Yeah, I would agree that system should be able to run Fallout 4 very well. Usually most big games will have SLI compatibility. Maybe not always at launch, but most will get support for it (though optimization might be a different story though).
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Just don't turn on GameWorks and you should be more than fine with even a single 980M really.
TomJGX and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
I thinking of doing a repaste on my NP9377. Do the GPUs and the CPU share the same heatsink? I only really want to repaste the CPU.
i_pk_pjers_i likes this.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Couldn't hurt to do both at the same though, since you are opening it up already.
i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Can the 970M SLI be overclocked near 980M SLI? Tempatures of GPU are now normal max 49 degrees and CPU 4910MQ is max 81 degrees.
I have installed only the PremaMod BIOS on motherboard not vBios yet. Is it worth it? I also having my 120hz LCD panel before weekend already
looked below the keyboard and I think I found the EDP connector 50 pin so its a go. Good cable for free with my laptop.
I have not modded the cooling as of yet. Will look into that also. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Just be aware the power jumps a LOT when you start getting up that high!
i_pk_pjers_i and Ethrem like this. -
Yeah if you plan to try that kind of overclocking, don't do it on a single power supply.
So I have a dumb question... what is the Advantage of using the Premamod BIOS on this laptop? From a performance standpoint, I'm pretty happy already so I have no plans to overclock it.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you are happy then there is no need to touch the firmware at all at the moment. The Prema firmware on this model just helps you extract more performance with tweaking.
qwerty22 likes this. -
I did my repaste today. Prior to applying the new thermal paste, I did a stress test with Intel XTU. Within one minute the CPU hit 97C. That was with fans at full blast. After applying the new paste today I did the same stress test. Max temp was 71C! That was with fans on automatic. That is an incredible difference.
Such a drastic change leads me to believe that maybe there was way too much paste applied at the factory. When I got the heatsink off, the paste was caked everywhere. I'm attaching a pic of what it looked like.
qwerty22 and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, a bit much on the core there, at least you are getting excellent results now.
I cannot find any good information about this upgrade. i have the possibility to get a 4k matte screen ( same used in x9 eurocom) for a good price. But i want to know if this is a compatible upgrade. :S
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It depends on the connector type, position and mounting method. As a gamer you want a higher refresh rate if possible.
Hey guys.
I want to play batmam arkem knight but it dont work in I have read in a few different threads to use one gpu as dedicated physx.
I've never done this before but the settings are straight forward they just require a reboot .
I have the option to use gpu1 or gpu2 as physx.
The question I have is wich gpu does the laptop use to display my desktop when turning on my laptop gpu1 or gpu2 or both. Can I set either gpu to physx and my laptop will automatically use other one to run game.?
I scared if I select wrong gpu to use for dedicated physx and I reboot I will loose my screen.
I can't believe a Aaa title like this don't support sli. The game plays fine with one gpu but I figured I might as well utilize both gpus as one is just sitting there doing nothing.
Also do I need to disable sli for this to work or leave sli enabled and just dedicate one gpu to physx.?Last edited: Oct 31, 2015 -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
You will be using GPU 1 when in windows but this does not matter when changing settings, windows will find a working GPU and you cannot mess up.
Sli was removed from the profile when the first patch was released. The only way I could get it back was to roll back to an earlier driver. The game kept warning me I needed to update the driver but it worked fine and Sli was fairly well balanced - if not stressed, running around 70% on each card.
With the latest driver and patch they have still not fixed some problem or other so Nvidia have not updated the profile with Sli bits. If you look at the Physx config page the schematic below shows which card will be used for physx. This is independent of Sli. Mine on auto select uses GPU 2 so all is good. The game runs just fine maxed out at 60+ fps. I do have to watch the temp though on the single card. It often levels out at around 85c on auto so I max the fans for a much friendlier 68c-72c.
Have to say though I really enjoyed the game after waiting months for a better looking version.
