Remember by the time the 1080M actually releases the 1180 will be in the works ~
Jokes aside, Kudos on the repaste, I'm pretty sure your unit will easily push you till the end of next year (and further if they figured out how to get the 980 in it ), its still part Clevo afterall.
Also please make use of the edit button vs double posting. Thanks <3
I'm thinking of putting a 780M meanwhile if someone can sell me one for cheap.. Been looking around.. Main problem is
1. My AMD Heatsink will work which is good
2. Need new X-Bracket
3. Need different screws supposedly..
If my finances were in a better state, I'd get 980M SLI now but they're not.. Next year, I'll definetly upgrade.. meanwhile, getting myself a Notepal U3 for a Christmas gift.. -
.... Let's see how it goes... If I can find a cheap 780M (Possible) or a cheap 980M (probably impossible), I might stick with what I have.. Ah the possibilities in my mind.. The Devil's workshop as they say
Edit: Isn't the 970M about $450? Hmm that should be a massive bump for me! Let me see that angle -
Also noticing the keyboard on batman has a normal sized backspace key as opposed to the p150EM's super cramped one so hopefully this'll keep me from hitting the numlock key constantly. They could have sported Dell's idea by moving the arrows keys 1 char down so that the right shift would be normal sized maintaining a full ensemble.. oh right (enough)feedback helps too
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Edit: Just spoke to Hidevolution: Supposedly with Fedex shipping, they already include all taxes and i won't have to pay import taxes.. I'm not too sure about this as it already comes to £440 and 20% on top of that will be not good.. Anyone has any idea?Last edited: Dec 23, 2014 -
We're already on 2nd gen Maxwell -
At BlueMobility in Poland they have P751ZM already, tomorrow more tests and info about temperatures and performance:
testing new "Batman's Laptop" BM P751ZM -
Mr Najsman, jaybee83 and Cakefish like this.
niiice, ill be adding that link to the OP shortly!
also nice to hear/see that this is spreading, me likes
btw, whos to say that the 1080M will 1. come out that soon and 2. will be a significant jump in performance from the 980M? the last jump that was as significant as from 880M to 980M was from 580M to 680M so it stands to reason that the next bump will only be incremental at bestalso, nextgen might only come around by Q4 15, thus being actually available for the holiday season 15
as for the ancient AW m15x, its a rather special case cuz it just seems to be one of those models accepting whatever mxm gpu u throw into itdoesnt mean that following models are as forgiving tho...
ooh nice! they are testing the 4790K. Now, the bat awakes!
Man, I have a feeling I'll probably be selling my NP8651/P650SE to get this Batman.
It just seems too good to be true though. Battery life is my biggest concern with it though. But with an i5-4670T and Optimus, 3 hours should be easily achieved.
no optimus tho as far as current info suggests...
luna, please make another comic strip showing how us NBR batman folks all get surprise shipments from clevo for supporting their newest model so vehemently
But now I think I have an idea. -
If it is Q4 2015 it'd be easier on my conscience and more preferable from my personal POV. Wouldn't feel as bad about buying a new laptop a year after this one as opposed to only 6 months after, which I know would be a ridiculous waste of money - but I know myself too well to truly believe I'll have enough self restraint to resist temptation for long.
Interested to see the results from that testing for the Batman. See just how badly I'm missing out
Sent from my Nexus 5
*** Official Clevo P75xZM "Batman" / Sager NP9752 Owner´s Lounge | Welcome to the Batcave! ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Dec 11, 2014.