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    Samsung Q35 ....... and those helpful people at PC World!

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by steve03x, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. steve03x

    steve03x Notebook Enthusiast

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    I want to buy a Samsung Q35.
    I write.
    I use email.
    I create PowerPoint presentations.
    I save photos.
    I add to my PC things such as Palm Desktop and (yes, still great for some things!) my Psion 5MX for syncing.
    I also watch DVDs on the move.

    Now ..... decided the Q35 was the one.
    Into PC World to ask "could I have it moved near the doors so I can check the screen in daylight? Heard things about how hard it can be at times to read the screen."
    For legal reasons I won't describe the attitude nor response (and this company prides itself on ................. what?!!!)
    So fellow laptopers .......
    Before I shell out cash (and keep vainly hunting for the Red one) ..... can I work in the car with the Q35 screen, or watch a DVD on the patio or the train during the day?
    Appreciate the replies. :confused:
  2. trooper_gs

    trooper_gs Notebook Consultant

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    in any glossy screen laptop you will see daylight especially when you are viewing black tones but you can adjust the angle which works for me and would do for you too
  3. maya100

    maya100 Newbie

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    I have just recently purchased the Q35 (red) myself. I haven't had any issues regarding screen view in daylight and in different locations but as mentioned in a reply above, you can adjust the angle of the screen to suit.

    Only issues I have had so far with the Vista installed Q35 is that an instant AVstation (Music,DVD,photos) is not independant of windows booting up as in previous XP version models.
  4. marble911

    marble911 Newbie

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    I've had to use maximum brightness and adjust the angle quite a bit in very bright sunlight but then it was ok. Not too great but definitely workable. Other than that single time, I've had no problems with screen brightness so far.
  5. feederfan

    feederfan Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes you can use it in daylight.
    And Im currently working as a representative (supporting the launch of Vista for HP) in PC World and if you knew how much stock they get stolen you would understand why the laptops stay locked and alarmed where they are.
  6. steve03x

    steve03x Notebook Enthusiast

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    Don't patronise me with pithy comments about theft.
    I have never found the staff helpful in the stores and the rudeness and disinterested comments I recieved today were the final icing on the cake.
    It was not so long ago that PC World had their laptops in some stores on shelves so high, people under 6 foot couldn't reach them!
    The theft issue is one that plagues many stores, but at least they make an effort to show you the goods in a way that helps the customer.
    Finally - they may take the view that they have so many customers they can afford to hack off people, knowing they will always have a customer base, but they should devise security plans that don't treat the customers as potential thieves!
    Maybe they will ask for a deposit when you want to look at, touch or even attempt to ask for a member of staff to unlock a laptop when you are there!
    This is the reason why MicroAnvika is such a dream place to shop - they treat clustomers as people.
    By the way - I would be careful of commenting about PC World if you are not employed by them nor on a full-time contract. I suspect they would not be happy with having someone claiming to be a mouthliece for them.
  7. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    I've not tried using my Q35 outside. However, it is a very bright display (I normally have the brightness on mine turned down a couple of notches - what do other people do?) and therefore stands a better chance of being readable in daylight. Would you be using mains or battery power? High brightness will hit the battery life.

    You are unlikely to do better than the Q35 for outside use unless you go for a machine which has a special display designed for outside use. I have not seen or tried one of them, but I would expect that the display quality inside would suffer. And computers with those outside displays have a price premium.

    Irrespective of PC World's cooperativeness, their current web price for their version of silver Q35 makes it a much better deal than the red version unless you really need the extra HDD space. You can buy a 160GB HDD and an external USB case for less than the price difference of these two models. The difference is CPU speed would be difficult to notice. (Maybe there also other features such as Bluetooth missing from the PCW version - this would need to be checked).

  8. feederfan

    feederfan Notebook Enthusiast

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    I dont think Ive said anything out of line to be honest with you. PC world is a high street store, which attracts a completley different demographic than Micro Anvika, yes you get better service and help in Micro Anvika, but at the same time you pay a premium for this.
    At the end of the day, Im only a demonstrator, admittedly I am not employed by PC world, but they also contribute nothing to my wages, so I am free to say whatever I like (within reason), I just think its unfair for you to give them such a bad name when on a daily basis I see many people happy with the shopping experience they have at PC world. Im sure if they could afford to shop at Micro Anvika they would, but many can't, and too be fair, most of the stuff that PC world sell is so poor that Micro Anvika would not dream of stocking it!
  9. Sub-D

