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    How to get rid of Worm.Autorun?

    Discussion in 'Security and Anti-Virus Software' started by diance, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. diance

    diance Newbie

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  2. Baserk

    Baserk Notebook user

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    First of all, reconsider using your current security suite.
    Second, ditch ' Spyware Cease'. Immediately.
    It's not a valid program, it's scareware, trying to make you pay money for non-existant 'infections'.
    This 'antispyware' app. will be flagged as a rogue program by other, reputable, antimalware programs like Malwarebytes.

    On the Spybot Search and Destroy forum, a team member explains why they also regard it as a rogue;


    This is not a false positive.
    The reasons why Spybot - Search & Destroy detects this software are several ones:
    There are anti-spyware tools like:

    1stAntivirus, 100PercentAntiSpyware, AdArmor, AdDestination, Ad-Protect, Ad-PurgeSpywarerAndAdwareRemoverPro, AdsAlert, ADS-Remover, AdvancedCleaner, AdvancedXPFixer, AdwareAlert, AdwareBazooka, AdwareBot, AdwareDelete, AdwareDeluxe, Adware-Patrol, AdWare Pro, AdwarePunisher, Adware Remover, Adware Remover2007, AdwareSheriff, AdwareSpy, AdwareStriker, AdwareX Eliminator, AgentSpyware, AlfaCleaner, AlphaWipe2008, AntiSpamBastion, AntiSpyCheck, AntiSpyKit, AntiSpySpider, AntiSpyStorm, AntispywareBot, AntiSpywareDeluxe, AntiSpywareMaster, AntiSpywareProXP, AntiSpywareShield, Antispywaresoldier, AntiSpyWare2007, AntiSpyZone, AntiVermeans, AntiVerminser, AntiVerMinsPro, AntiVirGear, AntiVirProtect, Antivirus Gold, AntiVirusPro, AstrumAntivirusPro, Awola.Anti-Spyware, BPS Ad Butcher, BPS AddwareRemover, BPS Addwere, BPS AdEradicator, BPS AdFlusher, BPS AdScrub, BPS AdStriker, BPS Adware Butcher, BPS Adware Cops, BPS AdwareBlaster, BPS AdwareBlocker, BPS AdwareCatch, BPS AdwareCatcher, BPS AdwareCheck, BPS AdwareChecker, BPS AdwareCleaner, BPS AdwareCrusher, BPS AdwareDestroyer, BPS AdwareDetect, BPS AdwareEradicator, BPS AdwareEraser, BPS AdwareFlush, BPS AdwareFlusher, BPS AdwareGuard, BPS AdwareGuardian, BPS AdwareInspector, BPS AdwarePolice, BPS AdwareSanitizer, BPS AdwareScanner, BPS AdwareScrub, BPS AdwareScrubber, BPS AdwareShield, BPS AdwareShredder, BPS AdwareSquash, BPS AdwareSquasher, BPS AdwareStopper, BPS AdwareStriker, BPS AdwareSweep, BPS AdwareSweeper, BPS AdwareTerminator, BPS AdwareWasher, BPS AdwareWatch, BPS AdwareWipe, BPS AdwareZapper, BPS AdwareAdwash, BPS Antithiefware, BPS.Gen, BPS IHateAdware, BPS Security Console, BPS SpyButcher, BPS.SpyEliminator, BPS SpySanitizer, BPS SpywareButcher, BPS SpywareCatch, BPS SpywareCops, BPS SpywareFlusher, BPS SpywarePolice, BPS Spyware Remover, BPS SpywareScrub, BPS SpywareSeeker, BPS SpywareShield, BPS SpywareSquash, BPS SpywareSterilizer, BPS SpywareStriker, BPS.SpywareZapper, BPS