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    [Help] How to remove Easy Settings - NP550P5C

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by skor78, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Hi guys,

    I need your help. I recently bought a semi-new Samsung NP550P5C for a great price, with the only inconvenience that it had no box, dvd's, manuals and the previous owner completely formatted the hard drive and all it's partitions..
    Still, i thought, no worries, i just install the OEM dvd from my RC530, download and install software, and it's done!
    All went well, until i couldn't run, update or uninstall what apparently was a wrong version of easy settings. I was trying to avoid re-format. But i can't figure out how to remove previous easy settings.. Any ideas?

    Also, i realized fast start is not available for download. Dunno why, because the feature is described in the model.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Hello skor,

    Manual removal of Easy Settings is a daunting task because it consists of many modules, including some services, a driver and some several hardware hooks.

    If properly installed, it should uninstall itself cleanly through Windows Programs and Features. Otherwise I suggest installing the same version again (1.x or 2.x), THEN uninstall afterwards.

    We discuss it in more detail starting here.

    As John suggests in that discussion, your best choice with Easy Settings is to install 2.x. It is better than 1.x in almost every way. This thread discusses how to find it.

    In your particular situation, where you don't know how it was installed -- nor what lurks deep in the dungeons of that Windows -- I would personally do a new clean install. It's normally very easy with these Sammies, using Samsung's SW Update to install the necessary drivers after you have Windows running. It ensures the correct drivers are installed -- and in the correct order -- and you choose which utilities you want, so you can keep your installation nice and lean.

    Only gotchas are:

    1) If it's a relatively new model, originally delivered with Win8, it uses a UEFI/GPT setup. This can cause issues if you're not careful. If your BIOS has SecureBoot that means this applies to you. Google Samsung UEFI GPT Windows Clean Install and do some reading in that case. We can give you more pointers if you need.

    2) If your model has ExpressCache you want to install from DVD as opposed to from USB, in order to save yourself some trouble. If you see a small 8-24GB disk in Windows Disk Management, that's the onboard SSD (socalled iSSD) used for ExpressCache. You won't see it in Computer (Explorer) only in Disk Management (or DISKPART or similar). If you have EspressCache and you MUST install from USB, you need to follow hanime's excellent guide on USB installation.

    Let us know how it all works out for you :)
  3. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for your answer. According to Install error i have 3.02.000 installed..(?????)(According to site latest is, and i've tried all downloaded versions, and, none works! I believe it was installed through SW Update.
    The model is relatively new, but it came with Win7. Also, i don't believe it comes with Express Cache, nothing found in disk management.
    Any thoughts on Fast Start?
    Here's the laptop page (Portuguese):
    Samsung Series 5 550P5C-T01PT - DESCRIÇÃO GERAL | SAMSUNG

    Thank you for your time and help.
  4. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Samsung stopped updating the drivers on their website, you have to use SW Update now to get the latest. Unfortunately, sometimes the Samsung update server doesn't respond, and you have to try again later. Right now I cannot get anything.

    I have never heard of Easy Settings 3.x. It would be great if a new version has come out, I'll check once SW Update is up and running again.

    2.x is only available through a trick described in the thread I linked for you. That is why I linked it ;)

    Edit: Almost forgot your question about Fast Start:

    If you referring to the Boot Optimization option in Easy Settings, I prefer disabling it. It is discussed at some length in the latencies thread, particularly starting around page 8.

    If you are referring to the Fast Boot setting in BIOS, it merely skips some of the tests during boot. Disable it when you boot other devices (USB or DVD) or if you need F4 or F2. Otherwise enable it to save a little startup time.
  5. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Ok, i finally got Easy Settings 2.xx installed! And Fast Start running! :D But i'm still having problems.. Now i have 2 softwares adjusting brightness and sound, etc.. which causes lag.
    See pic below
  6. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Oops, I see you posted as I was updating my last response. Please see my comments there on Fast Start -- although you got that working already :)

    And that's a mess with two Easy Settings competing to adjust brightness. We really have to get rid of that old Easy Settings then. Here are some steps:

    1) First uninstall 2.x. (BTW good job finding that and getting it working). You can re-install it once we get rid of the old one.

