I recently bought 2x 680m to my panther 2.0.
installation went successfully and both card are recognized by the computer.
There is only one small problem, no SLI Button in the
nvidia controlcenter.
Things Ive tried:
SLI patch. Hyper SLI. Coolbits 2.0. different drivers. clean installation with help from driver sweaper. Installing the driver with 2 monitors connected.
My gpus id number is exactly the same does that have anything to do with it?
Can the SLI function be forced to show up with a modded driver?
Shouldn't be impossible! In the AMD drivers you just need to edit the registry entry to show hidden functions, so there must be something similar for Nvidia cards! I'll purchase a 680M for my X7200 after this weekend myself, so it would be great to know if SLi is an option for the future.
Can anyone help here? -
I googled a little bit and found this:
nHancer - Advanced Control Panel for nVidia Cards
Maybe that tool can help? -
I digged up the same, but seems like this software is ancient. But it could still work, worth a try!
Oh I see.... really sad... but it shows it should be possible to get it to work .
BTW, Myrsprett, did you test the system with just one card and and if so, what are the Benches like 3DMark11/ Vantage etc say? Are the temps ok? -
I got no bench scores yet but I will do some test tomorrow.
only game ive been testing is GW2. And so far there are no artifacts and 680m alone are enough to provide good fps with high quality.
temps are amazing, 2 hours with gw2 and they are below 75*c.
huge improvements from 480m.. -
At least that sounds good. Are you using the same heatsinks as the GTX 480m´s did?
Strange that even with SLI Patch it didn´t work... didn´t the tool show the SLI option at all even while booting into the "SLI-OS"? -
There was no where to enable the Sli even with SLI OS.
Im not sure but I think there must be som kind of SLI support in the bios for eatch gpu, but I hope it can be solved in the display driver. -
Wow great to hear it works, fix the SLI! best of luck
Really hope there is someone out there who can help with this SLI stuff -
Is there a need to modify the 480M/485/580M heatsinks?
Gforce 680m using the same heatsink as the 580m in the x7200.
Am not sure with other brands. -
I have a 580M right now and I kind of want to upgrade to 680M. I wasn't sure if I had to physically mod the 580M heatsink to fit the 680M.
I don´t know if it may help, but I searched a bit more and found this:
SLI with different cards - techPowerUp! Forums
Basically it says that with that modded driver you can put different graphc cards in SLI mode...
And it has nothing to do with HyperSLI, it is for mainboard who are already SLI capable (what our mainboard IS).
Maybe this could be worth a try... ?
And maybe we can get a newer driver from him (anatolymik in that forum)...? Or maybe ask that person if he has an idea for solving "our" SLI problem... -
And here is a VERY similiar story to our problem which was solved with help of this person!
drivers HyperSLI -
This migh work. But I cant install these older driver that they are using. Ive been trying to mod the 301.42 and 296.10 but keep saying installing failed.
If we can get anatolymik to make a new modded driver with the 306.23 Im sure this Sli button will show up.
Ive just sent a message to anatolymik. I hope he respond fast. -
I hope that, too
All X7200 users who want to upgrade would be thankful!
As soon as it is clear it works I´ll get a couple of these 680m´s, too... ... -
I just did a new found on how to enable SLi but its also only for older drivers. I did try though.
But this proves that the Sli can be forced to show up through some modification in the driver.
Am still waiting for anatolymik to answer.
Making SLI work on ANY non Nforce chipset MB -
I am sure it will work!
Maybe we should contact TheWiz who worked on that modded inf that enabled SLI with the Alienware on this forum, here is the whole thread:
(funny how similiar the thread starting is ) -
I got some good news and some bad news (but nothing we cant handle).
Ive successfully manage to mod the mobile version 301.42 on my computer by tricking it to belive it was a 580m.
After installing the SLI mod look what happend.
But when I tried to put SLi on I got a bsod on boot up. I think its a driver problem, my 680m dosent like old driver.
I will do some more testing/research tomorrow, since I got no more time today.
I give you more details tomoz. :hi2: how mutch depends on the hangover -
Thanks for the update Myrsprett. If you are able to enable SLi on these machine I will donate to you.
Yeah SLi would be especially great for us since even the 3920XM bottlenecks 680M SLi Setups in most games. Our Desktop-CPU machines are going to be epic yet again!
BTW Eurocom now officially allows to choose the 680M in their Panther 2.0 (x7200) configurations. -
So how does one go about modifying the current Nvidia drivers to accept a 680m in a Clevo x7200? I have the Sager version.
Also a lot of the 680m's I looked up for sale are in the $800+ range. Anyone know a good site to snag one for cheaper? -
^ If you are not in a hurry, then just wait until the 685M comes out and you'll see plenty in the Marketplace for sale. That is if you don't mind a used one.
nice work.
waiting for benchs and temps -
Me too, incredibly good news indeed
Good news! That means you´ve tricked the driver to believe it´s 580m and don´t get blue screens when you´re booting anymore?
:thumbsup: -
This is GREAT!
