Same for me as well. I'll see if Eurocom come back with an answer.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I looked at SLI in a couple games last night. GTA V running fine with GeForce Experience settings (which are ridiculous - everything on ultra even advanced settings) and both GPUs working.
Same with Witcher 3.
It's a brand new machine with 980m SLI.MickyD1234 likes this. -
ImmortanJoe likes this.
In nVidia Control Panel I have PhysX set to "Auto-select (recommended)" and SLI configuration set to maximize 3d performance (SLI enabled). All seems to be working correctly. I did some monitoring and both GPUs were reported to be working about equally.
I installed Windows 10 first thing out of the box before installing Steam or anything else (had not heard of the possible issues at the time), so that may have something to do with mine working as well. -
Wolfenstein and anything on the ID Tech 5 engine doesn't support SLI at all and disabling SLI isn't required to safely run the games.1o5fzi and ImmortanJoe like this. -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
the screen brightness will not change in the menu or by hardware keys. ive updated my nvidia drivers, should I reset the cmos battery? the drivers on the clevo website had problems installing, should i edit the files in the nvidia setip and install that one then update to the latest?
Last edited: Aug 3, 2015 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
On my P570WM with 980M sli the swift ran perfectly but it has a full size display port with connected direct to the dedicated GPU.
Is there a limit on the time one should spend on a single gaming session with this device?
That is to say, will heat become a problem with upwards of 2-5 hours of continuous, non-stop use on a relatively intensive game like GTA V or Witcher 3?
I ask because I lack experience with laptops gaming purposes.TonytotheB likes this. -
Crank your fans up to max and make sure your airflow is not restricted. Your GPUs will always run hotter in a laptop than a desktop.
Try using MSI AB to monitor temps on screen and see if you have problems
I have found reducing my VCore helps. I can get a constant 3.5GHz on all cores with 1.10ImmortanJoe likes this. -
I have been using win10 since the day it was officially released because my laptop lets just call him billy, well billy has his own mind, and billy decided to download win10 and install it all on his own without asking me if I actually wanted I figured I may was well try it out and I just decided to keep win10 because no problems at all actually when I play some games it reports that I have like 16.06gb of video memory when before on these games it would say 8.04gb of video memory so I am not sure if this is something new with windows 10 where it can use both amounts of video memory from the 2x980m's that I use SLI, which I have had 0 problems with using SLI as someone else was saying they were having problems.........I am probably going to regret saying this but I have had none that is 0 problems in fact everything seems a lil more stable temps are about the same...I use MSI afterburner to monitor gpu temps and some temp temps in game just to make sure everything is okie dokie so yah everything is great love this laptop so glad I bought it for the best deal anyone has ever received in the history of this laptop
Billy is a good boy lol wow I need some sleep
TonytotheB and MickyD1234 like this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
ImmortanJoe likes this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
MickyD1234 and ImmortanJoe like this. -
You only every mirror RAM usage on SLI. You never have more than one card available (unless the tech has changed). One 8GB write is mirrored to the other card so the second GPU can access the same data in real time -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
If you want a quick 'feelgood' factor then just leave Heaven 4 running on max settings and watch the temps for around 15mins. Both with the manual override (Fn-1) and on auto fans. The key temp to avoid is 85c. At this point throttling starts. Initially the boost clock will fluctuate and then settle at the stock speed. On these machines I have not seen ANY game where the throttle affects gameplay. This drop to stock is usually enough to stop the temp going any higher. Problem is that the auto fan max is a higher temp so manually maxing the fans is a good idea for an extended gaming session.
Temps will depend a lot on the ambient temp of the room and the quality of the paste job but variance is usually no more than 5c.
Prema ( has a vbios mod that among many improvements, has the throttle temp raised to 92c - hopefully the auto fan max will have cut in before that - I haven't tried it.
HTH.ImmortanJoe and Robbo99999 like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes sager don't like hitting max fan speeds under normal usage, it does give their machines a margin in case something happens though.
Thanks to everyone for the responses, all repped and appreciated.
Today I re-enabled SLI to play Witcher 3 and noticed GeForce Experience now sets EVERYTHING to ULTRA and turns Hairworks on. I tried it and it ran stable at 60 FPS which was impressive to say the least. Based on the responses I'm just going to try to enjoy the game without monitoring temperatures for now even though I get the feeling its running hot at these settings. Hopefully no problems.
If temperature does not become an issue then this might be the first notebook matching my desktop performance with no compromise whatsoever. Quite impressive.1o5fzi and Robbo99999 like this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
1o5fzi and ImmortanJoe like this. -
Framerate stable at 60 FPS (Vsync on).
GPU1 and GPU2 were both used about equally. CPU never got much higher than 71 Celsius.
GPU1 never got higher than 74-75 Celsius, while GPU2 began to approach 88 degrees Celsius. At this point, I turned settings down to the preset HIGH option in the graphics menu.
