Exactly... Don't get the 4790T.., If you want, you can always make your 4790K run like a 4790T on battery and increase battery life!
Clevo @ CeBit 2015 a few weeks ago.
That + word from most vendors ( not resellers ) that the 15x models will be phased out in preparation for the new models. Also the P570WM is getting a successor but w/ the x99 chipset so yeah... Don't expect till Q4 more than likely around October/Early November, unless Skylake comes out earlier, unless they do special needs to big vendors then maybe August? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes at idle all the CPUs will consume about the same, the difference is the load power and how fast they will run (given their TDP limit).
"thin and light" doesnt mean much in meaker's case, considering hes switching from an p570wm, basically everything is thin & light *lol* whatcha getting urself, anyways? do tell
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
I am saddened Clevo thinks X99 is the answer! It is a socket that all possible chips will be out for it by Q1 2016. I would have preferred a skylake/cannonlake-E replacement... (potentially summer or fall of next year).
Last edited: Apr 5, 2015TomJGX likes this. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Well guys just finished repasting with CLU. Took me about an hour to finish. I'm going to rerun the stress test that was performed before. Initial testing looks pathetic. I'm almost certain temps have drastically increased. I believe the heat sink just can't make enough contact with such a thin TIM
Edit: first run indicates temps have increased by 10 degrees. Going to disassemble again and make sure there are no air bubbles and verify alignment.
Edit2: verified the alignment with the heat sink. Also checked to ensure smooth and even coverage. Temps have increased by 7-10 degrees and am now getting thermal throttle at 4.6 ghz. Ambient temps may have increased slightly but not much. I'm at a loss. What should I do now? Just clean up and revert back to standard paste?Last edited: Apr 5, 2015 -
EDIT: I'm not suggesting you lap, etc. But a decrease of almost 0.1 from heat sink contacting the ihs is definitely a potential culprit. Other TIMs can fill the gap easier than CLU most likely.Last edited: Apr 5, 2015superkyle1721 and Scerate like this. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Yeah what a pain. Waste of $10. I could always do the shim method and try again. But it's to the point now where I just don't care haha. It was all for fun anyways. I'll remove and put on PK3 and compare to gelid ultimate
ajc9988 likes this. -
Which ~256GB SSD + 1 TB combo is recommended for this laptop?
I know the Hitachi Travelstar 1 TB is very popular, but what 250 GB SSD is recommended to use with the Travelstar?
AFAIK the SM951 250 GB isn't available yet for purchase and the other PCI-express SSD seem to suffer from high temperatures. -
Does anyone have any experience with the ZK1000?
EDIT: maybe the 850 EVO m.2 is an option?Last edited: Apr 5, 2015 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The M.2 EVO looks to be a solid drive, so I got twoajc9988 likes this. -
dont mix this up with the P650!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
You can install up to 4 Harddrives. 2 times m.2 and additional 2 SATA drives with up to 9.5 mm. -
Last edited: Apr 6, 2015superkyle1721 likes this.
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Ah yes, sorry, I mixed it up with the P650SX which doesn't have the option for 2*9.5mm
Another question concerning the CPU, is it worth getting the 4790K over the 4790S if no overclocking is going to be done and it will solely be used for games?
Some reviews on notebookcheck reveal that the 4790S runs a bit cooler than the 4790K. Could it also be a bit more power efficient?
Adding the 4790K is like a 50 euro premium but it's 50 € above my budget so I'm wondering whether it's worth it or not -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tab whore -
Edit: I do apologize, but with the current delays of Broadwell, I did not find anything in the past month to confirm or deny the release timeline. Hence, it is speculation, but based on trends. Time will tell and Intel is playing release dates closer to the chest at the moment. -
PS: If the 4790K is out of your budget, i'd recommend the 4690K instead of the 4790S. -
Unfortunately, the reseller I want to buy through doesn't offer the 4690K. Only the 4690S... -
It's Schenker, isn't it? Acc. to what i heard they inofficially do. Just email them.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Do you know the differences between Desktop i5/i7? It is only HT and cache size. Additionally there is Devils Canyon.
Disadvantages, in short:
i5-4690K - less cache (6 vs. 8 mb), no HT
i7 4790S - less TDP, no OC, inferior heat transfer (due to being "haswell", not "devils canyon")
If you really don't want to OC, the i7S might be faster, but i dont see an issue with slight OC. If the hardware can handle an 4790K, it can easily handle an undervolted 4690K with slight OC.Last edited: Apr 6, 2015 -
pukemon likes this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It depends what you do with it and how the programs you use react to HT.
Xeons E3 v3 which end with 5 or 6 has iGPU, ones which end with 0 or 1 are without.
Though I never was able to confirm that its not the same crystal, just with microcode-disabled iGPU.
I always had sneaky suspicions that for E3 they all come from same Haswell crystal, just binned if, say, iGPU is defective - they disable it and mark it as Xeon E3 v3 by appropriate microcode, setting TDP and freq limits appropriately
Reasons for Xeon E3? Not much...Last edited: Apr 7, 2015 -
In reality, nowadays you can expect any CPU to be 24/7 robust, because no way to ensure that it will fault only when you exceed certain number of hours per day -
I bought the -S version of this with M2 500gb drive in it. I ASSUME I don't need any special drivers on my Win 8.1 install USB Drive to install to the M2 slot? I have all the drivers downloaded and on my NAS, and will put them on a USB drive for easy access, but if I need to have drivers to install to the M2 SSD, I'm not prepped for that. I can't find anywhere on the net that says we DO...but wanted to make sure.
It gets here tomorrow!I've already prepped my old Asus to sell to the guy who is buying it, and am a bit anxious to get my new Bat-Monster!
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Cleaned off the ClU this morning and surprisingly it cleaned off really easy. Of course you must be extremely careful as I saw it could be very easy for a small bead to sink below the protective black layer around the GPU. Nonetheless I applied PK-3 this time and compared to my previous temps they have dropped about 1 degree at most. I haven't checked the paste job to see if this is as good as I can get but PK-3 appears to be ever so slightly better than gelid GC Extreme. I recommended that as the paste to use for the batman since CLU didn't work (at least for my computer).
Last edited: Apr 7, 2015 -
Its surprising that despite obvious better specs PK-3 is nowhere as known/popular.superkyle1721 likes this. -
Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2015TomJGX, jaybee83 and superkyle1721 like this. -
Nothing is misleading about better conductivity (assuming you understand what it means and that there can be other factors in play which you missing). E.g. paste could have better conductivity but worse contact performance (due to particle shape/sizes).
Edit-not my best explanation. Waking up. But hopefully my point isn't lost... -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Although Pk-3 is slightly better on my setup it is pretty thick. I had to soak it in warm water before I used it. Gelid GC Extreme is more beginner friendly and basically the same temps. I haven't read of any break in period for PK-3 so I'm assuming it's as good as it will get. Also @ajc9988 please make sure to take pictures and document what all you purchased. I'm considering following your steps if the results are what we expect but if it only results in a couple degrees I may just not bother.
Last edited: Apr 7, 2015ajc9988 likes this.
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