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    Samsung NC20 Light Leaking LCD

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by drunkencactus, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. drunkencactus

    drunkencactus Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey Guys,

    I have been using my nc20 for just under a week now and there appears to be some small light leakage coming through in the middle of the screen. :confused:

    It appears to have come on gradual over the last few days, as I dont recal seeing the leaking when I first got the netbook. I hope this is a result of faulty manufacturing and not usage, because I've been extremely careful with the netbook, and it has not been dropped, bumped or any surface scratches or marks.

    I have noticed the more prominent light bleed spot is situated (when the laptop lid is closed) directly opposite the flat plastic above the touch pad/below the space key. I tried to shine some light through the gap when the lid is closed to see if there is contact between the LCD and this flat plastic, but there doesnt appear to be.
    More to the point there are no marks on the surface of the LCD panel on these regions (or anywhwere on the screen) so this leads me to believe its come on gradualing from the inside, and not a result of somebody in the factory slamming the lid down.

    Below are some pictures I took with my camera to show the light leaks.
    Please note: The black bow in the image is produced by the camera's sensor attempting to capture the LCD light, it is not on the lcd panel.
    Due to the glossy finish of the screen, this was extremely difficult to photograph. You may need to tilt your screen to see it.

    Interesting with the macro zoom you can see that there is a black pixel (off pixel) every 6 across / 4 down. Whats with that?

    No Zoom view of LCD with two regions of light leaking.

    Original No Zoom.

    Macro Zoom on main region of light leaking.

    Original Macro Zoom

    Has anyone encountered anything like this before? It should be covered by warranty??
    I will call Samsung on Monday...
  2. zfactor

    zfactor Mastershake

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    what panel is that? what is the hardware id of it? i have the toshiba 12.1" in my clevo and its horrible as far as light leak goes. but if those pics are actually what you see in real life than that panel is for sure defective. i cant imagine its exactly like that though the camera usually over exposes the light leakage on the screens. imo i think its prob defective but my toshiba panel on my 12.1 leaks like crazy also and ive had 3 of them all the same.

    try using a slower shutter and taking some pics from a bit further away. also make the room dark but not pitch black.
  3. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    Digital cameras tend to over-emphasise the contrast, but something looks wrong.

    I agree that you should contact Samsung. Normally, they will offer a replacement for a computer that has a problem within the first few days.
