If you dont plan on gaming the Quadro cards are the best work station cards. The K5100M is available but its on the pricey side. For photo editing you probably wont see much difference between the 970M/970M/K5100M. While your programs are GPU accelerated they are not very GPU intensive. I would go with a 970M for your use.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
yeah...i will be predominantly photo editing in Lightroom and Photoshop
is SLi even worth considering to help?
im not going to be gaming, but you say the Quadro are the best workstation cards...but you say the 970m (id get a 980m) would give me the better performance? or just better value?
i dont care about cost at this point...i just want the best and fastest running CS6 and LR6 laptop i can buy -
I definitely dont see myself using CAD or anything like that...big files on CS6 and Lightroom...big stitching things...but no real 3d i think...
Would it be better to go with the 980m GPU and the desktop CPU of the clevo ZM ( i think ti is the ZM)?
thanks so much for your responses -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
SLI wont usually help with cad type programs, you can assign the cards to different projects to run at the same time however.
We'll I just got all the drivers installed I am doing windows updates what is a good (benchmark) program to make sure my CPU and gpu(s) are running at the correct speeds without throttling after a while and what speeds are the 980s suppose to boost and stay at? Thx guys
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what can I do to make sure my cpu is hitting its boost speed and not throttling down??? any suggestions? same with the GPU's and what version of XTU should I get and from where every place I go has a different version Sager has a different version than Clevo and the driver utilities disk I got from xotic has a different version so its basicly like that for ALL the drivers so its SO freaking confusing and then the Sager/Clevo Drivers sticky thread makes it even more confusing and hard to choose what to use, exspecially if you are new to a high end laptop like this, like I am , I am use to a easy HP or dell where everything is simple and u don't care about if the gpu and cpu are hitting their boosts and holding because they probably don't have a gpu or a cpu's boost thats even worth caring...seems like this thread has fizzled out of course that just happens to happen when I finally buy this laptop.....sorry for the double post
To remove CPU Throttle you can raise TDP (shor and max) as well as Turbo Time in the Mod BIOS or XTU.
To remove GPU throttle you have to flash a vBIOS Mod (just click my signature).
What vBIOS version is on your card (shown in GPU-Z or BIOS setup menu)? -
I don't know if I am throttling I am just wanting to make sure because I just got the laptop so I want to make sure it is running like it is suppose to....I am new to these types of computers and don't know how I can verify that my 4810mq is turboing correctly or that my two 980m's are boosting correcting and holding the boost same for the cpu sorry if I was unclear thanks for replying and trying to help though and I have done alot of research about your bios and vbios and one day I plan on using them but right now I just got this so I just want to make sure its running how it should
Thanks buddy
anyone got any XTU profiles for the same setup I have (in my sig) pm me plzLast edited: Apr 23, 2015 -
Every machine is different, you'll want to customize your own XTU profile, not use one someone else made. It isn't terribly difficult though.
First things first.
Grab AIDA64, HWiNFO64, and 3dmark.
HWiNFO64 -
AIDA64 -
http://www.aida64.com/downloads (grab the extreme trial)
3dmark you can get from Steam, that's the fastest option.
Run HWiNFO64 and move the monitor off to the side so you can see the temperature. Press FN+1 to force max fans and open AIDA64. Click Tools/System Stability Test. Leave the default options checked (CPU, FPU, cache, system memory) and click start. Let that run for about 30 minutes, checking occasionally to make sure you aren't throttling because of thermals (this test isn't likely to do that, it isn't designed to actually push the CPU to the brink of death but it does push everything else. After you've verified that it isn't thermal throttling, let it run for at least 4 hours. Once that's done and hasn't crashed, open up XTU, click the stress test, set it for an hour and run that. This one will probably run your CPU up to between 80 and 85C, possibly even higher. Watch it for the first 10 minutes to make sure it doesn't hit the 90s then leave that running.
Finally run 3dmark. Run all the tests including the demos and post your scores here.
Also include a screenshot of your CPU and GPU stats from HWiNFO64 that was running the whole time.Hookerlips likes this. -
okay man thanks so much I am getting started on all that right now
thanks for your help!
Ethrem likes this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I got a decent XTU profile by just going on-line with the app to compare and looked at machines faster than mine. When I saw 100% compatibility I just downloaded it and applied. Might not be the best way but it was simple.
If GPU throttling is working correctly you should only see a drop during things like game loads or cut-screens, not in the middle of some action!
Good luck -
Is there a way to ss an app instead of having to ss a whole screen?
