They said some version will have availability in mid Jan... When saying some version, I'd assume the 15".... The 17" is definetly delayed...
My point is that if you're NOT grabbing the 4GHz base clock 4790K, but opting for the 4790S instead, which WILL still be hotter than mobile chips I'm sure, is kind of a waste. So this is why I was trying to understand directly.
Also, from my experience, my CPU doesn't really "not" keep its max turbo under most circumstances, as long as there is load. In other words, I don't get the desktop CPU hype versus the existing tech as far as the 4790S chip is concerned. The 4690K, I'd get. That's 3.5GHz quadcore base clock, and some users have no need of hyperthreading, and you can't get a quadcore without hyperthreading in the mobile market as they don't exist. And it'll likely be cheaper than any mobile i7s. So that's a good fit. Besides, if the 4790K thermal throttles all the time at stock, then it'll be useless in this laptop, which further negates my question about getting the OC-able 4910MQ in a PxxxSM-A series machine XD.
Again, not saying that it WILL be not able to cool the 4790K. I'm just asking hypothetically where the lure is if people are gonna avoid that exact chip, if you understand what I mean. I personally wouldn't buy one of these without it, haha. -
SM-A is out of the question cuz: no 4K / no M.2 / switchable graphics / (no broadwell)
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
Last edited: Dec 17, 2014 -
mammalsloveeurocom Company Representative
In the Event that this has not been mentioned in this thread, Eurocom will also offering this system as the P5 Pro. It is current available for pre-order by following this path;
Eurocom site > Technology > Future releases > Specifications > Configure > Order
Thanks! -
OK just went to eurocom site. They are offering FHD AUO IPS panel. And according to them Launch Date:Jan03,2015,260,0)ec -
mammalsloveeurocom Company Representative
When you go to the configuration utility it defaults to that panel. If you click to drop down arrow you will see the other panel offerings we have. -
The other thing is most laptops also come with a "package power lock" that basically acts as a governor and puts a hard limit on both the value and duration of "short power max". Clevo laptops (at least the P370SM I own) don't seem to have this lock, as my 4900MQ can turbo indefinitely at 4.2GHz on all 4 cores if I keep temperatures in check. -
@mammalsloveeurocom, the one thing that stands out on your website is that the PSU is only 230W. So I guess there are no plans to offer the 330W version?
Additionally, is the January 3rd date confirmed for you? Seems odd that everyone else is saying mid-january.. -
january 3rd is probably just the date they get the stock, actual shipping dates will come later, thus mid/end of january.
mammalsloveeurocom Company Representative
The configuration utility is not showing this option as we understand the max power consumption will not exceed 230W.... With that being said we also understand the need for more power in certain situations so I will have this option added soon.
The date, January 3rd, is not set in stone and I would not want to set this expectation for any client. I will say that we should start shipping around same time as the other builders, give or take a day or two.
We are extremely excited to get this beast in to our hands and post a review and some in game demos.
Speaking of which, if anyone has a request for a specific gameplay demo on this machine please let me know, if there is enough interest I will created some custom videos.Cakefish likes this. -
So basically; what's the most CPU-intensive game we can think of?
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Crysis 3.
Or whatever the most recent flight sim is (X-Plane?). -
Cool to see eurocom in this thread at last
I don't see choice for Z97 chipset in your eurocom m5 pro configuration, thought you're selling p650 on HM87 chipset.
please correct me, as it gets exciting
one more thing wanted to ask is your hard drive policy:
When I choose 1st hard drive Samsung 840pro (512mb) the price for it is lower than if I choose it as second hd. Why is that? Utility of 840pro goes up when it goes to the second bay? -
Same for Crysis 3; you need to be getting above 60fps. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
So long as the stock cooling is ok then there is plenty of room for enthusiasts to improve it
Also yes my 4.3ghz hex core helps keep my ROG swift fed
Yep the M5 pro/P650 is on a HM87 chipset. This thread is about the upcoming Eurocom P5 pro (P75xZM) however, which is on the Z97 chipset.
The price for the first hard drive is lower because you're not starting from $0 you're starting from $200 CAD to take into account the standard 1st hard drive that's built into the list price. You start from $0 for the other hard drives. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The truly native support for pci express storage is a nice bonus of the chipset
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
144hz 1440p all the way
Got to have something to put 980m sli to use on
D2 Ultima likes this. -
I got a few questions which I hope someone help with.
