^ I haven't paid as much attention, but the fan appears to have settled down a bit after the installation. I'd say this, but the temps look hilariously periodic when looking at XTU's 1 hr graph. It peaks at around 64C then come right back down (slight fan rev). I'll keep watching the fan behavior.
Forgot to add that the only thing I'm doing is web browsing at this point.
yes, pseico, test if disabling turboboost have any effect on sudden fan kicking, while mundane tasks, such as web browsing
yes please do a repaste and post your new idle temps =) , another thing i found for the "fan problem" the windows maintenance center, when it checks for updates or installing updates in the background the cpu intel boost is activated and the fan speeds up all the time... i tried to set a time when the maintenance center is allowed to do some things... -
Plextor review: AnandTech | Plextor M5M (256GB) mSATA Review
Recommendation: I prefer reliable drives with good warranty. Samsung Pro/ Intel 525/ Plextor M5M's are pretty good there.
2. SSD Effect: Once you use an SSD you can never go back to using HDDs. Its pretty true as your boot speeds are typically <10sec, and application startups are typically instant. In HDDs things take some time on that front.
SSD Config: Its better to have your OS configured on the SSD (faster boot time) and multicore processing applications (Internet security/ Photoshop/ rendering software/ others etc.). Its better to have a 750gb 7200 RPM HDD as a secondary for storing saved files, games and documents (which are written continuously). Remember anything which is continuously written will degrade your SSD in the long run. Keeping games on SSD will only make loading times faster - no performance increase, so its totally ur choice if ya wanna keep them on ur SSD which has very less space w.r.t cost/gb. You can refer to steam mover app online for that.
3. No need for Raid. Its only needed if you have 2 HDDs. Unless you do rendering or any other Hi-fi apps, the real time speeds do not even make any difference to casual users. So having SSDs on raid will not make any diff for ur needs. Also anything on Raid - if 1 drive fails, all others on raid will also fail rendering all drives useless.
FINAL THOUGHTS: For the NP7352 - It has 2 bay drives + msata slot. msata drives are way lighter as they are not 2.5 bay drives. So config a 120gb msata sata3 6gbps SSD as ur OS drive. Put a 750gb 7200 RPM as ur primary drive (which will be ur secondary in reality). Now one 2.5 bay drive is free, so you can add another SSD later at any point when you buy one (online deals). This is just my personal recommendation, feel free to keep your options. -
Hey everyone, proud Clevo W350st-owner here!
I got this notebook as a replacement for my close-to-death D900F Panther (gtx280m, i7-920 version) after it's dutyful service of nearly 4 years.
I've received my notebook last wednesday and had toyed around a bit with things.
My setup;
i7-4702MQ (the 37w variant i7 @2.2ghz)
3*8gb ddr3-1600 (corsair)
mSata: 256gb ssd (Crucial)
HDD: 1tb hybrid drive
wifi: intel advanced-n 6235
the rest is standard
I've been experimenting a bit with my configurations, especially in aspect to battery life.
For continuous testing considering settings of all parts EXCEPT the monitor, i have kept it's brightness at maximum for all tests.
A few things i've tried out;
battery life when running OS just from the hybrid disk
battery life when running OS from SSD and hybrid disk for cache with heavy power management settings
battery life when running OS from ssd, using a RAMDisk for loading applications with heavy I/O
and i've also compared the file processing speed between these three.
I spend my free time mainly on game-development and thus often find myself using big libraries with multiple small-size files and some larger-size bitmaps etc.
I found it interesting to test how the type of media used can affect battery life.
For my tests i've used the three situations described above, AND;
- HDTune for disk access speeds
- Unity3D with a pre-setup automated editor scene which is edited/etc using AutoIT V3 untill the laptop runs out of power (in an attempt to keep the actions performed as similar as possible)
Results i ran into, first, file processing speed:
Hybrid HDD reported a read speed of 120mb/s average and write 90mb/s
the SSD reported respectively 390mb/s and 310mb/s
the RAMDisk (set at 8gb of 24gb) had a speed of 3800 respectively 3500mb/s!
Power, first using high performance setttings:
Runtime with just HDD; approx. 94 minutes
Runtime with just SSD; approx 112 minutes
SSD and power-managed HDD; approx 106 minutes
Runtime with SSD and RamDisk; approx 110 minutes
Power using the UMA mode (Note this mode will generally deliver less fps!)
just HDD; approx 140 minutes!
jusr SSD; approx 190 minutes!
