I'm always skittish about chemicals on the display, a mildly moist cloth should be all that's needed.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Most LCD cleaner is just purified water and does the trick great with a microfiber. I bought a big bottle of it about 5 years ago and still using the same one. Same stuff works great for cleaning the chassis as well as long as it's not too dirty.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Always worth checking on the label for the contents then.
I think viciouskayen meant using the lcd cleaner on the palm rest? I'm careful on using foam lcd cleaners on lcd too, I used it on my old laptop and overtime it left a cloudy residue on it I think xD
Guys, had a issue with bluetooth on my P170sm today. Suddenly lost bluetooth today. It was gone from device manager also. Tried reinstalling kill bluetooth suit many times. Nothing helped. Windows 8 setting showed greyed out slider for enabling it.
At the end just reinstalled windows8 and everything is good now. -
Is there a reason as to why in games or apps I have to hold down "Alt" in order to use the arrow keys below the number pad?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That's normal for the num pad, you could just map the controls straight to those keys instead of using their alt functions.
Hi there ! I've buy a P177SM few days ago, I would like to know how to download the lastest version of the BIOS, I almost can't change anything on the current one (ver. 2.15.1236)...
Also the images link on the post first page about BIOS are broken, can we found them somewhere?
Thanks ! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you want more options you will need to wait on prema.
Does anyone know the latest bios and the other updates for the p170sm ?.
i7 4700mq
gtx 770m 3gb
8gb ram -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you are not having issues there is no need to update
You can keep an eye on the bios thread here though.
thanks mate. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well what issues are you having, someone may be able to pinpoint your issue by having run into it before.
Does anyone know what the stock matte screen (make and model) is for the p170sm. I think it's the Chimei Innolux N173HGE-L11, but I'm not sure.
Also, as to the upgrade 72% matte screen, it seems most of the builders are offering the AUOB173HW01 which I believe is a samsung, but are there other panels that builders are using. I thought there was an LG as well. If so, any feedback on which panel is better for photo editing? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The AUO panel is made by AUO
Any idea what the the stock matte screen is and how it compares to the AUO 72% screens? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I believe the stock screen can change but the pool of panels are all reasonable so I would just worry about getting the right type, glossy or matte.
dragonwolf8504 Notebook Evangelist
Will I am buying a Sager NP8275 from Powernotebooks
17.3: 1920x1080 LED Matte LCD
Intel i7 4700mq
16GB DDR3 Ram
120GB Crucial M500 mSATA SSD
750GB 7,200RPM Data drive, I plan on putting a second 750GB 5,400RPM HDD for my music, and downloads and such. (I already have this drive from a previous laptop being updated)
AMD Radeon HD 8970M 4GB GDDR5 GPU (was only a $100 upgrade over the GTX 770M 3GB model
6x Blu-Ray Reader/8x Super Multi Combo Drive
9-in-1 Memory Card Reader
Built-in Intel Wireless-AC 7260 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n + Bluetooth 4.0 (Dual Band)
3rd Business Day Shipping/handling/ins: $ 121.21 (Includes $49 Expedited Production fee)
Subtotal: $ 1,780.21
Regular Price Total: $ 1,780.21
3% Cash Discount: $ -53.41
Cash Discounted Total: $ 1,726.80
Questions, I play Simcity 2013, Saints Row 3 and 4, Borderlands 1 and 2, Command and Conquer Kane's Wrath, Sims 3 w/ all expansions and some mods, hmm that about all the games I can think of right now, don't play BF3, COD or anything (may play on occasion, but not enough to really matter.) I would like my laptop to last me at least 2 years if not longer. I'm sure I will have to start cutting details down after about a year at the rate games are going. My Samsung (see sig) would've been decent, but it's had issues the past year and a half I've owned it. During the 1 year warranty, it has gone in for a overheating cpu, and later a gpu that wouldn't be recognized. And now I'm just paranoid on life of it, and have the money to order a new primary laptop. My absolute max budget was $1884, but would rather have money left over. This budget included Expedited fee and faster shipping. So how is the above config? Would there be any way to keep most of the stuff and save a little by downgrading anything? GPU (cpu is the lowest one offered, and I would prefer the i7 to begin with as I also do video/ audio editing. Which the i7 is far better at.) But at the same time I want to make sure I will be good on gaming for a little while.