    2) Does Windows Programs and Features have any Easy Settings entry now? I wonder if it could have been installed as individual modules ( EasyDisplayMgr, etc). I suggest you uninstall anything Samsung EasySomething in Programs and Features. You probably won't need it anyway, and you can always install the latest individual utils with SW Update.

    3) Open Windows Task Scheduler, navigate to Task Scheduler Library and delete any leftover tasks for EasyDisplayMgr (dmhkcore), EasySpeedupManager, SmartSetting, SCCSpeedBoot and WLANStartup.

    4) Reboot.

    5) Delete folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Easy Settings.

    6) Use SysInternals AutoRuns (Google it) and disable services SABI.sys and SamsungDeviceConfig. Reboot and see if the system survives, before attempting to delete them. Note: I have not tried this one, it could potentially cause problems.

    7) If the system seems clean now (Fn keys do NOT work) then try and re-install Easy Settings 2.x.

    Here are some more discussions about Easy Settings and its inner workings: (manual removal). (tweaking individual modules). (LONG installation guide, read towards the end).

    Let me know how it works out.

    Edit: Once again, I would personally do a clean install if this system doesn't behave soon, since you haven't loaded any programs or data yet. But that's just me :D

    Also, did you check if Recovery still works (disable Fast Boot in BIOS, F4 from Power Off)? If so, you could simply restore the Samsung Factory Installation!
  7. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Problem solved! Just removed all the easy xxx, and now it's perfect! Btw, the Fast Start i referred to, was the standy/hibernation function that boots under 3sec.

    Your help as been amazing so far. I hope you don't mind i ask one more thing from you. I'd like to setup Samsung Recovery Solution, but i can't because i don't have any recovery partition set. Any tutorial in how to do this?

    Thanks again for all the help provided and for using your time on it. Cheers.
  8. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Thank you for the feedback. Good job getting it all working.

    I think the Fast Start you referring to must be the Boot Optimization option in Easy Settings. It delays loading of other startup tasks in order to get to the login screen faster. It is discussed earlier in that latencies thread I linked.

    There is another feature on some models called Intel Rapid Start which keeps a hibernation file constantly updated on the iSSD (same as used by ExpressCache) in order to facilitate very fast sleep/resume. But I don't think your model has that.

    Funny you should ask about Recoveries... I seem to be spending a lot of time discussing that subject here. Many new owners are quick to delete their recoveries, only to discover later they wish they had kept it. I realize you got your PC in its current state.

    Basically, if your Recovery Partition is gone, it is almost impossible to get it back. (Samsung will do it for $50). You need a so-called USB Admin Tool which can only be created by using your working Recovery in the first place. AND you need a backup of the contents of your Recovery partition(s) -- which I doubt you have. And even if you DO have these things, it is still a lot of work -- and will wipe your disk in the process.

    Here is the latest discussion I had with member Miguel86 (incidentally another Portuguese) who wanted to re-create his recovery.

    His attempt failed -- despite much effort and even though he DID have a backup of his entire disk, including the Recovery Partitions. But he didn't have a USB Admin Tool created BEFORE he lost F4 access to his Recovery. His PC may have had a BIOS problem too.

    I would say, if your Recovery Partition is gone, don't sweat it: You can always perform a clean install of Windows and run SW Update. You won't even have to deal with the Samsung bloatware that way.
  9. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Fast Start is, per say, a standby-hibernation feature that allows you to wake up the laptop in 3sec or less. (hibernation file is stored in RAM and all other components are shut down)
    From Samsung:
    I have a recovery partition from my RC530, but still, looks like an impossible job. Thanks for your help.
  10. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Ahh, I remember now which Fast Start you're referring to: It's the Lid Open Action in Easy Settings. That one actually doesn't truly hibernate (because the PC never powers off). It is basically the same as regular Windows Sleep, with the following exceptions: (1) It will resume when opening the lid; and (2) it turns off the power LED during sleep instead of keeping it slowly blinking (at least on Series 7).

