Hi guys,
As the title suggests, does anybody undervolt there GTX 1080's to reduce temps, and if so do you have a rule of thumb for these Clevo cards, i have never undervolted a GPU before, so not sure what to expect in terms of tempterature drop etc.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Not usually required on this machine and it wont really impact fan noise so mine run 1950-2000mhz all day long.
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Mr. Fox and Vistar Shook like this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
cj_miranda23 Notebook Evangelist
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've power nodded them both so they hold a very stable clock and voltage. They are not too dissimilar in clocking.
Before saving, check in the curve editor that individual points haven't shifted around after applying, it loves to do that, getting them to apply exactly where you want them to might take 3 or 4 times. Afterburner is buggy like that
What I do to volt cap is to first apply a + core offset, then flatten the curve past the desired voltage cap up to 1.062V.
I have a 1.00V cap with +160mhz core on my 190W profile (for aircooling) and it's stable. If it wasn't, I'd drop the offset slightly and set the next volt bump 1.013V as the start of the flat linecj_miranda23 likes this. -
Hi guys , just an update and a big thanks to my pal @Mr. Fox for the video and his guidance. Both my GPU's are now undervolted to 0.950 with 450 on the memory and boosting to 2000Mhz, running 4.6Ghz on the 7700k with a -165mv ran stability tests for 2 hours and all runs fine, on Firestrike the hottest the GPU's got was 52-54 degrees in SLI, so SUPER happy. Obviously, they are on sitting on alphacool pads and upgraded thermal compound albeit not LM yet, very pleased. Going to keep fine tuning her now.
I keep my voltages locked, my main use is for gaming with this machine i don't need idle voltages.Attached Files:
cj_miranda23, Papusan and Mr. Fox like this. -
cj_miranda23 Notebook Evangelist
At what clock your sli is running during fire strike test? The graphics score seems low for having a 200w gpu and very low tempp during run.... I'm getting around 44K with stock clevo 180w gpu's. http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-overclockers-lounge.788975/page-1694 -
Sorry, I had left G-Sync on and it had shafted my scores.
Below is my latest and I am happy with temps vs performance now.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
G-sync is focusing on frame time smoothness rather than raw FPS. Generally it's better to do that for gaming.
I applied liquid metal to both the GPU's tonight, it's knocked another 4 degrees off.
Max temp on firestrike is 49 degrees per GPU !cj_miranda23 and MiSJAH like this. -
cj_miranda23 Notebook Evangelist
P870KM1-G - Undervolting GTX 1080's in SLI
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by cope123abc, Feb 21, 2019.