You know if possible we'd like an SLI/Crossfire setup though
In other news finally got my X8100 back yesterday, (took so long because my continual luck stayed constant...think this is actually the third chassis that's technically been mine haha).
Im still monitoring this one to make sure all is ok. I got one hard lock in WoW, but that hasn't happened since I reverted from the 257.15 betas to the 197.15's so I'm waiting for those to go WHQL, or another set to go WHQL before I try those again.
I've also now seen the rolling screen thing you guys were on about (almost like a massive flicker and as though the screen isn't synced), BUT so far I've only managed to get it in the OCCT Power Supply test (which basically runs its own version of furmark and linpacks the CPU at the same time) - which I can now pass more than 10 mins of without my machine shutting down haha.
Now this machine is on the 1.00.07 BIOS whilst my old one was on the 1.00.01/00 BIOS, so it makes me wonder whether this is down to system power management as instructed by the BIOS.
What Im considering trying to do is get a copy of the original stable BIOS, and some of the others Clevo have release in the mean time and see if they affect the screen roll, as if its missing on the original BIOS, and I dont get hard shutdowns again, I'd probably stick with that until a new clocking bios appears haha
Im just hoping I dont have a slightly dodgy machine again lol
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Well flashed back to 1.00.02, what was probably the original BIOS. Still get the wierd screen flicker thing, but ONLY in OCCT, so seems its not the BIOS, unless its something to do with the EC/KBC Bios updates, and I cant get hold of the original to revert that.
Wierd. Still as long as it only affects the system during OCCT PSU test, then I really dont care, as it doesnt affect my system use! (OCCT PSU is linpack with a 3d stress programme over the top designed to max power usage).
Strange that this machine has the rare flicker though, and the other didn't!
Another thing I've noticed is this system has some intermittant audio dropouts, they happen via the onboard and via a USB DAC, but nothing is shown on DPC latency checker, and it simply is dropouts, almost as though the system can't keep up with the audio playback (lol) so it's not the full blown crackle, stutter and pops I used to get with the M980NU. That's got me a little baffled, but it may just be a slightly dodgy Win7/drivers install so I may reinstall in the near future if it begins to really bug me. -
end of the arguement really, Clevo wont replace all the power packs -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
I figured that might be the case
If the screen is flickering with dual Nvidia 285's, then I'm guessing it's a power issue of too much power being drawn. Would be hard to through in dual 480's without other problems incurred. Maybe they will go with a 300W powerblock. I'm sure that would help. Also be interesting to see what numbers these systems put out with an SLI 480 setup.
I know the M17x R2's had the same issue, and was fixed with a BIOS update. Perhaps there is a new BIOS in the works. Hopefully anyhow. -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
The wierd thing is my last machine didnt do it at all (the flickering/rolling), and this one only does it in a PSU test (linpack+GPU test at once), and nothing else.
(Here's what it looks like:¤t=P1000584_x264.flv)
My last machine actually had perfect audio playback too.
Given Im getting intermittant random audio issues with the machine at various points, which'll drive me round the bend, I'm going to speak to Kobalt about this machine, as I've a feeling it's not 100% happy, and even if it takes them a couple of weeks to get sorted out, I want a 100% happy machine.
The audio issues are much less frequent than my old M980NU and also dont seem to be stemming from DPC issues which was my first check, but they WILL drive me round the bend in the long term, because one minute I'll get random cack, then they'll be gone for 5-10 mins or several songs, and then stuff will creep in like all of a sudden I'll get a half second stutter, a pop or a crackle, just sitting there on desktop listening to audio. The other X8100 was absolutely perfect in regards to audio, so I know this shouldnt be happening at all, and isn't a flaw with the model, but rather this specific unit.
(and the audio issues are appearing from MP3s, CDs and FLAC with codecs installed so its not just one type of audio having issues). Seriously my Karma must be SHOT!
<I've already tried a Windows reinstalls now, various driver load outs, and even the specific install order in the manual>
Just my luck, all I want is a machine that just works, with no silly niggly issues!!
(Yes Pete, I know you're probably laughing your *something or other* off at my "luck"!)
On the plus side the space bar on the keyboard is more responsive....
/facepalm -
One question about the Displays in the Clevo X8100! Mine is the Chi Mei N184H4-L04 2CCFL Display! Think the worst Display that i have ever seen!
I compared it with my old Notebook the HP DV8-1050eg! The HP have the Chi Mei N184H4-L01 2CCFL Display and a good black level and viewing angels!
Now, this is my "new" Notebook--
Left Side HP - Right Side Clevo
That cannot be true, black is gray (Head a little bit higher, than lightgray)! Viewing Angels doesn´t exist!
Now the question, is it possible to buy a Chi Mei N184H4-L01 Display (eBay) to change the Clevo Display? Think its the same Manufacturer, same Size, same Connectors!