SSD and power-managed HDD; approx 170 minutes!
SSD+RamDisk combo; approx 180 minutes!
This might not tell a lot of people what the actual results are, but i'll reformat it this way;
using a RamDisk generally consumes a very low amount of power, but will return you a MASSIVE file-processing speed!
I've also tried packing a .rar on the three different volumes, the rar had a compressed size of approx 4.2Gb, the file was a binary with an uncompressed size of 5.0gb.
Harddisk; 54 seconds
SSD; 27 seconds
RAMDisk; 15 seconds
in this situation i guess the biggest factor was the CPU, hence the difference between SSD and RAMDisk being relatively small (if you look at the raw processing speed).
When "normally" browsing the internet through WiFi i have managed to rack a battery time of almost 3,5 hours(Display brightness around max)
Hope this input will prove of some use to others as well, enjoy!
PS; using a RAMDisk for LoL and other games results in absurd loadtimes(mainly limited by GPU loading speed it seems)
I will be running more tests the coming week; if people have suggestions please let me know! -
Okay well here's the thing: I re pasted both CPU and GPU with IC Diamond, temps didn't seem to be all that much better. No real change in idle temperature since the idle constantly moves between 45C and 65C with the fan kicking in at the high ends.
Probably the reason why there isn't exactly a stable idle temperature: there's practically like 3 fan speed modes (silent, medium, max). Silent hardly does anything... so temperatures will creep up regardless of being put at 800mhz or 3.2ghz. Normal operation seems to indicate that the medium fan turns on as it gets warm for a couple seconds at most (probably what everyone else is reporting). And no, this behavior is not at all annoying since the medium fans aren't that loud, and are only on or about 0.5-3 seconds.
EDIT: Haha... when the fan is practically silent... it actually is. When at low CPU temps, the fan actually completely shuts off.
Here's the weird stuff though:
The fan has been going off randomly ... for no apparent reason at maximum speeds even in the 50-60C range and gets stuck at max speeds (similar to how I stated that it was running pretty much throughout the entire Windows 7 Installation). The fan goes for a long while, bringing the CPU temps below 40C and doesn't want to stop.
I don't exactly know what to say about this unless Clevo has an explanation. <-- but this is the true annoying factor. Just recently the fan ran at maximum speed for several minutes before stopping with CPU temps at 36C. FN + 1 does nothing to it. (FN + 1 does indeed work for turning on max fan speed & returning it to auto, but I've seen it get stuck at max several times while using it during a stress test)
Countering it? I put the pc to sleep and woke it up again. Unfortunately, the fan will go erratic in a few minutes at a time... or not at all. It seems completely random when it happens since it did not occur for most of the day until I re pasted (yet it did occur several times the day before during installation of programs, drivers, and windows updates).
After around 3 times that the fan has erratically reached maximum speed after the repaste, the insanity seems to have disappeared once more - resuming the more normal fan behavior.
Another thing... that seems to be an error on Sager's part. When installing 16GB of RAM, they installed a stick under the keyboard and a stick in the under body area. HWiNFO64 states that the memory is in single channel. I thought that the two RAM sticks should both be in the under body. <-- Yup ...
Yes, I confirmed the fact that they left me with a single channel configuration... after I switched their stick out of the keyboard slot and moved it into the underbody slot which changed the configuration to dual channel mode according to HWiNFO64. That was a hassle for me given that when I stuck it in, the laptop refused to display anything - not even BIOS (I was a bit confused), tried again, Windows got stuck in the middle of booting ... figured it was the RAM having bad contact, so I blew out any possible dust that might have gotten trapped and reinserted the stick - booted properly then.
Battery Life seems fair enough. When using power saver w/down clock to 800mhz and near lowest brightness settings, I managed an estimated 4.5 to 5 hr battery life when mostly idle and with a tad of light web browsing. (reached 50% power at 2 hr 30 min). -
Hey guys, I'm looking at possibly buying a W350ST. Good analysis of battery above, but could someone let me know how long it lasts when doing word processing with a reasonable screen brightness (no surfing, wifi can even be off)? I'm interested in using this as a college notebook but am worried about battery life.