Squash, BreakSpyware, BrowserAid, BugDoctor, Cleanator, Cleaner2009, CleanSpaceUltimate, Contra-Spy, Contra-Virus, CyberDefender, DiaRemover, Doctor-Adware, Doctor-Adware-Pro, DoctorCleaner, DoctorSpyware, DrAntispy, DriveCleaner2006, DeusCleaner, Easy-Spyware-Killer, EliteProtector, ErrorClean, ErrorDoctor, ErrorGuard, ErrorKiller, ErrorSafe, ErrorSmart, ErrorSweeper, ETD-Security-Scanner, EvidenceEraser, EyeSpyNow, ExpertAntivirus, FakeAlert,, Fake.Antispyware.TheSpybot2007, Fake.MSAntivirus, Fake.PC-Antispyware, Fake.SpywareRemover, FixerAntispy, FlashDollars.AntiVirusProtection, FlashDollars.RegistryRepair, FlashDollars.SpywareRemover, Fraud.AntiMalwareGuard, Fraud.AntiMalwares, Fraud.AntiSpyware2008XP, Fraud.AntiSpywareXP, Fraud.Antivirus, Fraud.Antivirus2008, Fraud.AntiVirusLab2009, FraudAntiVirusSentry, Fraud.AntiVirusTrigger, Fraud.eAntiSpy, Fraud.ISafeAntivirus, Fraud.MyFasterPC, Fraud.PCAntispy, Fraud.PCAntispyXP, Fraud.PCHealth, Fraud.PCProtectionCenter2008, Fraud.PersonalDefender, Fraud.PowerAntivirus, Fraud.SmartAntiVirus2009, Fraud.SpyProtector, Fraud.SpyWareGuard2008, Fraud.SystemAntivirus, Fraud.UltraAntivirus2009, Fraud.VirusResponseLab2009, Fraud.VirusTrigger, Fraud.WinDefender, Fraud.XPAntivirus, Fraud.XPAntivirus.gen, FraudXPCleaner, FroggieScan, Goodbye-Spy, IEDefender, InternetAntivirusPro, InternetSpeedMonitor, KazaapAdwareAndSpywareRemover, KillSoft.V2008, KillSpy, LiveAntispy, LocusSoftware.BestsellerAntivirus, LocusSoftware.PCPrivacyTool, LocusSoftware.SecurePCCleaner, MacroVirus, MagicAntiSpy, MalwareAlarm, MalwareBell, MalwareBot, MalwareBurn, MalwareCore, MalwareCrush, MalwareDestructor, MalwarePro, MalwareProtector2008, MalwareScanner, MalwareWipe, MalwareWipePro, MalWarrior, Marketflip.FakeSearchAndDestroy, Maxion.MaxnetShield, MicroAntivirus, Moatsoft.AntiMalware, MrAntispy, MyNetProtector, MySpyProtector, Neospace-Internet-Security, Netcom3Cleaner, NoAdware, NousTech.SysCleaner, NousTech.SystemDefender, Nous-Tech.UCleaner, Nous-Tech.UDefender, Nous-Tech.UFixer, Nous-Tech.Ultimate-Fake-Security-Center, One-Shot-Antivirus, OnlineGuard, Pal-Spyware-Remover, PCCleaner, PCCleanPro, PC-Health-Plan, PCPrivacyCleaner, PCSleek.FreeErrorCleaner , PerformanceOptimizer, Pestbot, PestCapture, PestTrap, Power-Antivirus-2009, PrivacyControl, PrivacyGuarantor, PrivacyRedeemer, PSGuard, PurityScan, RapidAntivirus, RazeSpyware, RegClean, RegCleaner, RegistryBot, Registry Cleaner, RegistryClear, RegistryFix, RegistryFixIt, RegistryHelper, RegistryPatrol, RegistrySmart, RegRecall, RegSweep, RegSweep,Fake.SpywareRemover, Repair Registry Pro, Rogue.IEAntivirus, Rogue.ScanAndRepair2007, Rogue.WinAntivir2008, SaferScan, SecureMyPC, ScanSpyware, ShudderLtd.AntiVirusPro, Softland.Antivirus2008XP, Spionfrei, SpyAgent, SpyAnalyst, SpyAnyWhere, SpyAxe, SpyBlocs, SpyBouncer, SpyBurner, SpyCleaner, Spycontra, SpyCrush, SpyDawn, Spydeface, SpyDefence, SpyDefender, SpyDestroy-Pro, SpyFalcon, SpyGuard, SpyGuarder, SpyHazard, SpyHeal, SpyHeals, SpyKill, SpyKiller, SpyLax, SpyLocked, SpyMarshall, SpyOfficer, SpyOnThis, SpyPry, SpyQuake