] [INFO] Progress: 1624/2260 [01/29 00:11:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-4-23-1006-beta-is-here.328368/ finished! [01/29 00:11:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Antivirus by Sunbelt Vipre !!!!! [01/29 00:11:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:30] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.vipreenterprise.com/Why-VIPRE-Enterprise/image1.gif because Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.vipreenterprise.com/Why-VIPRE-Enterprise/image1.gif [01/29 00:11:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:11:33] [INFO] Progress: 1625/2260 [01/29 00:11:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-antivirus-by-sunbelt-vipre.307478/ finished! [01/29 00:11:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New MalwareBytes Version 1.31 !!!!! [01/29 00:11:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:11:34] [INFO] Progress: 1626/2260 [01/29 00:11:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malwarebytes-version-1-31.327616/ finished! [01/29 00:11:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone use ESET Smart Security (NOD32) !!!!! [01/29 00:11:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:11:37] [INFO] Progress: 1627/2260 [01/29 00:11:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-use-eset-smart-security-nod32.327047/ finished! [01/29 00:11:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-virus recommendations (mini laptop) !!!!! [01/29 00:11:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:40] [INFO] Progress: 1628/2260 [01/29 00:11:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-recommendations-mini-laptop.326383/ finished! [01/29 00:11:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading is this spyware virus !!!!! [01/29 00:11:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:11:43] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/3623/badgirlsclubti1.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//is this spyware virus/images/storyImages/badgirlsclubti1.png [01/29 00:11:43] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/6026/badgirlspopupqn7.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//is this spyware virus/images/storyImages/badgirlspopupqn7.png [01/29 00:11:43] [INFO] Progress: 1629/2260 [01/29 00:11:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-spyware-virus.327462/ finished! [01/29 00:11:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Current Ultimate Security Suite !!!!! [01/29 00:11:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:11:46] [INFO] Progress: 1630/2260 [01/29 00:11:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/current-ultimate-security-suite.322243/ finished! [01/29 00:11:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ideal antivirus software for the nc-10 (infact any netbook) !!!!! [01/29 00:11:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:11:48] [INFO] Progress: 1631/2260 [01/29 00:11:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ideal-antivirus-software-for-the-nc-10-infact-any-netbook.324713/ finished! [01/29 00:11:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SSUpdater's Anti-Malware Test; !!!!! [01/29 00:11:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:11:52] [INFO] Progress: 1632/2260 [01/29 00:11:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ssupdaters-anti-malware-test.315457/ finished! [01/29 00:11:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading HiJackThis Log File - Has my sister been keylogged !!!!! [01/29 00:11:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:11:53] [INFO] Progress: 1633/2260 [01/29 00:11:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hijackthis-log-file-has-my-sister-been-keylogged.325815/ finished! [01/29 00:11:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading News - Free Microsoft Security Suite !!!!! [01/29 00:11:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:11:56] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5719/hammeruy2.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//News - Free Microsoft Security Suite/images/storyImages/hammeruy2.gif [01/29 00:11:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:11:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:11:57] [INFO] Progress: 1634/2260 [01/29 00:11:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/news-free-microsoft-security-suite.322405/ finished! [01/29 00:11:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone come across this xrg1.exe, xrg2.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:11:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:11:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:11:59] [INFO] Progress: 1635/2260 [01/29 00:11:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-come-across-this-xrg1-exe-xrg2-exe.324905/ finished! [01/29 00:12:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading FREE Microsoft Anti Virus to be released in 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:12:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:12:02] [INFO] Progress: 1636/2260 [01/29 00:12:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-microsoft-anti-virus-to-be-released-in-2009.325674/ finished! [01/29 00:12:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Being attacked by Virus Trojans...Need help! !!!!! [01/29 00:12:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:05] [INFO] Progress: 1637/2260 [01/29 00:12:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/being-attacked-by-virus-trojans-need-help.324953/ finished! [01/29 00:12:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I've been hit!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:12:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:12:09] [INFO] Progress: 1638/2260 [01/29 00:12:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ive-been-hit.324848/ finished! [01/29 00:12:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading KIS + ICQ = no data transfer (my computer) !!!!! [01/29 00:12:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:12:10] [INFO] Progress: 1639/2260 [01/29 00:12:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kis-icq-no-data-transfer-my-computer.324093/ finished! [01/29 00:12:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Secunia Peronal Software Inspector (Final) released !!!!! [01/29 00:12:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:12:12] [INFO] Progress: 1640/2260 [01/29 00:12:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secunia-peronal-software-inspector-final-released.324799/ finished! [01/29 00:12:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what's the best anti usb's virsus !!!!! [01/29 00:12:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:14] [INFO] Progress: 1641/2260 [01/29 00:12:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-usbs-virsus.322996/ finished! [01/29 00:12:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Port 80 Trojan on my Router !!!!! [01/29 00:12:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:12:17] [INFO] Progress: 1642/2260 [01/29 00:12:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/port-80-trojan-on-my-router.324274/ finished! [01/29 00:12:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Insight !!!!! [01/29 00:12:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:12:19] [INFO] Progress: 1643/2260 [01/29 00:12:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-insight.322771/ finished! [01/29 00:12:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help Removing Trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:12:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:12:23] [INFO] Progress: 1644/2260 [01/29 00:12:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-removing-trojan.322223/ finished! [01/29 00:12:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira or AVG !!!!! [01/29 00:12:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:12:27] [INFO] Progress: 1645/2260 [01/29 00:12:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-or-avg.322324/ finished! [01/29 00:12:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 disabled !!!!! [01/29 00:12:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:12:28] [INFO] Progress: 1646/2260 [01/29 00:12:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360-disabled.323734/ finished! [01/29 00:12:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AV performance test from AV-Comparatives !!!!! [01/29 00:12:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:12:30] [INFO] Progress: 1647/2260 [01/29 00:12:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/av-performance-test-from-av-comparatives.323700/ finished! [01/29 00:12:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Blue Screen and Restart On Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:12:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:12:33] [INFO] Progress: 1648/2260 [01/29 00:12:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/blue-screen-and-restart-on-vista.321327/ finished! [01/29 00:12:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Market for New Internet Security Suite. !!!!! [01/29 00:12:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:12:37] [INFO] Progress: 1649/2260 [01/29 00:12:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/market-for-new-internet-security-suite.321710/ finished! [01/29 00:12:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stardock has a backdoor or homing in with our browsing info hmm !!!!! [01/29 00:12:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:39] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/2599/stardockas4.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Stardock has a backdoor or homing in with our browsing info hmm/images/storyImages/stardockas4.png [01/29 00:12:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:12:42] [INFO] Progress: 1650/2260 [01/29 00:12:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stardock-has-a-backdoor-or-homing-in-with-our-browsing-info-hmm.321286/ finished! [01/29 00:12:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is it bad to have windows definder and Mcafee's firewall both turned on !!!!! [01/29 00:12:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:12:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:12:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:12:46] [INFO] Progress: 1651/2260 [01/29 00:12:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-it-bad-to-have-windows-definder-and-mcafees-firewall-both-turned-on.313657/ finished! [01/29 00:12:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Set Norton to automaticly delete tracking cookies during scan. !!!!! [01/29 00:12:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:12:48] [INFO] Progress: 1652/2260 [01/29 00:12:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/set-norton-to-automaticly-delete-tracking-cookies-during-scan.322583/ finished! [01/29 00:12:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky users new version available .506 !!!!! [01/29 00:12:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:12:49] [INFO] Progress: 1653/2260 [01/29 00:12:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-users-new-version-available-506.322698/ finished! [01/29 00:12:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sayonara Microsoft OneCare.... !!!!! [01/29 00:12:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:12:51] [INFO] Progress: 1654/2260 [01/29 00:12:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sayonara-microsoft-onecare.322143/ finished! [01/29 00:12:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Probably a dumb question about virtualization !!!!! [01/29 00:12:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:12:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:12:53] [INFO] Progress: 1655/2260 [01/29 00:12:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/probably-a-dumb-question-about-virtualization.322387/ finished! [01/29 00:12:53] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-got-nis-2009-and-wow.316575/ is 25500 ms [01/29 00:12:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just got NIS 2009 and wow!! !!!!! [01/29 00:12:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:12:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:12:58] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:13:00] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:13:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:13:00] [INFO] Progress: 1656/2260 [01/29 00:13:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-got-nis-2009-and-wow.316575/ finished! [01/29 00:13:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira to NIS09 !!!!! [01/29 00:13:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:13:02] [INFO] Progress: 1657/2260 [01/29 00:13:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-to-nis09.321910/ finished! [01/29 00:13:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trying to get rid of AVG8 to install Kaspersky !!!!! [01/29 00:13:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:13:04] [INFO] Progress: 1658/2260 [01/29 00:13:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trying-to-get-rid-of-avg8-to-install-kaspersky.282005/ finished! [01/29 00:13:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Help Removing Trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:13:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:13:06] [INFO] Progress: 1659/2260 [01/29 00:13:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-removing-trojan.322212/ finished! [01/29 00:13:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free 1 year subscription ZoneAlarm Pro on tuesday 18 november !!!!! [01/29 00:13:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:13:08] [INFO] Progress: 1660/2260 [01/29 00:13:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-1-year-subscription-zonealarm-pro-on-tuesday-18-november.321368/ finished! [01/29 00:13:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what is the lightest antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:13:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:13:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:13:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:13:12] [INFO] Progress: 1661/2260 [01/29 00:13:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-lightest-antivirus.315966/ finished! [01/29 00:13:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PrevX Edge- New real-time malware blocker !!!!! [01/29 00:13:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:13:13] [INFO] Progress: 1662/2260 [01/29 00:13:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/prevx-edge-new-real-time-malware-blocker.321718/ finished! [01/29 00:13:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Problem Removal !!! !!!!! [01/29 00:13:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:13:16] [INFO] Progress: 1663/2260 [01/29 00:13:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-problem-removal.321221/ finished! [01/29 00:13:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What should i use !!!!! [01/29 00:13:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:18] [INFO] Progress: 1664/2260 [01/29 00:13:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-should-i-use.321127/ finished! [01/29 00:13:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG warns Adobe Flash is a trojan..2nd major FP this week. !!!!! [01/29 00:13:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:13:20] [INFO] Progress: 1665/2260 [01/29 00:13:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-warns-adobe-flash-is-a-trojan-2nd-major-fp-this-week.321065/ finished! [01/29 00:13:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any idea why Kaspersky crashes !!!!! [01/29 00:13:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:13:22] [INFO] Progress: 1666/2260 [01/29 00:13:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-idea-why-kaspersky-crashes.320648/ finished! [01/29 00:13:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firewall for Vista 64 !!!!! [01/29 00:13:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:13:24] [INFO] Progress: 1667/2260 [01/29 00:13:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewall-for-vista-64.320584/ finished! [01/29 00:13:24] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-vs-avira-free-anti-virus.319053/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:13:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Free vs AVIRA free anti-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:13:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:13:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:13:30] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:13:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:13:30] [INFO] Progress: 1668/2260 [01/29 00:13:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-vs-avira-free-anti-virus.319053/ finished! [01/29 00:13:30] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-causing-slow-shutdown.236430/ is 27500 ms [01/29 00:13:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall causing slow shutdown !!!!! [01/29 00:13:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:13:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:13:35] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:13:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:13:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:13:37] [INFO] Progress: 1669/2260 [01/29 00:13:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-causing-slow-shutdown.236430/ finished! [01/29 00:13:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus unidentified by avira or avg !!!!! [01/29 00:13:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:13:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:13:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:13:40] [INFO] Progress: 1670/2260 [01/29 00:13:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-unidentified-by-avira-or-avg.319337/ finished! [01/29 00:13:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Eset Nod 32 !!!!! [01/29 00:13:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:13:44] [INFO] Progress: 1671/2260 [01/29 00:13:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-eset-nod-32.320328/ finished! [01/29 00:13:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware help please !!!!! [01/29 00:13:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:13:46] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/3438/spywarepe8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Spyware help please/images/storyImages/spywarepe8.jpg [01/29 00:13:46] [INFO] Progress: 1672/2260 [01/29 00:13:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-help-please.320338/ finished! [01/29 00:13:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading man avg just cant win new update detects and removes critical windows file read on !!!!! [01/29 00:13:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:13:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:13:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:13:52] [INFO] Progress: 1673/2260 [01/29 00:13:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/man-avg-just-cant-win-new-update-detects-and-removes-critical-windows-file-read-on.319692/ finished! [01/29 00:13:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Thinking about Spy sweeper but need suggestions !!!!! [01/29 00:13:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:13:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:13:54] [INFO] Progress: 1674/2260 [01/29 00:13:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/thinking-about-spy-sweeper-but-need-suggestions.319819/ finished! [01/29 00:13:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading COMODO Firewall Pro uninstalled Itself !!!!! [01/29 00:13:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:13:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:13:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:13:58] [INFO] Progress: 1675/2260 [01/29 00:13:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-pro-uninstalled-itself.315986/ finished! [01/29 00:13:58] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/installing-avg-8-free-on-your-vista-laptop-did-you-encounter-problems.244807/ is 25500 ms [01/29 00:13:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Installing AVG 8 Free on your Vista laptop Did you encounter problems !!!!! [01/29 00:13:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:14:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:14:03] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:14:04] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:14:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:14:04] [INFO] Progress: 1676/2260 [01/29 00:14:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/installing-avg-8-free-on-your-vista-laptop-did-you-encounter-problems.244807/ finished! [01/29 00:14:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avg update causes havoc for many users.. !!!!! [01/29 00:14:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:14:06] [INFO] Progress: 1677/2260 [01/29 00:14:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-update-causes-havoc-for-many-users.319111/ finished! [01/29 00:14:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus question !!!!! [01/29 00:14:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:08] [INFO] Progress: 1678/2260 [01/29 00:14:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-question.318731/ finished! [01/29 00:14:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo firewall opening on startup !!!!! [01/29 00:14:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:10] [INFO] Progress: 1679/2260 [01/29 00:14:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-opening-on-startup.317757/ finished! [01/29 00:14:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 BSODs !!!!! [01/29 00:14:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:14:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:14:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:14:13] [INFO] Progress: 1680/2260 [01/29 00:14:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-2009-bsods.316728/ finished! [01/29 00:14:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading COMODO Firewall compatible with Norton 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:14:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:15] [INFO] Progress: 1681/2260 [01/29 00:14:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-compatible-with-norton-2009.317546/ finished! [01/29 00:14:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Empty my virus vault !!!!! [01/29 00:14:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:17] [INFO] Progress: 1682/2260 [01/29 00:14:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/empty-my-virus-vault.317109/ finished! [01/29 00:14:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NIS 2009 - 3 month trial !!!!! [01/29 00:14:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:14:19] [INFO] Progress: 1683/2260 [01/29 00:14:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nis-2009-3-month-trial.317092/ finished! [01/29 00:14:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Paid vs Free AV !!!!! [01/29 00:14:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:14:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:14:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:14:23] [INFO] Progress: 1684/2260 [01/29 00:14:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/paid-vs-free-av.316049/ finished! [01/29 00:14:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitLocker Question !!!!! [01/29 00:14:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:14:25] [INFO] Progress: 1685/2260 [01/29 00:14:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitlocker-question.316799/ finished! [01/29 00:14:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free- Comodo Internet Security 3.5 !!!!! [01/29 00:14:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:14:27] [INFO] Progress: 1686/2260 [01/29 00:14:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-comodo-internet-security-3-5.315965/ finished! [01/29 00:14:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2009 vs Norton Antivirus 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:14:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:14:29] [INFO] Progress: 1687/2260 [01/29 00:14:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2009-vs-norton-antivirus-2009.316257/ finished! [01/29 00:14:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo firewall or ZoneAlarm firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:14:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:14:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:14:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:32] [INFO] Progress: 1688/2260 [01/29 00:14:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-or-zonealarm-firewall.314944/ finished! [01/29 00:14:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows security center !!!!! [01/29 00:14:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:14:34] [INFO] Progress: 1689/2260 [01/29 00:14:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-security-center.315710/ finished! [01/29 00:14:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Post your AV memory usage! !!!!! [01/29 00:14:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:14:36] [INFO] Progress: 1690/2260 [01/29 00:14:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/post-your-av-memory-usage.315591/ finished! [01/29 00:14:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best anti-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:14:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:14:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:14:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:14:41] [INFO] Progress: 1691/2260 [01/29 00:14:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus.314996/ finished! [01/29 00:14:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast 4.8 professional vs Nod32 professional vs BitDefender Total Security 2008 !!!!! [01/29 00:14:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:14:43] [INFO] Progress: 1692/2260 [01/29 00:14:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-4-8-professional-vs-nod32-professional-vs-bitdefender-total-security-2008.315562/ finished! [01/29 00:14:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anti-keylogging program !!!!! [01/29 00:14:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:14:44] [INFO] Progress: 1693/2260 [01/29 00:14:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-keylogging-program.315335/ finished! [01/29 00:14:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading cant see hidden folders !!!!! [01/29 00:14:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:14:46] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e216/aespinalc/reg.jpg [01/29 00:14:47] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e216/aespinalc/reg.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e216/aespinalc/reg.jpg [01/29 00:14:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:14:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:14:49] [INFO] Progress: 1694/2260 [01/29 00:14:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-see-hidden-folders.305529/ finished! [01/29 00:14:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help! Avira! -near tears- !!!!! [01/29 00:14:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:14:51] [INFO] Progress: 1695/2260 [01/29 00:14:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-avira-near-tears.315054/ finished! [01/29 00:14:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antiviri not updating !!!!! [01/29 00:14:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:14:53] [INFO] Progress: 1696/2260 [01/29 00:14:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antiviri-not-updating.314615/ finished! [01/29 00:14:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading svchost reboot virus helppppp me !!!!! [01/29 00:14:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:55] [INFO] Progress: 1697/2260 [01/29 00:14:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/svchost-reboot-virus-helppppp-me.314505/ finished! [01/29 00:14:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading VISTA AVG USERS - do u need a restart after every update !!!!! [01/29 00:14:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:14:57] [INFO] Progress: 1698/2260 [01/29 00:14:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-avg-users-do-u-need-a-restart-after-every-update.314768/ finished! [01/29 00:14:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security 3.5 released !!!!! [01/29 00:14:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:14:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:14:59] [INFO] Progress: 1699/2260 [01/29 00:14:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-3-5-released.314346/ finished! [01/29 00:14:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2009 vs. Bitdefender Total 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:15:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:01] [INFO] Progress: 1700/2260 [01/29 00:15:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2009-vs-bitdefender-total-2009.312107/ finished! [01/29 00:15:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod 32 - My Results !!!!! [01/29 00:15:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:15:03] [INFO] Progress: 1701/2260 [01/29 00:15:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod-32-my-results.314391/ finished! [01/29 00:15:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ESET Smart Security causes lockups on my machine. Uninstalled, $$$ gone. !!!!! [01/29 00:15:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:15:05] [INFO] Progress: 1702/2260 [01/29 00:15:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-smart-security-causes-lockups-on-my-machine-uninstalled-gone.312712/ finished! [01/29 00:15:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New MalwareBytes Version 1.29 !!!!! [01/29 00:15:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:07] [INFO] Progress: 1703/2260 [01/29 00:15:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-malwarebytes-version-1-29.311027/ finished! [01/29 00:15:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo firewall won't leave !!!!! [01/29 00:15:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:09] [INFO] Progress: 1704/2260 [01/29 00:15:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-wont-leave.313211/ finished! [01/29 00:15:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-norton-antivirus-2009-good.309312/ is 30500 ms [01/29 00:15:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Norton Antivirus 2009 good !!!!! [01/29 00:15:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:15:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:15:14] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:15:16] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:15:18] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:15:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:15:18] [INFO] Progress: 1705/2260 [01/29 00:15:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-norton-antivirus-2009-good.309312/ finished! [01/29 00:15:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unused DLL's !!!!! [01/29 00:15:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:15:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:15:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:15:21] [INFO] Progress: 1706/2260 [01/29 00:15:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unused-dlls.311374/ finished! [01/29 00:15:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Super anti-spyware issue !!!!! [01/29 00:15:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:15:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:15:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:15:25] [INFO] Progress: 1707/2260 [01/29 00:15:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/super-anti-spyware-issue.312301/ finished! [01/29 00:15:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton !!!!! [01/29 00:15:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:15:27] [INFO] Progress: 1708/2260 [01/29 00:15:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton.312693/ finished! [01/29 00:15:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Eset NOD32 Antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:15:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:15:29] [INFO] Progress: 1709/2260 [01/29 00:15:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32-antivirus.311048/ finished! [01/29 00:15:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-want-to-disable-uac-but.311697/ is 25500 ms [01/29 00:15:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I want to disable UAC...but !!!!! [01/29 00:15:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:15:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:15:35] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:15:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:15:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:15:36] [INFO] Progress: 1710/2260 [01/29 00:15:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-want-to-disable-uac-but.311697/ finished! [01/29 00:15:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Antivirus 2009, Vipre, NOD32 which one POLL !!!!! [01/29 00:15:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:15:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:15:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:15:40] [INFO] Progress: 1711/2260 [01/29 00:15:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-antivirus-2009-vipre-nod32-which-one-poll.309513/ finished! [01/29 00:15:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is M S firewall enough !!!!! [01/29 00:15:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:43] [INFO] Progress: 1712/2260 [01/29 00:15:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-m-s-firewall-enough.309647/ finished! [01/29 00:15:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Delete Hard Drive Reformat to out of box state !!!!! [01/29 00:15:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:15:45] [INFO] Progress: 1713/2260 [01/29 00:15:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/delete-hard-drive-reformat-to-out-of-box-state.310940/ finished! [01/29 00:15:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Synmantic Corporate Edition CPU usage 50-60% on avg !!!!! [01/29 00:15:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:15:47] [INFO] Progress: 1714/2260 [01/29 00:15:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/synmantic-corporate-edition-cpu-usage-50-60-on-avg.310877/ finished! [01/29 00:15:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Using avast atm and its a resource HOG! !!!!! [01/29 00:15:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:49] [INFO] Progress: 1715/2260 [01/29 00:15:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/using-avast-atm-and-its-a-resource-hog.311225/ finished! [01/29 00:15:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is there a way too... !!!!! [01/29 00:15:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:15:51] [INFO] Progress: 1716/2260 [01/29 00:15:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-there-a-way-too.311275/ finished! [01/29 00:15:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading USB Port Device Filter, Norton Antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:15:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:15:53] [INFO] Progress: 1717/2260 [01/29 00:15:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/usb-port-device-filter-norton-antivirus.309315/ finished! [01/29 00:15:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG & Trojans !!!!! [01/29 00:15:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:15:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:15:55] [INFO] Progress: 1718/2260 [01/29 00:15:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-trojans.311505/ finished! [01/29 00:15:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-antivirus-nod32-antivirus-bitdefender-antivirus-which-do-i-pick.309431/ is 20500 ms [01/29 00:15:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Antivirus, NOD32 Antivirus, BitDefender Antivirus which do I pick !!!!! [01/29 00:15:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:15:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:16:00] [WARNING] File not found for image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/20/ESET_NOD32_Antivirus.