Additionally, I'm not hearing good things about the headphone jack. I have a pair of fairly good quality Audio Technica headphones, so it would be a waste to use a headphone jack which produces terrible sound quality. Any feedback on this? -
ive decided, im gonna get it
here is the spec
i7-4700mq quad core 2.4ghz to 3.4ghz
nvidia gtx765m
128gb plextor m5m msata
750gb 7200rpm
8gb ram
intel wireless-AC 7260
win7 home premium
15.6 fhd matte -
GPU not running while I stress test the i7-4700MQ CPU.
Default CPU behavior:
CPU temps: Core 0 runs around 74-76C when running prime95. (constant 2.8Ghz) - turboboost throttles to the max power of 47W after 28 seconds (put fan at maximum as well)
CPU temps with turboboost wattage set to a full 58.75W usage without dropping to 47W (constant 3.1Ghz) - Core 0 runs at 86-90C (90 itself is a temporary peak since it's running 86C most of the time), max fan is not yet on.
CPU temps when max fan comes online... temps drops to around 83-85C on Core 0. -
Did you do a repaste ?
which prime95 Setting did you use ? Maximum heat or something else ? -
Yes I repasted with IC Diamond. No apparent changes to the temperatures. GPU stays in the 60C (flat 60C at 55% utilization) range when gaming at 1080p.
Not maximum heat - just the blend settings.
I have a better test... Ray tracing an image in Autodesk Inventor. Pretty much gives the highest heat possible from the CPU. This one, however yielded up to 89-92C when on maximum fan when running at 59W - the CPU stayed at 3.2Ghz rather than downclocking to 3.1Ghz on prime95. When running at standard settings (47W), CPU was at 2.9Ghz and ran at around 77-79C max fan speed. The Geforce GPU is hardly utilized by Autodesk, so it really doesn't play a factor. -
Getting error reports on PowerBiosServer.exe. Possible that the current set of hotkey drivers are a source of problem?
While rendering with Autodesk Inventor 2014, I ended up with two problems. This may or may not be directly related to the fact that this is a Geforce GPU which isn't actually supported by Autodesk. However, I've never had problems before with my GT 540M running alongside Inventor 2013 on my Asus N53.
First ... I crashed Inventor and Windows gave me a Video hardware error. Second ... I don't know exactly what happened since I went afk for about a minute after rendering for over 2000 seconds - came back and the pc had restarted itself.
Something might have crashed? I don't know because no error reports were logged. Note: I was not overclocked or anything. I literally left it on default turbo settings. The fan once again ran at max speed for about 20 minutes longer than needed after getting rebooted. (might need to reboot a second time to fix the issues... but really?)
At the same time, my wireless completely stops working besides being shown in device manager as working normally. A second complete shutdown and reboot did nothing. Uninstalled, reinstalled, still nothing. Disabled, Re-enabled, nope. I even reinstalled the hot keys to ensure airplane mode didn't somehow stay on (which was clearly not the problem). Can't get it working again. -
I still have yet to experience ( or at least have never noticed it ) all the jumping around of the fan speed. After giving the Fn 1 a try, I was able to force mine into high speed fan, I'm not sure I have yet to even hear my fan on high, other then when I forced it to be. What temp, do you figure the high speed fan should turn on? I think the highest temps I've seen on my CPU to this point are around 85C, maybe a occasional blip up to 89C. Apparently these CPU's can actually operate upwards of 90C and still be within 'normal' operating conditions? -
I remember when sandy bridges came out, there was a fail in chipset, frying sata controller in few weeks. Mass recall followed.
Now wifi dies.(btw does wifi module located in vicinity of RAM sticks? maybe thats why sager puts one under kb, heat and all)
Oh well, i decided, i wont get notebook this time either, will wait for broadwell. Cheers folks. -
Is this a common occurrence with the wireless working for this model? If so it might be a dealbreaker for me
What wireless Card do you have ? -
Fan speed continued wildly long after dropping to safe temperatures. This only occurs once fan speed reaches maximum speed which seems like a safety measure as a result of "overheating". More recently under normal circumstances it will not reach maximum fan speed unless rendering/running near 100% for more than 2 minutes at a time. The fan behavior has been pretty nice in the past 24 hrs and only activating when absolutely necessary like gaming. -
the intel centrino wireless n2230 was the standard configuration by my distributor
How loud is the fan? Do you think it would disrupt people in libraries or a university lecture setting?
