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    Samsung NP530U3C-A01DE and Fn-Keys

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by JoK, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. JoK

    JoK Notebook Guru

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    I have some small problems with my new Samsung NP530U3C-A01DE:

    I have installed Windows 7 Pro on a SSD drive and use it with a Standard-User account. Every time I logged on I was asked for Admin-permissions to start Easy Settings and some other programs. I was able to fix this problem with some modifications to the task planner. However, the Fn+F11 combo which is supposed to switch the fan into silent mode does not work. Neither does the switch within the Easy Settings software which switches back after I make changes, close and re-open the program.
    I really would prefer to have the fan running permanently at a low level than have the mix of absolute silence and occasional roaring at full speed.
    What can I do? Do I have to install more drivers/more programs than Easy Settings?

  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    You are running into some familiar issues with Easy Settings. It can be quite annoying until you get it tweaked just right.

    In Task Scheduler, make sure you load EasyDisplayMgr (dmhkcore.exe) in order to have your Fn-keys (you probably already have that). Also make sure you load EasySpeedupManager if you want to use Silent Mode. See more details in the post linked here.

    An even better way for you may be to find Easy Settings 2.x which does away with this Administrator requirement. See the thread linked below for details:

    I use Easy Settings on my older Series 7. You get it by saving the Settings package for Win8 using SW Update, which creates a Settings folder (under a SystemSoftware folder in a location chosen by you). Inside that is a Win7 folder with an Easy Settings setup program. If SW Update doesn't list Settings for your model (under Win8) then click Find Model and look under my model NP700Z3A-S03US.

    Let us know how it goes :)
  3. JoK

    JoK Notebook Guru

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    thanks for your replies.

    I had already applied the tips you gave me for version 1.X so I tried 2.X. Here are the results:

    1) All Fn-Keys work now. (I had to configure the task scheduler for S Agent though)

    1) MultiTouch on my TouchPad does not work anymore :( I re-installed it with SW-Update but it was no help.
    2) When I boot it takes like a minute for the Fn-Keys to get responsive. I suppose this is how long it takes the program to load.
    3) The WiFi key still says "Please wait" for several seconds before it changes the WiFi state. Is that normal? My old Acer did that in a sec!
    4) When I switch to silent mode the fan turns off entirely although it is set to run permanently at the lowest level.

    Is there anything I can do about the bad points? :( Especially the non-working touchpad is bad!

    Edit: Ok, I don't know why but the TouchPad is back to normal now. Maybe it needed another reboot or some of the Windows Update packages by Samsung did the job.
  4. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Thank you for the update. Good job so far getting it working.

    I am puzzled about the issues you describe with Easy Settings 2.x, since I and others have found it to be better behaved than 1.x. In particular does it load quite a bit faster (though still not as fast as I would like).

    What is the version number of the Easy Settings package you downloaded? Did you find it in SW Update under your own model or did you have to look under a different model? I ask because I know there is a out there too, and maybe different models need different packages. After all, yours is Series 5, while mine is Series 7.

    Assuming the package you got IS compatible with your model, here is what I suggest you try:

    1) Complete uninstall/re-install of Easy Settings, reboots after each, no tweaking at all. I know this sounds trivial, but if something went awry in the previous installation, this could save us a ton of time and trials.

    Edit: Read Step (3) below before re-installing Easy Settings.

    2) Even with Boot Optimization disabled in Easy Settings (which I recommend), it still messes with the loading of other startup tasks, often causing unpredictable delays or even errors. We had a discussion about how to tackle that in the thread on reducing latencies. Start reading from sean.e's post here. Later on the same page is mmortal03's findings, and a few pages after are my response and findings on it.

    Basically, you have to get rid of all the tasks listed under Boot Optimization - Advanced Settings (requiring you to enable Boot Optimization, clear the tasks and accept the reboot); then go back in there and verify the tasks are still cleared ( Boot Optimization still enabled, otherwise you cannot access Advanced Settings); then you can back out from Advanced Settings and disable Boot Optimization; reboot again for good measure. It's quite an obstacle course, but results have been great on my PC.

    3) Your WiFi issue (if it's what I think it is) can be a tricky one to fix -- and is also described on the Opening Post of the latencies thread. There is a bit more explanation in the post linked here.

    Basically you need to loose the Intel PROSet driver package from Samsung and install a Driver Only package from Intel's Download Center instead. Last I checked, the latest Win7 driver package for Intel 6230/6235 was Wireless_15.3.1_Ds64.exe. (There is a newer Wireless_15.5.7_De64.exe for Intel 6235 AND Win8).

    But first you have to delete the PROSet-detected adapter from Device Manager (uninstall drivers if prompted); now uninstall the PROSet drivers in Windows Programs and Features; then install the Driver Only package.

    Come to think of it, you should probably do this step before re-installing Easy Settings. I'll insert a comment about that above :D

    Hope that helps. Let me know how it goes.
  5. JoK

    JoK Notebook Guru

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    Thank you for taking the time for such a long reply.

    I found the package after I switched the SW-Update to my model and downloaded the Easy Settings software. So yes, SW Update has software for my own model and I was quite surprised that it works for Win7 although the Samsung website indicates it is Win8 only. The folder which contains the Win7 installer is labelled so I assume that's the version I have now.

    2) It seems to me that there is no option for Boot Optimization. I remember I had this option in 1.X but it is gone in 2.X.
    Instead, I have a whole separate link in Start Menu which is called "Samsung Fast Boot". For my convenience there is a French explanation (which I don't speak) but I think it says that it will change the Windows start animation to default. When I hit Advnaced I get to the Easy Settings interace wher I don't see any Boot Optimization options.