It may never get fixed as Steam are now offering a full refund regardless of when ordered or how long you have played the game. I'm guessing Sli is one of those things they say 'can't be fixed'? likes this. -
So I have been playing with XTU tonight... I set my max non-turbo at 8x and set the system to 20W... I thought it would kill performance but it finally makes me able to set my system on maximum performance and go to bed without being woken up by loud fans kicking in. Even at 2GHz (full-throttle load), the system is butter smooth... Also there's another benefit to doing this, when you lower the system multiplier it tends to be like you set it on power saver, even when the TDP is full throttle, but stops the lag when it kicks up the multis. I just wanted to barely have the fans while watching Netflix but I compared my way with battery saving and my way actually allows for much quicker dynamic core boost than Windows' which sets it at 800MHz and makes for stutter. This is stock system BIOS. It sits at 4GHz when its idling or doing something light just like it would with the higher max non turbo but when I set it back to the stock 57W it sill doesn't blow the roof off the house with fan noise. Something to try if the fans get to you like they do me.
Player2 likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, I like to have a few different profiles for different tasks.
Sorry if this has already been covered here - I'll end up reading through all of this thread eventually. Is there a good way to increase cpu cooling in this laptop? I have my i7 4800mQ set to a constant 3.9ghz in XTU with a 22mV undervolt. Under heavy load, the cpu gets to about 98-99C. While gaming it's around 92C. If I set the cpu to stock clocks, its more reasonable - around 80C under max load.
I've repasted with IC Diamond, and I've taped up the gaps between the fan and the heatsink. Compared to the gpu heatsinks, the cpu heatsink is small and obviously isn't designed for the same TDP as the gpu heatsinks.
With a proper cooler, I imagine I should be able to have my overclock thermally acceptable. How are people with Extreme Edition CPU's keeping them cool? Are there any relatively simple mods that work well? I have a spare cpu fan - I'm thinking of manually wiring up a fan controller to see if I can get it to spin faster (even if it means shortening it's life).Ethrem likes this. -
I just ran wPrime 1024M and it maxed at 87C but of course it throttled itself to between 3.7 and 3.8GHz under a full on 8 thread load. My 4940MX is probably NOT the best specimen... And UGH now my video card is whining again. I'm ready to throw this computer out of the window... -
How on earth did you get a -80mv undervolt? Is that stable for everyday use? My stock voltage is 1.108v.
I've only reduced the core voltage offset to -22mv. I haven't touched either I/O voltages. If I drop the core any lower than 22mv, it's not stable long term. -
Hey guys,
Is there a tutorial on how to repaste this machine anywhere? Also, what compound is reccomended? I remember IC Diamond and Gelid Extreme being tossed around a lot. Lol
My CPU & GPU temps are a bit higher than what they were 2-3 months ago. CPU is actually breaking 90c under stress, and GPU's idle about ~10c-20c higher than the previous ~30c idle temps. It's about time for a dusting, and perhaps a repasting.
Also, does anyone else get screen tearing in the OS? Like, I will see this weird screen tearing that only happens on the left side of my screen about half, or a bit over halfway down from the top of the screen.. It's not like regular screen tearing either, I think. It basically happens in any app that doesn't have built in v-sync. Think like Chrome (W/o hardware acceleration.), Steam, iTunes, Foobar2000, etc. (I've also seen that the Twitch streamer Lirik has the same sort of tearing come through his stream as well.)
It's not much of a bother, just wondering why it's happening.Last edited: Nov 7, 2015 -
That tearing sounds like a driver issue. Get DDU and go to 347.88 and outside of new SLI profiles your system will be a lot more stable... NVidia can't make a driver these days...... -
Just finished dusting and barely noticed a GPU idle temp difference. Maybe 3c-5c temp difference on GPU's, but my machine has only been running for ~10mins. CPU idle temps seemed to have improved 3c-10c though.
