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    Help Drivers for 7660g + 7670m (512mb + 2048mb) A10 4600m Samsung NP355E7c-s01HK

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by negevasaf, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    My HDD was broken and now I lost my stock drivers (I had Win 8).
    I tried Samsung SW Update drivers for any 64 Bit OS (7, 8, 8.1), 14.4, 13.12 and many more combinations.
    I own The Samsung NP355E7c-s01HK with 7660g + 7670m (512mb + 2048mb) and A10-4600M.
    With the stock drivers I could play Crysis 3 on High texture, High Setting an 2TX AA.
    (Now on low-medium).
    Even if the setting on Ultra and the game is playable he doesn't looks ultra at all.
    Another thing I can't Install TPM Drivers, ( a Samsung assistance told me it's necessary and it's like Chipset drivers)
    When I install it, The setup shows an error "Trusted Module Platform couldn't be found".
    Does TPM drivers are really necessary?
    I also could have play Battlefield 3 on Ultra with 2x AA on 30-40 FPS, and now only on medium.
    What do you suggest me to do?
  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hello negevasaf, welcome to NBR.

    That support agent was wrong: TPM drivers are not critical like Chipset drivers. Trusted Platform Module is only necessary if you use BitLocker encryption or similar security features. Besides I don't even think your model has the necessary TPM chip, which is probably why the drivers wouldn't install.

    That said, it IS critical to install Chipset drivers as the first after a new installation of Windows. If you did NOT install them, that could explain both the problems you see and many others. If you let SW Update automatically install all drivers immediately after completing Windows Setup, it should install them in the correct order. You can still deselect utilities and bloatware that you don't want in order to keep the installation trim.

    I don't game myself, so hopefully others can provide mode insight regarding your gaming performance. But as the first step I would use the Summary screen of HWiNFO to verify that your GPU is being properly activated.

    On a different note, you created two copies of this thread in different sections (so-called cross posting) which is not allowed on NBR -- or any other respectable internet forum. Please avoid that in the future. I deleted your other thread. If you do not received further responses here after 24 hours, you are free to re-post elsewhere.
  3. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    The speed of the GPU is way lower than it should be, That's because I don't ran any game? or because there is a problem?
    Thank you.
    Update: The speed doesn't change when I ran a game.
    Only win 7 has Chipset drivers, Win 8 doesn't.
    Another thing that's I saw it's on the device manager the names of the Video adapters are different from the stock drivers, (And the performance are way way lower).
  4. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Because you are not running any games. Try and run a game (in a window or external monitor) while watching the HWiNFO System Summary screen. You should see the clock speeds rise as the game starts pushing the GPU.

    I would expect this to work OK, since your model uses an AMD APP with both CPU and GPU. But it very likely requires that both Chipset drivers and Graphics drivers are properly installed. That is why I asked about that.
  5. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    But why games work with way lower performance than they did with the stock drivers?
    Thank you.
  6. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Did you install Chipset drivers as the first thing after running Windows Setup?

    If YES, we can start looking at other causes.

    If NOT, then that is probably why you're having problems. Please re-install Windows and install Chipset drivers first, since it affects all other devices, including your GPU, and needs to be addressed.
  7. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    What do you mean after windows setup?
    If you mean at the moment I Open windows for the first time then yes, in win 7.
    But Win 7 drivers are old and win 8 drivers have no Chipset.
    My APU is Hudson 2/3/4, Can I find chipset Online?
  8. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Oh, I see. You're right, I don't see any Chipset driver in SW Update under Win8 drivers either, only under Win7 drivers. I didn't notice the update to your previous post where you mentioned that. Wrong or missing Chipset drivers can cause many issues, but in your case that's not the problem then, since Win8 must have built-in Hudson drivers.

    My understanding is that your HDD broke, and you re-installed Windows on a new disk. Is that correct? If so, and if you simply let SW Update automatically install drivers after you completed Windows installation onto the new disk -- and if no devices have question marks in Device Manager -- then we can reasonably assume that your basic installation is OK.

    If, in addition to that, you can see in HWiNFO's System Summary screen that the GPU kicks in when you play a game, that would indicate to me that the problem is entirely one of (A) configuring Catalyst settings and your game settings to maximize performance and (B) making sure you have the best performing AMD drivers compatible with your model. Unfortunately I don't have much advice on either, since I don't game myself :eek:
  9. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    Sorry for replay after a very long time,
    I installed windows 8 and let SW Update to install everything by his own.
    Right click on the CCC app and except 4 Times 7660g with arrows (with the original drivers) now I have 3 times 7660G + 7670M With arrows.


    Another thing, at the device manager the names are different.


    But the worst thing is the performance that's not even close to the original drivers.
    I had SW update with the PC, I think I had the same version of display drivers (I am not sure because the name change in SW update with each version you install, but the version started at 8.9 ). but I had some weird Updates (from SW) (the setup looked like 100 white squares that's fill with blue I think, And the PC fans were extremely loud).

    But the point it looks different an behave different.
    Thank you.

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  10. negevasaf

    negevasaf Notebook Enthusiast

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    Can you please help?
  11. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hi again, negevasaf. I was away from my PC most of yesterday.

    Your installation does indeed look fine, but of course I believe you when you say there is a difference.

    Do you have Samsung Settings installed? And if so, might you accidentally have enabled Silent Mode, either by toggling Fn-F11 or by selecting LOW of AUTO on the Silent Mode tab in the Settings Control center (Fn-F1)? Silent Mode should be OFF for normal operation since it otherwise caps the CPU at a very low speed.

    If your original HDD is still partly working, you could try to boot Recovery on it (tap F4 immediately after power on) and create a Bootable Factory Image backup there, then use that to re-image the new disk. That should give you exactly the same installation as you had from Samsung originally (both Windows and Recovery). The procedure is described in this post.

    This assumes that your computer came with Win8 originally (as I understood from your opening post). If it came with Win7, your Recovery doesn't have that feature. Also, if it came with Win7 and you updated to Win8, that could explain the differences you are seeing in device names.

    Other than that, I am afraid I don't have any suggestions. I do not have first hand experience with this model, nor with the AMD Hudson, and I don't remember much discussion of it here in the Samsung forum. That is why you have not received other responses.

    You could ask about it in the NBR Gaming Software and Graphics Cards forum. Your computer and Windows installation seem to be basically working, and the problem is primarily one of gaming performance. If you post there, make sure to include a link to this thread, so that members can see that you asked in the Samsung forum first.