If I was going to sell, it would be on NBR for sure.
I would give up the 120hz panel and just get a G-Sync one honestly. Its a compromise but it is what it is. I believe it was either Prema or Meaker who said that the 120hz mod just isn't possible so that pretty much puts the nail in that coffin.
Do you use max fans, a cooling pad, etc? My big issue is that the heat problem was not there back in December and crept up over time to where I went from having a quiet machine to having to pump 70dB worth of max fan noise the whole time and still being in the 80s.
I can kick the temperature down... by turning off advanced AA and complex geometry but why did I get flagship video cards if I have to turn off features in order to use them? With DirectX 12, its going to get worse, not better and its not an acceptable compromise for me.
If it was fine in December perhaps the colder weather helped as well.
I think when it comes down to it if the GPUs and CPU are powerful enough to not be a "bottleneck" then temperature in a notebook can be, which is why I am curious to see how this new GTX 980 desktop card runs in these notebooks. -
I was using vsync for 60 but Witcher 3 as we all know doesn't really stay at 60 and I wasn't willing to cut my framerate to 30FPS when I shouldn't have had to. The largest measure of temperature difference though? Heaven 4.0. It was maxing at 78C and averaging ~1100MHz core clock when I got the machine. Before I sent it off, it was 87C and throttled down to ~1000MHz. That's a rather large disparity. -
Well Sager is shipping my computer back tomorrow. They propped the back up a half an inch and no more throttling. Saw the pictures. Since I prop my laptop up by 3/4 of an inch and I have a much lower ambient, the heat should be a lot lower. Here's hoping. They'll ship it out tomorrow.
Gov. Rick Perry and Prema like this. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Glad to see that the throttling was figured out and it is shipping back. Let me know how it runs when you get it back, and if there is anything we can do to help out.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Yeah, I forgot you mentioned that previously. Sorry you weren't able to have it on hand for the birthday, but still, happy birthday!
And yes, any info you can provide, just in case this comes up with anybody else, is always appreciated. Thanks!Ethrem likes this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
joluke, Robbo99999, TomJGX and 1 other person like this. -
What good news that you're getting it back and just in time for the release of Wasteland 2 Director's Cut, SOMA and Fallout 4. Too bad Wasteland 2 and SOMA to some extent don't utilize SLI though.
Happy Birthday.Ethrem likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well I finally gave up my mobile games with their in app purchases so that will help my bank account a bit, especially when I pay off the credit cards next month.
I just want this whole ordeal to be over with so I can enjoy my machine. I am right on the edge of leaving PC gaming for consoles. Diablo III has been filling my gaming void quite nicely and it is much more convenient to play with a controller than with a keyboard and mouse, as sacrilegious as that sounds -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can hook up a controller to the pc too
Excuse the naive question, but I've been out of the laptop loop for a while... Is this model still available for purchase? If not, does Sager still offer a dual-GPU laptop? The only models I see for sale at resellers now are only single GPU.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It makes sense considering the crowd interested in this class of machine to go with the desktop cpu.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah I think the jump from 75w to 100w kind of caught the 3xx series off guard, they had to sacrifice some cpu cooling in the end, this time though
So to confirm, similar to prior model numbering conventions, the P775DM will be the laptop CPU model, and P870DM the desktop CPU model?
Any word on display options yet on either? -
The updated version of your X7200 is the P570WM. The P7xxDM and P870DM use desktop mainstream CPUs. Our D900F/X7200 and the P570WM use desktop enthusiast CPUs. -
I loved my x7200 with dual 485s. It was so easy to work on (and weighed as much as a cinder block
). Total beast for its time.
TomJGX likes this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
At least they've kept that easy to work on chassis, and reduced it to only half of a cinderblock
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah, though your back will appreciate the drop in weight, the P570WM and similar chassis types were always surprising to hold when you have worked on other machines for a while.
0I love my laptop I have had some small stupid problems with the display but of course my buddy @pat@XOTICPC was there through the whole process of getting the display replaced and all my stupid questions I had while I was waiting (which was actually super fast Sager had my laptop for less than a week I think they had it 3 or 4 days). Now the other day I go to boot up my laptop and the post screen that says "Sager" when you turn the laptop on was all artifacts and all crazy looking, but that happened a few days ago and I haven't seen it happen again (does make me worry that is will just stop working again). So hopefully that was just a fluke. I am excited to see if anyone gets 1 or 2 of these new "desktop class" 980's into a laptop like mine....btw I still have my freaking 120hz display and the edp cable......I dunno what to do I was thinking maybe I will sell it and try to find a nice IPS display that will fit in this laptop? BUT I can't seem to find out which IPS displays will actually work and fit into this laptop which currently has the Chi Mei 173HGE-L11 which I think is suppose to be LVDS 70% NTSC, but other than that I don't know crap about it....I have done some brief searches on google for a 17'3 IPS LVDS display and there are a few but how do I know which ones will actually work with my laptop? Anyways so happy I was able to buy this laptop when I did for a crazy low price with lots of freebies...Still want a freaking Xotic PC t-shirt or hat or something so I can rep them when I am out at LAN's and gaming with friends.... *cough*cough*
Glad your machine is back and working fine. I should be getting mine today provided the UPS driver is actually on time. If it artifacted during POST, I'm not really sure what to make of that, especially if it went away. I wouldn't worry about it, probably just a glitch. I can't help you with the display options. Last I heard, I thought these machines couldn't be fitted with an IPS panel but I've never looked into it.
Well I got the machine back and I'm not terribly impressed right off the bat.
