No AUO 4k 100%AdobeRGB?
Still not a word from Sager on the DM models, the funny thing is I expect their models to be the best priced for my region so maybe their hanging back for that reason and you know I'll wait for them anyway
. I was hoping for this laptop already but now with all the other thunderbolt 3 offerings and new OC mobile chips like the super afforfdable value 6820hk perhaps all this is working out in my favor since it will increase competetion. I want the DM but I also want a fair price !
Last edited: Sep 11, 2015 -
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moviemarketing, jaybee83 and Bullrun like this.
Anyone hear anything about the new Intel 8260 Wireless AC that's coming in my new DM? I can hardly find anything about it in the way of actual reviews but I'm assuming that's because it looks like it just came out a few months ago maybe?
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
Its just a follow on to the 7265, just a slightly newer evolution, shouldn't have anything too exciting on it, besides better native Win 10 support, etc. Otherwise its a 2x2 AC card with BT. It'll wirelessly connect to things lol
TomJGX likes this. -
I was disappointed when AC 8260 was announced. I was expecting a 3x3 card I can upgrade to to finally make use of my AC1750 router but it's no improvement over AC 7260/7265.
You would have been really disappointed then, if they would have gone 3x3, there isn't in the Clevo spec for the 3rd antenna so wouldn't have done much good anyway.
Looks like they let the forum know, too. Thanks Myth!! -
. I almost hated cutting the Gargoyle packing tape.
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
Hey, Myth) Any news on P870DM laptop? 17" 4K G-Sync panel?)
Red Line likes this.
yeah, i've seen it, tnx) only hoped Myth can shed some light as a system builder, while they appeared here for a sec, cause no one knows the launch date of this beast just yet...
better switch to the other thread then -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
People knowing and people being able to say are two requirements that usually cancel each other out
We only know the P870DM will be first, and then its 4K panel will come "after", when "after" is and when "first" is, we don't have a good idea on that yet, other than we hope it'll be before the end of the year, but thats literally just a guess based on what we know so take it with a massive grain of salt. -
Alright good folks, I am just about ready to preorder my own P750DM, I'll be going the barebones route from rjtech, the only part that I'll be missing to complete my build will be the Skylake cpu, I'll probably wait for the core i7 variant to come back into stock at Newegg, or if that takes too long I'll just buy the regular core i5, the i5 is cheaper than the i7...
But if someone can help me out, I've been trying to read up on Nvidia g-sync to figure out if I care for it or not...
I understand that typically if I were to build a g-sync enabled desktop computer, I would need a graphics adapter that supports g-sync and then also a monitor that supports it, correct?
Now if I buy a Clevo laptop with the g-sync feature, am I to assume that the lcd panel that is built into the laptop will support Nvidia g-sync?
What about the aftermarket lcd panels that support 4k resolution?
I don't ever recall on my existing laptops or my desktop computer thinking "man, this video game is really fun to play, but the graphical smearing is ruining my experience!"
Maybe it's like when someone listens to a regular mp3 from their smartphone with regular headphones, but then someone who qualifys as a "audiophile" cringes at the poor quality of the mp3 and only uses high quality audio equipment...
If your favorite video game renders just fine, why add more features to try to improve something that works fine without it?
Or will the Clevo P750DM be that much better with the g-sync feature? -
I wonder how gamers one year before could play without g-sync. Seems to be impossible nowadays...
Or if I buy the P750DM g-sync barebone are they assuming that you will use a separate g-sync monitor?
Because as of this moment I'm not planning on buying another monitor... -
a gsync barebone would have a gsync enabled panel and a gsync gpu preinstalled. unless the vendor doesnt know what hes doing/advertizing, but i doubt thats the case with rjtech
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So otherwise is the feedback on Clevo and g-sync positive? -
SierraFan07 and Bullrun like this.
Does anyone know if the DM will accept 2x 9.5 mm hard drives? Trying to find a hard drive that I know will fit, but don't know if the DM (and previously the ZM) fit 2 9.5mm drives.
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
"(REQUIRES mSATA for Bootable Drive)"
if you don't pick anything in the HDD slots, which suggested to my possibly over-literal mind that if you weren't filling either HDD slot that one of the m.2 slots needed to be an older-school SATA III drive rather than NVMe PCIe x4 to be bootable.hmscott likes this. -
The Batman does indeed fit 9.5mm drives.
Need to get more sleep. -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
Anyone happen to know when the Mushkin Hyperion will be available?
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
Will the cooling solution be able to cool an i7 6700 with a 65W TDP? Or will it overheat a lot?
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
In that case, what is a good nvme PCIe drive to shoot for with the DM? Was planning to get two of the 1TB Hyperions, raid them and call it a day.Last edited: Sep 14, 2015 -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Even at 91W, it isn't that much more than the 4790k that is being offered now, so it should still be fine. Lowering temps with a better thermal paste, or possibly a cooling pad, is always a good idea though.Grizzlington likes this. -
the DM will be the same, so no worries
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So Reading from 1 drive at 2.8GB/sec will block on Writes to another drive at 1.2GB/sec.
When looking to purchase any SSD's we are looking for balanced Read/Write characteristics.
Early SSD's of other interfaces had fast Read speeds with much slower Write speeds, and then more balanced R/W models are introduced.
The M.2 PCIe NVME drive to get may not have been announced yet. -
Clevo P870DM Specifications edited: Sep 14, 2015 -
hmscott likes this.
next year should be very interesting in that regard with intel's xpoint premiering in m.2 drives
thats what ill be waiting for to swap out my trusty 850 pro
so 85C worst case in my book is totally fine. no worries, buddy!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using TapatalkLast edited: Sep 14, 2015hmscott likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
We need a generation or two of controllers that wont burn out when operating that fast and the NAND chips capable of keeping up properly.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Or it's a simple typo of course, I expect these things to be adjustable by the user so the stock values wont be hugely important to tweakers.
My Batman has a 80W Xeon in it, and it cools it just as well as any other laptops cools its mobile CPU. Very good cooling system in place.Grizzlington, hmscott and jaybee83 like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes that's why this machine is a bit larger and heavier, so it can properly cool it. It's not some throw away acer machine
SierraFan07 and Grizzlington like this. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.