Anyone has experiences with the two Display? -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
You should be able to buy a display to swap over (the trick would be getting in, I haven't examined mine, but it looks quite sealed!). I'll agree the CCFL isn't AMAZING, but it does seem to vary from machine and model to model, as there are a few different sub revisions. (I used to work in IT retail so I've seen PLENTY of laptop screens to compare against haha). I've had a few different ones [laptops] now with the H04 screens and I'll admit there is some variation between them, black levels often aren't amazing, but in terms of backlight bleed etc. [I think I've had two L02 and one L04]
If you're going to spend extra swapping the screen, surely you'd be better looking into getting hold of one of the H06 LED backlit screens used, as they sound like a better display all round, overall. One of the reasons I asked whether I'd be able to get one, but seems Kobalt have only had the CCFL models come through, and I've not heard from anyone else who's bought one from elsewhere in the UK.
(The screens in the X8100 are N184H4/6-LXX, H4 is CCFL, H6 is LED)
(UK Ebay - H4 screens)
(UK Ebay - H6 screens)
Hope you find what you're after, I noted there were a few H4-L01s
Would be tempted to do it myself, but A) I haven't seen the LED directly to compare to and decide whether the outcome is worth it B)It's a bit pricey C) Im focusing on getting a unit I'm 100% happy with before I even consider the likes of screen swaps! -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Might be worth trying some of the resellers, they might be able to get one through the local service centres and I know some will sell part replacements etc.
Its hard to say one way or another. I've also been told they only use new, and I could believe that some marks could possibly have been caused during assembly but that doesn't explain all the marks and dust under the screen protector. There's also various other marks, the right hinge seems to sit a little higher than the left and slight marks down the left screen surround suggest someone may have tried to open the screen at some point. In any case I've left it to Kobalt to resolve but not heard anything for a few weeks. -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Chase them up. They've had a lot of sickness and a lot of workload so its very easy for stuff to slip through the net. They are only 5 guys after all.
it is tough on them being a small outfit and thier reputation is such that they get alot of business for a unit that small
sometimes i think a victim of thier own sucess
But as i am sure that Alex will support they never shy away from a problem and will work tirelessly to resolve any issues you might have
Thats why i put all my business thier way and wouldnt go anywhere else -
Yeah, I did send an email through to them yesterday, keep forgetting they are a small business, and to be honest I know its a case of slipping through the net rather then them avoiding the issue.
It just can be a bit frustrating at times, when things go unanswered or issues are left for weeks.
On the screen side I'm sure Kobalt's latest shipments were supposed to be the led screens. Also Clevo seems to have a 480m sli on their website. -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game luck has been somewhat appalling, but Kobalt are still trying to help me, yeah there have been little niggles, but most of that stems from them being tiny compared to the work load. If they'd offered me AW style service, I'd be out of here a long time ago, and certainly wouldn't have pumped money into parts upgrades like the 920XM through them
The service I've recieved from them has been rather decent, to the point the machine I get back from them next time may technically be the 3/4th X8100 with my name on it haha
(1st one had issues with some of the parts which decided to play funny...Clevo service center sent 2nd to Kobalt, I never saw this as it had mobo issues, 3rd one is going back tomorrow because it has some intermittant audio problems, much less severe and less frequent than the M980NU [and not DPC related], but shouldn't be there, and also has some bizzare possibly power related issue with OCCT, but audio is why it's going back as I can't be dealing with another audio affected machine, the 1st unit didnt have either issue so definately unit related...3/4th time lucky, eh?!)
Oh and before this I had the M980NU and its dreaded audio stutter, which followed an M17 with the 4850s which died, AW fobbed me around for the best part of 2 months with lies, delays and ignorance, and finally sent me a DOA set of replacements, and gave me huge hassle, forcing me to actually threaten court to get my money back.
Oh and the Fujitsu Siemens I had before any of these had to go back *4* times in its lifespan, once for GPU failure, and 3 times for mobo/sound addon board failures!!
You can probably see what my signature comment is about now!!
The X8100 is generally a lovely laptop though, I'll be very happy once I've got one without niggles.
So far all my X8100s have been CCFL, but obviously it depends on what they get from the supplier, even Sager weren't sure on what screens they were getting when asked at one point, so tis pot luck on whether you get LED or CCFL with the X8100 it would seem.
Never know, if they're slowly moving that way as shipments progress, if Kobalt end up replacing my chassis again, perhaps I'll get one! -
Look at the options for this version of the x811 for example:
ORIGIN EON Custom Gaming Laptop Product Details and Features -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
There's a much bigger Clevo presence in the US remember though so there is more control, general availability of most stuff in this market in the UK and Europe in general is actually quite limited by comparison, also the one you linked actually only offers you an LCD screen, it doesn't specify LED or CCFL backlit. Kobalt themselves offer you virtually identical options to the Eon.
If Sager couldn't even guarantee the screens they're going to get that says it all really, as the biggest US supplier of Clevo machines, I think even Babyhemi confirmed different shipments and batches going out had different screens.
There was actually an argument about what screens these machines would even have before they came out, with different [reputable] vendor reps on here saying different things.