Thanks for inputs and aide, this is the first time I have ever ordered a laptop that could be actually customized some. I decided on Powernotebooks as they have excellent ratings across the board and practically instant answering of their phones (which was a surprise in of itself) Abeit it was an AWESOME surprise! -
As far as I can tell, there are 3 matte panel options for the P170sm. The Chimei N173HGE-L11, the AUO B173HW01 V5, and the LG LP173WF2. The Chimei is listed as the stock screen on some sites, but many other sites don't identify the panels used. So for Poernotebooks and XoticPC and Mythlogic among others, which panels are the stock matte, and which panels are the upgrades? This is important information for consumers wishing to compare apples to apples. If the Chimei is the stock on one machine, and the upgrade on another, this would skew a price comparison. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
The Chimei is the typical default screen, the AUO the typical 72% screen, and the LG if I'm not mistaken is the 120hz display. Specific brands aren't listed in case one manufacturer gets in short supply and another is switched to, or sometimes even an upgraded panel is used if a less expensive option is not available at no additional cost.
Quick question how is the feeling of keyboard on p170sm. I saw some complaints on the net.. Compare to msi 1763?
Hmmm. All I can say is that at some point I actually looked for reviews for this screen, in one of the reviews it said that during tests it turned out that the colour gamut was 68% or something around that number (it was a review from last year I think).
So for all I know, the other 72% options are the same or worse or maybe better. It's not that this particular screen (Chimea Innolux N173HGE-L11) isn't good, but that I have yet to receive anything proving that the Chimei isn't the stock screen (it is listed as the stock screen at Eurocom and others), and if it is the stock screen, then the $150 charged for the 72% screen upgrade is frau... Questionable. I wait for a response. -
Fast question, is P170SM exactly having the same design, cooling, microphone position, speakers quality or some parts changed from P170EM!?
Sent from my SGH-M919V using Tapatalk 2 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
No the heatsinks got redesigned with thicker heatpipes. Otherwise it is very similar.
kevidad likes this. -
Hey guys,
do any of you have any ideas on how to help? pretty much I shut down my computer and when I turned it back on the wireless internet just randomly stopped working. I can get internet with an ethernet cable, but wireless does not work. I have tried re-installing all the drivers and that is not working.
Also, the airplane mode doesn't work but idk if those problems are related. I am using Windows 7. -
Hi guys, first of all thanks for creating this thread. It's very helpful!
I have been researching the P177SW for the past few weeks andI have come to the conclusion that I will be buying from MYsn. Here are my chosen specs (at the moment):
XMG P703 17.3" Pro Gaming Notebook
1 x With XMG logo and XMG illuminated touchpad £0.00
1 x 17.3" (43.9cm) Full-HD 1920x1080 Matte £0.00
Graphics Card
1 x AMD Radeon HD 8970M 4096MB GDDR5 £25.83
1 x Intel Core i7-4800MQ Quad Core - 2.70 - 3.70GHz 6MB 47W £110.83
Thermal Compound
1 x Arctic Cooling MX-2 Thermal Compound £0.00
1 x 4GB (1x4096) SO-DIMM DDR3 RAM 1600MHz CORSAIR Vengeance £7.50
Hard Drive
1 x 120GB SATA-III SSD Samsung 840 EVO Series (MZ-7TE120BW) £41.67
Optical Drive
1 x Blu-ray Burner/DVD-RW - without Software £36.67
1 x Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 (with Bluetooth) £17.50
1 x Backlit Keyboard UK English £0.00
1 x Standard Warranty : 24 Month Collect & Return (inc parts, labour, support, shipping) £0.00
Operating System
1 x No Operating System £0.00
Office Software
1 x Microsoft Office 365 30-day trial version (only when Windows 7 or 8 is ordered) £0.00
Power Cable
1 x UK Power Cable £0.00
Couple of questions I have are... is the 4800MQ really worth the extra funds over the 4702MQ for gaming purposes?? Also, is anyone still having trouble with the Radeon HD 8970M card?
I will be ordering this machine at the end of Novemeber, most likely on payday. Come ooon 25th!!! xD
EDIT: After talking with a very helpful guy Neil from MYsn, he suggests that the 4700MQ or 4702MQ will be a better choice for me and the purpose of the laptop. So I'm thinking to get the i7 4702MQ instead (saves me £51) and then spend that on either the SanDisk X110 mSATA 128GB or a Samsung EVO 840 120GB SATA drive for my Windows install and also bump up the RAM to 8GB Corsair Vengeance. Also, 1.3K is my absolute top budget. If I could go higher I'd get more RAM and an HDD as well, but then I'd end up single and sleeping rough lol -
I've got a problem with my P170SM
It's only a few months old but I decided to sell as I'm going for a desktop and so I removed my SSD from the laptop. It's been left standing for a few days and i've come to put in a 320GB drive but it has the following issues:-
System turns on and if no boot media is selcted the display is fine and will show an error
If I put in a windows 7 or 8 DVD the screen displays for a moment but the display is all distored and then it will just go blank, HDD activity stops but the system stays on
The BIOS logo when booting the system on is distorted
When I try to boot to a DOS usb stick the display is distorted
Any ideas? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've decided to spend the little extra and get the 4800MQ, want the laptop to be as future-proof as possible.
