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    Samsung Series 7 NP700Z7C-S01UB win 8.1 UEFI Install

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by Nomad, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Hi everybody. I recently got a series 7 notebook. I'm very happy with it but I'm getting crazy trying to re-install win 8 (or win 8.1 x64 in fact) in a UEFI environment.

    I've read that there is a conflict between the windows install and the express cache from the motherboard.

    Thank you for any advice you can give me! :)
  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi Merlok,

    First of all, we really don't recommend installing Windows in UEFI mode on models that came with Win7 originally, and even the tweener models that came with Win8, but before Samsung fully updated their BIOS to a proper SecureBoot/UEFI implementation. You can install Win8 in legacy BIOS mode and everything will work just fine (that's what I use).

    As for the problem with ExpressCache, we get that all the time. Check the thread linked below from last week.

    The easiest solution is to simply install from DVD, not from a USB stick (an external USB DVD drive is OK). If you do that, there is no problem, everything should work without any tweaking. You can follow this install guide for general guidance on UEFI, drivers, ExpressCache etc.

    If you MUST install from a USB stick, then follow the links in that thread I linked from last week.

    As for 8.1, I suggest you study the sticky thread linked below before taking the plunge on that. I am not saying you cannot or should not do it, just know what you're getting into.

    One more note: If you DO decide to make an UEFI installation, there are some specific steps you need to take with your disk and when preparing your installation source. Just let us know.
    Mkii likes this.
  3. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Thank you Dannemand!

    I'll follow your recommendations!
    Dannemand likes this.
  4. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Hi all!

    I'm coming back to this old post as I had a few problems in the last few weeks.

    Back in February I could install Win 7 x64 regal business edition under UEFI mode. Had to convert my SSD into GPT first and install it via the DVD drive installed in the laptop. So no optibay during installation. Then after OS install I plug the remaining 1TB HHD on the optibay.

    No problems at all in the last month till I had to install another laptop so new system again under UEFI mode. So I had the "great" idea of unplug my SSD and install this new normal HD into my Samsung Lappy, thinking I would be able to do the same install under UEFI mode. In short I couldn't even with this new HD being GPT partitioned.

    But now I don't really now what happen. I plug my original SSD back and my system doesn't show the initial BIOS any more.... just the windows logo and 4 out of 5 times the systems hang up? or freezes..

    I'm very worried and now I just want to install win 7 again only under "Legacy" mode.

    My BIOS is the PO3ABP and I can't believe its the last one update from Samsung.. please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would really appreciate some guidance in how to restore the initial F2 BIOS menu.

    Many thanks all and I hope this to be of future help for somebody else in the same situation!
  5. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi Merlok, welcome back. Good job getting that installation working back then.

    I hope I am wrong, but what I think I am hearing is, you are no longer able to get into BIOS with F2. Is that correctly understood?

    If so, you may have run into a serious UEFI issue, where your BIOS' CMOS/NVRAM has become corrupted. If that is indeed the case (and again, I hope I'm wrong) then your computer is essentially semi-bricked, as it is very difficult to fix on your own when you cannot get into BIOS, and UEFI is stuck looking for a boot manager on the HDD. It is even more difficult on models with ExpressCache after a failed installation attempt from USB stick, since UEFI is looking for a boot manager on the ExpressCache iSSD (which is not bootable).

    Unfortunately we get cases like this regularly, which is a main reason we warn against UEFI installation on original Win7 models (what I call tweener models).

    Please carefully study the thread linked below, which contains both a case from member KcKepz (who ALSO has a model with ExpressCache like you, and who eventually had to send the laptop to Samsung for motherboard replacement) and a case from member Halback (who has a Series 9 WITHOUT ExpressCache, and was able to finally fix it after extensive work -- and some risky hot-swapping procedures).

    You may want to read member Halback's case first (starting here) since he benefited from the previous experience of member KcKepz and our improved understanding of the problem.

    The solution is basically to clear the CMOS/NVRAM. While there are some simple procedures (described in that thread) which occasionally work to accomplish this, you often end up having to re-flash your BIOS, which requires a running Windows to begin with. And that's the Catch-22.

    If this is indeed the problem you are seeing, and you want to pursue fixing it yourself, I suggest you post about it in that thread, so that we can continue gathering knowledge about it there. Start out by describing the problem (as you did above) so that the context is established.