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Norton Antivirus, NOD32 Antivirus, BitDefender Antivirus which do I pick/images/storyImages/ESET_NOD32_Antivirus.png [01/29 00:16:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:16:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:16:01] [INFO] Progress: 1719/2260 [01/29 00:16:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-antivirus-nod32-antivirus-bitdefender-antivirus-which-do-i-pick.309431/ finished! [01/29 00:16:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What does enabling Threatsence.net do for you for NOD32 !!!!! [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] Progress: 1720/2260 [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-does-enabling-threatsence-net-do-for-you-for-nod32.311354/ finished! [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-the-best-antispyware-programs-money-does-not-matter.304273/ is 28500 ms [01/29 00:16:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are the best antispyware programs (money does not matter). !!!!! [01/29 00:16:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:16:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:16:09] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:16:10] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:16:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:16:10] [INFO] Progress: 1721/2260 [01/29 00:16:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-the-best-antispyware-programs-money-does-not-matter.304273/ finished! [01/29 00:16:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Wab64.dll - Trojan detected !!!!! [01/29 00:16:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:16:12] [INFO] Progress: 1722/2260 [01/29 00:16:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wab64-dll-trojan-detected.209970/ finished! [01/29 00:16:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-should-i-get.309056/ is 28000 ms [01/29 00:16:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What antivirus should I get. !!!!! [01/29 00:16:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:16:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:16:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:16:19] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:16:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:16:19] [INFO] Progress: 1723/2260 [01/29 00:16:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-should-i-get.309056/ finished! [01/29 00:16:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Secunia tests 12 Security suites !!!!! [01/29 00:16:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:16:21] [INFO] Progress: 1724/2260 [01/29 00:16:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/secunia-tests-12-security-suites.309628/ finished! [01/29 00:16:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading mscorsvw.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:16:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:23] [INFO] Progress: 1725/2260 [01/29 00:16:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mscorsvw-exe.309046/ finished! [01/29 00:16:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Finally Fast !!!!! [01/29 00:16:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:16:25] [INFO] Progress: 1726/2260 [01/29 00:16:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/finally-fast.284963/ finished! [01/29 00:16:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online Armor v.3 released. !!!!! [01/29 00:16:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:16:27] [INFO] Progress: 1727/2260 [01/29 00:16:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-armor-v-3-released.308181/ finished! [01/29 00:16:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Safe torrenting !!!!! [01/29 00:16:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:29] [INFO] Progress: 1728/2260 [01/29 00:16:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/safe-torrenting.305997/ finished! [01/29 00:16:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What exactly does this imply....AV-Related !!!!! [01/29 00:16:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:16:31] [INFO] Progress: 1729/2260 [01/29 00:16:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-exactly-does-this-imply-av-related.307086/ finished! [01/29 00:16:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading utorrent !!!!! [01/29 00:16:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:16:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:16:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:16:35] [INFO] Progress: 1730/2260 [01/29 00:16:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/utorrent.306866/ finished! [01/29 00:16:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is this possibly a virus What to do (Windows XP) !!!!! [01/29 00:16:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:16:37] [INFO] Progress: 1731/2260 [01/29 00:16:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-this-possibly-a-virus-what-to-do-windows-xp.307573/ finished! [01/29 00:16:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is my virus protection adequate !!!!! [01/29 00:16:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:16:39] [INFO] Progress: 1732/2260 [01/29 00:16:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-my-virus-protection-adequate.307180/ finished! [01/29 00:16:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Linksys wireless router firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:16:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:16:41] [INFO] Progress: 1733/2260 [01/29 00:16:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/linksys-wireless-router-firewall.307435/ finished! [01/29 00:16:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2008 Upgrade to 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:16:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:16:43] [INFO] Progress: 1734/2260 [01/29 00:16:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2008-upgrade-to-2009.306783/ finished! [01/29 00:16:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Safe Web for NIS 2009 !!!!! [01/29 00:16:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:16:44] [INFO] Progress: 1735/2260 [01/29 00:16:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-safe-web-for-nis-2009.307125/ finished! [01/29 00:16:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is sfqbydyx.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:16:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:16:46] [INFO] Progress: 1736/2260 [01/29 00:16:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-sfqbydyx-exe.306999/ finished! [01/29 00:16:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about constant intrusion. !!!!! [01/29 00:16:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:16:48] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/3387/virusby9.th.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Question about constant intrusion./images/storyImages/virusby9.th.png [01/29 00:16:49] [INFO] Progress: 1737/2260 [01/29 00:16:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-constant-intrusion.300643/ finished! [01/29 00:16:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what is Jolt2 attacker !!!!! [01/29 00:16:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:16:51] [WARNING] File not found for image https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6f/Where_The_Wild_Things_Are.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//what is Jolt2 attacker/images/storyImages/Where_The_Wild_Things_Are.jpg [01/29 00:16:51] [INFO] Progress: 1738/2260 [01/29 00:16:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-jolt2-attacker.305215/ finished! [01/29 00:16:51] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-all-of-my-programs-got-corrupted-by-a-virus.300903/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:16:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help! All of my programs got corrupted by a virus !!!!! [01/29 00:16:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:16:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:16:56] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:16:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:16:56] [INFO] Progress: 1739/2260 [01/29 00:16:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-all-of-my-programs-got-corrupted-by-a-virus.300903/ finished! [01/29 00:16:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading slow internet problems with spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:16:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:16:58] [INFO] Progress: 1740/2260 [01/29 00:16:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/slow-internet-problems-with-spyware.306271/ finished! [01/29 00:16:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG with database on networked drive !!!!! [01/29 00:16:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:16:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:16:59] [INFO] Progress: 1741/2260 [01/29 00:16:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-with-database-on-networked-drive.306055/ finished! [01/29 00:17:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Boot Scan Caused Black Screen !!!!! [01/29 00:17:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:17:01] [INFO] Progress: 1742/2260 [01/29 00:17:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-boot-scan-caused-black-screen.279443/ finished! [01/29 00:17:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire questions !!!!! [01/29 00:17:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:17:03] [INFO] Progress: 1743/2260 [01/29 00:17:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire-questions.305500/ finished! [01/29 00:17:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sophos Enterprise !!!!! [01/29 00:17:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:17:05] [INFO] Progress: 1744/2260 [01/29 00:17:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sophos-enterprise.305276/ finished! [01/29 00:17:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading antivirus xp 2008 virus need help !!!!! [01/29 00:17:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:17:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:17:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:17:09] [INFO] Progress: 1745/2260 [01/29 00:17:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-xp-2008-virus-need-help.283666/ finished! [01/29 00:17:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is the Spyware Doctor program that you buy good !!!!! [01/29 00:17:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:17:11] [INFO] Progress: 1746/2260 [01/29 00:17:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-the-spyware-doctor-program-that-you-buy-good.304226/ finished! [01/29 00:17:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Please help, AP Holding Explorer.exe has blocked my laptop !!!!! [01/29 00:17:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:17:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:17:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:17:14] [INFO] Progress: 1747/2260 [01/29 00:17:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help-ap-holding-explorer-exe-has-blocked-my-laptop.303848/ finished! [01/29 00:17:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading security setup !!!!! [01/29 00:17:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:17:16] [INFO] Progress: 1748/2260 [01/29 00:17:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-setup.304536/ finished! [01/29 00:17:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Experience with yoggie.com USB firewalls !!!!! [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] Progress: 1749/2260 [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/experience-with-yoggie-com-usb-firewalls.303988/ finished! [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hacked.303217/ is 30500 ms [01/29 00:17:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hacked !!!!! [01/29 00:17:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:17:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:17:23] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:17:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/4810/captureve7.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/captureve7.th.jpg [01/29 00:17:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img258.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/thpix.gif [01/29 00:17:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1149/capture2jo7.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/capture2jo7.th.jpg [01/29 00:17:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img508.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/thpix.gif [01/29 00:17:23] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/237/captureyb9.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/captureyb9.th.jpg [01/29 00:17:24] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img510.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Hacked/images/storyImages/thpix.gif [01/29 00:17:25] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:17:26] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:17:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:17:26] [INFO] Progress: 1750/2260 [01/29 00:17:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hacked.303217/ finished! [01/29 00:17:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Firewall Issues !!!!! [01/29 00:17:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:17:28] [INFO] Progress: 1751/2260 [01/29 00:17:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-firewall-issues.303605/ finished! [01/29 00:17:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BIOS Password !!!!! [01/29 00:17:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:17:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:17:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:17:32] [INFO] Progress: 1752/2260 [01/29 00:17:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bios-password.291187/ finished! [01/29 00:17:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Malware guide from Elitekiller.com !!!!! [01/29 00:17:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:17:34] [INFO] Progress: 1753/2260 [01/29 00:17:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/malware-guide-from-elitekiller-com.296279/ finished! [01/29 00:17:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best anti-virus internet security software !!!!! [01/29 00:17:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:17:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:17:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:17:38] [INFO] Progress: 1754/2260 [01/29 00:17:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-internet-security-software.297508/ finished! [01/29 00:17:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security Vs Eset Smart Security !!!!! [01/29 00:17:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:17:40] [INFO] Progress: 1755/2260 [01/29 00:17:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-vs-eset-smart-security.302289/ finished! [01/29 00:17:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 on NewEgg !!!!! [01/29 00:17:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:17:42] [INFO] Progress: 1756/2260 [01/29 00:17:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-on-newegg.302690/ finished! [01/29 00:17:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Curious about free internet security (Comodo, etc) !!!!! [01/29 00:17:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:17:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:17:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:17:46] [INFO] Progress: 1757/2260 [01/29 00:17:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/curious-about-free-internet-security-comodo-etc.301923/ finished! [01/29 00:17:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Golden Palace Casion Virus Malware. Help! !!!!! [01/29 00:17:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:17:48] [INFO] Progress: 1758/2260 [01/29 00:17:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/golden-palace-casion-virus-malware-help.302397/ finished! [01/29 00:17:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus SpamSig_GA026 - I need information !!!!! [01/29 00:17:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:17:49] [INFO] Progress: 1759/2260 [01/29 00:17:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-spamsig_ga026-i-need-information.302341/ finished! [01/29 00:17:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New version of Winpatrol is out !!!!! [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] Progress: 1760/2260 [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-winpatrol-is-out.302294/ finished! [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2008.293844/ is 29500 ms [01/29 00:17:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2008 !!!!! [01/29 00:17:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:17:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:17:56] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:17:58] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:17:58] [INFO] Progress: 1761/2260 [01/29 00:17:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2008.293844/ finished! [01/29 00:17:58] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-computer-what-should-i-use-to-secure-it.299641/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:17:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New computer! What should I use to secure it !!!!! [01/29 00:17:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:18:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:18:03] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:18:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:18:03] [INFO] Progress: 1762/2260 [01/29 00:18:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-computer-what-should-i-use-to-secure-it.299641/ finished! [01/29 00:18:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Return Of The King !!!!! [01/29 00:18:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:18:05] [INFO] Progress: 1763/2260 [01/29 00:18:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-return-of-the-king.302159/ finished! [01/29 00:18:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Facebook Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:18:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:09] [INFO] Progress: 1764/2260 [01/29 00:18:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/facebook-virus.298692/ finished! [01/29 00:18:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trying to uninstall Norton !!!!! [01/29 00:18:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:13] [INFO] Progress: 1765/2260 [01/29 00:18:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trying-to-uninstall-norton.301031/ finished! [01/29 00:18:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help with Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:18:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:18:15] [INFO] Progress: 1766/2260 [01/29 00:18:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-windows-firewall.300352/ finished! [01/29 00:18:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Sweeper vs Counterspy !!!!! [01/29 00:18:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:18:17] [INFO] Progress: 1767/2260 [01/29 00:18:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-sweeper-vs-counterspy.299484/ finished! [01/29 00:18:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Vista's Firewall & Defender, are they good !!!!! [01/29 00:18:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:20] [INFO] Progress: 1768/2260 [01/29 00:18:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-vistas-firewall-defender-are-they-good.299040/ finished! [01/29 00:18:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Anti-Virus Help !!!!! [01/29 00:18:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:18:24] [INFO] Progress: 1769/2260 [01/29 00:18:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-anti-virus-help.299503/ finished! [01/29 00:18:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which anti-virus software works best with Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:18:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:18:26] [INFO] Progress: 1770/2260 [01/29 00:18:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-software-works-best-with-vista.297116/ finished! [01/29 00:18:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Annoying Nod32 Pop-Ups! !!!!! [01/29 00:18:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:18:28] [INFO] Progress: 1771/2260 [01/29 00:18:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/annoying-nod32-pop-ups.299273/ finished! [01/29 00:18:28] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg-which-uses-less-resources.298208/ is 20500 ms [01/29 00:18:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast or AVG Which uses less resources !!!!! [01/29 00:18:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:18:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:18:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:18:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:18:34] [INFO] Progress: 1772/2260 [01/29 00:18:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg-which-uses-less-resources.298208/ finished! [01/29 00:18:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira messed up, help !!!!! [01/29 00:18:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:37] [INFO] Progress: 1773/2260 [01/29 00:18:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-messed-up-help.299213/ finished! [01/29 00:18:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky internet security VS kaspersky anti virus !!!!! [01/29 00:18:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:39] [INFO] Progress: 1774/2260 [01/29 00:18:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-vs-kaspersky-anti-virus.298820/ finished! [01/29 00:18:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Anti-Virus Software !!!!! [01/29 00:18:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:18:41] [INFO] Progress: 1775/2260 [01/29 00:18:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-software.298593/ finished! [01/29 00:18:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I've just been an idiot, help needed!!!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:18:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:18:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:18:46] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:18:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:18:46] [INFO] Progress: 1776/2260 [01/29 00:18:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ive-just-been-an-idiot-help-needed.298261/ finished! [01/29 00:18:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee or Avast !!!!! [01/29 00:18:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:18:48] [INFO] Progress: 1777/2260 [01/29 00:18:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-or-avast.298461/ finished! [01/29 00:18:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Internet Security Beta !!!!! [01/29 00:18:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:18:50] [INFO] Progress: 1778/2260 [01/29 00:18:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-internet-security-beta.298443/ finished! [01/29 00:18:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall pro, and Avast !!!!! [01/29 00:18:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:18:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:18:52] [INFO] Progress: 1779/2260 [01/29 00:18:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-pro-and-avast.297388/ finished! [01/29 00:18:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton internet security Error, during a scan !!!!! [01/29 00:18:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:18:56] [INFO] Progress: 1780/2260 [01/29 00:18:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-error-during-a-scan.293132/ finished! [01/29 00:18:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Infected file on Guru3d.com !!!!! [01/29 00:18:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:18:57] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/29 00:18:58] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/29 00:18:58] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/no_zpsjrke5qww.gif [01/29 00:18:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:18:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:18:59] [INFO] Progress: 1781/2260 [01/29 00:18:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/infected-file-on-guru3d-com.297697/ finished! [01/29 00:19:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading does anyone have Lavasoft software !!!!! [01/29 00:19:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:01] [INFO] Progress: 1782/2260 [01/29 00:19:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-anyone-have-lavasoft-software.297378/ finished! [01/29 00:19:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-or-kaspersky-anti-virus.135312/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:19:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod32 or Kaspersky Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:19:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:19:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:19:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:19:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:19:08] [INFO] Progress: 1783/2260 [01/29 00:19:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-or-kaspersky-anti-virus.135312/ finished! [01/29 00:19:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Not Updating ( No valid license file ) !!!!! [01/29 00:19:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:19:09] [INFO] Progress: 1784/2260 [01/29 00:19:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-not-updating-no-valid-license-file.296897/ finished! [01/29 00:19:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Eset Nod32 !!!!! [01/29 00:19:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:19:11] [INFO] Progress: 1785/2260 [01/29 00:19:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/eset-nod32.296587/ finished! [01/29 00:19:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help analyzing Hijackthis logfile !!!!! [01/29 00:19:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:19:13] [INFO] Progress: 1786/2260 [01/29 00:19:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-analyzing-hijackthis-logfile.295836/ finished! [01/29 00:19:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG not updating !!!!! [01/29 00:19:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:19:15] [INFO] Progress: 1787/2260 [01/29 00:19:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-not-updating.292960/ finished! [01/29 00:19:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Would Windows Live OneCare do the job as well as these- !!!!! [01/29 00:19:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:19:17] [INFO] Progress: 1788/2260 [01/29 00:19:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/would-windows-live-onecare-do-the-job-as-well-as-these.296501/ finished! [01/29 00:19:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista- Avira Avast + Windows Firewall + UAC = sufficient protection !!!!! [01/29 00:19:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:19:21] [INFO] Progress: 1789/2260 [01/29 00:19:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-avira-avast-windows-firewall-uac-sufficient-protection.295575/ finished! [01/29 00:19:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware! 4.21.1004 !!!!! [01/29 00:19:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:19:23] [INFO] Progress: 1790/2260 [01/29 00:19:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-21-1004.295696/ finished! [01/29 00:19:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ok i'm confused, please clarify !!!!! [01/29 00:19:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:19:25] [INFO] Progress: 1791/2260 [01/29 00:19:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ok-im-confused-please-clarify.295648/ finished! [01/29 00:19:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem with Kaspersky and mcafee Site advisor !!!!! [01/29 00:19:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:19:27] [INFO] Progress: 1792/2260 [01/29 00:19:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-kaspersky-and-mcafee-site-advisor.285344/ finished! [01/29 00:19:27] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-replace-windows-firewall.293158/ is 27000 ms [01/29 00:19:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I replace Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:19:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:19:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:19:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:19:33] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:19:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:19:33] [INFO] Progress: 1793/2260 [01/29 00:19:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-replace-windows-firewall.293158/ finished! [01/29 00:19:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG problems !!!!! [01/29 00:19:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:19:35] [INFO] Progress: 1794/2260 [01/29 00:19:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-problems.295339/ finished! [01/29 00:19:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Possible Virus.... !!!!! [01/29 00:19:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:19:39] [INFO] Progress: 1795/2260 [01/29 00:19:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/possible-virus.295509/ finished! [01/29 00:19:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New to PC, best anti-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:19:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:19:43] [INFO] Progress: 1796/2260 [01/29 00:19:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-to-pc-best-anti-virus.294694/ finished! [01/29 00:19:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading please help, my computer is messed up!! !!!!! [01/29 00:19:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:19:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:19:46] [INFO] Progress: 1797/2260 [01/29 00:19:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help-my-computer-is-messed-up.295068/ finished! [01/29 00:19:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading An antivirus that doesn't slow anything down !!!!! [01/29 00:19:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:49] [INFO] Progress: 1798/2260 [01/29 00:19:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/an-antivirus-that-doesnt-slow-anything-down.293995/ finished! [01/29 00:19:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading problem with Nod32 firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:19:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:52] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/2656/screen1nj8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//problem with Nod32 firewall/images/storyImages/screen1nj8.jpg [01/29 00:19:52] [WARNING] File not found for image http://lh4.ggpht.com/jiffry1017/SLqrxAeRR9I/AAAAAAAAAB8/WnMq5-YCnGY/Capture.JPG?imgmax=912; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//problem with Nod32 firewall/images/storyImages/image269 [01/29 00:19:52] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img370.imageshack.us/img370/9123/screen3qo3.