, SpyRemover, SpySherrif, SpyShredder, SpySnipe, SpySoap, SpySpotter, SpyStriker, SpyTrooper, SpyVampire, SpyViper, SpywareAnnihilatorPro, SpywareBomber, SpywareBot, SpywareBOT.SpywareStop, SpywareCease, SpywareCleaner, SpywareDetector, SpywareGuard2008, SpywareIsolator, SpywareLocked, SpywareLocker, SpywareNO!, SpywareQuake, SpyWareRemover, SpywareScraper, SpyWare-Secure, SpywareSeizer, SpywareSheriff.FakeAlert, SpywareSoftStop, SpywareSolver, SpywareStormer, SpywareStrike, SpywareThis, SpyWarp, StartGuard, StopingSpy, SynergeticSoft.PrivacyDefender, SysProtect, SysRegistryCleaner, SystemDoctor2006, TheSpywareDetective, TheSpywareShield, TitanShield, TotalProtect2009, TotalSecure2009, Trek Blue Error Nuker, Trojan-Guarder, TrueSword, TrustCleaner, TrustSoftAntiSpyware, UltimateAntivirus2008, UltimateCleaner, UltimateSpyKiller, UltraSoft.Xlib, UtileProtection, VarioAntivirus, Vario.RogueAntiSpy, Virantix, Virusblast, VirusBurst, VirusHeat, VirusIsolator, VirusLocker, VirusProtect, VirusProtectPro, VirusRanger, VirusRescue, VirusSchlacht, VistaAntivirus2008, VsSpy, WareOut, WinAntivirusPro2006, WinClear, WinDefender, Windows.Antivirus2008, WinFixer, WinFixer2005, WinHound, WinPerformance, WinReanimator, WinSoftware, WinSoftware.WinAntiSpyware2006, WinSoftware.WinAntiVirus2006, WinSoftware.WinAntiVirusPro2006, WinSpyKiller, WinSpywareProtect, WinXDefender, WiperWizard, WorldAntispy, Worldsecurityonline.FakeAlert, X-Con-Spyware-Destroyer, XPPoliceAntivirus, XPSecurityCenter, X-Spyware, XSRemover, YourSoft-AntiVS, YourSoft-AntiVT, YourWebSafe and ZoneProtectAntispyware which have a very dubious or bad character.

    They state to be an anti-spyware tool but employ questionable advertising methods: In the form of a PopUp they offer a scan of your system. They refer you to an infection of viruses and spyware on your system which is actually not true, because the listed items are not really on your pc. After downloading the software you can only scan for the threats. If the threats (pseudo-infections) are detected you have to register first and pay (up to $30) in order to remove them. Some of these dubious anti-spyware tools do also create a toolbar in IE and create recurring PopUps.

    Again, ' Spyware Cease' is NOT a valid security program. It's scareware.

    If the program worked in your case, just be happy and uninstall it, now.
    To all others wondering whether to use it or not (or searching the forum later on);

    Avoid SPYWARE CEASE as if it were the plague.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
  3. Rodster

    Rodster Merica

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    Why is it I feel the OP's first post was SPAM? :rolleyes:
  4. Kdawgca

    Kdawgca rotaredoM repudrepuS RBN

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    It is...(IP match to another member doing the same thing). Thread will stay open to catch other spammer and to warn users about this rouge AV program.

    Also, report any members recommending this program.