22.2C/72F ambient, back propped, auto fans, Heaven set on Extreme with no modifications.
They left Heaven on the machine so I got to see what settings they were using... Custom 1080p with no tessellation and no AA. Unacceptable.
The situation does change, however, with forced max fans.
The first is again the standard extreme. The second I changed the settings to 1080p fullscreen while still running the test which is why the temperatures start off elevated like that. The maximum temperature on the master was 78C and the slave 75C with max fans which is acceptable but the noise is not.
Sager also did not update my BIOS to the 1.05 version that Clevo released for Windows 10 support. I suppose that it is possible that they do not have an SM-A system BIOS since it is an EOL machine. Not the end of the world.
At least the temps are lower per clock, even if they're not as low as they should be. I don't know why Sager was completely unable to get the cards working how they should... I shouldn't need max fans to not thermal throttle.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if the custom fan curves worked on my machine. The GPU fans aren't the loud fans, the CPU fan is. If I didn't have to force max fans I would be fine.
I was able to confirm that they did swap the motherboard (ME FW doesn't ever downgrade and my machine was on 9.1.2, this one is 9.1.1) and both video cards (ASIC quality - old cards were 78.8% and 72.7%, new cards are 74.1% and 72.1%) so while it took a month, they did do what they said they did. It just didn't bring about the results that should have been expected.
Another thing that they did which I think I'll keep is they put my two 1TB HDs in RAID0. The performance is pretty impressive...
Last edited: Oct 7, 2015 -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
You could always make your own vBIOS, undervolt, etc.
Are you SURE that ME FW doesn't ever downgrade? I was under the impression that you could go from 9.1 to 9.0 if you flashed Prema's BIOS for example.joluke likes this. -
The ME firmware does not downgrade to my knowledge. I'm sure there is a way to do it at risk of a brick but I don't see Sager doing that to avoid replacing a motherboard. -
@Ethrem What kind of temperatures would you say are normal for Heaven? My 980m SLI seems a bit toasty as well (I think, but I'm not 100% sure what is normal, so I thought I'd ask). I opened up Heaven on extreme default settings, maxed fans and a cooling pad, and started a benchmark immediately. By the time the bench was over, my cards were hovering between 84-85C and 86-87C. Ambient is around 70F/21C.
crawler9 likes this.
Okay I'm officially mad now.
I turned on my computer this morning to a lovely "Windows cannot be activated" message. I go into why it can't be activated and it says that the key is blocked. Well that's lovely because I don't have any materials with the key to call Microsoft with. Third party tool shows that my BIOS has a key and Windows has a different key installed. Call Microsoft and they confirm that the key currently in use is invalid (its a Sager OEM only image - apparently its not supposed to be used outside of internal testing) but the BIOS key is valid. I go to put in the BIOS key and it says that its invalid. I look at System... Its regular Windows 8.1, NOT Pro and its not possible to use my key to upgrade this version to Pro. Guess what I get to spend the next few hours doing? That's right, reinstalling Windows. >___< -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Window's activation catch 22s are the worst, sorry to hear you ran into one
Ethrem likes this. -
I got 8.1 Pro on it, used all the drivers from Sager's website but went to nVidia's 358.50 drivers.
XTU -85mv, 40x 4-core, 60W power limit, 100A.
3DMark 8.1 vs 10
Now I'm going to turn on Windows Update then make a Reflect image and then its time to see how these new cards work with gaming. I noticed that the master has coil whine when I was installing 8.1 but it went away now.
That snafu with Windows made me really mad. If I wasn't able to troubleshoot on my own, it could have turned into a huge mess trying to figure out what happened. It still might have if I didn't notice it was running Windows 8.1, not 8.1 Pro. You would think that such a simple thing would not have been overlooked when they were working on my machine from September 4th until October 3rd... -
A question about SLI in the Clevo P377SM-A : is there anyway to run only a single GPU, and choose which one will it be? has anyone tried Prema bios mod?
Thanks -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
I agree that things should work properly out of the box, but why wouldn't you want to optimize them so they could work BETTER? A good percentage of why I go with Clevo laptops in the first place is simply because you can customize the ever living hell out of them. The hardware, software (firmware, BIOSes, etc) are all so amazingly customizeable and it's fairly easy to do so. If you know that you are getting throttling, instead of just saying that it shouldn't work, you should try to do things to work around this that way you can be perfectly happy with your purchase and you can use it to it's full potential. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
TomJGX and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
What is your ASIC quality that your cards work at 900mv? That's pretty insane. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Or you can disable it on a per-app basis.
TomJGX and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
And yeah the fan table from Clevo being totally messed up. Any way my friend Ethrem i'm really considering on keeping the P377SM-A and getting the new P870DM-G with dual 980M's or a single 980 (i still need to see the benchmarks on those two configurations to decide).
I suspect the P870DM should have better fans and it will compensate where the P377SM-A fails (heat).
when i start working i'll start gathering some cash to buy it
PS: @Prema can i have a word from you? (on the 980M's in SLI vs 980 200w)?Last edited: Oct 8, 2015 -
Don't get me wrong either. Forced max fans = no throttle on CPU or GPU. I just personally can't stand the noise. I'm testing the machine inside and out and I'll probably put it up for sale once I verify everything works, especially considering that I found out the warranty goes with the machine. Its a lot easier to sell a machine knowing that it has a warranty until May of 2017. It even has an LCD accidental damage warranty.TomJGX, i_pk_pjers_i and joluke like this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
My ASIC qualities are like 72% and 75%.
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.