    Edit: Ok, I have to run Easy Settings from WITHIN the Admin account. Even "Run as admin" won't do the job. I tested turning FastBoot on and off and now the Touchpad won't work properly again. I'll work on this later and keep you posted...

    3) I might tackle that later but for now 2) is tricky enough.

    4) Do you have any idea regarding this point?

    Again, thanks a lot :)


    2) I have performed all steps you suggested. I couldn't get rid of four entries in the boot optimization after restart but it were all programs which seemded to have a right to be there.
    However, I don't really think Fn-Keys start faster now. I didn't stop the time but I still feel the waiting time after booting. After all, most the time I use Energy saving mode so I guess I can live with it...
    Why do you recommend to turn off FastBoot? I think one aspect modifies the BIOS screen and I can't even enter BIOS which is really bad. But I think changing the Windows animation makes a difference on boot time and I liked it.

    1) After re-installing the Elantech drivers from the website the TouchPad is working again now. Unfortunately, on every reboot I am asked if I really want to run "ETDCtrl.exe" and "ETDCtrlHelper.exe". Unchecking "ask every time" and entering the Admin password won't help.

    3) I can only find PROSet "software and drivers" but that's not what you mean or is it?

    4) Still hoping for input :)
  6. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    This will have to be a fast one:

    Samsung Fast Boot Mode is under Boot Optimization in Easy Settings on the Boot Management tab.

    Don't confuse this with BIOS Fast Boot (which merely skips some of the hardware tests on boot). Easy Settings Boot Optimization postpones loading of other Windows tasks in order to pretend a faster boot -- and can cause real problems too with some programs. The fact that you're running as Standard user probably only makes it worse (Samsung only test their software with Admin accounts).

    That said, of course you can keep Boot Optimization enabled. It's how Samsung delivers it. Thousands of people have it running that way.

    And yes, the Fn-keys module is only loaded 30 secs after login. You can change that in Task Scheduler, but now you have to be really careful if you leave Boot Optimization enabled, as Windows doesn't load stuff in the order it thinks it does -- because Easy Settings bypasses that.

    Sorry to be so terse here, but I'll have to refer you to the links I posted. Almost everything you mention is covered extensively in those other threads. If I get more time this weekend, I'll see if I can narrow it down further for you.

    Update: Do try and change your account to Admin, at least temporarily. See how many issues resolve that way -- probably a lot. I know it shouldn't have to be that way, but unfortunately it is.
  7. JoK

    JoK Notebook Guru

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    Hi, thank you again for your help.
    Switching to Admin for a while solved the issue on booting.
    I guess I will live with the fan (I am not sure if this really is abnormal behavior) and the sluggish WiFi turnoff.
  8. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Sorry I never got back to you after my last, rather hasty, post. I have a lot going on these days. I just read your previous posts again to get back in context, including your updates. I think I understand better now.

    I am still puzzled that you need to run Admin Account at all after installing Easy Settings 2.x. I have it working fine both in Admin Accounts and Standard User accounts. Others reported the same.

    When I suggested switching to an Admin Account, I meant temporarily while installing Easy Settings. I can see how installing it while on a Standard User account might cause a mess if some files or updates don't succeed properly.

    Try the following:

    1) Log into an Admin Account.

    2) Uninstall Easy Settings completely; check that all Scheduled Tasks and registry entries have been cleared.

    3) Reboot, log into Admin Account again.

    4) Re-install Easy Settings 2.x.

    5) Reboot, log into Admin Account again; check that Easy Settings and Fn-keys work in Admin Account.

    6) Log into Standard User account; check that Easy Settings and Fn-keys still work there.

    As for your fan: Silent mode basically switches to the Power Saver profile and reduces the max processor speed. Beyond that, it should respect the fan settings under Processor power management > System cooling policy in the power profile.

    Even if System cooling policy is set to Passive (both for Battery and Plugged-in) the fan will still turn up if the there is too much heat after throttling the CPU.

    Check this thread and this thread and this discussion for more info on Silent Mode and power profiles.

    Hope you get it working. Keep us posted.
  9. JoK

    JoK Notebook Guru

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    if someone has to apologize it is me for not replying to your post!!!

    There has indeed been some confusion: I only switched back to Admin for a while (as you suggested) and I think this solved the problems regarding the installation. Maybe there was something not finished yet. I am working on Standard User now and Easy Settings works fine.

    This is *REALLY* good to know! I preferred to use the customized "Balanced" profile that comes with Windows. What I didn't know is that after switching back from Silent Mode to normal it goes to the "Samsung Optimized Mode" -> which seems to throttle the CPU on battery mode too! And I was wondering why my brandnew i5 is sooo sluggish in my Virtual Machine! Well, I guess now I know :mad:

    Thank you :)
  10. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    This is all good news:

    1) You got Easy Settings working right with Standard User. Good job on that!

    2) You discovered the Samsung Optimized profile, which WILL be used, along with Power Saver when you switch in and out of Silent Mode. You're better off adjusting those two profiles instead of trying to make it use Balanced. As I am sure you gathered, adjusting Processor power management allows you to avoid throttling. Samsung Optimized defaults to 50% Max processor state on Battery. I set mine to 99%, which allows my CPU to run at max speed but prevents TurboBoost from kicking in. It's all in those links I posted.

    Edit: While tweaking those power profiles, consider setting Wireless Adapter Settings to Max Performance both for Battery and Plugged-in. It may help with WiFi performance.

    So, once again, good job. I can hear you're on your way now to a better experience with your Sammy :)