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//problem with Nod32 firewall/images/storyImages/screen3qo3.jpg [01/29 00:19:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:19:54] [INFO] Progress: 1799/2260 [01/29 00:19:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-with-nod32-firewall.293318/ finished! [01/29 00:19:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which virus protection should I get !!!!! [01/29 00:19:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:19:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:19:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:19:58] [INFO] Progress: 1800/2260 [01/29 00:19:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-virus-protection-should-i-get.292498/ finished! [01/29 00:19:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet surfing help i think its sick !!!!! [01/29 00:19:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:00] [INFO] Progress: 1801/2260 [01/29 00:20:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-surfing-help-i-think-its-sick.294124/ finished! [01/29 00:20:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help, A Virus maybe !!!!! [01/29 00:20:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:20:04] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:20:04] [INFO] Progress: 1802/2260 [01/29 00:20:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-a-virus-maybe.294070/ finished! [01/29 00:20:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading please help! !!!!! [01/29 00:20:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:20:05] [INFO] Progress: 1803/2260 [01/29 00:20:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-help.294193/ finished! [01/29 00:20:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disable Windows Firewall before getting new firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:20:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:20:07] [INFO] Progress: 1804/2260 [01/29 00:20:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-windows-firewall-before-getting-new-firewall.293518/ finished! [01/29 00:20:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton doesn't detect adware, need alternatives for Norton! !!!!! [01/29 00:20:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:20:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:20:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:20:11] [INFO] Progress: 1805/2260 [01/29 00:20:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-doesnt-detect-adware-need-alternatives-for-norton.293390/ finished! [01/29 00:20:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A lot of anti-virus questions! !!!!! [01/29 00:20:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:20:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:20:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:20:14] [INFO] Progress: 1806/2260 [01/29 00:20:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-lot-of-anti-virus-questions.291687/ finished! [01/29 00:20:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG disappeared after Updating !!!!! [01/29 00:20:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:20:16] [INFO] Progress: 1807/2260 [01/29 00:20:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-disappeared-after-updating.292725/ finished! [01/29 00:20:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading phobia !!!!! [01/29 00:20:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:20:19] [INFO] Progress: 1808/2260 [01/29 00:20:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/phobia.289773/ finished! [01/29 00:20:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 alters right-click menu !!!!! [01/29 00:20:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:20:21] [INFO] Progress: 1809/2260 [01/29 00:20:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360-alters-right-click-menu.292328/ finished! [01/29 00:20:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Virus Scanner - Kaspersky AV, NOD32, or BitDefender !!!!! [01/29 00:20:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:20:23] [INFO] Progress: 1810/2260 [01/29 00:20:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-scanner-kaspersky-av-nod32-or-bitdefender.291627/ finished! [01/29 00:20:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Internet's Biggest Security Hole !!!!! [01/29 00:20:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:20:25] [INFO] Progress: 1811/2260 [01/29 00:20:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-internets-biggest-security-hole.292273/ finished! [01/29 00:20:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Browser test at pcflank !!!!! [01/29 00:20:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:20:27] [INFO] Progress: 1812/2260 [01/29 00:20:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/browser-test-at-pcflank.291977/ finished! [01/29 00:20:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Superantivirus free or Spyware Doctor starter addition !!!!! [01/29 00:20:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:20:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:20:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:20:31] [INFO] Progress: 1813/2260 [01/29 00:20:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantivirus-free-or-spyware-doctor-starter-addition.290716/ finished! [01/29 00:20:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware! 4.20.1046 !!!!! [01/29 00:20:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:20:33] [INFO] Progress: 1814/2260 [01/29 00:20:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-20-1046.291304/ finished! [01/29 00:20:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite !!!!! [01/29 00:20:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:20:35] [INFO] Progress: 1815/2260 [01/29 00:20:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zone-alarm-internet-security-suite.291727/ finished! [01/29 00:20:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Protection from DNS attacks o_O !!!!! [01/29 00:20:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:20:37] [INFO] Progress: 1816/2260 [01/29 00:20:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/protection-from-dns-attacks-o_o.291737/ finished! [01/29 00:20:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My computer is talking to me. o__o !!!!! [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] Progress: 1817/2260 [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-computer-is-talking-to-me-o__o.291714/ finished! [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-antivirus-avira-really-better-than-avast-i-dont-think-so.251187/ is 30500 ms [01/29 00:20:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Antivirus- Avira really better than Avast I don't think so !!!!! [01/29 00:20:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:20:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:20:44] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:20:45] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y100/mc04/email.png [01/29 00:20:45] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y100/mc04/email.png [01/29 00:20:45] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/4588/capturebg1.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Free Antivirus- Avira really better than Avast I don't think so/images/storyImages/capturebg1.th.jpg [01/29 00:20:46] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:20:48] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:20:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:20:48] [INFO] Progress: 1818/2260 [01/29 00:20:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-antivirus-avira-really-better-than-avast-i-dont-think-so.251187/ finished! [01/29 00:20:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Symantec AV or AVG Free 8 !!!!! [01/29 00:20:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:20:50] [INFO] Progress: 1819/2260 [01/29 00:20:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-av-or-avg-free-8.291357/ finished! [01/29 00:20:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anatomy of a malware scam by Jesper M. Johansson !!!!! [01/29 00:20:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:20:52] [INFO] Progress: 1820/2260 [01/29 00:20:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anatomy-of-a-malware-scam-by-jesper-m-johansson.290562/ finished! [01/29 00:20:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 2009 beta......Should I !!!!! [01/29 00:20:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:20:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:20:55] [INFO] Progress: 1821/2260 [01/29 00:20:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-2009-beta-should-i.290251/ finished! [01/29 00:20:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-or-eset-nod32.289153/ is 26000 ms [01/29 00:20:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVIRA AntiVir or Eset NOD32 !!!!! [01/29 00:20:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:20:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:21:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:21:02] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:21:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:21:02] [INFO] Progress: 1822/2260 [01/29 00:21:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-or-eset-nod32.289153/ finished! [01/29 00:21:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo not passing PC flank test... !!!!! [01/29 00:21:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:21:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:21:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:21:06] [INFO] Progress: 1823/2260 [01/29 00:21:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-not-passing-pc-flank-test.290115/ finished! [01/29 00:21:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo firewall pro vs vista built in firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:21:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:21:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:21:08] [INFO] Progress: 1824/2260 [01/29 00:21:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-pro-vs-vista-built-in-firewall.290272/ finished! [01/29 00:21:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Purchased new laptop w Norton 360, should I stick with it !!!!! [01/29 00:21:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:21:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:21:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:21:12] [INFO] Progress: 1825/2260 [01/29 00:21:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/purchased-new-laptop-w-norton-360-should-i-stick-with-it.285741/ finished! [01/29 00:21:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/facebook-virus.286541/ is 32500 ms [01/29 00:21:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Facebook Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:21:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:21:15] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:21:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:21:18] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:21:19] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/6285/51505786hl0.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Facebook Virus/images/storyImages/51505786hl0.th.jpg [01/29 00:21:20] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:21:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:21:21] [INFO] Progress: 1826/2260 [01/29 00:21:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/facebook-virus.286541/ finished! [01/29 00:21:21] [WARNING] Thread 'Lojack for Laptops Question' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/29 00:21:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about Antivir !!!!! [01/29 00:21:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:21:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:21:23] [INFO] Progress: 1827/2260 [01/29 00:21:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-antivir.289479/ finished! [01/29 00:21:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best AV, w longest license !!!!! [01/29 00:21:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:21:27] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:21:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:21:28] [INFO] Progress: 1828/2260 [01/29 00:21:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-av-w-longest-license.287359/ finished! [01/29 00:21:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Superantispyware !!!!! [01/29 00:21:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:21:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:21:30] [INFO] Progress: 1829/2260 [01/29 00:21:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware.284808/ finished! [01/29 00:21:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading zonealarm ss vs KIS, vs Eset SS !!!!! [01/29 00:21:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:21:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:21:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:21:35] [INFO] Progress: 1830/2260 [01/29 00:21:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-ss-vs-kis-vs-eset-ss.286030/ finished! [01/29 00:21:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I changed from AVG to Avast...good move I think.. !!!!! [01/29 00:21:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:21:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:21:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:21:39] [INFO] Progress: 1831/2260 [01/29 00:21:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-changed-from-avg-to-avast-good-move-i-think.284001/ finished! [01/29 00:21:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Free 8 scanning !!!!! [01/29 00:21:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:21:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:21:42] [INFO] Progress: 1832/2260 [01/29 00:21:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-8-scanning.288156/ finished! [01/29 00:21:42] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-kaspersky-anti-virus-for-1-year.213628/ is 23500 ms [01/29 00:21:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Kaspersky Anti-Virus for 1 Year !!!!! [01/29 00:21:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:21:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] Progress: 1833/2260 [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-kaspersky-anti-virus-for-1-year.213628/ finished! [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-nortons-really-that-bad.285577/ is 33000 ms [01/29 00:21:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Norton's Really That Bad !!!!! [01/29 00:21:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:21:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:21:52] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:21:54] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:21:56] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:21:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:21:56] [INFO] Progress: 1834/2260 [01/29 00:21:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-nortons-really-that-bad.285577/ finished! [01/29 00:21:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disable Avira AntiVir's Advertisement Popup !!!!! [01/29 00:21:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:21:58] [INFO] Progress: 1835/2260 [01/29 00:21:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-avira-antivirs-advertisement-popup.281176/ finished! [01/29 00:21:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod32 Ver 3.0 - better or worse that 2.0 !!!!! [01/29 00:22:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:22:00] [INFO] Progress: 1836/2260 [01/29 00:22:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-ver-3-0-better-or-worse-that-2-0.286323/ finished! [01/29 00:22:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Coolweb spreading to other computers !!!!! [01/29 00:22:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:22:02] [INFO] Progress: 1837/2260 [01/29 00:22:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/coolweb-spreading-to-other-computers.284909/ finished! [01/29 00:22:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what do i do now !!!!! [01/29 00:22:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:22:04] [INFO] Progress: 1838/2260 [01/29 00:22:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-do-i-do-now.285775/ finished! [01/29 00:22:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ZoneAlarm ForceField - Free today only !!!!! [01/29 00:22:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:06] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/chatterbox_zpsjj6kn1tn.gif [01/29 00:22:07] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/eek2_zpsjhyvspx8.gif [01/29 00:22:07] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/realmad_zpsaeyhavdm.gif [01/29 00:22:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:22:08] [INFO] Progress: 1839/2260 [01/29 00:22:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/zonealarm-forcefield-free-today-only.285056/ finished! [01/29 00:22:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading This sounds good!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:22:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:22:11] [INFO] Progress: 1840/2260 [01/29 00:22:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/this-sounds-good.285030/ finished! [01/29 00:22:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are most Spyware programs worthless !!!!! [01/29 00:22:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:22:15] [INFO] Progress: 1841/2260 [01/29 00:22:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-most-spyware-programs-worthless.284159/ finished! [01/29 00:22:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problems with Windows Live OneCare !!!!! [01/29 00:22:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:22:18] [INFO] Progress: 1842/2260 [01/29 00:22:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problems-with-windows-live-onecare.250247/ finished! [01/29 00:22:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Additional 10% off ESET NOD32!! !!!!! [01/29 00:22:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:22:20] [INFO] Progress: 1843/2260 [01/29 00:22:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/additional-10-off-eset-nod32.283377/ finished! [01/29 00:22:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Google results redirect to spam !!!!! [01/29 00:22:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:22:22] [INFO] Progress: 1844/2260 [01/29 00:22:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/google-results-redirect-to-spam.284685/ finished! [01/29 00:22:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I need some help. !!!!! [01/29 00:22:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:22:24] [INFO] Progress: 1845/2260 [01/29 00:22:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-some-help.283998/ finished! [01/29 00:22:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need help with McAfee Anti-Virus and updating through a proxy server. !!!!! [01/29 00:22:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:22:26] [INFO] Progress: 1846/2260 [01/29 00:22:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-help-with-mcafee-anti-virus-and-updating-through-a-proxy-server.284039/ finished! [01/29 00:22:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Paid Version of A-Squared FREE! Today ONLY !!!!! [01/29 00:22:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:22:28] [INFO] Progress: 1847/2260 [01/29 00:22:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/paid-version-of-a-squared-free-today-only.280724/ finished! [01/29 00:22:28] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-stick-with-nod32.282470/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:22:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I stick with Nod32 !!!!! [01/29 00:22:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:22:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:22:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:22:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:22:34] [INFO] Progress: 1848/2260 [01/29 00:22:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-stick-with-nod32.282470/ finished! [01/29 00:22:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Least amount of cpu memory use !!!!! [01/29 00:22:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:22:37] [INFO] Progress: 1849/2260 [01/29 00:22:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/least-amount-of-cpu-memory-use.282216/ finished! [01/29 00:22:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online Armor 3 Beta Released for XP and Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:22:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:22:40] [INFO] Progress: 1850/2260 [01/29 00:22:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-armor-3-beta-released-for-xp-and-vista.282869/ finished! [01/29 00:22:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire - Anygood !!!!! [01/29 00:22:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:22:43] [INFO] Progress: 1851/2260 [01/29 00:22:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire-anygood.281728/ finished! [01/29 00:22:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A V for a Windows System Running Apache HTTP Server !!!!! [01/29 00:22:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:22:45] [INFO] Progress: 1852/2260 [01/29 00:22:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-v-for-a-windows-system-running-apache-http-server.282336/ finished! [01/29 00:22:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading why does adaware 2007 sometimes require a reboot to clean after scans !!!!! [01/29 00:22:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:22:47] [INFO] Progress: 1853/2260 [01/29 00:22:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-does-adaware-2007-sometimes-require-a-reboot-to-clean-after-scans.282557/ finished! [01/29 00:22:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Rise of the legit malware sites !!!!! [01/29 00:22:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:22:49] [INFO] Progress: 1854/2260 [01/29 00:22:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/rise-of-the-legit-malware-sites.281908/ finished! [01/29 00:22:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-virus wouldn't download&install..why !!!!! [01/29 00:22:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:22:51] [INFO] Progress: 1855/2260 [01/29 00:22:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-wouldnt-download-install-why.281751/ finished! [01/29 00:22:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading [WTS] Cheap Kaspersky Products !!!!! [01/29 00:22:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:22:53] [INFO] Progress: 1856/2260 [01/29 00:22:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wts-cheap-kaspersky-products.281281/ finished! [01/29 00:22:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading unhack me !!!!! [01/29 00:22:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:22:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:22:54] [INFO] Progress: 1857/2260 [01/29 00:22:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unhack-me.281383/ finished! [01/29 00:22:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot resident teatimer - do I need it I did search around !!!!! [01/29 00:22:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:22:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:22:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:22:58] [INFO] Progress: 1858/2260 [01/29 00:22:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-resident-teatimer-do-i-need-it-i-did-search-around.280984/ finished! [01/29 00:22:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BEST (NONFREEWARE) Antivirus program !!!!! [01/29 00:23:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:23:02] [INFO] Progress: 1859/2260 [01/29 00:23:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-nonfreeware-antivirus-program.280868/ finished! [01/29 00:23:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question about using two antivirus softwares. !!!!! [01/29 00:23:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:23:04] [INFO] Progress: 1860/2260 [01/29 00:23:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-using-two-antivirus-softwares.281013/ finished! [01/29 00:23:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free anti-virus and anti-spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:23:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:23:06] [INFO] Progress: 1861/2260 [01/29 00:23:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-anti-virus-and-anti-spyware.281003/ finished! [01/29 00:23:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Combo !!!!! [01/29 00:23:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:09] [INFO] Progress: 1862/2260 [01/29 00:23:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-combo.278809/ finished! [01/29 00:23:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Deadly combo- What Combo of FREEWARE protection software is unstoppable !!!!! [01/29 00:23:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:23:13] [INFO] Progress: 1863/2260 [01/29 00:23:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/deadly-combo-what-combo-of-freeware-protection-software-is-unstoppable.276031/ finished! [01/29 00:23:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is Kaspersky Version 8 !!!!! [01/29 00:23:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:23:14] [INFO] Progress: 1864/2260 [01/29 00:23:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-kaspersky-version-8.280881/ finished! [01/29 00:23:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-good-is-symantec-antivirus.279765/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:23:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How good is Symantec AntiVirus !!!!! [01/29 00:23:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:23:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:23:20] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:23:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:23:20] [INFO] Progress: 1865/2260 [01/29 00:23:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-good-is-symantec-antivirus.279765/ finished! [01/29 00:23:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee vs. Norton !!!!! [01/29 00:23:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:25] [INFO] Progress: 1866/2260 [01/29 00:23:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-vs-norton.279408/ finished! [01/29 00:23:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How did you get infected !!!!! [01/29 00:23:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:23:27] [INFO] Progress: 1867/2260 [01/29 00:23:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-did-you-get-infected.280082/ finished! [01/29 00:23:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 360 or Sophos Antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:23:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:23:29] [INFO] Progress: 1868/2260 [01/29 00:23:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-360-or-sophos-antivirus.278690/ finished! [01/29 00:23:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AntiVir loud BEEP! chirp noise when virus detected.. !!!!! [01/29 00:23:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:23:32] [INFO] Progress: 1869/2260 [01/29 00:23:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivir-loud-beep-chirp-noise-when-virus-detected.275937/ finished! [01/29 00:23:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best method to secure Windows XP !!!!! [01/29 00:23:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:35] [INFO] Progress: 1870/2260 [01/29 00:23:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-method-to-secure-windows-xp.274779/ finished! [01/29 00:23:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best anti virus and spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:23:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:23:38] [INFO] Progress: 1871/2260 [01/29 00:23:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-and-spyware.267946/ finished! [01/29 00:23:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading clip popping out now and then !!!!! [01/29 00:23:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:40] [INFO] Progress: 1872/2260 [01/29 00:23:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clip-popping-out-now-and-then.278465/ finished! [01/29 00:23:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading FiestaBar !!!!! [01/29 00:23:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:23:42] [INFO] Progress: 1873/2260 [01/29 00:23:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fiestabar.278160/ finished! [01/29 00:23:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New free AntiVirus; Chinese Rising AV 20.44 !!!!! [01/29 00:23:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:23:47] [INFO] Progress: 1874/2260 [01/29 00:23:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-free-antivirus-chinese-rising-av-20-44.270189/ finished! [01/29 00:23:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BOClean on dual boot, XP Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:23:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:23:49] [INFO] Progress: 1875/2260 [01/29 00:23:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/boclean-on-dual-boot-xp-vista.276951/ finished! [01/29 00:23:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disk encryption not safe enough !!!!! [01/29 00:23:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:23:51] [INFO] Progress: 1876/2260 [01/29 00:23:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disk-encryption-not-safe-enough.225221/ finished! [01/29 00:23:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I get rid of this specific Trojan Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:23:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:23:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:23:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:23:54] [INFO] Progress: 1877/2260 [01/29 00:23:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-get-rid-of-this-specific-trojan-virus.275962/ finished! [01/29 00:23:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security !!!!! [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] Progress: 1878/2260 [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security.276394/ finished! [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender.233360/ is 24000 ms [01/29 00:23:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Bitdefender !!!!! [01/29 00:23:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:24:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:24:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:24:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:24:01] [INFO] Progress: 1879/2260 [01/29 00:24:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender.233360/ finished! [01/29 00:24:01] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-have-antivirus-or-spyware-protection.269317/ is 28000 ms [01/29 00:24:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you have antivirus or spyware protection !!!!! [01/29 00:24:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:24:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:24:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:24:09] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:24:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:24:09] [INFO] Progress: 1880/2260 [01/29 00:24:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-have-antivirus-or-spyware-protection.269317/ finished! [01/29 00:24:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what antivirus system is the best !!!!! [01/29 00:24:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:24:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:24:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:24:13] [INFO] Progress: 1881/2260 [01/29 00:24:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-antivirus-system-is-the-best.275310/ finished! [01/29 00:24:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading help clean computer !!!!! [01/29 00:24:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:24:15] [INFO] Progress: 1882/2260 [01/29 00:24:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-clean-computer.275413/ finished! [01/29 00:24:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading FREE A2 Anti-Malware Version 3.5 with 1YR License !!!!! [01/29 00:24:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:24:17] [INFO] Progress: 1883/2260 [01/29 00:24:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-a2-anti-malware-version-3-5-with-1yr-license.275040/ finished! [01/29 00:24:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus What level of infection possible !!!!! [01/29 00:24:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:19] [INFO] Progress: 1884/2260 [01/29 00:24:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-what-level-of-infection-possible.274179/ finished! [01/29 00:24:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I Need Help!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:24:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:24:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:24:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:24:22] [INFO] Progress: 1885/2260 [01/29 00:24:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-help.274905/ finished! [01/29 00:24:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best security and anti-virus software !!!!! [01/29 00:24:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:24:24] [INFO] Progress: 1886/2260 [01/29 00:24:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-security-and-anti-virus-software.275192/ finished! [01/29 00:24:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help Required..URGENT!! !!!!! [01/29 00:24:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:24:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:24:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:24:30] [INFO] Progress: 1887/2260 [01/29 00:24:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-required-urgent.274719/ finished! [01/29 00:24:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anyone know what avgsrx.exe is !!!!! [01/29 00:24:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:24:31] [INFO] Progress: 1888/2260 [01/29 00:24:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-know-what-avgsrx-exe-is.274318/ finished! [01/29 00:24:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan horse Downloader.Generic7.xtx !!!!! [01/29 00:24:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:24:33] [INFO] Progress: 1889/2260 [01/29 00:24:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-horse-downloader-generic7-xtx.273771/ finished! [01/29 00:24:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Weird setup.exe file showing up in every folder !!!!! [01/29 00:24:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:24:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:24:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:24:37] [INFO] Progress: 1890/2260 [01/29 00:24:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/weird-setup-exe-file-showing-up-in-every-folder.273081/ finished! [01/29 00:24:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Am I fully protected !!!!! [01/29 00:24:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:24:39] [INFO] Progress: 1891/2260 [01/29 00:24:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/am-i-fully-protected.273308/ finished! [01/29 00:24:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Protection- Deterrent Retrieval Scratch etc !!!!! [01/29 00:24:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:24:41] [INFO] Progress: 1892/2260 [01/29 00:24:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/protection-deterrent-retrieval-scratch-etc.271324/ finished! [01/29 00:24:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security legitimacy of Sandboxie !!!!! [01/29 00:24:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:24:43] [INFO] Progress: 1893/2260 [01/29 00:24:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-legitimacy-of-sandboxie.269054/ finished! [01/29 00:24:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Fake Homer Simpson email spreading malware !!!!! [01/29 00:24:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:24:45] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/2707/homerbp8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Fake Homer Simpson email spreading malware/images/storyImages/homerbp8.jpg [01/29 00:24:45] [INFO] Progress: 1894/2260 [01/29 00:24:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fake-homer-simpson-email-spreading-malware.272853/ finished! [01/29 00:24:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan help, anyone !!!!! [01/29 00:24:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:24:47] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/7203/42881951fu9.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Trojan help, anyone/images/storyImages/42881951fu9.jpg [01/29 00:24:47] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/491/s2zs5.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Trojan help, anyone/images/storyImages/s2zs5.jpg [01/29 00:24:47] [INFO] Progress: 1895/2260 [01/29 00:24:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan-help-anyone.272761/ finished! [01/29 00:24:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading UniBlue & AVG together !!!!! [01/29 00:24:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:24:50] [INFO] Progress: 1896/2260 [01/29 00:24:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uniblue-avg-together.262868/ finished! [01/29 00:24:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security v7-8 vs Eset SS RESOURCE USAGE !!!!! [01/29 00:24:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:24:52] [INFO] Progress: 1897/2260 [01/29 00:24:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-v7-8-vs-eset-ss-resource-usage.272325/ finished! [01/29 00:24:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira and Threatfire !!!!! [01/29 00:24:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:24:54] [INFO] Progress: 1898/2260 [01/29 00:24:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-and-threatfire.271945/ finished! [01/29 00:24:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is ww.orb.com safe !!!!! [01/29 00:24:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:24:55] [INFO] Progress: 1899/2260 [01/29 00:24:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-ww-orb-com-safe.271924/ finished! [01/29 00:24:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading anti virus , how vulnerable !!!!! [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] Progress: 1900/2260 [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-how-vulnerable.271757/ finished! [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-vs-avast.210756/ is 40500 ms [01/29 00:24:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira vs. Avast !!!!! [01/29 00:24:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 7 [01/29 00:25:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 7 [01/29 00:25:02] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 7 [01/29 00:25:03] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 7 [01/29 00:25:05] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 7 [01/29 00:25:06] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 7 [01/29 00:25:08] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 7 [01/29 00:25:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:25:08] [INFO] Progress: 1901/2260 [01/29 00:25:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-vs-avast.210756/ finished! [01/29 00:25:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Mother in Law Antivirus, Firewall, Anti Spyware Recomendations !!!!! [01/29 00:25:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:25:10] [INFO] Progress: 1902/2260 [01/29 00:25:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mother-in-law-antivirus-firewall-anti-spyware-recomendations.271220/ finished! [01/29 00:25:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question... !!!!! [01/29 00:25:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:25:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:25:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:25:14] [INFO] Progress: 1903/2260 [01/29 00:25:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question.270968/ finished! [01/29 00:25:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersy Labs !!!!! [01/29 00:25:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:25:16] [INFO] Progress: 1904/2260 [01/29 00:25:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersy-labs.270212/ finished! [01/29 00:25:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Google searches being redirected.. !!!!! [01/29 00:25:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:25:18] [INFO] Progress: 1905/2260 [01/29 00:25:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/google-searches-being-redirected.268890/ finished! [01/29 00:25:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why do I have no Malware protection now !!!!! [01/29 00:25:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:25:20] [INFO] Progress: 1906/2260 [01/29 00:25:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-do-i-have-no-malware-protection-now.268546/ finished! [01/29 00:25:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New version of AVG released, annoying issues fixed. !!!!! [01/29 00:25:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:25:22] [INFO] Progress: 1907/2260 [01/29 00:25:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-avg-released-annoying-issues-fixed.268618/ finished! [01/29 00:25:22] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/favorite-anti-virus.267069/ is 23000 ms [01/29 00:25:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Favorite Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:25:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:25:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:25:28] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:25:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:25:28] [INFO] Progress: 1908/2260 [01/29 00:25:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/favorite-anti-virus.267069/ finished! [01/29 00:25:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Keep using avast or pay for better !!!!! [01/29 00:25:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:25:31] [INFO] Progress: 1909/2260 [01/29 00:25:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keep-using-avast-or-pay-for-better.267729/ finished! [01/29 00:25:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista Firewall Opportunity! !!!!! [01/29 00:25:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:25:32] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a91/Jakpro/Firewall.jpg [01/29 00:25:33] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/a91/Jakpro/Firewall.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/a91/Jakpro/Firewall.jpg [01/29 00:25:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:25:35] [INFO] Progress: 1910/2260 [01/29 00:25:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-firewall-opportunity.266571/ finished! [01/29 00:25:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot SD registry change notices !!!!! [01/29 00:25:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:25:37] [INFO] Progress: 1911/2260 [01/29 00:25:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-sd-registry-change-notices.266480/ finished! [01/29 00:25:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I Have Too much Security software !!!!! [01/29 00:25:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:25:40] [INFO] Progress: 1912/2260 [01/29 00:25:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-have-too-much-security-software.267040/ finished! [01/29 00:25:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best anti-virus to install on the M15x !!!!! [01/29 00:25:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:25:42] [INFO] Progress: 1913/2260 [01/29 00:25:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-to-install-on-the-m15x.266438/ finished! [01/29 00:25:42] [WARNING] Thread 'Windows XP Home won't shutdown or restart' has no preview, is suspected to be a broken thread [01/29 00:25:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Accidently blocked an app. in Comodo firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:25:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:25:44] [INFO] Progress: 1914/2260 [01/29 00:25:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/accidently-blocked-an-app-in-comodo-firewall.266888/ finished! [01/29 00:25:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Custom installing of Avira !!!!! [01/29 00:25:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:25:45] [INFO] Progress: 1915/2260 [01/29 00:25:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/custom-installing-of-avira.266869/ finished! [01/29 00:25:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unwanted pop-ups.. !!!!! [01/29 00:25:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:47] [INFO] Progress: 1916/2260 [01/29 00:25:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unwanted-pop-ups.266034/ finished! [01/29 00:25:47] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod-32-or-avira.263717/ is 24500 ms [01/29 00:25:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nod 32 or avira !!!!! [01/29 00:25:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:25:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:25:52] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:25:53] [INFO] Progress: 1917/2260 [01/29 00:25:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod-32-or-avira.263717/ finished! [01/29 00:25:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ASUS Direct Console, AVG and trojans .. !!!!! [01/29 00:25:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:25:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:25:55] [INFO] Progress: 1918/2260 [01/29 00:25:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/asus-direct-console-avg-and-trojans.265657/ finished! [01/29 00:25:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire... any opinons Good Bad !!!!! [01/29 00:25:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:25:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:25:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:25:59] [INFO] Progress: 1919/2260 [01/29 00:25:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire-any-opinons-good-bad.263210/ finished! [01/29 00:25:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot SD and Ad-Aware !!!!! [01/29 00:26:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:26:03] [INFO] Progress: 1920/2260 [01/29 00:26:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-sd-and-ad-aware.261479/ finished! [01/29 00:26:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo and AVG together.. !!!!! [01/29 00:26:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:26:05] [INFO] Progress: 1921/2260 [01/29 00:26:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-and-avg-together.265737/ finished! [01/29 00:26:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus questions. !!!!! [01/29 00:26:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:26:08] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/3.gif [01/29 00:26:08] [INFO] Progress: 1922/2260 [01/29 00:26:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-questions.261797/ finished! [01/29 00:26:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading sscviihost.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:26:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] Progress: 1923/2260 [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sscviihost-exe.265203/ finished! [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switch-to-mcafee-from-aol-avira-or-stay-with-avg.259005/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:26:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Switch to McAfee from AOL, Avira, or stay with AVG !!!!! [01/29 00:26:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:26:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:26:17] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:26:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:26:17] [INFO] Progress: 1924/2260 [01/29 00:26:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switch-to-mcafee-from-aol-avira-or-stay-with-avg.259005/ finished! [01/29 00:26:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading My external HD may have a virus- How can I scan it safely !!!!! [01/29 00:26:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:26:19] [INFO] Progress: 1925/2260 [01/29 00:26:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/my-external-hd-may-have-a-virus-how-can-i-scan-it-safely.264685/ finished! [01/29 00:26:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall help !!!!! [01/29 00:26:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:26:21] [INFO] Progress: 1926/2260 [01/29 00:26:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-help.262630/ finished! [01/29 00:26:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Random beeping from Avira, Comodo, or Spyware Doctor !!!!! [01/29 00:26:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:26:23] [INFO] Progress: 1927/2260 [01/29 00:26:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/random-beeping-from-avira-comodo-or-spyware-doctor.264310/ finished! [01/29 00:26:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help needed please, I think I was just hacked !!!!! [01/29 00:26:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:26:25] [INFO] Progress: 1928/2260 [01/29 00:26:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-needed-please-i-think-i-was-just-hacked.263865/ finished! [01/29 00:26:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 Question !!!!! [01/29 00:26:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:26:27] [INFO] Progress: 1929/2260 [01/29 00:26:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-question.263977/ finished! [01/29 00:26:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading amvo.exe application error! !!!!! [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] Progress: 1930/2260 [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/amvo-exe-application-error.263197/ finished! [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-teh-best-anti-spyware-program.261651/ is 29500 ms [01/29 00:26:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is teh best anti-Spyware program !!!!! [01/29 00:26:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:26:31] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/29 00:26:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:26:32] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/29 00:26:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:26:34] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3645/windowsdefendergo4.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What is teh best anti-Spyware program/images/storyImages/windowsdefendergo4.th.jpg [01/29 00:26:34] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/970/saslb3.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//What is teh best anti-Spyware program/images/storyImages/saslb3.th.jpg [01/29 00:26:36] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:26:36] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j122/akajohndoe/PC/WSC.jpg [01/29 00:26:37] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/j122/akajohndoe/PC/WSC.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/j122/akajohndoe/PC/WSC.jpg [01/29 00:26:37] [INFO] Progress: 1931/2260 [01/29 00:26:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-teh-best-anti-spyware-program.261651/ finished! [01/29 00:26:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Vista Anti-Virus Help! !!!!! [01/29 00:26:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:41] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:26:41] [INFO] Progress: 1932/2260 [01/29 00:26:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/vista-anti-virus-help.262398/ finished! [01/29 00:26:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SpywareBlaster 4.1 out !!!!! [01/29 00:26:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:26:43] [INFO] Progress: 1933/2260 [01/29 00:26:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spywareblaster-4-1-out.260022/ finished! [01/29 00:26:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Would you guys check my security set-up !!!!! [01/29 00:26:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:26:47] [INFO] Progress: 1934/2260 [01/29 00:26:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/would-you-guys-check-my-security-set-up.261329/ finished! [01/29 00:26:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Computer infected I think. Need help recovering !!!!! [01/29 00:26:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:26:49] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/5866/ggkp5.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Computer infected I think. Need help recovering/images/storyImages/ggkp5.png [01/29 00:26:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:26:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:26:51] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/Budgie812/ggkp5.png [01/29 00:26:52] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e36/Budgie812/ggkp5.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e36/Budgie812/ggkp5.png [01/29 00:26:52] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e36/Budgie812/ggkp5.png [01/29 00:26:52] [INFO] Progress: 1935/2260 [01/29 00:26:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/computer-infected-i-think-need-help-recovering.261497/ finished! [01/29 00:26:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Identity theft !!!!! [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] Progress: 1936/2260 [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/identity-theft.261632/ finished! [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lost-faith-in-nod32-uninstalling.261190/ is 20500 ms [01/29 00:26:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lost faith in NOD32! Uninstalling !!!!! [01/29 00:26:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:26:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:26:57] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:26:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 0 [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] Progress: 1937/2260 [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lost-faith-in-nod32-uninstalling.261190/ finished! [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-experience.259937/ is 31500 ms [01/29 00:26:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 experience !!!!! [01/29 00:26:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:27:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:27:02] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/4697/ffgc2.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//NOD32 experience/images/storyImages/ffgc2.th.jpg [01/29 00:27:03] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:27:05] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:27:06] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:27:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:27:07] [INFO] Progress: 1938/2260 [01/29 00:27:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-experience.259937/ finished! [01/29 00:27:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Question About F-Secure !!!!! [01/29 00:27:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:27:08] [INFO] Progress: 1939/2260 [01/29 00:27:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-f-secure.261298/ finished! [01/29 00:27:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does Vista have a firewall built in !!!!! [01/29 00:27:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:27:12] [INFO] Progress: 1940/2260 [01/29 00:27:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-vista-have-a-firewall-built-in.261148/ finished! [01/29 00:27:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why does Mcafee turn off out of no where !!!!! [01/29 00:27:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:27:14] [INFO] Progress: 1941/2260 [01/29 00:27:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-does-mcafee-turn-off-out-of-no-where.261121/ finished! [01/29 00:27:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading threatfire says mediamonkey is logging keystrokes !!!!! [01/29 00:27:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:27:16] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/4149/mediamonkeyaj3.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//threatfire says mediamonkey is logging keystrokes/images/storyImages/mediamonkeyaj3.jpg [01/29 00:27:16] [INFO] Progress: 1942/2260 [01/29 00:27:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire-says-mediamonkey-is-logging-keystrokes.261114/ finished! [01/29 00:27:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Spyware Warning with Divx Software Download !!!!! [01/29 00:27:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:27:18] [INFO] Progress: 1943/2260 [01/29 00:27:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-spyware-warning-with-divx-software-download.260360/ finished! [01/29 00:27:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Comprehensive Guide to AntiSpyware Software !!!!! [01/29 00:27:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:21] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:27:21] [INFO] Progress: 1944/2260 [01/29 00:27:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-antispyware-software.62240/ finished! [01/29 00:27:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading An Analysis of Windows Firewall- Is it really good enough !!!!! [01/29 00:27:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:27:25] [INFO] Progress: 1945/2260 [01/29 00:27:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/an-analysis-of-windows-firewall-is-it-really-good-enough.243906/ finished! [01/29 00:27:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Newest Zlob trojan alters DNS records on your (wireless) router !!!!! [01/29 00:27:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:27:28] [INFO] Progress: 1946/2260 [01/29 00:27:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/newest-zlob-trojan-alters-dns-records-on-your-wireless-router.260605/ finished! [01/29 00:27:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro Firewall Settings !!!!! [01/29 00:27:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:27:30] [INFO] Progress: 1947/2260 [01/29 00:27:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-firewall-settings.260727/ finished! [01/29 00:27:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Pro & built in webcam- problem! !!!!! [01/29 00:27:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:27:32] [INFO] Progress: 1948/2260 [01/29 00:27:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-pro-built-in-webcam-problem.259689/ finished! [01/29 00:27:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Spyware Recommendations. !!!!! [01/29 00:27:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:27:34] [INFO] Progress: 1949/2260 [01/29 00:27:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-spyware-recommendations.259224/ finished! [01/29 00:27:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win32-Parite- Files getting infected out of nowhere ! ! !!!!! [01/29 00:27:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:27:36] [INFO] Progress: 1950/2260 [01/29 00:27:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-parite-files-getting-infected-out-of-nowhere.259697/ finished! [01/29 00:27:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I am back with AVG 7.5 after using AVG 8. Who else here !!!!! [01/29 00:27:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:27:40] [INFO] Progress: 1951/2260 [01/29 00:27:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-am-back-with-avg-7-5-after-using-avg-8-who-else-here.259548/ finished! [01/29 00:27:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-virus and Windows Defender !!!!! [01/29 00:27:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:27:42] [INFO] Progress: 1952/2260 [01/29 00:27:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-and-windows-defender.258975/ finished! [01/29 00:27:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help! Virus Took Away Some Stuff!