Thermal paste degradation perhaps? GPU's are idling around 45-55c on auto fans. They used to idle between 30c-40c on auto, and never got past 36c on max fans. Granted I run max fans 2/3 of the my machines up-time since the noise doesn't bother me.
I tried switching back to 347.88 a while back and I don't remember it fixing the tearing. I'll try it again though. I'm currently running 353.38, and outside of a driver crash once in a blue moon everything seems fine to me. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Ethrem likes this. -
Standard rubbing alcohol will remove all previous paste safely or you can order some ArtiClean which does a great job, especially on caked and baked paste. -
@TomJGX: Yeah, I was trying to figure out what to remove it with. xDEthrem likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The open area around the die is just a cosmetic thing, you can leave that with no impact on performance if it does not bother you.
Ethrem likes this. -
I went through and tested out encoding... DVD -> MP4... wow that blew my mind... 100% CPU usage and 79C max temp... I guess living in a basement now is going to have cooling perks... Now I need to get used to not killing spiders...
I have to say that with everything I went through with Xotic and Sager... I'm finally happy. Except my master has coil whine that is highly noticeable...... But hey, the CPU doesn't overheat anymore and the GPUs don't either so if I have to deal with the annoying whistle when in 2D mode... I'll take it over all of the other issues I had! I think I made my friend cry when I was running the media test because he has 3 Macs and there's no way his i3 Mini could even dream of doing what my 4940MX did at 2GHz and his new i5 27" iMac won't be able to touch it either...
Even further, Handbrake doesn't support my GPUs for CUDA acceleration (at least not on 347.88) so I can't even begin to imagine how much faster that 20 minute process would have been if I had GPU acceleration!hmscott, i_pk_pjers_i, Spartan@HIDevolution and 1 other person like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Restore CUDA in the latest nVIDIA Drivers 34x.xxEthrem likes this. -
There used to be an app that was straight up CUDA... 5 minutes to rip a DVD... But nVidia killed it. That was back when I had an 8800GTS so I can't even imagine what Maxwell could do but its rare that my system works properly and if I have to send it back again for being stupid @pat@XOTICPC and Sager are going to kill me... And the quickest way to burn up a GPU is to use it like a CPU which is exactly what CUDA does... I'm only not running Windows 10 because I'm afraid that if it killed my LCD, I'd lose my 120hz and get some trash to replace it... No thank you, it is working just fine. If it ain't broke, don't fix it... Same reason I haven't even done a repaste. I haven't even popped the cover off to see if they replaced the heatsinks (I took pics so I would know) because its been working just fine. After you send a machine off three times in a year and it comes back working, you just don't mess with it.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Ethrem likes this. -
If I wasn't an intelligent human being and went to System and saw that it was 8.1 and not 8.1 Pro, I would have had a whole other fight with the people at Microsoft... And that's even beyond the fact the program I grabbed was even able to read the BIOS key from EFI! I totally guarantee that if it was anyone else, I would have had to send the machine back and it was bad enough they had it a month, lied about replacing video cards, got busted because I had images of the ASIC numbers, had to explain what ASIC was, had to put Heaven on my Google Drive because their lead tech wasn't smart enough to discern a banner from a download link....... The whole thing was an absolute mess and if they would have listened to me in the first place, it would have been done in two weeks when they got their new shipment of 980Ms. The biggest thing is that they tried to insult my intelligence by saying there was nothing wrong with the cards because they sent me images when they ran Heaven that showed 87C (the point when Maxwell throttles) and stable core... Umm, Heaven doesn't update when the clocks drop and when I first started talking to them, I told them flat out to use Precision X to have an OSD... I can't even begin to tell you how angry this whole experience was @i_pk_pjers_i!Last edited: Nov 8, 2015Spartan@HIDevolution and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
i_pk_pjers_i and Ethrem like this. -
i_pk_pjers_i likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
PS: My sign is a CANCER and have 0 patiencei_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
