Only 5 pages in this thread with most questions asked and people are STILL lazy rofl -dies-
I swear to god I"m opening the > 2 lb club, these people w/ the frail hands and their god damn mathematical % values on thinness ( OCD 2.0 IS REAL PEOPLE ) there are NO men on this forum I'm guessing, and here 1 tiny woman sports around a normal 6lb laptop around work every day.
My question for the thread, is why do we need to IN EVERY response, feel the need to REMIND everyone for the 100000000000th time the EXACT % , the EXACT same annoyances, how much life is better because of X % difference because you've seen the future and know that the 0.34lbs would have landed you in the emergency room with family rushing to your aid while lawyers ninja their way to Clevo HQ to attempt yet another dangerous lawsuit for your honor.
Where is your calcium? Where are your daily vitamins? Do you hydrate? Are you in constant sick health, is your FAMILY doctor aware of issues with your body? Do you realize that under 10lbs really isn't much. If they make 3-10 lbs weights for women only because we don't bulk up ? That says something.
Yeah I'm asking serious questions , no jokes intended because people here have me genuinely concerned at times that this forum is home to a large % of hospitalized individuals in which case IF so I would like to DONATE to whatever study is aiding the research and development to aid their bone marrow, or w/e they need.
Next stop asking questions about something we don't have, think before you ask seriously because you have no idea how dumb you can feel after realizing/reading the words that come out of your fingers. You wouldn't walk into a store and ask how the a new car thats in a prototype phase due out in a few years will fare against a specific car model on the road. Noones going to know that crap not even the engineers, because noones used it yet.
This is a preorder/waiting phase, noone hast he model.
The bashing and complaints are fine, people (intelligent ones) WILL GENUINELY HAVE CONCERNS HOWEVER do not be the bag that doesn't understand context, read's a comment from n=1,meaker,wingnut, and ONLY filters out negative words. The words "possibly, might, worry, maybe, could, and chance" are words you should fill your vocabulary with.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, quote yahoo answers, CNET, or any other crap site, ESPECIALLY if its from a comment someone made, and try to flame up the thread or warn of the apocalypse because some troll thought they'd light a match.
Bottom lineSeriously we're all excited here, we expect idiots, lovers, newbies, consumers, those wanting to take their first step to a real laptop, tech guru's, wisemen, blind people ( because you can't brail till you've brailed on a clevo) and trolls.
Whatever you are, we accept you, however please DO note, that depending on which type you are, we all have a way of dealing/responding to you.
So with that out of the way, I'm Luna, nice to meet you, I can be very blunt at times, I mean no harm, however I will ensure or do my best to educate or get a point across, I will join in for a horse beating time to time, if someone needs it that bad. If you're bad w/ sarcasm, I'm sorry but its the internet, you're welcome to cry to me in a PM though, if I've damaged you that badly then I may be inclined to apologize and refer you to your nearest health provider/therapist <3
With that all said, I'm sure Jay or anyone else here may perform a tl;dr Luna version.
People to know
HTWingnut - If he says it he probably gave birth to it, or was in the room when it was given birth too. So do take what he says as wisdom, he is in no means here to kill your family, only share wisdom, suggestions and more.
Meaker - Mysterious Meaker... Anything joked about from their end probably has been done but might be within a NDA term, so jokes are the best way of giving that hint. Other than that ALSO within the realm of the Nut ^
Jaybee - LN2 Enthusiast *frozen* likes to take a dip in it after promoting MGM - Delidding nut enthusiast, if you've got Q's about CPU's and walking the line between destruction and pure goodness, this is your beast!
N=1 - Very good with math apparently, please do NOT misunderstand their concerns or any rants, they HAVE plausible grounds to state their concerns, opinions and more which is up to others with near knowledge to shed light on or their standpoint.
Bigspin = Forum Sales Ninja - If there's ever a deal or info that comes up, their 8th sense kicks in and populates a link or if you're lucky and they roll a critical, you'll get a tinyurl + bonus offer.
D2Ultima = Very savvy on the GPU world and other areas, will not hesitate to kill you, and is very fluent in troll communications.
Absolutely. That config costs £1527.49 with VAT. That equals $2400.73. Take 35% off that price to account for 20% VAT and also what I like to call the 'non-US tax' and you're left with $1560
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
@Luna it isn't the weight that bothers me, it's the size. Fact is, no matter how physically strong you are, you aren't gonna fit a bigger laptop in a small space (such as a fully packed suitcase) as you can with a considerably slimmer model. When I put my P170SM into my suitcase ready to take on the train, it takes up far more room than my Samsung - which means I can fit considerably less other stuff in there than I could with a slimmer, more compact laptop like the Samsung.
