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    Stop Using WhatsApp If You Care About Your Privacy

    Discussion in 'Security and Anti-Virus Software' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. Spartan@HIDevolution

    Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative

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    Here's a good alternative:


    It is an app that is made in Switzerland, the servers are there and it uses modern encryption. All messages and private data are stored encrypted on the phone and not on their servers.


    Another alternative: Telegram


    taking back our right to privacy

    Download Android Users:
    Download for Iphone:
  2. xLima

    xLima Notebook Evangelist

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    The problem with all of these is getting your loved ones and contacts to make the move with you.

    I tried getting friends to use telegram but just way too much effort.

    Plus the mobile phone carriers in my country give free unlimited WhatsApp with your data plan. So really hard to get people to migrate.

    Some countries even use WhatsApp for business contact. IE Brazil

    Sent from my BLA-L09 using Tapatalk
    Falkentyne and hmscott like this.
  3. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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  4. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    This is all speculation and useless information as this should be common knowledge.

    We should be all aware that some information is being used, this is not something specific for Whatsapp either, it's your entire phone, PC or whatever device you have that is connected to the internet. If you want your privacy to be secured then you better live like a caveman. No internet, no smartphones etc.

    There is absolutely no reason to ditch whatsapp, since there is absolutely no way people are interested in your messages anyways. The very idea that there are a bunch of people would want to read through billions of private messages each hour to find some useful information is downright ludicrous.

    The fact that people think that big companies are interested in peoples private lives just showcases that the sheer amount of delusion and self centeredness is so insane that it makes some people panic for no reason. In reality companies are only interested in anonymous data such as what sites are being visited in certain regions, where people tend to go and so on for marketing purposes.

    So honestly stop, companies are not interested in your private life, they couldn't care less. If you think otherwise you might want to fix your delusion boys.
  5. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    You have absolutely zero idea the extent that companies will go to in order to get every last bit of detail they can in order to sell to you.
    Woodking, hmscott and Papusan like this.
  6. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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  7. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    You are the one that needs to stop using all of the privacy invasions in your life, delete them from your phone, change your phone OS if needed.

    Learn how to be a network and system administrator that can adeptly detect privacy intrusions - network intrusions through malware and telemetry.

    You need to stop living like a caveman using futuristic hardware and software, progress into the future and understand what you really have and are using. Learn not to burn!! Fire burns, but Fire also cooks some darned nice BBQ. :)

    You are the caveman, you are the problem, telling people to "give up" it's all too hard and too tough to learn.

    You are the limiting factor for people needing to progress from realization through to actualization - being in control of their digital presence and able to protect their online persona.

    You are confusing your desire for retreating backwards into yesterday, instead of dealing with today's need to keep learning and progressing forward. You are just too damned lazy!! :D

    Instead of telling people to run back into their caves, or to hide their heads in the sand and ignore their problems, instead do the work needed to learn enough to give them the information and assistance they need to travel safely into into their future.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  8. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    It's like a kindergarden kid trying to tell a math professor he has no idea about math.

    Delusion at its finest.

    What you're suggesting is paying billions of USD for a couple extremely unlikely messages that somehow will give you 1 extra sale. What you basicially said was the same as someone saying a company will start drilling a huge hole in your garden because there is a 0.000000000000000000000000000001% change of striking oil.

    The amount of absolute ignorance is absolutely insane. Absolutely no company that has any type of success would EVER spend billions in a tiny chance of sale.

    Did you tape your webcam? Scared of someone hacking your webcam? You better tape that webcam if you haven't already bruh. you're obviously so important that people would risk tons of jailtime to spionage on you. You are the pinnacle and worth going jail for.

    The sheer amount of stupidity is downright scary.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  9. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Cluelessness is becoming your specialty, apparently.

    Taping your webcam is the low tech way; you need to disable the webcam physically - in fact it's a requirement at secure client sites that want laptop models that come with webcam's but webcam's aren't allowed on site - so they are physically stripped / disabled.

    Most secure sites no longer allow laptops with webcam's to be ordered, and are not allowed on site.

    You are viciously defending ignoring the obvious, it's really hard to reach someone like you with their head so far up their obliviousness they can't see that the camera's are up there with them.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  10. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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  11. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    lets spend billions to sell 10 extra sneakers.

    I'm the ignorant one :rolleyes:

    Best ROI ever. The amount of sheer stupidity is outstanding.

    Also so you cut the wires instead? :'D

    Seriously you're borderline crazy. It's extremely hard to tell deluded self centered people what reality is, luckily there are many many normal minded people out there who look at facts and use their brain.

    At first they get poisoned by the poison deluded people are spreading then getting healed again by research and logic. Usually when people did their research and start to understand how absolutely insane some statements are and realize that some people are beyond help, that then they either start igorning the crazy people or simply mock them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2019
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  12. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Really, you want instructions now too? Thank goodness, I thought you were completely hopeless. :)

    You pop out the webcam circuit board and the sensor, and cut away everything supporting the webcam that doesn't need to be in the laptop, all the way back to the motherboard or daughter card where it's wired / plugged in. Often they are simply USB devices that need to be unplugged and tossed.

    Then you seal up the hole so some wise acre like you doesn't come along and put a webcam back in the laptop. :p
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
  13. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    It's like peeking into a mind of a crazy person.

    Arent you scared that the goverment will now track your down and punish you for interfering with their world dominance plan of taking over the world with webcam by teleporting mars monsters through them into your livingroom?

    Oh you brave soul, you shall be missed. We will make a stature in your honor for the attempt of defending the weak.
    Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
  14. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Wow, you are really lost in the woods aren't you?

    Like a little child that has lost it's way and is talking to itself to calm it down from it's fears. Crying and running around randomly, not knowing which way to go.

