My eyes!!!
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
4xMSAA + 8xAF 144hz 1080pr or 1440p
My rule of thumb is I turn up AA until I can no longer get a stable 80FPS, then I dial it back a notch and call it a day. Apart from Crysis 3 and Watch Dogs, I haven't had a single game where I couldn't get past 80 or eevn 100 FPS if I turned off AA completely. -
Well, an update - Sager released the RMA so I'm going to wipe out everything on my system and box it up and set up the UPS pick up.
Its a good thing I kept the original Sager box it came in otherwise I'd have to figure out some way to get to UPS to ship it back. -
Yeah it's a very good idea to just pack up the original box and store it. It will come in handy both for warranty repairs and if you ever sell it.
Now I have the long process of wiping the computer and putting a base Windows 8.1 install on for them. I wish there was an easier way to remove your personal data from a machine. Gonna take a few hours to do.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Should not take long on an SSD, secure erase and then install the OS.
Ethrem likes this. -
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Having to use my old Inspiron 17R makes me want to cry.
Shipping it tomorrow but its already boxed and I'm on this broken hunk of junk -_- -
I thought you had a desktop?
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Ethrem likes this.
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danm you guys are hardcore. I gave up on computer desks so now I use an extremely oversized desk so I can use my laptop and read books at the same time.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah I basically use a dinner table as a desk for my stuff lol.
Ethrem likes this. -
I'm glad I'm not the only one! Lol!
Those tray tables are useful, I've got my consoles set up nice and neat across two of them, one of them is my "junk" table which has all the pastes and crap I've bought for this machine and the other I put my machine on. Keeps the space usage in my room at an acceptable level so I can move around without knocking things down at every turn.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I do mean a full table that 4 people could eat around. Got a DX racer chair to go with it.
Yeah I was talking about Splintah, I figured you meant a dining room table. I've done that before but they're very uncomfortable lol
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Then again it goes with the "world's most powerful laptop" theme lol -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Two bricks, external monitor, mechanical keyboard, external sound card + speakers, mouse mat and mouse. All takes up a lot of room.
I didn't plan to build the desktop and most of the time it sits unused but I'm thankful for it now.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
All my USB goes through a hub so it's power, monitor and one usb cable. This makes it easy to "undock" and move it, it's just my ideal environment for work/play.
Yeah I just literally don't have the space. I've evaluated my room to set up something and it just isn't possible and I don't spend any time in the living room so setting something up out there would be a waste and never get used.
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In a way the U3 serves as my docking station, everything else can be hot plugged on the fly. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
My cooling pad mostly just acts as an area that's clear for the notebook lol.
I shipped it off today. Since they couldn't tell me how much Sager insured it for, I paid the shipping myself. That's the most expensive shipment I've ever made but at least I have the peace of mind that it will get there and arrive in perfect condition how I shipped it.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah heavy plus expensive does not a cheap shipment make
Well I insured it for 5k too. Was 240 bucks but I wanted the peace of mind.
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Wow! Did you overnight it or something? I've never had laptop shipping even come close to half of that, even when shipping accessories and bags with it upon sale.
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
steberg likes this. -
The packaging that UPS required in order to ship it with that kind of insurance was only 14 bucks.
I shipped it 2 day because 3 day was only 10 bucks less.
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With UPS, if the item is over a certain value ($1000 or $1500?), it gets classified as a high value package and gets special treatment -- it goes in its own truck instead of being crammed into an 18 wheeler, and at every stop the driver has to personally verify and sign off that the package is still intact. And when it finally arrives at your door, you have to sign a release form basically saying you've inspected the package and that it's not damaged, and you relieve the driver of all responsibility.
As least that's what happend with my shipment and what the driver told me about high value packages. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Insurance on 5k is $45 for me, not sure why it's costing you so much. I would think it's the 2 day shipping that drove that cost up more but maybe pricing is really that much difference between CO and NE.
Well, I've found a better paste than Gelid GC Extreme -- ShinEtsu X23-7921-5. I've detailed my findings in this thread.
Ethrem likes this. -
Sager just received the machine. I got the iShip notification and it shows who signed for it as well.
Hopefully they don't have it too long but hey, as long as they replace that obviously faulty video card I'll live. -
irfan wikaputra Notebook Consultant
hi guys i am getting it too in couple of days. P377SM-A with SLI GTX 870M
quite best bang of the bucks (specs on sig) got it all for $2070 USD (except for ram and ssd) including International Priority shipping to Qatar
i can see people with beast laptops here but nobody has GTX 870M SLI it seems, you all went for the top dogs
will learn a lot from the seniors. thanks -
Congrats on your new machine! -
Also just note that your 4810MQ will only go up to 4GHz on all 4 cores if you overclock it. It is the 4900MQ that will go up to 4.2GHz (and at which point runs like a nuclear reactor anyway). -
If he can get 4GHz, I'm jealous lol.
But yeah, you got a great machine. Plus you dodged the 880M bullet.
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Well I think even with Liquid Ultra on a decent CPU heatsink + my crazy mods my 4900MQ may just barely do 4GHz while gaming without throttling (haven't tested), so yeah not much of a point going beyond 4GHz unless it's only short benches, then by all means clock it to the moon.
Yeah it annoys me that the best I can really hope for is 3.9GHz @ 89C
4GHz requires me to remove my undervolt which makes the chip shoot into the 90s.
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Annoying from a benchmarkers perspective but it will make little difference to a gamer.
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irfan wikaputra Notebook Consultant
... that's what i thought when i was buying. there was another deal for alienware 17 gtx 780M for $1800ish and alienware 18 gtx 780M SLI for $2850 all including shipping. it sucks to pay 100-200 USD just for shipping, lucky for those in the US
. I couldn't spend almost 3K for a laptop and i think i will regret if i buy alienware with single gtx 780M. i was skeptical getting 870M due to 192-bit memory bus, but after quite some research, dual 870M might actually negate that smaller bus width (just playing on 1080P)
. i tried the same configuration on powernotebooks and xoticpc and they costed $2300ish including shipping
i am thinking to buy another 8GB of kingston hyperX impact 2133. so far so good, more stable than my old HyperX 1866 (used them in many different laptops). i saw the benchmark SLI 870M vs SLI 780M they are almost identical but nowhere i see anybody post their game performance head to head.
my bad, it should be 3.8Ghz, i wouldn't want to overclock it more unless i have some solution to deal with the heat
anybody tried to mod the cooling system btw?
EDIT : found awesome guides here
thanks to : n=1 , i bet you are a great mathematician or an electrical engineer
Ha I wish I was an engineer. I'm just a chemist who is perpetually obsessed with temperatures with a bit too much time on his hands.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Engineers are awesome
Of course you would say that.
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.