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
As far as the p35x I take it you sent it back then, I haven't been following their thread since the meltdowns a few weeks ago, REALLY felt bad for you guys. Was a nice unit just a bit early for release I guess. v4 / v5 will probably come back swinging though. -
Cakefish I don't mean to be rude, but you have to pick out the right tools for the job. I get the concern about thickness and usable space I really do, but this is where I tell people if that's your major concern, perhaps it'd be wise to look to thinner laptops (eg the PG651SG) that would suit your needs better. If you must get a laptop with a desktop CPU, a bigger carrying case might be in order.
tl;dr you can't have your cake and eat it too, well at least not without making compromises elsewhere anyway -
Luna's rants are always the best. Especially when accompanied by various anime gifs and/or manga drawings.
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
clevo sell both P151ZM and P650SH why ? Because they are made for different kind of people :
The p751ZM is less slim, bulkier, but more powerful and made for (hyper) enthusiast users. Overall : they want to replace the old P150XX serie with near extinct non slim screens, no M.2, and noisy (not that efficient) cooling solutions.
if you prefer :
P650SG vs Gs60 (clevo wins)
P751ZM vs GT72/GT60 (we'll see)
Stop trolling people.
I prefer optimus, i prefer 60hz because 120hz screens are inexistant (i never play with 60+ fps, useless in my sense and extra heat ), and i prefer a slimmer chassis, that's personal not universal, some people need to understand that principle -
LunaP likes this. -
Lol damnit Wingnut just when I was drawing you, you changed your avatar XD oh well D2 warned me about this, once you get used to it, you change it. Ho Ho ho indeed..
As for your reviews, do you normally get contacted prior to a unit being shipped to you or given your status, do they just magically show up w/ a post card and a smiley face? lolHTWingNut likes this. -
the gs60 heats more, is as expensive as the 980M version, hard repaste/change Hard disk etc and doesn't port an IPS screen (in Europe).
120fps constant is something unreal for a 980M gtx, so 100+hz... -
its not all about gaming, you know
same goes for high-res screens
As soon as I think I am done with Batman, it keeps pulling me back in. When do we expect the next round of info to hit?
Size doesn't matter to me. I only will be transporting it from A to B and back to A. I am hoping the the extra heft helps me lose a pound or two actually. My only concern is noise. If it isn't silent on idle, I will have to pick another laptop. I can't have this sound like a jet engine in my tiny apartment. My wife would kill me. -
, they sell it as a gaming pc not as a mainstream laptop.
as for fan noise at idle: the most current hotkey tool with the ability to customize fan profiles based on cpu usage should help a lot at idle, especially since mostly the cpu would be taxed in basic usages such as browser, streaming, etc...
) also, that same hardware sold for gaming can be veeeeery helpful when u deal with high-complexity non-linear regressional curve analysis/fitting, 3D protein modeling & interaction or simultaneous handling of 40-50 excel sheets, with thousands of individual data points each
when i can save time calculating / rendering stuff on a scale measured in DAYS, then i really stop caring about having to handle an extra pound or two when carrying my machine to work and back home (which i didnt really in the first place
cheers! -
And yeah I do change my avatar a lot... Keep people guessing.Kaozm likes this. -
Will 17" be out in January too?
in my opinion, i study/work in CAD/3d design, coding and simulation/ modelling too several hours per day
, what suits me (for working) is: SEVERAL screens not one high res screen personnally, i use my 15" + a 23" 1080p ips samsung display.
Pointless argument is pointless
As for Clevo selling as a gaming machine, I'd invite you to their website where it actually depicts the same models under both gaming, production, and others. They like to categorize what each are best used in, and many of which are listed under multiple categories. The RESELLER might be advertising it as a gaming machine, but clevo itself doesn't really advertise, just so we have that cleared up. I hope you don't consider 1 reseller acting on behalf of the entire Clevo corporation now
Ah must've missed that, my apologies and good stuff! -
still kinda shocked at the info that sager might not even be offering batman...i mean, double u tea eff? are they turning their backs on mobile enthusiasts now? really weird...
anyways, got my amazon wishlist together nowfinger is already itching to press the order button, but gonna wait and see mysn's pricing and config options first, especially concerning cpu and possible psu upgrades.