...15min into aida64 the highest temp is 83 and they aren't moving
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Apr 23, 2015 -
Hit print screen, open paint, paste, select the part you want to share and cut that, new file, paste, save, upload to tinypic or another free image service -
Why doesn't it make the CPU run at full boost the whole time and there is no throttling
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I ran xtu stress test for an hour and average temp was 74 max temp was 83 and it was running at 3.4Ghz most of the time
Ethrem likes this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Brent R. likes this. -
yah it actually looked okay to me I did both stress tests you told me I should do for an hour each, now I am downloading 3dmark from steam, its the demo hope thats okay I will run that and hopefully my nub *** can figure out how to post some ss's
Screenshots are really easy to do. I personally use Windows + Print screen because I don't mind sharing my whole desktop but when I just need a little snip, I've used print screen and then opened paint and pasted it there and cut out what I wanted for years. -
Okay do they just all run at once all in a row then give I a score for all of them?? Cuz thAts what it looks like it is doing lil
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Do u want me to show u hwinfo64 temps etc after every benchmark?
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Crap I forgot to turn fans on high so it's gonna be with auto fans lol
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HWINFO64 coming next -
sry I dunno what I am doing so hopefully this is what I am suppose to be doing for the HWINFO64 info -
really? cool well for the HWINFO test I kinda messed up I didn't have full fans on I had auto fans on so temps are higher than they should be sry and there are blurred ones in the backaround that I messed up sry about that also lol
The one GPU I can see at 77C looks great, can you tell me what GPU 2 max temp was? -
Nevermind, forum cut it off lol. Your temps look great, nothing out of the ordinary for the GPUs. CPU could be better as I said but it looks like everything is performing as it should.
yah and remember also I didn't have the fans turned up at all they were on auto, anyways ....Well thats just so good to know thanks for checking everything out for me I really appreciate it, hey I just noticed I downloaded mark3d the standalone now in steam and it says my cpu is a 4900mq....but I know for sure I have a 4810mq wonder what would cause it to do that
You have a PM btw. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I agree, nothing to worry about. If you wanted to try to shave a few temps off the CPU then a repaste may do that, but if you don't you're still good to go.
Well I dunno what a repaste could accomplish that would be any better than the factory paste of the IC diamond, I mean if I can do a better paste than the factory that would be odd and kinda scary since I have never done one in my life lol, I would just assume the paste job that sager does would always be better than what I can do since they are the ones that are doing this stuff day n and day out unless they are known for doing crappy paste jobs which would be ashame since they charge so much for 1 application that costs 2x as much as 1 tube for multiple paste jobs and don't include the rest of the ic diamond for you to have yourself.....thanks everyone though seems like so far everything is great I played GTA 5 all maxed out setting with my fps set to a max of 60 it never goes below that at all its crazy just constant 60fps all through the game I think I saw it drop to 59 fps once lol
also can anyone help me I was wondering if I could undervolt my cpu and keep the specs I have but see if it helps bring down temps just a lil? I have no experience using xtu so some detailed explaining would help, if anyone has the time I would deeply appreciate it so much, Thanks guys for your time and help I am LOVING this beast!
As for the thermal paste, they almost always use way too much to err on the side of caution rather than risk using too little but the temps really aren't that high for you to bother changing the paste. -
okay lol sry but what do I under volt I see options to under volt quite a few different things I want to make sure I undervote the correct one.....also I was just looking a gpu-z and did the pci render test for sli during the test the first card it at PCI-E 3.0 x16 @x8 3.0 same for the second card but then after say 10 seconds the second card drops to PCI-E 3.0 x16 @x8 1.1 why isn't the second card holding at 3.0 like the first? Is this normal thanks man
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I wouldn't worry about undervolting for the temps, in real use they never get close to benchmark numbers (for me). That 120hz display is a priority IMO, no more restricting FPS to 60hz and way better looking. Good luck. -
How does one force a constant frequency on a 4940MX?
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Hey everyone,
I recently became an owner of P377sm-a. I bought the single 980m configuration because I figure it would be sufficient for my gaming needs (and it has). But later down the road I eventually want to upgrade to SLI 980m. Now I have never installed any graphic cards at all in my life but I've been watching videos and I think I got the gist of it.
My question is where would I obtain the parts for it i.e. the graphics card, heat sink, fan? I initial thought they sold the laptop graphic cards much like they do with desktop graphic cards (i.e. all boxed up and ready to go) but I have found that is not the case.
Thanks, -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
There are places that can sell you the heatsink with the card. We can source them for instance or other places can too. Where are you based?
Thanks Meaker, I am based in Texas, US.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Then you have a few places that do cards in the US including ourselves. Just call or email the places that offer cards and ask about the heatsinks. However as time goes on and the cards are succeeded they will be harder to get.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Eurocom do upgrade kits and look professionally packaged/ready-to-go in the pics I saw.
Good luck
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.