    Sub-D Notebook Evangelist

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    Why are you so angry with PC World over there refusal to let you take a laptop near the entrance / exit? I work for Comet myself and know fine well that even if a customer seemed to be a dead cert at buying a laptop or any good that is boxed and over £100 or so we still wouldn't be allowed to show them the machine near the entrance to the store. Reasons for this concern boxed items which, upon being opened become tarnished stock. They are no longer pristine and as a result are far more difficult to sell on. Secondly, theft is a big issue with stores - its very often that on Monday mornings we'll do inventory checks and find many items missing including desirables such as external hard drives and expensive mice (Logitech MX Revolution most recently) that were stolen over the weekend. If I was able to, I would try and accomodate the needs of the customer to the fullest but doing something like that, even with a display model is nigh-on impossible. First off, the item would have to be removed from whatever security casing it is under, the battery would have to be placed in and charged (we don't put the batterys out with laptops) and finally, a new security loop would need to be impleneted (once the item is back and getting it there is a pain in the arse). Now; that is the situation in my store and I don't know how security is in PC World but if it is anything similar to ourselves then I can't blame them for saying no to such a request.

    I can't comment on the customer associates attitude, perhaps they were somewhat rude, ignorant or not very sympathetic towards your needs but if the service is poor and they refused in a negative or mocking way then that is not how the customer should be treated. They should have at least found an alternative to help you in deciding the Q35 is the machine for you such as find a secondary light source (such as a torch) and show you how the screen behaves when exposed to such a light source.

    Yes, MicroAnvika is a dream place to shop but as feederfan pointed out, its very upmarket! The red Q35 is available in some places such as digiuk:

    The specs are slightly different from the PC World model (which is evident via the £100+ price hike) with the processor being the faster Intel Core 2 Duo T5600. This Q35 is part of the new line that incorporates the Samsung Q35 that you saw at PC World since it has 512MB on board RAM meaning that the total RAM can be upgraded to 1.5GB (useful for Vista!) A question about the model you saw in PC World; was it a matte or glossy finish on the lid?
  10. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    1. I hope that the previous exchange about the quality of service in certain shops has now reached a peaceful conclusion, otherwise I will need to put my moderator's hat on and intervene. I understand the point of view from both sides.

    2. I have now tested my Q35 under the tropical sun. The display is bright enough to be readable, but all the reflections which show up on the screen are also much brighter. I would rate it OK for intermittent use. Maybe if the user sits under a sun umbrella and puts a black curtain behind them (or arranges for some cloudy weather) then these reflections would disappear. Otherwise a bright but non reflective display would be preferable for outside use.

    Regarding red Q35s and their availability: DigiUK put the part number of their red Q35 as Q35A001/SEUK. This suggests that the cheaper silver-looking Q35 at Laptops Direct is also red, but it isn't mentioned in the description or shown on the picture (in which the possibly red cover is not visible). Keep an eye on both suppliers. I have found the service from DigiUK to be more personal and reliable. I bougth my original X60 from Laptops Direct and paid for the next day delivery, which didn't happen.

  11. steve03x

    steve03x Notebook Enthusiast

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    I am delighted to say I have NO fear of criticising any shop/outlet/store that doesn't meet the needs of a shopper. These places are not charities and make money (and lots of it!) AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE BUYER'S NEEDS!
    I have no interest in their security arrangements - I just want to test, try and then buy. They have little interest in my financial arrangements - just so long as they get their money!
    I complain 24/7 when I shop becuase it is MY money I am spending. I am one of those people that rebelled in the late 1980s and battered the High Street banks about their attitudes to customers ("shut up, sit in the car and we will attend to you later, but we also close at 3.30") and made them open later and respect us as their bread and butter.
    I have no candle to burn for MicroAnvika or any other store.
    I try to avoid PC World like the plague as I dislike the staff attitude, the constant alarms going off, the impersonality of the locatioons and interiors and the patronising view of many of the staff.
    Shopping there is unpleasant and if they have a security issue, then solve it and stop whining about it ...... BUT .... realise that by locking everything down, you are saying to the customer this is not a great place for that "shopping experience" one of the other thresad posters mentioned.
  12. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    And there was I thinking that it was the building societies which operated more customer-friendly hours and were drawing business from the banks which prompted banks to be more customer friendly.

    Anyway, this thread has moved off the topic of Samsung notebooks so I am closing it.


    PS: Now reopening it in case there are more questions about the Q35.