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    My assessment of the NP900X4C-A03US

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by Pirx, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    Here's my quick review. First a warning: Keep in mind that I may be somewhat spoiled compared to your average customer, since I have only used business-grade laptops, with top-of-the-line hardware, including, and in particular, top-notch displays, in the last ten years or so (Dell Precision, mostly). Ultimately, and perhaps unsurprisingly, it turns out that, despite the nontrivial price tag, the NP900X4C simply doesn't stack up to any of these. Not even in the same league.

    The good:
    The structural hardware makes a good impression, and looks good. Quite sturdy, tight tolerances, despite being thin and lightweight. The keyboard is o.k., too, for a chicklet, anyway. Nothing to write home about, but acceptable. Also, the machine is plenty quick with the i7, and boot times are nothing short of impressive: It's probably still in the single-digit seconds on a cold boot(!), and wake-up from sleep may be around a second or so, depending on how you count. There's also the "fast-boot" option, which is like an accelerated hibernation, again with wake-up times to your desktop in the single-digit seconds. Needless to say, these are valuable qualities, in particular for my intended use (meetings/conferences).

    Unfortunately, this is about where it ends.

    The bad:

    Screen: I don't find the much-touted brightness particularly impressive. I guess it's o.k., but compared to my 2-year old M4500 it's about the same. Serviceable, certainly, but I saw somebody talking about using this laptop outside, in the sun. All I can say to this is: You got to be kidding... Another plus is the non-glare surface, and fonts and other details look quite sharp. This can also be tuned using a configuration application.

    Worse, however, are the very limited viewing angles. Horizontal angles are not awful, but not very good either (may +/- 45 degrees are workable), but vertical is really bad. Maybe +/-20 degrees, if color changes don't bother you too much, that is. If you need to rely on even halfway accurate colors, look elsewhere, period. You won't even see consistent colors top to bottom if the laptop is at arm's length from you. However, if all you do is use this for typing up minutes/notes in meetings, and giving presentations, then these things don't matter much. I would say that the screen would be acceptable only for such very undemanding usage scenarios. Yeah, you can also watch the odd movie in an airplane, I guess. Bottom line: I would say that the screen is mediocre at best, but keep in mind what I said about my background in the beginning. Maybe this isn't that bad for a consumer notebook.

    Touchpad: Iffy, at best, and there's no meaningful way to fine-tune the sensitivity. I did extract the alternative configuration tool that is part of the zip file containing the installer (the tool that is installed does not allow you to adjust sensitivity at all; maybe for a reason), but I was not successful in getting the touchpad to respond more reliably. Worst of all, some of the touchpad functionality may not be immediately available after booting. Again, if you're the kind of person who needs an accurate, reliable touchpad, look elsewhere.

    Software configuration: In my whole career I have never, ever, seen a machine that was so badly mis-configured as this Samsung. First of all, I should say that my standard Windows configuration for years has been one where I have an administrative user for administration and system maintenance, and a limited user for my day-to-day work. Simply put, it is entirely impossible to run this machine with a limited user account. Not only will you be greeted by four UAC prompts on every login you perform, but you will also find that the touchpad does not work reliably anymore (you know, little things like right-click being unavailable for the limited user, sometimes). While the former issue (the UAC prompts, which are caused by inappropriately configured system software) can be solved, in principle, if you reinstall Windows from scratch, the touchpad issue is probably not fixable unless somebody figures out how to properly write drivers and utilities for the damn thing.

    Bottom line: Yesterday I was ready to send the laptop back immediately. However, I have already invested almost a day of work in this laptop, and my time is expensive... Relative to the particular use I have in mind, the laptop is serviceable now, and I do like its performance, form factor, battery life, and low weight. I may yet keep it. However, to anybody considering this laptop, you should think very hard about what you want to use it for. All in all, I also feel that, given the low quality of the screen the price is on the high side. Same laptop, same price, with an IPS screen, I would have been a lot happier. Like I said, I may still decide that it's an acceptable value, but there may well be, or soon will be, much better choices out there. Maybe the new Lenovo X1 Carbon, if it comes with a decent screen would be the one to look at. At least Lenovo knows how to build and configure business-class laptops. Samsung very clearly doesn't. I doubt I'll buy another Samsung any time soon.

    Hope this is helpful to somebody.
  2. samsungseries9

    samsungseries9 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Did yours come with a SanDisk or Samsung SSD?
  3. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    The A03US has the 256GB SSD, which is a Samsung drive. WEI score 7.9
  4. BRYeleJR

    BRYeleJR Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the assist there. On the other forum, we were trying to figure out if all the A03US contains the SAMSUNG 256GB SSD rather than a different manufacturer.

    Do you know it to be all of the A03US? I think yours is the third or fourth machine I see confirmed with the Samsung SSD -- and none with the SanDisk --so so far, so good.
  5. jaygatsby

    jaygatsby Newbie

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    Here's my thoughts on it as well:

    I got the A01US -
    - It had the SanDisk SSD - To be honest I wouldn't dwell on this - I think this particular issue is blown way out of proportion in real world usage compared to other issues with the machine. At the same time, out of the box with no software added you only have ~58GB free on that 128GB drive. Mine scored 7.5 in Windows Speed Index.

    - I LIKE the touchpad! It worked and felt great for me. Not as nice as a MBP but still very good.