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:27:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:27:44] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/256/72120168gx0.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Help! Virus Took Away Some Stuff!!!/images/storyImages/72120168gx0.png [01/29 00:27:44] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/9205/66024879ry0.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Help! Virus Took Away Some Stuff!!!/images/storyImages/66024879ry0.png [01/29 00:27:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:27:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:27:46] [INFO] Progress: 1953/2260 [01/29 00:27:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-virus-took-away-some-stuff.259556/ finished! [01/29 00:27:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How do I remove the Comodo Safe Surf toolbar in Firefox !!!!! [01/29 00:27:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:27:48] [INFO] Progress: 1954/2260 [01/29 00:27:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-do-i-remove-the-comodo-safe-surf-toolbar-in-firefox.259445/ finished! [01/29 00:27:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky 7.0 1 year license !!!!! [01/29 00:27:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:27:50] [INFO] Progress: 1955/2260 [01/29 00:27:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-7-0-1-year-license.258492/ finished! [01/29 00:27:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Remover Comparison !!!!! [01/29 00:27:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:27:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:27:52] [INFO] Progress: 1956/2260 [01/29 00:27:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-remover-comparison.259204/ finished! [01/29 00:27:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky 2009 is now in true release form... !!!!! [01/29 00:27:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:27:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:27:57] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:27:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:27:58] [INFO] Progress: 1957/2260 [01/29 00:27:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-2009-is-now-in-true-release-form.245953/ finished! [01/29 00:27:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I need a firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:27:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:28:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:28:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:28:02] [INFO] Progress: 1958/2260 [01/29 00:28:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall.254325/ finished! [01/29 00:28:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast skins! !!!!! [01/29 00:28:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:28:04] [INFO] Progress: 1959/2260 [01/29 00:28:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-skins.253164/ finished! [01/29 00:28:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Printer demon !!!!! [01/29 00:28:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:28:06] [INFO] Progress: 1960/2260 [01/29 00:28:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/printer-demon.258275/ finished! [01/29 00:28:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware help&suggestions !!!!! [01/29 00:28:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:28:07] [INFO] Progress: 1961/2260 [01/29 00:28:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-help-suggestions.257049/ finished! [01/29 00:28:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How secure are Gmail Notifiers !!!!! [01/29 00:28:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:28:09] [INFO] Progress: 1962/2260 [01/29 00:28:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-secure-are-gmail-notifiers.256732/ finished! [01/29 00:28:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8 and Windows Secuirty Center !!!!! [01/29 00:28:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:28:11] [INFO] Progress: 1963/2260 [01/29 00:28:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-and-windows-secuirty-center.257548/ finished! [01/29 00:28:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Rising Antivirus- Outdated and not compatible !!!!! [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] Progress: 1964/2260 [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/rising-antivirus-outdated-and-not-compatible.258001/ finished! [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-computer-new-software.252426/ is 22500 ms [01/29 00:28:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New computer, new software !!!!! [01/29 00:28:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:28:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:28:18] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:28:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:28:18] [INFO] Progress: 1965/2260 [01/29 00:28:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-computer-new-software.252426/ finished! [01/29 00:28:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Unable to update SAS !!!!! [01/29 00:28:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:28:20] [INFO] Progress: 1966/2260 [01/29 00:28:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/unable-to-update-sas.257456/ finished! [01/29 00:28:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which is the best antivirus solution for Vista x64 Have tried Symantec... !!!!! [01/29 00:28:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:28:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:28:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:28:24] [INFO] Progress: 1967/2260 [01/29 00:28:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-is-the-best-antivirus-solution-for-vista-x64-have-tried-symantec.254281/ finished! [01/29 00:28:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anyone Vista & Norton 2008 Issues !!!!! [01/29 00:28:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:28:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:28:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:28:28] [INFO] Progress: 1968/2260 [01/29 00:28:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anyone-vista-norton-2008-issues.255760/ finished! [01/29 00:28:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Version of SuperAntiSpyware! 4.15.1000 !!!!! [01/29 00:28:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:28:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:28:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:28:31] [INFO] Progress: 1969/2260 [01/29 00:28:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-version-of-superantispyware-4-15-1000.256638/ finished! [01/29 00:28:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem installing Comodo Firewall Pro 3 !!!!! [01/29 00:28:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:28:33] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/8751/cpferrorlq6.th.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Problem installing Comodo Firewall Pro 3/images/storyImages/cpferrorlq6.th.jpg [01/29 00:28:33] [INFO] Progress: 1970/2260 [01/29 00:28:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-installing-comodo-firewall-pro-3.256838/ finished! [01/29 00:28:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trouble-installing-antivirus-software-on-new-laptop.255882/ is 34000 ms [01/29 00:28:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trouble Installing Antivirus Software On New Laptop !!!!! [01/29 00:28:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:28:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:28:38] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:28:40] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:28:41] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:28:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:28:41] [INFO] Progress: 1971/2260 [01/29 00:28:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trouble-installing-antivirus-software-on-new-laptop.255882/ finished! [01/29 00:28:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Normal user- admin without two accs !!!!! [01/29 00:28:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:28:43] [INFO] Progress: 1972/2260 [01/29 00:28:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/normal-user-admin-without-two-accs.256242/ finished! [01/29 00:28:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Any antivirus active protection comparisons !!!!! [01/29 00:28:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:28:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:28:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:28:47] [INFO] Progress: 1973/2260 [01/29 00:28:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/any-antivirus-active-protection-comparisons.255775/ finished! [01/29 00:28:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire !!!!! [01/29 00:28:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:28:49] [INFO] Progress: 1974/2260 [01/29 00:28:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire.255407/ finished! [01/29 00:28:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can Avira scan MSN transferred received files !!!!! [01/29 00:28:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:28:51] [INFO] Progress: 1975/2260 [01/29 00:28:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-avira-scan-msn-transferred-received-files.244657/ finished! [01/29 00:28:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How's this security setup !!!!! [01/29 00:28:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:28:53] [INFO] Progress: 1976/2260 [01/29 00:28:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hows-this-security-setup.255366/ finished! [01/29 00:28:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading .exe sfx file infects itself !!!!! [01/29 00:28:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:28:55] [INFO] Progress: 1977/2260 [01/29 00:28:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/exe-sfx-file-infects-itself.255028/ finished! [01/29 00:28:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best to have Security Suite or Separate Firewall Anti Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:28:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:28:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:28:57] [INFO] Progress: 1978/2260 [01/29 00:28:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-to-have-security-suite-or-separate-firewall-anti-virus.254836/ finished! [01/29 00:28:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are these good options for virus spyware protection !!!!! [01/29 00:28:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:29:01] [INFO] Progress: 1979/2260 [01/29 00:29:01] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-these-good-options-for-virus-spyware-protection.254291/ finished! [01/29 00:29:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Lol...so I installed Avira. !!!!! [01/29 00:29:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:29:03] [INFO] Progress: 1980/2260 [01/29 00:29:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/lol-so-i-installed-avira.254386/ finished! [01/29 00:29:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Good Enough !!!!! [01/29 00:29:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:29:07] [INFO] Progress: 1981/2260 [01/29 00:29:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-good-enough.252103/ finished! [01/29 00:29:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG vs. Avira--My (limited) experience- !!!!! [01/29 00:29:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:29:10] [INFO] Progress: 1982/2260 [01/29 00:29:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-vs-avira-my-limited-experience.253761/ finished! [01/29 00:29:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading New Ad-Aware !!!!! [01/29 00:29:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:13] [INFO] Progress: 1983/2260 [01/29 00:29:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/new-ad-aware.252558/ finished! [01/29 00:29:13] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-25-000-warnings.243556/ is 26000 ms [01/29 00:29:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.0 25.000 warnings! !!!!! [01/29 00:29:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:29:15] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://[IMG]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/scan.jpg [01/29 00:29:15] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/scan.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/scan.jpg [01/29 00:29:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:29:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:29:19] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/advancedwindowscare.jpg [01/29 00:29:19] [WARNING] Could not download image https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/advancedwindowscare.jpg because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://hosting.photobucket.com/albums/e306/policeman999/advancedwindowscare.jpg [01/29 00:29:21] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:29:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:29:21] [INFO] Progress: 1984/2260 [01/29 00:29:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-25-000-warnings.243556/ finished! [01/29 00:29:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading T boot virus on M1330 !!!!! [01/29 00:29:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:29:23] [INFO] Progress: 1985/2260 [01/29 00:29:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/t-boot-virus-on-m1330.252998/ finished! [01/29 00:29:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Microsoft Patents Proactive Virus Protection !!!!! [01/29 00:29:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:29:24] [INFO] Progress: 1986/2260 [01/29 00:29:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/microsoft-patents-proactive-virus-protection.252592/ finished! [01/29 00:29:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:29:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:29:26] [INFO] Progress: 1987/2260 [01/29 00:29:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-3-0-23-364.252728/ finished! [01/29 00:29:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Superantispyware !!!!! [01/29 00:29:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:29:28] [INFO] Progress: 1988/2260 [01/29 00:29:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware.252132/ finished! [01/29 00:29:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SpywareBlaster or Spyware Terminator !!!!! [01/29 00:29:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:29:32] [INFO] Progress: 1989/2260 [01/29 00:29:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spywareblaster-or-spyware-terminator.250904/ finished! [01/29 00:29:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SAS or A-Sqaured !!!!! [01/29 00:29:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:29:35] [INFO] Progress: 1990/2260 [01/29 00:29:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sas-or-a-sqaured.252038/ finished! [01/29 00:29:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need Great Free Anti-Virus Spyware-Adware remover and A Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:29:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:29:39] [INFO] Progress: 1991/2260 [01/29 00:29:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-great-free-anti-virus-spyware-adware-remover-and-a-firewall.250086/ finished! [01/29 00:29:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Trend Micro Internet Security Pro any good !!!!! [01/29 00:29:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:29:41] [INFO] Progress: 1992/2260 [01/29 00:29:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-trend-micro-internet-security-pro-any-good.251660/ finished! [01/29 00:29:41] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-live-onecare.250089/ is 24500 ms [01/29 00:29:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Live OneCare !!!!! [01/29 00:29:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:29:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:29:46] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:29:46] [INFO] Progress: 1993/2260 [01/29 00:29:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-live-onecare.250089/ finished! [01/29 00:29:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spyware doctor alright !!!!! [01/29 00:29:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:29:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:29:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:29:50] [INFO] Progress: 1994/2260 [01/29 00:29:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-doctor-alright.250138/ finished! [01/29 00:29:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading spysweeper opinions !!!!! [01/29 00:29:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:29:52] [INFO] Progress: 1995/2260 [01/29 00:29:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spysweeper-opinions.249473/ finished! [01/29 00:29:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Threatfire !!!!! [01/29 00:29:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:29:54] [INFO] Progress: 1996/2260 [01/29 00:29:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire.246629/ finished! [01/29 00:29:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Delete Avast! Antivirus Skin !!!!! [01/29 00:29:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:29:56] [INFO] Progress: 1997/2260 [01/29 00:29:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/delete-avast-antivirus-skin.249139/ finished! [01/29 00:29:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Have Kaspersky Anti-virus but need a Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:29:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:29:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:29:58] [INFO] Progress: 1998/2260 [01/29 00:29:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/have-kaspersky-anti-virus-but-need-a-firewall.248622/ finished! [01/29 00:29:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Help!!!!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:29:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] Progress: 1999/2260 [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-help.248682/ finished! [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-avast-or-avira.217556/ is 51000 ms [01/29 00:30:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG, AVAST, or AVIRA !!!!! [01/29 00:30:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 9 [01/29 00:30:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 9 [01/29 00:30:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 9 [01/29 00:30:08] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 9 [01/29 00:30:10] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 9 [01/29 00:30:11] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 9 [01/29 00:30:12] [WARNING] Host down for image http://img.pixs.ru/images/AviraUpdat_4529473_35762.jpg [01/29 00:30:13] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 9 [01/29 00:30:15] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 9 [01/29 00:30:17] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 9 [01/29 00:30:17] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:30:17] [INFO] Progress: 2000/2260 [01/29 00:30:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-avast-or-avira.217556/ finished! [01/29 00:30:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Security software should I buy !!!!! [01/29 00:30:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:19] [INFO] Progress: 2001/2260 [01/29 00:30:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-security-software-should-i-buy.247943/ finished! [01/29 00:30:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod32 student discount !!!!! [01/29 00:30:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:30:21] [INFO] Progress: 2002/2260 [01/29 00:30:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-student-discount.248380/ finished! [01/29 00:30:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ad-Aware 2007 for free !!!!! [01/29 00:30:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:30:23] [INFO] Progress: 2003/2260 [01/29 00:30:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ad-aware-2007-for-free.248028/ finished! [01/29 00:30:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Problem- Windows Security Center doesn't detect my Kaspersky Internet Security !!!!! [01/29 00:30:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:30:25] [INFO] Progress: 2004/2260 [01/29 00:30:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/problem-windows-security-center-doesnt-detect-my-kaspersky-internet-security.247846/ finished! [01/29 00:30:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best and or antivirus that's 64 bit capable !!!!! [01/29 00:30:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:26] [INFO] Progress: 2005/2260 [01/29 00:30:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-and-or-antivirus-thats-64-bit-capable.247475/ finished! [01/29 00:30:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading phishing email from microsoft !!!!! [01/29 00:30:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:30:28] [INFO] Progress: 2006/2260 [01/29 00:30:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/phishing-email-from-microsoft.247951/ finished! [01/29 00:30:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading COMODO keeps blockin' me !!!!! [01/29 00:30:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:30:30] [INFO] Progress: 2007/2260 [01/29 00:30:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-keeps-blockin-me.247024/ finished! [01/29 00:30:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Changing Security Setup !!!!! [01/29 00:30:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:30:33] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:30:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:30:33] [INFO] Progress: 2008/2260 [01/29 00:30:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/changing-security-setup.246639/ finished! [01/29 00:30:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What 64 bit spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:30:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:30:35] [INFO] Progress: 2009/2260 [01/29 00:30:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-64-bit-spyware.247057/ finished! [01/29 00:30:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Defender and Spybot !!!!! [01/29 00:30:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:30:37] [INFO] Progress: 2010/2260 [01/29 00:30:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender-and-spybot.246915/ finished! [01/29 00:30:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-free-edition-released.243384/ is 47500 ms [01/29 00:30:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.0 free edition released !!!!! [01/29 00:30:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/29 00:30:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/29 00:30:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/29 00:30:43] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/29 00:30:45] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/29 00:30:46] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/29 00:30:47] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/29 00:30:49] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/29 00:30:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:30:49] [INFO] Progress: 2011/2260 [01/29 00:30:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-free-edition-released.243384/ finished! [01/29 00:30:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading FREE - Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 or 8.0 !!!!! [01/29 00:30:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:30:50] [INFO] Progress: 2012/2260 [01/29 00:30:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-kaspersky-internet-security-7-0-or-8-0.246340/ finished! [01/29 00:30:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Security Software for Alienware m17x !!!!! [01/29 00:30:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:30:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:30:52] [INFO] Progress: 2013/2260 [01/29 00:30:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-software-for-alienware-m17x.246106/ finished! [01/29 00:30:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does NOd32 also detect Malware !!!!! [01/29 00:30:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:30:56] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:30:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:30:56] [INFO] Progress: 2014/2260 [01/29 00:30:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-nod32-also-detect-malware.244497/ finished! [01/29 00:30:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Paid programs !!!!! [01/29 00:30:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:00] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:31:00] [INFO] Progress: 2015/2260 [01/29 00:31:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/paid-programs.245022/ finished! [01/29 00:31:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is Backdoor.Win32.Iroffer.z a serious threat !!!!! [01/29 00:31:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:31:02] [INFO] Progress: 2016/2260 [01/29 00:31:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-backdoor-win32-iroffer-z-a-serious-threat.244873/ finished! [01/29 00:31:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Please Critique My Security Setup !!!!! [01/29 00:31:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:06] [INFO] Progress: 2017/2260 [01/29 00:31:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/please-critique-my-security-setup.243798/ finished! [01/29 00:31:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Disable or get rid of Avira nag screen !!!!! [01/29 00:31:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:31:08] [INFO] Progress: 2018/2260 [01/29 00:31:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/disable-or-get-rid-of-avira-nag-screen.244208/ finished! [01/29 00:31:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast free; now with antispyware & antirootkit protection !!!!! [01/29 00:31:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:31:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:31:13] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:31:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:31:13] [INFO] Progress: 2019/2260 [01/29 00:31:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-free-now-with-antispyware-antirootkit-protection.235127/ finished! [01/29 00:31:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading router + windows xp firewall enough !!!!! [01/29 00:31:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:31:14] [INFO] Progress: 2020/2260 [01/29 00:31:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/router-windows-xp-firewall-enough.244087/ finished! [01/29 00:31:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast! hard disk access on startup, and strange scanning size !!!!! [01/29 00:31:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:31:16] [INFO] Progress: 2021/2260 [01/29 00:31:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-hard-disk-access-on-startup-and-strange-scanning-size.244054/ finished! [01/29 00:31:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Newbe- What programs do I need !!!!! [01/29 00:31:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:31:19] [INFO] Progress: 2022/2260 [01/29 00:31:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/newbe-what-programs-do-i-need.241969/ finished! [01/29 00:31:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What happened to my NOD32 Virus database update !!!!! [01/29 00:31:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:31:21] [INFO] Progress: 2023/2260 [01/29 00:31:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-happened-to-my-nod32-virus-database-update.243671/ finished! [01/29 00:31:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Three PC liscense subscription !!!!! [01/29 00:31:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:31:23] [INFO] Progress: 2024/2260 [01/29 00:31:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/three-pc-liscense-subscription.243320/ finished! [01/29 00:31:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Routers and Firewalls !!!!! [01/29 00:31:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:31:24] [INFO] Progress: 2025/2260 [01/29 00:31:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/routers-and-firewalls.240888/ finished! [01/29 00:31:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Installed Kaspersky and Avast at the same time. Help! !!!!! [01/29 00:31:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:31:26] [INFO] Progress: 2026/2260 [01/29 00:31:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/installed-kaspersky-and-avast-at-the-same-time-help.243680/ finished! [01/29 00:31:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Turn off Avira auto update !!!!! [01/29 00:31:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:28] [INFO] Progress: 2027/2260 [01/29 00:31:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/turn-off-avira-auto-update.243445/ finished! [01/29 00:31:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spysweeper expired, looking for good alternatives !!!!! [01/29 00:31:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:29] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:31:30] [INFO] Progress: 2028/2260 [01/29 00:31:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spysweeper-expired-looking-for-good-alternatives.242690/ finished! [01/29 00:31:30] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I need some guidance !!!!! [01/29 00:31:31] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:31:31] [INFO] Progress: 2029/2260 [01/29 00:31:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-some-guidance.242529/ finished! [01/29 00:31:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading security rookie... need as much help as I can get !!!!! [01/29 00:31:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:31:33] [INFO] Progress: 2030/2260 [01/29 00:31:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/security-rookie-need-as-much-help-as-i-can-get.237796/ finished! [01/29 00:31:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast, Kaspersky, or Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:31:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] Progress: 2031/2260 [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-kaspersky-or-windows-firewall.239959/ finished! [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-8-released.240190/ is 22500 ms [01/29 00:31:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antivir 8 Released !!!!! [01/29 00:31:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:31:40] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:31:42] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:31:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:31:42] [INFO] Progress: 2032/2260 [01/29 00:31:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivir-8-released.240190/ finished! [01/29 00:31:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Insecure about my security... !!!!! [01/29 00:31:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:31:43] [INFO] Progress: 2033/2260 [01/29 00:31:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/insecure-about-my-security.240369/ finished! [01/29 00:31:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Live OneCare !!!!! [01/29 00:31:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:31:45] [INFO] Progress: 2034/2260 [01/29 00:31:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-live-onecare.240358/ finished! [01/29 00:31:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG scanning problem !!!!! [01/29 00:31:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:47] [INFO] Progress: 2035/2260 [01/29 00:31:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-scanning-problem.240141/ finished! [01/29 00:31:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Premium 6-month free !!!!! [01/29 00:31:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:50] [INFO] Progress: 2036/2260 [01/29 00:31:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-premium-6-month-free.237791/ finished! [01/29 00:31:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Freeware Security Products !!!!! [01/29 00:31:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:31:51] [INFO] Progress: 2037/2260 [01/29 00:31:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-freeware-security-products.239533/ finished! [01/29 00:31:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Turn off Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:31:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:31:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:31:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:55] [INFO] Progress: 2038/2260 [01/29 00:31:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/turn-off-windows-firewall.239187/ finished! [01/29 00:31:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira Antivirus with Threatfire !!!!! [01/29 00:31:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:31:57] [INFO] Progress: 2039/2260 [01/29 00:31:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-antivirus-with-threatfire.239407/ finished! [01/29 00:31:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading hp compaq nc6400 (locked tite!) !!!!! [01/29 00:31:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:31:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:31:59] [INFO] Progress: 2040/2260 [01/29 00:31:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hp-compaq-nc6400-locked-tite.239079/ finished! [01/29 00:31:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Warning!!! Suppose to be a serious Virus coming I received this note. !!!!! [01/29 00:32:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:03] [INFO] Progress: 2041/2260 [01/29 00:32:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/warning-suppose-to-be-a-serious-virus-coming-i-received-this-note.237881/ finished! [01/29 00:32:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading advice !!!!! [01/29 00:32:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:32:06] [INFO] Progress: 2042/2260 [01/29 00:32:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/advice.237075/ finished! [01/29 00:32:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Install !!!!! [01/29 00:32:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:08] [INFO] Progress: 2043/2260 [01/29 00:32:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-install.236998/ finished! [01/29 00:32:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Downloaded Avia Antivir but no licence= no updates !!!!! [01/29 00:32:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:32:11] [INFO] Progress: 2044/2260 [01/29 00:32:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/downloaded-avia-antivir-but-no-licence-no-updates.233341/ finished! [01/29 00:32:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trojan! !!!!! [01/29 00:32:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:32:13] [INFO] Progress: 2045/2260 [01/29 00:32:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trojan.236907/ finished! [01/29 00:32:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG 8.0 and Avast! 