    I kept that disabled in Win7 because I liked to keep my power LED blinking during sleep (so I knew it was merely sleeping). And I preferred to manually resume from sleep by pressing the Power button. In Win8 I don't even have a choice, Samsung removed the setting so it always behaves as when Fast Start is on.

    I think we're done here. Once again good job. You got it all working!
  11. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Yes, we're done here. Thanks for all your help.

    Sorry, but you're wrong about Fast Start, Fast Start only leaves RAM powered on, while Windows sleep leaves RAM, CPU, USB, etc powered while asleep.
    Fast Sart simply puts hibernation file in RAM due to Samsung HW support. I know this for a fact because:
    1- If you disable hibernation file, Fast Start won't work.
    2- If you remove RAM while Fast Start sleep, you won't be able to resume, but system will attempt to resume from hibernation file (I've tested this myself).

  12. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Wow, I never realized Samsung had implemented their own Sleep and there was an actual difference. Don't be sorry, thanks for enlightening me :)

    Actually, the CPU should be off, even with regular Windows Sleep -- at least on any recent and well implemented system (since S3 some 6-7 years or so). And these Sammies will let you set whether USB should be kept on for charging -- and that setting also applies even for regular Windows Sleep.

    But I believe you that Samsung may do more when Fast Start is enabled than just the automatic Lid Resume. I was always a bit puzzled about that, so it makes sense.
  13. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    Check in Disk Management to see if you have a hibernation partition instead of using a hibernation file. This is the way that the intel Rapid Storage Technology works - the disk storage is directly mapped to the RAM and is kept updated in the background.

  14. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    No intel Rapid Storage Technology or special partitions here. From Intel i only have Intel ME FW Recovery Agent and Intel WiDi here.
    Weird thing is, although i don't find any evidence of Express Cache or Intel Rapid Storage Technology in disk management, SW Update downloads, product specs or features, both are available for download in support section.
    Is there any other way to confirm if i can use any of those features? I really want to take advantage in all I can in this amazing laptop.

  15. John Ratsey

    John Ratsey Moderately inquisitive Super Moderator

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    Intel Rapid Storage needs support at in BIOS (or other low-level hardware) so, if it not offered in SW Update then it's not supported. Windows 8 does something similar, but differently.

    If there's no trace of a small SSD in Disk Management then you don't have Express Cache. When it works it is beneficial but when it plays up its a nightmare and Samsung may be quietly dropping it.

  16. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Now I'm even more confused.. lol
    After a closer look i did found IRS in SW Update (after it showed up in Driver Genius), but after installing i still don't see any special partition in disk management, and in IRS i don't see any configuration options.

    Some screenshots.

  17. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    @Skor: Running late for a meeting, so this will have to be fast.

    As we discussed previously, and as John said, if no small disk shows up in disk management, you don't have the iSSD required for ExpressCache and iRST.

    The fact that you were able to even install iRST is probably because your chipset supports it (mine doesn't install at all). But you don't have an SSD to put that hibernation. You could play with a partition on your HDD, and MIGHT get it working. Dunno if it's worth the effort though.
  18. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    Maybe I'm missing something here, but.. Question: If IRST needs/have a iSSD what's the point of dumping the hibernation file in RAM?
    That just doesn't make sense.. If the iSSD was used for hibernation it wouldn't need RAM, the SSD would be fast enough itself. What Ratsey said (using a special disk partition) makes alot more sense.
  19. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    Yeah, ahem, how do I put this... I had never heard about hibernation to RAM until you mentioned it ;)

    Hibernation really implies that all (or part) of RAM is being saved to persistent storage (HDD or SSD) so that you can power off completely. If you're going to keep RAM powered on, you might as well just use regular Windows Sleep: As we discussed a few posts ago, that still puts out almost everything except RAM -- AND it wakes instantly.