    - I LIKE the keyboard! I had no issues with it, felt fine by me even typing quickly.

    - I LIKE the size and weight - man the thing is sexy. The hinge did indeed bother me -it felt flimsy in some ways - hard to put a finger on it but I could live with it.

    -I HATE the screen. I thought people were overreacting on the screen viewing angles but yeah, it sucks. straight on, it looks great but man it's got narrow vertical viewing angles. Samsung also screws themselves by making their wallpapers have TERRIBLE contrast. Seriously, it's like they took the worst possible pictures and made them the default.

    -I HATE the WIFI - As I posted in another thread, I got awful WIFI performance. Signal strength was all over the place arbitrarily on both 2.4 and 5GHz bands. Tried everything I could think of in terms of power settings, drivers channels etc but no go - Put it like this, I had 4 other laptops get better signal strength and throughput from over 30' away on the floors above and below the AP than the S9 got 3 feet from the AP in the same room. No idea if it's the Aluminum case or mine was just wiggy. That Intel card is about as good as it gets and I've NEVER had a problem with other Intels. THIS is what pushed me to send it back.

    In summary, super sexy and SO CLOSE to perfection. The screen mediocrity and terrible WIFI are making me send her back - I have NEVER sent anything back and I am sad to do so now.

    The other laptops I own and tested/compared the S9 screen and wifi to are: 2011 MBP 13", HP DM1z, HP 6930p and Asus G73jh. As you can see a wide cross section of the laptop world, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
    I didn't want to shell out on a new MBP but I guess I will now. Price was only part of the consideration, I'm bummed and Samsung should be ashamed about pulling this amateur junk for this price range.

  6. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    I have a feeling there's some luck of the draw involved here. It sounds like some of these touchpads are fine, but some, like mine, are just iffy. Oh well. I never really liked touchpads, any touchpads, too much anyway.

    Yeah, there's no way of sugar-coating that one. At this price point, that screen is an insult.

    That is strange. Mine is perfectly fine, matter of fact, it's on par with the best of my other laptops.
  7. Thors.Hammer

    Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm glad I am not the only person that thought this. Samsung can address all of the feedback they have been receiving and really produce a great machine.
  8. Pirx

    Pirx Notebook Virtuoso

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    Absolutely. If they throw in a premium quality screen they'd be at the very top of the pack. Certainly I am quite happy with the performance of this machine. It looks like 10 hours of battery life under light load might be realistic as well.
  9. zaxxer

    zaxxer Newbie

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    How does the S9 screen compare to the Asus G73jh screen?

    My current laptop is the G73jh and it has one of the better 17" TN screens imo. If the S9 screen is anything close to the G73jh one, I think I will be buying the S9 as soon as the 256 SSD model becomes available in Europe.

    Currently, what's stopping me from ordering the 15" S9 is the lack of DisplayPort and 256 SSD/8 GB RAM models and the reports of the 15" screen being far inferior to the PLS screen found on the 13" model.
  10. Thors.Hammer

    Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast

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    My 15" money is gone. I spent it on the MacBook Air Retina. Had Samsung put a PLS screen on the NP900X4 to start with, I probably would have the Sandy Bridge model sitting here. I had one on my desk two months ago.

    The MBP Retina is now a permanent member of my collection so the 15" Sammy will not be added.

    The 13" Samsung has a shot if they add an 8GB RAM model in Silver.
  11. jaygatsby

    jaygatsby Newbie

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    Zaxxer, Yes, the 1920x1080 version (not the Best Buy one) G73JH does have a pretty good screen though very glossy. It's actually rather hard to compare the two since the S9's display is super bright and matte and the G73's is not so bright (though not dim I suppose) and quite glossy. The G73 does colors better and I believe has better contrast when you can control the reflections. The S9 was great when you could focus the screen to be dead on in terms of angle and really was crummy when it was off by just a tiny bit. It really was an apples to oranges comparison with them so different. It really was painful for me to return the S9 since it was just so great of a form factor.

    Thors.Hammer- I think I'm going to be right behind you getting that MBP- I really don't give a hoot about the high rez but I want a good form factor, battery life and decent screen - gotta see one in person first though. If that doesn't work out for me I guess I'll save a bunch of cash and go for the Asus UX31a if it ever actually goes on sale ;) I think the HD4000 graphics would be fine for me for the use cases that this machine would be used for.

  12. aquahobbyMD

    aquahobbyMD Newbie

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    Does the NP900X4C-A03US definitely have an i7? 12 hours ago on Amazon, the description under "technical details" said i7. Now, I just checked, and they changed it to i5 1.9 GHz (which is the speed of the i7). As you scroll down, further description says i7. I just got off the phone with an Amazon customer service rep who confirmed her records showed this model to have an i5 and that there was a technical glitch in the description.

    Anyone know anything more about this i5 vs i7 issue?
  13. Thors.Hammer

    Thors.Hammer Notebook Enthusiast

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    The customer service rep is clueless. Intel only makes one mobile processor in the Ivy Bridge family that is 1.90Ghz. That's the i7-3517U which is what should be in the NP900X4C-A03US.

    Have them send you a picture of the label on the box. :D
  14. damonnoah

    damonnoah Notebook Enthusiast

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    where did you buy this latest model? i can't find it anywhere? thanks,