In other words it would seem to depend on what batches the suppliers and companies can get hold of which screens you get. I was looking through the manual the other day, and whilst it specifies lots of vendor options throughout the specs list, I don't believe the screen type was one of them, which again would suggest it might be a case of get what [your batch] is given/WYSIWYG. -
Sager 8120 Laptop, Gaming Notebook, Best Gaming Laptop - PC Torque
I called before I bought mine jsut because this sibject was handled in a Nebulous way to say the least. I was told i would be guaranteed to get an LED screen.
Just for curiosity sake, I sent them an email asking if they only carried LED screens on this model, we'll see what they say in print. I think PCToruque claims to be the biggest Sager vendor in the US, so maybe they get consideration here and anre able to call their screens. Mine is spectacular and well worth the trouble to get one if they are all like mine.
This is the first Laptop that I have had to turn the brightness down on, and I've had a LOT of Laptops! I've got it around 50-60%. The kewl thing is that at 100%, nothing washes out, it's VIVID, and contrasty, and UBER bright.
My only complaint to the screen is the reflectance from having the extra glossy layer of plastic. This gives the "Double Ghost Glare" -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Yeah I see, however I can only go by the evidence I see here and elsewhere, its even possible you were guaranteed an LED screen BECAUSE you called and made a point of it (the likelyhood is the vast majority of users do not bother checking!), but it does seem there are some discrepencies between what is available, and again I'm not convinced that the vendors necessarily always have a choice on what they get. Sager certainly would make a big issue of them all being LED if they could, and yet this was not the case, then when you have other well known US seller reps contradicting each other on what screen the machines have, well it does seem to imply thier is either discrepencies between batches, information or even what is being allocated.
As I say though, I'd be happy to get an LED screen if it becomes and option for me, the LED screen does sound rather nice, having had 3 of the H04 screens in front of me it'd be nice to be able to compare! The LED also draws MARGINALLY lower power as well which is always a bonus! -
Here's the reply from PCTorque about the 8120 screen:
So, I think it's a Vendor thing. I talked with Origin PC today and they didn't even know it was an option, go figure... -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Yeah, bit bizzare really! I can't imagine it costs Clevo much more to fit all the machines with them, seems bizzare that they don't, and seems supplier/wholesaler/vendor dependant.
Wonder who made that decision... -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Aye, the difference between the H4 and H6 seems to be about £40/$60-70 on ebay (£130 vs £170. Not much in the scheme of things!). The other possibility is PCTorque are replacing the screens themselves.
I'm sure mine will work work out eventually, as Alienware discovered I'm persistant, when it comes to spending over £2000 on a machine, it should be free of any real flaws! (the flicker in OCCT PSU test I dont count as a real flaw as thats the only programme I've tried which did it, it doesnt seem to affect games! But audio... argh) -
Alienware, don't get me started. I would never consider the Origin PC guys, because I'm fairly certain these are the "old" Alienware guys who sold out to Dell. No way I would get in bed with them again! -
I'm betting all those will work fine if they are the same specs as far as interface is concerned. -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
The Inverter, good question... -
Yeah saw it there but wasn't interested in the BUY option! -
You should be able to send me a PM if you click my name. I clicked your name but PM was not available. -
[email protected]
Thanx! -
I think it took a few minutes for the Mailbox to go active. You may need to resend it. Looks like it's working now. Thanx for the effort for sure. -
The cable for the LED Screen have 2 connectors! One for the "Side L Cable Connector" Pos # 3 (Service Manual Page 1-10 Mainboard Overview -Top) and the second should be for the connector #5 (LED Cable Connector)! By the CCFL Screens the Inverter is connected to #5! -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
Just noticed that Clevo is posting the 940XM CPU for the X8100. It's right around the corner...
"Intel® Core i7 940XM Extreme processor
(2.13GHz, 8MB L3 cache, 45nm, FSB1333, TDP:55W)" -
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Detection was added in the lastest BIOS so doesnt surprise me. TBH from the little I've read I'm not worried about the 920 not being out specced, if anythign I think the prices are going to make the 920 look better based on past Intel pricing trends, and the 940 doesnt look much faster.
Moar Powah!
Alexrose1uk Music, Media, Game
Haha, yeah that's always good, but as an 'already bought' I'm not that worried because it doesnt look like theres very much difference between the 920 and 940.
tbh i just want a bios where the overclocking works
will worry about upgrading after that is solved!! -
hey guys i have a question please
Has anyone tried to connect their xbox360 or ps3 using the hdmi input this laptop has and can you play it in HD 720p or 1080p without lag issues?
thank you -
I tried using the ps3 briefly. I don't think the hdmi port supports 1080p but it does support 1080i. I did notice a bit of lag occasionally, more so if its running on battery.
would action heavy games like god of war be playable under the lag?
I tried it out on cod mw2 and those lags are more like very short screen freezes that only happen occasionally, not sure what causes them. As the laptop has more than enough gfx power so must be something else.
Put on Furmark, that will check it out! -
*** Official X8100 (Sager 8120) Owners Thread ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Miss Malevolent, Feb 15, 2010.