I suppose it's time we get our very own lounge, with the NP8660's beginning to ship tomorrow (Woohoo), We can have a fresh thread to place all our info on. You Clevo M860TU Owners can post here also![]()
Heres a link to My Official M860TU Review
Heres a few things we can respond to:
- What was your first impression when you opened that box?
- What was your First download/installed program?
- Did you notice any problems?
- Likes/Dislikes
- System Specs?
- Is it everything you hoped it would be? :GEEK:
I'm sure it wont be too long before we get some 3dmark06 scores and benchmarks, System, CPU, and GPU Temps. Post some screen shots displaying your favorite games FPS.
If you got a modded lid, skin or p a in t job, post some pics for us.
And if you have any questions about your new lappy, feel free to ask, and surly someone here will be able to help.
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
what about those ordered from eurocom? or kobalt?
Yeah this thread should be renamed to M860TU Owners Lounge or recreated with that title if it can't be renamed to include those who didn't order a Sager model.
Considering that this is the Sager slash Clevo forum, would it not be prudent to change the thread title to "Official M860TU Owners Lounge" ?
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
OK, I'm sure Chaz can change it, I'll send him a pm right now. Thanks for that input.
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
I bet you can sell the first M860TU pictures on Ebay for $$$. Because there is very limited pictures on the web right now about M860TU.
And other people will simply post their pictures and reviews on NBR.com and nobody will buy them exept if you have the power to make a cartel with the few thousands of M860TU owners.
Sorry to destroy your dream. -
How about this picture?
It gives you a good idea of what to expect. -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
wow very nice, such quality! Almost like taste it...
i was just told late next week for my order from P4laptops in Australia
the wait is painfulland its only been 11days so far lol
with so many other good gaming laptops coming out over the next months i want to get this and be happy with it before i get angsty. -
I finally decided to order one of these as well! Specs are in my sig. I can't wait for it to arrive
So the day has finally come =D. Any news on the status of these bad boys Donald?
Hi guys. So I woke up this morning to find out IT ARRIVED!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYY!!!!
And the first user at NBR receives his M860TU laptop.
Congratulations Chunghwa, you receive a prize
Now for the daunting task of checking the beast out and telling us in exact detail how it is. Or you could just be away from the forums for a very long time whilst enjoying your laptops and making us wish we had it
your choice -
=O Grats! I don't suppose you'd mind writing up some initial impressions and putting up a few pics? I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all the salivating preorders that are still waiting on theirs =P
Crud its heavy! More to come very soon.
forgive the lack in quality its my cellphone im using
So right now im feeling like an idiot... I see a white scratch and I freak... HOLY SHYTTTT!!! and i go mad trying to wipe it away and then sadly give up... later im registering vista and then i realize... Its the mike hole on the keyboard lol. man i should go wash up lol. I just woke up to realize the laptop was here. anyway i think i will so be satisfied with this so far.
I find it hilarious that when u enroll ur finger in the biometric finger sensor, they say, we highly recommend that you enroll more than one finger in the event of an injury. ><
those 2 pics are the M860TU resting on top of the NC1000. It overhangs a bit but seems fine. While installing drivers and such, the laptop has gotten a bit warm. No battery in atm
Adding a bit more here, The fan noise is not a problem at all. i had to put my ear to the laptop to hear the noise
First problem noted; Stuck pixel on top right of screen. I dunt care much to send back, i suppose ill tinker around a bit
I guess i should post my specs so here;
4GB Ram
320Gb @ 7200
Vista Business 64
Intel Turbo thingy
umm... what else ><
@ posting laptop under stress perhaps ill do it l@r cuz i have to leave soon for a friends house but ill answer any other quick qs -
Chunghwa you're making me cry here T_T details man, details!
More more more =)
According to a certain Paladin here, you technically aren't supposed to have the laptop, you must be dreaming, in fact, this would make the pictures a mere photoshop.
Wow, that was faster than I thought it would be. Who did you order from?
Lol i just woke up. If this is a dream dam sumthings wrong with me Ive never dreamt about a forum ><
Congratulations, Chunghwa! It's a beauty
The 1st know M860TU.
Can you give us more pictures, insights? Maybe some size comparisons?
Some temperatures, etc etc etc...
Congrats mate. -
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
He orderd for Lynnbay.
Hey chung, do you have a higher quaitl camera? -
cong man!how is the build quality?
ya i do but not on me atm >< but one q. How do i check if i have the intel turbo memory... aside from opening the thing ><
Should see it in the System Properties under a PCI Memory Controller I think...
congrats Chunghwa
weve got to wait until mid/end of next week in the uk. -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
... I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming....
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Chunghwa, have you run 3D Mark 06? We will have to compare scores. We are running it now as I speak.
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Try this hold down Windows Key + R, then a window should appear, and in the window type msinfo32 and press enter.
Finally they are here! I will take some pics when i get mine. Im thinking Tuesday it will be on my door step. i wont be back from a trip til later that night but thats ok.
Nice you got it! Grats.
Gratz. I hope u got a better camera than your cell phones. If not i think its time to invest in one just for the Notebookreview crew. Looks awsome from what i can see. cant wait to see some benchmarking.
p.s- Whats that blue light on the lid when it was closed? The logo lights up? -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
I think when I get mine I would be busy installing all the software including the following:
1) Windows XP
2) Linux
3) Office 2007
4) Solidworks
5) Matlab
6) Photoshop
7) Firefox
8) WinRAR
9) Maybe Mathmatica
10) Flash, realplayer, java, quicktime, etc
11) 3DMark6
12) Open office for Linux
Remind me if I forgot something -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
As I can see, Vista doesn't come preinstalled? That should save me a hundred bucks.
Anyway, what is supposed to be in the pictures?
Pl -
Cell phone camera quality pictures, good GRIEF! SHEESH
It looks ginormous =(
Is it really that heavy, Chung? -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
First run right out of the box 3D Mark 06 9478 @ 1280x1024
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Do you have a big mirror? You can use the camera on your M860TU to take a picture of itself using mirror. -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.