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    Protection: Deterrent/Retrieval/Scratch/etc

    Discussion in 'Security and Anti-Virus Software' started by Matthewrs_Rahl, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Matthewrs_Rahl

    Matthewrs_Rahl Notebook Consultant

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    So I've been reading up (on NBR and many other places) and considering the options for laptop security. This is in regards to all things related to damage/theft of laptops. So, here were the areas I thought of (perhaps you guys can think of others).

    Just to note: For myself (this discussion is for everyone, though). This laptop is approxrimately $5k (prolly devalues $800-$1k a year). Should last 3-5 (likely 4-5) years. Laptop weighs approx. 12.5lbs. PowerBRICK weighs about 2.5lbs. Laptop is NEVER left unattended (except in dorm room). When it is left alone on those rare occasions outside of the dorm, it is for 2 minutes to go to the bathroom (in the school library...with 100s of kids...its a bit scary to leave it alone). I always have my power adaptar with me when at the library (this info is on, lol).

    1. "Passive" Theft Deterrent
    ----Paint/Laser-Etch/Sticker. The first two (paint/laser-etch) are permenant. The paint/sticker are likely the most noticable. However, the stickers are removable. The sticker being removable shouldn't cause any alarm, however, as this is just passive theft deterrent. Unless, it is obviously a sticker and can quickly be ripped off.

    2. "Active" Theft Deterrent
    In this arena we have...
    ----Locks. Such as MicroSaver Alarmed Lock, which not only secures (extra "passive" theft deterrent), but makes an audible alarm sound if messed with. This can be a hassle (more carrying/set-up time required). Other locks don't traditionally come with an "alarm", but I've seen a great many youtube videos where not only can locks be quickly dismantled (under a minute) for these laptops, but in which you can simply YANK out the lock really hard (you likely won't be able to cut through it, lol) and get away (albeit, the casing is now kind of broken).
    ----Alarms. Such as IAlertU, good for a mac user (sadly, I'm not). Or Laptop Alarm, for Windows (yay). Not the greatest of alarms. But, seems good for those who DO carry their power cord with them at all time (like myself).

    3. Theft Retrieval vs Insurnace - Which 1?
    In regards to theft retrieval the only thing I could think of was...
    ---- Lojack. Lojack sports a 3/4 success rate AND can capture the guy/girl responsible. Unfortunately it only works when said computer connects to the internet. It deserves more credit than most people around here seem to give it, though, as it CAN maintain it's information if you reformat the HDD (or even if you REPLACE it entirely!), as it is stored in the bios. Unfortunately, not all computers are LoJack capable. $100 = 3 years ($1k coverage if failed to retrieve). You also have the option of activating a "delete" feature for the HDD information, which I think people overlook the value of. After all, anyone using their computer for purchases/e-mails/photos (most of us), will likely have enough information stored in their computer for identity theft....not good!...Doesn't work on all computers, sadly.
    ----GPS. A GPS tracking device, unlike the Lojack, can be found/removed from a computer if found. It also requires owner-observence and direct-work with the local authorities (Lojack becomes your mediator with the police). However, unlike Lojack, it CAN work without internet access. It just needs power. Presumably, anyone using the computer is PROBABLY going to be going online at some point. It also wouldn't work in some buildings (blocks off satelite signals).
    ----We could, however, skip the entire concept of retrieval and go to coverage of parts. Namely getting insurance, such as from Safeware. Which, costs approximately $39.95 for $1,000. $60 for $2,500. $120 for $5,000. Yearly. The benefit of such insurance, is that it also covers accidents (spills/drops/etc), natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc), as well as anything else (fire, electrical surge, etc). For such a price, it's pretty good.

    4. Scratch/Smudge-Resistant
    Not everything about protection has to involve viruses, thieves, and disaster-situations. There are cosmetic concerns to be upheld!
    ----Stickers. Such as schtickers. Great alternative to paint/laser-etch and offers a cover for scratches/smudges on everything beneath it, while looking cool. Sadly, such stickers themselves still need protection (such as from fingerprients). May not always be noticable, though.
    ---- Invisible shield. Great idea...if they make it for your laptop model. I know mine isn't. There are also other companies around that do this, but they offer many of the same selections (some are cheaper, though).