So I now will look for the company who has best offer for TWO GTX 680m´s !
Did Eurocom say that they are working on a new BIOS of their Panther 2.0?
Would be a great thing, though I can´t believe it at this time... otherwise I hope we will get a new modded driver or some instructions on how we can do this on our own... -
I dont have mutch games to test but major improvment in gw2. Both gpus on 96-99% usage 80-100 fps lol.
I hope anatolymik will be online soon so he can show me how he modify the driver.
Yes Eurocom sent me a mail today: Still working on it.. as of now still not functioning correctly -
Thanks for all the effort and info! I would +rep you again, but since you were the last one I did I have to +rep another one before .
Eurocom working on that BIOS - ok, they can do some good after what I experienced with them last year. If they do it, they definitely will .
Maybe we could look for SOME modder who can do this... I would be willing to donate something to that person, of course.
BTW, maybe Eurocom can modify the driver, if they can´t do it with the BIOS? -
There is some kind of overclock issue when you running sli with 680m. I cant use the saltius bios with 1,05v and 1030/2500.
This will happend with all the 680m sli. Alienware M18x-R1 + 680M SLI
Am currently running 900/2400 with 1,012 v stable in games. temp goes from 65-75 (with fn1 on temps 60-65)
Yes I believe that if the bios fails they can allway fix it in the driver. -
Yes, I´ve read about the problems. But this seem to have nothing to do with "our problem" . What kind of scores do you get with the overclocked cards?
Are the games run stable? No problems? That´s pretty insane then . To trick the system like you did and it still is stable is at least remarkable .
What about the fans? Are they working properly? -
This is awesome news since I just traded my M17x R2 for the X7200 in my sig.
Still waiting for anatolymik to respond...
Well done Myrsprett!! +rep for all the good work!
If you can post any 3dmark11/Vantage Performance/Extreme benchmark scores, that'd be awesome !
edit: was wondering how did you get the Saltius vbios (1.037v-1.012v) working on both cards? Did you just flash one and then the other and it worked straight away ? As far as I know, this vbios comes from a MSI ES 680M card and doesn't support bi-gpu (since there's no sli connector on msi gpu) !
Impressive anyway! -
I pulled the trigger and installed the 680M in my X7200
So far it performs as great as expected. Default Clocks 3dMark11: Generic VGA video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-980 Processor,CLEVO CO. X7200 score: P5768 3DMarks
Of course I'd like to OC it to a nice and stable ~850/2300, but whatever I try in AfterBurner it only uses my changes to the Memory Clock! If I for example set the Core Clock on +100 or whatever it saves just fine when I click "Apply", but in an actual game the Core stays at the default of 719. Extra weird since the Memory Clock OCs just fine.
I shouldn't need to flash the VBIOS since I don't want to go higher than 854 on Core, right? -
What games are you trying to OC in?
The kepler cards are abit wierd and sometimes they dont wanna use the oc boost. It happend to me in SC2 and trine 2.
But when I try GW2, BF3, Heaven 3.0 and Metro 2033 gpus using OC boost. -
I did try the Saltius and slv7 vbios both of them are throttling my gpus.
I did try to flash gpu 0 with original and gpu 1 with saltius and that resulted in artifacts and throttling. -
Would you say it is safe to flash the vbios? -
But what I can say is that x7200 will be able to cool down any overclock below 1 ghz.
But you should be able to overclock core clock with the original vbios.
Have you tried another nvidia driver? Are you running Sli or singel? -
Try put PCI express link state power management: off ( advanced power settings in controll panel)
And try put power management mode on prefer maximun performance ( in nvidia control panel manage 3d settings) -
Could you point out or upload the the vbios you're using, I can't find it in the provided link ? If you have the one @ 1.012v with defaults clocks set at 902/2200, it must be Saltius vbios (that's the one I'm using)
So you just flashed both GPU with this vbios and it worked perfectly! That's good to know! -
Tried both, unfortunately still the same situation. I'm running 1 card, btw!
Which driver are you using? I tried the 302.71 that came with the CD and the 306.23 WHQL, both lock my Core at maximum of 719.
I'll try your driver, and in case it still does not work I guess it's the stock VBIOS limiting it...
Edit: I read that I need to edit the P2 state in nVidiaInspector to overclock the Core. But I only have P0, P5 and P8... is this also driver dependand?
Screenshot: -
The vbios can be found under Other Downloads: MSI GT60/GT70 GTX-680M VBIOS. -
Yay I actually got it to work! I just OC'ed via Command line in nVidia Inspector as I couldn't enter P2 in the GUI
Here is what I did with CMD:
nvidiainspector.exe -setBaseClockOffset:0,0,100 -setMemoryClockOffset:0,0,500 -setGPUClock:0,2,840 -setMemoryclock:0,2,2200 -forcepstate:0,2
So basicly I put my Core to 840 and my Memory to 2200
X7200/panther 2.0 Nvidia 680m SLI
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Myrsprett, Sep 22, 2012.