    Have you tried timing Sleep/Resume with that Fast Start enabled and disabled?
  20. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    What I'm really not understanding is what benefits IRST brings to the table when we already have Fast Start in our 2012+ laptops... Something is not making sense for me there..

    To answer your question, yes. And my laptop won't hold windows sleep on battery for a month, but FS did.
    Windows can wake on wireless, key press, mouse movement, etc., while FS will only wake up on lid action and power button, this makes it quite obvious that although CPU, etc., can be low powered, they are in fact powered and on standby.
    This does not happen in FS, although it takes over sleep functionality, uses and won't work if you disable hibernation file, because it totally power down everything except RAM, all those other wakes are unavailable, it simply uses RAM for a fast resume.
  21. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    There must be much difference then between models, because my Samsung Series 7 (as well as my old HP laptop) both go completely dormant during Windows 7 sleep: You have to press the power button to resume, mouse or keyboard action won't do it. And that's with Fast Start disabled.

    I remember what you describe from old homebuilt PCs 10 years ago (or longer), before deep sleep modes got standardized in BIOS and Windows. But I haven't seen it in a long time.

    It's true, old software or drivers can prevent deep sleep (or any sleep). But even that is rare now in my experience.

    But again, maybe the series 5 is different.

    Edit: Oh yes, about iRST: It maps RAM pages to clusters on a dedicated hibernation partition, then uses idle time to keep that hibernation partition up-to-date with any page changes in RAM. That way, when you hibernate, everything is already written and you don't have to wait. Something like that.

    John is the expert here on iRST, check his thread on it - or Google his posts.
  22. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    All this FS stuff is becoming a huge off-topic discussion (even although knowledge discussions is what also make us grow :thumbsup :), so i'll just say i remember quite well having problems with mt 3y4m old Asus 1201N, waking up from sleep in my backpack and having heat problems related with that. Drivers were never the problem, maybe it was software, but my point is, that simply doesn't happen in FS (I know this cuz i use the same SW). But i have no wish of further discussing this, you stated your facts and i've stated mine, and in the end we'll keep being fans of opposite ends of sleep. :D There's really no point in keep talking about this, i believe.

    Thanks for explaining me about iRST, i'll try to check that thread, and hopefully i can take some advantage of iRST, and get it working.

    Once again thank you both for your precious help, Dannemand, your prompt responses were simply amazing, you helped solving in a couple of hours what i couldn't do in days. I'm so happy to have solved my easy settings issues!! And it was all through your directions, you rock, my friend! :notworthy:

    Cheers from Portugal!
  23. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    NBR worries, skor. I didn't mean for this to be very argumentative, and I apologize if it came across that way. As I said a few posts back, I think you may be right that Samsung IS doing something more with Fast Start than simple enabling the Lid -- and I would like to know what that is.

    Thanks again for sharing that info with us. And good job on getting your PC running right.

    If you DO manage to get iRST running (using a HDD partition) I would be VERY interested to hear your results. Again, I was NOT able to install iRST on my PC (even though I have a small iSSD for ExpressCache) because my chipset doesn't support it. It would be great if you can share your experiences here in the forum.
  24. skor78

    skor78 Notebook Consultant

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    You were being as argumentative as me. I felt nothing bad from you, sorry if I made you feel that. I just felt every information was shared, and nothing else was needed to be said. Now I just want to focus on iRST.

    I'm thinking maybe late this weekend or Monday I could open a thread to discuss FS, or maybe you can open it and I'll join later.. Right now I just don't have the time to divert myself from current issues in hand, and iRST is not even one of them. Life.. Hope you understand. Cheers.

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