As for the Cancer and 0 patience... I'm a Libra with a Cap moon AND rising and I'm amazed it took me this long to finally say something. It could possibly cost me my Sager mod job but with what I had to deal with.... I mean... Guru3D... has ads at the bottom... How can you be the lead tech and not know that a flashing banner is an ad? I've never let it out... Trust me, I have enough Scorpio in me ........TomJGX, Spartan@HIDevolution and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
As a Scorp, you have to know that someone who has four planets in Scorp, four in Cap, four in Libra, and four in Sag......... you really don't want to make them mad!!!! I really am amazed I didn't yell although I ripped Xotic... And the thing is, they didn't do anything wrong. I have zero complaints... even after reading the emails they sent to Sager... I was being a pain... and I blew up at the wrong people... Trust... I lost it... I've got a Cap moon and a Cap rising... that's one of the worst combos for temper and then you combine that with German and Irish blood... I'm honestly amazed I didn't blow up more considering everything going on in my personal life at the time... My birthday was 10/2 and my best friend and roommate died on 10/16.... If he had passed before I got my laptop back I think we both know how mad I would have been... But the machine still doesn't work right... Just for the record... I had to spend a few hours with the amazing @Prema to get the cards undervolted and they STILL max at 86C unless I force max fans which sounds like a vacuum cleaner! I'm not impressed... An undervolted 980M should run around 76C... not 86!!!
If I didn't spend 4800 on the machine and then spend another 400 to "upgrade" to cards that have the same problem I wouldn't be so angry... but 5200 on a machine is a lot when you only get 1345 a month in disability.... I bought this machine to be future proof and its been nothing but a headache.joluke, TomJGX, toughasnails and 2 others like this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Ethrem likes this. -
Original specs... 880Ms... they failed... sent in to Sager... Xotic made them replace them... They failed again... Sent laptop into Sager... Asked about 970Ms and got offered a cheap upgrade deal that got me 980Ms... ran fine then got hot... Ignored it and worked around it with max fans keeping them at 80-82C under full load... Key flew off the keyboard (right shift key I don't even use - popped like a spring right in front of me while I was watching TV)... Yet another RMA... decide to ask Sager to look into why video cards are so hot while they put the key back on... ended up up without my machine for a month, was lied to multiple times, finally they replaced the video cards... But I suggested that the motherboard may be defective because it didn't make sense that two families of video cards were doing the same thing (starting out fine and then getting really hot) which could only be explained by either a bad A/C adapter pushing extra voltage (tested the machine with a Kill-A-Watt - 324W under load is normal) or the motherboard slowly and insidiously killing cards... Paid the money to send them the machine yet again (I didn't have a proper box so I had to pay UPS to box it for me to make sure that if it got broken in transit, it was their fault not mine)... Argued with them about doing ANYTHING... They sent me a picture from Valley showing 87C and tried to tell me that was normal................... You know what, I'm getting really angry... I'm so mad right now that the lights in my room are flickering... I'm going to hop off here... but long story short, it was a terrible experience and I still have overheating cards........TomJGX, Spartan@HIDevolution and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
Hey all, need some help with my P375SM with 2 x m290x in crossfire, all has been fine until recently there has been a strange line (artifact showing on the left hand side) it flickers on and off rapidly when any 3D game is in use, I have tried different drivers to no avail, it doesn't actually seem to effect performance and i repasted the gpu's a fee weeks ago with GC extreme and temps on either card do no not go above 74 on a loop of 3D mark 2011 for an hour.
Any ideas?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What happens if you disable xfire?
Update on my cooling issues. Just repasted with Liquid Pro. Temps have dropped considerably. About 8C+ Still too hot though. I'll look into sourcing a spare bottom cover. Anyone know where I could buy one - or do I have to leave it up to ebay?
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
ebay is an option, otherwise you could try hitting up where you bought the machine from or any resellers that just sell spare parts, and see if they can get pricing on just a bottom panel for you.
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
hmscott likes this.
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.