I'm not sure you can change it unless the prema unlocked bios has control.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
So you're saying that this is a normal behavior?
I'm just wondering if there's a setting I missed somewhere, but if that's the normal behavior then I have my answer.
To be honest I don't think the battery could be able to supply enough watts to both the CPU and GPU under load but I still wanted to test that.
Also 1.70GHz seemed like a funny number, being exactly half of the 3.4GHz that I run my CPU at. I'd just like to have a little more than that available to me if I were to run a CPU intensive application on battery. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Any recommendations on thermal paste? I keep reading about IC diamond...has anyone used anything else? -
I have the 3k screen. I must say it really is a beautiful display. The colours appear rich and deep which makes them pop. No ghosting at all whilst gaming and I haven't noticed any light bleed. At the native resolution, everything is pretty small lol so I have been running 1600X1200 with no issues.
I have not taken it for a play outside, nor do I intend to. -
Ionising_Radiation ?v = ve*ln(m0/m1)
Make sure you have IntelManagementEngine installed, as well as the Intel USB3.0 eXtensible Host Controller.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Alright, I need some tips on how to clean the laptop lid. It looks clean, but when I get the light at the right angle, it shows all the ugly finger oil everywhere. It's also an eyesore since I rvoed the SAGER logo; my lid now has the letters in a light spot. Ugly. Any tips on getting all the oils removed and getting a nice, like-factory clean on it?
I've also looked at a Carbon Fiber wrap for the top, like how Metabox has it (I'm just not in AU). Has anyone done anything like it before? Does anyone have any tips on how to remove the plastic-rubber part of the lid so I could wrap it? -
Hi everyone,
I've purchased a Eurocom M4 version of this laptop recently, in order to have the very sharp QHD+ screen.
I've also flashed the bios with the Prema Bios mod 1.1, but didn't overclocked anything and always had quite reasonable temps (GPU max 60degrees and CPU 70-75 degrees) but noticed recently some crashes on games, such as Dota 2, BF4... and would like to revert back to the old bios but... I haven't made any backup of it.
Would anyone in the community have a stock bios for the Eurocom M4 with QHD+ screen? Indeed, I would just like to see if the issue persists that way.
Thanks! -
I'd also ask Eurocom for the latest BIOS update. They'll give you their version, just say that you were having some issues and wanted to make sure you had the latest BIOS. I would also look for the stock Vbios, as Prema also overrides the stock on that, too. Haven't found a source for good Vbios images though -
I've actually tried earlier the link you provided, but when I wanted to flash the bios, I've got an error message saying that the writing block wasn't the same as the target block or something, which made the flash not possible.
Last thing, when you're speaking about vbios, you mean the video bios correct? I believe someone within the thread shared a copy of his gtx 860m stock bios copy, via gpu-z. From there, with the .rom file, how can I re-flash the vbios?
Thanks a lot! -
When the Nvidia GPU is not used, how many power (in watts) it still uses? I am concerned about using the laptop only for office work and surfing, while the power consumed by the idle GPU could still contribute to the heat and hence to the noise due to fan activity. -
My W110er came preloaded by Metabox (I think HtWingnut's LPC machine too, actually most major re sellers come to think of it) with some rather excellent 2x4Gb 30nm Green Samsung RAM, seriously, they were way better than any aftermarket modules at the time. Would you happen to know what happened to those? The recent W230SS models I've seen are coming with rather tame Kingston run-of-the-mill sticks.lilas likes this. -
Could you please list which exact ASPM settings you had activated to get 6-7W?
I couldn't activate most settings because Windows freezes after login: http://forum.notebookreview.com/sag...er-np7338-owner-s-lounge-146.html#post9715085
Here are my settings:
1st Page
-looks good
2nd Page
-C6 latency, Long
-Package C State limit, C7s
3rd Page
-I didn't alter this page much
4th Page
-This page doesn't really work with Win 7, you need Windows 8
-ACPI 5.0 CPPC gives a big boost to CPU energy efficiency when it ramps up performance under Windows 8
-All the ASPM controls to the lowest, L0-L1
-ASPM support, YES
-looks good
-Disable dGPU
I think that was it, I'll be able to post more exact details when my personal machine arrives in 2 weeks.
Btw, half those power saving settings were not stable in Windows 7 for me too, I get BSODs at idle so a lot of it had to be turned off.AndiiiHD likes this. -
Will check your suggested settings next week
This is a good guide: http://forum.techinferno.com/nvidia-video-cards/2166-[guide]-nvidia-vbios-flashing.html
With a bootable stick created like done in that guide: How to create a bootable USB key:
(only worked for me with a pure win98 DOS usb stick on P170EM) -
with activated ACPI 5.0 CPPC
i get an unknown device in the device manager:
Which drivers are needed?
But one more question: why disable the dgpu but enable dgpu ASPM in the other hand. Does this make sense? -
Ionising_Radiation ?v = ve*ln(m0/m1)
Even though it says it's for Lenovo, it actually is an Intel driver. Lenovo merely just packaged it. Once done, you'll see 'Intel Collaborative Processor Performance Control (CPPC) Driver' under System Devices, and you should see the Unknown Device disappear. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Maybe somebody could prepare a back to stock (Form Prema BIOS) Version.... I have already flashed premas BIOS and did not backup the VBios before.... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Since it's integrated both are flashed at the same time, so a stock system bios will have a stock vbios and the prema one has an unlocked vbios if I remember rightly.