    But if it's a different problem (which I hope) we can just try and solve it in this thread.
  6. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Hi Dannemand and all!

    First of all thank you for your guidance in how to try to fix this BIOS problem by myself.

    Now I'm in the process of gathering as much information as possible. As you said my system is basically semi-bricked because of the corrupted BIOS. I'm still without turning off and avoiding restarting my system. Just I put it on sleep at night.

    Before jumping into the main issue. I wanted to ask you a more simple question.

    1-In the actual windows 7 x64 system installed everything worked fine ( besides the BIOS problem already stated) but I could never make work the back lit keyboard and the on-screen volume keys (although this last ones does work just the don't appear on the screen. The windows that I'm using is Windows 7 Regal Business Edition x64 ( i believe is based on Windows 7 Pro not Ultimate)

    Could it be because its based on Win 7 Pro and not Ultimate the "Easy Settings" from Samsung doesn't work properly?

    Thank you again! :D
  7. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    I've not come across Easy Settings being fussy about which flavour of Windows 7.

    The problem is more likely to be with Easy Settings itself where the supported features have changed between versions. Usually the best to have is one released while your notebook was still in production but the issue could also be related to Samsung's buggy implementation of UEFI on their Windows 7 notebooks. I didn't realise the extent of the problem they had until I discovered that the Windows 8 version of the NP900X4C had a completely different BIOS to the Windows 7 version of the same notebook. Samsung must have found it impossible to update the original BIOS to work properly (and their early Windows 8 BIOS was prone to bricking problems as well).

    Mkii likes this.
  8. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi Merlok, thank you for the update.

    I agree with John, I don't think Easy Settings is causing issues because of your Win7 edition. Even newer versions of Easy Settings (and Settings, in the case of Win8.x) have been found to work fine with older laptop models, albeit without tabs to support features that have since been phased out by Samsung (such as ExpressCache and Battery Life Extender).

    That said, Easy Settings DOES interact with your firmware -- which in your case means UEFI, for which Easy Settings wasn't designed. So it cannot be ruled out that this is a contributing factor. In any case is UEFI most likely the main culprit.

    Win8 and 8.1 have menus that allow you to access the UEFI firmware settings (Advanced Startup options) but that's not going to help you. If you are able to boot a Win8.x Setup DVD or USB, it's Repair option can get to that page as well.

    But the fact that you have a running Windows is already a huge advantage. What you want, is use this fact to re-flash your BIOS, which should clear the CMOS/NVRAM. Unfortunately, since you are already at the latest version, you will have to roll back, then update again. It's a tricky process (and somewhat risky) discussed in the thread linked below. I have not tried it myself. There is a utility on page 16 to help access specific BIOS versions from Samsung.
    Mkii likes this.
  9. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Hi John and Dannemand !

    Sorry for disappearing but I took these days to properly back up and see in how to proceed.

    First of all thanks to clarify about my concerns regarding Easy Settings!

    So now I'm finally ready to start and I remembered the last changes I made in BIOS before this kind of loop is having, and that was to set the disk type in:

    Set AHCI Mode Manual IDE


    OS Mode Selection UEFI and CSM OS

    Could it be that one of those 2 changes have corrupted my BIOS? Just to clarify this laptop came with Win8 from factory. Dated Sep 2012

    I understand the concept you are telling me, that I have to roll back into a previous BIOS but I'm trying to find the confidence to proceed.
    I'm particularly nervous at the moment as I feel I only have 1 shot :S

    Wish someone from Samsung could do this trough remote access...
  10. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi Merlok, welcome back.

    I haven't fully read up again on your case, but I want to point out that we have a new fix to clear NVRAM without rolling back to an earlier BIOS, which looks very promising. It was posted by member Fitztorious in the thread linked below.

    There is a guide in that thread with specific steps. However, before actually performing that fix, I would wait another day or two for confirmation from Fitztorious that everything works correctly in his Windows installation. You can do everything else described there (create a WinPE USB stick and download the latest BIOS) just wait a little before running the SFlash command.
    Mkii likes this.
  11. Nomad

    Nomad Notebook Consultant

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    Hi Dannemand!

    Ok, I'll keep that a reading in those posts and wait for a few days like you said..

    Many thanks!