- 4790k
- phobya 7w/mk thermal pads
- high-temp resistant black silicone sealant (for IHS)
- high-temp resistant electrolube protective silicone sealant (for VRMs)
- clevo 330w psu
- some super-sharp double edge jaguar razor blades
- CL liquid ultra with cleaning utensils
itchy itchy scratchy baby!
ps: if theres sufficient demand for it, i might document the cpu delidding and do a before/after review of temps/oc clocks in batmanajc9988, Mr Najsman, redbytes and 1 other person like this. -
I already have SSD, 2tb hdd, Phobya xt thermal pads & Gelid Extreme.I'm going to buy Clevo P37x series 330w PSU from Scan.
flamy likes this. -
yep, my 850 pro and corsair vengeance ram are also waiting to be reinstalled and used properly
same with gelid extreme
might do a mini-review/comparison between it, liquid ultra, ocz freeze and ic diamond, since theyve been building up here these past years
whats scan charging for the psu? schenker has them on amazon for 89 incl. shipping
Kaozm likes this. -
As for Thermal pads, once you get machine, let me know the proper size needed. Would hate to have 1.0 when I need 0.5 and vice versa, as that 0.5 can easily make or short something.ajc9988 likes this. -
yeah thats what i wanna check as well with schenker. if they already include the 330w psu upgrade in their configuraror i might just include it in my preorder. otherwise ill stick to amazon
@luna: tbh, so far ive always used 1mm for everythingand its worked quite nicely
either stack them up or squish them a lil whenever needed...
Larry@LPC-Digital likes this. -
Yeah.. I have 2133 hyperx impact as well. Scan charge £86+£4 delivery charge. I'm going to contact scan and ask them about possibility of giving 330w PSU for little extra.
@ Luna
Usually it's 1mm pads you need. But sometimes for small parts you need 1.5 mm. Best thing to do is purchase 2x 1mm and 1x 0.5mm. Stack them together if you need thicker pad. -
Does this get you through to Sales? -
0871 - 472 - 4747 or 01204 474747
If you order it now they are giving free Asus Vulcun Headset worth £59. I might contact them tomorrow to ask about that and to add Killer 1525 card to my order.flamy likes this. -
Slightly OT... Jaybee, where did you buy your RAM? Do you know a place in the EU where I could buy 16/32 gigs and spare some bucks?
Hmm are the Killer cards worth it at all? I remember for the longest people would jump on you if they saw it in your config telling you to go w/ the 7260 instead, have the issues been fixed or is it being speculated ? I"m guessing the 1525 is the newest?
Edit: Yes 1525 is the new card with wifi AC standard.LunaP likes this. -
Thanks bigspin, took a quick gander and seems Wingnut and HTP did a review on it as well and the thing performs solid, guess I"ll go w/ killer vs intel
bigspin likes this. -
@bigspin & luna: might take a closer look at that killer 1525, so far i was going for the 7265...
@redbytes: i got mine from jakob-computer, a german online shop. whats ur location? there are some price comparison sites i know of that search EU wide, such as oder
usually, the sites i use for electronics shopping are, ebay and amazon.
idealo being the one where i also found a suitable offer for the ram from jakob-computerLast edited: Dec 12, 2014 -
Thx jaybee - nice prices, around 20-30 € lower than in my country - which is Italy btw.
Regarding the Killer Wifi card, it should be a total no-go on Linux. AFAIK they don't even have a plan to support these cards in OSs other than Windows, so if you plan to use Linux avoid Killer like hell. A (not too smart) friend of mine bought a MSI with Killer for Linux development and well, now he's totally screwed - both ethernet and WiFi not working under Linux.
MichaelKnight4Christ Notebook Evangelist
Sorry but , I don't get the whole Batman hysteria the machine in no way reminds me of the dark knight I stumbled on here to even find a huge batman screen image almost as if WB themselves were involved !
" Holy copyright patent "
Was happy to discover from the other zm thread that Sager has verified that the cpu desktop will be coming to the states as planned around January with 15in/17in models confirmed. Cant wait to get a price from my local vendors namely xotic pc and lpc digital since they have the most decent prices for my location. 2015 is the year of the notebook lol.Kaozm likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I don't think so, it's worth giving a shot. But the intel is likely a better idea.
7260 is well known for ping spikes and bouncing throughput speeds. I'm trying a few things suggested on the web however, to see if it fixes it. Killer 1525 was solid as a rock with no issues. I think it's simply a driver issue, but if Intel doesn't get their act together I will stick with Killer, if I can get ahold of them readily that is. Kinda stinks they aren't generally available for purchase.
*** Official Clevo P75xZM "Batman" / Sager NP9752 Owner´s Lounge | Welcome to the Batcave! ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Dec 11, 2014.