4.8 !!!!! [01/29 00:32:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] Progress: 2046/2260 [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-8-0-and-avast-4-8.235442/ finished! [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ah-windows-needs-an-antivirus.236635/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:32:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Ah, Windows Needs an Antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:32:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:32:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] Progress: 2047/2260 [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ah-windows-needs-an-antivirus.236635/ finished! [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-pro-vs-online-armor-vs-zonealarm-free.228245/ is 37000 ms [01/29 00:32:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall Pro Vs. Online Armor Vs. ZoneAlarm Free !!!!! [01/29 00:32:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/29 00:32:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/29 00:32:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/29 00:32:28] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/29 00:32:29] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/29 00:32:30] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/29 00:32:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:32:31] [INFO] Progress: 2048/2260 [01/29 00:32:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-pro-vs-online-armor-vs-zonealarm-free.228245/ finished! [01/29 00:32:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall has Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:32:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:32:34] [INFO] Progress: 2049/2260 [01/29 00:32:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-has-anti-virus.228265/ finished! [01/29 00:32:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Fresh Vista Install- Security Solution !!!!! [01/29 00:32:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:36] [INFO] Progress: 2050/2260 [01/29 00:32:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fresh-vista-install-security-solution.235737/ finished! [01/29 00:32:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just wanting to know if my setup is any good... !!!!! [01/29 00:32:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:37] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:38] [INFO] Progress: 2051/2260 [01/29 00:32:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-wanting-to-know-if-my-setup-is-any-good.235157/ finished! [01/29 00:32:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Strange things in AVG virusscan !!!!! [01/29 00:32:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:32:39] [INFO] Progress: 2052/2260 [01/29 00:32:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/strange-things-in-avg-virusscan.235438/ finished! [01/29 00:32:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Tried free spyware doctor from google !!!!! [01/29 00:32:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:41] [INFO] Progress: 2053/2260 [01/29 00:32:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/tried-free-spyware-doctor-from-google.214588/ finished! [01/29 00:32:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet Security Suite Software Recommendations !!!!! [01/29 00:32:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:32:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:32:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:32:45] [INFO] Progress: 2054/2260 [01/29 00:32:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-security-suite-software-recommendations.234091/ finished! [01/29 00:32:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading BitDefender Internet Security 2008; 180 days for free !!!!! [01/29 00:32:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:47] [INFO] Progress: 2055/2260 [01/29 00:32:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/bitdefender-internet-security-2008-180-days-for-free.234822/ finished! [01/29 00:32:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading do I have a virus !!!!! [01/29 00:32:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:32:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:32:51] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:32:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:32:51] [INFO] Progress: 2056/2260 [01/29 00:32:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-have-a-virus.234578/ finished! [01/29 00:32:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Hidden object detected - Value data mismatch !!!!! [01/29 00:32:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:32:53] [INFO] Progress: 2057/2260 [01/29 00:32:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/hidden-object-detected-value-data-mismatch.234952/ finished! [01/29 00:32:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus infection - Need help !!!!! [01/29 00:32:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:32:55] [INFO] Progress: 2058/2260 [01/29 00:32:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-infection-need-help.234644/ finished! [01/29 00:32:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Online Armor Released !!!!! [01/29 00:32:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:32:56] [INFO] Progress: 2059/2260 [01/29 00:32:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/online-armor-2-1-0-85-released.222730/ finished! [01/29 00:32:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Switching form Avast to AVG, problem with AVG !!!!! [01/29 00:32:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:32:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:32:58] [INFO] Progress: 2060/2260 [01/29 00:32:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switching-form-avast-to-avg-problem-with-avg.233841/ finished! [01/29 00:32:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Guide to LightWeight Laptop Security !!!!! [01/29 00:33:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:33:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:33:03] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:33:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:33:03] [INFO] Progress: 2061/2260 [01/29 00:33:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-guide-to-lightweight-laptop-security.220818/ finished! [01/29 00:33:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading testing effectiveness of your virus resident scanner!! !!!!! [01/29 00:33:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:33:05] [INFO] Progress: 2062/2260 [01/29 00:33:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/testing-effectiveness-of-your-virus-resident-scanner.232368/ finished! [01/29 00:33:05] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-finds-new-way-of-creating-revenue.232190/ is 25000 ms [01/29 00:33:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG finds new way of creating revenue! !!!!! [01/29 00:33:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:33:07] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/2900/avgzg2.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//AVG finds new way of creating revenue!/images/storyImages/avgzg2.png [01/29 00:33:07] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/onnoes.gif [01/29 00:33:08] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/onnoes.gif [01/29 00:33:09] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:33:09] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/1948/popupwg9.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//AVG finds new way of creating revenue!/images/storyImages/popupwg9.jpg [01/29 00:33:11] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:33:13] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:33:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:33:13] [INFO] Progress: 2063/2260 [01/29 00:33:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-finds-new-way-of-creating-revenue.232190/ finished! [01/29 00:33:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Revised Guide to AntiVirus Software !!!!! [01/29 00:33:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:33:14] [INFO] Progress: 2064/2260 [01/29 00:33:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-revised-guide-to-antivirus-software.233219/ finished! [01/29 00:33:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG- heal vs delete vs remove to vault !!!!! [01/29 00:33:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:33:16] [INFO] Progress: 2065/2260 [01/29 00:33:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-heal-vs-delete-vs-remove-to-vault.232653/ finished! [01/29 00:33:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Firewall Problem! !!!!! [01/29 00:33:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:33:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:33:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:33:20] [INFO] Progress: 2066/2260 [01/29 00:33:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-firewall-problem.231501/ finished! [01/29 00:33:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVIRA- 'Protect Antivir processes from unwanted termination' !!!!! [01/29 00:33:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:21] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:33:22] [INFO] Progress: 2067/2260 [01/29 00:33:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-protect-antivir-processes-from-unwanted-termination.232871/ finished! [01/29 00:33:22] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-ultimate-setup.231338/ is 24500 ms [01/29 00:33:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Ultimate Setup !!!!! [01/29 00:33:23] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:33:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:33:27] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:33:27] [INFO] Progress: 2068/2260 [01/29 00:33:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-ultimate-setup.231338/ finished! [01/29 00:33:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus scan question !!!!! [01/29 00:33:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:33:29] [INFO] Progress: 2069/2260 [01/29 00:33:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-scan-question.232072/ finished! [01/29 00:33:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading WherES My HArdRIVE gONe 1 !!!!! [01/29 00:33:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:33:30] [INFO] Progress: 2070/2260 [01/29 00:33:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/wheres-my-hardrive-gone-1.231754/ finished! [01/29 00:33:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Running Online Armor, can I disable some Avast functionality !!!!! [01/29 00:33:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:33:32] [INFO] Progress: 2071/2260 [01/29 00:33:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/running-online-armor-can-i-disable-some-avast-functionality.231785/ finished! [01/29 00:33:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AtGuard Firewall user looking for new application !!!!! [01/29 00:33:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:33:34] [INFO] Progress: 2072/2260 [01/29 00:33:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/atguard-firewall-user-looking-for-new-application.231743/ finished! [01/29 00:33:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avira does not want to update... !!!!! [01/29 00:33:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:33:35] [INFO] Progress: 2073/2260 [01/29 00:33:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avira-does-not-want-to-update.231650/ finished! [01/29 00:33:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Found. Help needed much. !!!!! [01/29 00:33:37] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:33:37] [WARNING] Host down for image http://img.pixs.ru/images/BitDef.JPG_7671908_35781.jpg [01/29 00:33:39] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:33:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:33:39] [INFO] Progress: 2074/2260 [01/29 00:33:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-found-help-needed-much.230337/ finished! [01/29 00:33:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading sochost.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:33:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:33:42] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:33:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:33:42] [INFO] Progress: 2075/2260 [01/29 00:33:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sochost-exe.230210/ finished! [01/29 00:33:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Security Center acting up !!!!! [01/29 00:33:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:44] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:33:44] [INFO] Progress: 2076/2260 [01/29 00:33:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-security-center-acting-up.230215/ finished! [01/29 00:33:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading quick question on kaspersky !!!!! [01/29 00:33:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:33:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:33:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:33:48] [INFO] Progress: 2077/2260 [01/29 00:33:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/quick-question-on-kaspersky.230910/ finished! [01/29 00:33:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 1-year free A-squared Antimalware 3.1 !!!!! [01/29 00:33:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:33:49] [INFO] Progress: 2078/2260 [01/29 00:33:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/1-year-free-a-squared-antimalware-3-1.229947/ finished! [01/29 00:33:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro on New Dell !!!!! [01/29 00:33:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:33:51] [INFO] Progress: 2079/2260 [01/29 00:33:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-on-new-dell.230509/ finished! [01/29 00:33:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Massive Web Attack !!!!! [01/29 00:33:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:33:54] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:33:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:33:55] [INFO] Progress: 2080/2260 [01/29 00:33:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/massive-web-attack.230296/ finished! [01/29 00:33:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Renew or buy new !!!!! [01/29 00:33:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:33:56] [INFO] Progress: 2081/2260 [01/29 00:33:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/renew-or-buy-new.230026/ finished! [01/29 00:33:57] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 Blocking Internet Browsing !!!!! [01/29 00:33:58] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:33:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:33:59] [INFO] Progress: 2082/2260 [01/29 00:33:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-blocking-internet-browsing.226703/ finished! [01/29 00:33:59] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spy-bot-and-ad-aware-2007-not-that-good-after-all.221626/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:33:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spy Bot and Ad-Aware 2007 not that good after all !!!!! [01/29 00:34:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:34:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:34:04] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:34:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:34:04] [INFO] Progress: 2083/2260 [01/29 00:34:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spy-bot-and-ad-aware-2007-not-that-good-after-all.221626/ finished! [01/29 00:34:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Delete Norton !!!!! [01/29 00:34:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:34:07] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:34:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:34:07] [INFO] Progress: 2084/2260 [01/29 00:34:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/delete-norton.229296/ finished! [01/29 00:34:07] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-hacking-protection-please-help.228634/ is 24000 ms [01/29 00:34:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Hacking Protection PLEASE HELP!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:34:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:34:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:34:12] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:34:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:34:12] [INFO] Progress: 2085/2260 [01/29 00:34:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-hacking-protection-please-help.228634/ finished! [01/29 00:34:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do These Sound Good !!!!! [01/29 00:34:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:34:14] [INFO] Progress: 2086/2260 [01/29 00:34:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-these-sound-good.228924/ finished! [01/29 00:34:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is my Computer Secure (Vista Home Premium) !!!!! [01/29 00:34:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:34:16] [INFO] Progress: 2087/2260 [01/29 00:34:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-my-computer-secure-vista-home-premium.228916/ finished! [01/29 00:34:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Has anybody used a Dlink DSD-150 hardware antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:34:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:34:18] [INFO] Progress: 2088/2260 [01/29 00:34:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/has-anybody-used-a-dlink-dsd-150-hardware-antivirus.228822/ finished! [01/29 00:34:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The Three Laws of Secure Computing !!!!! [01/29 00:34:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:34:20] [INFO] Progress: 2089/2260 [01/29 00:34:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-three-laws-of-secure-computing.228521/ finished! [01/29 00:34:20] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg.158582/ is 33500 ms [01/29 00:34:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast or AVG !!!!! [01/29 00:34:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:34:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:34:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:34:27] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:34:28] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:34:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:34:29] [INFO] Progress: 2090/2260 [01/29 00:34:29] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg.158582/ finished! [01/29 00:34:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:34:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:34:32] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:34:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:34:32] [INFO] Progress: 2091/2260 [01/29 00:34:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus.227106/ finished! [01/29 00:34:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Multiple AV recommended or feared !!!!! [01/29 00:34:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:34:35] [INFO] Progress: 2092/2260 [01/29 00:34:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/multiple-av-recommended-or-feared.227301/ finished! [01/29 00:34:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-anti-spam-nod32.179178/ is 27000 ms [01/29 00:34:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Anti-Virus Anti-Spam Nod32 !!!!! [01/29 00:34:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:34:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:34:40] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:34:41] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:34:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:34:42] [INFO] Progress: 2093/2260 [01/29 00:34:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-anti-spam-nod32.179178/ finished! [01/29 00:34:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What are these Files !!!!! [01/29 00:34:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:34:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:34:43] [INFO] Progress: 2094/2260 [01/29 00:34:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-are-these-files.226055/ finished! [01/29 00:34:44] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-now-available-for-vista.190230/ is 110000 ms [01/29 00:34:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall-now available for Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:34:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 21 [01/29 00:34:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 21 [01/29 00:34:48] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 21 [01/29 00:34:50] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 21 [01/29 00:34:51] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 21 [01/29 00:34:53] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 21 [01/29 00:34:54] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 21 [01/29 00:34:56] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 21 [01/29 00:34:58] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 21 [01/29 00:34:59] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 21 [01/29 00:35:01] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 21 [01/29 00:35:02] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 21 [01/29 00:35:03] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 21 [01/29 00:35:05] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 21 [01/29 00:35:06] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 21 [01/29 00:35:08] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 21 [01/29 00:35:09] [INFO] We are on page 17 of 21 [01/29 00:35:10] [INFO] We are on page 18 of 21 [01/29 00:35:12] [INFO] We are on page 19 of 21 [01/29 00:35:13] [INFO] We are on page 20 of 21 [01/29 00:35:15] [INFO] We are on page 21 of 21 [01/29 00:35:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:35:15] [INFO] Progress: 2095/2260 [01/29 00:35:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall-now-available-for-vista.190230/ finished! [01/29 00:35:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware Blaster 4.0 Released !!!!! [01/29 00:35:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:35:16] [INFO] Progress: 2096/2260 [01/29 00:35:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware-blaster-4-0-released.224862/ finished! [01/29 00:35:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Macafee Slow Start !!!!! [01/29 00:35:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:35:18] [INFO] Progress: 2097/2260 [01/29 00:35:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/macafee-slow-start.223553/ finished! [01/29 00:35:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivir and Ad-Aware Good !!!!! [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] Progress: 2098/2260 [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivir-and-ad-aware-good.223875/ finished! [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-to-work-with-vista.223241/ is 25000 ms [01/29 00:35:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading best antivirus to work with vista !!!!! [01/29 00:35:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:35:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:35:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:35:27] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:35:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:35:27] [INFO] Progress: 2099/2260 [01/29 00:35:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-antivirus-to-work-with-vista.223241/ finished! [01/29 00:35:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading do I need a firewall for Win2003 Server !!!!! [01/29 00:35:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:35:28] [INFO] Progress: 2100/2260 [01/29 00:35:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall-for-win2003-server.223310/ finished! [01/29 00:35:29] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Updates !!!!! [01/29 00:35:30] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:30] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:35:30] [INFO] Progress: 2101/2260 [01/29 00:35:30] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-updates.213825/ finished! [01/29 00:35:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't update Ad-Aware !!!!! [01/29 00:35:32] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:35:34] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:35:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:35:34] [INFO] Progress: 2102/2260 [01/29 00:35:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-update-ad-aware.214950/ finished! [01/29 00:35:34] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Urgent Anti_virus Help Needed!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:35:35] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:35:37] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:35:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:35:38] [INFO] Progress: 2103/2260 [01/29 00:35:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/urgent-anti_virus-help-needed.221921/ finished! [01/29 00:35:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Help ASAP!