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    Trendmicro servers from Japan - accessing webservers

    Discussion in 'Security and Anti-Virus Software' started by TheNomad, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. TheNomad

    TheNomad Notebook Guru

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    Anyone can confirm or had experiences with the stuff below?

    I discovered Trendmicro is accessing / scanning webservers in apparent attempt to distinguish the good from the bad. Nothing new so far I guess. This is how they apparently do it after some time of digging & trapping.

    Trendmicro seems to use servers located in Japan with IP range 150.70.84.* When Trendmicro is running on a PC with the option "protect against web threaths", it'll send the full access path to Trendmicro. From there an inspection is scheduled to the webserver being accessed from 150.70.84.*.

    The thing is, the time between first access and inspection can be a only few minutes. And if it's in a secure area on the webserber the IP range 150.70.84.* is causing an avalanche of 404's. Such as webmail.

    Anyone seen this before?

    Google 150.70.84.* and you'll get info about comment spammers, dig deeper and you'll find TrendMicro.
    So far TrendMicro didn't confirm of deny :rolleyes:
  2. Baserk

    Baserk Notebook user

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    Trend Micro aswell as AVG's Linkscanner use 'Search Engine Spiders'/SERPs.
    One of the few responses from Trend Micro I found, states;

    ' From: [email protected]
    Sent: Friday, 23 May 2008 1:18:29 PM
    To: ......
    Cc: [email protected]

    Dear Site Owner,

    To protect our customers from visiting a malicious or harmful site, web pages of the applicable URLs are downloaded and scanned by our servers. Thus, you may have noticed a few visits from our IPs. Please be assured that this poses no security risk to your web sites as our servers do not perform any action other than scanning the sites.
    We then store the rating of the web site in our server cache so that our servers will no longer access those pages for analysis when a customer chooses to visit those web sites again. We have already asked our server owner to add the rating for the following domain(s);
    The setting will take effect soon, please verify it again on your site.
    Sorry for any inconvenience and please inform us of any other concerns you may have.
    Best Regards,
    Trend Micro

    So, at least here's one confirmation ;)
    In this XHTMLforum post more SERPs are mentioned.
  3. TheNomad

    TheNomad Notebook Guru

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    Thx, very interesting - also the link to the XHTMLforum - explains & comfirms!