So today I received the MALIBAL Satori P170HM... and it's simply awesome.
Display: 17.3" FullHD 120Hz 3D Matte
CPU: Intel i7-2760QM 2.4-3.5Ghz
RAM: 8GB - upgraded myself to 16GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 560 1.5GB
Optical: Blu-ray reader
SSD: Intel 510 SSD 120GB
HDD: Samsung SpinPoint MP4 7200 rpm 640GB
Cooling: IC Diamond CPU + GPU
I ordered it without OS and without the HDD. So there I already had my first problems after receiving the notebook: My windows 7 setup dvd was damaged. I even burned a new one and it was still damaged. So for ~1 hour I believed that something was wrong with the laptop as it always tried to boot from the Ethernet controller instead of the blu-ray driver. Well.. I luckily managed to install Windows 7 in the end (found a 3rd DVD which finally was working) but then I didn't know where the slot for my 2nd HDD was. So another 20 mins passed until XoticPC told me (here in this forum) that it is UNDER the optical driver
It got shipped in a normal brown box.. no eye candy special box:
Shipping was with USPS and took 5 days (bought 3-5 days shipping).
Original size
Inside the box:
Original size
The laptop outside the box:
Original size
Removing the plastic stuff (and seriously, there is everywhere some plastic that covers the laptopEven after 15 minutes of searching I still found a little plastic covering the fingerprinter/webcam/...
Original size
Opened for the first time:
Original size
Trying to get some place for it on my desk:
Original size
First 3dmark06 benchmark test (in 3D-Mode lol):
Original size
So I completely installed a new fresh Windows 7 prof. x64 on this notebook. And I did it exactly as described here:
The only drivers that I had to install manually:
Realtek (although its not really necessary? Everything works fine without it)
Intel chipset
Intel RST
USB 3.0
I didn't install:
Hotkeys (they all work?)
Touchpad (works as well?)
They offer great, fast & friendly support via PM & E-Mail. They gave me some nice discount(s) and in the end I had the cheapest P170HM that I could buy compared to other resellers. They also have EVERYTHING. All keyboard layouts, power cords, etc... so MALIBAL does some really great job there. How ever, it seems like one power adapter is damaged. It makes some really high noises compared to the other one :/
Points: 10/10
Build quality & design:
Overall very very good. The aluminium on the top lets it look very good. It also feels very solid. The aluminium around the touchpad is always cool and again lets it look more "expensive than cheap". Only negative point: If I grab the notebook with my right hand (where the blu-ray drive is) and try to press it together (so force comes from above and below the notebook) then there is a very loud "click/clack". And it could happen every time you try to take the notebook somewhere with you. Its the standard place for grabbing the notebook when putting it in/out the laptop case. How ever, the rest of the notebook is very nice. It's probably the best notebook keyboard I have ever written on and writing on it is really comfortable and nice (coming from a guy who uses a Filco Majestouch Tenkeyless MX-Brown switches). Doing some modifications on the laptop (dissembling) is very easy and comfortable.
Update: After a few days I have to say that the only problem I found is the laptop lid which is a bit loose.. So having the laptop in your bed/legs/etc is a real pain. Even when the laptop is on the table and you try to hit the touchpad-button very fast a few times the laptop lid will shake. Also you can't really open the laptop with one hand as the bottom part of the laptop will go up as well.
Points: 8.5/10
Sound (speakers/microphone):
For all the people complaining about the speakers... you guys seriously do something wrong. Get the newest Realtek driver, press FN + 5. The sound of this 5.1 speaker system is awesome. Much better than on my Macbook Pro and Asus G50vt-A1 ... MUCH BETTER.
The microphone is pretty good as well. Not one of those crappy notebook microphones that sound like you are talking through a pipe. It will replace my table microphone.
The sound via the headphone-jack is terrible ! Maybe I'm doing something wrong here... but playing games with my Sennheiser HD555 is just eeewwwNo bass at all :/ No idea how I can fix this. My Asus G50VT-A1 head some really good bass there. Yet I didn't try connecting the laptop to my amplifier to see if there are some disturbing noises from the laptop (e.g. HDD).
Update: Maybe I need to use the THX software.. will try that tomorrow.
Update2: The THX software fixed all problem. Crystal clear sound with bass and overall very nice sound on my speakers & Sennheiser HD555.