Reducing settings to HIGH immediately dropped usage from 90% on both GPUs to 70% on both. GPU2 temperature dropped to 84% and was stable around there. GPU1 never got above about 73 degrees.
So I guess to be safe I will play on present HIGH settings for Witcher 3 unless there is some other advice?1o5fzi likes this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
MickyD1234 and ImmortanJoe like this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Edit: Oops, repeatImmortanJoe likes this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
I think the issue might be more to do with Witcher 3. Witcher 2 and 3 are notorious for making full use of hardware. I also have PhysX rendering by "Auto-select" rather than CPU so maybe that has some impact as well.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Eurocom assured me that 86c was within normal operating range even though I could see the boost clock throttling down to stock. Switching on max fans has the boost returning at 82c. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I want you to make absolutely sure which GPU is GPU2. Try forcing a game to single GPU without disabling SLI, and tell me if GPU 1 or GPU 2 heats up. If GPU 2 is heating up, then it's your primary card. If GPU 1 is heating up, then GPU 2 is your slave. My "GPU 2" is my master and "GPU 1" is my slave according to my overlay software, but not according to GPU-Z or HWiNFO64.
When you're done, try repasting and/or checking to see if your heatsink is making good contact. Maxwell GPUs DO NOT GET HOT like that, especially at stock. Except Ethrem's but his machine is controlled by the heat demon so he doesn't count. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
What are people's CPUs hitting if they run a CPU and GPU intensive game such as BF4? Witcher 3 is more dependant on the GPUs at 2560x1440 DSR, which is how I play
Mine was hitting 92 at 3.5GHz last night. I think I need a repaste -
I believe GPU1 is the main GPU based on monitoring with SLI disabled and single GPU. Temperature stays below 84 degrees Celsius on high settings for Witcher 3.
I'm not terribly worried because the machine is at stock settings and is warrantied, and because this only happens in Witcher 3. The temperatures are equal between GPUs on GTA V and are in the low to mid 70s (with every setting on ultra including Advanced Options on). Not to mention that there are no performance issues in game - it runs things like my desktop. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
As for the GPU temps, I was very concerned that something was wrong when I saw mid 80's on one card and a bigger than 10c differential so a repaste was the first thing I did. I am used to seeing the primary card in an Sli setup being a few degrees hotter but this was quite a bit and appeared that it was the Secondary (GPU2) running hot.
I could see that the boost clock was dropping at 85c so the temp is an issue but switching up the fans would have it run at around 75c.
After the repaste I saw a few degrees drop on both cards and the differential was usually around the 6c mark. I also noticed that Heaven 4 reported the cards swapped over with GPU0 being the hotter - so now I see the differential as OK. The fact that Prema upped the boost throttle to 92c tells me that running in the high 80's is common? -
I noticed in NVIDIA Control Panel "auto-select (recommended)" for PhysX set it for GPU2, which could explain the higher temperature/usage in Witcher 3.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
1o5fzi likes this. -
Not sure if this is the right place, but I was looking into getting one of these but people are telling me to get a Msi gt72 instead cos sager have shoddy build quality. And I also read the lid is crap/has a lot of flex.
Can any of you confirm this?
IE, I need a notebook that's a workhorse + gaming that I can carry around. 17inches, and I'm fine with 9lbs I just need to make sure it won't break from just carrying it (from the house to the office to clients houses)Last edited: Aug 10, 2015 -
To me out of all the diff laptop brands I have had over the years Sager/Clevo DEFF has one of the best builds, I mean sure there are small mostly stupid cosmetic things that could be better, but what is inside is GOLDEN, show me another laptop in this price range and in this build size that has 2x 980m's and they run VERY cool....
Well how would it hold up, carrying it in a 18 inch notebook briefcase?
I think it would hold up just like any other laptop, except this laptop is different, it has some very expensive and powerful hardware in it, I think it would be fine as long as the briefcase is made to carry a laptop and has the padding necessary to keep the laptop from bumping all around. I mean I have a backpack that has a slot for a laptop that I carry mine in and everything has been fine, I mean I don't carry it around often, but when I do I am always trying to be protective of it and handle it with care. I mean I spent a lot of money on this beast so I treat it as if it was a baby I am carrying around lol. I think the lid is actually very sturdy and protective. I am not sure where you are from but there are places where you can go and actually see the laptop touch it and try it out (I think mostly in California). What do you plan of using this laptop for? How often are you going to travel with it ? I dunno if a briefcase (if its just a regular briefcase) would protect any laptop sufficiently. If you are just going to be carrying it around from place to place it should be fine...
This is what I use -
illustration, rendering, photoshop, browsing, youtube and gaming.
daily travel.
Was looking at the alienware briefcase.
yes i have a decent desktop but i cant bring it with me so i would carry it from my house to wherever im going.
