I have not bought this processor yet, in Russia it costs a lot about $ 485. I look forward to a better offer to buy.
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
- check if your 1070gtx is gsync card
- check if your vbios is gsync vbios
- if you have km1 board, check if it is gsync Mb
- you can still check stock 870tm1-g bios (this is what I use, with 1080 and with AUO3.1 panel I have gsync) -
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
-EC version - 1.05.02
-VBIOS Version - 86.04.2A.00.27
-Panel AOU B173HAN03.1 144GHZ
-ID GOP Graphics Card GTX 1070: 0x3000A
G-Sync starts to work only on i5-9500 / 9600F / 9400F processors -
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
Have you had gsync on your laptop? Still it is a mistery for me what your posts mean.... (sry)
I have tried to reinstall realtek driver, but no luck. Only digital output works, when I plug in the jack it is also dead silentThe output light with red, the sound option shows the green bar when I play youtube but no sound at all
I have used the latest bios from the 1st thread download:
Can anybody confirms that with this bios the sound works?
It can also happen that when it was disassembled sthing was not plugged back properly. Where I can find speaker or soundboard plugs?
THX for the help in advance! -
I think I know the issue:
I have used this bios: P7xxDM_10.bin
I should have used P7xxDMx.bin, right? for 775dm3....
can i check somewhere that i used i wrong one? - i attached photo of my bios -
Don't mix bios from other models. What model do you have? I don't reply to pm's sorry
It was a mistake i guess... quickly chose the wrong one...
I have clevo p775dm3-g... I think we used the dm_10.bin by mistake. Could you check your version? Or how I can check it I used that (not 100% sure).
Apologize for the pm, I thought it was faster. -
Flash the P7xDMx_RTX.rom. Supports 8th gen cpu and audio out of the box. You are lucky that one even boots. You have a excel inside the zip. Read it next time before blindly flashing the BIOS. it says what supports and which audio and gpu supports. The one I recommend supports GTX and RTX gpu's
Do you have the same bios version and bootscreen? If no that I am almost sure I have used the 775_10.bin which is the old dm version - which had issues with the sound, what I have... -
I have a modded dsanke BIOS for obsidian pc. But yes I flashed the 1.07.26 BIOS of dsanke first then @John@OBSIDIAN-PC modded it for me to work with his software. But yes I'm running a dsanke BIOS above all and I'm running that same BIOS I told u to flash with no issues at all
I did flash with programmer. You can try without
THX, I did it, and VOILA, it is working
has sound and a nice boot logo
joluke likes this. -
Now you know, next time read and re-read OP over and over before blindly flash -
joluke likes this.
Anyone here running a stock 9700K here? Wondering about the thermals on it on a P870DM2. I was supposed to head over to Microcenter this past weekend but ended up having a change of plans and won't be heading there until Friday.
I'm wondering if delidding it is even worth the risk since the 9th gen is soldered. -
Good afternoon everyone.
No one has experience installing high-frequency memory in clevo P870DM? G-skill with XMP profile at 3800, I was able to run only at 3200.
By the way, no one knows what the DllBwEn parameter is in the memory overclocking options in the BIOS (dsanke mod)? -
hello guy if you want use creative Sound Blaster X360 with custom bios by dsanke check my link:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah9hbgXoTEfCrg51uGEspsSzExZO?e=6h3x0i (dont execute setup bat)
This mod is compatible with realtek UAD drivers.
@joluke (I tested with my P775DM3 and 9900k)HashiramaS, jaybee83 and joluke like this. -
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using TapatalkHashiramaS and joluke like this. -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...ers-welcome-too.810490/page-562#post-10910030HashiramaS, Papusan and joluke like this. -
Those that have delidded their 8700K, have you sealed yours back after applying the LM? Or is the pressure from the heatsink strong enough to hold it in place without needing to reseal?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
Bios Dsanke -
then try to use a stock tm1 bios, I assume with it works, but it is just a guess
can it be that you use some old dsanke bios by chance?joluke likes this. -
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
I use the Dsanke bios from the beginning of this branch. -
Evogame Russia Notebook Enthusiast
This bios on my DM3: P7xxDMx_RTX
1.07.26Last edited: Oct 30, 2019 -
I use the TM1 modified for DM3: P7xxDMx_RTX.ROM
The differences are just updates. Usually Clevo doesn't release what they changed in between BIOS versions. But i'm using the first one you quoted without any issues on my P775DM3-G with a 8700k and a nVidia 1080 -
Hey all
i hope someone could help me .
i have flashed last version from the bios of dsanke but no gsync at all .
Bios ver : 1.05.11 Modified by dsanke
Bios Date: 05/12/2019
Video BIOS Version: 86.04.2a.00.2b
Display : 144hz AUO B173HAN03.1 (AUO319D)
CPU : 7700k
is the issue the cpu? couse before flashing and changing display my g-sync worked perfectly i as comming from 4k 60hz gsync display ith 7700 non k.
i want to buy next month new cpu not sure 8700k or 9700k depents on wich cpu g-sync will work -
Which laptop do you have? Buy a 8700k. It will have a working g-sync. But read Op excel inside the files you download. There are modified TM versions that bring compability for that LCD g-sync (I know because I have that same LCD and only a modified TM1 bios for my DM3 brought gsync back to life with the 8700k) -
I have the p870km-g .
So i Need to downgrade BIOS to have G-sync Work on the 144hz Pannel? -
U have the exact bios version like me ? -
Cpu, 8086k but I had 8700k as well
panel: AUO 3.1 gsync -
U also have the ec flashed ?
Audio works? -
DaMafiaGamer likes this.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
joluke likes this.
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.