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:35:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:35:39] [INFO] Progress: 2104/2260 [01/29 00:35:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/help-asap.221582/ finished! [01/29 00:35:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewal Pro !!!!! [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] Progress: 2105/2260 [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewal-pro-3-0-17-304.218945/ finished! [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/things-that-one-can-do-to-make-ur-browsers-a-bit-more-secured.197330/ is 24500 ms [01/29 00:35:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Things that one can do to make ur browsers a bit more secured !!!!! [01/29 00:35:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:35:44] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:35:46] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:35:46] [INFO] Progress: 2106/2260 [01/29 00:35:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/things-that-one-can-do-to-make-ur-browsers-a-bit-more-secured.197330/ finished! [01/29 00:35:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading CEC_MAIN.exe virus !!!!! [01/29 00:35:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:35:48] [INFO] Progress: 2107/2260 [01/29 00:35:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cec_main-exe-virus.221102/ finished! [01/29 00:35:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Protection for my aspire 5050 !!!!! [01/29 00:35:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:35:50] [INFO] Progress: 2108/2260 [01/29 00:35:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/protection-for-my-aspire-5050.220614/ finished! [01/29 00:35:50] [INFO] !!! Now downloading question about spybot 1.5 !!!!! [01/29 00:35:51] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:35:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:35:52] [INFO] Progress: 2109/2260 [01/29 00:35:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-about-spybot-1-5.219731/ finished! [01/29 00:35:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Stinks, Stick with Windows Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:35:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:35:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:35:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:35:55] [INFO] Progress: 2110/2260 [01/29 00:35:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-stinks-stick-with-windows-firewall.71615/ finished! [01/29 00:35:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Should I turn off Windows Defender !!!!! [01/29 00:35:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:35:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:35:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:35:59] [INFO] Progress: 2111/2260 [01/29 00:35:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/should-i-turn-off-windows-defender.217877/ finished! [01/29 00:35:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security Pro 2008 (3 PCs) with bonus USB Digital TV Tuner worth $100 !!!!! [01/29 00:36:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:36:00] [INFO] Progress: 2112/2260 [01/29 00:36:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-pc-cillin-internet-security-pro-2008-3-pcs-with-bonus-usb-digital-tv-tuner-worth-100.215426/ finished! [01/29 00:36:01] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG free not updating automatically !!!!! [01/29 00:36:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:36:02] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee212/rickhamilton620/Updatemanager.jpg [01/29 00:36:03] [INFO] Progress: 2113/2260 [01/29 00:36:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-free-not-updating-automatically.218973/ finished! [01/29 00:36:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Compare these 3 Norton Products !!!!! [01/29 00:36:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:36:06] [INFO] Progress: 2114/2260 [01/29 00:36:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/compare-these-3-norton-products.214200/ finished! [01/29 00:36:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading ThreatFire !!!!! [01/29 00:36:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:36:10] [INFO] Progress: 2115/2260 [01/29 00:36:10] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/threatfire.218410/ finished! [01/29 00:36:10] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Nod32 Version 3 System Resources Utilization !!!!! [01/29 00:36:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:11] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:36:12] [INFO] Progress: 2116/2260 [01/29 00:36:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-version-3-system-resources-utilization.218277/ finished! [01/29 00:36:12] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Small footprint firewall to run with NOD 32 v3 !!!!! [01/29 00:36:13] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:36:14] [INFO] Progress: 2117/2260 [01/29 00:36:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/small-footprint-firewall-to-run-with-nod-32-v3.218698/ finished! [01/29 00:36:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo 3.0 Basic No leak protection !!!!! [01/29 00:36:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:15] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:36:16] [INFO] Progress: 2118/2260 [01/29 00:36:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-3-0-basic-no-leak-protection.214736/ finished! [01/29 00:36:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Paid security suites !!!!! [01/29 00:36:17] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:19] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:36:19] [INFO] Progress: 2119/2260 [01/29 00:36:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/paid-security-suites.218069/ finished! [01/29 00:36:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading does everybody use avira personal classic or personal premium !!!!! [01/29 00:36:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:36:23] [INFO] Progress: 2120/2260 [01/29 00:36:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-everybody-use-avira-personal-classic-or-personal-premium.216118/ finished! [01/29 00:36:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot- New Version !!!!! [01/29 00:36:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:36:26] [INFO] Progress: 2121/2260 [01/29 00:36:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-new-version.216941/ finished! [01/29 00:36:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security !!!!! [01/29 00:36:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:28] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:36:28] [INFO] Progress: 2122/2260 [01/29 00:36:28] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/trend-micro-pc-cillin-internet-security.214778/ finished! [01/29 00:36:28] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo Firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:36:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:31] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:36:31] [INFO] Progress: 2123/2260 [01/29 00:36:31] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-firewall.213834/ finished! [01/29 00:36:31] [INFO] !!! Now downloading question on how to use Windows Defender !!!!! [01/29 00:36:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:36:33] [INFO] Progress: 2124/2260 [01/29 00:36:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/question-on-how-to-use-windows-defender.214876/ finished! [01/29 00:36:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Quick Q about AVG Free... !!!!! [01/29 00:36:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:36:35] [INFO] Progress: 2125/2260 [01/29 00:36:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/quick-q-about-avg-free.214808/ finished! [01/29 00:36:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good internet security that works well with games !!!!! [01/29 00:36:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:36:38] [INFO] Progress: 2126/2260 [01/29 00:36:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-internet-security-that-works-well-with-games.213202/ finished! [01/29 00:36:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spybot Search and Destroy; new version 1.5.2 !!!!! [01/29 00:36:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:36:40] [INFO] Progress: 2127/2260 [01/29 00:36:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spybot-search-and-destroy-new-version-1-5-2.214559/ finished! [01/29 00:36:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading About Iolo Antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:36:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:36:42] [INFO] Progress: 2128/2260 [01/29 00:36:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/about-iolo-antivirus.214646/ finished! [01/29 00:36:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Fastest anti-virus program !!!!! [01/29 00:36:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:36:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:36:48] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:36:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:36:48] [INFO] Progress: 2129/2260 [01/29 00:36:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/fastest-anti-virus-program.213225/ finished! [01/29 00:36:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security vs McAfee Security Center !!!!! [01/29 00:36:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:36:51] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:36:52] [INFO] Progress: 2130/2260 [01/29 00:36:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-vs-mcafee-security-center.212939/ finished! [01/29 00:36:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need an anti-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:36:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:36:54] [INFO] Progress: 2131/2260 [01/29 00:36:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-an-anti-virus.213169/ finished! [01/29 00:36:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Crss.exe !!!!! [01/29 00:36:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:36:55] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/hammer.gif [01/29 00:36:56] [INFO] Progress: 2132/2260 [01/29 00:36:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/crss-exe.213384/ finished! [01/29 00:36:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton mcafee avg other !!!!! [01/29 00:36:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:36:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:36:57] [INFO] Progress: 2133/2260 [01/29 00:36:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-mcafee-avg-other.212487/ finished! [01/29 00:36:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Avast Users, do you disable VRDB !!!!! [01/29 00:36:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:01] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:01] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:37:02] [INFO] Progress: 2134/2260 [01/29 00:37:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-users-do-you-disable-vrdb.150440/ finished! [01/29 00:37:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Stay with McAfee, or switch to Free Software !!!!! [01/29 00:37:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:05] [INFO] Progress: 2135/2260 [01/29 00:37:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/stay-with-mcafee-or-switch-to-free-software.211563/ finished! [01/29 00:37:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nod32 problem! !!!!! [01/29 00:37:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:37:07] [INFO] Progress: 2136/2260 [01/29 00:37:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-problem.212650/ finished! [01/29 00:37:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NDT2.sys Rootkit virus, how do I get rid of it -( !!!!! [01/29 00:37:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:37:09] [INFO] Progress: 2137/2260 [01/29 00:37:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ndt2-sys-rootkit-virus-how-do-i-get-rid-of-it.212615/ finished! [01/29 00:37:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Perfect Set-Up !!!!! [01/29 00:37:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:37:12] [INFO] Progress: 2138/2260 [01/29 00:37:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/perfect-set-up.207315/ finished! [01/29 00:37:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading windows defender !!!!! [01/29 00:37:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:16] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:16] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:37:16] [INFO] Progress: 2139/2260 [01/29 00:37:16] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-defender.206350/ finished! [01/29 00:37:16] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Ani-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:37:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:37:18] [INFO] Progress: 2140/2260 [01/29 00:37:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-ani-virus.212382/ finished! [01/29 00:37:18] [INFO] !!! Now downloading nod32 problem! !!!!! [01/29 00:37:19] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:37:19] [INFO] Progress: 2141/2260 [01/29 00:37:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-problem.212000/ finished! [01/29 00:37:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Switcher (mac pc) questions about Vista, security e.t.c !!!!! [01/29 00:37:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:37:23] [INFO] Progress: 2142/2260 [01/29 00:37:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/switcher-mac-pc-questions-about-vista-security-e-t-c.205735/ finished! [01/29 00:37:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus attack...urgent help !!!!! [01/29 00:37:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:37:25] [INFO] Progress: 2143/2260 [01/29 00:37:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-attack-urgent-help.211767/ finished! [01/29 00:37:25] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-questions.209740/ is 30500 ms [01/29 00:37:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Comodo questions !!!!! [01/29 00:37:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:37:28] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:37:30] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:37:30] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/hammer.gif [01/29 00:37:30] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/hammer.gif [01/29 00:37:31] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:37:33] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:37:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:37:33] [INFO] Progress: 2144/2260 [01/29 00:37:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/comodo-questions.209740/ finished! [01/29 00:37:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot Anti-spyware... worth it. !!!!! [01/29 00:37:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:37:34] [INFO] Progress: 2145/2260 [01/29 00:37:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-anti-spyware-worth-it.211775/ finished! [01/29 00:37:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are they adequate and compatible !!!!! [01/29 00:37:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:37:38] [INFO] Progress: 2146/2260 [01/29 00:37:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-they-adequate-and-compatible.210079/ finished! [01/29 00:37:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows XP2 and Online Armor together !!!!! [01/29 00:37:39] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:37:39] [INFO] Progress: 2147/2260 [01/29 00:37:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-xp2-and-online-armor-together.209833/ finished! [01/29 00:37:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading firewalls w vista !!!!! [01/29 00:37:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:37:41] [INFO] Progress: 2148/2260 [01/29 00:37:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewalls-w-vista.209657/ finished! [01/29 00:37:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do we need anti-virus or other security software for vista !!!!! [01/29 00:37:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:37:43] [INFO] Progress: 2149/2260 [01/29 00:37:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-we-need-anti-virus-or-other-security-software-for-vista.209096/ finished! [01/29 00:37:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Anti-Virus 7.5 Professional for Free !!!!! [01/29 00:37:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:37:45] [INFO] Progress: 2150/2260 [01/29 00:37:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-anti-virus-7-5-professional-for-free.206092/ finished! [01/29 00:37:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton subscription help !!!!! [01/29 00:37:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:37:47] [INFO] Progress: 2151/2260 [01/29 00:37:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-subscription-help.204252/ finished! [01/29 00:37:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Keep an eye on this router security issue (if you use a router). !!!!! [01/29 00:37:48] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:37:49] [INFO] Progress: 2152/2260 [01/29 00:37:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/keep-an-eye-on-this-router-security-issue-if-you-use-a-router.209139/ finished! [01/29 00:37:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading x64 anti virus !!!!! [01/29 00:37:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:37:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:37:52] [INFO] Progress: 2153/2260 [01/29 00:37:52] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/x64-anti-virus.206689/ finished! [01/29 00:37:52] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Need some help advice on getting a complete security setup !!!!! [01/29 00:37:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:37:54] [INFO] Progress: 2154/2260 [01/29 00:37:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/need-some-help-advice-on-getting-a-complete-security-setup.203023/ finished! [01/29 00:37:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading symantec endpoint, reliable !!!!! [01/29 00:37:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:37:56] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:37:56] [INFO] Progress: 2155/2260 [01/29 00:37:56] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/symantec-endpoint-reliable.208795/ finished! [01/29 00:37:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton 2007, exactly why it sucks !!!!! [01/29 00:37:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:37:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:38:00] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/3.gif [01/29 00:38:00] [INFO] Progress: 2156/2260 [01/29 00:38:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-2007-exactly-why-it-sucks.208430/ finished! [01/29 00:38:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton CAN be replaced by Others but.... !!!!! [01/29 00:38:01] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:38:03] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:38:03] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:38:03] [INFO] Progress: 2157/2260 [01/29 00:38:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-can-be-replaced-by-others-but.207885/ finished! [01/29 00:38:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus really needed on Vista Ultimate !!!!! [01/29 00:38:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:05] [INFO] Progress: 2158/2260 [01/29 00:38:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-really-needed-on-vista-ultimate.208065/ finished! [01/29 00:38:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Uninstalling antivirus on Acer 5920G !!!!! [01/29 00:38:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:38:07] [INFO] Progress: 2159/2260 [01/29 00:38:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/uninstalling-antivirus-on-acer-5920g.205843/ finished! [01/29 00:38:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't open Drive C with double click after deleting worm !!!!! [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:38:09] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/183/problemgj1.png; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Can't open Drive C with double click after deleting worm/images/storyImages/problemgj1.png [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] Progress: 2160/2260 [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-open-drive-c-with-double-click-after-deleting-worm.207956/ finished! [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-and-anti-spyware.189754/ is 23000 ms [01/29 00:38:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Anti-Virus and Anti-spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:38:11] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:38:13] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:38:14] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:38:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:38:14] [INFO] Progress: 2161/2260 [01/29 00:38:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus-and-anti-spyware.189754/ finished! [01/29 00:38:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The best anti-virus program !!!!! [01/29 00:38:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:38:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:38:18] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:38:18] [INFO] Progress: 2162/2260 [01/29 00:38:18] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-anti-virus-program.206044/ finished! [01/29 00:38:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Internet Security 2008 - resource hog !!!!! [01/29 00:38:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:38:20] [INFO] Progress: 2163/2260 [01/29 00:38:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-internet-security-2008-resource-hog.207855/ finished! [01/29 00:38:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton Anti-Virus running in the background !!!!! [01/29 00:38:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:38:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:38:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:38:23] [INFO] Progress: 2164/2260 [01/29 00:38:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-anti-virus-running-in-the-background.207836/ finished! [01/29 00:38:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free setup !!!!! [01/29 00:38:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:38:25] [INFO] Progress: 2165/2260 [01/29 00:38:25] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-setup.206564/ finished! [01/29 00:38:25] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Webroot Spy Sweeper !!!!! [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] Progress: 2166/2260 [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/webroot-spy-sweeper.205320/ finished! [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pc-tools-spyware-doctor.195202/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:38:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading PC Tools Spyware Doctor !!!!! [01/29 00:38:29] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:38:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:38:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:38:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:38:32] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/notworthy_zpslg2phlen.gif [01/29 00:38:33] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/notworthy_zpslg2phlen.gif [01/29 00:38:33] [INFO] Progress: 2167/2260 [01/29 00:38:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/pc-tools-spyware-doctor.195202/ finished! [01/29 00:38:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-software.201866/ is 27500 ms [01/29 00:38:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading what is the best anti-virus software !!!!! [01/29 00:38:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:38:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:38:36] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/vroam.gif [01/29 00:38:36] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/vroam.gif [01/29 00:38:37] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:38:39] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:38:39] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:38:39] [INFO] Progress: 2168/2260 [01/29 00:38:39] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-anti-virus-software.201866/ finished! [01/29 00:38:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading mcafee help !!!!! [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] Progress: 2169/2260 [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-help.204411/ finished! [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-avg-anti-virus-7-5-pro.201302/ is 28500 ms [01/29 00:38:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free AVG Anti-Virus 7.5 PRO !!!!! [01/29 00:38:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:38:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:38:46] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:38:48] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:38:48] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:38:48] [INFO] Progress: 2170/2260 [01/29 00:38:48] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-avg-anti-virus-7-5-pro.201302/ finished! [01/29 00:38:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Norton does not work when you need it! !!!!! [01/29 00:38:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:38:52] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:38:54] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:38:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:38:54] [INFO] Progress: 2171/2260 [01/29 00:38:54] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/norton-does-not-work-when-you-need-it.152368/ finished! [01/29 00:38:54] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Just installed Norton, few questions !!!!! [01/29 00:38:55] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:38:55] [INFO] Progress: 2172/2260 [01/29 00:38:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/just-installed-norton-few-questions.202728/ finished! [01/29 00:38:56] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Spyware !!!!! [01/29 00:38:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:57] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:38:57] [INFO] Progress: 2173/2260 [01/29 00:38:57] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/spyware.203741/ finished! [01/29 00:38:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to decide what to Quarantee !!!!! [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] Progress: 2174/2260 [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-decide-what-to-quarantee.203633/ finished! [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall.203627/ is 21000 ms [01/29 00:38:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do I need a firewall !!!!! [01/29 00:39:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:39:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:39:04] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:39:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:39:04] [INFO] Progress: 2175/2260 [01/29 00:39:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-i-need-a-firewall.203627/ finished! [01/29 00:39:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading SUPERAntiSpyware - anyone using this !!!!! [01/29 00:39:05] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:39:06] [INFO] Progress: 2176/2260 [01/29 00:39:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/superantispyware-anyone-using-this.203663/ finished! [01/29 00:39:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Worm Malware Problem !!!!! [01/29 00:39:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:39:07] [INFO] Progress: 2177/2260 [01/29 00:39:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-worm-malware-problem.203475/ finished! [01/29 00:39:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 3-user for $-8.01 AR @ Amazon.com !!!!! [01/29 00:39:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:09] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:39:09] [INFO] Progress: 2178/2260 [01/29 00:39:09] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-internet-security-7-0-3-user-for-8-01-ar-amazon-com.203281/ finished! [01/29 00:39:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Firewall Reccomendations !!!!! [01/29 00:39:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:39:11] [INFO] Progress: 2179/2260 [01/29 00:39:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/firewall-reccomendations.203042/ finished! [01/29 00:39:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading kaspersky anti-virus multiple installs !!!!! [01/29 00:39:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:12] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:39:12] [INFO] Progress: 2180/2260 [01/29 00:39:12] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-anti-virus-multiple-installs.193313/ finished! [01/29 00:39:13] [INFO] !!! Now downloading The best protection you can buy...... !!!!! [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] Progress: 2181/2260 [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/the-best-protection-you-can-buy.203104/ finished! [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-my-shutdown-button-back.178548/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:39:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How to Get my Shutdown button back !!!!! [01/29 00:39:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:39:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:39:17] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b287/Eble/Clipboard01-18.jpg [01/29 00:39:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:39:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:39:19] [INFO] Progress: 2182/2260 [01/29 00:39:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-to-get-my-shutdown-button-back.178548/ finished! [01/29 00:39:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading IE trojon virus !!!!! [01/29 00:39:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:39:22] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:39:23] [INFO] Progress: 2183/2260 [01/29 00:39:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/ie-trojon-virus.196953/ finished! [01/29 00:39:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Why is it that... !!!!! [01/29 00:39:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:39:26] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:39:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:39:27] [INFO] Progress: 2184/2260 [01/29 00:39:27] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/why-is-it-that.195716/ finished! [01/29 00:39:27] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free anti-virus program !!!!! [01/29 00:39:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:39:31] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:39:34] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:39:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:39:34] [INFO] Progress: 2185/2260 [01/29 00:39:34] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-anti-virus-program.192742/ finished! [01/29 00:39:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading McAfee Virus Problems !!!!! [01/29 00:39:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:39:36] [INFO] Progress: 2186/2260 [01/29 00:39:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/mcafee-virus-problems.192097/ finished! [01/29 00:39:36] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free website based virus scanners for Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:39:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:38] [INFO] Progress: 2187/2260 [01/29 00:39:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-website-based-virus-scanners-for-vista.191660/ finished! [01/29 00:39:38] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky Anti-Virus Protection !!!!! [01/29 00:39:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:39:40] [INFO] Progress: 2188/2260 [01/29 00:39:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-anti-virus-protection.190759/ finished! [01/29 00:39:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaserspky needs 13 hours to scan ! !!!!! [01/29 00:39:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:39:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:39:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:39:43] [INFO] Progress: 2189/2260 [01/29 00:39:43] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaserspky-needs-13-hours-to-scan.190124/ finished! [01/29 00:39:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Win32 HackAV.G virus !!!!! [01/29 00:39:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:39:45] [INFO] Progress: 2190/2260 [01/29 00:39:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/win32-hackav-g-virus.164451/ finished! [01/29 00:39:45] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I got a virus problem, please help! !!!!! [01/29 00:39:46] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:39:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:39:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:39:49] [INFO] Progress: 2191/2260 [01/29 00:39:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-got-a-virus-problem-please-help.188932/ finished! [01/29 00:39:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Internet Security !!!!! [01/29 00:39:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:39:51] [INFO] Progress: 2192/2260 [01/29 00:39:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-internet-security.188312/ finished! [01/29 00:39:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti Virus software that consumes the least system resources !!!!! [01/29 00:39:53] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] Progress: 2193/2260 [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-software-that-consumes-the-least-system-resources.187087/ finished! [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-software-do-you-guys-use.172096/ is 30000 ms [01/29 00:39:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which Anti-Virus software do you guys use !!!!! [01/29 