Im thinking about 10% of the time i wont be near an outlet so if i can get 2 hours out of it before the battery dies i should be good.
Btw when not plugged in, does the cpu/gpu become less powerfull?
Edit, thats says 16inch. Your 17inch notebook fits in it?
Heres what i was looking at -
When the laptop is not plugged in you can change tons of different settings such as slowing down the cpu/gpu's lowering the displays brightness lots and lots of things to conserve power, I am not sure if you could get 2 hours out of it to be honest, I have never tried I some how have always managed to find a outlet within 30min, and yes sorry I have that same exact back but in the 17in version, and by looking at that Alienware bag that is probably better than the bag I have
. I have a question though doesn't illustrating rendering photoshop and all that stuff rely more so on the CPU than the gpu? because Sager has an amazing laptop that has a DESKTOP cpu in it and you can get the 980m to still beable to play games in amazing quality...All I know is, is that this laptop is seriously BEASTLY...but if you are going to be using it more so for rendering illustrations photoshop things like that and then secondaryly using it for browsing youtube and gaming I would seriously consider the Sager with the desktop CPU...if you want more info about it let me know I can point you in the right direction, also consider talking to @Hutsady@XoticPC he is the best and will always have the answers for you or find a way to get the answers for you
......I really wish I had a way to rep XoticPC with something like a t-shirt, decal or mousepad...
since every where I go people are asking me where did you get that thing etc etc...these forums are the best I seriously researched every laptop within the range of hardware of this laptop for I would say 8 months and for me I mostly use this laptop for gaming so after doing all my research I ended up with this laptop np9377sm-a, because for me to spend that amount of money this laptop cost I wanted to make sure I was getting the most for my money....and I had lots of help from everyone here on this forum so just ask questions....okay now I am just rambling sorry
my father had a his 2nd lung transplant 2 months ago this time he had a double luing transplant and its just been crazy I haven't got much sleep so, if my posts lately seem off thats why.....okay...let me know if you have anymore questions
Support.3@XOTIC PC likes this. -
I'm going to try a social experiment as my monitor search continues. Please fill in the blanks.
"If you are looking for the best external monitor to pair with the Sager NP9377 and 980m sli, I own and highly recommend the ___________. I have no problems driving it via the ___________ port at a max resolution of _________ and __________ hertz. Games look amazing and my quality of life has really shot through the roof. If I could be any animal I'd be a _________ because they _________.
Thanks! -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Thanks Brent R.!
@Greel feel free to PM or email me with any questions. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Delete please.
The MSI product was on my short list but I didn't like it because of its overtly flashy cosmetics and the SLI model has a weird keyboard (its gimmick is it has a desktop keyboard in a laptop). To me that's all it is - a gimmick. It was also more expensive for less hardware. I prefer the conservative look of Sager rather than advertising "HEY I HAVE AN EXPENSIVE LAPTOP!!"
In short, I have had my Sager NP9377 for only a short time but so far no problems whatsoever with the machine. I decided on Sager based on a friend who has had one with no problems for about 1.5 years who has traveled constantly with it. If i was to suggest a "gaming notebook" I would highly recommend a Sager.
It also runs all current games as well or even better than my i7 GTX 770 desktop PC. So assuming everything continues this way, best notebook ever. Just be sure to research hardware and choose good options.Last edited: Aug 10, 2015 -
What color is the notebook? ( im interested in the Tuxedo Black or Arctic White upgrade if anybody has pics)
Shoul i get the cooper cooling upgrade?
Which cpu would be better for video editing and multi-layer photo editing?
i7-4940MX -
I cannot speak to your other questions or the benefit of the copper upgrade because I don't have it, however I suggest you consider upgrading to an SSD for your games hard drive because games like GTA V and others are now coming out that run into some problems for SOME people using standard mechanical hard drives.
Also be aware its an SLI system so you should know how to use that and enable/disable it if necessary. -
Go for an ASUS PQ IPS if you play slower games.
All through the DP/Thunderbolt connection
**Sorry couldn't be arsed filling yours in -
I second the ASUS IPS screens. I have one and its great, but I believe IPS limits you to like 60-75 refresh rate (correct me if I'm wrong) so if you're one of those that demands 100 FPS then you go TN panel instead of IPS. For me, the better color and viewing angle of IPS makes up for that as I don't play twitch shooters usually, more RPGs like Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Fallouts, Morrowind MGSO (which the Sager NP9377 runs beautiful using the demanding MGSO overhaul mod) so FPS not so important to me.
So it sounds like IPS might be ok for these games even with lower refresh rate? That Acer I tried and failed with was the IPS gsync 1440p variant but as I mentioned just wouldn't work with my computer. -
While other Sagers come with IPS monitors, I chose the NP9377 for its SLI configuration and its monitor is MORE than exceptional, and I love the matte screen. But IPS is the way to go.TonytotheB likes this.
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.