B&Q? I don't know, they may have sheets of metal and cutters but that's about it and they are not all that cheap.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Only just realised that my specific heatsink has a huge cap between the vrm and the core heatsink. Air has to go through a huge gap until it reaches the back of the heatsink. Maybe that's why I'm getting unusually high temperatures. I was only reminded of this by your pictures, which actually reminded me of my own. I took off the piece of tape/plastic between the top of the heatsink and the fan shroud, and i found nothing in between. Very disappointed with CLEVO for this
If you guys feel brave enough (and have $70 ish to spare), order a 8970M heatsink for the P370SM (part # 6-31-P370N-601) from RJTech and see if that fits in your P150SM/P170SM-A. It is one single radiator without that cut out you mention.
I need to update that thread. I am not using the tape on GPU heat sink fin area. I am simply blocking off the gaping hole so that air is forced through the fins instead of escaping to the open hole.
Does it work? You're mods have been very helpful to me so far, so I am interested in this one as well haha
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
Excellent mods there deadsmiley! It made a big difference to your cooling, and I reckon it looks pretty good too, I personally thinks it looks better now you can see the fan on the underside (not that it matters - how long do we spend looking at the underside of the laptop!). Was good how the foam, aluminium tape and large cut out worked together to drastically lower you temps. (Makes you wonder why manufacturers don't modify the cooling systems in similar ways - especially with the 880M!)
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I know the feeling lol, really cramps the ability to play around as if it's one thing that can suck time it's tweaking/overclocking.
By 'sanding', do you literally mean taking a piece of sandpaper to the heatsink?
Indeed that's what it means, although if you prefer a fancier term you could call it lapping.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes sanding using progressively finer grit to achieve a smooth finish.
The most important factor is to use a flat surface for the sandpaper. The primary goal is to get the die contact area of the heatsink flat. A matte finish on the heatsink is OK as long as it's flat.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Often with lapping the mounting of the heatsink needs to be adjusted as you are moving the contact away from the die.
It shouldn't be a problem because the material removed is minimal. Just a fraction of a millimeter. At least that is what I experienced with my heatsinks. These aren't precision parts to begin with.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
True, each heatsink will vary, but yes you should not be removing much. I suppose the improved contact prevails over loss of pressure.
I think what Deadsmiley did was very smart: instead of starting from 400 grit, start with 1000 grit so you won't accidentally remove too much material.
Hey guys, I was looking to get a Sager np8278 or np8298, I know this thread is about a cooling mod for the np8278, but do you think the np8298 has better cooling?
It seems to have bigger vents in the back but I'm not sure if they are mostly for looks or if they actually have functionality
I think they have the same heatsinks but angain I'm not sure
Any suggestions? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The cooling is the same.
Yesterday I did a modification to cool the PCH which on my machine was getting up to 108C. Yowza!
http://forum.notebookreview.com/sag...-5-minute-mod-improve-pch-cooling-p17xsm.html -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes there are often devices in a machine with higher temps than the CPU/GPU ^_^
P.s. how do you check PCH temps? Mine don't show up. -
I used HWiNFO64. It just showed up as one of the components that was being monitored. Are you using it? If so, are you running the latest version?
Ohh right. I use HWMonitor, so maybe that's why it doesn't show up... Thanks
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
silentnite2608 Notebook Evangelist
I looking into buying SAGER NP8278.
definitely going to do this mod right off the bat.
But how did you go about getting a second cover?
Also this mod. Is what my current machine just has as stock cooling.
Which sads me that they don't do it again. Temps hardly get past 70c. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You could talk to your reseller about spare parts.
Deadsmiley's GPU Cooling Mod - NP8278 (P170MS-A)
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by deadsmiley, Jun 27, 2014.