00:39:57] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:39:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:40:01] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:40:03] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:40:05] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:40:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:40:05] [INFO] Progress: 2194/2260 [01/29 00:40:05] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-software-do-you-guys-use.172096/ finished! [01/29 00:40:05] [INFO] !!! Now downloading NOD32 Credebility !!!!! [01/29 00:40:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:40:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:40:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:40:08] [INFO] Progress: 2195/2260 [01/29 00:40:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/nod32-credebility.184164/ finished! [01/29 00:40:09] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-anti-virus-software.182474/ is 24500 ms [01/29 00:40:09] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Your Anti-Virus Software !!!!! [01/29 00:40:10] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:40:12] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:40:14] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:40:14] [INFO] Progress: 2196/2260 [01/29 00:40:14] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/your-anti-virus-software.182474/ finished! [01/29 00:40:14] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-virus-protection.182334/ is 25000 ms [01/29 00:40:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Free Virus Protection !!!!! [01/29 00:40:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:40:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:40:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:40:20] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:40:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:40:20] [INFO] Progress: 2197/2260 [01/29 00:40:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-virus-protection.182334/ finished! [01/29 00:40:21] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Good to run more than 1 anti-virus program !!!!! [01/29 00:40:22] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:40:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:40:24] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:40:24] [INFO] Progress: 2198/2260 [01/29 00:40:24] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/good-to-run-more-than-1-anti-virus-program.180974/ finished! [01/29 00:40:24] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky AV !!!!! [01/29 00:40:26] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:40:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:40:26] [INFO] Progress: 2199/2260 [01/29 00:40:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-av.180962/ finished! [01/29 00:40:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best Anti-virus !!!!! [01/29 00:40:28] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:40:30] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:40:32] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:40:32] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:40:32] [INFO] Progress: 2200/2260 [01/29 00:40:32] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-anti-virus.160046/ finished! [01/29 00:40:32] [INFO] !!! Now downloading 32bit Antiirus on 64bit Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:40:33] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] Progress: 2201/2260 [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/32bit-antiirus-on-64bit-vista.180552/ finished! [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-fastest-anti-virus-for-vista-use.179771/ is 38500 ms [01/29 00:40:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best fastest anti-virus for Vista use !!!!! [01/29 00:40:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 6 [01/29 00:40:38] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 6 [01/29 00:40:40] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 6 [01/29 00:40:42] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 6 [01/29 00:40:43] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 6 [01/29 00:40:45] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 6 [01/29 00:40:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:40:46] [INFO] Progress: 2202/2260 [01/29 00:40:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-fastest-anti-virus-for-vista-use.179771/ finished! [01/29 00:40:46] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-one-ms-onecare-norton-nod32.177262/ is 23500 ms [01/29 00:40:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which one MS OneCare - Norton - NOD32 !!!!! [01/29 00:40:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:40:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:40:51] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:40:51] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:40:51] [INFO] Progress: 2203/2260 [01/29 00:40:51] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-one-ms-onecare-norton-nod32.177262/ finished! [01/29 00:40:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Recommendations for free & efficient anti-spyware and virus removal programs !!!!! [01/29 00:40:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:40:52] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:40:53] [INFO] Progress: 2204/2260 [01/29 00:40:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/recommendations-for-free-efficient-anti-spyware-and-virus-removal-programs.177704/ finished! [01/29 00:40:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best budget antivirus, Tesco £10 !!!!! [01/29 00:40:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:40:55] [INFO] Progress: 2205/2260 [01/29 00:40:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-budget-antivirus-tesco-%C2%A310.174401/ finished! [01/29 00:40:55] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-do-you-guys-think-of-the-new-norton-internet-security-2008.173326/ is 23000 ms [01/29 00:40:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What do you guys think of the new Norton Internet Security 2008 !!!!! [01/29 00:40:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:40:59] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:41:00] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:41:00] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:41:00] [INFO] Progress: 2206/2260 [01/29 00:41:00] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-do-you-guys-think-of-the-new-norton-internet-security-2008.173326/ finished! [01/29 00:41:00] [INFO] !!! Now downloading free Anti-virus software for a new laptop !!!!! [01/29 00:41:02] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:41:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:41:02] [INFO] Progress: 2207/2260 [01/29 00:41:03] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-anti-virus-software-for-a-new-laptop.172385/ finished! [01/29 00:41:03] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-virusscanners-really-this-bad-shocking-results.170458/ is 55500 ms [01/29 00:41:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Are virusscanners really this bad shocking results !!!!! [01/29 00:41:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 10 [01/29 00:41:06] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 10 [01/29 00:41:07] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 10 [01/29 00:41:09] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 10 [01/29 00:41:11] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 10 [01/29 00:41:11] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/virus.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/virus.png [01/29 00:41:13] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 10 [01/29 00:41:13] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/recycle.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/recycle.png [01/29 00:41:13] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/scand.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/scand.png [01/29 00:41:13] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/scanf.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/scanf.png [01/29 00:41:13] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/sus1.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/sus1.png [01/29 00:41:15] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 10 [01/29 00:41:15] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/ietemp.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/ietemp.png [01/29 00:41:15] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/kas.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/kas.png [01/29 00:41:15] [WARNING] Could not download image http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/nob2.png because Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://www.velocity.net/~tanglewood/nob2.png [01/29 00:41:17] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 10 [01/29 00:41:18] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 10 [01/29 00:41:20] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 10 [01/29 00:41:20] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:41:20] [INFO] Progress: 2208/2260 [01/29 00:41:20] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/are-virusscanners-really-this-bad-shocking-results.170458/ finished! [01/29 00:41:20] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which antivirus software shoud I get !!!!! [01/29 00:41:21] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:41:24] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] Progress: 2209/2260 [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-antivirus-software-shoud-i-get.170909/ finished! [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-protection-against-trojans-avast-and-antivir-pe-failed.170397/ is 29000 ms [01/29 00:41:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best protection against trojans Avast and Antivir PE failed. !!!!! [01/29 00:41:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:41:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:41:31] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] Progress: 2210/2260 [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-protection-against-trojans-avast-and-antivir-pe-failed.170397/ finished! [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-out-right-now.169233/ is 27000 ms [01/29 00:41:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Whats the best Anti-Virus Out right now !!!!! [01/29 00:41:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:41:36] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:41:39] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:41:41] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:41:41] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:41:41] [INFO] Progress: 2211/2260 [01/29 00:41:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/whats-the-best-anti-virus-out-right-now.169233/ finished! [01/29 00:41:42] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Is virus protection necessary yet !!!!! [01/29 00:41:43] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:41:45] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:41:45] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:41:45] [INFO] Progress: 2212/2260 [01/29 00:41:45] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/is-virus-protection-necessary-yet.171023/ finished! [01/29 00:41:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sophos Anti-Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:41:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:41:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:41:47] [INFO] Progress: 2213/2260 [01/29 00:41:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sophos-anti-virus.170598/ finished! [01/29 00:41:48] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus attack... windows folder hostage... !!!!! [01/29 00:41:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:41:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:41:49] [INFO] Progress: 2214/2260 [01/29 00:41:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-attack-windows-folder-hostage.170604/ finished! [01/29 00:41:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet security help! !!!!! [01/29 00:41:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/err_zpscphez7e7.gif [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/nah_zpswfdldzsn.gif [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/notworthy_zpslg2phlen.gif [01/29 00:41:53] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/radugbhr/wacky%20smileys/swoon_zpscs4r6k8g.gif [01/29 00:41:55] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:41:55] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:41:55] [INFO] Progress: 2215/2260 [01/29 00:41:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-security-help.166396/ finished! [01/29 00:41:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best free anti-virus you can get !!!!! [01/29 00:41:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:41:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:41:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:41:58] [INFO] Progress: 2216/2260 [01/29 00:41:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-free-anti-virus-you-can-get.169123/ finished! [01/29 00:41:58] [INFO] !!! Now downloading virus has struck Desktop !!!!! [01/29 00:41:59] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:42:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:42:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:42:02] [INFO] Progress: 2217/2260 [01/29 00:42:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-has-struck-desktop.168867/ finished! [01/29 00:42:02] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Do you use both 3rd party firewall and antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:42:03] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:42:05] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:42:05] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:42:06] [INFO] Progress: 2218/2260 [01/29 00:42:06] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/do-you-use-both-3rd-party-firewall-and-antivirus.163538/ finished! [01/29 00:42:06] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Virus Spyware Malware Trojan !!!!! [01/29 00:42:07] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:42:07] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:42:08] [INFO] Progress: 2219/2260 [01/29 00:42:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/virus-spyware-malware-trojan.163727/ finished! [01/29 00:42:08] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-paid-antivirus-for-vista.163226/ is 21500 ms [01/29 00:42:08] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best PAID antivirus for Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:42:09] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:42:11] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:42:13] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:42:13] [INFO] Number of posts: 4 [01/29 00:42:13] [INFO] Progress: 2220/2260 [01/29 00:42:13] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-paid-antivirus-for-vista.163226/ finished! [01/29 00:42:14] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Looking for an Anti-Virus software !!!!! [01/29 00:42:15] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:42:17] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] Progress: 2221/2260 [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/looking-for-an-anti-virus-software.161468/ finished! [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-antivirus.42070/ is 154500 ms [01/29 00:42:19] [INFO] !!! Now downloading What is the best antivirus !!!!! [01/29 00:42:20] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 29 [01/29 00:42:23] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 29 [01/29 00:42:25] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 29 [01/29 00:42:26] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 29 [01/29 00:42:28] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 29 [01/29 00:42:30] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 29 [01/29 00:42:31] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 29 [01/29 00:42:33] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 29 [01/29 00:42:35] [INFO] We are on page 9 of 29 [01/29 00:42:36] [INFO] We are on page 10 of 29 [01/29 00:42:38] [INFO] We are on page 11 of 29 [01/29 00:42:40] [INFO] We are on page 12 of 29 [01/29 00:42:41] [INFO] We are on page 13 of 29 [01/29 00:42:43] [INFO] We are on page 14 of 29 [01/29 00:42:45] [INFO] We are on page 15 of 29 [01/29 00:42:46] [INFO] We are on page 16 of 29 [01/29 00:42:48] [INFO] We are on page 17 of 29 [01/29 00:42:50] [INFO] We are on page 18 of 29 [01/29 00:42:52] [INFO] We are on page 19 of 29 [01/29 00:42:54] [INFO] We are on page 20 of 29 [01/29 00:42:56] [INFO] We are on page 21 of 29 [01/29 00:42:58] [INFO] We are on page 22 of 29 [01/29 00:43:00] [INFO] We are on page 23 of 29 [01/29 00:43:02] [INFO] We are on page 24 of 29 [01/29 00:43:03] [INFO] We are on page 25 of 29 [01/29 00:43:05] [INFO] We are on page 26 of 29 [01/29 00:43:07] [INFO] We are on page 27 of 29 [01/29 00:43:07] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/3.gif [01/29 00:43:09] [INFO] We are on page 28 of 29 [01/29 00:43:11] [INFO] We are on page 29 of 29 [01/29 00:43:11] [INFO] Progress: 2222/2260 [01/29 00:43:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-is-the-best-antivirus.42070/ finished! [01/29 00:43:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-virus Firewall in Vista !!!!! [01/29 00:43:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:43:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:43:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:43:15] [INFO] Progress: 2223/2260 [01/29 00:43:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-firewall-in-vista.157731/ finished! [01/29 00:43:15] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-virus-protection.151408/ is 30500 ms [01/29 00:43:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Free Virus Protection !!! !!!!! [01/29 00:43:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 5 [01/29 00:43:18] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 5 [01/29 00:43:20] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 5 [01/29 00:43:22] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 5 [01/29 00:43:23] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 5 [01/29 00:43:23] [INFO] Number of posts: 2 [01/29 00:43:23] [INFO] Progress: 2224/2260 [01/29 00:43:23] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/free-virus-protection.151408/ finished! [01/29 00:43:23] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Holy xxxx... spyware. !!!!! [01/29 00:43:25] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:43:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:43:25] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h147/aoetwo/spyware.jpg [01/29 00:43:26] [INFO] Progress: 2225/2260 [01/29 00:43:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/holy-xxxx-spyware.152882/ finished! [01/29 00:43:26] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/strange-events-in-win-xp-all-documents-gone.151512/ is 28000 ms [01/29 00:43:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone! !!!!! [01/29 00:43:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 4 [01/29 00:43:28] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9559/untitled2vk0.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone!/images/storyImages/untitled2vk0.jpg [01/29 00:43:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 4 [01/29 00:43:31] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 4 [01/29 00:43:31] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/9357/steamerrorsg1.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone!/images/storyImages/steamerrorsg1.jpg [01/29 00:43:31] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/9920/glockwallpaperqj8.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone!/images/storyImages/glockwallpaperqj8.jpg [01/29 00:43:31] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/4755/untitled3qc6.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone!/images/storyImages/untitled3qc6.jpg [01/29 00:43:33] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 4 [01/29 00:43:33] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:43:33] [WARNING] File not found for image http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8171/77587589pi0.jpg; destination: /share/security-and-anti-virus-software//Strange Events in Win XP... All Documents Gone!/images/storyImages/77587589pi0.jpg [01/29 00:43:33] [INFO] Progress: 2226/2260 [01/29 00:43:33] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/strange-events-in-win-xp-all-documents-gone.151512/ finished! [01/29 00:43:33] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Urgent Help - Virus attack!!! !!!!! [01/29 00:43:34] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:43:34] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:43:35] [INFO] Progress: 2227/2260 [01/29 00:43:35] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/urgent-help-virus-attack.152255/ finished! [01/29 00:43:35] [INFO] !!! Now downloading General AV Question !!!!! [01/29 00:43:36] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:43:36] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:43:36] [INFO] Progress: 2228/2260 [01/29 00:43:36] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/general-av-question.151917/ finished! [01/29 00:43:37] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast! stops computer from booting up. !!!!! [01/29 00:43:38] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:43:38] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:43:38] [INFO] Progress: 2229/2260 [01/29 00:43:38] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-stops-computer-from-booting-up.151628/ finished! [01/29 00:43:39] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Sophos Anti-virus software !!!!! [01/29 00:43:40] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:43:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:43:40] [INFO] Progress: 2230/2260 [01/29 00:43:40] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/sophos-anti-virus-software.149190/ finished! [01/29 00:43:40] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Antivirus suggestions !!!!! [01/29 00:43:41] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:43:43] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:43:43] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:43:43] [INFO] Progress: 2231/2260 [01/29 00:43:44] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/antivirus-suggestions.148612/ finished! [01/29 00:43:44] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Computer with Virus !!!!! [01/29 00:43:45] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:43:47] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:43:47] [INFO] Number of posts: 6 [01/29 00:43:47] [INFO] Progress: 2232/2260 [01/29 00:43:47] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/computer-with-virus.147758/ finished! [01/29 00:43:47] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Can't delete possible virus.. help !!!!! [01/29 00:43:49] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] Progress: 2233/2260 [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/cant-delete-possible-virus-help.147380/ finished! [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] Adjusting max possible progress by -40 due to number of threads [01/29 00:43:50] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-spyware-program.49145/ is 49000 ms [01/29 00:43:51] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best spyware program !!!!! [01/29 00:43:52] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/29 00:43:55] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/29 00:43:57] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/29 00:43:58] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/29 00:44:01] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/29 00:44:03] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/29 00:44:04] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/29 00:44:06] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/29 00:44:06] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:44:07] [INFO] Progress: 2234/2220 [01/29 00:44:07] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-spyware-program.49145/ finished! [01/29 00:44:07] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Anti-Virus Question !!!!! [01/29 00:44:08] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:10] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:10] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:44:11] [INFO] Progress: 2235/2220 [01/29 00:44:11] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/anti-virus-question.144664/ finished! [01/29 00:44:11] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Which anti-virus software !!!!! [01/29 00:44:12] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:14] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:14] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:44:15] [INFO] Progress: 2236/2220 [01/29 00:44:15] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/which-anti-virus-software.143827/ finished! [01/29 00:44:15] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Windows Integrated and 3rd Party Security !!!!! [01/29 00:44:16] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:44:16] [INFO] Applying Photobucket fix for http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bmwrob/Misc/3.gif [01/29 00:44:17] [INFO] Progress: 2237/2220 [01/29 00:44:17] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/windows-integrated-and-3rd-party-security.141440/ finished! [01/29 00:44:17] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-or-nod32.123798/ is 22000 ms [01/29 00:44:17] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Kaspersky or Nod32 !!!!! [01/29 00:44:18] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 3 [01/29 00:44:20] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 3 [01/29 00:44:22] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 3 [01/29 00:44:22] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:44:22] [INFO] Progress: 2238/2220 [01/29 00:44:22] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/kaspersky-or-nod32.123798/ finished! [01/29 00:44:22] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Will having too many antivirus programs be bad !!!!! [01/29 00:44:24] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:25] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:25] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:44:25] [INFO] Progress: 2239/2220 [01/29 00:44:26] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/will-having-too-many-antivirus-programs-be-bad.140856/ finished! [01/29 00:44:26] [INFO] Max wait time for http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/poll-do-you-use-antivirus-software.110782/ is 48000 ms [01/29 00:44:26] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Poll- Do you use Antivirus Software !!!!! [01/29 00:44:27] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 8 [01/29 00:44:29] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 8 [01/29 00:44:31] [INFO] We are on page 3 of 8 [01/29 00:44:33] [INFO] We are on page 4 of 8 [01/29 00:44:35] [INFO] We are on page 5 of 8 [01/29 00:44:37] [INFO] We are on page 6 of 8 [01/29 00:44:39] [INFO] We are on page 7 of 8 [01/29 00:44:40] [INFO] We are on page 8 of 8 [01/29 00:44:40] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:44:41] [INFO] Progress: 2240/2220 [01/29 00:44:41] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/poll-do-you-use-antivirus-software.110782/ finished! [01/29 00:44:41] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Possible Virus Infection !!!!! [01/29 00:44:42] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:44:42] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:44:42] [INFO] Progress: 2241/2220 [01/29 00:44:42] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/possible-virus-infection.137059/ finished! [01/29 00:44:43] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Does my laptop have a virus !!!!! [01/29 00:44:44] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:46] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:46] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:44:46] [INFO] Progress: 2242/2220 [01/29 00:44:46] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/does-my-laptop-have-a-virus.135060/ finished! [01/29 00:44:46] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Internet Explorer Not Responding !!!!! [01/29 00:44:47] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:49] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:49] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:44:49] [INFO] Progress: 2243/2220 [01/29 00:44:49] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/internet-explorer-not-responding.133926/ finished! [01/29 00:44:49] [INFO] !!! Now downloading I need some help with ways to delete viruses off my friend's computer !!!!! [01/29 00:44:50] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:53] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:53] [INFO] Number of posts: 8 [01/29 00:44:53] [INFO] Progress: 2244/2220 [01/29 00:44:53] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/i-need-some-help-with-ways-to-delete-viruses-off-my-friends-computer.128533/ finished! [01/29 00:44:53] [INFO] !!! Now downloading AVG Update Dowloader !!!!! [01/29 00:44:54] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:44:54] [INFO] Number of posts: 5 [01/29 00:44:55] [INFO] Progress: 2245/2220 [01/29 00:44:55] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avg-update-dowloader.132169/ finished! [01/29 00:44:55] [INFO] !!! Now downloading avast or avg legit !!!!! [01/29 00:44:56] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:44:58] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:44:58] [INFO] Number of posts: 7 [01/29 00:44:58] [INFO] Progress: 2246/2220 [01/29 00:44:58] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/avast-or-avg-legit.129987/ finished! [01/29 00:44:59] [INFO] !!! Now downloading How can I delete useless files. !!!!! [01/29 00:45:00] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:45:02] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:45:02] [INFO] Number of posts: 9 [01/29 00:45:02] [INFO] Progress: 2247/2220 [01/29 00:45:02] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/how-can-i-delete-useless-files.129279/ finished! [01/29 00:45:03] [INFO] !!! Now downloading Best DVD Player For Notebook !!!!! [01/29 00:45:04] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 1 [01/29 00:45:04] [INFO] Number of posts: 3 [01/29 00:45:04] [INFO] Progress: 2248/2220 [01/29 00:45:04] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/best-dvd-player-for-notebook.129176/ finished! [01/29 00:45:04] [INFO] !!! Now downloading A Comprehensive Guide to AV software !!!!! [01/29 00:45:06] [INFO] We are on page 1 of 2 [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] We are on page 2 of 2 [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] Number of posts: 1 [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] Progress: 2249/2220 [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] Thread http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-comprehensive-guide-to-av-software.61129/ finished! [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] No dead threads that failed to revive! [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] No dead threads that later revived! [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] *************************************************** [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] Finished archive of http://forum.notebookreview.com/forums/security-and-anti-virus-software.1046/page-113 to /share/security-and-anti-virus-software/ [01/29 00:45:08] [INFO] ***************************************************