Points: 10/10
Sound (cooling):
When pressing FN + 1 then the speakers get kinda loud.. but I could even accept that noise. How ever, under normal usage (gaming, 3dmark06 tests) the cooling noise was never as loud as FN + 1. It never was disturbing. The Asus G50VT-A1 & Macbook Pro are pretty much the same. How ever, on idle the P170HM is louder. Max. temps during 3dmark06 benchmark test:
Core1: 54C = 129F
Core2: 52C = 125F
GPU: 65C = 149F
Idle temps are:
Core1: 37C = 100F
Core2: 34C = 91F
GPU: 46C = 114F
I have the IC Diamond on CPU + GPU... and I feel like the cooling sound on idle is too loud and a bit annoying :/ It won't really get louder when gaming.
Update:: Atm running firefox + d2 in window mode on second screen. Same cooling sound as on idle.. so while gaming the sound is pretty silent. But on idle not :S
Points: 8/10
The 120Hz matte screen is just awesome. Viewing angle is incredible and the smoothness of those 120Hz are something you really don't want to miss. Didn't believe that the difference between a 120Hz vs 60Hz is so big.
Points: 10/10
Didn't try many games yet.. but from what I can say after installing a lot of programs and working the whole day: It is very fast![]()
3dmark06 results: 13230 (actually 16k+... check below)
On a side node: the score didn't drop after installing CIS & Mbam Pro <3
Will also upgrade to 16GB RAM.
Update: I had 4 CPU's (2 cores actually) disabled in windows... now they are activated:
3dmark06 results: 16525
Performance when working and gaming? It's like a Ferrari had se-x with Lamborghini and then Mustang had se-x with Koenigsegg.. and then their babies had somehow se-x with each other.. the outcome:
MALIBAL Satori P170HM ;D
Points: 10/10
Battery: (update 02.12.11)
Today was the first time that I had to use this notebook for a long time without any power supply so changed everything to "energy saving" (power plan & power bios hotkey thingy). I had Firefox running with 74 Tabs (some youtube vids running in the backround), Thunderbird, mIRC (connected to 2 servers), 3x putty connected, 1x filezilla connected, Skype, MSN, KeePass, CIS, Mbam Pro. After ~1 hour the battery was at 50%.. another 30 mins passed and the battery was at 25%. I expected 2 hours without problems.. well then I put the laptop into sleep mode for a minute. After waking it up + connecting my mouse, keyboard & LAN cable the battery suddenly was at 7%. A bit weird.
All in all I did a lot of working/backround tasks during those 90 minutes. I'm sure I could have done the 2 hours without problems. Wished there was some Intel GFX-Card which we could switch to for saving even more battery power and there for go for the 3 hours :/
Anyway.. I guess 8.5 Points is fair.
Points: 8.5/10
Was a very great buy. I simply love my new notebook![]()
Points: ~9.3/10
Update: I will upgrade my 8GB RAM to 16GB and just found out that the 2 free RAM slots are the one below the keyboard instead of the slots and the bottom of the laptop. I'm not really happy about that.. the 2 slots on the bottom are like 2 screw and 5 mins of work. The slots under the keyboard are much more work and the chance to break smth if bigger. Not sure if this is a "fault" by MALIBAL or not.
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Hi, thanks for the review! I'm glad you are enjoying the laptop. As far as the sound goes - have you activated the THX TruStudio software? That's makes a noticeable difference.
Nope, not yet. Just found it on the driver cd. Will try it out tomorrow
@edit: yay 800 posts ! -
This is very close to the build I am looking at but I'm having trouble biting the bullet.
I was going to get the 2630QM, and the 500GB hybrid drive to save a little cash.
Are you concerned at all (I have no idea if this is legit or not) that the 560M won't have enough power to handle 3D on the monitor?
How did you get nice discount? I noticed they are currently offering 100$ off a purchase of 1500$ or more - but were you able to get something better? -
Anthony@MALIBAL Company Representative
I personally run 3D Vision primarily on an SLI 470 desktop for minimal sacrifices
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M - Tech -
I'm not really a fan of hybrids.
I don't want to play games in 3D mode actually.. I just wanted the 120 Hz. Maybe I will try watching movies in 3D tho
I should have gone for the next NVIDIA upgrade tho :/ Thought there only was the GTX 580 & some ATI's.
Got the 125$ discount when buying smth for 1500$, got the NBR discount, got the bank wire transfer discount.