    That's why we are here to help you back on to the path of truth and sanity, away from your unreasonable thoughts driven by your fears of oppression.

    You don't need to be afraid, or hide, simply tell the truth and demonstrate your ability to hold on to reality, and "they" won't have a hold on you any longer.

    Come back into reality from the cold horrors of your fears, it's warm and cozy over here in the reality of truth and understanding.

    Or, keep being a babbling fool, whatever makes you happy. o_O
  15. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    Oh my days, now he's starting to preach. :confused:
    Next thing u're going to try is convince me that the earth is flat and 6000 years old.

    Only in murica, crazy people trying to convince sane people to some bs reality which has been made up. First we get issues with gay marriage for some reason, then some flat earthers coming into the mix, then some crazy feminist which do not understand their own term, after some people trying to redefine genders and now you, trying to tell how successful companies function.

    This is you in a nutshell :'D
    Worst part is, this isn't even your fault. Your own country has fueled your brain with delusion and made sure you don't get properly educated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2019
  16. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Nothing but crazy in that response man, you gotta come back to reality before we can communicate.

    You are standing in front of a highly educated and experienced person that knows what he is talking about, and all you can do is drool uncontrollably, soil yourself, and embarrass your ancestry.

    Calm down and try again.
  17. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Among the NSA's Own Tips for Securing Computers: Remove the Webcam
    And if the NSA doesn't trust a piece of hardware, you probably shouldn't either.
    ALEXIS C. MADRIGAL, AUG 19, 2013

    "Seems like everything gets hacked these days. Baby monitors. White House employees' personal email. Toilets.

    If it's connected to the Internet, it seems at least a little vulnerable.

    But surely we can trust that workhorse selfie-generator, the iSight webcam built into the top bezel of Mac laptops. Or... Maybe not. Yesterday, security researchers Steve Glass and Christopher Soghoian were passing around a National Security Administration factsheet with a little bit of advice for Mac users on how to "harden" their computers to attacks.

    Among the tips, we find the following suggestion: "Disable Integrated iSight and Sound Input."

    "The best way to disable an integrated iSight camera is to have an Apple-certified technician remove it," the NSA writes (emphasis added).

    Then, you might try "placing opaque tape over the camera" or try the software-only method of removing one of the components of Quicktime's files. And if the NSA doesn't trust a particular piece of hardware, it's probably safe to assume an average user shouldn't either.

    The built-in microphone comes under scrutiny, too. The NSA suggests setting the mic input level to zero and removing a file that cripples the sound system.

    The rest of the tips are available in this handy, seemingly laminate-able PDF. They include firewalling instructions, file deletion suggestions, and several other procedures. In fact, the NSA maintains an archive of factsheets on protecting its employees, contractors, and associates, but you can use it to protect yourself from hackers -- inside or outside the government."

    Any software remediation can be reversed quickly, it's best to physically remove the sensor(s).

    None of this is "new" stuff, I've been mitigating against it for many years, and now predictably it's become integrated into every day life, but privacy invasions are still not a good thing to allow to grab a hold in your life.

    Doing without things that can harm you is a basic survival skill; use your own common sense and defend yourself against privacy invasions that can harm. Use your brains and actions to follow through intelligently with everything you do.

    Progressively learn how to deal with new things, constantly learn, and never give up.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
    Woodking, Vasudev and Papusan like this.
  18. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    Actual facts. Education system is really bad in america, currently lots of students are asking the goverment to do something about it. The fact that you're completely oblivious about that fact and call it crazy showcases your disconnection to reality.

    Also calling yourself a "highly educated and experienced" person showcases the amount of delusion you're suffering from.
  19. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    You keep wanting to change the subject away from the reality we are discussing, so it seems you fear it excessively yourself. You have been describing your own fears and emotional responses, not ours.

    You are the one with the need to hide away from it, and ignore it like it doesn't exist.

    That's what you need to deal with before we can continue constructively.

    I'm not going to get into a needless circular debate over BS you throw up as a smokescreen. :)
    jclausius likes this.
  20. James D

    James D Notebook Prophet

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    You are like herpes infected who is trying to make other people sick convinsing people about how it's nothing at all. Saying that 99% of people cares virus of herpes anyway, calling "foil-latex-headed cons" those people who is taking actions to protect themselves.
    In fact, you are just a pathetic drowner, who is already up to your ears in the lost privacy problem being exposed, who wants to drawn all other to not be alone with an ugly naked butt.
    And pretending to not care at all of this to the point of writing wall of text after wall of text as on a paid job, aha.

    Make yourself a no-hoper wanted. In other words, get lost for good. Nobody will miss you on this thread.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  21. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    As long as the camera / audio sensors are installed, anything can happen with the software to compromise security / privacy - and you may not get notice ahead of time of the exploit, or at the time it's happening:

    FaceTime Users Urged To Disable App Over Eavesdropping Bug
    Apple has announced plans to make a software update available this week to solve the issue.
    01/29/2019 02:48 am ET Updated 41 minutes ago

    You May Want To Disable Apple's Facetime For Now
    CBS Miami
    Published on Jan 29, 2019
    A bug has been discovered that lets users listen in on people they're calling without them picking up.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
    Vasudev, 6730b and Papusan like this.
  22. hmscott

    hmscott Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    How Apple responded to this teen found the iPhone FaceTime bug
    CNBC Television
    Published on Feb 4, 2019
    Grant Thompson, the 14-year-old boy who found the Apple group FaceTime bug, joins "Squawk Box" to discuss how he found the issue.
    Vasudev likes this.
  23. James D

    James D Notebook Prophet

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    Is it just me thinking that reporter acted unprofessionally as if he works on regional channel?