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    Help Needed on 'TR/ATRAPS.Gen2'

    Discussion in 'Security and Anti-Virus Software' started by houstoned, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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    hey guys,

    my laptop got this virus a few days ago and none of my normal AV programs are able to do anything about it. it keeps making my Avira notifier pop up and tell me there's a security alert.

    anyone have any knowledge on how to get rid of this thing? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
  2. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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  3. Baserk

    Baserk Notebook user

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    First of all, important files are all backed up?
    If so, you can choose to run Kaspersky TDSS Killer link and HitmanPro3. Both are fast and thorough on trojans/rootkits.
    Afterwards, scan with Malwarebytes'Antimalware for a full scan. see sig for links
    Keep in mind though that 'TR/ATRAPS.Gen2' is a generic name for an info-stealing/banking trojan+rootkit combo.
    When comfortable cleaning yourself, use the 3 programs or f.i. for extensive help.

    If the laptop is used for private stuff/email/banking however, I'd strongly advice to full format and reinstall the OS. Probably what you'd like to avoid but it offers a 100% clean computer.
    You might want to create an OS+programs partition before installing, so you can easily make an image of that partition when finished installing the OS+programs+updates. Backups and images are essentials imo.
    Then you'll be able to re-image your notebook in 15-20 minutes to a 100% clean computer whenever necessary.
    Keep in mind that with your big HDD, you could also make an extra partition at the (slow) end of the disk and store the image there.
    Keep the imaging program on a bootable USB stick with you, and you can re-image to a clean computer whenever and wherever, with programs and (most) updates installed. Even when on holiday/away, you can re-image while having breakfast/faster then having to write a post and waiting for a long ' this is really not what I want to do' reply'.
    regards, baserk.
  4. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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    u know what? lately, my laptop has been really giving me alot of headaches. i sent it in to Sager for screen, GPU, and system repairs. the screen is "kind of fixed" now. only, now there's a scratch or something on the inside of the screen/lid. it's kind of annoying, but not something i couldn't live with. the GPU was "supposedly" fixed, but i don't see it, or a GPU, mentioned anywhere on my work order print out. i only see the screen replacement. i opened up the bottom of my laptop and the bottom looked untouched, to me. my laptop is still going crazy sometimes. my warranty ends soon, so i'm just really afraid i'll be stuck with a $3,000 paper weight. :cry:

    this is a last resort kind of thing for me now. i'm just going to do a fresh install and hope my laptop returns back to normal. it's literally unusable, sometimes, when it wants to go crazy. i literally can't do anything and the laptop just shows a bunch of crazy colors and basically locks up til i do a hard shut down. it'll continue to go crazy until i just give up and shut it off overnight.

    there's nothing i really need besides a few pictures anyways. is there a preferred method for a fresh install or do i just stick in the windows disc that came with my laptop?
  5. Baserk

    Baserk Notebook user

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    For a fresh install, just use the Windows 7 disc that came with the lappy.
    Remove any/all partitions during setup and then do a full format (not a fast one) and then reinstall Win7.

    I feel your pain, I really do.
    I've been in the same situation with an expensive BTO notebook that went bonkers some time before the guarantee period was over, then the EU notebook company went bankrupt; Literally an expensive paper weight outcome.
    Install Win7, only install the OS updates and a recent 'heavy' game which taxes the GPU and CPU. Do some memory and HDD tests yourself to exclude any faults there. Then fire up the game, see if that's the issue, also do some specific GPU stress tests.
    If your Sager then still produces (seemingly) GPU errors, I'd send it back again, using the official RMA procedure, along with a serious, polite and legally correct letter in which you demand a properly repaired notebook that functions A-OK. (Ask for help from anyone more knowledgable with such a letter, if necessary).

    While at this time the Sager might seem like a 'frustration brick', it's the vendors responsibility to fix your issues.
    Your notebook should offer you joy for years to come, so bite the bullit, try to curb any frustration and demand a properly working notebook. The Sager you've got seems a too nice a machine to put it on the shelf right now.
    Understand that if the GPU is soldered to the motherboard, it will be costly to replace for the vendor/manufacturer but it's your legal right. So stand by your rights and you should have a decently working Beast, let's say October.
    Prepare for a long RMA period, as the manufacturer might want to avoid the expensive repair costs but get that Beast repared.
    Just accept that it might take a while (the vendor/manufacturer might want to stall it/put you off until the guarantee is void by telling you that a repair period might take longer then one month.) And do not accept any funky 'repair job' that leaves you with a damaged screen.
    Claim your right houstoned. It´s worth it.

    ps, always found it a very decent avatar. cutie with sleeve for the win.
  6. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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    i did a clean windows 7 install twice last night just to make sure everything was ok. i dunno if it's good/bad to do this, but after each install, i deleted the 'Windows.old' file because it was taking up alot of GB's.

    i've barely started to redownload programs and redo my bookmarks and my laptop seems to be running fine, right now. is there a preferred program to stress test my RAM and HDD? i'll probably run a few 3Dmark and CPU burn-in tests later.

    P.S. - appreciate your help, Baserk. +rep
  7. JOSEA


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  8. houstoned

    houstoned Yoga Pants Connoisseur.

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    appreciate it and the Beast says "thanks" as well. :D looks like the Beast might have to be shipped off...again for another RMA service. i just barely got her back 2-3 weeks ago... :(