AndiiiHD likes this. -
Ionising_Radiation ?v = ve*ln(m0/m1)
Guys, do any of you experience eye irritation after using this notebook for a moderate period of time, like about two hours continuously? My eyes begin to itch a lot after using this notebook (I have the stock 1080p screen). I'm at lowest brightness, working indoors mostly.
Quick question-
Is fan noise an issue? Im quite fussy and dont like a noisy fan when working/browsing. Ive read reviews that say its a problem but also read drivers have fixed.
Please give me any user-feedback on the fan/noiselilas likes this. -
Hi Guys
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I pulled the plug a couple of weeks ago and brought this laptop. It.is.awesome. I was worried about the fan noise but it is absolutely fine. The screen is beautiful and I like the design of the laptop in general.
Just a quick question about prema bios and the igpu. I've recently pre-ordered an Oculus Rift DK2 and it has recently become apparent that you can't get the 75hz refresh the Oculus needs with Optimus (which is limited to 60hz). With Prema can you disable the igpu, thus leaving only the 860m active?
Many thanks.lilas likes this. -
EDIT: Just checked, the W230SS is a HDMI1.4 port so you should be fine @75hz. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hi all, I just tried to flash Prema for my Sager NP7338 - everything seems like it goes fine, but the bios is unaffected. I followed the readme, but when I enter the bios after flashing, the versions and options are all the same. Any idea what I did wrong?
My NP7338 went into phase 1 on xoticpc today! Can't wait to get it!! Just need to sell my x1 carbon now lol
I really wish I could find the clear plastic base for the laptop....a forum member hooked me up with a facebook page and email for a company in Taiwan, their facebook page shows the laptop with the clear back. I also emailed them about it, but haven't received a reply yet. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You could look for a place that does custom plastic moulding I suppose.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Though an lcd at 40 should not flicker like a crt would.
Ionising_Radiation ?v = ve*ln(m0/m1)
It does flicker like a CRT. Here's a photo that I took, at slightly less than medium brightness, 60 Hz. Notice the slightly darker horizontal areas:
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes it will flicker like a CRT when under PWM control, this frequency is independent of the refresh rate.
Ionising_Radiation ?v = ve*ln(m0/m1)
Any idea how to fix it? I'm going to be using this laptop for at least three years; I don't want my eyes to hurt all the time while using it. Increasing brightness helps; but it just takes longer before my eyes start hurting.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's a by product of the design of a modern LED backlit LCD, I don't think much can be done without significant hardware work.
i just got my w230ss and lucky for me got a small upgrade without knowing.. instead of i7-4700mq got a i7-4710mq.. Also got the qhd screen and the pixel density looks "ipad like". there are still a couple instances where the screen is not scaled properly.. Gonna load up steam and see how the games look at this res.
As far as QHD scaling (have it myself) I've found many games will run well at 1600x900 except the mouse cursor (if there is one) tends to be scaled twice (I think this is a quirk of how most engines directly render the mouse cursor). If you can run the game at 3200x1800 most newer games will scale nicely while some won't.
I've managed to get XCOM Enemy Unknown/Within to run at full 3200x1800 and the framerate hovers around 25-30. For a turn-based strategy it's doable but there's a bit of lag with the mouse input so I run that at 1600x900 and dial all the quality settings up.
I've also got Torchlight running smoothly at 3200x1800 but it does slow down in dense areas. It's worth noting, at 3200x1800, the pixel density is so high that you don't have to use Anti-Aliasing.
The only other fault I've found with 3200x1800 is Firefox is dog slow on it. I suspect it comes down to the way it renders. I've since swapped to CyberFox (faster fork of FF) which has improved things a little. Chrome is fast but has the well known issue of destroying battery. As much as I hate to say it, IE runs smoothly...but I can't bring myself to use it (mainly due to lack of core addons/plugins I use). -
I'm wanting to maximize battery through how I set up my hard drives.
Option 1:
128GB mSata ssd (OS & some applications) + 1TB 2.5" mech. drive (music, photos, vid)
Option 2:
750GB+ mSata ssd ONLY (os & all files)
Given normal browsing use-would option 2 give me significantly more battery life? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The option that allows the HDD to spin up the least will have a small benefit in battery life (a few minutes).
ycon likes this. -
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
Regarding of your speed issues with FF on native res: As QHD+ is way too small on 100% DPI what DPI scale setting do you use?
If you lower the resolution to 1600x900 on windows control panel, how does that looks like? Sharp like native res and only bigger items or does the screen nevertheless gets a bit blurry?
Background is, that i wanna use the device among other tasks for graphics intensive works and a significant performance loss because of the high res (like you describe on FF) wouldn't be what i want. But if the screen looks sharp with resolution set on 1600x900 that should be a solution for that, shouldn't it...?
Thanks, mate
*** Official Clevo W230SS/Sager NP7338 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ryan, Mar 20, 2014.