    5. Other
    ----Tag. In case a good samaritan finds (or winds up with) your laptop, you could ask have the bottom of the machine engraved (I've heard some people use uv pens or something?) with your information.
    ----Explosive. I've seen some threads that also discuss harddrives with special cases that more or less "blow up" (okay, they really just break the HDD, lol, no explosives here folks) after certain criterias aren't met (dunno what they are, though). Good for data protection. Bit extreme for my tastes, however.
    ---- Missile Launcher. If your at the library and want to check-up and observe your laptop in your dorm room. If anyone tries to use it, BAM! You not only caught them on camera, but you can shoot them as a deterrent (also good for pissing off your roommates when out of the room...I would know...I have 1...Lol).
    ----Camera snapshots. I always thought it would be cool to have an app that starts BEFORE you log-in to the computer (so, during boot-up) that takes a short-vid or 1-2 pictures. Then, when it acquire an internet signal, forwards it to an account/domain somewhere for retrieval. I suppose it COULD be had for just starting-up the account. For example, I have a guest-account w/ no password with very limited usage and hopefully the thieve will give it a try and BAM, you got his picture on a FTP space, which you can access from anywhere. I haven't seen this done anywhere, though. :/

    So, chime in! I wanna hear what other ideas people have. This is meant to a list of ideas for everyone, not just myself asking questions.
  2. KarenA

    KarenA Notebook Evangelist

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    This is such a nice and informative thread. Nice job. :)

    Some addition for 4. Scratch/Smudge-Resistant:
    - Keyboard cover. Sony doesn't make one for my model. Grr.
    - Screen protector.
    - Privacy screen filter. Useful if you don't like people looking at your screen when you are out using your notebook in public.
  3. Matthewrs_Rahl

    Matthewrs_Rahl Notebook Consultant

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    ----I was considering the "Invisible shield" as covering the screen (so, no need for a screen protector). Though stand-alone products like this can still be had, of course.
    ----I also think the Invisible Shield can cover the keyboard, however, I am not 100% certain of this. You are right in this regard, an independent (or even anti-bacterial keyboard cover like this) keyboard cover is not such a bad idea. I've never had one, but I could see it as easily moving/falling out, unless a shield. It is also seems (like the shield) to be very noticable on the fingers. It is removable, however, so it's not all bad.
    ----Privacy screen filter! I can't believe I forgot to add that. I'm not generally concerned about people reading my laptop on sides (I never do important stuff in public, e-mail at the most). However, a very worthy suggestion and a good website to find them might be here, which is also scratch/fingerprint resistent, too!. I might also suggest, though a bit more "extreme", would be a clip on mirror like these, so you can watch people behind you, too!

    Keep em' coming guys/girls. New ideas? New outlooks on ideas? Superior products? Complete disagreement? Let loose!
  4. Matthewrs_Rahl

    Matthewrs_Rahl Notebook Consultant

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    No other suggestions/comments out there, eh? :)
  5. Matthewrs_Rahl

    Matthewrs_Rahl Notebook Consultant

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    Lol, you security/cosmetic guys are dull. Has no one anything to add? Ha-ha. I doubt I covered all the bases here, that would be sad. :/
    How about laptop insurance versus computrace's lojack, which would you choose? I'll add a caveat to this question, too! Perhaps having lojack would get you a better rate from a laptop insurance company, seeing as the company boasts a 75% success rate of returning laptops!
    Post some thoughts. :)
  6. Baserk

    Baserk Notebook user

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    Because Lojack can be removed from the BIOS and the hardrive, I'd go for insurance.
    Also, the fact that some private company can see where, when and how often I'm on the move is something I don't like from a privacy pov.
    The fact that the a**hole who might steal my notebook can be caught by the police because of Lojack does sound very sweet though.
    So for me it's insurance.