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    SAMSUNG NP700Z3C Series7 Chronos annoying display pop up !!!!

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by akasha111, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. akasha111

    akasha111 Newbie

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    Hello everyone ,
    I have an issue with my new laptop and although it seems there is no solution and I am stuck with it.....I might as well give it one last try.
    The issue is that when I use use caps (which I do liberally) a display pop up comes on saying caps on caps off,is a big thing and it also stops you typing for a couple of seconds.I use caps a lot and never want to disable the caps key but every time this display pops up saying caps on caps off,is extremely annoying.
    The laptop's original price was fairly high and of course as many do they are quick to highlight the good features but forgot to omit that buying this pc included buying this imposed feature,this silly annoying display pop up,if I had known I Would Have Never Ever bought it.I have completely gone of Samsung and will never ever ever ever again buy one of their products.
    I know other people have been able to take this feature off by messing with the registry keys and other serious stuff which someone like me without a degree in computing should never do unless told step by step I guess.
    Samsun'g treatment of my asking for help was pretty appalling,considering my issue meaningless but I spent money on a product which did not warm me of this stupid feature.Why Include such a thing as something forced on the user? Why not make it an option that those few that want it can activate?
    I am going to include some details about my new notebook in the vain hope someone can tell me there is something I can actually do about it,is really distressing for me and now I am stuck with a pc that I don't want....if only I could make this silly display pop up go away.
    Is a 14 inch Samsung notebook Series7 Chronos NP700Z3C-SO1UK
    Windows7 Home Premium 64bit ,8 gig
    I guess that if it's a software thing only an expert could do anything about this.Hope anyone has any ideas.

    P.s: As you can guess my review would give it pretty poor marks although for the other things is worth it might not deserve it,someone who spends a certain amount of money should not be treated with such comp tent by the manufacturer,in fact no onbe shoulf...full stop.
  2. HerEsY

    HerEsY Notebook Evangelist

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    I don't know if this is a solution for you or not, but I can't type to save my life and hitting the caps by accident is really annoying to me when I have to re-type text. So one day I read in another forum about Sharpkeys . Using SharpKey you can reassign the caps lock key to any other key you like, most like me have changed it to the shift key. Of course the downside is I have to hold down the caps to type solely in caps, but I use the caps rarely and I don't miss it at all.