Question to Resellers (Xotic/Gentech/LPC/Prostar etc.) :hi2:
Why is that Sager laptop config don't allow Samsung/Plextor msata options while you offer it for other brands on your websites. Even for the HDD bays I have noticed only crucial and intel SSD's as usual options and not the whole SSD store! I am sure a lot of us would like Samsung/Plextor msata ssd as options too. Would like to know, if there is any possibility in the future too. Advance thanks! -
Sorry to disrupt the flow very technical questions, but I'm just wondering: Do you guys consider this a good laptop? And for those that game, does it run games well (as in no excessive fan/heating problems)?
Lastly, do you think the problems with the fans acting weirdly will be easily fixable in the future? (for example, by throttling the fan or the processor) -
I've been wondering if the 120W Power Supply is sufficient for this laptop.
The GTX 765M has a power consumption between 60 and 65W [ source]
The i7-4700MQ has a TDP of 47W when running 4 cores @ 2.4 GHz and 55W when running 4 @ 3.4 GHz [ source]. Now, I know the TDP is not the same as actual power consumption, but looking at the review of i7-4702MQ equipped Acer V3-772G here, you can see that they measured a maximum CPU power consumption of 42.407W during the stress test via HWiNFO64. Now the i7-4702MQ is a rated @ 37W, respectively 45W in 4-Core Turbo Boost. As you can see, the maximum value of 42.407W is not too far off of the maximum TDP rating of 45W.
Now, if we apply these findings to the i7-4700MQ and Clevo W350ST we see that the laptop's total power consumption under full load is 60-65W (GPU) plus 50-55W (CPU) plus RAM, LCD, HDDs, mice, keyboards and other peripherals. I just don't see the 120W being capable of taking care of all these power-hungry components.
The MSI GT60 2OC (i7-4700MQ, GTX 770M or 780M, single-fan) has a 180W power supply. The older Clevos (such as XMG P502 aka Clevo P150EM) also had 180W power supply, even though that laptop is equipped with 2 fans.
I've also noticed throttling during the stress test in the notebookcheck review.
Although the Core i7-4700MQ and GeForce GTX 765M settled to just over 70°C during full load, the CPU's moderate temperature is made possible by throttling to 800 MHz (2.7 GHz without Furmark). However, seeing that our stress test is an unrealistic scenario, there is no need for concern in practical use. The benchmarks did not indicate throttling.
The CPU temperature of around 90°C is high, but I don't think it's high enough to set off a thermal throttling (which I would expect around 95-99°C).
Opinions? Am I right or am I just imagining things? Do you think it would be possible to arrange a delivery with a 180W power supply with a reseller? -
765m can run all modern games on High 1080p (20-30 fps). Laptop is pretty good, in fact the best out there with a 765m. For your understanding I will give a comparison with the MSI GE60 with 765m:
HDD Bays: NP7352: 2; GE60: 1
Cooling: NP7352: Good reviews for a 4700MQ + 765m; GE60: OK reviews indicating high temp on palm rest, keyboard, vent area etc.
Battery: NP7352: ~3.5 hr; GE60: ~1 hr
Keyboard: NP7352: Not backlit; GE60: Backlit chiclet
Sound: NP7352: Moderate audio solution; GE60: Good audio solution
Weight: NP7352: 5.9 lbs; GE60: 5.2 lbs (Not much of a difference there)
Build: NP7352: Tough/ good reviews; GE60: Not good compared to NP7352 with DVD bay being loose according to reviews
Overall I guess NP7352 wins for performance vs price scale (For a 765m laptop). Hope that helps! -
But it still makes a lot of noise.. Anyone has any idea if there will be a fix for this? Seems to be that there are 3 levels (idle, middle and airplane taking off mode).. -
This seems to be a huge issue with W370ST? Is it the same with W350ST?
A new reivew of a similarly equipped DevilTech Fire DT14 has just been published and things don't look good. Link to the review
The laptop is equipped with the GTX 760M (an underclocked 765M) and a i7-4702MQ (which is a low power variant in the current Haswell i7 mobile lineup). The CPU is the same as the one used in the Acer V3-772G I talked about in my previous post so we can conclude that its maximum actual power consumption is (approximately) the above mentioned 42.407W.
So, what is the little DevilTech's actual total peak power consumption during load? A whopping 113.2 Watts. And that's with less powerful GPU and less powerful CPU than the W350ST has. The little DevilTech is also shipped with a 90W Power Supply unit, which was deemed "almost absurd" by the testers.