I just want to clarify is the 980gtx MXM so it's not soldered?
I'm thinking of getting a FHD screen if I decide to get this laptop, but would it be better paying extra to get a 3k or 4k screen?
Also I read people will be repasting with liquid ultra and delidding but what is the latter exactly as I'm not technically minded? I'm afraid of modding the laptop and potentially ruining it. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Both the cpu and gpu are socket/slot based so can be changed out. I don't think upgrades are being guaranteed but there is a good chance
Screen choice is personal preference since each panel is ips and decent quality.
Delidding is removing the heat spreader using a sharp razer to cut through the glue holding it down (there are surface mount parts under it too so you have to avoid those) and replacing the paste between the core and heat spreader with a high quality compound like liquid ultra or ic diamond then replacing the lid.mnwforever likes this. -
yes, its mxm, exchangeable / not soldered
depends on your usage. i for one would love to have 4K for extra work space and just scale down to 1080p for gaming
delidding: Workshop Haswell delidding: improve CPU cooling! | Hardware.Info United Kingdom (links has already been posted just a few posts back)
edit: damn you meaker!mnwforever likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's ok you had a link and everything
The 4k will consume a bit more power so keep that in mind. I wonder how well the 1080p and the 4k at 1080p overclock.mnwforever likes this. -
thats what im wondering as well
lets see how much i can get out of it, seeing as the ZM series indeed lack optimus, theres nothing holding me back now
btw, power consumption on panellook is stated at just barely over 3W at max. for the sharp 4K...
1440p would be icing on the cake for this laptop, I'd throw my mortgage at it in a heartbeat *wipes drool*
D2 Ultima likes this. -
Speaking about 120Hz... I don't understand if there's already any 1080p eDP 120Hz slim panel around. Any information? The 370 is not eDP, isn't it?
Oh wait that's the 17" -
I'll just draw it up for it dies. -
Just got off the live chat with mySN here in the UK... Clevo's been causing delays with both models... Pre - order will be up hopefully by Jan according to them.. Looks like Scan is the only one which has put pre-order up in the UK for now then...
ugh clevo, why are you doing this to us?
lets hope that delays have nothing to do with: problems in thermal management / implementing optimus, after all
lets hope that delays have everything to do with: implementing a subwoofer on the 15 inch model / minor modifications necessary to support broadwell cpus 100%
is there actually a way to even implement optimus? i think the soket would allow to put a xenon cpu in there without integrated graphics so how would that work?
You really think the 980M is going to be obsolete soon....yeah hardware improves year by year but obsolete, lol...NO!
Unless your one of those people that think once the new one is out the old one is no good anymore or have to have the latest and greatest. You'll be waiting forever....Cakefish, lonelywolf90, LunaP and 1 other person like this. -
even with a new gpu gen coming out ud STILL have to wait a few months if there is a model refresh from clevo. the only time where u can directly upgrade to a new gen without any delay whatsoever would be if you already have a machine in your possession that can be upgraded to the newgen, but then of course with the "older" mobo platform and cpu
also, you can argue both ways: the p377-sm-a might be more future-proof due to its two gpus for graphics, but wont be able to upgrade to M.2 ssds, high-res screens or broadwell cpus and is more likely to be EOL when the next gen of gpus comes around. the ZM series only has one gpu but has the advantage in the other points. then again, u can wait even LONGER for the next performance series refresh by clevo, but trust me: it wont be available the same time that intels / nvidias / amds new hardware comes out, but AGAIN a few months later due to delays, delivery shortages, high demand, last-minute modifications, etc.
in the end, ull end up waiting forever because the "next big thing" is always "just around the corner"dont fall for that trap! BE STRONG!
and yeah, my definition of obsolete is: take the maximum overclocked performance of your current laptop, compare that to the stock performance of the new hardware and if the difference is larger than 50%, its time for an upgrade, not before!
thus, my previous P150HM with 7970M 26% OC/16GB 2133 mhz/core i7 [email protected] Ghz was somewhere in between a 780M and a 880M paired with a 4700MQ and only NOW with the 980M and a desktop cpu does it make sense for me to upgrade (and, of course, because my trusty old rig went to laptop heaven prematurely)
triturbo, Cakefish, LunaP and 1 other person like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I see a similar life to the 680M for the 980M, perhaps it will fall behind a little faster with the process shrink that will finally hit but it's still going to be very valid.