Updated the review (shipping & cooling sound / idle temps) -
Sorry, I'm new here. What is the NBR Discount?
Nice review BTW! Benchmark it and keep us posted!
I get mine today, UPS says it's out for delivery already. I have to start clearing my desk -
the 120Hz screen with 100% worth the money ! -
Just installed the THX -> It is awesome. Now everything sounds better than ever. Crystal clear, nice bass.. with speakers & Sennheiser HD555.
I would still love to have some real equalizer. -
I'm glad to hear the sound output for headphone jack is great with THX, I prefer using headphones myself (Sennheiser HD205). -
Ye sounds very good with THX
But some strange thing:
I have Realtek Audio, Nvidia Audio and THX Audio installed now
Speakers sound awesome aswell ! -
Clevo driver thread. Newest Realtek High Definition Audio driver.
Updated the "Build & Design" part and removed 0,5 points for the laptop lid opening/closing mechanism.
Another update on the usage of the RAM slots (see bottom of post 1)
And again an update on this review.. this time its the performance part
Manage what? To disable 2 cores / 4 CPU's ? Well in msconfig -> boot -> advanced options -> select only 4 of 8 processors... then it will never detect more than 4 processor again except u completely disable this option and do a reboot. No idea why I set this to 4 processors instead of 8.
Skyrim runs on FullHD with High settings
Ultra is a bit too much tho :S
just use a cooler or life the base make sure it doesnt stay bet 49-51c guys! for the cycling!!! its not that hard!
You mean if temps are below (or above) 49-51C then there won't be any fan cycling? A laptop cooler = A fan which runs all the time? So no thanks
Atm my temps are:
Core 0: 49C
Core1: 45C
Core2: 46C
Core3: 44C
(well they all jump from 43-52)
GPU (GTX 560): 47C -
I meant say if your bios setting switches on/off at 50C. then you can try to keep under 50 w/0 load. You can just put the laptop on a cryo lx and it will lower the temps even if you dont switch it on!its made out of brushed aluminium I had it b4. do you have thermal paste? man I am going to get a np8170 with 6990M this weekend most probably! danggg!
Ye I got the IC Diamond on COU + GPU. My laptop is on some desktop-stand.. so most part of it is in the air and below it is just a small piece of glass. Behind me laptop is a lot of place so the hot air can get away. Besides a laptop cooler there isn't much I could do.
Nice, hopefully you will get it soon -
So the 120hz screen makes a perceivable difference in gaming, movies or both? I'm really leaning towards a ati 6990 for performance, but by the looks of it I can't get a 120hz screen if i do that.
Also debating between this P170HM or the MSI 780. Decisions, Decisions!
Uhm for me it's just a difference in gaming. But a really huge one. The first time really was a "omg, nice :O" effect
I don't really like ATI.. I think the GTX 485 is just perfect
The MSI is more expensive + I prefer Clevo's P170HM design. -
Has anyone tried the new Deus Ex on this laptop yet?
Question about the screen, how loose is it?
Reason I ask is I want this model but I'm afraid of what happened to my last Sager. I had a NP9262 that was loose around the hinges and eventually broke on both sides leaving the LCD literally hanging there. It started of with a small wobble then got worse for me. If what you mentioned is anything like I had then this is a big no no for me. -
Not loose at all.. in fact it should be more loose in my opinion
Also the Clevo P170HM is out for a few months already (or a year already?) and I couldn't find any complains ~1 month ago when I did some research.
Very nice review, very informative too!
Lots of info mentioned here will help me when I get my Malibal Lotus P150HM (damn the wire transfer, it is taking too long...not metioning I have to wait for it to get built and then shipped to the other half of the earth)
I wish they had 3D screen for the 15.6 version, Im also very interested in 3D.
Anyway, enjoy the MAX! -
Glad you liked my review. Btw my previous laptop was a Asus G50vt-A1 as well ;D For 3 years !
Maybe you will find this interesting for your new notebook as well: -
Added a battery review.
Very thorough review, I have been on the edge of pulling the trigger on a similar build for a month or so but I just can't make up my mind. I was wondering if you had a chance to game with this thing yet and if you have what kind of FPS are you getting?
Skyrim max settings
The Witchter 2 Max settings
Crysis 2 max settings
diablo 3 beta worked as well.