If the tiny and less powerful DevilTech reaches power consumption levels exceeding 100W, one can only imagine how would the W350ST fare. Things are looking rather bleak, gentlemen. -
I can say from my own personal experience after reading some of these comments, and having gamed on the w350st for quite a while, the power issue thing isn't really that big a deal. I have not experienced any cases of battery percentage drops whilst gaming plugged in. And yes the onboard sound is atrocious, but with headphones I was pleasantly surprised by the crispness of the audio.
And the fan issue isn't really an issue, mine used to be but having it for about 2 weeks it seems to have settled a bit and as will all new things, you eventually get used to it. I don't even notice it anymore. Besides isn't that what a cooling system is for? You know, to cool things? As people have said, the laptop does not get hot to touch on the keyboard or mouse area at all. But my comment earlier about it being hot is reference to the underside. Bear that in mind if you surf with it on you lap
Maybe just me though, there may be some instances that the power consumption exceeds 120w for prolonged periods, but I have not experienced it yet, and given that the battery lasts approximately 4 hours surfing (from my own tests) I really don't think your laptop will shut off due to lack of power under normal circumstances. -
what a Little bit helped for the "fan issue" just fix the Windows maintenance Center to a time... so it doesnt check all the time in the Background for updates and Problems... and so the Intel Turbo is less used --> so the Notebook is a bit more silent
Thanks a lot
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2 -
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2 -
I've got my system yesterday and mine doesn't do this fan kick on high as much it does when gaming but on idle I catch him once doing that. I bought cooler master u3 and in air con room so that might help but I don't think the fan is that bad and will annoy people as much it's not like it's a turbine and works for 5 minutes like that
And when you go on action center you put schedule maintenance to run once a day with exact time that's what he meant
Sent from my XT925 using Tapatalk 2 -
yeah dont know how in english it is exactly called thought it was " windows maintenance center".... otherwise i would make a screenshot but that doest help in my language.
You can fix a time for searching updates / problems / installing updates... its in the system control / system elements / maintenance center .... its a bit tricky to find it.... -
If you think the same as me than its like a flag with pole icon in the taskbar next to the clock and easier to go that way than yours
Sent from my XT925 using Tapatalk 2 -
yes its the flag symbol... there you can do a lot of settings...
Guys, could anyone with the 95% gamut screen please post the Monitor Name? This can be found in HWiNFO64 for example. Thank you!
EDIT: Nevermind, found it! Apparently it's a panel named: Lenovo B156HW01 V4 -
Anyone found a program that can monitor fan speed in 7352 ? I didnt have luck so far -
The fan on high is not that loud to begin with, yes, it's a fan you can hear it, but jet engine is clearly a rather extreme exaggeration. Besides, if you really are just doing light browsing, you can easily set the CPU max to say 50% and the fan is highly unlikely to ever go into the high speed setting.
Oh, and I don't have any issues with loosing wireless connection either. -
I'm thinking about ordering this system for a college laptop, do you all think it would be suitable? I do want to use it for gaming, but I'm not sure that I want to shell out the extra money for the 770m in the 151sm1. Also, is windows 8 the best for this system? How much of a difference does the 7260 wireless card make?
I think it should be just fine for college laptop, and I was thinking the same about 770m and 151sm1 is bulkier and I think heavier so this is more compact version, I have installed Win8 and dunno should i install Win 7 or no, I think slowly we will migrate to win 8 or maybe 8.1 and with classic shell win 8 is not that bad, need a bit workaround to get to some options but its fast and I adjusted. When it comes to 7260 I wanted to upgrade to it, but I dont have the AC router, and you can exchange the wireless card later, its around 30$ now for upgrade, so I think it can only go lower than that, so I decided I will wait until I get AC router and than get it. Also so far they still dont have Win 7 drivers for 7260, they are working on it so not sure if they are out yet or no, but you should have that in mind too.
Also, they seem to be functioning fine. -
So the 7260 is only good with a AC router? Without one it still works though right?
Woohoo my 7352 is in final testing before shipment status. What's the first thing i should do when I get it? I've never had a computer like this before!
*** Official Sager NP7352 - Clevo W350ST/ Sager NP7370 - Clevo W370ST Owners Lounge!! ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Bishibot, Jul 4, 2013.