980M obsolete? Don't dare speak of my family in such a way!
...though I may well be tempted to buy a P651SG with NVIDIA's 980M successor next year. My resistance to the dark side is very weak. I really shouldn't, I'd at least like to keep all my laptops for an absolute minimum of a year. I must try and stay strong
Sent from my Nexus 5Last edited: Dec 18, 2014 -
Apologies everyone.. I should have phrased it better... I kind off have a phobia about waiting.. I remember when the G73JH came out in Feb 2010 it was the best around.. By Sep, the 480/485M came out and well you know the story... In that sense, you can understand my reluctance with getting this..
Jaybee, I'm quite sure that the P377-sm-a is going to be EOL however, honestly, a 4910MQ will be enough IMO and as far the P751/771 go with the Broadwell upgrade, it's not garunteed... Broadwell has been delayed and delayed and the news going around is that it may be skipped.. Also I can't give a about M2 SSD's, don't need more then full HD screen and honestly, only thing I want is a 1080p IPS screen
The thing is I want to have a powerful beast... Something like the P370SM-A with a desktop CPU is perfect for me but it can't be the size of a P570WM... Also looking at my limited finances and my AW not selling, probably will have to save up which means that June 2015 is earliest I can upgrade.. So on the whole, with the P7xxx series being delayed, becomes more attractive for me to wait... -
P570WM ( and its refresh coming out 2015) Best of the best, jump start your car even, compromise? Size, and I guess broken wrists if you're like some of the complainers around here.
P651 - Portable small form factor - Compromise - Sodered parts, 4gb vRAM
P751zm - Median (to a point) between both the P570WM and P651 and late successor to the P-157SMA - Compromise? Desktop parts ( some want soldered ) , battery life ( people swear its gonna be crap cuz they know stuff ( We just call it common sense ) Mainly battery life in this case due to no Optimus ( ohnoes)
There are others but these are the big contenders. Also Since everyone already got to you prior to me (lucky you lol) I'll say that the p771zm getting pushed to late jan is not delaying it but pushing it forward, since initially it was speculated Feb -> March so curious how people got to thinking that Jan was now late given that the 15" is the first to release lol.
Don't get yourself hyped, cuz then you'll just be looking for every which way to convince yourself further and further, waiting for someone to say something negative about it or bad news so you can quote yourself further backing it up, then it just becomes spam and at that point you become art <3
1 month: p771zm Delay reduced, - Wait
2 months: New AMD r9 3XX announced - Wait
3 months: Preorders come up for AMD r9 3xx - Get ready
4 months: New info for newer clevo model and Nvidia 10xx cards revealed! - Cancels prep to order AMD r9
5 months:Waits for information on new clevo to arise, gets hyped and decides to just go AMD because it might go obsolete - Goes to preorder
5 1/2 months: Finds out new R9 3xxx capable of new Delta class fires - Cancels order
6 months: R9 now obsolete*shot*
But you get the point.
If your machine is good and handles now, why not save up for when it really starts to diminish instead? I've kept my gear going as long as I can prior to going since I know it'll be years again before I fork over that amount, though granted to some its a hobby per year or every generation. Just remember w/e you get it should be able to handle up to 3 years, with each year being a 10-15% give or take an additional 5% gain from the recent so its not that much. Add up 4 years then you have a somewhat significant boost SHOULD Intel find competition, and should AMD provide some for Nvidia via mobile, else until then both sides will continue their sluggish growth.
With that being said if you're gonna wait till june, just skip AMD and wait for Volta. -
cant have everything...a machine that is super powerful with top tier mobile cpu, two highend gpus in a slim sub 1.5" form factor that, on top of all, costs less than 1500/$/£ just aint gonna happen
i understand your argumentation though!
*** Official Clevo P75xZM "Batman" / Sager NP9752 Owner´s Lounge | Welcome to the Batcave! ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Dec 11, 2014.