The only games I really play a lot:
quakelive, cs 1.6, cs source, Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
No idea for max fps.. I set them to maximum of 120/125 to have them equal with my Hz. In the end I think you can play pretty much everything. The GPU upgrade to 580 or 485 will let you play even more -
Thanks, I'm thinking of a 6990m to save some cash but would love the 580m. I plan on playing BF3 and Skyrim for now and I want as much FPS as I can squeeze out of my budget.
Once again, nice review. -
Skyrim shouldn't be a problem at all. The 6990m is even more powerfull than mine. For BF3 I would go fot the 580 maybe :S
If I order my Sager NP8170 without an operating system installed (because I already have the windows 7 install disc), does that mean that I have to manually install all the drivers myself?
If I order my Sager NP8170 with an operating system installed, will all default drivers already be installed?
Also, is there a difference between the Sager NP8170 and the Clevo P170HM? Isn't it like buying Lucky Charms at Stater Bros versus buying the generic brand at Costco? The same ingredients are in the boxes, just the name and the box are different.
Very helpful, review Zakazak. Thank you. Although I'm unclear on your "max settings" for TW2. You're not using ubersampling while playing, are you? Do you have anti-aliasing turned on or off? TW2 is the most GPU intensive game on the market right now, as far as I'm aware.
And if money is not an issue, would you suggest the nVidia 580m or the AMD 6990m to get the best gaming performance? -
Without OS installed. You get a driver disc with all the drivers. Or you follow this guide:
With OS installed, all drivers will be installed as well.
Sager NP8170 = Clevo P170HM = MALIBAL P170HM. As far as I know Clevo doesn't sell directly (and if then with retarted prices). They have their resellers for that job (e.g. Sager & MALIBAL). I didn't have any problems with MALIBAL. They also offered me the lowest price and most options to customize my order.
I don't have TW2 installed anymore. I wasn't able to play it on FullHD with the highest settings (smth like super max?) but maximum was no problem (and below maximum there was medium & low).
NVIDIA 580M for sure ! -
How is your keyboard? I read one review a while back that said the keys are loud when typing. And that the keyboard itself flexes a bit if you press on it in the middle. Does yours do that or is it pretty sturdy? -
Uhm I actually like the keyboard. If you really press hard in the middle then it will flex a bit.. but if you ever write that hard then your fingers will break anyway
For the loudness: Just normal in my opinion. As I normally write on a Filco with MX-Brown switches noise isn't going to bother me anyway ;D You would never disturb anyone when writing on this laptop. -
Sounds good to me. The customization I will be choosing is i7-2960xm, 580m, 8GB 1866MHz RAM with 120Hz Matte 3D screen, and the 3yr warranty.
I did a price comparison between GenTechPC and Malibal and Malibal is $68 cheaper. And they have more accessories from which to choose.
One thing I don't like about those pictures of Malibal Satori P170HM is that ugly red screen with those giant letters saying "SATORI". Is that how it really looks when you turn it on or is that just a promotional picture?
Also, at the bottom, it says: "Your MALIBAL notebook will come with each of these free extras, regardless if you check them - except the carrying case."
And one of those FREE EXTRAS is Microsoft Windows 7 DVD-ROM. And yet eight sections above that, it has the option to deselect Microsoft® Windows® 7 Home Premium which reduces the price by $80. Now does that mean that I can remove Windows 7 and save myself $80 and still get a free Windows 7 DVD ROM and just install Windows 7 on my own with that free dvd-rom? That information is rather misleading. Perhaps I am interpreting it incorrectly.
Thanks for answering my questions. -
Don't think so tbh. It also depends a lot on how hard you hit the keys. With my normal writing it is really silent. However, if I start to push them harder, then the "clicks" become noticable. All in all it still shouldn't be disturbing.
Huh ? I never read "Satori" or even "MALIBAL" anywhere on my laptop (I ordered it without the branding). So I guess those are just some promotion pictures.
Nope, it somewhere says that the Win 7 DVD won't be included if you don't select the OS. Only a Windows 7 Driver DVD will be included -
Do you think the "Spyder 3 Elite Professional Color Calibration w/ Profile Disc" is worth $45? I found this review and it seems like Spyder 3 is for photos and video editing but not so much gaming. Does it makes colors brighter or more detailed or something?
MALIBAL Satori P170HM - 120Hz 3D Matte - i7 2760QM 3,5Ghz - 8GB RAM- GTX 560M - Intel 510 SSD
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by zakazak, Oct 27, 2011.