How many frames per second?
Mr. Mysterious
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Ahhh ok. Didn't see that since the thumbnails were so small, lol.
This is great! I didn't know the 460M was capable of such high resolution and textures with Crysis 2. I'm doubly impressed after playing Prototype all day with max settings...and the highest any component got was 53C (GPU). And that is on it's normal, default cooling!
I love this machine!
Mr. Mysterious -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Wow, that's great! Thanks johnnyman!
Do you mind if I add this post to my review? I'll credit you
Mr. Mysterious -
Prototype looks awesome as well. I tht the 2nd screenshot was the best. The detail on the tentacles and the smoke was jaw-droppingly good. Waiting for more screenshots! Guess I have no choice but to play it now
But... I cant (rather dont want to) do anything on my machine until my OS fiasco is corrected again! -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
In the spirit of brevity, I've decided to limit the screenshots to 3 shots per game. I don't want people to go through an already-long review before thinking "Oh great....giant screenshots."
I'm trying to make my review palatable, you know? People have told me to be brief and concise, and I'm trying to balance that against being very comprehensive and detailed.
Mr. Mysterious -
er.. I just said i'm waiting for the screenshots of the other games in your list. I really didn't mean to request more per game!
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Lol, ok sorry...I think the sentence was ambiguous anyways
Am installing X-Men Origins: Wolverine right now.
Mr. Mysterious -
he he.. Yeah, it was ambiguous.. my bad!
What321 -
Download RocketDock - -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
X-Men Origin: Wolverine screenshots are now up!
As are my comments on the speakers and fingerprint reader. Decided not to comment on the RAM.
Mr. Mysterious -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Thanks for that, johnnyman!
Finally, Borderland screenshots are up now.
Mr. Mysterious -
u want some other benchmarks?im glad to help.
thanks for all the nice work Mysterious! and the benches johnnyman! i'm not getting an 8130, but it's still nice to read good reviews
not seeing any starcraft 2 love
curious as to how it performs during multiplayer when a lot is going on (ie: zealot frienzy) or in the campaign on some of the more intense levels like "in utter darkness" -
What321 -
my clocks so far are stable.i didnt try to overclock further. -
Interesting tool
probably will give it a shot on my 485
Thanks -
Got a sc2 trial key if you need it mysterious
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Thanks, but I'm not into RTS....I haven't played games for long enough.
Mr. Mysterious -
Wanna try it purely for the palatableness of the review?
never know, you may like it. (plus it's free lol)
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
If anyone else would like to post some screenshots of SCII, I would gladly add it into my review and will rep and credit them for it.
Mr. Mysterious -
i put some 3dmark06 benchmarks mrmysterious!!enjoy!
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
I saw that! Thank you
Mr. Mysterious -
i have quastion , johnnyman27, are you running all time with overclocked gpu???? what's temperature in stress and idle???is safe to run all time with overclocked GTX460m
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
With the stock configuration, the GTX 460M automatically downclocks when you are not playing a game (or games). I'm not sure what the settings are when you overclock (use CPU-ID program to find out).
Mr. Mysterious -
one is 2D (P0)
one is low-power 3D (P1)
one is 3D (P2)
Since 9600M (or earlier) a new P3 power state been used for full-speed 3D.
I'm not sure about P3, maybe it's just VBIOS reading error for those diagnostic tools.
But downclocking for 2D is not new. -
guess i didnt think about what i was saying lol.. wouldnt make sense for the GPU to be runing full all the time
but indeed it does down-volt itself when not plugged in -
I forgot about how Geforce Go 7900GS did it but I am sure it also had some form of downclock and lower voltage when in 2D mode.
So not news-worthy... -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Well my previous laptop, HP HDX16t, had 512MB DDR2 of VRAM in could play some of the newer titles (at that time) with low-medium settings.
Mr. Mysterious -
desktop cards have the exact same capability.
you'd think a GTX 580 constantly running at 3D clock, drawing 244W power plus full fan speed?
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Yeah, that doesn't sound very smart, does it? Lol, think of the electricity bills...
Mr. Mysterious -
sheesh, i apologize for my ignorance lol
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Oh dude I wasn't talking about that! Noooo. I was just imagining the scenario. It's all cool
Mr. Mysterious -
haha it's all good.
gah! i can't decide if i like being able to track my package or not. it almost makes things worse lol.. mine's been "departed" from Hodgkins, IL since 1:27pm yesterday. at least it's down to "1 business day(s) left" until delivery -
I installed Forgotten Sands and started it on full settings 1920X1080 and 8x ani aliasing. There were a few frame drops, it wasn't flashing frames etc, but you would notice something was off. But then I turned off anti aliasing altogether, and its running ultra smooth now. No amount of dust or moving Zombies has any effect!
And lets not forget here that I'm running this on Vista and not Windows 7!!
Will do a lot more stuff over the weekend! -
Mr_Mysterious Like...duuuuuude
Lol excellent
I'm home now, and I'll start uploading the pictures today.
Personally, I'm a PoP fanatic, but the latest game (based on the movie starring Jake Gyllenhall) is just a disappointment, unfortunately. I still bought and paid for it anyways, since I'm a die-hard fan
Mr. Mysterious -
No No, Forgotten sands is not based on the movie. It is actually a story set in the timeline between the first and the second game of the sands of time trilogy.
I haven't completed it yet, but the review said that the story wasn't too strong, but the platforming was beyond awesome!
The Sager NP8130 Review by Mr. Mysterious
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Mr_Mysterious, Apr 3, 2011.