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    Recovery program does not read Samsung REC 2 partition

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by Odysséus 78, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. Odysséus 78

    Odysséus 78 Newbie

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    I am having a problem with the recognition of the Samsung REC 2 partition that is not read by Recovery.
    It all happened after I cloned my disk with AOMEI Partition Assistant 8, when the cloning ended, Windows started up, but the F4 key didn't work anymore, it didn't go into the recovery partition, after searching the internet a lot I got to these forums, and these pages:

    After reading them all, I saw that my Samsung REC 1 and 2 partitions were intact as well as all the others, so based on what I read on the forum I ran the RecoverySettingsSV.exe program to rewrite the proprietary link to see if the F4 key was working again and I gave boot and typed F4 and returned to work, I entered the recovery partition and the recovery date was showing and the option to copy disk and create factory image, however when leaving the Recovery partition and restarting on Windows, and running the Recovery program recovery date does not appear, neither do the program options within the recovery partition and the option to create factory image does not appear in the Recovery interface and the recover button does not work either.
    So the question comes, since everything now works when I press F4 at boot, why within Windows, does Recovery not read the Samsung REC 2 recovery partition on Windows?


    Samsung Ativ Book 6
    Windows 10
    Recovery 64 bit
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi @Odysséus 78, welcome to NBR.

    My SRS knowledge is rusty, my experience mostly dating back to the days of SRS5 and Win7/8.x. Fortunately member Gulfmaster took over with his SRS6/Win10 guide thread, which I see that you already found.

    To your specific question, I do not know why the Windows SRS app doesn't detect your recovery points correctly when SRS itself does. But I remember cases when members reported that uninstalling/re-installing the SRS windows app made it re-detect the SRS link and the recovery partitions. So that is what I would suggest in your case. Maybe even delete any folders it creates (both programs and user folders) and registry entries (both HKLM and HKCU) before re-installing it.

    In any case would I recommend using SRS (booting F4) and create a bootable factory image backup on a USB flash drive. You can use that to restore your disk to factory state, including working SRS. Either now or in the future.

    Following are links to some other relevant posts and threads that may help. You may already have read some of them, but I include them here also for others who may come across this thread:

    Summary guide to backing up and recreating SRS5 and SRS6

    SRS6 Bootable Factory Image guide

    USB bootable factory image backup wouldn’t create partitions - SRS6 Admin Tool fixed it

    SRS6 / USB Admin Tool – create and use

    SRS6 / USB Admin Tool guidance to re-create Recovery on disk

    And finally there is @Gulfmaster's excellent thread on SRS6 and Win10, which in more recent times has become our go-to resource for all things SRS6:

    Guide: Samsung Recovery Solution 6 (SRS6) and Windows 10
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  3. Odysséus 78

    Odysséus 78 Newbie

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    Hi Dannemand.

    Thanks for responding, I have already uninstalled Recovery and installed it several times, and it didn't work, can you tell me what the Windows registry keys it creates, maybe this is the question?
    Note that when I do the system restore point, the Windows program recognizes the SAMSUNG_REC2 partition, I do not know why Recovery does not read it even when uninstalling and installing it again.

  4. Odysséus 78

    Odysséus 78 Newbie

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    Well, I believe that an intuitive solution solved my problem, I did the following, after watching this video on Youtube: I decided to assign a letter using AOMEI Partition Assistant 8 the SAMSUNG_REC and SAMSUMG_REC2 partition, letters R: S :, more could be any one, in the SAMSUMG REC 1 partition you will find the RecoverySettingsSV.exe tool and run as I did the other time, only now with the two partitions visible, and she hid the two partitions, so after finishing the process I loaded the Recovery program on Windows and voilà, Recovery read the SAMSUNG_REC2 partition, which I understood so that the recording of the proprietary Link is really successful, both partitions have to be visible and then the RecoverySettingsSV.exe tool hides the two partitions by linking both in the mbr causing the Recovery program in Windows to see it, which also means that the recording was successful for the both partitions.
    Well thanks for the help and I hope that this experience of mine will help others who may have the same problem as me.
    Up until...

    HHHH and Dannemand like this.
  5. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Good job! Thank you for sharing your findings here.
  6. HHHH

    HHHH Newbie

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    Hello everyone. I couldn't decide what title I should write about my problem. I have a 2013 NP550P7C laptop shipped with Windows 8 and Recovery software. It currently runs on Windows 10 but I want to downgrade it to Windows 8. When I opened Recovery Windows app to try to downgrade my system, blue colored "Recover" button was unpressable. Then, I tried to use network recovery. After installing network server app and opening it, it showed me server codes. Every time I tried, I got error messages that say "System image file is not found" or "Network connection failed" although F4 button does open Recovery environment and SAMSUNG_REC partitions aren't modified. Prior to this problem, I created a 50GB partition (without modifying SAMSUNG_REC partitions), installed Windows 7 there, used a third party app to check what is inside of hidden partitions including SAMSUNG_REC and rehid opened partitions.

    When I boot to Recovery environment, restart the computer to open Windows and open Recovery Windows app, I can start recovery process. After pressing the button, computer restarts to Recovery environment, waits around 30 mins and shows "System image file isn't found, Would you like to try again?" message and Windows 8 cannot be loaded. (In this link address, I have the photos of my harddisk partitions, Recovery error messages)

    * I couldn't write error messages %100 accurately but the error messages had these meanings.
    * My English isn't very good, please forgive me if you don't understand what I wrote.
  7. HHHH

    HHHH Newbie

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    I did the same thing Odysseus shared and this thing solved my problem. I unhid both of the partitions with AOMEI and ran SamsungSettingsSV.exe. When the process of the exe was done, 22GB partition wasn't hid. After that, I renamed 22GB SAMSUNG_REC partition to SAMSUNG_REC2 and repeated the process. This time, both of the SAMSUNG_REC partitions were hidden. When I booted to Recovery environment after hiding both of the partitions, Recovery button was pressable. My problem was the SAMSUNG_REC2 partition renamed to SAMSUNG_REC.
    Dannemand likes this.
  8. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Good job! And thanks a lot for sharing it here.

    For every person who bothers enough to register and share their findings, like you and @Odysséus 78 did, I'm sure there are many others who just find this through Google, use it, but never post about it