Even thinking if spending an extra £132 for an 4900MQ is really worth it... :/ -
Btw, I'm considering going for the GTX 780M and reducing my CPU to i7-4702MQ which is the low power version of the 4700MQ. Hopefully that will help with cooling and power requirements, as the 780M is a beast when it gets going lol
Total would come to £1,405 (and I would have no SSD or faster CPU). Since I'll be using this laptop for hardcore gaming though I think it might be worth it, what do you guys think?? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I'd stick with the 4800MQ as it can do anything the 4900MQ can do.
In our overclocked models we run them at the same frequency for instance. -
I'm also going for the GTX 780M over the Radeon HD 8979M, is that a good decision guys? Or shall I just save myself the cash and get an SSD? -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
geko95gek likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yeah the 780M is going to be the top dog for a bit and you get the performance and drivers with it.
geko95gek likes this. -
Now I'm just asking everyone to invent a time machine so I can jump to the 25th of November, which is when I get paid and can order my 1st ever proper gaming laptop. xD -
I've been looking about more now, and ASUS G750JX is really grabbing my attention. The build looks much more solid than the clevo's:
ASUS G750JX-T4199H
Sadly it only comes with 4700HQ and GTX770M which is somewhat below the spec I can get from MYsn for only bit more money. That ASUS seems to get amazingly high rating everywhere though, and performance should be sufficient for a few years I guess.
Come on guys, convince me that Clevo P177SM is the way to go. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
They do make the G750JH if you're looking for the 780M but the CPU cant be replaced as its soldered onto the board. That model also comes with mSATA dirves but they are a proprietary size so you cant remove and upgrade them.
If you're into upgrading the computer (particularly those parts mentioned) the G750 isnt the best option. Price out a Sager and Asus with the same specs and see which is the better value and will fit your needs the best. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The sager is going to give you more bang for your buck and be easier to modify.
Except that someone said that their collect and return warranty is only valid in Germany, I could be wrong in this case though.
Then again, if I can get more power/value from Clevo (XMG in my case) for slightly more cash then why not do it right? GTX 780M instead of the GTX 770M thats in the G750 for example.
Also, has anyone faced sound issues with their P177SM before... something like this:
Sager Np8290 (Clevo p177sm) GTX780m - High Definition Audio Device PROBLEM - YouTube -
I've had a similar thing I thinks it's the 5.1/7.1 Chanel in Realtek manager I solved it by putting headphones in all sound inputs (4 on the right side ) and selecting no to the pop ups in Realtek then setting it to 5.1 then back to 2.1 it comes up with the default audio device is unavailable sometimes and I select no on that popup also
Woohoo! Just placed my order for a NP8275 from XoticPC! Will be spamming refresh on my e-mail until delivery--so stoked!
Ordered Specs:
Standard LED Matte Screen
16gb ram
750gb 16mb HDD (will be a secondary drive in the optical caddy. I already have two Samsung 840 120gb HDDs that will be in Raid 0 for OS. I also have a 32gb msata to hopefully configure as a cache for the 750gb HDD-- crossing my fingers on this working)
Killer 1202 Wireless+Bluetooth
And so the wait begins.... -
Sound matters a lot to me since I'm a Trance DJ hence I'm getting the P177SM with the soundbar. Those levels just look really cool!
I might have to purchase an external card then if the problem persistsq. (
I've still gotta wait 2 weeks before I can order mine. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
You know as much as I like the LED soundbar on the P177SM I've decided to go for the P370SM (XMG P723) simply because of allegedly better cooling and more customizability. Gonna miss not owning the LEDs but its ok coz my mixer can sort me out lol
Btw, when you got some free time would be cool if you can check out my Trance mixes on my Soundcloud and Mixcloud. Links below.
LiftedAndreaS's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world
DJ Lifted Andreas | Mixcloud -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Thanks for the links, I'll throw them on today, always like to listen to mixes here at work :thumbsup:
By the way I'm still having difficulty deciding the best config to go for, I've posted in the P370SM thread here:
*** Official Clevo P177SM-P170SM / Sager NP8290-8270 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jun 1, 2013.